#I Can't Deal With U.A
firedragonx · 8 months
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I Can't Deal With U.A Emojis
Made emojis for my discord server base on my fanfic I Can't Deal With UA which can here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25073974/chapters/60735166 or here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13633519/1/I-Don-t-Know-How-To-Deal-With-UA
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writeriguess · 6 days
Maybe katsuki x reader where everyone forgot reader's birthday but not him?? I'm craving for hurt/comfort angst 😔
The day started like any other. You woke up with a sleepy smile, remembering what day it was. Your birthday. As you got ready, you were excited for the celebrations. You were sure your friends and classmates would shower you with well-wishes and maybe even surprise you with something.
However, as the hours passed, you noticed something strange.
Nobody had said anything.
The usual bustling hallways of U.A. felt unusually quiet, at least when it came to acknowledging your special day. People walked by, engaged in their conversations about training or upcoming tests. Even your closest friends—Deku, Ochaco, and Iida—hadn’t mentioned anything.
Lunch came and went, and still, nothing.
Maybe they were planning a surprise? But even that seemed unlikely by now.
By the end of the day, disappointment weighed heavily in your chest. You sat on a bench outside, watching the sunset. It wasn't like you expected a huge party, but it hurt that no one had remembered, not even a simple "Happy Birthday."
Just as you were about to give up on the day, you heard familiar footsteps approaching.
You didn't even need to look to know who it was.
Katsuki Bakugo.
"Oi," his voice was gruff as usual, but there was something different today. He stood in front of you, hands in his pockets, staring down at you with those intense crimson eyes.
You blinked up at him, trying to muster a smile. "Hey, Bakugo."
"Tch. What's with that face?"
"It's nothing," you lied, shaking your head. "Just... thought today would be different."
"Different, huh?" he scoffed, but there was no bite in his words. Instead, he took a seat next to you, much closer than usual. "Maybe it’s ‘cause you’re surrounded by idiots who can't even remember what day it is."
You raised your eyebrows, turning to him. "You remembered?"
Bakugo rolled his eyes, his gaze shifting away as if he was irritated by the mere question. "What, you think I wouldn’t? You’re stupid if you think I’d forget something like that."
Your heart skipped a beat. While Bakugo was always blunt, his words carried a warmth today that made your chest feel lighter. You had expected him to be the last person to remember, considering how he usually acted like he didn’t care about trivial things. Yet here he was.
He suddenly stood up, yanking something out of his pocket and tossing it toward you. You caught it with fumbling hands and looked down at the small box wrapped in simple, plain paper.
"Happy birthday, idiot," he muttered, his back now turned to you as if he was embarrassed.
You smiled, feeling the familiar warmth of tears pricking at your eyes. "Bakugo... you didn’t have to—"
"Shut up. Just open it."
With shaking hands, you peeled off the wrapping paper and opened the box. Inside was a necklace with a tiny charm shaped like an explosion—a nod to his quirk, but it was delicate, beautiful, and clearly something he had picked out himself.
Your heart swelled with emotion as you looked at the charm, running your fingers over it softly.
"Do you... like it?" Bakugo's voice had dropped in volume, and when you glanced up at him, his face was turned away, a faint blush dusting his cheeks.
You stood up and slipped the necklace on, smiling softly. "I love it, Bakugo. Thank you."
"Tch. It’s not a big deal," he grumbled, crossing his arms. But his eyes flicked toward you, taking in the way the charm rested perfectly against your skin.
For a moment, there was a heavy silence between the two of you, the setting sun casting a warm glow on everything.
Then, Bakugo finally broke the silence, his voice quieter than usual. "You're not as invisible as you think, you know."
You blinked, surprised by his sudden admission. He refused to look at you directly, his eyes focused somewhere in the distance. "What do you mean?"
"I mean," he sighed, clearly annoyed he had to explain himself, "you’re important. I notice stuff about you, okay? Like... your birthday." His voice lowered at the last part.
Your heart fluttered at his words. Katsuki Bakugo, of all people, had been the one to remember when everyone else had forgotten. And more than that, he had gone out of his way to make you feel special.
Before you could stop yourself, you stepped forward and hugged him tightly.
Bakugo froze, his arms hanging awkwardly by his sides as you pressed yourself against him. But after a moment, you felt his muscles relax, and one of his arms moved to gently rest on your back.
"You're not so bad, Bakugo," you whispered into his chest, your smile growing wider.
"Shut up," he muttered, though his grip on you tightened ever so slightly. "You're still a pain in the ass."
You laughed softly, pulling back just enough to look up at him. "Thanks for making my birthday special."
He smirked, finally meeting your eyes, the softness hidden behind his usual fire. "Don’t get used to it, dumbass."
But as you stood there together, the sun setting in the background, you knew that today had been perfect. Katsuki Bakugo, the one who was often rough around the edges, had been the only one who remembered—and that made all the difference.
Requests are open. Send as many as you like.
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reallyromealone · 6 months
Title: adoption 3
Fandom: my hero Academia
Characters, kiribaku and tot reader
Warnings: omegaverse, Omega male reader, dad kiribaku, baby reader, tot reader, platonic
Though he doesn't go out fighing crime, Aizawa was still a teacher at U.A along with his mate Yamada, their son Hitoshi taking the mantle from Aizawa and Eri in grade school, nearly middle school age.
And his late entry son, Katsuki.
Like Hitoshi he was a hero but took more spotlight hero than underground, he was incredibly proud of all his kids and kept photos of them on the Mantel and now? He had a little Omega grandson, the elder Omega would be a liar if he said he didn't spoil the little tot whenever he could.
"There's our grandkid!" Yamada said as the two alphas stepped out of their car and released little (name) from his car seat prison, little bag of goldfish crackers in his hand "are those new shoes? So cool!" The older alpha carefully lifted the tot who seemed chill to say the least, knowing his grandpa very well from their weekend sleep overs.
"You ready to help us today?" (Name) Just needed a checkup from U.As doctors and his dad's were being surprise guests for the heroics classes as a favor so two birds one stone type deal "you get to hang out with me today after your checkup! Yaaay!" Yamada said happily and (name) though not quite sure what was going on but was happy none the less.
"My! You gained two pounds! Good job bud!" The U.A doctor exclaimed, Chiyo having retired a year prior and (name) just smiled at them as Kirishima cheered at (name) who chewed his crackers happily, nothing else mattered after all.
1A was confused as they whispered to one another, what was the surprise that Aizawa had for them? Oh god they hoped it wasn't extreme training!
"Class, I have two people whom I would like you to meet, they have been willing to give a presentation so behave" the teens looked excited as their teacher called the mystery people in, everyone losing their minds as the number one and the number six heroes walked in happily "they are also going to do training with you" Aizawa said after calming his students down.
(Name) Smiled as toddled behind his other grandpa, hanging with the English teacher who looked fondly at him "on listeners, this is my grandson, yes he's an Omega and no you can't go gaga over him, he will come to you when he's ready" Yamada explained as (name) lifted his little arms to be held and the older alpha complied, resting the boy on his hip before continuing his classes.
When the school day was over, (name) was fed and had a nap during the last few periods as Kirishima held him close "(naaaame)~!" He smiled as they stood in the staff room and (name) looked curious "I love you!" He said sweetly and (name) did something he didn't expect"a wo uu!" He said back without a blink and the two dad's grinned "he said it! He spoke!" They doted on him as the grandparents walked in confused "(name), say it again!" Bakugo urged his son who clapped "a wo uu!" He squealed, loving the attention.
"Such a smart boy!"
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faithfulren · 3 months
the unseen heart (pt. 2)
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weeks after the interrupted confession, y/n tries to move on, but their feelings for bakugo remain strong. they continue to interact, with bakugo showing small signs of change and consideration.
weeks passed since your confession, and life at U.A. high continued as usual. you buried yourself in training and missions, trying to distract yourself from the unresolved feelings lingering in your heart. but despite your best efforts, you couldn’t shake the memory of that interrupted conversation with bakugo.
one evening, as you were heading back to the dorms after a particularly tough training session, you saw bakugo sparring alone in the gym. his intensity and determination were palpable, and you found yourself drawn to him once again.
you leaned against the doorframe, watching him in silence. each punch and kick was executed with precision, his movements a testament to his unwavering dedication. finally, he paused, noticing your presence.
"what are you staring at?" he barked, wiping sweat from his brow.
you straightened up, a small smile playing on your lips. "just admiring your technique, bakugo. you never fail to impress."
he scoffed, though there was a hint of a smirk on his face. "tch. you should be focusing on your own training, not watching me."
you chuckled softly. "i was just finishing up. anyway, i wanted to talk to you about… what happened a few weeks ago."
bakugo's expression hardened, and he looked away. "not now. i'm busy."
your heart sank, but you nodded, not wanting to push him. "alright. maybe another time."
as you turned to leave, bakugo's voice stopped you. "wait."
you looked back, hope flickering in your chest. "yeah?"
he hesitated, his usual confidence faltering for a moment. "that thing you said… about having feelings for me. why?"
you blinked, surprised by the question. "why? because… you're strong, determined, and you never give up. you inspire me, bakugo. even if you're rough around the edges, i see the good in you."
bakugo's eyes narrowed, as if he were trying to gauge the sincerity of your words. "you're not just saying that?"
you shook your head, stepping closer. "no. i meant every word."
for a moment, he was silent, then he sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "i… don't know how to deal with this. i've never been good at this kind of stuff."
you took another step closer, your heart pounding. "you don't have to have all the answers right now. i just wanted you to know how I feel. whatever happens next, we can figure it out together."
bakugo looked at you, his usual bravado replaced with uncertainty. "fine. but don't expect me to change overnight."
a smile tugged at your lips. "i wouldn't dream of it. just… take it one step at a time?"
he nodded, a small smirk appearing. "yeah, one step at a time."
over the next few weeks, things between you and bakugo slowly began to change. he wasn't exactly warm or affectionate, but he made an effort to be more considerate. he would spar with you more often, offering tips and advice, and sometimes you'd catch him watching you with that same unreadable expression.
one day, during a particularly challenging training exercise, you found yourself paired with bakugo. the task was to navigate a series of obstacles and reach the goal as a team. you both started off strong, but halfway through, you misjudged a jump and ended up dangling from a ledge.
"hang on, y/n!" bakugo shouted, rushing to your side.
you tried to pull yourself up, but your strength was failing. "i can't-"
before you could finish, bakugo grabbed your arm and hoisted you up with surprising gentleness. you landed on solid ground, panting, and looked up at him in gratitude.
"thanks, bakugo. i owe you one."
he grunted, his expression softer than usual. "just focus on not falling next time. let's go."
you nodded, and together you completed the exercise. as you reached the goal, a sense of accomplishment and camaraderie filled the air. bakugo turned to you, his usual scowl replaced with a rare, genuine smile.
"good job, y/n. you did well."
your heart swelled at his words, and you felt a surge of hope. maybe, just maybe, things were starting to change.
one evening, you found yourself on the rooftop again, staring at the stars. the door creaked open, and you turned to see bakugo stepping out, a rare look of contemplation on his face.
"bakugo? what are you doing up here?"
he shrugged, leaning against the railing beside you. "needed some air. what about you?"
you smiled, looking back at the night sky. "just thinking. it's peaceful up here."
for a moment, you both stood in comfortable silence, the cool breeze rustling your hair. then bakugo spoke, his voice unusually soft.
