#I also didn't feel like drawing wild's armor okay
serenedash · 2 years
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leans into microphone. @linked-maze skild. thank you
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jinxed-sinner · 5 months
Alright here's my full (possibly hot) take on redesigning Hazbin Hotel characters and making a video showcasing those redesigns while you criticize the official designs.
First and foremost, you are redesigning someone else's OCs. Hazbin Hotel is, in essence, a passion project for Viv. How she talks about it makes that incredibly clear to me. The only difference between Hazbin Hotel and, for example, the story I'm developing surrounding some of my D&D OCs is that Hazbin Hotel got picked up by a streaming service and is significantly more popular than most passsion projects get.
Personally if someone wanted to redesign my D&D OCs, I wouldn't mind it, in fact I'd probably think it was really cool that someone would want to redesign one of my OCs to be closer to their tastes in terms of what they like to draw. I would, however, be made incredibly uncomfortable if someone made a video redesigning them where they also pointed out everything they thought was wrong with the designs. I didn't design these specific D&D characters to be 1-to-1 accurate to their classes in D&D or to look professionally designed. I designed them how I wanted them to look for the story I'm telling because I don't plan to ever play them in a campaign. The main character Avlan is a paladin, and I can acknowledge that his design might not look exactly like a paladin. One of the tabaxi in the story (Ice) is a bard and the other (Spark) is a ranger, and I acknowledge that their classes might not come across well in their designs. The single tiefling I've designed for this story (Tragedy) is a cleric but might not come off as one in their design. But I specifically designed them to be easy for me to draw because I want to be able to tell this story through my art. Having someone say "oh, Avlan's armor isn't paladin enough!" or "Avlan's fur colors and patterns should be closer to a wild rabbit's because harengon shouldn't be based on domestic rabbit colors!" would fucking hurt (especially because I'm so attached to Avlan, but it would hurt just as much if similar comments were made about Ice, Spark, or Tragedy). I am so passionate about these characters and being told their designs are bad or wrong in some way would be like a stab in the heart, and it would still feel like a stab in the heart if this story ever got a massive fandom behind it. Giving Avlan more complex armor because you think it'd look cool or just want to see what it'd look like? Sure, if I could draw more complex armor I'd give him more complex armor too. Giving him more complex armor but also shitting on the armor I decide to draw him with? My motivation to draw him in his armor, potentially draw him period, would be dead for WEEKS.
Why is it suddenly okay just because someone's passion project was picked up by Amazon Prime? Why is it suddenly okay to be "fixing" someone's character designs just because the project has a much bigger budget than most artists get and is on a popular streaming service? It's not. I don't care if you're a professional character designer, or think a specific character would look better with certain traits, or just don't like the character designs.
Hazbin Hotel is still Vivienne Medrano's passion project, and redesigning her characters and making videos talking about everything you think is "wrong" with them is, honestly, disgusting. You can make videos explaining your choices in your redesigns without putting down the designs that already exist, whether you like them or not. Me thinking Lucifer looks better with his tail not restricted to his full demon form doesn't suddenly mean I don't like his official design, because I fucking love it. If you wouldn't do it to an artist whose passion project is just a webcomic here on Tumblr, don't fucking do it to an artist whose passion project got picked up for a cartoon by a big streaming service (or any company for that matter).
#hazbin hotel#vent#kinda#i just think it's a weird double standard#'yeah don't fix people's art! unless theyre working on a project that was picked up by a big company then it's fine to fix their art'#like???#why is that a mentality that exists?? they're still viv's characters#and you can still redesign them without shitting on the official designs#pretty much all of my redesign notes for hazbin hotel are 'how can i make this character easier and more fun for me to draw'#because i specialize in furry art. i don't usually draw humanoids lol#so giving vox some shark traits for example or making adam more birdlike would make them more fun for me to draw#why can't we redesign them based on that without saying 'i think it's weird that this decision was made for this character's design'#they're still viv's characters. they're still her designs. stop pointing out everything you think is wrong with them for fucks sake#we don't need to talk about hazbin's character designs. we don't need to 'fix' them#just say they aren't for you and move on. there's literally nothing inherently wrong with them#i also feel like not enough people actually do research into the historical contexts of some characters#and i think it'd be really fuckin cool to see people redesign characters more based on headcanons based on that than anything#look into how the mafia operated in new york in the early/mid 1900s for angel. look into radio hosts in the 1920s for alastor.#look into las vegas culture during husk's lifetime for husk. look into the culture surrounding tv hosts in the 1950s for vox.#LOOK INTO THE CULTURE OF THE ELIZABETHAN ERA FOR ZESTIAL.#(i just presented zestial ideas to anyone who wants them on a silver platter. you're welcome)#(also new headcanon that zestial was friends with shakespeare in life because why the fuck not)#(when the tags get wildly out of hand)
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When the Wind meets the ocean early
This is based on my incorrect quote of post-lu Wind meeting pre-lu Warriors and Time. If you want to see that, you can go here!
