isatartdump · 2 months
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Liked both (and like a thousand other versions of this same thing)
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jettingtothemoon · 7 months
Daughter of the Spirits; chapter 11
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➳ pairing: zuko x f!reader ➳ genre: a retelling of the show from season 2 onwards with a heavy focus and expansion on zuko’s story (canon divergent) ➳ warnings: violence, swearing, smut (underaged if your age of consent is above 16), spoilers for anyone who hasn’t seen the show ➳ word count: 3537 ➳ rating: 18+ ➳ summary: In which y/n comes across the fire nation prince during her stay in Ba Sing Se. ➳ tags: @harmlessoffering, @lammello (i’m sorry if i’m forgetting anyone, lmk if i am or if you want to be added)
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Chapters: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
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The Invasion
You found out from Mai and Ty Lee that there had been another war meeting — one Zuko hadn’t been invited to. He was furious, of course.
For the first time in years, he was finally starting to feel like a prince again. What with all the servants at his beck and call, insisting he take the palanquin when traversing the city, even if he was only out on an errand with you. People were by his side day and night, making sure he had everything he needed. It was exactly how it should have been, even if it was quite the adjustment for you both, yet he had still been excluded by his father.
He had told you about his banishment. How he had spoken up at a war meeting and disgraced his father, leading to the agni kai where he had to fight the very man that was supposed to protect him. The man who scarred and banished his own child.
Only this morning was he happy and smiling, simply enjoying the time he got to spend with you. Now, however, he sat staring out of the window, watching as the clouds passed over the moon in silent contemplation.
“Zuko,” you said his name and yet, he didn't move. Didn’t even flinch. It was as if he hadn’t even heard you, only you knew he had.
"Zuko," you tried again, this time wrapping an arm around his shoulders.
Wordlessly, he leaned into you. His scowl never once left his face but he was at least trying to control his temper for you, allowing himself to fall into your embrace.
"It's just a war meeting. I bet they're full of old, boring men."
Your attempt at amusing him seemed to fail as he leaned away from you and back against the window. "They're important. All the best advisors and the entire royal family attend. Even Azula is going."
"Just another reason that it won't be fun, Azula will be there."
Now that got a chuckle. A small one, but a chuckle nonetheless.
"Stop worrying about it and come to bed."
He hummed, turning away from the window and towards you. He wasn't happy and he probably wouldn't be for a while, but at least he could relax with you. Even when things weren’t going his way.
The next day, you sat with Zuko as you made a cup of jasmine tea. He sulked beside you with a frown on his face, thinking about the meeting that was about to start without him. You could tell how badly he wanted to be there, even if he did keep shrugging it off when you tried to comfort him. You thought making some tea would help but it only seemed to sour his mood further and you soon realised it was because he was missing his uncle.
You missed Iroh too. You had wanted to go and visit him but Zuko forbade you, expressing how dangerous it would be if you did. Azula had found out when he went to see him and if anyone were to find out you were visiting a traitor of the Fire Nation you would be hauled away and thrown into a cell of your own before either of you could do anything to stop it.
It pained you to think of the old man sitting in a dark, grimey cell. More so when the smell of jasmine tea reminded you as much of him now as it did your mother.
“Prince Zuko,” your attention was drawn to a servant as he entered the room with a bow, “Everyone’s waiting for you.”
Zuko looked from you to the man who now knelt at the floor with furrowed brows before getting up from where he sat. “What?”
“The high admirals, high generals, the war ministers, and the princess have all arrived. You’re the only person missing,” the servant explained, his eyes lifting to look at the prince as he spoke.
You stood beside Zuko with a heavily beating chest as he asked, “So my dad wants me at the meeting?”
The servant bowed again. “The Firelord said he would not start until you have arrived, sir.”
With a full smile, Zuko turned to you and, although he was going to a meeting where they would likely discuss the deaths of even more people you loved and knew, you couldn’t help but feel happy for him. This was all he’d ever wanted — to be accepted by his father. To be loved and wanted. For his opinions to matter. That alone brought you hope because if he could sway his father or even some of the generals, perhaps he could help save lives on both sides of the war.
You, along with Mai, waited outside the meeting for him, both anxious to hear how it went. She had offered to come with you so that you would not be alone in the palace for too long since she knew just how daunting that could be. Besides, she was still Zuko’s friend too, just as she was now yours.
When he finally emerged, Mai was the first to ask, “So? How did it go?”
“When I got to the meeting, everyone welcomed me. My father had saved me a seat, he wanted me next to him. I was literally at his right hand.”
His words almost sent a chill down your spine as you thought of the worst — that rather than Zuko swaying the Firelord’s mind about the war, that it would be his father who would sway him. You knew better than that, though, and as much was confirmed when you were met with nothing but a troubled expression on Zuko’s face.
“That’s wonderful,” Mai grinned, “You must be happy.”
The three of you stopped in front of a large tapestry, one displaying a large portrait of Firelord Ozai. You placed a reassuring hand on Zuko’s shoulder as he looked up at it and exchanged a worried glance with Mai.
“During the meeting I was the perfect prince,” he concluded, “The son my father wanted… but I wasn’t me.”
You ran your hand down his arm and slotted it into his, giving it a gentle squeeze. For a moment, he squeezed it back, but then tugged his hand free and began to walk away, leaving both you and Mai behind.
She sighed and became the one placing a gentle hand on your shoulder. “Give him time. This was a good thing, he’ll realise that soon.”
You hummed although you did not agree. The only good thing was that Zuko was starting to realise who he was and that the man he was wasn’t the man his father wanted him to be. He was not ruthless and cold. He was kind and strong and so many other things his father would never be. He was better than him and finally, you thought he was beginning to realise that.
When you returned to your room, you found him writing a letter.
“What are you doing?” you questioned, wondering what he was up to.
“Writing to Mai. I at least owe her a goodbye.”
“Goodbye?” you asked, your brows furrowed.
He hummed. “We’re leaving. I… This isn’t who I am. Not anymore. An invasion has begun, we can slip away in the chaos but I have to do something first.”
Whatever he had in mind, whether he just wanted to leave and find your parents or maybe, just maybe, hunt down and join the avatar, you knew you were going with him. After all the time that had passed since you left Ba Sing Se, he was finally ready to accept who he was. He was finally going to do the right thing.
He passed you the brush when he was finished, allowing you to write your apologies and goodbyes to your newfound friends. You addressed both Mai and Ty Lee directly, wishing them well and hoping you would not come to face them on opposite sides of the battlefield. The two of you then signed the letter and Zuko left to take it to her home, putting it someplace where she would see it long after the two of you were gone.
After he returned, as you collected what little things you owned, he knelt before a portrait of his mother and closed his eyes. “I know I’ve made some bad choices, but today I’m gonna set things right.”
He picked up his swords and a small bag of provisions, turning to the lighter side of himself once again, and pulled his hood up to conceal his face.
You stepped forward and pulled him into your arms, pressing a kiss to his lips as your thumb stroked the side of his face. “It’s going to be okay, you know. You’re doing the right thing.”
He smiled and leaned into your touch. “I know.”
He led you quickly through the palace and down underground. You could hear the fighting up above as you moved through the tunnels and Zuko explained that during the eclipse today, no one would be able to Firebend. It was the perfect time for an attack and, along with the invasion forces, would surely be the avatar. He had a plan and that plan was to join them, to help the avatar finally put an end to this war.
But he had to confront his father first and what better time was there to do that than when he had no bending?
When he finally came to a halt before a large, reinforced door, you felt your heart in your throat. How would Ozai react to the news of his son’s betrayal? Would he try to kill him then and there? Or perhaps he would simply try to imprison you both? Either way, you were prepared. You would use your bending — all of your bending — to fight. You were fighting for yourself. You were fighting for your family. You were fighting for Zuko.
You held his hand, squeezing it in reassurance as you had done time and time before.
“I’m ready to face you,” he spoke, as though his father could hear him through the door.
He did not protest as you walked to the door with him, nor did he ask you to remain behind as he walked inside. As dangerous as what he was about to do was, he trusted that you would be safe by his side, and that he would be safe by yours. Whatever was going to happen, you were going to do it together.
“Prince Zuko,” his father addressed him with a frown and lowered his cup of tea, “What are you doing here?”
Zuko walked towards his father, with you standing only a few paces behind. This was his moment and you wanted him to have it but if he needed you, you would be there to fight by his side.
“I’m here to tell the truth,” Zuko declared from where he stood, staring his father down.
The firelord furrowed his brows and signalled for his guards to leave, his eyes only once flickering from Zuko to you. “Telling the truth during the middle of an eclipse? This should be interesting.”
Zuko only spoke again when the guards were gone, the strong doors sliding shut behind them, “First of all, in Ba Sing Se it was Azula who took down the avatar, not me.”
“Why would she lie to me about that?” Ozai questioned.
“Because the avatar is not dead,” Zuko explained, “He survived.”
“What?” Only then did the firelord’s expression change. What was a calm and collected leader suddenly turned into an angry father. One who was clearly afraid of what the avatar could do if he was still alive.
“In fact, he’s probably leading this invasion. He could be on his way here right now.” For a moment, it almost seemed as though Zuko was warning his father, as though he had not really turned his back on him. He was still his father, after all, but you knew him better than that. He was changed and he was here for one thing and one thing only, to bid his father farewell.
“Get out!” the firelord snapped with a wave of his hand, anger boiling up in him, “Get out of my sight right now if you know what’s good for you.”
Although the firelord’s temper was continuing to grow, Zuko remained calm. From where you stood behind him, you could almost hear the satisfaction in his voice as he spoke, “That’s another thing. I’m not taking orders from you anymore.”
His father’s brows crossed in rage and you adopted a defensive stance as he began to walk towards Zuko. “You will obey me or this defiant breath will be your last!”
The prince unsheathed his swords, standing ready to fight his father as he demanded, “Think again. I am going to speak my mind and you are going to listen.”
To both of your surprise, the firelord sat back down as though he was ready to hear whatever Zuko had to say. The two of you still stood at the ready, prepared for a fight. You closed your eyes for a moment, focusing on the ground beneath you. You could feel the echoing rumble of machines coming from the surface, another sign of the battle above.
“For so long, all I wanted was for you to love me,” Zuko admitted, casting his eyes to the ground, “To accept me. I thought it was my honour that I wanted but really I was just trying to please you. You, my father, who banished me just for talking out of turn,” he pointed at Ozai with the end of his blade, “My father who challenged me, a thirteen year old boy to an agni kai. How can you possibly justify a duel with a child?”
It was like a weight off your own chest to hear him finally letting go of all that had burdened him, telling his father just how he felt after all he had done to him.
The firelord only scowled, looking at Zuko as though he was nothing but the dirt under his shoe as he spat, “It was to teach you respect!”
“It was cruel and it was wrong!”
“Then you’ve learnt nothing. This girl,” he gestured to you, “Has only made you weaker than you already were.”
“No! I’ve learned everything, and I’ve had to learn on my own. Growing up, we were taught that the Fire Nation was the greatest civilisation in history, and somehow the war was our way of sharing our greatness with the world. What an amazing lie that was, the people of the world are terrified by the Fire Nation. They don’t see our greatness, they hate us! And we deserve it. We’ve created an era of fear in the world and if we don’t want the world to destroy itself, we need to replace it with an era of peace and kindness.”
The firelord laughed out loud, mocking his son even now. “Your uncle has gotten to you, hasn’t he?”
There was a brief pause and Zuko smiled, actually smiled, in the face of his father’s taunts. “Yes, he has.”
“And this girl? She stands with you now, is she not of the Fire Nation too? Another traitor turned by your uncle’s tricks?”
Now it was you who stifled a laugh. “A traitor? Zuko isn’t a traitor and neither is his uncle. You are the one who betrayed the Fire Nation, you even betrayed your own blood because you’re so blinded by power you can’t see the bigger picture. My name is y/n and my parents were from the Northern Watertribe. They left their home and raised me in the Earth Kingdom to fight against your army! Even now, they fight against your cruelty, and now we do too!”
“You foolish girl,” Ozai glared at you with fire in his eyes, “What could you possibly do to stop me?”
“After we leave here today,” Zuko interrupted, answering his father’s question for the both of you, “We’re going to free uncle Iroh from his prison, and I’m gonna beg for his forgiveness. He’s the one who’s been a real father to me.”
The firelord only laughed again. “That’s just beautiful, maybe he can pass down to you the ways of tea and failure.”
“But I’ve come to an even more important decision,” he continued, ignoring his father completely, “I’m going to join the avatar and I’m going to help him defeat you.”