"y/n, about what you said… i think i understand a bit better now."
you looked at him, surprised. "really?"
he nodded, his gaze fixed on the stars. "yeah. i've been thinking about it a lot. and… i guess i don't hate the idea of us being together."
your heart skipped a beat, and you took a step closer. "bakugo, are you saying…?"
he turned to face you, his eyes serious. "i'm saying that i want to give this a try. i can't promise i'll be perfect, but… i want to try."
tears of joy welled up in your eyes, and you smiled, feeling a weight lift off your shoulders. "that's all i ever wanted, bakugo. just to try."
he smirked, reaching out to wipe a tear from your cheek. "then let's take it one step at a time, together."
you nodded, your heart full of hope and happiness. as you stood on the rooftop, under the starlit sky, you knew that this was just the beginning of a new chapter. one where your love for bakugo was no longer unrequited, but a journey you would embark on together.
TAGLIST : @yoyolovesdaiki
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minus-plus-zer0 · 27 days
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Beauty Pageant Headcanons
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♡ Genre: Fluff ♡ Pairing: Bakugou x Reader
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You entered the U.A. Cultural Festival's beauty pageant, with Bakugou acting as your coach.
How the hell did this happen? Well, you both lost a bet with Ashido, that's how.
The girl ships you two pretty hard, and although she doesn't always say it directly, it's obvious from her behavior. She rigged the bet in her favor just to get you together like this.
Bakugou's livid, but you hold him back from committing murder. You're really good at keeping Bakugou out of prison, it's like your second Quirk at this point.
So instead Bakugou turns his attention to you, and he starts ranting about how it's not TECHNICALLY murder if they don't find the body, but you're not having it and you're really just fighting for Ashido's life here.
Ashido knows not to invest in life insurance, but instead to invest in YOU. That's why she's letting you deal with this while she scurries into hiding for the foreseeable future.
Anyways, you and Bakugou are stuck together. Lucky you!
He's blaming you for this, since he knew it was a trap by Ashido. But you were just too cute and sweet, too willing to go along with whatever Ashido was planning, and that's what got you into this mess. He's really trying to convince you to not defend her at every chance, like you do with EVERY Bakusquad member he attacks, but it's hard to find his arguments persuasive when her life is in mortal peril, so you dismiss his anger pretty easily.
He HATES having his anger dismissed, and this only makes him more pissed. You try to calm him down, like you always do, all sweetness and smiles.
You're actually not even 100% against the idea of entering a beauty pageant, so it was easier to convince you than it was to coerce Bakugou into even being here. He can't understand your giddiness right now, it's more confusing to him than Ashido's.
But Bakugou is yelling your ear off while you check out the various clothes available on the clothing rack. You're trying to find something real cute and your style, but there's nothing that catches your eye. You're still looking through the racks and you're a little worried nothing is gonna look good on you.
Bakugou notices you worrying and he criticizes a lot of the outfits available here. He's got an eye for fashion, given that his parents work in the industry. But he usually doesn't pay attention to fashion magazines, models, beauty pageants, it's all stupid useless shit to him. That's another thing you disagree on.
But you're a bit embarrassed about wearing any of these outfits around him, knowing he's so critical. Regardless, he's grabbing some clothes off the rack and pushing them towards you and directing you to the changing room to try it on. Shyness be damned.
You put on the first outfit he gave you, but it's showing a bit too much skin and you're wondering what the heck was running through his mind while he picked this.
He's telling you to show yourself already so he can judge it but you're no fool. You say you can check it over yourself haha, no need to see this and to embed it into your memory forever haha!
Well he doesn't agree. "Stop being shy and get over here!"
"Make me!"
He can't exactly do that, now can he? He's flustered at the thought.
"...Can you please come out? I won't fucking judge you, alright?"
'Please' is a rare word coming out of his mouth, and you're one of the few he tells it to. So you do as he asks.
You emerge from the changing area, wearing the outfit he picked. He's checking you out in a thoughtful and not creepy way.
"That one doesn't work," he says, paying no attention to your offended expression. "Try the next one."
This goes on for the next few outfits. You didn't know what he was looking for, but he wasn't getting it. To be honest, you weren't really fond of how some of the outfits looked on you either, which made the whole thing more disappointing. Your earlier giddiness is gone.
"Can we stop?" you ask. "It feels like I'm ugly no matter what I'm wearing."
Bakugou opens his mouth to speak, then closes it. He looks like he's thinking his next words over carefully. Then, the words fall right out of his mouth before he can stop them.
"You're NOT ugly. They're all gorgeous, but none of them are the best. We need the best to win."
You're shocked he just called you 'gorgeous', but he's shoving you back into the changing room before you can keep looking at his embarrassed face.
After trying on some more outfits and being repeatedly shoved around by a red-faced Bakugou, you emerge one final time. Still red, Bakugou is now grinning like a serial killer and you hope that means good things.
"Perfect." Bakugou's grabbing your hand and he's pulling you out of the dressing room. "We gotta go practice your routine!"
Before you can even comment on his reaction, you're at an adjacent private training ground for contestants. You're distracted by trying to get him all tomato-faced again. You're pinching his cheeks saying "Where did that other guy go? The one whose face could change colors? You looked so similar, was he your cousin?" but Bakugou's warding you off and telling you to work on your form.
You spend a few hours perfecting it until Bakugou's finally happy. By the end, you're questioning Bakugou about why the heck he even cares so much, but he's telling you that it's getting late and you both should shower and get some dinner.
Post-shower and dinner, you're looking around for Bakugou who's been avoiding you all evening. You're a little hurt. You text him asking him why he's ignoring you. He finally texts back, saying he's not ignoring you and to come over.
You're allowed into his dorm room, and he's waiting for you on the balcony. He's out here alone in the dark, with the balcony lights on and with nothing but his phone. His screen shows your texts.
You take a seat beside him and then pinch his cheeks.
"Ow! What was that for?"
"For avoiding me like I've caught a disease! Bakugou, I thought we were buddies?"
He's grumbling to himself. "I wasn't trying to hurt you, dummy."
"Then what were you doing?"
He's looking away from you and you're trying to catch his expression. Then, he finally meets your gaze, embarrassed but determined.
"I know you care a lot about this crap, and it'd make you sad if I didn't even fucking try to help out. It's not my fucking thing, but I'll make sure you win."
He looks a little torn before he says the next thing.
"Because I love you, alright?"
You're kissing him now and he's shocked, you almost wish you could've taken a photo of that cute flabbergasted face before he pulls you in by the collar, kissing you back. It's his first kiss and you stole it right from under him, and he couldn't be happier.
The big day comes. You've prepared as much as you can with your (now) boyfriend the night before. Ashido is nowhere to be found, she'll likely in the crowd somewhere.
You complete your routine as planned, it's very cute and it's very you, but it wasn't a crowd favorite. Nejire ends up winning anyways. Bakugou doesn’t get it, all he’s seeing is you after the contest is over, happy as hell he picked out that outfit for you because you look great in it as he's kissing you passionately.
To him, he still knows you're the best in his heart, and that's what matters most. He's happy knowing that he got you and that Ashido's days are still numbered.
You enjoy the rest of the Cultural Festival, and you and Bakugou make sure to find some private alone time now and again…
Until Ashido texts you, saying "So have you asked him out yet?"
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Beside You...
Pro Hero Bakugo ♡ Pro Hero Reader
Friends to Lovers
Summary: Bakugo always held victory close to his heart, but he held you closer.
From being kids in the playground, to freshly new homeowners talking about marriage, and til you both took your last breaths with a smile... you were the thing he held closest.
(This is Bruno Mars and Lady Gaga's fault for cooking up Die With A Smile. Had me in my feels.🫠)
TW: ANGST !! and some suggestive writing but no smut. Read at own risk.
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Age 6
Bakugo knew from a young age who he's supposed to be. Even as kids change their future occupation to astronauts to doctors, he never had doubt. He was meant to be a hero. He was meant to protect you.
"Hey! Stop pulling my hair it's not funny!"
The young blonde hears your cries from a mile away as two of the older kids from the playground tug your hair and take your toy away.
"Or what? you're just a pathetic weakling who can't even fight back." The two kids laugh as they continue to torment you.
Suddenly, a big explosion was directed at the two bullies sending them flying. Bakugo had never had such perfect precision with his quirk before. It was his first perfect and biggest shots he's had since his quirk manifestation.
"Die you extras! If you even think about bullying her again, I'll blow you to bits!" He barked like a high squeaking chihuahua standing in front of your body that was thrown down from the blast. Safe to say you never saw those bullies again.
"Get up. Your dress is going to get dirty." Bakugo huffs, sounding angry but still holding his hand out with a blush.
Your eyes widen as you take his hand to get up, and you give him a big hug, causing him to be taken aback.
"You're my hero!"
Bakugo never went to the park without you after that. Not if both of your parents wanted to deal with constant crying/yelling from the two of you...
Age 14
After the U.A. exams, you and Bakugo sit in his room as you hold your head in your hands in defeat.
"Stop sulking. You don't even know if you got rejected yet." He says in his usual huff but still holds your hair back.
You mailed your results to his house so you could open it together.
"Easy for you to say. You had the highest points. I swear it took me forever to get one robot when I was too busy saving others from getting mauled by theirs." Y/n sighs as she reflects on the exams.
"I don't know Kats, I think I did better in the Shiketsu exam than I did U.A. I'll probably only be getting the acceptance there." You groan as you wipe some tears from your face.
"Shut up. You don't know shit yet." He said earning a scoff.
"I know I did dog shit at the exam, and that's enough. Sorry to say, but I don't think we'll be in the same class, or even the same school."
"I'll go to Shiketsu then."
You let out an audible laugh before looking at his face, dropping you smile instantly.
"Holy shit. You're serious?" You say before shaking your head. "No, you can't. Your dream is UA. Don't be switching shit up just because of me." You say before turning your body towards him.
"I don't care where I get my license at. I'm still going to be number one. No matter what. Beside can't be training if your ass is getting into trouble the whole other side of town",He said, rolling his eyes as he looked away from your widened gaze.
"Katsuki-," you say before getting cut off.
"Don't make a big deal out of it, princess." He quips, signaling to you that's the end of the discussion. He's going where you go.
Silence falls between the two of you until the sound of a car is heard right after. You both rush to get the letters and begin to open them. Revealing two holograms of All Might congratulating them on their acceptances to Class 1-A.
You grab him and jump up and down from excitement.
"See you idiot. You were overreacting." He says with his usual smirk. You roll your eyes. Maybe you were being a bit dramatic.
"Yeah, but still.." You say before kissing his cheek, causing him to freeze up. You smile at him.
"Thank you for wanting to cheer me up and wanting to stay by me."
His stares at your beautiful smile before looking away.
"Tch. Always, you big baby." He says before pulling you into his arms as you laugh.
Your romantic relationship didn't wait long after that moment.
Age 22
"Last fucking box." Bakugo grunts putting down the box down in the empty living room filled with the rest of the labeled boxes. While your slumped body lays on the couch, you just assembled.
Something about wanting to make the house feel more homey for the time being or procrastination for unpacking Bakugo calls it. Still, he takes the opportunity to lay next to you.
"Why didn't we just keep our apartment." You groan as you look at him. He glares at you.
