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kyunsies · 9 months ago
everyone HELLO how are we doing :)
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lauraashley93 · 4 years ago
Reader and Ez are best friends until things gets tangled
Warnings: mentions of drug use. Angst
-song use is “My Heart I Surrender” by I Prevail-
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You were 7 when your dad and mom moved to the little town of santo padre. You were nervous because you didn’t know anyone. Your first day at a new school and you were sitting by yourself. Until you weren’t. Ez Reyes. You’ve been best friends ever since. He had since been your protector. For whatever reason you two had a connection and had been attached at the hip. You quickly became family. Your mom and dad loved him. He was always coming over for family gatherings. Your mom considered him one of her own.
Growing up with the Reyes brothers was a trip. You loved them. You loved Marisol and and Felipe and they loved you just as much. You were one of theirs just as Ez was your families. That’s why when your dad was deployed and never came home, that’s where you ran. Ez held you and was there for you through all of it. When your mom turned to drugs and went to rehab, again and again. Marisol took on that roll and they took you in. And somewhere between all of this. You fell hard for Ez Reyes.
I'm a ghost in your eyes A shadow you can't seem to recognize I have a thought of you for every, star in the sky But I'm scared, I'll never cross your mind Yeah, I'm scared
Although you never dared tell him you fell deeper and deeper for Ez. Late night movies, dinners, him helping you study so you both could get into good schools. You spent every day there. Angel figured out about your little crush and constantly teased you.
“Why don’t you just tell him, y/n”
“No way! It would ruin everything. He probably doesn’t even feel the same.” You sighed as you looked down at your home work. You were waiting for Ez to get home so you all could study. “And you better not say shit Reyes!”
Angel shook his head and laughed. “You all have been like a little married couple since the day he sat down with you. I don’t see the big deal.” You rolled your eyes at him. “Maybe, but I don’t even know how to bring it up to him.” Angel was about to respond when you heard the door open and a smiled graced your face. Finally. You thought. You heard two people laughing. You furrowed your eyebrows together as you and Angel looked at each other and waited. Through the door walked Ez and right beside him a  petite pretty blonde girl you Recognized from class. Emily Thomas.
And I can't count the times I stayed awake pretending you were mine Now I'm left here with this emptiness inside, Why can't I make you mine?
You just stared trying to find your calm. Ez smiled. “Hey guys! Emily, this is Angel and y/n! Guys, this is Emily, my girlfriend.” He said it with such happiness as he wrapped his arm around her. You swallowed down your hurt and smiled and nodded. You could feel Angels eyes bouncing between you and Ez and you were silently begging him to just keep his damn mouth shut. Because for Ez to be so smart he was was the biggest idiot Angel had ever met in his life.
“It’s really great meeting you. I have to get going, I have to um make sure my mom is uh holding up.” You gathered your stuff up as quick as you could and even though Angel knew you were lying through your teeth Ez was oblivious. You rushed out without another word.
Things were different after that. You still came around but you didn’t see Ez as much. Angel and you got closer but you tried to avoid Ez and Emily. It hurt to think he really didn’t even notice. That was until he hear you had decided to move.
“HES BEEN THERE EZ NOT YOU. HE WAS THERE WHEN I..” your voice broke. You started crying. “When I found mom on the floor. He was the one that helped me. You were too busy. I tried calling you.”
Ez remembered that now. He didn’t know why you had called him but he ignored it because he was with Emily and made a mental note to call you back later. He constantly kicked himself in the ass for that.
“I’m going to live with my aunt. It’s too hard to be here. They have good schools and I just. I have no reason to be here anymore.”
Will our stars ever align? Will two hearts, beat in time? These words you should always remember, To you, my heart I surrender
“What about us? Me?”
You half smiled. You knew he didn’t mean “us” as you and him but as him and his family. You sighed as you grabbed your bag off the floor. “Maybe, at one time. But this is just too hard. I love you, all of you guys. More than you will know. But Being here chasing things that aren’t meant for me, is too much I hope one day you understand that. I hope realize one day.” You turned and looked at the honking cab outside and then back at Ez. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be for you what you were for me”
You didn’t say anymore. You walked away without another word. Tears falling down your cheek. Leaving a sad and confused Ez in your path.
