#I KNOWWW they're all kinda dumb but still
guideaus Β· 7 days
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How I Attended an All-Guy's Mixer's is cute, but i feel like im getting a little tired of half of the cast being kinda oblivious while the other is acting obviously interested.
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feuqueerfire Β· 10 months
Be My Favorite Live Blogging
Haven't been really watching shows and haven't watched anything long since literally August but now that it's nearing the end of the semester and I have big, big projects due that I'm not close to being done, clearly it's the correct time to watch this.
I've been anticipating this for so long, I hope I love it.
Ep 1 (Nov 23)
hijabi side character
12 years after 1st year, so are they 30 years old now?
not Pisaeng being a liar! lol
oh yeah, Kawi is a translator!
the time travel has started
omg him getting a call from his dad and going to see him and hug him T.T because his dad passed away in real life T.T
oh the first time travel iteration, i'm having fun
"Do you like me? [...] What should I think?"
The way Kawi has already begun to act unlike himself and getting out of his shell like with Pisaeng in the locker room and dancing drunk in the bar, even if it involves first stealing Pisaeng's clothes and next his money
Fun start!
Ep 2 (Nov 24)
ohh okay so doing that takes you to the same moment as when you twisted it? both in the present and past
Ahh, his time travel affecting the current timeline, he's now besties with Pisaeng and isn't a recluse
Kawi's repeatedly using Pisaeng's money and whining is offputting. like i fully know that a large portion of his inferiority complex comes from the lack of money and how he thinks that people think of him poorly because of it but omg it's so ew
I would hate to be in Pear's situation so much omg she was hoping to get have lunch with the guy she's known for a while + probably has a crush on and now he's left her at this restaurant with some random dude who has definitely been trying to get closer to her... rip but she's being nice about it
ah, the kissing the best man on the day of the wedding
the coming-back-to-win-prize is extremely expected lol
Krist's expressions are too much fr, reminds me why I don't like certain slap-stick cartoonish jBLs. paired with the whining? please I need it to lessen over time
Ep 3 (Nov 24)
Pear inviting a friend as soon as she realized Pisaeng had ditched and now she's having lunch alone with this guy who could misconstrue this as a date, exactly so true
For all my ehh feelings about Khai's mannerisms, the way he says "Then who do you like? O.O" is so good
I know the point is that Kawi is unlikeable and doesn't quite know how to navigate people or relationships but he's supposed to grow throughout the show but man he bothers me fr like the way he keeps being cruel to Pisaeng is just. I know it's cuz he doesn't want Pisaeng to fall for him and leave Pear on their wedding day but it's like girl...
actually more than just terating him shitty, it bothers me that every time Kawi acts like he doesn't get why Pisaeng is hurt. "Oh just this hurt you?" "Why are you mad?" etc
loll the lottery ticket thing is so true
I was whatever about Gawin in Not Me and wasn't really someone I wasn't someone I was drawn to in general but I really like him in this role! Hot boy Pisaeng let's go
Ep 4 (Nov 25)
The way Kawi wears his backpack only on one shoulder bothers me cuz it doesn't look light
broo Kawi put your fucking backpack on properly like the whole game whatever is dumb and annoying obviously but don't be silly
I hate these confession things so much, fuck Not for real. ofc it's a lot of pressure on Kawi to confess but I also hate these things that definitely pressure the girl into feeling like she has to say yes
okayy at least they're all leaving the two of them together, rather than witnessing the confession but I kinda thought they were gonna film him get rejected or smth
oh lmfao they're eavesdropping on him knowing he'd get rejected such bastards
I knowww the point is that Kawi has many shortcomings but goddamn being 30 in a freshman's body and still making stupid decisions is so annoying to watch, why are you going to the nightclub rn bffr and he knows Not is an asshold, he almost slipped up when he tried to make Not and Pisaeng go back to being friends so why is he hanging around Not still smh
Not stop trying to get a girl to sleep with a drunk Kawi omg
annoying, including what Pisaeng is saying
although drunk Kawi jumping past!Pisaeng for the crimes for current Pisaeng is funny though, Pisaeng is confused as hell
ah Pisaeng gay and avoidant
Damn, Kawi really got Pisaeng to confess to Pear that he doesn't like her and never will, good job
wait... Pear asking to sit with Kawi... knowing that she doesn't have a chance with Pisaeng... are we gonna get groom Kawi in the new future?