Warning, I have not played Hyrule Warriors so I am def. going to get this wrong. Enjoy.
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Wind, no Link, as he had to keep reminding himself, stared at a very familiar portal shifting in front of him. He scrubbed at his eyes, wondering if he just traveled into the past or not. Glancing over, he noticed Tetra was also staring at the gaping portal.
"Do you think these lead to a different time?" Tetra wondered, staring at the portal for a long time before she gasped and doubled over.
"You okay?" link asked, before he too doubled over in more shock then anything.
It was like something was calling him, no, more pulling him, towards the portal. He couldn't help but stumble a little blinking bleary.
"Are you saying you had to feel this last time?" Tetra asked, walking towards the portal in a daze, but stopping last minute, barely touching it.
"This is weird, its not like last time." Link frowned, he too strolled towards the portal, stopping just short of entering.
"Together?" Tetra asked, tilting her head towards Link as she hefted her sword, no doubt thinking about the black-blooded monster the last time there were portals.
Link nodded. "Lets go!"
Coming out of the portal, was a total warzone. Literally. Explosions boomed around Link and Tetra as monsters and hylians ran around waving swords, sticks, and bows at each other aggressively. As Link and Tetra walked through, a monster, a bokoblin specifically, ran straight into Tetra's drawn cutlass, spearing it through the middle. Hylians and Monsters paused and turned to stare at Link and Tetra as they took in their surroundings.
"Well, I can say I didn't expect this." Link stated, staring at the sea of monsters. "Well, at least we prepared for a fight!" he said, drawing Four's old shield his shield and his sword and stabbing the nearest monsters. Tetra soon followed with stabbing monsters.
Behind them, the portal collapsed with a quiet ruushh.
Tetra and Link steadily fought toward the hylians, stabbing, twirling, and slashing at all the monsters that came near. An aeralfos swooped from above and Link raised his shield, bracing for impact. But it never came. He blinked and stared at a very familiar scarf and a much more familiar shape appeared on the back of the aeralfos.
Warrior! Holy Hylia! Wait, was this what Warriors was talking about back during our quest? Link smiled at the sight of his friend.
"We must retreat! They have us 5 to 4!" Warriors (or past Warriors? Link had no clue) A faint call of "retreat!" and "Go back!" followed.
Past Warriors landed next to Link and Tetra, beckoning them over. "New people, come over! We got you covered!" Tetra and Link nodded, falling behind Warriors as he waded through the swarm of monsters as he stabbed any monster who dare come near.
They moved for what felt like hours. (Well, I mean Warrior's Hyrule is pretty big, not Wild big but pretty big. Link's brain supplied, and he sighed in return.) Until they had arrived at Warrior's Hyrule town, however it looked a little more run down then usual.
“Link!” A voice called out and Wind turned, staring at a small version of Time without any scars or anything. Aww, he's so young! Wind cooed silently, relishing the moment he finally wasn't the youngest. Artemis, or as Link supposed, Zelda of this time, was strolling towards them. Her armor glittered in the rising sun, and her eyes narrowed into stilts once she saw the newcomers. Both mini-Time and Zelda stopped in front of Warriors and Zelda crossed her arms.
"Who have you brought now Link? More people from portals or traitors?" She asked, staring at Tetra and Link as a predator picking apart its prey.
"No! They are from a portal! Impa saw them come from a portal. Right Impa?" past-Warriors turned towards a sheikah women with a big scar over her left eye, with red eyes. Link instantly recognized Warrior's Impa, however, she was not wielding her giant sword.
Impa merely nodded.
"Well then. What is your names?" Zelda asked, her armor grinding against itself.
"I'm Tetra and that's Link." Tetra said, crossing her arms.
"Oh no, another Link?" A voice asked and Wind started, turning around to see a little floating demon-thing with a helmet of stone. Only one of her eyes were seen and she was mainly black and some grey.