"You were the one that suggested buying the house in full, princess." He said. They both earned quite a bit the last year and had money to spare.
"Besides, that place was getting too cramped for all our shit. You know this already." He says before grabbing your face as you pout.
"Ugh, but now we have to unpack all of this." You say as he smushes your cheeks. You wrap your arm around him.
You both lean in for a kiss, embracing the comfort of the couch. You both pull away and sit up, looking at all the boxes.
"Cmon, get your ass up and help me unpack." He says, trying to reach for a box before you blurt out.
"Let's get married today."
Just as he thinks you can never surprise him, you say shit like that.
He was planning on marrying you, like hell he would buy a house just for a girlfriend. You were his first and only, no doubt. But he didn't expect how this would play out.
"What?" He says in a shell-shocked tone.
"The court house doesn't close til 9. We still have time to make it over there. So what do you say." Going up to him with a sheepish smile.
"Fuck no." He says to you while you pause, smile dimming while thinking you misinterpreted his goals with you.
"Oh. Okay. Yeah, it was stupid ide - "You say before getting interrupted.
"Fuck that's not what I meant, Babe." He says before grabbing your pulling away figure.
"I wanna marry your ass, but I'm not doing it at a courthouse just because you're trying to avoid moving into our damn house." He says before peppering you with kisses. His grip on you tightening.
"I just needed to make sure that meant moving into a home meant what I thought it meant." You mumble between kisses. Wrapping your arms around his neck.
"Of course it does, dumbass." He says, deepening the kiss as he walks and pulls you down to the couch. Falling into each other's embrace.
It's definitely a creative way of getting comfortable in the new home.
Age 45
"Fucking shit" Bakugo groans after the building collapsed on the two of you by the villian you both were trying to stop for months now.
"Katsuki." You weakly groan beneath him as the raging headache ensued from the collision of the building.
Bakugo look around them, sighing in relief as he realizes his wife is okay, and so is he. He tries to get but stops when he hears you yelp in pain.
"Stop, don't move, Katsuki!" You breathe tiredly. Only then does Bakugo look down and see the large metal bar piercing the two of you together. It's shocking the two of you are still alive.
Bakugo looks into your eyes as you whimper in pain. His adrenaline is beginning to stop as he winces in pain, too. But he puts on a brave face.
"Shh.. Fuck. It's okay, baby. We're going to get out of here okay, rescue shouldn't take long." He now says breathlessly holding you close.
You smile weakly at him, grabbing caressing his face.
"You're no liar, Katsuki. It's okay." You say while your voice cracks with emotion. He grits his teeth as tears spill out of his eyes.
"I'm sorry... I can't save us this time, baby " He says, choking on tears and blood. Your tears beging to spill, too.
"There was still so much I wanted to do with you." He sobs out as you listen, sobbing too.
"Fuck, we should've stopped ages ago, our stubborn asses. Should've retired early, go on a vacation, fuck maybe even had a child or two." He huffs out in a sad laughter as you both realize just how different your lives could've been if you had stopped being heroes year before.
Maybe your guy's death would have been more peaceful; one with old gray hair and wrinkles.
You give out a weak laugh. Your vision starts to get smaller, so you try to soak up every last detail of your husband's face.
"I don't regret this." You say choking on your blood. He stares lovingly into your eyes. His vision too slowly giving out.
"I loved that I got to spend every moment with you, Kats. I fucking love you're annoying ass so much. I couldn't imagine breathing without you next to me." You say with a weak smile, gasping for air with each pause.
Bakugo weakly smiles back at you as he brushes the debris off your face. Taking your beauty in for the final time.
"Good thing we don't have to" He says his final comeback as he pulls you in and puts his lips on yours.
Taking each other's final breath...
[If] our time on Earth was through, I'd wanna hold you just for a while, and die with a smile.
If the world was ending, I wanna be next to you~♡
Alternative Happy Ending
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Shut up, I'm not crying you are 😭.
It's literally one of the most emotional pieces I've ever written in my life.
Blame Bruno Mars and Lady Gaga. 😭
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thebunnednun · 1 month
You're my Coffee
Shouta Aizawa x Pro hero/Teacher! Reader
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After a distressing call from a Japanese hospital, you learn your friend Nemuri Kayama (Midnight) has briefly awoken from her coma and is desperately screaming for you.
She makes a final request: take care of her students if she doesn't survive.
So you pack your bags and move to Japan, only to find the students at U.A. High School traumatized by the Hero War. Aizawa is struggling to help them, and Nezu is overwhelmed trying to find therapists while managing international scrutiny over the students' involvement in the war. Aizawa panics when Nezu informs him of your arrival, as your hero profile is so blank he can't find decent information about you, despite your international headlines.
Your start is rocky, worsened by your initial deception of pretending to be his new student. The students are unsure what to make of you, but they’re drawn to their new pretty art teacher and soon so is their handsome grump of a teacher.
With the media down his neck, Nezu offers you a deal: Get the kids to seek therapy, you to graduate with your psychology doctorate. Aizawa’s catch: If you fail or harm them, you walk away from being a therapist and hero altogether.
All while facing your own trauma, and the affections of those strange cats...
Tw: PTSD and mentions of violence and mental distress.
Song: SZA - Good Days
----------------------Chapter 1: Who are you?------------------------
The day had been a rare opportunity for the new Class 2-A to unwind and explore the vibrant shopping district surrounding U.A. Academy. With a Saturday all to themselves, students scattered across the mall, relishing the chance to indulge in personal interests and bond outside the confines of their classrooms.
In the heart of the bustling mall, the comic store beckoned with its colorful displays and eager customers. The windows were adorned with colorful posters of heroes in dynamic poses, and the entrance was flanked by life-sized statues of popular heroes. The air inside was thick with the scent of new books and the faint buzz of fluorescent lights overhead.
Izuku Midoriya, his face lit up with joy, led a group consisting of Ochaco Uraraka, Tsuyu Asui, Tenya Iida, Shoto Todoroki, and himself towards the store's entrance. They were drawn by the promise of hero memorabilia and the back to school discounted prices plastered all over the building.
Hey, kids gotta ball on a budget!
As they entered, the store buzzed with energy. Fans of all ages flipped through graphic novels, their fingers brushing the glossy pages, while others scrutinized shelves stocked with hero-themed merchandise—action figures, posters, and keychains, all meticulously arranged to catch the eye. The walls were lined with shelves, each packed to the brim with comics, some new, others worn and well-loved. A few children darted between the aisles, their laughter mingling with the murmur of conversations.
Izuku gravitated towards the section dedicated toToshinori, his eyes wide and scanning for any rare collectibles he might have missed. The rows of action figures stood proudly, their detailed designs catching the overhead light. Posters of All Might in his prime covered the walls, Izuku's gaze lingered on each one, and his eyes softened.
"Hey, Izuku, check this out!" Ochaco's voice rang out, pulling him from his reverie. She held up a keychain featuring a miniature All Might in his signature hero pose, the small figure almost glowing in her hand. "Isn't this adorable?" She smiled brightly, the corners of her eyes crinkling with joy.
Izuku's face brightened, his eyes widening as he stepped closer to examine the keychain. "That's awesome, Ochaco! I wonder if they have any figurines or posters I haven't seen before." He began to peruse the shelves again, his fingers trailing lightly over the edges of the boxes as he searched for something new. His gaze darted from one item to another, his excitement slowly giving way to disappointment as he realized there were no new All Might items to add to his collection.
Izuku sighed softly, the sound almost lost in the ambient noise of the store. His rewards points burned a hole in his pocket, the card resting in his hand as he glanced around the store, hoping for a hidden gem.
The sweet old lady store clerk noticed his dilemma and smiled warmly at him. "Can't find what you're looking for, young man?" She had allowed the Izu-crew to browse before offering her assistance. 
Izuku shook his head, feeling a bit crestfallen. "Not this time, Mrs. Sakamaki. All Might stuff tends to sell out quickly." He shuffled slightly, one hand slipping into his pocket as he spoke, the other still clutching the rewards card.
Mrs. Sakamaki, was a sweet old lady store clerk with a kind smile and gentle demeanor. Her silver hair was neatly pinned back, and she wore a cozy cardigan that seemed to match the warmth in her eyes. 
Mrs. Sakamaki's eyes twinkled with a mischievous glint, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "Well, how about considering something new? Have you heard about Charge Bomb? She's quite the rising star, you know." She leaned in slightly, as if sharing a secret, her voice full of enthusiasm.
Izuku's head tilted slightly, curiosity evident in his tone, and interest piqued, " Charge Bomb? "
Mrs. Sakamaki nodded enthusiastically, her smile widening as she reached behind the counter. With a practiced hand, she retrieved a medium-sized figurine of Charge Bomb, complete with her signature explosive star emblem and perching pose. 
The figure was expertly crafted, capturing the details of the hero’s ebony mask and cloak. "She's gaining quite a fanbase lately. People say she's as electrifying as her powers!"
Izuku hesitated for a moment, his eyes tracing the details of the figurine in his hand. The weight of it was reassuring, and he could feel the craftsmanship in every groove. "I've heard a bit about her. She seems really strong." He turned the figure over, examining it closely, the gears in his mind turning as he considered adding it to his collection.
Ochaco teased him lightly, nudging Izuku with a playful grin. "Come on, Izuku. Even if All Might isn't here, you can expand your horizons a bit!"
Tsuyu ribbited in agreement, her lips quirking up in a small smile. "Ribbit. Midoriya, you might discover a new hero to admire." Her eyes twinkled with amusement as she watched Izuku's inner debate unfold.
Izuku chuckled sheepishly, feeling the support of his friends. "Alright, alright. Charge Bomb it is. Thank you, ma'am." He offered Mrs. Sakamaki a grateful smile as he handed over his rewards card, the anticipation building within him as he added the figurine to his growing collection.
"This Charge Bomb figure is incredible," Izuku exclaimed, his eyes wide as he examined the action figure in his hands. He was doing that mumbling thing and they were happy to see him geek over something other than All Might. It was good to see him like this. 
He needed this. 
"Yeah, but she seems so distant, like she's always avoiding questions in her interviews," Ochaco remarked, her gaze shifting to a nearby display of hero-themed posters. She reached out to adjust one that had slipped slightly out of place, her fingers brushing the paper lightly.
"She's probably just focused on hero work," Shoto chimed in quietly, his eyes scanning the shelves with detached interest. He reached out to pick up a comic, flipping through the pages absentmindedly. "I've seen her in action in some civilian videos. She doesn't waste time or energy." He placed the comic back, his expression thoughtful.
Tsuyu, standing beside Shoto, nodded in agreement. "Ribbit. Maybe she prefers a direct approach, focusing on getting the job done without unnecessary risks." She leaned over to pick up a comic featuring a leapfrog character, holding it up with a teasing smile before lightly punching Shoto in the arm for showing it to her.
Iida, who had been diligently scanning through hero strategy books, joined the conversation with his trademark earnestness. "Indeed. Charge Bomb's reputation stems from her precise tactics and adherence to hero regulations. She's a model of efficiency." His posture was as rigid as ever, but there was a spark of admiration in his eyes.
Ochaco nodded knowingly, a small smile playing on her lips. "That's part of her appeal. Charge Bomb is known for her no-nonsense attitude and her skill in taking down villains efficiently. But when it comes to interviews, she's a bit elusive. Always dodging personal questions with a touch of humor. I would love to get away with that! Those interview questions always make me so nervous." She glanced over at Izuku, her expression softening as she saw the thoughtful look on his face.