Chasing love that can never be mine Maybe one day you'll realize These words you should always remember, To you, my heart I surrender
@angelreyesgirl @auroraariza @spookys-girl @trulysuccubus @stunning-shitz @rosieposie0624 @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @skyofficialxx @strawberrywritings @bucky-iss-bae @miss-nori85 @cind-in-real-life @deeandbobbymcgee @starrynite7114 @louisianalady no g @itsjaybeast @-im-fantastic- @justatiredfool
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orange-waterfalls · 5 years ago
All Your Fault
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Yancy x gender neutral!reader, Illinois x gender neutral!reader
@glitchbitch69 ty for the prompt!
A/N: aight look, im not good with angst. I did my best??? Rated T for cursing and like 1 single mention of blood. It's sad boy hours out here. Mostly Yancy x reader, a bit Illinois x reader if you squint. I bet you could probably say Yancy x Illinois, too. Fluffy at the end.
Word Count: 2.2k
Yancy sits near the lantern, glaring at the adventurer sitting across from him. The adventurer in question was looking at the side of the tent, watching for any shadows.
Zombies are attracted to light after all.
Or is it sound… and moths are attracted to light…
I'm getting off topic. Let's continue.
Yancy clenches his fists when he thinks back to you…
He loved you…
Your skin, your smile, your handsome and/or beautiful face…
And now you were gone. You disappeared.
No… you were taken from him.
And it was all this bastards fault.
Illinois. Yancy hated Illinois. But you made him promise to stay with him. Safety in numbers. It took everything he had not to deck the guy every time he opened his mouth. He was so cocky and arrogant for absolutely no reason! He was so annoying! He hated him… he missed you… he missed you a lot…
Illinois, on the other hand, was fond of Yancy. He found him endearing. And if you liked him, he couldn't be that bad. The kid did kill his parents, but he didn't know the whole story. He couldn't judge. He was happy when Yancy decided to stay with him. He had something to remember you by… he liked Yancy and he loved you. And he missed you.
But he'd never let that show. He'd keep his feelings to himself. He'd act just like he always did. Cocky, flirty, and adventurous. He had to. For Yancy. For you.
He missed you a lot.
Illinois turns back to Yancy, who's glaring daggers into his soul. He smirks at the man.
"C'mon, bud, I know I'm handsome, but there's no need to stare," he teases. Yancy narrows his eyes even more.
"Fuck youse," Yancy growls.
"Language, pal, language," Illinois chuckles. If Yancy glared any harder his eyes would pop out of his sockets. Illinois crossed his legs. "There ain't any out there now. I think it's safe to go to sleep." Yancy, still a bit pissy, nodded and layed down on a jacket. Your jacket. The jacket you lost when you died. He loved the jacket… it smelled like you…
Illinois was a bit jealous that you had given Yancy your jacket, but he understood. Yancy was nicer. You were closer to him. You both let yourselves be vulnerable around each other.
Unlike Illinois, who was too proud and masculine for his own good.
He waited until Yancy was sleeping before lying down himself. You made him promise to keep Yancy safe. He intended on keeping it. Only when he was absolutely sure Yancy was asleep, he laid down. He covered his face with his hat and closed his eyes.
Illinois wakes up and puts his hat back on his head. He yawns and rubs the sleep out of his eyes. He could feel how empty his stomach was.
"Alright, bud, I'm gonna go out and-" Illinois looked over, only to find there was no one there. His eyes widened. He left the tent and looked around frantically.
"Yancy? Yancy?!" He called. Oh no. No, no, no, no, no! He had promised. He was supposed to keep Yancy safe! What's he gonna do? He looked over and saw a dense forest with sneaker tracks in the dirt. He took a deep breath and headed in.
