#I am scared for the next one though xdd but I'm sure everything will turn out fine :)) and I'm VERY excited - both main storylines sound
Okay we'll think about that in a second lol
Oh dang oof o.o
It's literally on fire 😬
Ope dang why is that scar so big and like idk weird looking xd xD
Uh ohh some girl 😬😬
OH NO this ain't gonna be good :(( yeah Grace is right-
I mean I'm sure she'll be fine but still my girl don't deserve this 😭 xD
O.O 😬😬😬😬
Oh gosh xdd
Btw we don't talk about how I'm an hour behind lol
Typing this right around 9 XD
3 minutes after now but I would've been ending here around 9 if my wifi hadn't been struggling for a minute lol
Also ohh it's probably two episodes until the finale lol
I thought of that after a minute (like around the end of the promo lol when I first saw it actually at the end of the show instead of an hour later lol) and now after another minute I think it probably is xD
I had a second to check the episode count and stuff lol (not how many there are, though I couldn't remember that off the top of my head for a minute during all this xD, but what number we're on lol)
But DANG o.o
I live in fear :'))
That was the last of my last thoughts! Now it's time for the. . .
I loooved this episode!! I thought it was great :D. It had the DRAMA o.o but also some really hilarious moments XDD. And AAHHH not only tarlos (and Nanteo!!) crumbs but talk of the WEDDING TOOO :DD!! I mean I know it is in most episodes but still xD. Loved the multiple references by Gabriel 🥰🥰, plus talking about Lou 2 by Owen LOL. Not technically wedding talk but eh you know talk about them xD. Anyway! I am also SO GLAD everything worked out with Tommy :D. And I'm happy we got to see everyone 🥰🥰. Also, I'm scared for next episode o.o. Now that time I saw of someone mentioning that Grace and Carlos were gonna be working together again soon makes sense xDD o.o. I figure that's what it's gonna be, now that I remember I saw that mentioned lol. But! I'll talk more about that in a second :). Back to this episode, it was silly at points (even within the drama, like the little mystery music when Paul was laying it all out at the end xD) but still made the drama work, and it was just great :DD.
Now it's time for the individual parts!
Marjan, Nancy, and Mateo! Putting them together just because they're our besties and we didn't see them too much this episode :)). And pretty much whenever we did they were with each other xDD. Anyway lol! They were great this episode :DD. I'm sure they were all great at their jobs lol. We didn't actually see it xD. But yeah! They're all amazing :DD. I love each of them 🥰🥰🥰❤️.
TK and Carlos! The beginning was amazing XDD. But :OO Carlos how could you? XDD. I don't think I'm as betrayed as TK though LOL. Anyway, they were great this episode xD 🥰. And AAHHHH we got so many little cute moments of them this episode :D, I loved them all 🥰🥰. My boys :)). I love them 🥰🥰❤️❤️. And I'm sure they were both great at their jobs :D lol. About next episode though! Even though I don't like knowing too much about the episode beforehand, I couldn't resist reading the next episode's synopsis lol xD. I saw it right there when I was checking what episode we were on AND I had to lol. But :OO!! TK's uncle coming to visit!! He gets to meet him :DD!! AAHHHH I'm so glad he does 🥰🥰. And he comes with dramatic news o.o. Now for the interesting piece of information that Robert (that's his face right? Owen's brother lol) is sharing, I wasn't sure at first! Had no clue for a minute lol. But then I thought, maybe he has donor kids? Like, he donated sperm? Or Owen's dad :o? One of the two, I think. I mena if it is that lol. Becuase it would affect the family, if like those people wanted to reach out or whatever, but also it matches the episode title :OO! Right?? See that's what really cinched it for me lol. So yeah, I think that's definitely a possibility :))! I said cinched but I'm not actually sure, I just think there's a pretty good chance :)! And I mean, hey, it would be interesting! Anyway, I am really glad they get to meet :D. And that we get to see them meet, lol xD. Anyway! There was an interesting tidbit about Carlos next episode too :D. AAAHHHHHH WE GET HIM WORKING WITH GRACE AGAIN!!! YAYYY :DDD!! I'm so excited for that 🥰🥰. I mean, not the organ trafficking ring ರ⁠_⁠ರ, and the drama that looks like it'll come with it (more on that in Grace's section), but for the storyline :D. Anyway! I'm excited :)). But back to this episode lol: I loved them, they were great :)).
Grace and Judd! They were great this episode :DD. Them wanting the tea from Tommy was so funny XDD. And though we didn't see much of Judd this episode, he was still amazing :)). I'm sure he as great at his job. I love him 🥰🥰. Now for Grace; girl could not mind her own business lol. Nah, I'm just kidding XD, but I'm glad they did get all that sorted out. And honestly for to not want to hear people talk about your friend that way :')). My besties <333. As in, my babeys who are besties, basically lol. Basically that's what I mean, anyway. But yeah, she was great <33. And I'm sure sh was amazing at her job too :). I love her 🥰🥰. Now, for next episode o.o! I already spoke on it a bit, but I'm a bit tense for that one 😬. I didn't think of it being a possibility that she has having andidnk with the guy on purpose till I saw a comment on the promo that said she said the cheating type and was probably bait. I just figured she ran into him (not literally). But I do think she's probably bait. It makes sense! Still, in fear for my girl 😭😭💔❤️. I'm excited to see her and Carlos working together again!! Anyway, yeah, she was great this episode (both she and Judd were) :)). I'm glad everything worked out 🥰.