bro wtf he's not going to go back to the present? how are you not curious enough smh but I guess he doesn't know that Pisaeng said no to Pear
Ep 5 (Nov 25)
Oh, he wants to accomplish his last goal of dating Pear or whatever before going back...
oh Pisaeng taken with seeing boys kissing at the club he works at
ahh Pisaeng going to the gay club!
aww him running out as soon as he saw Max and got recognized
ah Max good head
I don't want Kwan to be nice to Nott, she's too good for him
I don't quite agree with Max because what do you mean people don't care or gossip or talk about where you go and what you do
lol did Kwan being nice to Nott make Nott be nice to Kawi. will it last
not Kawi running to meet Pisaeng and actually apologizing gj
Pisaeng really confessed
Corny scene of Kawi and Pisaeng but better than the whining
damn singer Kawi
oh the next episode has the drunk scene with Kawi asking why Pisaeng likes him... it's in every edit + trailer I think
Ep 6 (Nov 26)
lol is a business tycoon that good to watch, Max?
Pear whining to her dad to treat Kawi's father is so... eh? idk it's a serious topic but idk
oh damn the dinner with Pear's father is going really sideways
Pisaeng shouldn't have told Pear but that's one thing, I don't think Pear also shouldn't have just started talking about Kawi's dad to her dad without consulting him
but also was Kawi planning on asking Pear's dad without telling Pear beforehand?
Kawi's little drunk ramble here is pretty good
wtf why is Nott being cute and smiley to Pear...
oh the drunk Kawi and Pisaeng kissing
what are we doing why are we unbuttoning the drunk guy's shirt bro
okay sorry I think this would've been better if I though Kawi was attractive
not Kawi falling asleep omg pls
she may be a capitalist businesswoman but at least she supports queer people and her son being queer
oh my bad spoke too soon! she's like keep it quietttt
oh so Nott is there to tell Pear he thinks Kawi isn't straight?
lol not the time-travelling sleep-talking
crying why didn't Pisaeng shut Kawi up quicker
oh Pisaeng has become bold
Ep 7 (Nov 26)
ahhh tragic the way Pisaeng
aw, I'm proud of Kawi, mans really accomplishing his goals
girl what kaljdsfkljadsf omg
so how does memory work here? Does Kawi just know the lyrics even though it's a song he never learned in a life he hasn't lived?
but i'm assuming there's still stuff wrong with his life and him being so happy is out of character?
girl not Nott D: Pear no
oh nooo Pear and Kawi had been dating but he's been putting her through it?
Can they show what actually lead to Kawi and Pear's breakup?
omg ? did Kawi cheat on Pear with Pisaeng or smth?
omg Nott is suchhh a dickhead, how is he getting both Kwan and Pear smhhh
girl so you're pregnant, get an abortion plsss ik it's not as easy as i'm saying it but T.T tying yourself to Nott for life?
okay at least Kawi didn't cheat on Pear, he just didn't wanna marry her and settle down
I guess Kawi let Pisaeng be true to himself but leading him to discover him being gay?
ahh Pisaeng giving Kawi gift for his "confession" anniversary even 8 years down the line, how are you so down bad omg Kawi and Pisaeng are both kings of holding onto crushes, though at least Pisaeng has been around Kawi this whole time, unlike Kawi having like no contact with Pear lol
Okay my confession is that Nott and Kwan are both very attractive to me and kinda want to see them play a couple together
Ep 8 (Nov 27)
tragic reaction to the kiss
so did Kawi often kiss Pisaeng while drunk? and forget or what?