“Really?” Ozai smirked, “since you’re a full blown traitor now and you want me gone, why wait? I’m powerless, you’ve got your swords, why don’t you just do it now?”
“Because I know my own destiny. Taking you down is the avatar’s destiny,” he sheathed his swords and, although a part of you wanted nothing more than to strike him down now, you were in agreement with Zuko. It was not your place, “Goodbye.”
As Zuko turned and began to walk towards you again, ready to leave his father behind once and for all, the bitter man began to hurl more insults at his son, calling him a coward for confronting him during an eclipse when neither of them had their bending.
“If you have any real courage, you’ll stick around until the sun comes up. Don’t you want to know what happened to your mother?”
Those words stood Zuko in his tracks, even when you looked at him with pleading eyes. There was no time for this, the sun would be back soon and the two of you stood no chance against his father at his full power.
Without a second thought, the prince turned back around and demanded to know what happened the night his mother disappeared.
“My father, firelord Azulon, commanded me to do the unthinkable… to you, my own son, and I was going to do it. Your mother found out and swore she would protect you at any cost. She knew I wanted the throne and she proposed a plan. A plan in which I would become firelord and your life would be spared.”
It was awful, entirely diabolical, to think that a father would even consider murdering his own child but knowing what else the firelord had put Zuko through, somehow you weren’t at all surprised. It seemed in his very nature. You wondered what Zuko’s mother ever saw in the man.
“Your mother did vicious, treasonous things that night. She knew the consequences and accepted them. For her treason, she was banished.”
“So she’s alive...”
Cautiously, you moved to Zuko’s side, hoping to console him as tears began to spill across his face.
“Perhaps,” Ozai all but shrugged before raising his tone once again, “Now I realise that banishment is far too merciful a punishment for treason. Your penalty will be far steeper.”
In a flash, the firelord was moving, forming a stance you had only seen once before. The sun was back and he was drawing on its power to call lightning down. Lightning that he intended to use to put an end to his traitorous son once and for all.
“Zuko!” you cried, realising you had already missed your window to create a wall between the two of you and Ozai to block the attack.
Everything seemed to move in slow motion as you ran towards Zuko only to see him do the impossible. He redirected the lighting, sending it crashing back down on his father who was thrown into the air at the force.
He grabbed your hand and ran, pulling you out of the bunker before his father could get back to his feet. As you ran out onto the streets, you saw what looked to be the avatar launching an assault on the Fire Nation airships, giving his friends enough time to retreat. “Look!”
“Do you think you can get up there?”
You furrowed your brows. There was a chance that with your bending you could reach the airships and help the avatar but you weren’t sure if you could get there in time. They were fleeing, after all, they weren’t going to stick around for long. Besides, you had more important things to do.
“Maybe,” you shrugged, “but I’m not leaving you. Let’s go get your uncle.”
With a determined smirk, he led you into the prison. He ran so fast that he seemed to miss the cowering guards and singed walls.
“Uncle!” he cried out when he reached Iroh’s cell but his uncle was already gone. The bars to his prison cell were broken and battered, blasted through from the inside. Iroh had already escaped.
Zuko was quick to run to one of the guards, interrogating him about what happened in a matter of seconds, only to be told what you already knew. Iroh had escaped, busted himself out before you had had the chance to get to him. He was long gone now, all you could do was get out of there yourselves.
“Zuko, we have to go. We’ll find Iroh again, I promise, but right now we need to leave!”
Although disappointed, he nodded and followed you back outside.
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Chapters: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
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405 notes · View notes
h0nkch0c0late · 11 months
Please Don't Go
Jack Mercer x Reader
Summary: you had known Jack for years, and even gotten into a relationship. When the two of you join his brothers for their mother's funeral, you weren't expecting this outcome.
WARNING(S): Four Brothers spoilers, major character death, angst, swearing.
It had happened so fast.
While Angel and Bobby were busy interrogating Jeremiah, a knock was heard at the front door.
Curious, you had followed Jack to see who had knocked, as it was unusual for the Mercer household.
The two of you were met with a masked man, insulting Evelyn and throwing a snowball at Jack's face before beginning to walk away.
You should have stopped him. Should've grabbed his arm and told him it wasn't worth it. Lead him back to the couch to just forget about it.
Instead, you watched as he ran out towards the masked guy, anger raging through him not only because of the insult of his mom, but the snowball as well.
As you saw the man begin to pull out a gun, you found yourself running, by no volition of your own.
You heard someone calling yours and Jack's names, it was most likely Bobby. But you didn't care enough to think about it.
As you got closer, a gunshot rang out. And then another. And then multiple more.
You didn't know if you were one of the ones who got shot, and hell, maybe you were. But your focus was on your boyfriend, bleeding out and laying in the snow, calling out to you and Bobby with a rack of sobs.
You stumbled towards him, facing your back towards the shooters as if that would help Jack stay alive, though you knew better.
Your ears began to ring, the gunshots blurred with the yells, your heart thumping hard in your chest.
Your hands found themselves trying to cover his wounds as he grabbed onto you for dear life. He was scared, and not just for himself anymore.
You were actively putting yourself in danger. He was trying to get you to lay low or to find a spot in which they wouldn't be able to hit you, but that distant look in your eyes told him you weren't listening.
Almost unconsciously, you began to mumble comforting words to him. Whether it was really for yourself, him, or both of you, you didn't know.
One shot.
Two shots.
And suddenly, none.
Bobby, Angel, and Jeremiah made their way to the two of you, Bobby holding onto Jack who was now laying in your lap.
You couldn't tell what the boys were saying, but the yells were obvious. They were trying to have someone call 911.
"Please don't go." You found yourself begging, eyes downcast and cloudy as you looked down at Jack, one of your hands going through his hair in a comforting manner like you always had.
His eyes greeted yours, a smile on his face as blood poured from his throat.
"Shit, she's hit too!" Angel shouted as he noticed that the pooling blood wasn't just from Jack.
You didn't care, all that mattered to you was keeping the boy in your arms alive. But it was too late, he was gone. His skin cold against your own as your hand kept caressing his hair in that gentle, comforting way.
Darkness began to consume your sight, the adrenaline beginning to wear off as the gunshot wounds took over.
Bobby was holding your face in his hands as you felt yourself get weaker, "now don't you die on me too, ya hear?!" He cried, he was desperate. He had already lost his mom, and now his brother. He couldn't lose you too.
"Sorry, Bobby." You grinned with what little strength you had left, just to sass the man in front of you before death took a hold of you.
"No, don't you do that shit to me. Don't you do that shit!-"
That was the last thing you heard before you collapsed.
Angst almost immediately for a new character? Who AM I? haha, anyway. Finally got some motivation to write, unsure if it'll stick though. Love yall <3
@frostymooxnlight cuz you asked to be tagged, lovely!
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writedreamlie · 1 year
Making a post to yell about A Glitch In Time as I read, tagged for spoilers, here we go:
- "And more importantly, to Nasty Burger after!" Bad omen, BAD OMEN
-"So. Do YOU like mayors?" I fuckin forgot they made Tucker the mayor that was so fucking stupid!!
- Jack Fenton confirmed unable to even kick a man into space correctly
- Why. Why was Dan's thermos just sitting there out in the open where any emotional old man could knock it over, almost such a silly thing to do that it would have to have been intentional...
- Vlad "Tuxedo Mask but you didn't do anything" Plasmius
- lol bye
- "Do you have a childhood trauma you want to talk about?" Jazz, what the fuck kind of question is that.
- Jazz "Sailor Moon transformation" Fenton
- Hmmmm is a pollywog a baked good? *googles it* ....it'll do.
- "I am who I am" The dumbass I've loved for nigh 20 years, folks
- Plasmius hunched over an old ass computer I am fucking dying
- I fuckin love Jack and Maddie
- "Who else in town would have a portal?" Uh.
- "Sorry, not sorry!" And you shouldn't be!
- Why does Vlad's portal look like a portrait frame? Did it always look like that?
- Vlad deserves every bit of grief he's getting
- Oh, Lance Thunder, you hero
- Jack Fenton also confirmed for indestructible
- "I...see." 🥹
- Lol Jack forgetting he hates Vlad now. Old habits, you know?
- "Still has cupholders though!"
- Okay, that emerging from the flames panel is really badass
- S O N O O N E E L S E L E A V E S
- 😭😭😭😭
- 'kay I'm fine carry on
- My dude this one panel in particular why is Vlad such SHAPES like they wanted to make him muscles but also STICK LEGS
- "Ten out of ten plot twist!" Lol okay, you toot that horn of yours
- Someone tells Jazz she's right one (1) time and she's LOSING IT
- Well THAT sure leaves some room for sequels 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
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roxyzwritez · 2 months
pearlrose content
wanna see how ive been writing all these episodes? spoiler: it was not written with the intent to be read. but its really cute if you can get past and decipher my writes. (also im not 100% sure i like how i did this. may redo this one.) pls feedback. also @rosenotactuallyquartz i think you may like this ((im sorry abt the near daily tags))
under the cut so dashes don't get flooded
greg wakes up. gets coffee. gets breakfast. sits outside. frown.
rose floats over.
rose: good morning greg!
greg: hey rose.
rose: what's the matter? :(
greg: i was hoping you wouldn't ask.. im not doing great.
rose: why is that?
greg: i thought i'd be so happy that you're back. i thought i'd still be completely in love with you like i was before, but.. i just don't feel it anymore. im sorry.
rose, frown: that's okay, greg. we can be friends. i understand. i disappeared for 14 years- not that long to me, but that's a long time for humans. i understand if your feelings changed. especially with all my.. mistakes… revealed. im just glad you told me.
greg: are you sure? its okay to be upset, rose.
rose: i dont follow human relationship dynamics. im a little sad, sure, but you're still a friend. its not the end of the world.
greg: as long as you're okay.
rose: i am. don't worry about me, greg.
greg: okay.
she looks at him with a smile before flying off back home. she walks in.
tumblr note: im really unsure abt the breakup thing honestly. it feels weird especially how she just instantly goes to pearl. tell me ur thoughts yall!
stv, eatin chaps: hey mom.
rose: hi steven. wheres pearl?
stv: ooooooo-
rose chuckles: oh, stop it.
stv: i think she went to her room. she's been in there a lot recently.
rose: huh. alright, thank you steven.
stv: no problem.
rose goes into pearls room.
rose: pearl?
pearl quickly gets up: y-yes rose? sorry, i didn't know you were coming.
rose floats on over: i would like to talk to you about something.
pearl,😳: o-okay.
rose: i know how you feel about me. but im not entirely sure you understand how i feel about you.
pearl looks away: but- greg.
rose, chuckling: pearl. i talked to him just now, and he told me he doesn't feel that way towards me anymore. and from what i understand about human relationships, being with multiple people is a bit of a problem. ive always loved you, pearl. i knew either this would happen, or he'd… reach his time at some point. this was always going to happen, pearl. i don't need future vision for that.
pearl: i-
rose tacklehugs her to the ground and they roll around happy. pearl happycries
rose: ohh, my beloved pearl. not my pearl, but my beloved pearl. does- does that make sense?- oh my- (starts laughing)
pearl, chuckling softly: i know what you meant, rose.
rose: okay. good. le smoochie
pearl: i love you, rose. so much.
rose: i love you even more.
pearl: no, i do.
rose, chuckling: oh, pearl.
they smile at eachother.
stv: that was the cutest thing i've ever seen in my life.
pearl extremely embarrassed: STEVEN!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE-
rose: pearl, its okay. they're all allowed to know. we don't need to be a secret. besides, garnet probably knows anyway.
pearl: o-okay. but steven please don't do that again.
stv: it was so worth it. i will never forget this.
rose: alright, steven. can me and pearl talk in private again?
stv: aww mann. okay. (leaves)
rose: you don't know how badly i wanted to be with you. always. it hurt that i couldn't be there for you for those years.. trapped in his gem. i wish i could've done something, but i just couldn't. believe me, i tried.
pearl: its okay. its not your fault. you're here now, and that is enough for me. (squeeze hug cry) im sorry for crying so much i cant help it.
rose: let it out, pearl. its okay. (soft hug n comforts back, headpats and otherwise adorable shit)
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thegeminisage · 5 months
wow it is star trek update time. last night we watched ds9's "blood oath" and tng's "journey's end," which is one of the strongest quality ricochets we've had yet.