These next few will probably be shorter because a) I'm tired, b) most of the stuff from these past two paragraphs was because of theories for the next episode, and the people left weren't listed lol. Also, I'm not caring about the usual review order - no matter how tired I am, I'm posting this tonight xD. Basically I just mean I'm finishing this now even though I'm tired - I wanted to do a review without saving it as a draft, and having it at the back of my mind all week, so I am xD. Anyway lol!
Tommy! YESS GIRL SLAYYYY :DDDD!!! I'm so glad she and Trevor are okay :DD, and I'm so glad she stood up for herself >:DD 🥰!!! WHOOO 🥰🥳🥳🥰!! She did so great, it was awesome :)). Just- honestly just go off bestie, lol xD. The breakup was sad though 😭😭😭💔. I was hoping it wouldn't last, and I'm glad it didn't :')). They're sweet and they both deserve to be happy <333. Anyway :)). I'm sure she was great at her job this episode 🥰. I love her :'DDD ❤️❤️❤️.
Paul! My guyyyy :DDD. YESSS!!! He slayed so hard 🥰🥰. I'm so proud of him :D. From the little bit at the beginning (that I'm surprised wasn't brought back up lol, like at the hang, but in my mind definitely happens off screen before what we saw lol) - Carlos how could you by the way >:'O lol - to the main plot and case of the episode :D. He slays so hard 🥰🥰. I'm really glad he managed to solve it, to :D. Like, the whole situation wise lol - it needed solving xD. And clearly the police were already leaning one way. Even if that doesn't matter, it would've taken much longer. So yeah, I'm really proud of Paul 🥰🥰. He's just so cool :DD xD. Related but not the reason I'm proud lol. Anyway! I'm sure he was great at his job this episode 🥰. His actual job, not the one we saw, though he was clearly amazing at that :)) 🥰. And I mean, it kinda is his job xD. It's a psrt of it, anyway lol, sometimes. But yeah! I love him <3333 🥰.
Owen! I'm glad Kendra's innocent :D. I wasn't sure, but I didn't think they'd have ANOTHER crazy lady lol. You just never know though xD. But I am glad she's not :)). I felt awful for her though 😭💔. Poor girl's going through it <33. Especially with trying to DIE at the end too xdd. Not literally trying, by the way lol. I've mostly stopped feeling bad for he husband though xD. Bro was trying to kill her, karma lol. But yeah, I'm glad everything turned out okay and no one was a murderer :)). Well I mean, even the husband wasn't, but I mean none of them were to blame xD. And there wasn't another one running around lol. I'm also glad both Owen and Kendra survive xD. We love to see TK worrying about his dad though :)) 🥰🥰. I'm also glad everything worked out between Owen and Gabriel :D! That would've been one awkward wedding if not 😅 XD. Though, forgetting it was so soon, I did figure they'd resolve it by then. Or thought they probably would lol. But hey, I'm extra happy it was this episode :)). Not exactly the team up we expected for them xD, maybe even not the one we wanted lol, but it was still great nonetheless :)). And I'm glad he apologized, but Gabriel wasn't TOO out of line lol - he did share confidential information with Owen that he then blabbed to the number one suspect, even if it was for the greater good. I mean, he's not it before and it NOT end up well lol (Sadie, and even though it was fake, Billy in 2x12). But! Still, I'm glad theyre okay again :)). They are gonna make great consuegros 🥰🥰 lol. Also I find it funny that neither Owen nor TK knew what it meant lol. Idk, it's just a little parallel lol. Anyway! I'm sure Owen was great at his job this episode :). Though I don't know if he was actually on shift once today xD. Eh, anyway lol. I'm glad everything's good 🥰🥰. I love him :D ❤️❤️ <3.
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode! I thought it was great :DD. I really liked the two main plots, and the little side bits were fun too :)). I think the drama and humor balanced really well! Especially because somehow the murder investigation plot was a lot more severe/dire, and the other one would appear to be more a funny storyline, but it had its own drama and they still someone went along well with each other xD. It did provide a bit of a lighter side, balancing the episode, but it definitely still had its drama lol! Anyway, I feel like next episode will be a bit more drama 😬. Well, maybe not more, and maybe not less jokes, but less of a closer to comedic relief plotline. Tommy's wasn't of course, but it was deifnitley lighter, and the bits with Grace especially were on the funnier side lol. I think the Grace and Carlos storyline will be the more serious one (with laugh moments still), but I think it'll be a bit more dramatic all around. I'm struggling a bit to explain, but yeah xD. It just feels like it'll have a bit of andifferent tone from this one, even though Tommy's eas definitely dramatic and had a good amount of serious moments. Maybe it just because we're drawing closer to the end of the season ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠∵⁠ ⁠)⁠┌. Like they said, two episodes left - it just makes it feel like it's gonna be more intense XD. But again, two episodes left until the finale lol. Anyway, that took a while to explain, but yeah XD. Plus we'll have calls, or at least the one, so it'll be different in that way. And that call looks wild, by the way o.o. Anyway, yeah, I'm definitely really excited :DD. But I'm scared and way nervous too 😳😬 o.o. Which I think is fair lol. I'm sure everything will turn out okay though 🥰. But back to this episode, I thought it was really great :). I think it worked really well :D. And I'm glad Paul got a moment (a full episode :D) to shine 🥰🥰. Also, I'm happy we got to see everybody 🥰. Even if only a bit, for some people :).
So yeah! I loved this episode, I thought it was really great. I'm nervous for the next one! This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 4, Episode 14: Tongues Out
It was great! I'm super excited for the next episode, but I'm pretty scared too. I'll be back next week with my review of. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 4, Episode 15: Donors
See you next week!
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