#I also have three DJ ocs and their younger siblings which are all let's players lmao
maritsuki · 6 years
Woah hold up, you have OCs?? Can I ask for a brief summary of them all?! :o
@sempiternal-sakuras thank you! And yes, I do! I have like, over 88 [here] dasdlk (some are hidden >:3c) so I don’t think I should do ALL of them, but I’ll do my favorite ones from my main group (series?)! 
My main series is Naotomo Highschool which is just a bunch of highschool delinquents (staff too)! And bc I can, the first five are idols! >:3ccc
Luna = The school’s banchou (so the leader lmao) she’s a huge tomboy and tsukkomi. She claims to be really chill, but she will easily start a fight .5 seconds into an argument. Just a huge joke tbh
Yuhiro = Luna’s childhood friend! Likes cute things and hair pins and sometimes even crossdresses. A ho, but with self-respect. Also likes song writing for Luna! People call him “Verbal Banchou” (Kotoba banchou) bc he’s good at persuasion. Can’t do math for his life.
Hoshino = A haraguro. Prince-like, but a haraguro. Who wears a lot of jewelry he loves jewelry/accessories and coffee. Will insult you without hesitation, but is kind in his own way (deep down inside). Like a little shivering animal in cold weather. Knows how to throw knives.
Jin = The BIGGEST pugnacious boi ever. Look at him and it will initiate his fight or flight instinct (only fight tho). Bc of his style of dressing, people call him a chuunibyou. He’s really cute and smol, but will kill u if you say that. Really smart.
Kuroki = Jin’s childhood friend. Looks like a scary bear boi, but is actually a very kind mum boi. He will throw your phone out the window to force you to get rest (chaotic good). Good at medical stuff. He likes cooking and his favorite food is sugary fried stuff like Churros. He has a munching/biting habit.
Sadomi = A very pretty boi, he also likes pretty things. Can be pretty rude, but overall he’s a taciturn person. Looks a bit scary, and can be pretty sadistic sometimes.
Akemi = Sadomi’s older sister! She’s super caring and like, perfect waifu material. Makes you think, why is someone like her in a delinquent school. Well, when you mess with her brother, she will not hesitate to kill you lmao.
Mao = Sadomi’s best friend (forcefully). He kinda forced himself into Sadomi’s life bc he simply just wanted to be friends (Sadomi accepted him somewhat). He’s always finding weird stuff like, Chocolate from Peru or tickets to an aquarium in Spain, and he won’t tell people where he got them. He hates cats, despite looking like one and when he sees one they will start hissing and growling at each other.
Hibana = The biggest bro. Akemi’s childhood friend. If you even THINK something bad about Akemi, she is ready to throwdown. Very chill, yet very energetic at the same time.
Takashi = The “student council president” apparently, but he’s terrible. If your not wearing your uniform right, he will kick your ass with no warning for not following rules. Despite that, he doesn’t even follow rules himself he’s just a mess really. Really broke.
Shoutarou = A fox boi whose always selling stuff. Like. Anything. He’s a school merchant. Just really sketchy overall. He loves making fun of Takashi bc he knows he can’t afford anything he sells, but regardless they are bros and he gives him free stuff sometimes.
Miyabi = A REALLY ELEGANT CHUUNIBYOU. He likes occult stuff too (bc he’s a chuunibyou) Always gives really weird nicknames for people (normally off mythology sdsajlk). He’s not a morning person and picks a fight with anyone or anything in the mornings.
Fuma = Miyabi’s best friend (reluctantly). A boi who suffers from terrible anxiety, he would go days without eating because he’s too anxious to order food. Used to hate talking to people, but gradually got comfortable around Miyabi. Likes occult stuff. Easily prone to stomach pains. 
Seiza & Kosumo = They’re twins! Born on different days bc one was before midnight, the other was after. Seiza is a fan of astrology, and Kosumo loves Astronomy. They’re both into gothic fashion. Likes occult stuff as well. Them, Miyabi, and Fuma are all in the occult club.
Koiki = An artist! Mainly uses acrylics and draws still life or backgrounds! He has a terrible temper and draws away his frustration. Bc of that he’s a messy painter. Also a hopeless romantic but won’t admit it.
Erika = Another artist! Friends with Koiki. She likes anime/manga and she even has her own OCs. She likes drawing using pencils and inks over paint. Tho she likes anime/manga, she refuses to draw comics lmao.
Michiru = The last artist! (They’re in the art club). He uses multiple mediums and will draw anything ONLY if it’s something beautiful hh he absolutely hates ugly things. His main subject is Koiki. He’s really gay.
Tayori = A MAILMAN!!!!! He’s just a real good-hearted mailman who can’t stand people not getting their packages, so he personally goes to the school just do give them their package. He’s part of the staff now. He’s somewhat of a airhead, but a good person. Has tons of siblings. (Like, 6.) And loves them all.
I feel like I mentioned too many if you dont mind (I just love them all I can’t choose dsafkj) Although if you want brief summaries for the rest of them, I don’t mind putting more!I also talk about my OCs more frequently on my Instagram if you would like to see them @tsukiyoro_ !
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