blood oath (ds9):
okay, so the summary said "three klingon legends" but what i didn't realize is that they were all REAL KLINGONS FROM THE ORIGINAL SERIES
i have to pain this picture for you, whoever is reading this. the three klingons in this episode appeared in "errand or mercy" "the trouble with tribbles" and "day of the dove." like, they really came back to reprise their roles almost 30 years later. i'm going to paste a picture but uhtw 60s blackface
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now, if you're a tos viewer, you may recognize that fella in the middle as also having played the titular squire of gothos in. "squire of gothos." now, as an episode, i find "squire of gothos" to be pretty mid, but there is one specific scene that really did something for me. to me? it did something TO me. what it did to me was send me off the fucking deep end, i wish i could convey the depths of my madness with human words
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(still screenshot grabbed from this infinitely more amazing gifset, give it up for @maulthots for enabling me, no literally please go through her gif tag and reblog her gifs)
anyway, before my good and wonderful friend so kindly made this gifset for me, i did maybe sit in front of my pc and replay the clip upwards of [mumble] times a day because i was very, very unwell. when i watched this scene for the very first time what happened to me in that single instant was the bone-deep realization that james t kirk (tos and aos) ate fascists on tarsus iv, probably, and he'd fucking do it again because nobody tastes better than a fascist! i wrote an entire fanfic about it, sorry for the spoilers.
what does squire of gothos and tarsus iv have to do with ds9? well first of all every star trek episode is secretly about tarsus iv so jot that down
but secondly, i've watched this clip so many times i have to hide my face when this man shows up in trouble with tribbles. now, i'm not so good with faces, but i KNOW THAT VOICE. but i know him AS the squire of gothos. i frequently forget entirely that he also plays a klingon, so i didn't recognize his name. so when i heard the squire of gothos's voice come out of a random klingon's mouth in ds9 my immediate kneejerk reaction was "no i am hearing things that can't be--" BUT IT WAS. i PAUSED the episode so i could look iy up, realized that the guy in the drunk tank was kor or "do you have a tongue you will be taught to use it" fame, and then to my eternal glee, kang shows up next
i remembered reading once that kang came back later and i was like ??? no one comes back later on tos BUT HE DID! I JUST HAD TO WAIT FOR IT!!!!! mystery finally solved...........
once i recognized them this episode was a blast. absolutely loving these 100 year old klingons getting ready for a rip roaring rampage of supercentenarian revenge. i was VERY sad that they died at the end but at least presumably they all died together (didnt see the last one go down but im just assuming he lived long enough to eat the albino's heart and then die)
(the albino is a really funny concept by the way like he's not even albino he's just a white klingon)
other notable things about this episode: firstly, quark hiding behind odo at the beginning. classic. secondly, dax actually being a good fighter ?!?!?! and finally, a true passing of the bechdel test where dax asked kira some alarming and upsetting questions about killing people and kira immediately took her aside and MADE her talk. i love. Women. and also women who murder people. i support womens wrongs.
i even love that the ONE time sisko doesn't back up one of his people it's for a good reason (doesn't want the 27yo reincarnation of his father figure to die on a klingon suicide mission)
10000/10, absolutely stellar ep, zero complaints
journey's end (tng):
oh boy.
just about the coldest bucket of fucking water...
you know, we tried to give this episode the benefit of the doubt actually. we were like "maybe this was progressive in 1994. i mean they ARE saying that moving these guys forcibly would be bad" and i mean like what would we know about what was progressive in 94? we were 5. so we checked and um i don't think anybody liked it in 1994 either
devastating that THIS has to be a wesley episode bc i wanted a better sendoff for my boy. "i had a vision and now i'm leaving starfleet" and yes they said the word vision in the most derogatory way possible. jesus christ
TRAVELER ALIEN RACEFAKING? HE PRETENDED TO BE NATIVE AMERICAN TO GIVE WESLEY THE VISION? and then he was like haha don't you know all that stuff is fake. (picard earlier in this episode "i am sooo respectful of your beliefs")
furthermore when picard was like "oh yeah this guy blames me for the crimes of my colonizer ancestor" girl at no point did he say that. idk if white people should go around accusing other white people of white guilt so i don't say this lightly but jesus christ captain picard can you tone it the fuck down buddy
i came across a gifset today of picard from season 5 (idr the episode) going "starfleet doesn't want officers who blindly follow orders sayign you're just following orders has been used to justify too many tragedies in our history" and then smash cut to this episode where he's like "well i tried but yeah i'm gonna have to move you sowwy :/" like good lord.
anyway it's a bummer these last few eps of tng have been less than great bc ik tng is capable of good episodes and i was hoping this series would go out on a high note. but it's going to end the same way it began with us waiting for something good to happen and throwing popcorn at picard
TONIGHT: ds9's "the maquis part i" and tng's "firstborn." i am Braced. for trouble.
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duchess-of-oldtown · 3 months
House of The Dragon, Season 2, Episode 2 "Rhaenyra the Cruel"
Just clarifying, these are my own thoughts, you don't like them, don't bother telling me so. Also, I'm not a book purist, I like adaptions taking putting their own spin on things - if it makes sense to do so. So, here were my thoughts. Obvs, this post is dark and full of spoilers.
OK, but where is the panic here? The most important kid in Westeros just got his literal head chopped off in one of the most secure cities in the world with Vhagar on watch and other than his dad, mom and a few servants, everybody is just "yeah that happened".
I would have loved a scene of them telling Aegon about Jaehaerys. Like a build up. It feels like there's something missing.
Aegon smashing up Vizzy T's legos is valid because it's him having revenge on the man at the centre of the conflict that killed his son.
Why Aemond looking around his room like he thinks somebody was looking at his porn collection?
Give us Alicent's rage. Why isn't she angry? Why is Jaehaerys "the child"? Alicent's line about Helaena? Where's the rage?
Why is there all this speculation of who ordered this? It's obvious.
Tyland, you fucking bell end.
Aegon drag Cole, fucking drag him.
Aegon's got the rage. Where's the tag off of everyone else?
Ironrod, they could never make me hate you
The Aegon and Otto vibe is giving me Tywin and Joffrey.
Otto, that boy just lost his kid, why are you saying this shit
Alicent's human moment at the suggestion at the funeral, glancing at Aegon. She knows it's wrong
The Dragon pit? Which is a ruin after Meleys?
Jaehaerys is your Great-grandson, Otto. And yes, I'll say you aren't grieving.
Aegon looking to Alicent to make it stop and her not doing it.
Alicent? You just said this is a good idea, convinced Aegon and then go on and call it a spectacle? The hypocrisy?
Helaena. Phia, you broke my heart.
Alicent, they cut off that girl's child's head and you're worried about your hookup becoming public??? Priorities?
The costumes for the funeral, absolutely gorgeous. The little crown for Jaehaerys, we need more crowns.
The whole Blood spills everything when he sees the tools is funny but also let's us know that Larys has a reputation.
Helaena's hair is gorgeous.
Alicent stop touching Helaena, she doesn't fucking like it, she doesn't want to be there.
Aegon killing Blood *chef kiss* but that scene too short
I actually thought the wagon would knock Jaehaerys off at one point.
Phia Saban is a fucking star because I got so uncomfortable with her during that scene.
Rhaenyra upset for Helaena but also her quick thinking about protecting the island.
Also fuck that one guy on her council. Fuck you Alfred.
Also slay Rhaenys.
Book accurate Rhaenyra not letting Jace out.
Jace, your brother is dead, your mother is at war and your cousin just died, and you're serving face?
I'm sorry but that look Rhaenyra gives Daemon, the lil head fuck when she realises, it's so familial that you literally can't forget they're related. I've given that same look my siblings a hundred times
Daemon, that's not the right expression to have there. You didn't forget to take out the rubbish, you killed a kid
Rhaenyra, what's with the "it"?
This scene between Daemon and Rhaenyra, you can see while they love one another they can't trust one another. But I think Daemon told her the truth, he didn't really want the throne himself.
Why did they turn Daemon into a wife beater? Why? This is the man who gave us "I want Rhaenyra" and the hand thing, why does he have to come at her like that?
Rhaenyra, you fucking remind him of Visenya. You remind him how he left you alone.
Harrenhal. Daemon has been planning this war for so long that he's just desperate to see it all done.
Daemon's jealousy of Rhaenyra and Viserys.
Baela, I fucking love you. She was ready to chase after Daemon with Moondancer after seeing the room.
The costumes are really getting good.
Am I the only one who thinks the armour got worse? It's all bulky now
The Helaena and Aegon scene. You can see both of them have so much to say but neither are able to say it aloud.
Fuck you Cole, that's right you look at your mistake.
I thought that one servant was Pod.
Rhaenyra playing with Viserys and Aegon. Oh they're so sweet.
Rhaenyra is serving ✨face✨
"have you told anyone?" Alicent he'd fucking be executed? Sent to the Wall?
Cole leave that Cargyll alone. You're the one who literally fucked the Queen and had her put it back on you. You're the one who defiled the cloak. Your purity? You fucking whore.
Headbutt him Cargyll.
Cargyll asking the real fucking questions here.
I love how all the kingsguard just left because well, they remember Joffrey Lonmouth.
Criston Cole fall down a privy already.
I miss Ser Barristan.
Cole needs a headbutt.
Baela and Jace, serving cunt together, we could of had it all.
Jace, Daddy Harwin, Ser Harwin loved you. Why question it?
Just "I miss luke", there's a scene missing there.
Aemond at the brothel... That boy was abused by that woman, why would they do that to him? Also, why the fuck would he tell her about Luke?
The FUCK are you allowed to call him Luke.
Oh, they teased you? They teased you you school shooter vibes momma's boy?
Why is Hugh Hammer getting a storyline? I don't care about him? Where is Nettles? WHY COULDN'T WE HAVE NETTLES?
Yeah his wife and kid will die.
OK, but why are Alyn and Adam giving off that one Tiktok about eating at Olive Garden?
Corlys with the whole "I'm not a king", girl it was 20 years ago. Also, dom!Rhaenys. He gets pegged.
"I'm here, Meleys is here." DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME
Rhaenyra and her book about Visenya.
Mysaria and Rhaenyra? It's not giving me anything. It feels out of place. But good on Mysaria for fixing the accent.
Seasmoke 😭
Hanging the ratcatchers is fair enough. Now, give us the Red Keep cats pls.
The dog 😭
Otto why are you more upset over PR?
That look he gives when he asks "and what... Has cole done?" it's so dad core
Otto's hard on for Viserys? No, girl.
Aegon vs Otto yesss
Aegon "my new hand is a steel fist", Aegon he hast done thy mother
Please tell me Mysaria is going to stay and cause trouble, give us that at least.
The Erryk walking up to the door and giving out to the guards, it's one of my favourite tropes.
I love the whole swapping of the twins. But I would have made it more confusing.
Rhaenyra walking away when Elinda is doing her hair, why does it remind me of a pint getting it's hair brushed.
Also Rhaenyra's pillows low key look hard.
Erryk giving commands to the Lord Commander? The fuck?
Elinda, get in there girl, throw something
Rhaenyra, the door is literally just there. Just there.
The Cargylls scene is top notch. A Roman death.
I miss Mushroom.
We're getting Daeron and Tessarion.
Leave the Tyrells out of this.
Alicent, comfort your son, that's your boy, he needs you.
No, but go fuck Cole I suppose. That worked out fine the last time.
Is every episode going to end with Alicent getting railed?
Rating: 8/10.
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poisonousquinzel · 2 years
"HQTAS not having the balls to permanently kill Joker off continues to be one of its biggest faults and I will not forgive them for that."
Their biggest fault is causing the upsurgence of casual pro Joker posts in Harley's tag in light of episodes showing him being "normal" and "based" and "wow look at him! being a socialist! and wanting healthcare!"
wow! it's almost like I don't really give a shit what political stance this domestic abuser takes in this show called Harley Quinn, ya know, the name of the ex he violently and graphically abused throughout the entirety of their relationship?
But oh! Whatever! if he's turned over a new leaf, Who cares! The past's the past's and the writers would rather redeem him! For some stupid ass reason! (Spoiler alert: It's because he's popular and they're cowards)
So let's forget how he literally murdered Poison Ivy!
& forget how he tortured her crew! And planned to have them publicly executed ! Lol!!
He's a cool dad now! He's hip! Whoo!!
Forget about all that abuse in the first season haha! It wasn't plot important anyway!
What's PTSD?! That's not a thing lol Harley would totally not have PTSD from him, they're buddies now! just ignore the little bits of obvious lasting trauma like her flinching
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he's taking over her twitter! so sorry if you happen to follow this account and find him triggering or anything lol cause he's hijacking it for his run for mayor! & now he's all over your timeline,, isn't he quirky
He makes jokes about limber she is-- while her private sexual encounter is being broadcasted to all of Gotham WITHOUT HER CONSENT-- and how "violence was a hallmark of our relationship too", cause he's just such a fucking peach now y'all
That was last season.
In episode 12.
While he had a Girlfriend.