Izuku's brows furrowed slightly, a mixture of disappointment and fascination crossing his features. "It's amazing how she manages to stay mysterious even with all the attention she's getting." He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, still holding the Charge Bomb figurine as he contemplated the enigma that was this new hero.
Tsuyu, always the voice of reason, chimed in to lighten the mood. "Maybe she just wants to keep her private life private. It adds to her mystique, kero. Don't you think?" She tilted her head slightly, her wide eyes filled with understanding.
"Yeah, I guess you're right," Izuku agreed with a small smile, his shoulders relaxing as he let go of his earlier disappointment. ‘ She's definitely someone I want to learn more about.’ He glanced around at his friends, grateful for their perspectives.
Their conversation was interrupted by Iida, who had found a stack of hero biographies nearby. He straightened up, holding one out to Izuku with a determined look. "Have any of you seen this? It's a comprehensive guide on hero rankings and strategies. We should study this for our next training session." His enthusiasm was contagious, and soon the group was huddled around the book, discussing its contents with renewed excitement.
Meanwhile, nearby, Eijiro Kirishima trailed after Katsuki Bakugo through the bustling mall, his grin wide and infectious. The air was thick with the mingled scents of food and perfume, and the cacophony of shoppers' chatter created a lively atmosphere. Kirishima's energy was palpable as he practically bounced on his heels, his excitement barely contained.
"C'mon, bro, let's hurry up! I wanna check out those romance novels you were talking about," Kirishima urged, his voice brimming with enthusiasm. His red hair caught the overhead lights, giving it an almost fiery glow, and his broad smile seemed to brighten the entire aisle.
Bakugo grunted in response, his usual scowl softened slightly by Kirishima's persistent cheer. He had a reputation to maintain, but Kirishima's unwavering smile always managed to crack through his tough exterior.
The corners of his mouth twitched as if resisting a smile, but his eyes betrayed a flicker of amusement. They navigated through the maze of aisles, their footsteps echoing against the polished tiles. The aisles were lined with displays of books and manga, with colorful covers vying for attention. Bakugo’s eyes darted toward a stand of novels, his expression turning contemplative as he contemplated a particular title.
Nearby, Mina and Aoyama were in their element, quoting vines and hunting for discounted products, their vibrant personalities on full display. Mina's laughter rang out as she twisted open a bottle of lotion, the fruity scent wafting into the air. 
Her pink skin seemed to shimmer under the store's lights, matching the lively energy she exuded. Aoyama, ever the picture of elegance, carefully examined a row of lip glosses, each one sparkling under the lights like miniature jewels. He held one up to the light, admiring its glittering hue with a flourish of his hand.
Being a crusty bitch is a crime in their book. 
"This one captures my essence perfectly," Aoyama declared with a dramatic flair, his voice lilting with confidence as he made his selection. Mina chuckled, shaking her head in amusement as they made their way toward the counter.
Denki and Sero, not far behind, were engrossed in a lively debate over their favorite music band. Their voices rose above the ambient noise of the mall, attracting a few curious glances. Denki gesticulated animatedly, his eyes bright with passion as he defended his choice. "I'm telling you, their new album is fire! The beats are insane!"
Sero countered with equal enthusiasm, a mischievous grin on his face. "Si, pero like , the lyrics in their older stuff hit harder. You can't just overlook that!" His arms crossed over his chest, a challenge in his posture as he awaited Denki's rebuttal. Their exchange was playful, filled with an easy camaraderie.
Not far off, Jirou sat quietly with Momo. Jirou’s earbuds were plugged in, the faint sound of music just audible as she perused a rack of graphic tees. Her expression was thoughtful, her fingers brushing over the fabric as she considered her options. 
Occasionally, she glanced over at Momo, who was absorbed in selecting art supplies from a nearby shelf. Momo's concentration was evident in the way her brows furrowed slightly, her lips pursed in determination as she compared different shades of sketch pencils.
Near the food court, Sato and Koda were in their element, sampling soft pretzels from a nearby vendor. The aroma of freshly baked dough filled the air, mingling with the scent of warm butter and salt. Their faces lit up with delight as they bit into the savory snacks, the crunch of the pretzel giving way to soft, chewy perfection.
"I’m gonna make this back at the dorm!" Sato declared, his eyes wide with pleasure as he took another bite. Koda nodded in agreement, his usually shy demeanor momentarily forgotten as he enjoyed the treat.
In the midst of the mall's eclectic offerings, Toru and Ojiro found themselves browsing through racks of matching T-shirts and pajamas. Toru's laughter was infectious, her voice light and bubbly as she held up a pair of pajama pants covered in cartoonish animal prints. 
"These are so cute! Ojiro, you should totally get a pair to match!" she teased, her invisible form barely discernible except for the clothing she held.
Ojiro chuckled, his tail swaying behind him as he examined the T-shirt in his hands. "Sure thing, these tees would look pretty cool on you," he said, holding up a shirt with a simple yet striking heart design. His expression was relaxed, content in the easy banter they shared.
Further down the mall, the Hot Topic store exuded a darker, edgier vibe. The walls were adorned with posters of alternative bands, horror movie memorabilia, and gothic accessories that attracted a certain crowd. 
Fumikage Tokoyami and Mezo Shoji were drawn to the store's unique collection, their interest piqued by the array of darkly themed merchandise. Tokoyami's eyes gleamed with approval as he browsed through the selection of black hoodies and band T-shirts, Dark Shadow flickering in and out of view as it reacted to the ambient darkness.
Shoji, towering beside him, was more methodical in his approach, carefully examining each item before making a decision. His multiple arms moved with practiced efficiency, picking up and setting down items as he weighed his options. There was a quiet intensity to his movements, his nature calm but intensive.
Hitoshi Shinso, the newest addition to Class 2-A, stood nearby, quietly observing the array of mystery novels lining the shelves. His expression was unreadable, but his eyes held a spark of curiosity as he reached out to pull a book from the shelf. The cover was dark and foreboding, promising a tale of intrigue and suspense. Shinso flipped through the pages, his mind already piecing together the story within.
As the afternoon unfolded, the tranquil atmosphere of their shopping expedition was abruptly shattered by a sudden commotion echoing from the mall's main atrium. The cheerful chatter and the hum of activity were quickly drowned out by a chorus of panicked voices. 
Shoppers and storekeepers alike scrambled to escape the center of the chaos, their hurried footsteps reverberating through the marble floors.
"What's going on?" Shoto asked, his voice low as his eyes narrowed, instinctively sensing something was amiss. The cool air around him seemed to grow colder as he prepared for the worst.
Izuku's gaze darted towards the source of the disturbance, his expression sharpening with determination. "Something's happening. We need to check it out!"
With a unified nod, they abandoned their purchases and hurried towards the scene, their training as future heroes kicking in instinctively. They weaved through the bustling crowd, the throngs of people parting in their wake as they sprinted toward the mall's open space. The vibrant colors of store signs and displays blurred around them as they closed in on the source of the disturbance.
When they emerged into the atrium, the sight that greeted them was one of utter chaos. A villain stood at the center, their body crackling with electricity, causing nearby electrical appliances and lights to flicker and malfunction dangerously. 
Sparks flew as lights exploded overhead, sending shards of glass raining down. The air buzzed with the raw, uncontrolled energy that pulsed from the villain.
Ochaco's eyes widened in alarm. "We need to stop him before he causes a blackout!"
Before any of them could spring into action, a brilliant flash of light erupted from the villain's direction. The intensity of the glow momentarily blinded them, but when their vision cleared, they saw a figure stepping forward from the crowd—a woman dressed in unassuming civilian attire. 
Despite her inconspicuous appearance, her presence commanded attention. There was a quiet power in the way she carried herself, her gaze steely and focused as she assessed the situation.
"Everyone, stand back!" she called out, her voice firm and authoritative. 
Izuku and his classmates exchanged surprised glances but held their ground. watching in awe as the woman unleashed a burst of energy from her hands. Their initial confusion gave way to awe as the woman raised her hands, now crackling with energy that mirrored the villain's. 
She moved with a fluid grace, her actions deliberate and controlled. In one swift motion, she unleashed a concentrated burst of energy that shot through the air with blinding speed.
The energy blast struck the villain with pinpoint accuracy, the force of it sending them stumbling backward. The villain's powers sputtered out, the crackling electricity around them fizzling as they crumpled to the ground, unconscious and harmless. The once rampant chaos that had filled the atrium dissipated almost immediately, leaving behind a stunned silence.
The woman lowered her hands, the energy dissipating as quickly as it had appeared. She remained poised, her eyes sweeping over the now-subdued scene before landing on the group of young heroes-in-training. Izuku’s breath caught in his throat, the sheer power she had displayed lingering in the air.
"Thank you for the backup, but I've got it from here," she said, a hint of a smile playing on her lips as she acknowledged their readiness to jump into action. She quickly restrained the villain before pulling out her phone and called for backup, her voice calm and authoritative. 
"This one's neutralized. Send a team to secure the area."
Within moments, the sounds of sirens filled the air as police and other pro heroes arrived to handle the situation. Relieved, the woman now turned to the students, her eyes locking onto Izuku's for a moment longer than the others. Her gaze was intense, as if she recognized something in him.
"You're all heroes in training, right?" she asked, her tone firm but not unkind. It was weird how her presence was both commanding and serene. The way she carried herself exuded a quiet confidence that spoke volumes about her experience.
They nodded, still processing the sudden turn of events and the display of power they had just witnessed.
"Good," she continued. "Stay out of the way and let me handle this. Head back the way you came."
Reluctantly, they complied, feeling a mix of relief and frustration. Some of them were eager to jump in themselves, but the recent war had left a few of them wary of rushing into unknown danger.
Her eyes lingered on Izuku for a moment longer than the others, a fleeting exchange that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up in a way yet to be understood.
There was something about that look that he couldn't quite shake, a feeling that would stay with him long after they left the mall.
As they regrouped outside, Kirishima was the first to voice what everyone was thinking. "That was so cool to see in person! The way that off-duty pro handled it without anything getting damaged was so manly!" 
"Yeah, but it's kind of a bummer our trip got cut short," Mina added, pouting a little as she remembered the bags they had left behind.
Some of the students remained quiet, their minds replaying the events that had just unfolded. The atmosphere was a mix of lingering adrenaline and reflective silence. Izuku and Bakugou, in particular, seemed more shaken than the others. The encounter had stirred memories of past battles, memories that were still too fresh to ignore.
Ochaco noticed Izuku's distant expression and gently placed a hand on his shoulder. "Izuku, are you okay?"
Izuku blinked, snapping back to reality and forced a smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking about how strong that lady is. It was incredible." His mind was still replaying the moment when her eyes had locked onto his, trying to decipher what it meant.
The group made their way back to U.A., the towering building a comforting sight after the unexpected events of the day. As they entered the common room, they were greeted by the sight of other classes returning to their dorms, their faces reflecting the mixed emotions of a day interrupted by the unexpected.
In the common room, Aizawa was waiting for them, his usual stern expression softened slightly by their safe return. The class brightened upon seeing their teacher, and they quickly crowded around him with excitement, eager to share their experiences.