He ran through the woods, gun in hand, hoping and wishing and praying to find the prisoner. Why the hell did he run here? Did he see a zombie and panic? Did he see a zombie and not warn Illinois? That's rude…
He searches for 15 minutes without finding anything. He tries his best to go in a straight line, but he falls down a hill, not exactly knowing where he came from when he gets to the bottom. He groans and staggers to his feet. He holds his head, but pulls his hand away as he feels blood.
"Ain't that just peachy," he grumbles. He takes bandages he found at a hospital and wraps them around his head. He walks forward, hoping to find a trace of Yancy. He finds something even better. He finds Yancy, sitting on the grass, barely moving. Illinois sighs in relief. "Jesus, man, y'almost gave me a heart attack…" Yancy doesn't move. Illinois frowns and slowly walks towards him. "Kid…?" He reaches out.
"I saw them," Yancy says, barely above a whisper.
"Saw… who?" Illinois asks, hoping he isn't going crazy.
"Y/N… I saw them… they was right there… I went after them but they was gone…"
"Don't you fuckin' "Yancy" me, asshole!" Yancy suddenly screams. Illinois steps back, surprised.
"Y/N's gone Yancy," Illinois calmly explains. Yancy clenches his fists so hard he draws blood. His face is fixed in a hateful glare, and tears begin streaming down his face.
"I know they're fuckin gone! I've known that for the past 3 months! I know that they're gone, and I know that it's all because of you!" He screams, sobbing between sentences. "Y/N's gone and it's all your fault!" Illinois frowns, not knowing how to respond to that accusation. It wasn't his fault… was it? You decided to distract them… that was your decision… it wasn't his fault… it wasn't. Illinois inhales deeply.
"I'm going to go look for some food. I expect you to be back at camp by the time I get back." Yancy scoffs and turns away from him. "I'll give you some time to cool down." Illinois turns back towards where he came. He paused for a moment, wondering if he should comfort Yancy. He decided against it.
He'd only make it worse.
Illinois is out for a bit longer than he expected. He had a run in with a really weird military guy… what was his name? Ted? Not like it matters. He's dead. Illinois did manage to find a couple cans of soup, beans, and vegetables in an abandoned camp. He wondered what happened to them…
He decides not to think about it too much.
He makes his way back to camp, hoping Yancy listened to him this one time. He was happily surprised to find Yancy sitting next to a fire, holding two birds. He looks up at Illinois for a moment before looking away. Illinois raises a brow.
"I, uh… I thought I'd surprise you with lunch… but… I don't know how to cook a bird…" he explains awkwardly. Illinois smiles.
"That's alright. It's difficult. Here, we'll cook these and save them for dinner. We should pack up and keep moving." Yancy nods as Illinois begins to show what he's supposed to do.
After they finish cooking the birds and eating two cans of beans, they pack up. They decided it'd be better to keep moving and look for better shelter than to sit around doing nothing. By the time dinner rolled around, they'd found a nice, small, abandoned house. They both agreed it was best to stay there instead of in the tent for another night. There were two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a kitchen. It was cozy. They liked it. They manage to get the stove to work using a lighter, and they make soup to eat with their bird meat. They sit in silence eating their dinner, both feeling very awkward. Yancy sets his bowl down after he finishes and sighs.
"Uh… hey, Illinois?" He asks. Illinois looks up. "I'm, uh… I'm… sorry about earlier…" Illinois smiles sadly.
"It's fine, kid."
"No, it's not… I had no right to say that to youse, I was feeling sad and I needed someone to blame, so I took it out on youse… I'm sorry," Yancy explains. Illinois blinks at his sudden maturity and smiles.
"Alright, I forgive you," they both sit, smiling at each other, sharing a moment of mutual understanding. Until…
"I would hate to see your cute little face upset," Illinois winks. Yancy squints at him.
"Youse is a douchebag," he grabs his bowl and takes it back to the kitchen.
Both men sleep in the bedrooms, feeling a bit more closure. They knew that it wasn't either of their faults. They could get along better now. They'd be alright.
Yancy wakes up to something small hitting his arm. He brushes it off as a bug, even when he feels it three different times in the exact same place. Then, he feels something much larger hit him in the face.