He has not owned up to his own actions.
He's not some Reformed Domestic Abuser who's long since changed, shown he's changed and is sorry for what he did because he has not even taken accountability for the fact that No, violence wasn't a "hallmark of their relationship." It wasn't some quirky occurrence to look back at with a sigh of fondness.
Abuse was the staple of their relationship. Abuse that was inflicted by his fucking hands.
The Joker is a monster.
Harley Quinn: The Animated Series version of him is one just as well.
Even just from the part of the cycle we saw from Season 1, he was absolutely at his worst. It's not even like they toned it down for this, they built him up to be the monster that he is and then tried to backpedal and are now pretending he's just a completely different dude now that he's not with Harley.
News Flash, but Harley wasn't the first woman Joker's manipulated into helping him while simultaneously leading them to believe they were mutually falling in love
She's just one of the only survivors.
Because that's what she did. For years. Survived.
And sorryyyy, but I ain't exactly known for looking past The Joker's abusive transgressions and I'm sure as shit not starting now just because he's had a pitifully rushed "redemption" arc with some poorly iced He's A Socialist frosting on top.
Or am I supposed to pretend like in Season 1, Episode 8 he didn't put his manipulation skills to full use and, to add insult to injury, knowing he was going to push her out of the plane, he still kissed her.
Multiple times.
He initiated the kiss. He moved down her neck.
There was no fucking reason he needed to do that. It was just another thing he knew he could do to hurt her.
He pushed so many lines in that episode and then immediately shoved her out of a plane.
He relished in it.
Knowing how much trust she'd just put in him, how much she'd let her guard down and trusted him. She just admitted she dreamed of these moments, of escaping with him.
Because he had abandoned her so many fucking times.
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Harley: I used to dream about this moment.
The Joker, laughing amusedly: Oh, Harley, I couldn't leave you on the boat.
I need you.
And then he kissed her! He fucking kissed her!
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The Joker: For this.
He pulls her in and repeatedly kisses her.
Harley, making happy noises of approval and giddiness as she kisses him back.
The Joker, quietly as he kisses her neck: That's it.
Batman appears next to them, but Harley's none the wiser as she's gazing happily up at him.
The Joker: And this! Aha Ha Ha Ha!
He violently shoves her through the door of the plane into open air, cackling maniacally.
And she trusted him.
Harley trusted that this time was different. Because she wasn't his henchwoman anymore, she wasn't Her anymore. This was different. She'd escaped with him! They were on equal grounds now...
He respected her. She was important. She was a part of The Legion of Doom. She was a big shot now.
And that's exactly what he meant to do. Because he knew he had to this time, he had to lure her deeper. He had to slather the love bombing on thick to get her to drop her guard.
He had to pretend he was fine with them being equals.
So he did.
He pretended and he acted and he played her. He was cruel.
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The mask did have cracks, it absolutely did. It angered him having her correct him and it angered him having to pretend he found her to be a master equal to him.
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The Joker: No, I believe it's the student becomes A Master equal to the original master, but not with more mastery than that master.
It was something he couldn't pretend for a moment to believe. He couldn't even lower his ego enough to say a quote correctly "The student becomes the master." because he does not value her as equally.
And after love bombing her all evening long, after watching her drop her guard.
After she admitted she'd dreamed of these moments of escaping with him. After he kissed her.
He shoves her out of a plane once Batman has caught up with them.
Grinning like a maniac.
He knew, he always knew. He enjoyed what he did to her and he's never owned up to anything.
Hurting her is a game to him. He enjoys it. He's always fucking enjoyed it.
He murdered her best friend. Happily!
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He captured her remaining friends and tortured them. He planned to hold a public execution.
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He wanted to entirely isolate her so she'd have no other choice but to return to him, cause there's no other options if he kills them all.
And, then this part.
This is the entire reason this post isn't a reblog because I don't think just making gifs of this scene does it justice in terms of how sinister he sounds so:
The Joker, chuckling: I want you to put this on.
Cackles darkly before throwing it at her.
Come on, remember how much fun you had in that costume?
Harley: No... I didn't have fun... You were the one having fun. It wasn't till I got away from you that I realized how deeply unfun being with you was!
So I would rather blow myself up and take you with me then go back to being your sidekick and wearing that fucking costume!!
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The Joker: So, how about you make this easy and put. The Outfit. On.
"violence was a hallmark of our relationship too"
all of this happened in Season 1.
He says that in Season 2 folks.
Abuse was a hallmark of their relationship. On his part. He was abusive.
That's not what he said. And he said it with a sigh of "ah, good times" vibes
He looks back on his abusive actions with fondness.
He found humor and pleasure in hurting her and thinking back on it is a good memory for him. It's not a Bad Thing he did that he's remorseful for because all those memories are things he views as good moments.
"violence was a hallmark of our relationship too"
noun noun: hallmark; plural noun: hallmarks
• a distinctive feature, especially one of excellence.
He didn't do any of this because he had beef with Poison Ivy, or any of the members of her crew individually.
It all had to do with hurting her.
To get one up on her.
He knew Ivy was important to her.
He knew Ivy was a threat to him when it came to achieving his end goal of erasing Harley completely. So he killed her.
He knew hurting her crew would hurt Harley, he knew that having them there would be a failsafe because while he will hurt them, she won't.
Which means her suicide mission of blowing herself up and taking him with her wouldn't work. He knew that when he let her upstairs. The second she was in that room he had essentially defused the bomb.
Cause he knew she'd never take the crew down with her purposefully.
And then when he gets what he wants, she puts on that fucking costume, he doesn't just end it there.
He decides "let's try n break her heartstrings for old times sake" and pulls the love bombing shtick once again.
She doesn't fall for it, but pretends she does so she can get in close to stab him.
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The Joker: You were always so unoriginal, stealing my ideas!
He was fully going to kill her even if she did fall for it.
Even if she was completely on board with his bullshit, with all the horror he'd done in the past few episodes towards her friends. Even if she was happy to overlook all of that cause he said the right thing, he plucked the right strings and had her swooning.
He was going to stab her.
It didn't matter.
He was going to do it again.
The Joker had no reason to try and woo her back in (What He Believed To Be) the final moments of her life.
He did it because he thought it would be funny to see the tears in her eyes as she realized he had hurt her again.
As she realized he had stabbed her in the stomach.
That's why he did it.
He wanted her to love him again because he wanted to kill That Harley. The one who would feel the most pain from this, emotionally and mentally. He wanted to watch That Harley suffer.
Because he thinks it's funny. He finds pleasure in hurting her.
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And this was going to be the final time, the last hurrah.
So he wanted to have her go out with a bang. A shot in the heart.
Because The Joker is a cruel, manipulative monster who gets off on seeing her in pain that he knows he caused.
"violence was a hallmark of our relationship too"
The Joker is not remorseful for the trauma or suffering he caused her. And his political stance doesn't mean fucking shit to me. His rushed redemption doesn't mean anything, it doesn't change his actions towards Harley and his complete disregard for the truth of the matter. He's a fuckhead and he deserved to stay dead.
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musicalpancakes77 · 4 months
Hello hello, I've been tagged by @indigowallbreaker for a fun WIP meme :] Figured I'd do it while the tag was still fresh before I'd forget LMAO
RULES: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
This is about to be so funny and obscure because some of these titles are incomprehensible without context LMAOOO I have a few different wips (some are. half abandoned,,, i love them all very much and im so determined to come back to them or rework them someday), but let's start with Ace Attorney:
Shenanigans of Lady S
Prosecutor Sibs AU uwu
Ahahah That Other AA Idea I Had
I told myself I wouldn't but here it is LETS GO BOYS
For Professor Layton, the fandom that surprisingly got a large number of Active wips from me:
Besties the House Arrest AU
PL Soulmates bc there isn't ENOUGH
Ranlay Attempt?? Eh???
PL Christmas fic because we ARE Desmond simps yes I'll write this fuck you
A very brief shout out to my outline of a Ghost Trick fic (which I've spoiled part of the title for because of literal spoiler reasons. im not spoiling anyone on this game are you kidding me?? oooo you want to play ghost trick so bad oooo!!!):
World's Most Haunted *** Moments
I'm not really counting them, but shout out to my active Lazytown fic that I SWEAR IM WORKING ON I SWEAR IT I AM IT WILL BE DONE THIS YEAR that goes by the name "Past LT somethin somethin" and my first fanfic's rewrite that is barely considered a wip to me that is named "I'll Leave AGAIN", and lastly a blank document for a BNHA Toshinori Yagi fic that I meant to get around to but never did beyond titling it "BNHA Good Toshi Fic if I Ever Get Around to It" :)
I do not know that many people- or more accurately idk how many people I know who are actively working on something- so I will tag the few people I know for sure who are writing and who may have wips! If I didn't tag you but you'd really like to do this, go ahead, you've officially been tagged 💕
@4ragon @rivalsforlife @xbydefault @nebul-anna (I think you just got tagged for this?? sorry if you did LMAO) @transannabeth (if this isn't the blog name you normally do these kinds of memes on, then sorry! 😭 Took a shot in the dark!) @jfkisonthemoon @ibroughtyoumybullets-ningy
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bacchanal-if · 9 months
Hi! How are you!?? Hope you had a lovely year so far~ as for me is ok as of now, lots to do and none of the motivation but i am healthy?lol better than nothing haha
i do feel really guilty for no giving any feedback about the update... sorry!!!!
i am so sorry bacchus i am the worst so embarrasing, i swear that this if & the characters live in my head 24/7 i love it so so much
But when i try to comment is like i forget all the words?! Broken brain i swear lol
Welll i was just passing for the nsfw blog & bacchus omg i love it, giggling kicking my feet, all of them are sooo 🔥🔥🔥 but i am really really soft for all of them also?! All these feelings lol
So i just played the update a bit & loved it~ francis is my most beloved (only)parent and if i am forced to separate of them i am gonna riot i swear
Ellis my sweet little sister~ i love her your honor~ hope i can be a lovely enough sibling to her
Mother dearest can choke for all i care, and father as well, hilarious that he got played by E(i asume tho) thats totally a point in favor of E gotta admit
Played the animal whisperer (lmao i forgot the right word!) & i love it so much?!whiskers and Bulwark my beloveds omg thats so cute i love love love it
That cliffy tho!totally killed me T my love~
Also loved the options given to mc about their take & hopes about love & their fears? Thank you~
Cannot wait to meet the rest of the cast!!! I am so curious~
Forgive me but i cannot remember if you plan to make ros povs? And can we expect a oportunity to be with ellis?(like hang out? I swear i forgot the word lol) i love her & wish her all the happiness
All in all i love your writings, i wish i had the words to make them justice but all i have is this word vomit lmao i am sorry!!!
Mmm i was planning to make some notes about my mc from bacchanal, would it be alright to tag you? It is mostly hcs but if i say nonsense i would love if you give me some thoughs? Is not biggie if not though
Thank you for your work!!!! I am marching to ask smth in the nsfw blog rn so see you there ;)
Hello!! 🥰
My year has been great so far and I'm finally getting rid of this cold. I hope you get the inspir/motivation you need! You are not the worst at anything, I assure you!
I am so humbled that you love my characters so. I have to say that I'm tempted to pay for portraits of Whiskers and Bulwark just because. And Ellis just needs someone to be their friend 💜 (they are nb btw!)
As for RO POVs... I am always open to them, as I love reading them, but I think for this I am going to keep it to the MC's POV so you are always in the driver's seat.
However... I did say I love reading them, didn't I? After the story is wrapped up I fully intend on making additional paid content with the RO's POVs as well as some pivotal scenes that happen before and during the course of the story but outside of the MC's view. It would be in the form of a new IF where you can upload your save file/put in your character details to make it more personalized.
The MC and Ellis should have at least one scene together before the Bacchanal, but in which chapter(s) I'm not 100% sure. I know what the scene will look like, but I still need to figure out when it should happen. Don't worry, Ellis fans!
Please do show me your notes! I would adore reading any of them!! The tag I follow is #bacchanal-if.