"Uhm. Who..?" Link blinked at the demon. She scoffed.
"I'm Princess Midna, geez. I don't get payed enough. Your almost as bad as my Link." She snorted before sticking her tongue at past-Warriors. "Well, now I am leaving. Good luck with the renaming stuff. I heard that Ravio got some new stuff and I'm hoping to annoy him. He's fun to annoy."
"I think that's mainly Legend's job." Link muttered under his breath as Midna vanished into the crowd of people heading for a big purple tent. Tetra snorted beside me.
"Well, Tetra was it? Follow me and I can show you around while the Link's work on nicknames." Zelda motioned, leading Tetra away. Tetra waved at Link as she was swallowed by the crowd.
"Well, another link. Hi, I'm Link and this is Link." Mini-Time introduced himself and pointed to past-Warriors.
Link nodded. "Yeah I already knew that. Before you ask how, I'm not telling you. So much more fun this way."
mini-Time blinked, staring at Link for a moment. "So all of our names are Link, so we'll need nicknames!"
Past Warriors blinked, then shrugged stiffly. "I've just been calling the squirt Young link. Maybe we could call you Toon link?"
Link frowned, his eyes narrowing in on a patch of ground in front of him. "I mean sure, but like actual nicknames. So if you need to be called someone can't just yell 'Link' and have all three of us come."
Mini-Time shrugged. "I guess you can call Mask? My last adventure had to do with Masks."
Link smiled. "Then you can call me Phantom, since Tetra and I just had defeated Bellum."
Past Warriors stared at them. "Well I'll just go by Link since this is my time period."
"Its settled then. We have Link, Phantom and Mask!"
Ravio sighed, staring at the mess Midna made when a clatter was heard. Turning around, he saw Sir Scarf Hero Sir and Mini Link walk in with a familiar third person. Narrowing his eyes, he blinked at the third look-alike Link.
"Ravio, meet Phantom. Phantom meet Ravio." Sir Scarf Hero Sir introduced, pointing to the newcomer.
"Well thank you Sir Scarf Hero Sir!" Ravio cried, motioning Phantom over.
Phantom snorted. "So thats where the nickname came from Warriors?!"
Ravio's eyes nearly bugged out of his head and he felt himself choke. When Phantom was finished laughing, he looked at Ravio curiously with a tilted brow. Sir Scarf Hero Sir and Mini Link was looking at Phantom bewilderingly.
"Wait, who is Warriors..?" Sir Scarf Hero Sir asked, and Phantom and Ravio shook their heads.
"No one in particular!" they shouted in unison. Then stared at each other.
No one moved for a few minutes, before Phantom and Ravio started pointing at each other.
"YOU REMEMBER!" Ravio nearly shouted at the same time Phantom yelled out "OH MY GOD! YOUR THAT RAVIO!"
To say Link and Mask were confused would be an understatement. Mask left after they started to talk about odd things like legend, hyrule, sky, time and a bunch of other stuff. Link just stood there, stuck between questioning how they know each other and why they were acting like long lost friends.
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benkipo · 2 years
#36 Scizor
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Scizor is one of the few Pokémon I remember obsessing over when I was a kid. He's just oozes cool. His design draws from so many things while being so uniquely Scizor. Even standing out among Pokémon designs themselves. Resembling cars, mechs, insects, power rangers, and everything in between. He really just seems to have it all. Top it off with amazing typing and an awesome shiny! Scyther was already a very cool Pokémon and liked by many from my understanding. So it can be hard to improve on an existing mon. But Scizor did not disappoint. It's so different than Scyther but you can definitely see the family resemblances. Tbh they feel more like cousins than evolutions of one another but so does Onix and Steelix (since they're both metal coat evolutions). But I like the idea of that. Scyther putting on a metal coat and now he's all decked out in this suit of armor and is ready bullet punch his way through. Scyther is a really fun design. Looks kind of dragon like while also having mantis qualities. It really expands on the bug Pokémon. Especially in generation 1. His mega I think is kind of meh... Not bad but definitely not good. Idk maybe it is airing on the worse side of okay then it is good. I honestly think he's cooler as is, so yeah unneeded in my opinion. My biggest problem with Scizor though is that he is a trade evolution. I think he's actually the first so far so I should explain a bit. As a kid with little to no friends to trade with, it was pretty much impossible for me to evolve Pokémon through trading. So most Pokémon that evolve via trade, I never got to really experience or enjoy. For the longest time I didn't even know some of them had an evolution like Kadabra and Machoke. Even beyond that, I just don't like it for the Pokémon world either. It feels weird that these wild creatures would have an evolution method that results from being traded... So without humans, Pokémon like Gengar wouldn't exist. I just don't like the idea of that even if there is a way to explain it. I will say that trade evolution while holding an item are definitely a lot better but honestly I would prefer just using the item and that would be enough. But yeah that's my rant on trade evos. Small things but I like that Scizor seems somewhat competitively viable which is always nice. Its nice to use strong Pokémon. One thing that bothered me when I used mine in Pokémon Violet, her walking animation in the overworld was so awkward. It actually turned me off quite a bit from her. But its a small thing. Only a couple months ago Scizor was riding high in the top 5 spot but he's been struggling through lately. Still there is so much to love about this Pokémon that I can't help but think about him often. Easy top 50.
