#I am severely overestimating what I am capable of doing while ill
the-fandom-fuckup · 10 months
Finishing a comic after going so long without drawing is making me feel so powerful... like I could do a whole new comic idea
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
why does ‘it’ give me so much gender euphoria? i’ve been reading way too much monster! reader fics.
anyways have an old fic of mine from quotev i never got to continue writing lolz have fun. next chapters will be posted on yoru-no-seiiki if ever.
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IT WAS A BEING WITH NO NAME, no face, no identity in this world except the cruel things it was designated as by the people it tormented.
By all intents, constructions and purposes, the being was an enigma to humankind. An enigma of atypically molded flesh and bone ; of blood; of darkness — of the heavens and the universe.
When it awoke on this planet, it already knew its purpose.
To tear down humanity’s knowledge that edged far too close to the divine the being called its creator.
Yet, it had underestimated the tenacity of these new creations. 
It had taken them centuries, sure. A number of years enough to carry half a dozen generations. But they had won against it.
It was a being with nothing but the overflowing intent to destroy humanity —
So that one day it may build it back up again to where it will stay juvenile and naïve for eternity.
“You have been captured, Alien. There’s no use to this.” A human that the others called a scientist spoke. They watched with focused eyes, and the creature was almost sure they did not stop to blink for a second.
Alien. It was one of the things humanity thought it was. If anything humanity were the true aliens to this world. How awfully ironic of them to call it that.
It only responded with a deep trill.
“It took us almost a millennium but we did it. We finally — “ The scientist choked on their words for a moment, overwhelmed with sadness, excitement, and most of all anxiety.
”We finally defeated you.”
If their enemy still being alive and capable of destroying several moons with just a thought was considered a victory for humanity. Then maybe the beast had overestimated its quarry. Still it could not deny the impressive feat that is its capture. Though it was mostly its fault for taking so long to finish the job, humanity was nonetheless impressive.
And that is exactly why humankind must be cut off where it stands.
”And… I have you here. All to myself.” The scientist muttered. Fortunately — or was it unfortunately — the forcefield did nothing to stop the sounds coming from outside. So the beast could hear their whispers , and every sound there is and could be in the universe , just as well as them shouting these words out.
It leaned forward, inches away from the forcefield that separated it from tearing the human apart. Is this the type of person that they usually call— what was it again— a creep?
Unfortunately this action only made the scientist blush. Either at the success in finally getting it to do more than growl or from being incredibly close to the murderer of billions. It did not know. 
“The strongest being in this universe — and me, about to be the most knowledgeable human this world has to offer. “ The beast adjusted itself back to a ‘sitting’ position. The scientist took the action as one made in fear — how utterly ridiculous — and waved their hands, ”Don’t worry. I won’t hurt you . . . too much.”
This person was the exact epitome of why the divine creator had sent it here. Humans who venture too far into the unknown turned to fall ill with madness. Really, the creature was doing these beings a favor.
A favor paid in the souls of billions.
Though it knew that if it hadn’t gone through with its divine mission, humanity would inevitably destroyed itself. The creature only accelerated the process and gave them a villain to blame.
”I never experienced the war myself, as old as I am. While those brutes out there kept themselves busy with attempting to destroy you. I knew from the moment I first saw you towering the black skies that the true way to achieve a triumph was to keep you locked. For us to observe.” The human continued musing while they walked around the room.
At this point the monster wasn’t even listening anymore and was thinking of the infinite ways it could reshape this rather annoying scientist.
”For us to learn about.”
It growled. There was nothing to learn about it. Nothing at all. The leathery detached skin in front of its mouth fluttered as the sound emitted across the gigantic chamber.
”And who knows — for us to one day replicate.”
It attempted to reach through the forcefield, the urge to destroy to unbearable. But it is reminded of how they were exactly kept here.
The moment flesh made contact with field, it burns. The creature knew no pain before for it had only known its creator and darkness. But pain, oh how —
— distracting it was.
The scientist paid no mind to its loud roars of agony. Instead they smile as they leave the observation room. 