"Dadzawa, look what I got!" Kaminari exclaimed, holding up a new band poster with a wide grin..
"Check out my new lip gloss!" Mina chimed in, showing off the shiny tube she had managed to purchase before the chaos erupted.
"I got some new hair dye!" Kirishima announced proudly, holding up the box with a toothy grin.
"One at a time," Aizawa said, raising his hands to quiet the enthusiastic students. "I'm glad to see you're all safe. Now, tell me about your ‘mall adventures’ ."
As the students eagerly recounted their shopping trip, showing off their new trinkets and purchases, Aizawa listened patiently, occasionally nodding and responding to their stories. The atmosphere was lively, the students' spirits lifted despite the earlier interruption.
Finally, Aizawa raised his hands again, silencing the room. "Alright, listen up. A new teacher will be joining U.A. while completing her Doctorate. Treat her with respect and learn from her."
Mina and Kaminari immediately perked up at the news. "More details, please!" they chorused, their curiosity piqued.
Aizawa's stern look silenced their pleas. "She will be your new art and history teacher. That's all you need to know for now."
“Ugh, lame!”
Some of the students, especially Mina and Kaminari, let out groans of disappointment. "But, Mr. Aizawa, can't you tell us a little more?" Denki pleaded, his curiosity getting the better of him.
"I understand you all have questions about the new teacher joining us," he began, “But she has asked to remain anonymous at this time. She is to arrive there in three weeks time and I expect you all to give her the same respect you give me.” 
After looking around the room he sighed through his nose, “Hell, make it more respectful. Remember that you represent U.A.”
“But—” Kaminari started to protest, but the stern look Aizawa gave him made him quickly back down.
"That's all for now," Aizawa said, his tone final. "I expect you all to welcome her respectfully. Now, it's time to get ready for tomorrow."
With that, he dismissed them, and the students broke off for the evening, the lively atmosphere gradually returning as they scattered to their respective rooms. Izuku, however, was still deep in thought. As he entered his room, he carefully set up his new Charge Bomb figure on his desk, placing it alongside his other hero memorabilia.
Sitting down, he opened his hero notebook and flipped to a fresh page. His mind raced as he began sketching the mysterious woman, trying to capture the essence of her stance and the way her eyes had locked onto his. Each line he drew was careful and deliberate, his concentration intense as he tried to understand what had transpired.
As he sketched, he jotted down a few notes:
Name: Mall stopper
Quirk: Unknown, but likely related to energy manipulation.
Appearance: Mysterious, not in costume during the encounter.
Personality: Commanding presence, but not rude. 
Additional Notes: Encountered at the mall while stopping a villain. Avoids citizens getting harmed. 
Seemed to recognize me?
Izuku stared at the page for a long moment, his pencil hovering over the paper as he pondered the day's events.
He still had many questions, but he knew obsessing over it would disrupt his sleep schedule again.
But he knew he couldn’t sleep. 
Grabbing his phone, Izuku dialed his mother's number. The dorm room was quiet, the soft hum of the air conditioner and the occasional distant laughter of his classmates the only sounds breaking the silence. His fingers tapped nervously on the phone case as he waited. It didn't take long for her cheerful voice to come through the receiver.
"Hi baby! How was your day?"
"It was good, Mom. We went to the mall and... something interesting happened," Izuku began, recounting the day's events and the encounter. As he spoke, he could hear the concern in his mother's voice.
"Just be careful, Izuku. I'm glad you're safe," she said, her tone gentle and loving.
“I promise, Mom. I’m tired of everyone thinking I’m in love with that hospital bed.” He chuckled softly, trying to lighten the mood.
Inko giggled into the receiver before her tone took a softer approach. “You know, sweetie, you can still come home when you can’t sleep. I’ll handle your teacher.”
Now the idea of his adorable mom dealing with the physical embodiment of a grumpy cat that was his teacher was tempting but he really didn’t want to put her through that. 
"I know, Mom. But I’m fine, really!” Izuku replied, a small smile playing on his lips. The thought of his mother's comforting presence was tempting, but he was determined to manage on his own.
“Okay, if you say so. Make sure to get good rest tonight.”
“Goodnight, Mom," Izuku replied, feeling a sense of comfort wash over him.
"Goodnight, sweetie," she said before blowing a kiss into the phone and hanging up.
As he lay back in bed, his mind raced with thoughts of the new teacher and the mysterious pro hero. The encounter at the mall had been brief, but it left a lasting impression, fueling his curiosity and excitement.
“Who are you?” he muttered to himself, staring at the ceiling. 
The moonlight cast shadows across his room, giving it an almost ethereal quality. The day's events replayed in his mind, the adrenaline and wonder still lingering. 
The gentle hum of the air conditioner became a lullaby, blending with the distant murmurs of his classmates as Izuku's thoughts gradually began to quiet. He could still feel the intensity of that woman's gaze,  the warmth of her presence as vivid in his memory as if she were still standing before him. The encounter had left him with more questions than answers, but those questions could wait for tomorrow.
As he lay there, his thoughts slowly settled, and the comforting warmth of his conversation with his mother began to soothe the last remnants of his restlessness. The image of her familiar smile and the sound of her voice reminded him of the safety of home, a place where he was always welcome.
He shifted under the covers, finding a comfortable position as the day's events continued to fade into the recesses of his mind. His eyelids grew heavier, the exhaustion finally catching up to him. Izuku's last conscious thought was a whispered promise to himself to uncover the mystery behind the pro hero who had left such a strong impression on him.
In the stillness of the night, the world outside his window continued to turn, but within the quiet of his dorm room, Izuku finally surrendered to sleep. Dreams of heroes, battles, and new beginnings filled his mind,
As the dorms settled into a quieter atmosphere, Bakugou lay in his bed, staring at the ceiling. The buzz of late-night conversations and the distant sound of someone playing music softly on their phone faded into the background. His room was dimly lit, the moonlight filtering through the blinds, casting a faint glow across his tidy desk and the posters on the wall. 
Bakugou could hear the rhythmic breathing of his classmates through the thin walls, and while that used to annoy him and still kinda did, it was a comforting reminder that he wasn't alone, even in the stillness of the night.
His phone buzzed, breaking the silence. Glancing at the screen, he saw his mother's photo flash across it. With a resigned sigh, he answered, propping himself up on one elbow.
“Oi, Katsuki! I saw you on the news at the mall today,” Mitsuki's voice boomed through the phone, as loud and commanding as ever. Apparently some people had taken videos of the villain attack and he was spotted in the background. 
“You need to take it easy. Remember your heart? And your arm?”
Bakugou grumbled, running a hand through his unruly hair. "I'm fine, Mom. Just a little leave-"
“Fine, my ass! Have you picked a therapist yet?” she demanded, her tone leaving no room for argument.
"I don't need one," Bakugou retorted, irritation evident in his tone. His free hand clenched into a fist, the tension palpable.
"Don't you give me that, Katsuki! You're my son, and I won't let you walk around with your trauma eating you alive," she snapped back, her fierce tone unmistakable. Some shuffling was heard in the background before a muffled “Fine!” Bakugou rolled his eyes, feeling the familiar mix of annoyance.
A gentler voice came on the line. "Katsuki, it's Dad. You know All Might and Aizawa found some really good professionals for you. You don't have to worry about your... verbal constipation with them. We understand you don't want to talk to us about it, but we love you and want you to be okay."
"The little squirt knows that already!" Mitsuki cut in, snatching the phone back. "You already know that we love you. If we didn't, we'd just let you do whatever, and you'd be a bigger asshole than you already act like."
Bakugou grumbled something incomprehensible, but his mother cut him off again. "This isn't up for negotiation. You don't have to talk to us about it, but you are going to heal, and that's final."
There was a pause, and Bakugou finally sighed, the sound heavy with resignation. "I get it, Mom. I’ll... I’ll think about it."
The line went quiet for a moment, the tension easing. "Good. We love you, Katsuki. Goodnight," Mitsuki said softly, her voice carrying a rare note of tenderness.
"Love you too, Mom. Dad," Bakugou responded, his voice uncharacteristically tender, the words surprising even him.
‘What the fuck is wrong with me?’
Katsuki watched as the line hung up and he clicked his phone off and stared back up at the ceiling, a sense of warmth washed over him. His parents' concern, though sometimes overbearing, came from a place of deep love. Even if he didn’t want to admit it. 
He took a deep breath, letting it out slowly, and allowed himself to relax. The worries and frustrations of the day seemed to melt away, leaving him with a rare sense of peace. 
For the first time in a while, he felt a bit lighter. Bakugou’s mind was quieter than usual, the echoes of his parents’ voices lingering in the back of his thoughts, offering a strange comfort he wasn’t used to acknowledging.
He wasn’t one to lean on anyone, not even his parents, but something about the way they’d insisted, the way his dad had gently nudged him while his mom pushed with her usual force, made him reconsider. It was a rare moment where their concern didn’t feel suffocating, but grounding. It made him think about the things he’d been pushing down, the way he’d been ignoring the nagging feelings that crept up on him in the quiet moments, like now.
The moonlight continued to cast soft shadows across his room, and the distant sounds of his classmates—now more like a comforting white noise—faded further into the background as he focused on his breathing, steady and even. Bakugou wasn’t sure when he’d started to rely on these moments of solitude to sort through his thoughts, but tonight, they didn’t seem as overwhelming as they usually did.
He’d never admit it to anyone, but the idea of talking to someone—a therapist, of all people—wasn’t as off-putting as it had been before. Maybe he was just tired, or maybe the events of the day had worn him down more than he realized. 
Or maybe, just maybe , the thought of unloading some of the weight he carried didn’t seem so bad. But that was a decision for tomorrow. For now, he let the warmth of his parents' love settle in, something he wasn’t used to acknowledging but found comforting nonetheless.
Bakugou let his eyes close, his breathing slowing as sleep began to take over. For the first time in a long while, the tightness in his chest eased, replaced by a sense of calm that was almost foreign to him. He wasn’t sure what tomorrow would bring, but tonight, he was content with the knowledge that he didn’t have to face it all alone. 
And with that thought, he finally drifted into a deep, undisturbed sleep, his usual scowl replaced by the faintest hint of a relaxed expression.
Across the dorms, a restless atmosphere pervaded the night. The air was thick with the weight of unspoken fears and lingering trauma, wrapping around each student like a suffocating blanket. 
In one room, Sero and Denki were engaged in an intense game of Mario Kart, the room illuminated by the flickering screen. Their eyes were dry and heavy with fatigue, yet their determination kept them focused on the game. Sero's fingers flew over the controller, his competitive spirit shining through despite the exhaustion. 
Denki leaned forward, his brow furrowed in concentration, occasionally letting out a frustrated groan when he lost a race. The game was a distraction, a desperate attempt to stay awake, to avoid the nightmares waiting on the other side of sleep. They wanted to stay awake, afraid to drift off with the lights off and let the flashbacks creep in.
Down the hall, Jirou sat cross-legged on her bed, her guitar resting gently on her lap. Her fingers trembled as they strummed the strings, testing out the reconstruction of her ear. Tears streamed down her face, glistening in the soft glow of her bedside lamp. 
She winced from the phantom pains, her breath hitching with each painful cramp that surfaced. The melody she played was soft and mournful, echoing the lingering trauma within her. Each note seemed to resonate with her heartache. She closed her eyes, trying to lose herself in the music, hoping it would offer some solace.
