#I also have a meeting with my advisor after this that I'm kinda nervous about
fantasy-costco 25 days
First office hours of the semester and my first in person office hours also. Lads I am so incredibly bored
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micheleinumaki 4 years
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Haikyuu x Reader (New Girl)
Masterlist | Traning Part 1
I don't own Haikyuu or the pictures
Y/N = your name
L/N= Last name
H/C = hair color
Spoilers throughout the story
Also I hope you enjoy my story! Plz comment if you enjoyed the story just so I could continue posting on here or no. THANK YOU ENJOY 馃
Part 1
I recently moved to Japan since my parents got a job here. Which ended up me leaving all of my friends back in America. My parents didn't want me to live in the city since they don't want anything bad to happen to me. So they got me a small house. I ended up applying to Karasuno High School. It wasn't far from my house so I was able to walk to school which will be a 5 min walk. The good thing is that school doesn't start until Monday which means I have time to walk around and get to know where everything is around the town.
Monday First Day
I got up and took a nice warm shower and put on my uniform and got ready to head to my new school. I'm a first year and I'm kinda nervous about starting my new school. My parents called me to have a good first day at school and want me to make many friends. As I was leaving it felt nice. I started walking to school without realizing I forgot to eat breakfast but good thing I remember to pack a snack and my lunch. As I was heading to school lots of students asked me to join their club. But I wanted to join the volleyball club since I like it but didn't play it much. Back in America I did a couple of photo shoots since lots of people loved how my h/c hair and I was also short and adorable. But I ended up stopping because I wasn't so interested in it. I was heading to the gym where they play volleyball knowing I need to ask for directions first. I was heading to the boys volleyball club when I heard some yelling and fighting. I slowly opened the door and everyone stopped and looked at me. I was slowly getting embarrassed since they were staring at me.
"Wow she's really pretty." Diachi thought
"Wow she stunning" Suga said
"She's so adorable" Tanaka said
"Wow" Hinayana & Kageyama said out loud which you heard
I'm sorry to interrupt but my name is L/N Y/N I wanted to know if I could join the boys volleyball club as a helper or something else. Also I know some things about volleyball so I'll be able to help you guys out.
"Hello I'm Takeda I'm the teacher advisor for volleyball and we will love to have you as a manager for our volleyball team. Also you get to meet the other manager later since she's running a bit late.
"Ha look at that we have another beautiful manager with us. Nice to meet ya. My name is Tanaka!
"Welcome to the volleyball club. My name is Diachi and I'm the captain of the volleyball team. The one with the gray hair is Sugawara. Welcome to the team L/N.
Thank you so much! You can just call me by my first name. I don't mind.
"HELLO Y/N my name is Hinata Shoyo.
Nice to meet you Hinata. I didn't notice when I smiled at him he blushed.
"Nice to meet you Y/N I'm kageyama.
Diachi was explaining to me what happened before I got here and ended up kicking Hinata and Kageyama out. I laughed when he was telling how they knocked out the vice principal wig off. The team was looking at me since I was laughing.
"She has a cute laugh" everyone thought
After that they told you how Hinata and Kageyama are going to have a game to see if they are good enough to be on the team.After that Diachi told me they have practice after school and before school. They said I could go back after school so the manager could explain some things for me. After that I bid everyone goodbye and headed to my class so I wouldn't be late.
(Later in the day)
Throughout the day my classes went well. I was in AP classes since I'm pretty smart you can say but sometimes I can slack off when it comes to watching anime and taking some naps. Once class had finished I headed to the gym. Once I got there the rest of the team was there and I got to meet them and introduce myself. They were happy to have me as a manager and they were all nice to me. I ended up meeting Kiyoko and explaining some stuff with what a manager does. They said I could leave since Hinata and Kageyama were just practicing for their match against a tall boy with glasses and one with green hair and dimples. I ended up leaving since I saw they were going to practice. I was going to find them tomorrow and help them out and come up with a plan to help them out.
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Sorry I haven't been active beyond shitposts lately, I've been busy getting my thesis up and running and barely have time or brainpower to spare to write at night before I pass out
On the bright side I read 6 pages of an academic paper this week and understood EVERYTHING. Yes I had to Google every other word (not literally, but it sure felt like it at times) but I actually understood it all in the end and I am so proud of myself.
6 pages, u might say, 6 pages is all u did in 3 days?? Well... Yeah XD It's a math and theory based paper, have mercy pls. I gotta work everything out on paper and then take notes that are informative enough for future reference and I get tired after every 2 pages to the point I'm falling asleep at my desk... I have a poor work ethic.
I also think I'm close to tying in what I wanna do to Systems Theory like my prof. Wants. He's very into reconstructability analysis and multidimensional relations with his probabilistic databases and well. I found that probabilistic deductive databases are a thing and You Know Me...
There's this thing called a trilattice right. And it consists of 3 partial orderings on the same set each going a different direction with each direction also being a lattice, it's actually *really* cool. Anyway, my profs catchphrase is BASICALLY "information is constraint" and GUESS WHAT BABEY. One of those partial orderings on the trilattice for the rules in the PDDB (probabilistic deductive database) is named Knowledge in a interval of [0,1] because it tells you the amount of information that specific fact gives you!
So I'm gonna ask him for help tomorrow morning to see if that can't be tied back in to a sort of reconstruction but for probabilistic deductive databases and their rules. Because with regular probabilistic databases it's easy to have 3 variables (ABC) then split into 2 (AB) and 2 (BC), and then reconstruct it from there right? But. I don't know how that would be possible with Rules based on facts and logic not just probabilities, and I wanna know if it's even possible because there IS still math involved with the rules, I just don't know if I'd be able to reconstruct anything with it cuz I don't even know the first step to that problem cuz it seems so different from the Regular PDB reconstruction problem and I GUESS that's what the whole thesis research thing is for, but STILL. I am just. So Tired. Let me sleep.
I put off so much work today just to do more research on my thesis like a CHUMP. I should've finished my parallel programming hw, but I didn't. Haha. I put it off too long already it's due Friday XD
Oh also I start work tomorrow so I will have even less time. But I am starting work!!! I'm actually kinda excited. I'm gonna be TAing 2 classes which sounds cool! except a lot of the students are my friends (4/5 in one class and 2/2 in the other!!). So it will be kinda awkward since I am the extra help session. At some point my prof (same one who is my thesis advisor) wants me to actually teach an entire lesson myself. I am so nervous I have super bad stage fright lol. Actually tho, these two classes tie right into my thesis subject so hopefully by then I will be well read on all the subjects necessary to teach. I can, at the very least, teach them reconstruction. Maybe not much else, but I got that going for me haha
Oh God what happened I was gonna go to bed with an apology like, "yes Ive just shitpost for the past like week sorry about that" but here I am 1am, meeting at 11am (I can't be fully rested on sub-11/12 hours of sleep fml), just rambling about my life I am so sorry
You guys wanna see a candle I made today as a gift for actually reading this (and as part of the apology)
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It's so beautiful
I was gonna put one of my borderlands stickers on but I was worried it'd peel when I lit it, so I chose a sticker I had 2 copies of
My mom thinks it's hilarious and that's all I needed I also got her to say "big yikes" today because we spilled wax on the oven mitts my power grows
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