kanene-yaaay · 3 years
Good Night, Sun
Warnings: Raspberries, Angst, Nightmare (mentioned), Hurt/Comfort, Cheer up tickles, Lee!Sun and Ler!Moon. About 1.600 words.
Kanene’s notes: So I have a new fandom SDFGHJKDFTGYHJU. Okay, okay, I was in a v boring writer block until I re-watched @sid-is-screaming amazing TikTok with Sun and Moon being just the custest beans and then a sudden motivation hit me because!!! Cheer up tickles!!!! So yay! Fic! I am not gonna lie, I still need some more pratice to understand fully their personalities but this is already a start. I hope you all like this. Hope you have a comfy day, beans. Take care!
It was just a weak whisper, almost inaudible with the way it was pronounced, the usually so excited animatronic not even being sure if he would be heard by his sound asleep brother. 
It was a good thing - he decided as his eyes followed Moon when the called slowly blinked awake, his confusion, even if clear on his expression, being pushed aside as he sat next to him, eying warily the tears that ran freely across Sun’s faceplate, trying to lock their gazes unsuccessfully - that they were so carefully equipped with sensitive sensors prepared to analyze and capture the tiniest hint of any distress sound and quickly find their sources, keeping it easier to find and help scared - or scarred - kids. 
And animatronics too, as it seems.
"Sun?" His voice slurred with the way his wires and functions began whirring to life. The blue one realized it was way too dark for them to be fully charged, meaning that there were very few reasons for the other animatronic to be there, none of them being very good. 
Sun sniffed miserably, arms hugging himself, no answer leaving him. Moon calmly prodded again. "What are you doing up at this hour?"
And Sun didn’t found his words to answer because he actually didn’t want to be up, he didn’t want to literally shake with the way energy flowed inside of every single one of his wires, making his endoskeleton tremble in what, in any other situation, would have him perfectly hyped up to play with childrens, but right now just lead to a series of unpleasant shocks to travel through his spine, making his fingers hold his arms tighter. He just- he couldn’t- he couldn’t help it, he couldn’t stop the flashes of those awful, horrible moments which kept dancing in front of his eyes in explosions of red, orange and fire, oh god, the fire felt so real and horrible and burning and getting closer, closer, closer at every single second and it didn’t mattered how much he brought his brother close to him, how much they hugged and tried to find an exit, there was no escape, there was simply no escaping because the flames were everywhere and they were going to- they were going to-
A hand held his own - when did he start gesturing, again? - and pulled, the firm, yet gentle, sudden touch making the shadows of his nightmare pop out of existence in a fast piece of moment as he found himself lying on his brother’s chest, who just adjusted himself so they could rest more comfortably on the mattress, eyes widening as the other let out a quiet whimper, hugging him tightly.
‘That bad, huh?’  Moon sighed, not unkindly, a hand laying on top of Sun’s head, softly running his fingers across his rays feeling the corner of his mouth quirk upwards with the way Sun immediately relaxed on his hold, a stray, much weaker, sniffle leaving him.
“Sounds like a bad one. Our neuro system can really suck, sometimes.” The other huffed in a tired kind of approval and Moon quietly softened at the good signal that the reaction was, mentally shaking himself awake. It was decided, even before the moment he saw those tears, he wouldn’t fall asleep until his brother did so, it was the least he could do for the one who always brought a smile on his face, never leaving his side independently of the situation. 
He hummed in thought, searching for a good topic to distract Sun from his own thoughts. 
“Have I ever told you about the dream I had in which we were both part of that old show, the one with those two inventor kids who  live in an eternal summer vacations, and Vanessa was our older sister but for some reason she only talked by singing?”
“W-what?!” Sun sputtered, a light already beginning to take space on his eyes as he stared at the other in an amused confusion. “No you didn’t. Why didn’t you!?” His lips turned in a wobbly line, giving his voice a bouncy tune. “Vanessa singing, I can’t believe it.”
“I never told you because I knew you would try to pull her to the karaoke nights, that is why.” Sun snorted at the mental image, quickly hiding his faceplate on Moon’s chest, shoulder’s shaking a little with the two or three giggles that he did his best to keep trapped. Moon playfully poked him between his shoulder blades, fishing another snort. “Quiet, you never know when she will be listening.”
“Stooop, don’t be mean! She is actually nice when you give her a chance, you know?”
“A kid could steal all of your glitter and you would still think they’re nice.”