The music was a refuge, a way to express what words couldn’t—her pain, her fear, the lingering terror that her body was still recovering from. She focused on the vibrations of the strings, trying to drown out the phantom pains and the memories of the screams and explosions. 
Wounds that no melody alone could fully heal.
Kirishima tossed and turned in his bed, the sheets tangled around his legs. His brow was furrowed in distress, and beads of sweat dotted his forehead. He fought against the blankets as if they were the villains he’d faced, his body rigid with tension. Kiri was trapped in a nightmare, locked in a never-ending battle with a mysterious figure. 
His hardened skin, usually a source of strength, offered no protection from the terror gnawing at his mind. He clenched his fists physically, his muscles tensing as he fought off the invisible enemy, but the fear remained, a relentless killer.
In another room, Tokoyami paced back and forth, his mind a storm of anxiety. The pacing was erratic, each step driven by a nervous energy that had no outlet. Dark Shadow hovered nearby, mirroring his agitation with restless flutters. 
Sato, sitting cross-legged on the floor, had tried to bake away his stress, but the pile of untouched pastries on the table told a different story. The sweet aroma of cookies and cakes filled the room, a stark contrast to the bitterness of their shared unease. Sato just stared at the pound cake he had made, his eyes unfocused. 
He couldn't bring himself to eat it, the sight of the cake stirring up memories of happier times that now felt distant.
How it mocked him now. 
Shinsou was in Koda's room, perched on the edge of the bed. The room was dimly lit, casting soft shadows that danced gently with the movements of the little creature. Koda's gentle strokes seemed to calm not only the bunny but also the tension that had been building in Shinsou's chest all night. 
Koda's touch was careful and soothing, a therapeutic distraction from the darkness that loomed over them. The bunny's nose twitched, and Koda smiled faintly, a brief respite from the weight of their worries. He would need to sneak his cat in soon.
In the kitchen, Momo and Mina stood side by side, giggling softly as they made fried egg rice, the gentle sounds offering a momentary escape. 
The familiar routine of cooking offered them a small slice of normalcy, a way to focus their minds on something other than the gnawing anxiety that had settled in their stomachs. The soft clink of utensils, the sizzle of oil in the pan, and the aroma of fried egg rice filled the air, creating a comforting backdrop to their hushed conversation.
Their laughter wasn’t forced, but the enthusiasm was a mask for their lack of appetite and the anxiety that gnawed at their insides. 
Momo's hands moved with precision as she flipped the eggs, her mind clearly elsewhere, but the rhythm of the task kept her grounded. Beside her, Mina stirred the rice, her usual energy dampened but still present in the jokes she told. 
They had made a pact to eat together, finding comfort in each other's company. Maybe during one of these meals, they would find some semblance of peace, even if just for a little while.
In Tsu's room, the atmosphere was different, heavy with the shared weight of darkness that clung to them like a second skin. Ochako and Tsu had taken to sleeping in Tsu's room, both girls haunted by nightmares. They found comfort in each other's presence, huddled together under the covers like two lost children seeking shelter from a storm. 
Ochako’s hand moved gently through Tsu's hair, her fingers weaving a calming rhythm that seemed to blend with the steady beat of their hearts. Tsu's voice, usually so strong, had softened to a croak as she whispered back reassurances, her words mingling with Ochako's in a comforting lullaby. They clung to each other, finding safety in the closeness.
Todoroki sat cross-legged on the floor of his room, his hands resting on his knees as he tried to meditate. His mind, however, was a war  zone, haunted by the image of his brother's burnt remains being hauled to prison and the knowledge of his parents' impending divorce. His scar throbbed painfully every time he thought about it, the physical reminder of his family's turmoil adding to his mental anguish. He took deep, measured breaths, trying to calm the storm inside him, but the images persisted, a relentless assault on his peace. 
In another room, Aoyama sat hunched over, clutching a pillow tightly against his chest. He was allowed to stay at the school, but now he used tactical weapons, a constant reminder of the shame he felt. Tears streamed down his face, his muffled sobs filling the quiet room. The guilt of his actions, the sense of betrayal he had inflicted on his friends, weighed heavily on him. He whispered apologies into the night, his voice cracking with each word. The moonlight that spilled through his window bathed the room in a cold, silvery light, but it did nothing to lift the darkness that had settled over his heart. He didn’t deserve their forgiveness. 
Iida scrolled through pictures of him and his brother, his heart aching with every swipe. The blue light from his phone screen cast a lonely glow in the dark room, reflecting off his foggy glasses. He wanted to call his brother, to hear his voice, but hesitated, worried about not appearing strong. He didn't want to burden anyone with his feelings, even though he longed for the comfort of his brother's voice. He clenched his jaw, fighting back the tears that threatened to spill over, the weight of his responsibilities pressing down on him.
Elsewhere in the dorms, Toru and Ojiro were connected by a fragile thread of comfort, falling asleep together on the phone. The silence was comforting, but they would panic if they couldn't hear the other breathing. Hatsume had finally made Toru a suit that would protect her and disappear with her during combat, but Toru hadn't wanted to put it on for a long time. They both dreaded the return to classes, haunted by the visions of devastation and innocent lives lost. The phone line crackled softly, their breathing synchronized in a fragile connection that kept their fears at bay. 
Mineta and Shoji sat quietly in Shoji's room, each lost in their thoughts. Shoji's large hands rested on his knees, his eyes distant as he stared at the floor. The memories of past battles and the fear of suddenly losing his classmates gnawed at him relentlessly. It was a fear that clung to him, insidious and ever-present, like a persistent bug he couldn't shake off. 
Mineta, usually boisterous, was unusually quiet.  The usual sparkle in his eyes was replaced by a haunted look, the guilt of his past behavior towards Mt. Lady and Midnight, and his female classmates, feeling icky and disgusted for treating them so pervertedly when they almost died weighed heavily on his conscience. The near-death experiences they had all faced brought him a new perspective, making his previous actions feel vile and unforgivable. The shame and regret twisted in his stomach, making it hard to meet Shoji's gaze or anyone else's.
The silence between them was heavy, but their presence provided each other a small measure of comfort.
The dorm was filled with a heavy silence, each student grappling with their own demons. Despite their proximity, they felt isolated in their pain, struggling to find a way to heal from the scars of the war. The evening stretched on, each tick of the clock a reminder that the night was still young. 
And then there was Shouta Aizawa, awake in the stillness of the night with little Eri asleep in his arms. The soft, flickering light from the children's show on the television cast a gentle glow across the room, creating a cocoon of warmth and tranquility. Eri, nestled against his chest, was fast asleep, her breaths coming in gentle, rhythmic intervals. 
Aizawa's fingers moved softly through her hair, the silky strands slipping through his touch as he offered silent reassurance with each stroke. He knew he should tug her into bed, but he couldn't bring himself to do it just yet. He needed a few more minutes with her warm presence, a reminder of the fragile yet resilient life he was entrusted with.
Aizawa's eyes wandered to his laptop, the screen dark and waiting. He sighed, knowing there were reports to review and emails to answer, but he decided it could stay shut. The digital demands of his work could wait; this moment with Eri was too precious to cut short.
His thoughts drifted to you, the new hire who had been a topic of much discussion. He didn't know much about you other than what Nemuri had mentioned before in passing and now in her lucid moments before slipping back into her coma. 
He was visiting that night when Nemuri awoke and kept screaming your name, an indication of some message he didn't yet understand. You were coming over from somewhere outside Japan, and your media stunt piqued his curiosity. 
Your hero name had made national headlines a few months ago when you openly condemned the world government for letting the villain situation in Japan deteriorate to the point where high school students had to step in as heroes in an interview. This statement had sparked national outrage, the impact of your statements was still reverberating throughout the world.
Parents, politicians, teachers, pro heroes, retired heroes, activists, universities, civilians and students had reshared the clip, their responses ranging from agreement to vehement opposition. Your boldness had shaken the status quo, making waves in a community that was already shaky and possibly past its edge.
Nezu’s decision to bring you on board was a calculated move, but the details of that calculation remained elusive. As the principal of U.A., Nezu was known for his shrewd, strategic thinking. If Nezu saw value in you, it was likely due to some unique qualities or capabilities you possessed that could benefit the school in ways not immediately apparent. There had to be a reason, a calculated move that Aizawa hadn't yet deciphered. 
As he continued to stroke Eri's hair, he felt a mix of skepticism and curiosity about your arrival. What could you bring to U.A. that Nezu found so necessary? What kind of impact would you have on the students?
Eri stirred slightly, her tiny hand clutching his shirt. Aizawa smiled softly, his worries momentarily pushed aside.
He knew you had been spotted in Japan several times, not just as a spectator but actively involved in aiding the capture of remaining villains and providing relief to the heroes. 
Your efforts extended beyond direct action; you had initiated several charities and secured sponsorships to support families devastated by villain attacks and heroes who were affected in the line of duty. These actions had garnered you a significant following and earned you a reputation for being a force for good in times of crisis.
Yet, despite your public persona, you maintained a guarded privacy. You refused to disclose details such as your age, height, or the reasons behind choosing an all-black shroud for your hero costume, apart from its emblem. You seemingly avoided media attention, declining certain magazine features and interviews. 
Instead, you channeled your "celebrity" status towards advocating for societal change and supporting humanitarian causes. It was simple, if they wanted to talk to you, they had to donate. Your reluctance to engage with the press directly and your selective disclosures raised Aizawa's suspicions and defensive instincts, particularly when it came to the well-being of his students.
He was an underground hero himself. Why so worried?
Because he knew they were all suffering. 
Nezu was in the process of trying to find a school therapist team that could be on call. And it killed him that he couldn't do anything about it other than allowing trips to the mall and being there when they got back. So he did not need a 'mysterious' loose cannon of a teacher negatively affecting them in any way. Any additional information he requested was denied under your contract binding the school to not show your image, ever. As far as he knew, only Nezu and Nemuri knew what you looked like.
He valued transparency and reliability in those who interacted with his students, qualities that seemed elusive in your case. The contrast between your public deeds and private secrecy only heightened his wariness.
Eri shifted in his lap, and Aizawa decided he didn't want to think about negative things while holding her. He gently scooped her up, placing her in her own bed and kissing her forehead before tucking the covers around her and turning on her cat night light before shutting the door, but not all the way. He made sure the nightlights in the hallway and bathroom were working before he forced himself to sleep in his bed and not on the couch because it was closer. 
The darkness of his room offered a semblance of peace, but his mind remained active, turning over the complexities of the situation with you. It was his duty to safeguard his students from any potential threats, and that included being cautious about new additions to their environment.
As he closed his eyes, he tried to push aside the anxieties that had plagued him throughout the day. The comfort of his own bed, the familiar surroundings, and the knowledge that Eri was safe in the next room helped to ease the tension in his head. He had seen enough to know that vigilance was necessary, but he also knew that excessive worry would not serve him or his students well.
It didn't matter if you did end up being a bad influence. He would keep a close eye on you and be ready to stop anything that would harm his class.
Taglist: @elarakive, @thealtofvalleyxdoodles, If you wanna be added lemme know!
Chapter 2 is here.
That was the first chapter! So far there are 3 posted on my ao3 account.
I own none of the images or art!!!
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I promise I bite~
See you soon my loves!!
