#I JUST LIKE BIG EARRINGS AS WELL 😭😭😭 and womens clothes are more interesting for sure. im stylish
cat3ch1sm · 2 years
🌲| what do prince soma+ agni look for in an s/o? <33 @tehgreatboo
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prince soma
༊* appearance wise- he definitely has some high standards😭
༊* big boobs, small waist, fair skin, the whole package
༊* but most of the time, he doesn't need all of those things to be satisfied. that's just what catches his eye. he's more of a face person than a body person imo
༊* he loves long hair. agni won't let soma mess with his hair anymore so now he needs yours 🤲🏾 also the way it flows is just so nice to him, he could watch long hair for hours fr
༊* soma also is a huge fan of lots of jewelry. long necklaces, nose rings (within reasonable size), chokers, earrings- whatever, he's down, you're automatically sexy. also- unusually colored hair???? he wants to marry you
༊* personality wise: he wants a happy s/o who smiles a lot. he won't want someone who generally drags him down, he'll think it annoying
༊* he also would love someone who is really brave and somewhat reckless; someone who doesn't run away when things get dicey
༊* soma needs someone that's super affectionate and touchy! if u like to cuddle a lot and enjoy things like forehead and nose kisses then he's definitely the one for you
༊* i feel like being able to cook is also just like a prerequisite for dating soma- bonus points if u teach him how and if you help agni cook a lot as well<33
༊* like soma, agni is a big fan of long hair. if your hair goes to your mid-back or lower, you'll catch his eye
༊* body wise, he doesn't really care. if he really loves you, he won't give your figure a second glance- although he does have some style preferences.
༊* unlike soma, he's not a fan of a super loud style- no super extravagant makeup, really "out-there" outfits, extreme hair colors, tattoos, piercings- it just isn't his thing. he'd rather someone simple but more elegant.
༊* long, flowing dresses and a simple necklace or two will be enough if you want to impress him. but if you often wear cultural clothing, no matter how extravagant, he will love it
༊* also, if you have a nice scent, Agni will be interested
༊* personality wise: agni wants a quieter, more thoughtful s/o who really makes him look at things in a different way. poetic people who think and speak very intricately really interest him
༊* he also would rather someone at least a little trained in self-defense. lowkey Agni has a thing for women who can kill him
༊* it's the little things for agni- he doesn't really want someone who's all about sex and passion and whatnot. he wants someone who will do things like help him brush his hair or walk through the park with him on sunny days
༊* have a strong moral compass as well. your beliefs probably need to align with his- if you're a liar or intentionally do things to harm people, he won't entertain that. however, he has a dark past as well, so chances are he'll try and help you
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