“I’ll see the next day then, Beast of Judgement.”
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©️ hana-no-seiiki - yun | 2023
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danhanswers · 8 years
Did Mr. Poe have a childhood?
This theory was introduced in our Reptile Room Part 2 Netflix Discussion
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I’m sorry for the lateness of this correspondence, but I must confess it is with good reason. My last 2 weeks have been wrought with perilous ski trips, untalented acapella trios, and a very unfortunate haircut. I write this now in a cafe on the main drag of a small town in Western Washington where a waitress is eyeing me suspiciously. I once believed this to be a safe place, but now I’m not so sure.
Mr. Poe is a man who’s always been highly suspect in my eyes. His negligence borders on pure villainy at times and on the Unfortunate Associates Podcast I’ve accused him on many treacherous things, from being in cahoots with Count Olaf, to wanting the children to die so he can claim their fortunes, to being an anthropomorphized Mustard Jar (But these are all subjects for another time).
One thing that’s always stood out to me about Mr. Mustard Poe is the way he consistently and thoroughly ignored the Baudelaire children’s cries for help. Yes, this is a staple of the series and almost every adult does this at one point or another, but Mr. Poe’s complete and utter lack of understanding or sympathy for the Baudelaire’s situation makes me shake with rage. And this can be a very dangerous thing to do while attempting to win a life-or-death high stakes game of Operation or possibly Jenga.
It’s almost as if Mr. Poe is has no empathy for the children because he’s never experienced the things they have. In fact, I believe there are several pieces of evidence to support the claim that Arthur Poe doesn’t remember his childhood, or possibly never experienced one at all.
This interaction from The Reptile Room Part 2 (Netflix)
Count Olaf: Who am I? What am I doing?! Don’t you miss the vivid imagination of childhood?
Mr Poe: I never had one.
Count Olaf: An imagination or a childhood?
Mr. Poe: Coughs
This is a response that only Mr. Poe could give and it seems to be his copy-paste response any time someone asks him a question he doesn’t want to answer. What is Mr. Poe hiding? Is his signature cough even real, or is it a front?
This line of dialogue from The Austere Academy
“I know why you're all so quiet," Mr. Poe said. "It's because you're excited, and I don't blame you. I always wanted to go to boarding school when I was younger, but I never had the chance. I'm a little jealous of you, if you want to know the truth.”
Now I don’t know much about Arthur’s circumstances during his alleged childhood (A word which here means little proof of it ever existed) but I don’t see what would have kept him from attending a boarding school if that was what he wanted to do. You could claim that boarding schools are expensive but the Baudelaire’s supposedly go to Prufrock Preparatory school for free since they couldn’t spend money from the Baudelaire fortune to pay tuition.
Mr. Poe has a general misunderstanding of what the children are capable of.
Poe is constantly underestimating and overestimating Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire. At times he assumes they don’t know commonplace 3 syllable words while at other times he thinks a lumber mill is a suitable place for them to live and work. In the film, he even believes that Sunny was hiijacking Count Olaf’s car, rather than being locked inside while a train hurtled towards them. He doesn’t seem to have a firm grasp on what childhood is like at all.
In my opinion, there are three possible explanations
-Mr. Poe was born as a 35 year old man with the intelligence of a 35 year old man, but none of the experiences. He was immediately given a suit, a wife, and placed in the workforce as a banker. Three days later, he was assigned to supervise the Baudelaire’s case. Think Robin Williams in 1996′s Jack, but without the aging.
-Mr. Poe has amnesia. Possibly from being hit by a blunt-force object or maybe as a result of his illness. I’m still researching diseases that cause amnesia and a racking cough.
-Mr. Poe was kept in seclusion throughout his childhood. Maybe home-schooled from a broom closet or living on a secluded island somewhere. If this is the case, he had no friends and discovered a fondness for professionalism at a very young age.
In any case, I must leave this restaurant immediately as the the suspicious waitress has removed her wig and apron, revealing that she is in fact a harpsichordist that I’ve long presumed dead.Please us the information on this page in any way you see fit.
With all due respect,
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