#I always think they should've named DA2 The Champion of Kirkwall
imthepunchlord · 4 years
What dragon age game do you like the best?
This will be controversial, but DA2 is the one I always put as my favorite. 
Of the DA leads, (sarcastic/funny) Hawke is easily my favorite. She is one of those characters who cracks jokes to deal with her pain, which is a rarity for a lead. At least to my knowledge. And that’s a character type I really love. And she does genuinely crack me, and for all that she deals with and goes through, she’s very strong for it. I have a lot of admiration and love for her. 
Companion wise is a very mixed bag for me, there are really only two I genuinely like and adore, and the rest either have issues or I like them, but they’re not my favorite, and that ranges from just not clicking with them as much (like Isabela, she’s kinda in the same boat as Zevran for me; I like them enough but not my favorites), or I just don’t like them at all (looking at you, Anders). 
On the more positive side, Varric is easily my favorite video game best friend. I both love and hate that Hawke can’t romance him, cause on one hand, I love their friendship, I love that they love each other as friends and will readily have each others back and that connection isn’t defined by romantic love. But on the other, this is easily my favorite dwarf and I’d love to romance him. Maybe DA4 will allow it, since the 3rd game finally allowed Cullen to be romancable. Either way! He is incredibly funny and is one of the best inclusions to the DA series ever. 
Romance wise, I think I’d put Fenris as my favorite. Easily is my favorite elf, I like to regard him as the first (demi)ace romance instead of the egghead. And one of the biggest sellers for me is the factor that its a slowburn, and romance isn’t always the primary focus, there’s more going on than just that. And there are just nice little details. Like Fenris wearing a red band when romancing Hawke, even if not with her. Hawke willing to teach Fenris how to read and keeps notes about what books he likes and he keeps a look out for what he may enjoy. Alistair is great, funny, and sweet and his romance is great puppy love; but I like the slowburn through the years more (though I shall continue to believe that my Warden and Alistair are still happily married).
Combat wise its my favorite for how quick it is. To me, this was when the combat system was at its best. DAO was... slow. DAI, I don’t care for the combat. Actually in general, DAI has been the hardest DA game for me to be invested in playing. I got to the new Keep and took a break and hadn’t picked up again till recently, trying it again now that its had a lot of updates to fix the bugs (which were so bad the dragon T posed during the cutscene of him attacking and then I was T posing afterwards and would just glide along; it was hilarious but I had to restart the game and skip the cutscene), but even now I’m just not that all invested or interested in playing it. I want to see it through before the 4th game is out but that means getting back into it but I got to like, motivate myself. 
So! Back on track! 
So from best DA lead, best dwarf, best elf, best combat system, all in my opinion; DA2 is one I like to come back to the most. It is definitely not perfect, I wish they had more time making it, and if Bioware ever does remasters/remakes, DAO I hope gets a remaster with updated animation and combat system, maaaaybe DAI’s open world but I’d be fine without it; DA2 I wouldn’t mind remade from the ground up, cause there are issues and its a lot shorter than I would like. I’d like to see the Free Marches. Wish we could get Ketojan as a companion, wish there were different options with the Qunari (which were easily the most fascinating aspect of DA2 and them being gone left Act 3 kinda lackluster). I wish there was a true neutral option cause both templars and mages just went to shit and neither I could truly support. For that hot mess of a situation, chaos was truly a ladder it just kept climbing. 
I know it was supposed to end in chaos and both sides going crazy, but the handling of it was incredibly rushed and neither of them ever won me over in picking a side. And flipping freaking Anders I swear--
Dragon Age 2 is my favorite, but that is largely because the handful of things I love, I love so very much. But, of the DA game that’s the best one, that would be DAO. Its got the best story that’s not complicated or muddled, the over all most likable companions (Alistair is funny and sweet, Morrigan is a hoot, Wynne is best video game grandma, I stan Sten, my mabari Mabobby bEST DOGGO, and Shale. BRINGSHALEBACKPLEASE. I miss her. I miss her so much.) Of the leads that are true self inserts, whereas Hawke is more of a character whose story you play, the Warden is leagues better than the Inquisitor. 
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