As always, thank you for your interest in my work 💜
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markantonys · 7 months
you play the sims?! 3 or 4? do you use mods at all, and if so, which one? do you keep sim autonomy on or off? sorry for the barrage of questions, it's just exciting to meet someone else who's into them :D
oh my god yes!! sims is one of my biggest obsessions and i don't know that many other people who play (or at least who are as into it as i am) so i'm thrilled to talk about it!!
i will start by saying that my WOT sims shenanigans tag may interest you haha although i forget if you've read the books or not, so be warned of potential book spoilers in my commentary on the behavior of my WOT sims!
anyway, nowadays i exclusively play sims 4. i loved sims 3 back in middle/high school, but i didn't play it for ages after 4 came out, and when i went back to try 3 again a couple years ago, i just couldn't do it haha i know some people like to hate on 4 and yearn for the glory days of 3, but as someone whose favorite aspect is building stuff and creating sims, i prefer 4 because it's MILES better in those respects. i do have fond memories of many hours spent playing 3 though!
then for mods, i try not to go too crazy because i play on my laptop which only has so much storage space, but by now i've acquired QUITE a stash of custom content despite myself (mostly clothes & hair, not as much build/buy stuff). i don't use too many actual gameplay mods though, the only big ones i have are mc command center, lumpinou's open love life mod to allow poly relationships, and pandasama's realistic childbirth mod to add some more depth to pregnancy. romance & family gameplay is my favorite type of gameplay, so those are the areas i'm most likely to download mods for! i also have a few other small mods such as a dating app mod and choosing your own university roommates, just kinda some quality-of-life improvements but nothing majorly game-changing. i've also been getting into pose mods in the past year so that i can stage nice photos of my sims to hang up around their houses!
i keep sim autonomy on, i like giving them the free will to be able to take care of themselves without me needing to specifically command them to do every single thing haha and it keeps things interesting when they're able to take it upon themselves to do something unexpected! (not that i won't go "nope you're not doing that" and cancel the action if i disapprove of it too much djkfgj)
oh i am also curious to know whether you're an aging on or aging off type of simmer? historically i've always been 100% aging off, i've always done rotational gameplay rather than legacy gameplay and so i prefer to keep aging off and just repeatedly make new households within the same world and have my new sims become friends with my sims from the previous households i dropped after getting bored with them, and everybody lives forever and ever until i eventually feel like the world is too crowded and start a brand-new save file. however, just recently i've been playing with aging on in a separate save file because i'm trying a legacy challenge for the first time! it's the whimsy stories challenge and i'm on generation 3 now and am having SO much fun. i definitely can't see myself switching to legacy gameplay forever now, i do still prefer rotational, but it's nice to have one save file where i'm changing it up!
to conclude, i will put in a few screenshots of some of my favorite sims from the past year or so just because i love them so much and want to show them off as if they were my children djkfg please do not feel obligated to read all my rambling about my children! but if you have any favorite sims or storylines that you've done i would love to hear about them!! it's always so interesting to hear what kinds of storylines other people like to go for, it's either "wow you're just like me fr!" or "wow you're playing a totally different game than i am (affectionate and impressed)"
i will preface this by saying that 1) i don't play on super high graphics because i don't want to kill my laptop, so pardon the screenshot quality if any of them don't look great, and 2) half the male sims i've made this year have been redheaded boytoys and i 100% blame rand al'thor for that. moving on!
first, my 3 whimsy stories heirs so far! eva (gen 1, eco nut), iris (gen 2, professor & super parent), and kiara (gen 3, disaster hoe). if/when i finish the whole challenge i'll probably do a post about all the generations because i'll be so proud of myself for getting through it all haha but for now i'll add pics of each of their families as well! for eva and iris it's the final family pic i took before moving on to the next generation, but i'm still halfway through kiara's generation so this is a mid-series pic from her big fat poly wedding.
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in whimsy stories i waited all the way until gen 3 to introduce a redheaded boytoy into the mix, can you believe it? i did not exercise such restraint in the rest of the households in this post.
next, literally just discount rand and mat, i have no excuse. discount mat is named jamie (personality-wise he's not mat-like though, he's a writer) and discount rand i straight up named josha djkfgj to be fair i actually based him off of josha's character in a gay dutch romcom rather than off of rand because i was like "you know what? gay punk jock with a buzzcut is not a genre of sim i've done before." anyway, josha struggled in his life for a while due to having no job and no friends and being a hotheaded loner who is very bad at making new friends, but eventually he became a husband and a dad and a college grad and i was so proud of him!!
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rich single mom natasha acquired a boytoy (eoin), as she should, and had a friends-with-benefits-to-lovers arc with him. yes i did make these sims immediately after watching the randfear storyline in wot s2, why do you ask? also, random picture of a family power walk because i thought it was adorable haha
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her daughter anya had a kickass girlsquad in college and ended up marrying one of them. oh my god they were roommates!
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and finally, possibly my favorite sims of all time, joanna and alex! i don't know what it is about them, maybe just my inner 12-year-old being weak for the "popular jock boy falls for shy nerdy girl" trope jkjfg but i just loved them so much. alex grew from a partyboy into the best and most devoted husband and dad in the world, and joanna from an awkward nerd into a kickass lawyer and novelist. they are also bi4bi which is important information! granted, almost all my sims are bi4bi
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sunmoonjune · 1 year
Moonie !
Ok, so I read in chap 14 like in hwa's bow, the little intricate designs of ateez and bug, and I was really curious about what we're the design for each member since we only that the mountain is san's and the dragonfly is bug's, I'm sorry I'm just really curious😭😭😭 also I really thought that bug's also included her mouth so I always imagined that the worse scars was on her like mouth area (and I lowkey forget how bug is not gn character you just write her so good) also don't rush with the updates moonie take ur time lovely ! <3
Lovely! <3
ok listen this actually might be a little embarrassing, but the reason I didn't list the other's symbols is because I was having trouble coming up with them xD I wanted to add them all at some point tho so it is on my list to go back and put them in!! (I have a long list of things I want to change and add for the final draft of this!)
I originally thought to add the ruby on the hilt of hongjoong's sword as his design, but the jewel isn't supposed to necessarily be a good memory of our captain's past, so I changed my mind (you'll get to see more of this in the future! ;)) )
Yeosang's was going to be honeycomb or something similar too, but I think that the 'honey' idea surrounding Yeosang was something that Bug associated with him so Seonghwa would have something else for him,, if that makes sense?
I also didn't want their symbols to just be their weapons cause I know I associate Yun with his axe and Mingi with his claymore and such but I wanted them to be a little more meaningful :> I also nearly made Yunho's design his three rings that are now in Bug's hair because I think Yun probably would have told Ateez the story of how he got them even tho he doesn't have them anymore (again more backstory on this in the future >:D )
if you have any ideas for them send them my way!! I've been brainstorming but I don't have anything decided yet :D
also!! originally she was going to have scars closer to her mouth but I wasn't sure how the mask would work to cover those too so she doesn't necessarily have any there. her mask does come close down to her lips tho - like the edge often digs into her upper lip and the corner of her mouth, so there is something underneath that gets close to it!
(and also this is another spoiler but bug's gender will actually come into play in the future cause it's an important part of her backstory ;) I think that is the only part that will ever really reference her gender tho! I usually try to write in second person to keep things gender neutral, but I still tag my work as fem! in case I slip up somewhere as I'm used to writing with myself in mind)
and thank you my dear <33 I'm writing more today!! I am very excited to continue so I hope to finish chapter fifteen soon :3 <3
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fritz-fandoms · 2 years
Note: I usually am forgetful on tagging everything. So im probably not going to tag a lot. So it'll be hard to avoid spoilers for anything I like here
Also if you find me from here you deserve to find my main, @fritz-dexter as thats what I use now because hey! I deserve to be a huge nerd on main. Also this list is probably outdated by the time you find this
Hello!!! This my blog for all of the media I enjoy!! My pronouns are He/She. Im not good at segmenting things but heres a Q&A. None of these questions are real but its the best way to format things. Also I'm sorry if the same post shows up more than once. Idk which posts I do and don't reblog. If any of my irls find this, no you didn't.
Q: Whats with your username?
A: Im shit at coming up with username.
Q: Why dont you tag anything?
A: I doubt anybodys seen this blog in a while. Also. Im very lazy. Yeah thats an excuse and I can do better. I just. do not feel like it. sorrh. Thats why I put the note in the front of this post
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Stuff That'll Be Posted/Reblogged
Adventure Time/Fionna & Cake
Dont Hug Me Im Scared
Lemon Demon
Puss In Boots
Shovelware Brain Game
Super Mario
The Property Of Hate
The Scary Jokes
What We Do In The Shadows
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ambreiiigns · 2 years
hey ì know someone asked a rec list for non slasher horrors (which i can't find anymore help??) but i also wanted to ask for a rec list of slasher movies? mostly cuz i don't wanna scroll down your blog everytime i wanna watch a movie and want recs, i'd like a list that i can save somewhere and look at if you don't mind
hello you should be able to find the ask you're talking abt in my ask tag ?!?!? i just made sure i didn't forget to tag it or that it didn't disappear and it is there so. ye just check the ask tag it's in there :^)
i imagine that. if you're asking this. you're not bothered by like gore and shit but still u might wanna be careful w some of these ... just in case ..... always good to check up yk .... u can always shoot me another ask if you don't wanna google the movy lest you get spoilered but ye. just saying
also i'll be doing this 1. assuming that you have never seen a slasher movy ever so sorry if i rec some classics u might have seen and 2. the order is done Vaguely according to which slasher as a character i like more. so u might get something in the top 5 that has a cool character but is a shite movy. doubt it'll happen but i am warning you <3 also ideally i am putting EVERYTHING i have watched so far in this list so BUCKLE UP
texas chainsaw massacre my fucking beloved the mother of slasher movies everything to me bubba leatherface sawyer my fucking BABY coolest character ever if u think abt him for a second. i beg you to not take the movies Or the character at face value even tho it is fine and fun and valid to do that. you don't have to watch the whole franchise bc some of them. are absolute shit. but the first two are a MUST and the two-parts reboot from the 2000s is fine too
black christmas 1974 i do suggest you skip the other two but if you Really want more of it there's a real cool novelization on the internet that i ate up in one sitting. billy's the coolest character bc he's by nature unknowable but if you listen to him & pick up on the implications you actually know virtually anything there is to know abt him and he's interesting as hell. also maybe one of the two or three movies that kinda disturbed me bc some phonecalls just make my stomach turn <3
nightmare on elm street BOOOO FREDDY KRUEGER STINKIEST GUY IN THE WORLD I ADORE HIM SOOOOOO MUCH FUUUUCK REVOLUTIONARY ICONIC FRANCHISE. I LOVE A SUPERNATURAL ELEMENT IN A SLASHER. GOT MY SECOND FAVORITE FINAL GIRL. I CANNOT SAY ENOUGH WORDS ABT HOW GOOD THE MOVIES ARE BUT FREDDY'S ALSO SUCH AN ICONIC SHOW STEALING CHARACTER OBVIOUSLY like he is the worst he's the fuckin. my god. he's. what can you even SAY ABT HIM HE'S THE BEST!!!! you know what i mean he just is unparalleled. fuckin great concept fuckin funniest bitch on the block WHILE SCARY AS HELL like he has got everything and i love him
we're getting close to february so my heart is telling me to put my bloody valentine high on the list. the canadians always put something special in their slashers idk. it might feel slow and unassuming but i actually love it and i love how much it focuses on the characters. i beg you try to find the longer version that didn't cut out the kills bc it's got some of the most fun kills i've seen. there's a bit of a mystery.. a bit of a twist... that i love so much.... and harry warden is like the ONE bitch who has never done anything wrong i support him forever working class ICON HARRY WARDEN I LOVE YOU!!!!!