aw man the dad died right away
i mean... Pisaeng's mom isn't wrong here tbh
dang, Kawi gave Pisaeng his diary
I feel like Kawi should've given Pisaeng some more concrete proof ngl
forever gotta love a queer ralley or info session or whatever in a BL
plsss not all this dramatics while Pisaeng prlly just dropping his mother off at the airport but i suppose it'll move Kawi along in his feelings bravery journey
girl not the time travel man almost getting to Pisaeng's car
Ep 9 (Nov 28)
is the writer or director of this show a child of divorce with a shitty mother who is obsessed with her work and never there for her kid or smth? because pear, kawi, pisaeng all have separated parents, pear and kawi love and are in contact with their fathers while their mothers left for work and a diff family respectively. pisaeng is living with his mom technically but she's also never there and busy with her work. we could've at least examined why women are forced into these scenarios for at least 1 situation instead of having 3 shitty moms for no reason lmao
agh Not is a problem fr
idk i kinda don't care about Kawi and Pisaeng cuteness negl even though I feel like I should be having fun with it... I'm just kinda bored of this show rip even though it's like objectively not bad and probably not actually boring
bro Not isn't just calling Pear but discussing it with a group in public, get fucked fr
aw Pear
Kwan needs to get over Nott and Pear needs to not entertain him either aghhh this fucker
Kwan is so pretty fr I cannot see her like Nott fr T.T and Nott is nicef to look at too, why can't he be a decent guy
ah Pear asking Nott to not tell anybody, she's kind but he's an asshole who's already told everybody so
and at least she's not falling for him, yes a win
At first I was watching this show on 1.25 but I started doing 1.5x because I kinda want it to be done
Ep 10 (Nov 28/29)
Nott pushing Kwan like that??? die
hehe making up with friends Pear and Max
awwww this tragic Pisaeng moment with his mother
ohh so the mother approved finally
Kawi is a 30 year old virgin who figured out he likes guys also like a week ago so I understand why he's shy, its not out of character for him the way it is for many of the other BL characters but it's still so awkward T.T
just gonna ignore Max's response to possibly asexuality but whatever lol
[Linguistics] Oh, then discussing stopping gu/mueng and using Khun or smth instead because they're dating now
not even gonna lie, skipped the entire intimate scene thing because it's making me uncomfortable idk like it's not giving horniness vibes which is definitely fine, i love tender and sweet but for some reason it's giving me the ick here - maybe cuz I actually wanted it to go a different way of maybe not leading to sex and going in an ace route?
i saw a glimpse of the kissing and yeah not into it
Actually, I wonder if not watching anything risque or sexual in a show for the past few months has made me averse to it again? but idk bout that cuz I've been enjoying the Pit Babe edits lmfao (although the edits don't really show much actual NC content, just convos before or interactions)
Anyway 2 more episodes, I can do this. idk why i'm so meh about this show when I've been hoping to love it while many people who were so apprehensive about it like it way more than me
Ep 11 (Nov 29)
Aw Pear and her mother making up
having to skip through the continuation of the Kawi and Pisaeng sex scene to get to the interweaved character stories lmfao
Graduation gift? How fucking long has Kawi been living in the past
the compilation of Kawi and Pisaeng (+friends at Christmas) is cute, aw
wait Pearmai wedding invitation? Is this still in the past?
the constant Khun is so confusing now
I'm so confused by the passing of time this episode, ig it's been a few days since Kawi got sick?
ohhhh so the reason nothing happened with Pisaeng the first time is because it was his first time spinning the snowglobe so he's back there on his second try
omg just one more episode left, i'm so tired of this show i want it to be done
Ep 12 (Nov 30)
Last day of the month and I'm finally almost done whooo 1 last episode on 1.5x let's go
Ohh, nice choice to make Kawi reflect on not wanting to actually become famous
I don't get the aging thing either
Okay my bad I really skipped through this last ep to get the just of what's going on
It is such a tragedy that despite looking forward to this show for so long and enjoying some aspects and moments, ultimately, it fell flat for me. I feel like a lot of this show was objectively done well like the character arcs and acting and stuff but I'm not attached to any of it. The romance didn't make me feel giddy even though I really wish it had like it's strange that I didn't care at all about all those cute moments Kawi and Pisaeng had or the established relationship montages when usually they're some of my favourite aspects of a BL. agh whatever ig at least the show didn't treat Pear terribly.