“Hey! No!” Sun batted Moon’s finger away and it came back for another poke, looking at it warily for a second before jumping to defend his tiny, squishy human friend. “Gregory is a very great kid. He just needed the glitter for a project and he apologized after his timeout! One day we all will have a slumber party and you will see how well behaved he can be. Ask Freddy, he agrees with me.”
Moon huffed, the memory of Monty bad mouthing the young human as he tried to clean all the true mess of glitter his entire form was after the aforementioned’s prank led to equal parts of disbelief and amusement to fill his reaction. The kid has the courage, that he could give. 
The one in night themed pajamas was about to mention said prank to Sun, however, as he saw the way his brother was getting closer to pout he decided to grant a bit of mercy to their usual playful banter. He could be a bit more soft today. Just for Sun.
“Ok, ok. Now sush or I will never be able to tell you about the dream.” 
And then he started. Moon talked and talked, about that one and many other weird dreams he had, adjusting his voice box to its softest setting, letting his calm tune fulfill the room as the stories brought their attention away from the tears and those scary memories which hid on the dark corners of our mind.
Soon enough a barely muffled laughter yanked Moon out of his thoughts, the same grinning as he saw more and more giggles escaping from his brother’s lips.
“Oh, so this is funny to you, huh?” One of his hands began to scribble the other animatronic’s left side, fingers lightly dancing freely and nimbly across the sensitive spot, only seeming to get faster as a wider smile took over Sun’s expression. “Me being unable to move until naptime was over because a bunch of kids fell asleep in a pile on top of me it’s a very funny story to you, huh?”
“It t-tihihihickles, Moon!” A rather high pitched squeal broke his protest when his brother decided that his other hand was bored and tickling Sun’s unfairly ticklish cheeks was the only way to give it a proper enrichment. “Nohohoh, wait! No, no, n-not thehehere!”
“Why not? I think this is a very good spot. Here, I will show you.” He highlighted his words by blowing a raspberry on Sun’s cheek, being rewarded with a loud shriek and hands immediately pushing his face away, loud squeaks and wheezes mixing themselves in the laughter that danced in the air. “But maybe you would want a few tickly-tickly-tickles-”
“Eek! Dohohon’t call them thahahat!”
Moon playfully pinched his side in a warning, glaring at the other with no real heat behind it. “As I was saying, would you rather have tickly-tickly-tickles on your ribs then?” Sun threw his head back as the hands started to crawl from his hips to the aforementioned spot, Moon needing to dodge the sunrays going from one side to another as the one in yellow pajamas shook his head in protest. “No? What about your armpits? Or this very sensitive neck? Maybe your belly, then?”
Sun’s hands flew to his wrists, although no real struggle happened, they just holding them instead to pushing the offending fingers away, legs kicking and the whole body shaking with the loud, happy laughter that escape from his big smile, his mind much more occupied to focus on the unbearable, silly attack to even remember why he looked for the comfort of his brother’s embrace and words in the first place.
And Moon simply couldn’t help the delightful smirk and laughter that blossomed on his faceplate at that, letting his tickles getting slower and lighter at every second, until the previous “attack” become nothing more than a few scratches that kept Sun with a constant flow of fast, bubbly giggles going.
When he stopped, his gaze traveled to Sun’s face, watching the way his titters got lower and his metallic eyelids began to close, indicating Sun was about to go into charge mode.
An evil idea made a smirk spread wide in his expression. 
“Or maybe I should get your spine.” Just a last poke of fun. 
With a high yelp of “NO!” Sun jumped out of his brother's hug, stumbling a bit on the place until he fell on the other side of the bed, next to Moon’s foot, and pointed a finger at the teasy animatronic in a warning, his frown losing all its grumpy power due the still happy smile lingering on his face. Moon snorted in amusement, lazily pulling his arms up in a surrendering gesture. 
“Ok. Ok.” He chuckled at the way Sun’s eyes squinted in a wary tiredness, for the lack of verbal protest he should be really fighting against sleep right now. “Come on, it’s past our bedtime. Let’s charge.”
Sun only hummed in agreement, body relaxing and immediately falling on the mattress with a soundless thumph. Moon took his time to turn around to the other side and adjusted himself in a more comfortable position, already feeling his systems and functions running slower.
As his eyes closed, Sun’s voice reached his sensors.
“Thank you, Moony”
They smiled, calm, happy, safe.
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