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algumaideia · 3 years
HoH “Senate Meeting” part 1- Jason
This is less faithful to the book than the last rewrite. In the second part there will be a private conversation between Reyna and Octavian about the situation. I tried to make Jason's narration more personal, but I'm not sure if I was able to do it.
@zazzander I imagine you might like it if I didn't screwed it up:
This one have 1433 words according to Word.
In the top of the building there were members of the legion, demigods with their armors. Jason saw Dakota, Nathan, Leila, and Marcus; he missed the members of the fifth cohort.
Octavian was clearly exhausted but trying and failing to pretend he was okay. He wasn’t near the other legionaries as always; Jason never knew if he did that consciously or not. The way this scene showed how lonely and ostracized by the camp Octavian was always made Jason feel sad. In the moment he wasn’t only feeling the sadness but also overwhelming guilty. The manner he treated Octavian in New Rome was horrible, he ignored and insulted him. Later he would need to have a conversation with Percy about Octavian.
Reyna was doing a good job at pretending she wasn’t tired. She was with her dogs, Aurum and Argentum. Jason wondered what was about to happen, Reyna looked very tense and stressed like in the meetings they had during the Titan War.
Suddenly the access door to the top of the building opened. Rachel and a faun… no, a satyr entered. They looked oddly confident. The satyr was with a Nature Conservancy green t-shirt, it had pictures of some endangered species. Nothing was covering his goat legs, he had a goatee, curly brown hair and he held a bamboo flute. Rachel was wearing a white shirt and jeans with tons of drawings. And for some reason Jason couldn’t understand she was with a blue hairbrush.
Rachel looked to Reyna like she was the only important person in the room.
“You received my letter.”
Octavian smirked.
“This is the only reason you were able to get here alive.” He looked to Michael Kahale and Georgia “Search them”
“Hey” the satyr said offended “we came here in peace!!”
“The last time we let you, Greeks, get near of us with weapons you attacked New Rome, a place full of civilians and families.”
The anger in Octavian’s voice made Jason feel terrible. He felt like the incident was his fault. He should’ve been smarter, paid more attention, was a better praetor, the disaster could’ve been avoided.
The satyr opened his mouth, but nothing came. Him and Rachel stayed quiet while Michael and Georgia searched them.
“Nothing, just the hairbrush”
“Nothing with the satyr too, just the flute”
The legionaries looked to Reyna, waiting her orders.
“Take those objects. I’m not going to take risks this time.”
The satyr looked like part of his courage went away with the flute. Rachel just shrugged.
“Now say the name of your friend, Rachel Dare and what you two want.”
“This is Grover Underwood; he is a leader of the Council”
“Council, what council?”
Octavian voice sounded sleepy, he looked like he could barely stand by himself. Whenever Octavian would get to this state in Camp Jupiter Jason would say to him to stop pushing himself too much, and Octavian would smirk and say that he would only stop when Jason also stopped doing it.
“The Council of Cloven Elders. Seriously, don’t you romans have nature, trees, etc? We’re here because we got some news you guys need to listen to. Besides I’m a protector, I’m here to protect Rachel.”
Reyna smiled.
“With no weapons?”
“Well, I had my bamboo flute” Grover’s expression became sad “Percy always said that my Born to be Wild version should be count as a dangerous weapon”
Octavian looked exasperated.
“Great, another Percy Jackson friend. This is exactly what we need”
Reyna ignored Octavian and looked to her dogs.
