#I am behind on the God.dard books due to the lack of braincells but they are so goddamn good
odissean ยท 2 months
Hmmm . . . given the whole "my life is a story I am telling myself" thing going on with Maedi, it is tempting to try writing in second person. I've never really done that before. But, I'm thinking of Petty Treasons by Vict.oria God.dard where the main character copes with his circumstances by kind of. separating himself from the role he's been forced into. He doesn't even identify with his legal name or birthday. The story is from his perspective but told in second person because of that. When he says "you do this", he is saying "I do this", but he is dissociating big time. Seeing himself as a character in a story acting these events out is how he copes. That is major Maedi energy.
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