the firefly trilogy and by this i mean house of 1000 corpses and the devil's rejects you Can ignore three from hell. i know technically rejects is the superior movy but there is nothing to me that compares to the bullshit and fuckery of corpses. it feels like what i imagine an acid trip is like and it's the perfect effect. it was supposed to be a haunted house attraction on some amusement park and it RETAINS that energy of just walking in fucked up room after fucked up room. yea it's just. the best to me. and it's got the BALLS to treat the slashers as the main characters and i LOVE them so MUCH the firefly family is EVERYTHING TO ME you might be fooled into thinking otis is the main guy but i'm only kept alive by the infinite love i hold in my heart for baby firefly my beloved
carrie NOT QUITE A SLASHER I KNOW BUT SHE DID KILL LIKE. 70 PEOPLE OR SOMETHING SO I WOULD ARGUE SHE DESERVES A SPOT?? obviously ICONIC MOVIE ICONIC CHARACTER THERE IS NOTHING I NEED TO SAY ABT IT. we support her rights and her wrongs IF there were any wrongs. she's my beloved she's a great character and we've all been there innit. no one needs me to elaborate on why carrie's cool she just is. she's got magic powers. she's got mommy issues and religious trauma. period will unlock something otherworldly and evil inside of you. everyone loves a good sympathetic ""villain"" which i hesitate to call her. carrie's just the best thing
friday the 13th had to be up high innit. if the chainsaw is the mother the friday is the poster child i truly think nothing else embodies slasher as a genre more than ft13th. it sucks so bad. it was so cheap for so long even tho it was instantly iconic. it LOOKS cheap and iconic. i love pam i love jason i love violence motivated by love and revenge i have no notes it's just thee perfect slasher franchise not the best not my favorite but the quintessence of the genre
the boy 2016 it's BARELY a slasher i just include it as a treat and uhh. actually i can't say anything else bc i risk spoiling it but. brahms' cool. pls watch the movie without looking up anything. and if you've seen me post abt it already and i already spoiled it for you i am so sorry
behind the mask: the rise of leslie vernon everyone should watch behind the mask it deserves the world it deserves a sequel i love it so much leslie is one of the most fun slashers ever if only bc w the nature of the movie you get to know him so well and he's so fun and likeable and charming but when he gets into it he's pretty convincing. it's insane. he's great and the movie's so fun and original i cannot recommend it enough
creep is insaaaane insane insane insane once again barely a slasher but it's one of the most. movies of all time. an Experience. especially the first one. in some ways the slasher here is kinda like billy in that he's unknowable but you love him anyway. it's creative and original and reminds me of behind the mask and it's just honestly Honestly one of my favorites and i love this fuckin guy too
candyman god god god god. in the same vein of nightmare i love a slasher w some supernatural fuckery goin on. also congrats on being one of the very few franchises that got a sequel late in the 2010s that was GREAT. the other sequels aren't bad either tbh they just get weird but they're all a good watch. and the character mr candyman himself he's the beeeest he's in the never did anything wrong category he hashtag saves the bees he's charming and romantic he's got magic powers he's the most stunning man in the history of horror movies easily everything abt candyman's great and he's a great character w a slapping origin story
uhhh scream. sure. you know how uhhh i don't know if it's a spoiler but. the nature of ghostface. makes it hard to care abt him as a character. ifyky. so. i can't put it any higher if i'm ranking based on character. but obviously syd's the focus and she's great and the movies are worth watching forever and always they're wonderful and i think they're holding up well even w the recent sequels
martin 1977 this movy. not Quite a slasher but close enough. the movie's been described as a long character study so you can imagine the main character's enjoyable and you spend a lot of time w him and you get to know him but at the same time you're not really sure you understand what's going on??? he's just a little guy. he's just a scared lonely little vampire guy. i love him and the movie's so underrated it makes me boil w rage
slumber party massacre. don't judge the franchise based on the first movy bc while that's just Fine on its own shit really picks up from the second one. you will never see something like spm2 in your life and you will never find a slasher guy more fun or more iconic or more cunty than the driller killer the love of my fuckin life he's got EASILY the coolest weapon out of ANY of these guys YES. BEATS FREDDY'S GLOVE TOO. and he SINGS AND PUTS HIS WHOLE PUSSY INTO THE PERFORMANCE I JUST CAN'T EVEN PUT INTO WORDS HOW INSANE THIS MOVIE IS
prom night. oh my god. Similarly to slumber party massacre. the first movie's fine if not a bit forgettable. but the second one is what really Matters. prom night 2 has been perfectly described as a mix of nightmare and carrie and it just slaps so so hard. mary lou is incredibly fun and i think she deserved to do everything she did i support her rights and most importantly her wrongs
sleepaway camp it's insane how much i love sleepaway camp but it's one of those movies that you might uh. wanna be careful with? the twist ending to the first movie is kinda infamous and idk some might be a bit. upset by it. feel free to ask for details but. ye i think all four movies are great even tho 2&3 kinda go off the trail and 4 has Nothing to do w them. i love. both versions of The Slasher who i won't name to avoid spoiling it but i love love love love this slasher so so much once again i support the rights And wrongs (which do not exist) of this slasher and it's got some of the most Fun kills you'll ever see w STELLAR bad special effects which are the love of my life
silent night deadly night SLAAAAY this movie's fucked up. it's so brave. look up some cws the inciting incident might be upsetting. it's the second christmas slasher w a killer named billy. this billy has (sing along if you know it) Done Nothing Wrong! he's my little baby have you seen him little face!! he's doing his best! he's my poor little meow meow! he does some super fun kills! i only watched the first two so far and the second's kinda shitty and the others seem to be Weird (derogatory) and i'm not sure abt the 2000s remake i'll update you when i get there but the first one's a fun time
house of wax 2005 boyfriend type of movie i love when the bad guy is a Family i wish we got another movy abt those guys or smth it's a. a fun movie. it's very 2000s. helena's in the end credits. sam supernatural is there. it's one of those movies you can't say too much abt without spoiling who the slashers are even tho it's not good enough to make it worth keeping the secretsbfjakfk JK but i Love them and how they operate <3 real creative artistic activity going on in there! slay!
freaky 2020. instant fave instant classic a very successful recent slasher that keeps the charm of vintage ones imo. i'm down bad for the butcher but i can't rank him higher om account of we don't actually see much Of him due to. the whole Thing abt the movie. the main plot point. he seems like he's a pretty standard slasher big quiet scary dude type so whatever. points for being middle aged and kinda hot
the collector. ummm. really interesting movies. more of a home invasion (first one at least) but it's gorey enough. i like it a lot. the slasher guy is the only one who Kinda scares me simply on account of his mask is absolutely fucked up i hate it i hate it gets under my skin but he's such a creecher i love him. his eyes shine for NO reason. he likes bugs. he's very creative and committed. my bestie
laid to rest Insane Fucking Movies What On Earth. What The Fuck. so bad. shitty ass movies. love them to death. would never watch them again. maybe i'm repetitive but i really mean it this time the kills in this movies???? easily my favorite thing abt them but also easily some of the best kills in this list tbh they're worth watching just for the kills. the slasher guy here is.. confusing... i don't understand him i don't know what's going on... but his mask is cool his name is cool he works on his brand and his Image and i can respect that. reblog to slap his bald head
halloween. yeah. fuck the halloween franchise all my homies don't care for it the movies AND most importantly the killer do next to nothing for me michael myers is thee embodiment of go girl give us nothing not even rob zombie could do anything for her i always love laurie and jamie more than any other thing that happens but like i guess you could watch it if u got nothing else to do lol. lmao. but whatever you do. skip the 6th one
i know what you did last summer OK LISTEN. I LOVE IT ACTUALLY. not the third one i don't know what that its but I LOVE THE FIRST TWO THEY ABSOLUTELY SLAY AND SERVE BUT NAME ONE. I SAY ONE (1) MORE IRRELEVANT AND FORGETTABLE SLASHER THAN THE FISHER GUY. they're a super fun watch that no one should miss out on but they really didn't do SHIT for the slasher guy
honorable mention for chucky the short king i'd place him like right next to freddy but unfort i haven't watched child's play yet on account of having seen so many of them growing up and remembering them well enough that i don't feel like i'm missing out by procrastinating. who does it like chucky. but even more importantly. who does it like tiffany the show stealer tiffany valentine
other honorable mention just bc she's so new to the gang but PEARL????? i THINK she should be added to everyone's slasher list. she's a queen an icon a legend i always need more slashers who are girls i love a good origin story she's got a fuckin pet gator she's so talented i love love love her so much SO MUCH
third honorable mention bc saw is not a slasher but it requires to be mentioned. cool franchise but i'd place it like right after halloween in a ranking based on main slasher bc IF we consider john jigsaw kramer A Slasher then he'd be low bc i fucking hate him so much. light yagami kinda bitch. who do you think you are. i don't hate him for The Crimes obviously i love the crimes! i respect the crimes! i HATE the. arrogance and entitlement of thinking You Know Better and you deserve to choose who deserves to live or die bc what? you had a bad time once? boohoo. suck my dick forever. amanda on the other hand? in this house we love amanda young more than anything else in the world
alright i'm done this is the end i think i have gathered together All the slashers i've ever watched or close. you're welcome i hope this is useful i hope it's like. at least fun to read since i went off the rails. it was fun to write ! so thank you for giving me the chance Lmao. lowkey blushing and kicking my feet thinking someone goes thru my blog just to pick a movie to watch twirls hair in fingers
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shakespearianne · 2 years
How is that for a thank you ? || Eddie Munson x fem!reader (part. 2)
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!henderson!reader
Warning: 18+smut (minors dni), use of weed, swearing, mention of death, a bit of a spoiler for season 4 (fix-it fic) 
Summary: part 2. to this. we finally get to the smut. ENJOY BABES
A/N: Sorry for the delay, I came back from holidays and it turns out that writing good smut in a language that is not your own is waaaay more difficult than I remembered. I'm quite the perfectionist so I took the time to craft something that I would not regret putting on the internet. hope you enjoy! don't forget to like/reblog/tell me what you thought about it blablabla. might write a part. 3 with good ole morning smut. we shall see. (friendly reminder: i am french so if you see mistakes or typos... no u didn't)
Tags: use of y/n, fem!reader, henderson!reader, reader is dustin older sister, reader saved eddie from the dermobats, and now she can’t sleep so she goes to him, you can guess what happens next, use of weed, swearing, mention of death, ennemies to lovers,  mild smut in part. 1 (making out, hickeys, hair pulling), heavier smut in part. 2 (dirty talk, oral (both m and f receiving), rough sex, choking, pet names, hair pulling, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tape it!!) switch!eddie, switch!reader, dumbasses in love), angst, but also fluff and tenderness, Eddie has self-esteem issue because of his scars and reader conforts him, fix-it fic, season 4 ends very differently, reader is a theater kid and a Shakespeare fan, they make lotr references while fuckin SUE ME
Word count: 4.7k
Taglist: @thikkiesixx - @kiarabellerum31 - @chloebeansack
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Eddie was dragging her towards his bedroom, their lips only parting when they needed to breath, their hands only leaving each other’s bodies to open the door and their breathing now in such perfect harmony that Y/N could swear that they were sharing a pair of lungs. She felt the back of her knee bump into Eddie’s bed and immediately sat, pulling the metalhead to her. One hand was on his cheek and the other, palming the promising tent that had formed behind his jeans. Of course he was big, she always had the instinct that Eddie Munson would not disappoint in this department. 
“Easy, princess.” Eddie growled against her lips, dropping on his knees before her. “I have to give thanks to the valiant warrior that saved my mediocre existence from a certain death, remember?” His skillful hands rapidly unknotted the lace of her boots, removing them in a hurry. Once they were gone, as well as her socks, he planted a kiss on the sole of both of her feet. The act surprised Y/N by its deference and she shivered at the sight of a disheveled Eddie Munson, staring at her like she was a goddess. A pool of heat was forming in her underwear and she bit her lips, wordlessly calling Eddie to her. And he heard her. She refused to ask or to beg. She wanted to be in control but when she felt his hands casually finding their way to her thighs, she realized that this battle would not be an easy win. But fuck it. Defeat didn’t sound so dreadful now that Eddie was tantalizingly playing with the buttons of her jeans. 
“For fuck’s sake, Munson!” She cried when he finally started to undress her, but always with a deliberately indolent pace. “If you don’t touch me now, I swear I’m going to leave you there and-“ She choked on her words. Without a warning, Eddie had ripped her panties from her body and parted her dripping fold with a single finger. 
“You’re not going anywhere.” He panted, his face approaching her burning cunt. “Not when you’re so wet and warm and mine.”
Y/N did not had the strength to repress the moan that left her throat when she finally felt his tongue on her. She was no virgin, having already had a few boyfriends before, but this was different. Maybe it was because Eddie actually knew what he was doing, his tongue tracing unknown patterns on her velvety flesh. Maybe it was because he now lapped at her clit – fuck, she didn’t even had to help him find it - like a parched man. Maybe it was because he was genuinely enjoying the act, humming as Y/N bucked her hips, trying to create even more friction between his face and her slit. 
“Patience, my dear.” Eddie chuckled at her eager reaction and he placed both of his hands of her hipbones to keep her still. His gentle pressure on her body was like electricity to Y/N. She gasped and, without thinking, her right hand let go of the sheets that she was clutching seconds ago to intertwine her fingers with Eddie’s. She acted on pure instinct and the look that he gave her, his boyish grin spreading to his soft dimples, made her shiver once more. She leaned her head back, muffling another moan as Eddie flattened his tongue on her core. 
“Don’t.” He croaked between two feverish strokes and Y/N felt the vibration of his deep voice in every fiber of heir being. “Wanna hear you.” A kiss pressed on her thigh. “Want all of this shitty town to hear you.” Lips turned into teeth, kiss shifted into sting. “Let em’ know.” He was marking her, claiming her and the thought of her body carrying his print deepened the sudden wave of pleasure that shook her as she felt one of his fingers playing with the entrance of her cunt. “Let em’ know who got you drenched.” 