"OW, what the fuck?!" He yells. He looks down to see a fairly thick book on the floor. He looks out the window, wondering who just threw it. Instead of seeing a human, he sees zombies at the front, trying to break through the door and windows. Yancy yelps and runs across the hall to where Illinois is sleeping. He shakes the adventurer harshly, calling his name to get him up. Illinois groans.
"What? What is it?" He whines. Yancy grabs him up and pulls him to the window, where even more zombies are trying to break in through the back door. Illinois yells out and scrambles to grab his stuff. They gather all their clothes, equipment and food, and run out a window on the side of the house. Illinois vaults out effortlessly. Yancy, on the other hand, does not know how to vault. He knocks a lot of things over and makes a lot of noise as he leaves. The zombies notice this and start to chase after them. Illinois grabs Yancy and starts running. Where to, he had no idea. Just away from there. They run and run and run until the end up in a forest. They run until they get to an open space, catching their breath.
"God…" Yancy pants, "I didn't know zombies were so fast…"
"Me either…" Illinois pants, "but we need to keep going." They try going forward, but are blocked by a wall of zombies. The same thing happens with the other three directions. They stand in the circle of zombies, looking back and forth, trying to find a way out. There was none.
"What do we do? What do we do?!" Yancy panics. Illinois stands, shaking, not knowing. He can't save him. He can't protect Yancy. He failed.
"I'm sorry, Y/N… I'm so sorry…" he whispers. Yancy hears it and covers his face with his hands. They both sit, holding and hugging each other, waiting for what's to come.
Suddenly, they hear quick footsteps and the zombies all stop. Keeping their eyes closed, they hear a series of grunts and moans and groans. Then they hear the zombies leave.
Wait… the zombies are leaving?
They open their eyes to see all the zombies just… gone. Except for one. Right in front of them. Illinois stands up, pulling Yancy with him. He hides the man behind his back and brandishes his gun, ready to shoot. But the zombie steps back, holding its hands up. Since when do zombies surrender? He sees something shine in his eye and looks to see what it is. He sees a necklace.
A golden necklace.
A necklace he gave to you on your second adventure together…
He looks up at the zombie's face. Your face was a bit gray, but it was you.
It was you!
"Y/N?" He asks in disbelief. You look up at him and smile, nodding happily. Illinois drops his gun and runs over, hugging you. Yancy stands for a moment not knowing what to do.
"No… no way…" he starts. Illinois turns, expecting him to be angry or confused. He's just the opposite. He's smiling from ear to ear. "NO FUCKING WAY!" He yells and runs into your arms. He starts to sob.
"But… but you…" Illinois starts. You shrug and show him your bite. Yancy pulls away.
"But how are youse… y'know… thinkin'?" He asks. You think for a moment, knitting your eyebrows together, before shrugging. Yancy laughs. "Of course ya don't know, ya dumbass," you gently punch his shoulder.
"How'd you find us?" Illinois asks. You scratch the back of your neck. You try to talk, but no words form.
Is that just… a thing? With zombies?
Hm. Guess so. Anyways.
You get on your knees, grab a stick, and write something in the mud. "I've followed you for the past two months. I know what you smell like."
"You know what we smell like? Aw…" Illinois teases. You glare at him playfully. It was nice to know he hadn't changed. Yancy, on the other hand, looked 3 minutes away from a full-on emotional breakdown.
"2 months? 2 months youse was right there? 2 months we coulda been together?" He asks, tears visible in his eyes. You frown, feeling guilty. You take Yancy into your arms and just hold him. He starts to cry. Which turns into sobbing. Illinois stands, looking at you two. He smiles. You were back! Thank God. He didn't think he could handle Yancy. After a minute he sighs.
"Alright, you two. Let's head out," he says. You nod and lift Yancy off of his knees. He wipes at his eyes and sniffles for a moment before walking, refusing to let go of your hand. Illinois follows close behind. You were back… you were still here, but now, you're with them. He almost couldn't believe it. He laughs to himself.
Yep. They'd be alright.
I'm supposed to be studying lol
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