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slyvieselkie · 2 months
Sweet As Bonbon - Aizawa Shouta
Check out my masterlist for more!
⋆˚✿˖°🍰♡ ༘*.゚⋆˚✿˖°🍰♡ ༘*.゚⋆˚✿˖°🍰♡ ༘*.゚⋆˚✿˖°🍰♡ ༘*.゚⋆˚✿˖°🍰♡ ༘*.゚⋆˚✿˖°
Bonbon is an adorable nickname, everyone can agree, not many believe it should be associated with a man like him. When everyone ask who 'Bonbon' is, you show them your favourite photo with a bright grin. They expect the most charming, handsome, young man that has the sweetest smile...only to find Aizawa Shouta.
Smiles freeze as they take in the man on the tiny screen. A man that seems much older than you, with long messy hair, exhausted dull eyes, and an unkempt stubble. Well, that was definitely a surprise. Especially since the photo you show is one of his insane smiles, psycho adjacent. But no one has the heart to wipe the giddiness you show, so they smile respectfully.
You can tell he's not what they expected, nothing about this man is sugar and chocolate. Even his colleagues laugh at the nickname thinking you were just teasing Shouta, until they stop because the two of you aren't. Everyone grows seriously concerned that you're actually serious. The blonde man, Hizashi, glances between you and a pissed Shouta, "...You're definitely getting cat-fished, run girl-". Hizashi gets cut off by the cloths wrapping around his throat and everybody panics. Later that night you ask Shouta, what was that about? The black haired man waves your worries away, "Nothing, he's just chronically stupid."
But even the man himself can't help but wonder, all the time. He thinks about it a few times a day. Like when he decides to sneak into the shower with you, you'll squeal "Bonbon~!" at him before making room for his surprisingly large form. Or when you bring his forgotten lunch to U.A. He'll finish a class and return to the teachers' office to find everyone passing your sweet note with cute bonbon faces. Shouta despises how the word haunts his life and mind. He hates how everyone makes a big deal out of it and wishes the word never existed. But the man would also hate it if you stop calling him that, because you say it with so much love and affection. The day he stops being "Bonbon"...is the day you stop loving him.
He finally gets his wish on a random Sunday when he returns from his morning run. After stopping by the fridge for some cold water, Shouta makes his way for the bedroom when he hears your voice and someone else on the phone.
"Bonbon, whose that?"
Seated at your dressing table, you gasp and pause your makeup, "Oh my gosh girl, have I not told you about Bonbon?!", "No!", "Shit where do I start?".
Your friend on the other side snort, "Uhh maybe on how Bonbon came about?", you give a dreamy sigh and turn to look at the beautiful weather, "Well..."
Bonbon is a small chocolate confection, with a hollow inside where fillings can be hidden. These include sweet alcoholic ingredients, creamy ganache, fruit purees, and so much more. The sky is truly the limit when it comes to Bonbon and their combinations. And the best part of it, is the surprise. From a simple chocolatey treat to a galaxy of flavours. That is the best way to describe Aizawa Shouta.
At first, he reminded me of the marshmallow bonbon my patisserie used to sell.
You and Shouta met during your part-time employment at a patisserie near U.A. From the moment he first walked in, the man had caught your eye. The lanky customer stumbled in like he had just returned from war, or stepped out of the trash. All of the other customers also noticed him and their discomfort showed through how they cleared the pathway like he was Moses.
Your coworkers also eyed the man, wondering what a man like him was doing here. You also had your questions, like why on earth would he buy a liquorice loaf out of everything here? The disgusting thing was an item your boss had put on to please a niche audience consisting of herself. The patisserie would literally make one loaf a week because no one would buy it.
"This one please", he spoke in a gruff voice and you chirped, "Of course, that'll be $7.50 for today."
After returning his change, you placed the item in a small paper bag and smiled, "Thank you so much, have a good day!"
He nodded and left. As the door slowly shut, you felt the atmosphere lighten up and heard the whispers. Regardless of how you felt, it wasn't your place to step in so you just left to clean up. He was just a customer, and most likely a one time buyer.
Until he kept coming in and in. The man had a routine now, and it somehow always lines up with the days you would be working at the front. Monday afternoons, Wednesday mornings, and Fridays just before closing. And he would always walk around the whole store, tricking you to believe he'd buy something new, before picking the liquorice loaf. You two would repeat the same dialogue, no small talk or extra fluff. At some point, he became a part of you. A thing you had to check off the list to ensure that your day was complete.
Until he didn't come for the whole week, and it made you...different. You weren't right, weren't thinking straight or doing anything properly. It made you so distracted that you burnt yourself while melting sugar. The injury was small but you had to immediately leave for the hospital and was told to rest for two or three days. With that, you missed the black haired man another week. During that time, the ache in your chest grew unbearable.
You feared that you fell in a love with a stranger. A much older man who you know nothing about and speak a total of twenty words to him. However, there was something that drew you to him. Something that forced your eyes to follow him and every movement of his. A curiosity to discover what he contained inside that plain shell. A wonder to what other flavours he held.
It was nearly three weeks later on Friday when you met him again. You had finally gotten used to not seeing him...almost. That was until the bell rang signalling a customer and turned around to greet them, only to find him. Freezing for a moment, you stutter a welcome before scurrying off to the kitchen. You hid your face in your palms, your resolve to ignore the tightness in your chest had vanished. A sweetness rushed in, just from seeing him. What hell was wrong with you? Before you knew it, he was already at the register with his item. Why was he so fast today?
After taking a deep breath, you walked down and went through the steps on the routine. Say the amount, take his money, return the change, place his item in the bag, say your farewells, and wait for the next time.
"Welcome back, I missed you", your mind with blank hearing those words.
It wasn't in his usual grunt. It was a deep voice coated in sugar chocolatey richness, with an airy tone. And you felt your soul shatter into pieces. Oh gosh, everything was bursting out. Rushing out like a flood.
"Y-You can't say that", your voice and body trembled while he raised an eyebrow, "I can't, why?"
Opening your tightly shut eyes, you finally looked up at him and whisper terrified, "Because now I can't hide that I like you."
And his eyes widened while you escaped to the kitchen. But of course you couldn't hide from him forever, couldn't hide from his rejection. You knew what he'd say, that you were a foolish young girl who fell in love with a fantasy. Juvenile emotions, he'd scoff and walk away leaving your broken feelings to seep into the cracks of the ground. At some point you wished that he'd just walk off never to be seen again, so that you can remember him with a bitter sweetness. But you had a feeling he wasn't that type of guy.
You were right. When the lights were turned off, doors locked, and everyone walking seperate ways...he was waiting there for you with a blank face. Say it, you begged him in your mind. That you were a happy-go-lucky girl, that someone like you wouldn't know what love was. Because maybe he was right, maybe he wasn't, you were fine with that.
Except he only approached you, one step at a time at a slow pace. And you allowed him into your space, to stand in front and tower over. For his hand to land on your cheek and caress it so sweetly with a light touch. You gulped and bit your lip to void yourself, in case he woke up from whatever spell had been casted and ran off.
Until the black haired man gave a small smile, "Are you okay?", and you squeak out, "Aren't you supposed to reject me now?"
He blinked before chuckling, and you felt yourself drown in a sea of cocoa, "Is that how confessions go these days, I have to reject you?", "W-Well, I just assumed that would happen! I mean, you probably just see me as a kid!"
The twinkle in his eyes grow even more vibrant and he answered, so softly you thought it would be carried away by the wind, "Only assholes would think that. Regardless of age, your feelings are real and I should respect that."
You were thankful to the breeze for cooling your cheeks, because without it you might faint of overheating. Amused he leaned down and asked if you really wanted him to reject you.
"G-Give me a moment", you turn to the side and hold up your arms to block his sight.
Then you squeak feeling a bounce against your inner wrist, you pull them away only for the man to find your nose as a replacement. You whine again and he fits you against his body, breathy laughter tickling your ear like a cloudy marshmallow.
"Alright, we can take it slow."
But of course, Shouta had other flavours to him...possessive like lemon cheesecake.
Many people view Shouta as a tired man who couldn't be bothered to lift a hand outside of work. And all of his friends, family, and colleagues would agree. But you disagree with that. Whenever it came to you, Shouta was always 100. Including his mission to keep the 'wolves in sheep clothing' away from you. AKA the guys at your university.
You always assured Shouta that he was the one you wanted and the guys don't really chase after you, but your boyfriends begs to differ. During his intel collecting mission, stalking you, the pro-hero lost count of how many eyes followed you. He grew sour as a lemon seeing some think about approaching you. All the while, you innocently skipped along thinking about your classes. Unforgivable, death to all of them.
That day when your classes were finished, he texted you that he'll be there to pick you up. Confused, you sent a heart anyways and forgot about it for the rest of the day.
"Damn, what's with the crowd of girls?", your male classmate noticed as the two of you walked down to the gates.
You watched as groups of giggling girls with hearts in their eyes running past with their phones out. Thinking it was some kind of idol, you shrugged it off. That was until you reached the mess and your jaws dropped. Because in the eye of the cyclone was your man. Your man who wore a black button up, rolled up to his thick biceps, with matching dress pants and shoes. Not only that, he had cleaned up his appearance.
You huffed seeing girls ask if they could touch his ponytail.
"No, My girlfriend will be here soon so you should leave", the girls pouted, "Come on, it's just a touch~ Is she that possessive she won't let you have any girlfriends?"
After a few seconds he smirked down at them, "Is that really what you think?", one of them scooted up to him until their hips bumped, "What else~?"
Instantly Shouta cringed up like he just ate something tart, "It's more that I don't find you that attractive. You should see how much better she is than you, especially with the way she respects people's space and relationships."
Everyone froze including you at his response.
Then Shouta found you and his face softened, "There she is...with a guy", and Mr Lemon was back.
He flashed in front of you, enveloping you into a tight hug greeting you so sweetly. All the while glaring down the fool who dared to compete with him. The poor boy shrunk away and didn't bother to say goodbye before running off.
You didn't even care, nuzzling into his chest with the brightest grin. Only you could bring out the sugar within this man, the cake like richness that he saved only for you. Noticing this, he smiled and pecked your temple. What a terrible duo.
It only got worse from there, for everyone else. Shouta upgraded his wardrobe and tried his best to pick you up from university as much as possible. Regardless of his new status as the campus eye candy, whether those wolves still lusted after you, all of it would vanish when you stepped through those gates. Because Shouta's sour barrier kept them away while you ate up all that he had to give.
And very rarely does he become as bitter as dark chocolate and cherry liqueur.
It's a side that Shouta rarely shows to you. A cold, blunt, and apathetic version of himself that is only reserved for everyone else but you. The version called Eraserhead. Shouta tries to keep Eraserhead and you seperate, but the overlap is inevitable.
Like the time he forgot some paperwork at home so you had to bring it to U.A, only to find him grilling a student with fury radiating out in purple waves. Or when you get to see him in action, rescuing civilians and arresting villains. He's aggressive, dangerous, and icy. And the most memorable was the night you two were invited to a hero celebration party hosted by the government.
Shouta never attends those, he finds it boring and meaningless. However, his mind was changed when he was sent an series of photo from Nemuri. It was of you, dolled up the prettiest gowns with the cutest grin on your face. He sent back a message 'Buy all of them' with his card details, and accepted the invite. All the while unaware that he had started humming, and terrifying the rest of the office.