“You’ll h-have to d-do b-better than that, Munson” Her back was arching so much that Y/N felt like she was on the verge of snapping. She thought she knew her body, how pleasure altered it but God, how wrong had she been. Because has soon as Eddie Munson swiftly introduced his forefinger into the blazing fire that was burning inside of her, nothing mattered anymore except him. “O-o-oh FUCK!”
Eddie chuckled against her sex and another finger joined the fun while he gently pressed a trail of sloppy kisses on the apex of her mount. “Better, princess?” But if Y/N sensed a touch of teasing, there was also a genuine warmth in his laugh and soon she was joining him in his merriment. 
“Shit, Munson” The side of her face was pressed into the mattress, a mouth agape as her teeth pressed into her lower lip. The wave of euphoria that was threatening to take over her body sharper and sharper as Eddie persisting on making her feel in a way that had been unknown to her before this night. He was relentless, now three digits deep into her, curling them so that they could reach a very special spot that made Y/N feel like she might pass away from such pleasure. His tongue played with her clit with a ruthless dexterity and if the combination of the two hadn’t been enough, Eddie’s moans filled the air of the trailer, harmonizing with Y/N’s whimpers. “You really are a freak, aren’t you?” 
“Trust me, doll, you ain’t seen nothing yet” Eddie’s husky voice was breathy and there was a form of natural authority in his tone that sent Y/N over the edge. Suddenly, everything was too much as a shattering tide took over her. She couldn’t see anything, she could only feel and feel and feel as the delirium turned her sobs into a cry. She heard Eddie, whose lips were back to the flesh of her tights and Y/N would have been incapable of discerning if she was actually hearing his voice or simply feeling the vibration of his shout into her body, translating the sensation into words.  
“Fuck, princess, you’re taking me so well, you’re such a good girl, aren’t you? You got the sweetest pussy I’ve ever seen – shit – never, never gonna touch another one after – oh you got more ?- after you.” His fingers slowly exited her and Y/N cried at the lost touch. She suddenly felt empty and without thinking, she took the hand that had spent the last minutes inside of her cunt and wrapped her lips around Eddie’s soaked fingers. There was a surprising bitterness in her juices but Y/N didn’t have the time to examine it. Bluntly, a scent of smoke descended upon her and Eddie replaced his fingers with his lips.
“Fuck, that was the hottest thing ever.” He smiled against her and Y/N slightly parted her mouth, welcoming his tongue with her own. This kiss was almost kind, and for a moment, it was as though time had stopped. 
Y/N’s entire body was ablaze, blurry from the aftermath of what had surely been the most powerful orgasm of those eighteen years spent on earth. But still, she knew that the show was far from being over and that after giving so much, her partner was more than deserving of a little reward. With shaky hands, she slowly pull herself back in a sitting position, breaking the kiss so that her face would be perfectly situated in front of her new focus point : Eddie Munson’s clothed erection. 
Eddie felt like he was in a trance. In all honesty, he had imagined, dreamed about and even jerked to this scenario multiple times. Y/N Henderson, the bane of his existence and yet the object of all his desires, no matter how borderline pornographic they were, slowly unclasping his belt, her half-hooded gaze fixed on him as she began to undo his zipper. He could have creamed his pants at this very picture. But nothing could have prepared him for what happened next. 
She rolled down his jeans and boxer, leaving no room for imagination as his cock proudly stood, already leaking with pre-cum. He wanted her. God, he had wanted her for ages and he was just realizing it now. Eddie was beginning to comprehend that what he had mistaken for exasperation or annoyance was just pure desire. He sincerely believed that it was just anger that had made him dream about fucking Y/N on his Hellfire’s throne or in the back of his van or even against that damn wood table in the woods behind Hawkins High. But if Eddie Munson was angry when he was aggressively pumping himself to the thought of her bare ass against his pelvis, he was only angry at himself for not having the courage to actually do something about it. It could have been easy. Her little brother worshipped him, he didn’t need any excuses to hang out at her house and they even shared a couple of classes. But Eddie was convinced that Y/N would never see him in such a light. He had thought once that his attraction was one-sided, but boy, he couldn’t have been more wrong. 
And like she was trying to prove his ignorance to him, Y/N slowly pressed her tongue on the palm of her dominant hand, licking it entirely and before Eddie could voice his surprise, this very hand was on his shaft and he was lost. There was no way he could go back to taking himself in hand now that he knew what it felt to have Y/N stroking his length, applying just the right amount of pressure and speed. The only that was missing was-
« Oh fuck-fuck-fuck. » 
She had delicately wrapped her glossy lips around him and the sensation of ecstasy that was building inside him sharpened almost instantly. Her cock was gliding inside of her mouth, the tip finding its path all the way to her throat. She was taking him almost entirely and what couldn’t fit inside of her, she stroked it, leaving not one inch unattended. 
« H-holy shit p-princess » He shuttered « Fuck, you got the face of a saint but the mouth of a-a - shit- a sinner. » 
Y/N hummed with content and the vibration almost pushed Eddie to the edge. She parted her lips to speak but her hand refused to let go of his dick and her not-so-gentle ministrations continued. 
« Wait ´till you see the rest of me. » she humored with a wink and before Eddie could jab back, she ran her tongue on his length, following the route of a particularly prominent vein on his underside. She was killing him. There was something unexpected about this, about the way she was seemingly enjoying this, finding pleasure in offering some to him. Eddie the freak Munson. Eddie the Banished. Eddie the idiot for whom she had been willing to risk her life. But now was not the time to dwell on the past, no matter how recent it was. A kiss, softly pressed at the base of his cock, brought Eddie back to a much more enjoyable reality. Y/N was alternating between stroking, licking and kissing every part of his being. She then engulfed him almost entirely and narrowed her cheeks, staring at him with a gleam that couldn’t let Eddie mistaken. She knew what she was doing. And she loved it. 
« W-wait! Sweetheart, wait! » Eddie never thought that he would have to refrain his own hips from bucking into the mouth of a girl who was giving him what was definitively the best blowjob of his life (not that he had received that many, truth to be told). Y/N let him go from her lips with a distinct « pop! » and the gentle feeling of her shaky breath on his sensitive tip made Eddie shudder, again. « M’ never going to last if you keep doing that and tonight » He took her face between his hands, kneeling so that they were now both at the same level and he pressed a soft kiss on her forehead. « I want to » His lips were now on her cheeks, barely touching them. « Finish » Her jaw was next, and the kiss always more tender « Inside » Then, her nose « Of you ». Eddie had saved Y/N’s lips for last and if the tone of his voice was teeming with lust, his mouth seemed to be carrying a devotion that was almost chaste.
“C’mere, pretty boy” Her inflection was but a murmur but the urge behind it was more pressing than if Y/N had shouted it. Eddie wasted no time, their kiss deepening while he towered above her frame, one hand finding its way on the back of her neck while the other grasped one of her thighs, maneuvering her so that she would lay underneath him on a bed that definitely would soon be adorned with new stains. “I’ll be good to you if you’re good to me.”
“Is that a threat or a promise?” The metalhead chuckled, his nose pressed at the juncture of her neck and shoulder. Y/N giggled at the touch and Eddie made a mental note to find new ways to make her laugh afterwards because this sound was like a symphony to his ears. “I believe you’ll find out soon enough” She tilted her head to him, capturing his lips with hers and the laugh became a moan. Gone was the tenderness, only existed the need for each other. Y/N’s hands were now traveling from Eddie’s shoulders to his lower back, her fingernails gently grazing the fabric of his shirt. Once at the hem, she pinched the clothing between her fingers and started to pull it up.
“Wait.” Eddie blurted, his word an echo of the scene that had taken place a few minutes before. Only this time, his hesitation was not related to an imminent orgasm but it was due to what Eddie could best describe as a form of reticence, modesty even. Y/N probably felt it because her hands were suddenly framing his face with care. “Are you okay?” She inquired, her voice barely a whisper. “Did I do something… wrong?” There was no accusation in her tone, only a sincere concern that made Eddie’s heart twitch. 
“No-not at all, angel.” He hesitated, trying to find the right words to accurately describe to Y/N what was going on in that somewhat crazy head of his. “It’s just that-“ Again, he paused, biting his lips as if that would provide some sort of inspiration. 
“Hey” Y/N murmured, one of her thumb tracing delicate circles against the skin of his cheek “That’s okay, we don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to.”
“Oh, trust me sweetheart, I want to.” Eddie’s chuckle was almost a cry as he covered her hand with his. “I want you.” He pressed his lips into the palm of her hand, searching for courage in the subtle labyrinth of her lines. “I want you so much it’s actually driving me mad. But… But I’m afraid that you will not want me anymore if you see me without the shirt. You see, those fucking dermobats, they kinda took a few pieces of me before dropping dead. Like a little souvenir, y’know? Anyway, I was never picture perfect but now…” He sighed, closing his eyes. “I mean, those scars… They pretty bad.”
Y/N stayed silent for a moment and Eddie feared that he had ruined anything, like he always seemed to do, and that she would soon be running away from him. He didn’t dare to open his eyes, the hurt would be too intense if he saw the rejection in her eyes. Slowly, he felt her moving beneath him, removing her hands from his face and he flinched, preparing himself for the inevitable emptiness that would follow once she would have left the bed. But she didn’t push him away or wormed her way out. Eddie heard the distinct sound of fabric, he felt Y/N shifting and his curiosity got the best of him. He opened his eyes.
Y/N laid there, her shirt now on the floor of his bedroom. Naked. The perfection of her body left Eddie breathless. He had seen his fair share of the female anatomy, but most of it had came from magazines or porn movies. It was nothing compared to the pure realness of seeing her bare in his sheets. The soft curve of her stomach, the oh so enticing prospect of her breasts, the freckles that seemed to form an entire galaxy on her body and… the scars. 
“I’ve got my share of souvenir from the Upside Down, remember?” Her hand found his again, only this time she placed it on her side, where a rosy wound had taken place. Eddie wanted to slap himself for forgetting that she had been there. That she had fought with him. Not only with you, but for you, he pondered. “I found it happens when you basically save the world.” There was a humor in her voice that was contagious, and Eddie found himself smiling. “And truth to be told, I always thought scars were extremely sexy.” 
“Oh, really?” He teased, marveling at how prodigious it as that she had shifted the tone of the conversation back to a playful, flirty exchange. 
“Totally dig that shit.” Y/N nodded enthusiastically. “Makes me feel like I’m about to fuck Aragorn.”
This time, Eddie couldn’t repress the burst of laughter that left his lips. Y/N joined him and in a minute, all of his inhibitions were forgotten. She, the girl of his (wet) dreams, was laying on his bed, naked, beautiful, comfortable enough to show her own scars to him and now she was making Lord of the Rings references? If there was a God up there, he was really on Eddie’s side.
“Well, in that case, can’t keep my Evenstar waiting, can I?” Eddie acted quickly, like he was ripping a band-aid off. Don’t think, just move. He tossed his shirt on the floor and winced at the feeling of his skin, bared and exposed. But before he could mumble any kind of apologies for his appearance, Y/N was pressing her mouth on his torso. With a gentle fever, she travelled across his damaged skin, pecking each of his flaws. She didn’t speak and Eddie was grateful for her silence, for he knew that she was conveying much more by her actions. She ended at the scar that was just below his left collarbone, where a creature had left a nasty scratch, disfiguring the tattoo of a demon that once spread there. 
“Yup.” She hummed, almost as if she was speaking to herself. “Extremely sexy.” She pressed her nose in Eddie’s neck and the sudden intimacy of it was suddenly too much. He needed her, needed to be inside of her and his cock seemed to agree as it twitched against her. A soft moan escaped Y/N’s lips, quickly turning into a chuckle. “Is that Andúril in your pocket Munson, or you’re just happy to see me?” 
“Jesus, Henderson, shut up!” Eddie giggled, shaking his head. There was no animosity in his voice, only warmth. And Y/N must have felt it as well, because she titled her head and with a wink, she simply answered “Make me.”
Their lips reunited once again, without a word. There was no need for it anymore, their bodies dancing in synchronicity, the constant caress of skin against skin resulting in a harmony of moans and whimpers. Eddie reached his hand to the nightstand, having still enough senses to remember that a condom would soon be necessary. Y/N stopped him, her grip gentle on his wrist. 
“We don’t need to.” She smiled, and it was as if she was telling him a secret. “I’m on the pill.”
“Y-you sure?” Eddie almost choked, the thought of fucking her raw almost enough to make him burst like a schoolboy. Y/N lightly chuckled at his reaction, and she brought his hand back to her soaked cunt. 
“I’m sure.” She whined as his fingers found the way to her clit. “Just fuck me Munson, I don’t think I can wait any longer.” 