Rating: 5.5/10
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nakalimutang-sumpaan Β· 7 years
*knocks so I thought it was Marc and I open the door*
*automatically pushes him in the chest but I feel skin and it's not Marc's man boobs πŸ˜‚
*barges in*
First dude to see my room clean this year. And be on my bed. Right after he showered later on too. Smells like him now, greeeeeeat.
"Omg Alda I love your room. Really though. New hang out spot or what?"
What kinda sucks though was he WOULD walk in while my favorite song of all time was playing that in saving for FH. 😩 ugh please please don't dedicate it to anyone and ruin it for me. πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ I've kept that song safe since 2005. And so later on, he asked what songs those were. I kinda played dumb and said, "Which ones..?" But apparently checked my phone when I walked out so he named the artist. Which doesn't make sense cos like, why would he ask if he already saw, wth LOL. But he said, "Who is that? I've never heard of them. But they're so good!" "I knowww. They're my faaavorite! ☺️ they're from here so they're not really known" haha and he said, "Yea you need to let me see you're playlist cos I like it" "Okay!"
πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ and and and I can't get over showing him how to work the shower. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ’€ we were in there for a while and I didn't realize it til I felt weird that it wasn't weird after a few mins cos we were just chillin in there and talking and like talking through the mirror and talking about his diet and weighing himself and blaming him pretending he broke the scale while waiting for the water.
"Aldaaaa! Can you show me how to work the shower and stuff?"
*talks about stuff while in the bathroom*
"Anyways...here. Is it warm enough for you?"
"Here lemme see. HECKA COLD STILL"
"K hold on.. how about now?"
This goes on for a good minute or so.
"Yeah so left is hot, right is cold. Just turn it to the left to adjust."
*still adjusts and everything*
"Is this too strong??"
"No, it's up to you. Um. Yeah. Mmkay... have fuuuun! πŸ˜€πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚"
"πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ WTH you're making this awkward!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚"
I swear sometimes I feel like his gf but without the feelings. Like cooking eggs and him just standing there watching me. Like, um, can you go away πŸ˜‚ and then when I was sitting on the couch and he just sat next to me on the arm thing and started serenading and rubbing my head and face and shoulders and cuddling even in front of mom and the boys. And then when I could smell him putting on deodorant behind me, I reached my hand back without turning my head cos I wanted him to hand it to me for me to smell it, but then he held my hand and when I felt it it threw me off and I was like, "Wait what are you doing" then I looked up at him and he looked down and pulled my hand and pretend to kiss it πŸ˜‚ and he just looked at mom and they started laughing. And then, "Alda! Do you have lotion??"
"Yeah. Here!"
*he puts out his arm*
"πŸ˜‚ seriously? *squeezes lotion onto my hands"
"Haha I can do it"
"Wow, okay here"
"Oh wait here! *puts his arms back out*"
*I rub lotion on them*
"☺️Siiiiiick πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚"
And then, "Alda do you have chapstick?"
"Can I have some? My lips are dry *licks them*"
"I know"
Hecka funny cos that moment was kinda awkward cos I looked at his lips, which were actually bothering me even before he said anything cos dry lips are one of the first things I notice and one of my biggest pet peeves lol and then we both looked at each other and he made this face and had this look in his eyes that I can't explain where you can tell he thought we were being weird and so I busted out laughing and stood up to get lip balm. HAHA IDK MAN. SOMETIMES I THINK WE'RE WAY TOO CLOSE THAT WE PASS THE BEST FRIEND LINE BUT AREN'T ROMANTIC BUT KINDA ARE. AND IT JUST REALLY CRACKS ME UP COS IT GETS AWKWARD BUT THEN NOT. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ we're weird. I don't get our relationship sometimes but at the same time I love it. Hahahaha freakin best friend. I'm glad he was involved with Jar and is a little player player (okay not really, not at all) but that just makes it so much easier to not fall foreal. But seriously, he needs to stop being dumb. Ugh. He's literally being someone and it irks me.
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