“Until now, you’ve only said the truth. But Rachel and Grover, I warn you, if you lie this conversation will have a bad ending to both you. Now say what you came here to tell us”
Rachel took a napkin that was in her pocket.
“A message. From Annabeth.”
Jason wasn’t sure if he listened to Rachel correctly. Annabeth was in Tartarus. She couldn’t send a letter to anyone.
Maybe I fell into the water and died. This vision is not real. Just an after-death hallucination.
Reyna took the letter. While she was reading her eyebrows rose higher and higher. She opened her mouth chocked. The amount of emotion Reyna was showing publicly made Jason feel worried, or she was very tired or what was in the letter was very bad. Maybe it was both.
“Is this a joke?”
Reyna’s voice was harsh. But it didn’t seem to bother or scary Rachel.
“I wish it was. They really are in Tartarus.”
“But how-”
“I don’t know. The letter appeared in the sacrificial fire in the dining hall. She mentions your name.”
Octavian started walking into Reyna’s direction.
“Tartarus? What do you mean by that?”
Reyna gave him the letter. Octavian muttered while he was reading it. He always did that when he was tired and with sadness Jason realized most of time Octavian didn’t read things quietly.
When he finished Octavian looked to Reyna with outrage.
“This is a trick. The Greeks are famousfor their tricks!!!”
“Look” Grover said with surprise confidence “we wouldn’t have risked coming here if we didn’t trust on Annabeth. A Roman leader giving the most important Greek statue back to Camp Half Blood… she knows this can stop the war.”
“This isn’t a trick.” Rachel smiled “Ask to your dogs”
Reyna stayed quiet for some seconds.
“The Athena Parthenos… so the legends are true”
“Reyna!” Octavian sounded a little desperate “You cannot be considering this seriously. Even though this statue exists, realize what they are doing. We are about to attack them, destroy this damn Greeks forever, and they make up this stupid mission to divert your attention. They want you to go to your own death!!”
If before the Romans weren’t happy with the guests, now they seemed like they were about to attack.
Rachel looked to Octavian for the first time in the meeting.
“Octavian, son of Apollo, you should take this more seriously. Even the Romans respect the Delph Oracle of your father.”
“Ha. You are the Delph Oracle? Right. And I’m the emperor Nero”
Suddenly, the wind changed direction. It began to whirl around the Romans with a hissing sound. Rachel emanated a green aura. Then the wind went back to normal, and the aura was gone. The despise on Octavian’s face went way.
“The decision is yours” Rachel acted like nothing had happened “I don’t have any specific prophecy to offer you, but I can see some glimpses of the future. I see the Athena Parthenos in the Half-Blood Hill. And I see her bringing the statue” Rachel pointed to Reyna “Besides, Ella has mumbled some parts of the Sibylline Books.”
“What?” Reyna looked extremely shocked “The Sibylline Books were destroyed centuries ago”
“I knew it!!” It was like all exhaustion left Octavian’s body “That harpy they brought when they came back from the mission, Ella. I knew she was saying prophecies. Now I see. Somehow she… she memorizes a copy of the Sibylline books.”
“How is this possible?”
“We don’t know. But that seems to be the case. Ella has eidetic memory, and she loves books. In some place, somehow, she read the roman book of prophecies. Now she is the only source.”
“Your friends lied.” The rage in Octavian’s voice made Jason feel nervous, he knew how much the books meant to him. He couldn’t imagine how this situation was hard to him “They told us that harpy was muttering nonsensical things! They stole her!!!”
Grover snorted.
“Ella is not your property! She is a free spirit. Besides, she wants to stay in Camp Half-Blood. She is dating one of my friends, Tyson.”
“This is not important” Octavian seemed about to explode “The harpy knows important Roman prophecies. If the Greeks don’t give her back, we are gonna take their oracle as hostage. Guards!”
Two centurions came forward with pila in hands. But before they could do anything Reyna shouted.
Everyone stopped, waiting to what Reyna would say.
“Give the flute and the hairbrush back to Rachel and Grover and let them go-”
“Reyna!” Octavian sounded desperate “You cannot let them go, the harpy-”
“Octavian, I said enough” Jason was confused, why Reyna was being so harsh with Octavian? She knew how the Sibylline Books were important to him, and she also have never acted like that with him before “They will go and tomorrow we’re gonna discuss this situation and give our answer to the Greeks.”
“Octavian tomorrow”
Octavian opened his mouth ready to try to argue again, but instead Jason heard Piper’s voice.
“Wake up!!”
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