Eddie didn’t need any other words of encouragement. He took himself in hands, gave his throbbing cock a few strokes and positioned himself at her entrance. He searched for a gaze and Y/N gave him a quick nod before he plunged into her warmth. 
Time stood still. Mouths opened in unison, bodies so deeply intertwined that it was as though they had never been apart. The atmosphere shifted and when Y/N finally spoke, after what felt like a blissful eternity, she pleaded his name.
Y/N realized as she spoke that it was the first time that she was calling him by his first name tonight, and the sheer intimacy of it made her gasp for air. He was everywhere. He had always been a part of her, like a seed planted in the soil of her being, that had grown unbeknownst and that now stood haughtily. She couldn’t escape it now, not even if she had decided to flee this bed, this bedroom, this city. He would follow her no matter where she went. He would know how to find her. It was too late. It was ecstatically too late. 
“Eddie, please, move.” Y/N implored, desperate for more. He was so deep inside of her, and yet that was not enough. But what could be enough with him? Would she ever be satisfied? 
“Fuck, Y/N, you’re so tight.” Eddie groaned, pressing his lips against the flesh of her neck as he began to pull out, ever so slowly that Y/N felt like crying. “S-so tight and so wet and fuck baby, is all of that for me?” He slammed into her as the last word left his mouth and she sobbed instantly. He was even deeper now and it was like his cock was in her chest. 
“S’all for you” Y/N rocked her hips against his pelvis, beginning a luscious dance. “Only for you, Eddie – shit, you’re so big, so good to me”
“M’never gonna last baby doll, fu-u-u-uck you’re clutching me so-o-o good, you’re such a good girl.”
The praise made her insane, years of searching for academic validation turned into a frantic urgency to please him, to make him say those words again. And Eddie clearly understood it by the way she moaned, head tilted backward, fingernails sinking into the skin of his back. 
“Christ, does that turn you on?” His mouth was at her ear, lower than ever and yet louder than a storm. “You look insanely hot right now, makes me want to fuck you again and again and again.” He repeated, each word synchronized with his thrusts. 
“Please” Y/N urged, on the verge of crying “Please don’t stop, don’t ever stop.”
“Your wish is my command, sweetheart.” 
She couldn’t speak anymore after that. Words escaped her mouth like raindrops would flee from a thick cloud, begging to reach the ground. The pleasure was immense, unlike anything she had ever experienced before. His cock glided against the silky walls of her pussy with such swiftness, always crashing into that very special spot that made Y/N feel like she was about to inflame. She was grasping onto Eddie’s back with desperation, hunting for contact. His dick wasn’t enough, she needed to feel his lips on hers, she craved the touch of his hand on her neck, even the brush of his long hair, matted with sweat, against her skin was enough to make her howl.
“M’ almost there Eddie” Y/N cried as another wave of pleasure took over her, threatening to shatter her soul into a million pieces. 
“I got you.” He pressed his thumb onto her clit, tracing excruciating circles against the blazing nerve. “M’ gonna make you cum, will you come for me sweetheart?”
“Oh fuck, yes, yes I will!” Hot tears sprung from her eyes but she felt no shame. She couldn’t be ashamed of how Eddie was making her feel, especially when he collected the drops with his plump lips, as if he was drinking the sweetest nectar. “Make me cum, please, Eddie. Wanna cum for you so bad.”
“Good girl” His thrusts became needier and the drenched sounds of his cock into her made Y/N moan with delight. “Christ, baby, you’re amazing, you know that? I can’t believe I get to fuck you, get to fill you up with my cum.”
“Fill me”” Y/N required in a growl “Mark me, make me yours.”
“You mine?” Eddie’s voice was peculiarly soft, a striking opposition to the rhythm of his body. “Cause I have to tell you, Y/N, I am yours.”
“Y-yes ! Yes, Eddie, I’m yours, I’m all yours!” 
There was no point in denying it now. The truth laid bare and Eddie pulled Y/N against him for a kiss, somewhat tender despite the clash of tongue and teeth. Her vision blurred and a piercing flash of pleasure stroke her. She felt her walls clenching around Eddie’s dick, the juices of her orgasm wrapping him as he reached his own zenith a few seconds after her. He moaned her name and his dick twitched, his warm liquids painting the walls of her cunt. Their hips kept thrusting against each other, riding their common orgasm until the very end. They laid silent for a moment, once they had both given each other a taste of heaven. Eddie’s face was almost hidden in the crook of Y/N’s neck, still inside of her, his cock slowly softening. She was stroking his hair with one hand and his back with the other. 
“That was-” Eddie finally spoke but Y/N ended his sentence “- out of this world”
“I was gonna say ‘amazing’ but that works too I guess” He chuckled against her skin and slowly pushed himself up and out of her. She winced at his exit and he pressed tender kisses on her sweat-covered skin. “I know, babe. But I gotta clean you up now.” 
Eddie swiftly jumped out of the bed and started rummaging through and old drawer. Y/N gazed at how the subtle muscles of his back moved, delicate pearls of sweat adorning his pale skin, dousing him in an opalescent glaze. He finally paused and with a “Aha! Found it!”, he turned around, revealing the clean towel in his hand. Eddie returned to the bed, positioning himself between Y/N thighs and started his gentle ministrations. He was focused yet devoted and Y/N smiled at the sight of his tongue pointing out of his mouth while he tenderly removed the remains of his juices from her warm skin. He looked adorable and as soon as Eddie had finished cleaning the both of them, she wrapped her arms against his neck to bring him close to her.
“C’mere” She softly demanded. “Wanna hug you.” 
“You do?” He appeared to be genuinely taken aback by her request and Y/N nodded, slipping one of her legs between his thighs to further the embrace.
“I do.”
I do want to hug you.
I do want this to be more than a one-time thing.
I do want you.
There was a lot that she was trying to convey with those two words, but she lacked the courage, for now. Eddie seemed to understand it and he pressed her frame against his body. His mouth pressed soft pecks onto her temple and Y/N hummed with content, sleep finally taking over her body. 
“I’d walk onto Mordor for you, you know.”
His voice was barely a whisper and for a second, Y/N thought that she had dreamed it. But it was real and it was now. 
“I know.” She closed her eyes, unable to look at him before she spoke again “And I’d do the same for you.”
“Oh, love, I think you already did when you turned up to smash those fuckin’ bats, looking sexy as hell while telling me I was a fuckin’ idiot.”
“Doesn’t matter.” Y/N smiled against his lips, giving him a gentle kiss. “I’d do it again. Even if you are a fuckin’ idiot.” 
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buckybarnesdiaries · 3 years
i'm not the winter soldier anymore, i'm james buchanan barnes
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© @captaincentenarian
bucky barnes x reader. ⎢ masterlist.
SPOILERS — 1x03!!!
you help Bucky with a panic attack, after coming back from Madripoor.
word count: 1.145 words.
warnings/tags: ptsd situation, panic attack, reader insert.
author notes: none of my stories contain reader’s body descriptions to be inclusive.
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It wasn't inevitable for you to not notice that Bucky had been absent-minded since the three of you came to the bar. The beers were rolling on the table as the chat turned from their mission to Sam's war stories. You were having a good night, sharing laughs and past adventures, disconnecting from work, until Bucky stood up while having a long sip from his bottle. I need air, he just said, causing your other partner and you to look at each other a little confused. You glanced at him leaving the place before putting back your attention on Sam. He waved his head to the exit, urging you to follow the soldier outside.
You didn't need anything else to do it, leading your steps throughout the crowd of people there to find Bucky. Once outdoors and zipping up your jacket, you glimpsed a shadow coming into the next corner to a dead-end street. Rubbing your nose, you continued to the alley without hesitating, hearing some grunts echoing between both buildings. He was there. Hands placed against the wall, head bowed and eyes closed. His chest rose and fell furious, trying to breathe. You didn't think about your actions, putting a foot wrong when you rested your fingers on his middle back.
His whole anatomy shook, walking away from you almost sweating and scared, but ready to attack. Until Bucky laid his eyes on you.
“It's okay, it's okay… It's me”. You intoned using a soft and calm tone of voice.
“Sorry, uh… I just… I can't bre— breathe”. He waved the vibranium hand close to his chest, gasping like a fish out of water.
He was having a panic attack and you knew exactly why. Taking two long strides, you landed a hand on the back of his head and grabbed his flesh hand strongly, guiding him to the closest wall to rest him on it.
“Hey, hey, James… James focus on me, c'mon, focus on me”. You called him, sliding your fingers across his neck to force him to look at you. “Breathe with me, okay?”
Fixing your orbs in his, you show him how he had to do it. Inhaling through your nostrils, holding the air for three seconds, and exhaling it by your nose. He followed your instructions, once and again, until he was respiring quietly and normally.
“Now, repeat with me. I'm not the Winter Soldier anymore, I'm James Buchanan Barnes”.
“I'm no— not the Winter… Soldier anymore… I'm James Buchanan Barnes”.
“That's it… That's it... One more time. Can you say it for me one more time? Please”. Your honeyed tone made his pulse slow down, nodding with his chin.
“I'm not the Winter Soldier anymore. I'm James Buchanan Barnes”. His voice was firm now, finally believing his own affirmation.
“You back?” You whispered caressing his rough cheek using your thumb.
“Yeah… I just… had all those voices… screaming inside my head. I couldn't shut them up”. He explained, squeezing your hand between his digits, rested close to his heart. “That… That… I, uh… In Madripoor… I… I heard Zemo saying how easy was for me to… y'know, come ba—”
“Don't do that to yourself, Bucky. You've worked really hard to be where you are right now”.
“You mean in an alley that smells like peed and puke, having an atta—”.
Again, you didn't think about your actions, slapping his face with your free hand and furrowing towards him. Bucky's mouth dropped to the floor, more than surprised and gulping a complaint.
“Why…? Did you just…? What the hell?”
“You were wandering again”. You excused your gesture. “Want another, uh?”
“Hell, no!” He pouted at you, looking through his eyelids trying to make you feel sorry. “Why a slap? Did you think that was a good way to calm somebody? Why not a kiss?”
“Oh, god… here we go 'gain”. You couldn't help but roll your eyes with the intention of drawing some distance between both, but he pushed you closer till your chests were practically stuck to the other.
“'M not stupid”. He scoffed securing his vibranium arm around your lower back to not let you go.
“I was worried, Buck”.
“See? You call me like that”.
“Like what? It's your name”.
“Uh… Not actually”. The soldier replied, shaking his head to both sides briefly. “Only Steve called me like that, he was my friend”.
“So am I”.
“Are you?”
His gaze made you feel weak, breaking down the walls around your heart that too much time costed you to build. You licked your upper lip with resignation, leaning and resting your forehead on his clavicle. You afforded to close your eyes and tour his neck back to his scalp to tangle your fingers there, slowly, gently, fondly. It was a step to admit your real feelings for Bucky, and he accepted it without refusing.
The soldier kissed your temple to put his chin on top of your head, holding you tighter and rolling down his eyelids to only focus on your caresses. For an instant, everything disappeared around you. The world got emptied. The noise got shut down.
“I was scared. Not for me, but for you”. You confessed, not needing to explain why. He was conscious about your reasons because he was too somehow. “But that's not gonna happen again”.
At the moment you raised your face, Bucky took the advantage to press his lips on your forehead. “How could it, if I have you to remind me who I am?”
“I'm just a plus, Buck. Don't give me a credit you earned by yourself and your constant work. You did it alone, I just supported you”.
“Like fewer people did, and like fewer people do”.
“You've never cared about people's opinion”.
“Yeah, till my relationship with Sam changed. And till I met you”. Bucky affirmed very securely.
“But don't forget you're a fighter. You're strong, you deserve good things to happen to your life”.
“I won't”. He responded, bringing your hand tangled to his flesh one to his lips, placing a kiss on the back of yours. “Thank you…”
“You don't have to”. Clicking your tongue, you couldn't help but roll your eyes. “Let's come back to the bar, we need another round of beers”.
“I can't get drunk, remember?”
“You have so much fun watching me being drunk, remember?”
“How could I forget it? You always make that… horrible impression of my arm, with those… robot noises”. Bucky chuckled, pinching your side and causing you to jump slightly under his grip. Your laugh made him feel better.
“C'mon! You love it!”
“Oh, yeah, I do”. He opened his eyes a little more, nodding his head while placing his vibranium arm on your shoulders, but without loosening the hold around your other hand. “I'd like to see you imitating Sam tonight”.
“Nasty boy…” You joked with a giggle.
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feedback is appreciated. lemme know in a comment if you enjoyed it. and REBLOG!!! 🤍
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