The night itself started off better than ever. You were bursting with excitement and greeting his colleagues so brightly, there wasn't a single person who wasn't charmed. But of course there will always be some bad apples, even amongst heroes.
As Shouta spoke to the few assemblymen, you had been whisked away by a few female proheroes.
You smiled shyly at their compliments, "Oh aren't you just the most cutest~?", "No wonder Eraserhead immediately snatched you up!", "I mean, who wouldn't want a young and sweet girl! Look, she doesn't even have a callous or bruise on her hand!"
Your smile faltered at the odd...compliment? Was it one?
"Wow, I bet you've never been in a fight before huh?", they giggled to themselves, "Come on, her?! I doubt she would even raise her voice at someone!", "Maybe that's why he likes her, easier to you know!"
The air suddenly felt hostile and you laughed uncomfortably, eyes scanning the room to hopefully find Shouta. After a few seconds, you found him with a few teachers from U.A and sighed in relief, time to escape.
That was until, "Look it's Ms Joke!", and you watched as a woman with sea green hair approach the group.
As you watched her lean in towards him with a teasing smile, whispers from behind echoed in your mind, "Have you met her yet? The two of them are quite close", "Yeah, everyone used to think they were dating!", "It's hard not to when she constantly jokes about it~"
"Joke about what?", a gruff voice spoke up and all of you turn around to find the black haired prohero.
The ominous and bitter look in his eyes made the women around you tense up, "I asked, joke about what?"
No one said a thing and his eyes flickered over to yours, softening but still brewing with abyssal darkness like the liqueur, "Tell me."
You choked up, feeling a child before him about to tattletale. It was so painful, how they were absolutely right. You'll always be a child compared to him, hiding behind his money and authority with a deep well of immature thoughts and feelings. It becomes stuffy in your chest, realising that everything you are and have now is an extension of him.
The hurt on your face was enough to tell him everything, but someone else joins in, "What happened? You all looked so happy humiliating her before?"
Eraserhead turns to the woman beside him, "M-Mirko, what are you saying?", the prohero laughed casually, "What, you thought no one else heard you? Joking that Eraserhead chose her because she's young and docile so he could control her better?"
Your eyes fell to the ground in order to avoid his, shame slowly seeped out through the stinging in your irises.
"Or distort his relationship with Ms Joke, implying something more than friendship?", your body curled noticing the increasing attention.
As the voices grew louder and harsher, you begged the heavens to just vanish into thin air. Suddenly, there were hands covering your ears. You look up to find Eraserhead, mouth shaped into an acrid scowl as his eyes narrow similar to the feeling of sharp alcohol.
He was saying so much, you assume it was very acerbic through everyone else's expression. None of it could you hear, was it someone's quirk? Maybe it was a good thing because in seconds, the situation grows physical. It looked like a bar fight with the way Mirko flies through the air, not a government party filled with proheroes.
The two of you escape the mess and into one of the chauffer cars. It's silent as the two of you collect your thoughts, you could see the driver pray a fight wouldn't start in the car. Then a force pushes your head onto the man's shoulder and your eyes well up again.
"I...I feel so stupid, so n-naive!", your voice cracks and lips lean down to catch your tears.
You feel him return, feel Shouta next to you, the dimensional change from Eraserhead to your sweet man. Sweet like the subtle, fruity, aftertaste of the cherry liqueur. And you cry even harder.
As much as he is proud of his heroism and work ethics, this makes Shouta hope that you and Eraserhead stay in different worlds. Because its a sign, that if Eraserhead is close...then you are in pain.
Your smile softens as you continue.
"He treats me as a normal person, always capable of learning more, but not hopeless and defenseless. He teaches me things I don't know patiently, let me figure things out on my own, allow me to be emotional. Because in his words, You should spend your youth free and limitless, reach the skies and if it gets too high...I'll be there to bring you back down".
On the other side of the door, Shouta has the brightest grin on his face. He's giddy, wondering how he should celebrate hearing this. Take you to a nice restaurant? Holiday across Europe? Ideas flood his mind as he walks away, humming softly.
"That's why I call him Bonbon, my Bonbon."
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Hi Lovelies, long time no see!
Soz if Aizawa was a bit ooc for you, but that's the beauty of a tsundere! This one was actually very difficult to write because the initial word I had in mind was butterscotch but there wasn't much to write about and everything I could write sounded weird. So yeah, tough time for me.
Anyways, I hoped you guys enjoyed this one and I'll see you another time ✮⋆˙💋メ𝟶メ𝟶💋⋆。° ✮
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digitalro · 1 month
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After curfew
monoma x reader
The summer breeze was cool that night, you and Monoma were sneaking back into the dorms from the training gym.
This started when a couple of weeks ago, the two of you managed to somehow sneak out to the gym at around the same time.
To avoid snitching on each other, you struck a deal, both of you would sneak out and use the place after hours but neither of you will speak about it.
"Sorry my words were beyond your brain capacity. As expected of a class A student. Let me explain it to you in a language you understand.”
If there was something impressive about Monoma, it’s how he’s held his one-sided beef with class A since you were first years at U.A academy.
You sighed and told him to go on, having had enough of his bullshit already and decided to close your eyes and pray lightning strikes him then and there.
He smiled then cleared his throat, “OOH OOH AH AH!” He mimicked a monkey, jumping around you until it irked you enough to bump his shoulders.
Satisfied with your reaction, he laughed as he got pushed from the path.
Sometimes it took all the willpower in you to not straight up snitch to an instructor, even if it meant getting yourself in trouble because that’s how much he got on your nerves.
You pulled out your phone from your pocket. “That’s it, I’ve held out for too long you polly pocket. I’m telling Mr. Aizawa.”
He laughed, coming back on track and walking backwards to face you. “Tell him what? that YOU have been training after curfew?” He shook his head and clicked his tongue, “I thought you were smarter than that.”
Right as you were going to retort, you suddenly tripped over something and fell face first. You grunted with your face still on the grass.
Once he made sure you were fine, he pointed at you. "Ha! You can't even walk righ-" his sentence was cut off by you pulling him by the ankle, causing him to slip and fall as well.
He hissed and looked back at you but before he could open his big mouth, you placed one hand over his mouth. His eyes widened, you used your free hand to point towards the figure you had just seen in the distance.
It was one of the instructors patrolling around the dorms. They were far enough and barely within hearing distance, but you were still at risk of being seen.
He then acknowledged what was going on and crouched further, getting closer to you.
While the two of you were shuffling around, he accidentally stepped on your hand that was on the ground. You slightly quirked up and let out a shriek that was quickly muffled by his hand on your mouth, simultaneously dragging you onto him.
You glared up at the blond and used both of your hands to lift his off, “I will feed you Mineta’s shit if it’s the last thing I do.”
He scoffed out a laugh. "I would've loved doing it on purpose but I promise I didn't mean to." He whispered, looking down at you. It was then when you noticed how close the two of you were.
It seemed he had too because he suddenly felt a pang in his heart, you looked pretty under the moonlight. The distance between you suddenly made him conscious.
Of course though, he would rather die than admit that or acknowledge whatever he just felt. "What? are you taking in how beautiful I am?"
You thought for a second, he honestly wasn't wrong. Him with the moon behind him gave you a different look on him. His hair was gently blown by the wind and blue eyes looked calmer than ever, his cocky smile that he wore strangely seemed rather beautiful than annoying.
The longer you stared, the more you realized he wasn’t too bad of a looker, and the more nervous he got. It was fun to you. "Sort of. You're pretty when you shut that built-in bullshit radio of yours."
"Huhhh? You don't- what are you saying. I am gorgeous but- shut up! And I DON'T have a built in radio!" He stammered, barely above a whisper, unable to form coherent sentences.
Although it was dark, you could definitely tell his face reddened a thousand shades.
You laughed lowly then turned your head and rose up enough to peek over the grassy top, praying you were just paranoid and the two of you wouldn’t be found out, and luck was surely on your side that night.
You heaved a sigh of relief and got back to your previous position, only this time you misplaced your foot and ended up falling back, but not before grabbing Monoma by the shirt and tumbling down the little hill with him.
He instinctively grabbed your hand that you pulled him with and guarded your head with his other hand.
The both of you landed at the bottom, tangled and messy. He was spread on the ground with you on top, one of your legs on his stomach while your head was down on the grass beside his.
Neither of you moved for a while. All you could focus on was the sound of the little river flowing behind you.
“I know I’m irresistible but you can get off of this free bed now your majesty.” He attempted a snarky remark to build back his confidence and steady his voice, only faltering a little.
But he made no effort whatsoever to actually get you off of him. Frankly, he didn’t find it too bad being there with you, but he also didn’t want you being the first to say anything.
“Shut up.” You groaned, rolling completely off of him, but your hand still remained in his. Neither one of you dared to remove it.
And there the two of you laid sprawled on the grass doing nothing but catching your breaths for a couple of minutes.
You turned your head to look at him. You've never seen him so serene, doing nothing but heaving.
He looked back at you and quirked an eyebrow.
"You act so bold for being such a flustered wittle princess."
The blond didn't instantly have a witty comeback but just started laughing instead.
“Me? Flustered! Ha, you’re funny. That’s why your hand’s still in mine, you germ.” He teased, even though he was more than partially responsible for that and the fact he actually liked it.
You retracted it from his newly loosened grip. “How could I when it was oh so securely grasped between your delicate fingers.”
He scoffed humorously, turning to look back up at the sky. "You're so annoying. It makes me laugh, looks like you actually have a talent for something." He said in between chuckles. "Dimwit."
You couldn't help but start laughing too. "That's why I won the team battle and you didn’t. Shitface."
And every little thing that night seemed to share the same humorous sentiment.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ A/N ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
first post on here! hi. this is my second work ever, sorry if the writing’s wonky ^^.
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petpippin · 6 months
🍓 . words don't come easy ─ katsuki bkg.
# canon-typical violence .
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bakugo has been doing just about everything to figure out his dilemma. filtering through those ridiculous shoujo, observing those stupid-fuckin' couples that seem to occupy each and every damn corner of U.A., and yet, and yet...
he can't figure this flirting thing out. the mere prospect has katsuki's palms drenched with sweat; causing explosions if he thinks too hard, and at some point you'll sure be able to tell.
he thinks about it so much that it's starting to affect his academic perfomance, as katsuki stares off into space, wracking his damn brain on how to deal with you.
his oblivious-ass friends have even started to notice, prodding curiously as to why he's barely reacting to their incessant teasing, why he's suddenly blowing them off to go on these little study outings with you.
then, suddenly, mina realizes. kirishima follows along, with sero in tow. kaminari, the damn loud-mouth, is the last to know; and to their credit, they do try to help.
unfortunately, it only helps to drive him utterly fuckin' crazy.
now, he's fighting not only to drive you away, but also to contain his friends from not exploding into confetti whenever he dares approach you.
but balance is fragile, when you're dealing with a ticking time-bomb like his stupid-ass motherfuckin' idiot friends.
bakugo let his guard down for a damn second, and suddenly he's forgot his brain back at home.
peering up from your sheet of homework, you tilt your head, "what's wrong?"
katsuki rifles through his bag for a second-third time. he grinds his teeth, and closes his eyes, as if to brace himself for humiliation and defeat.
"forgot my fuckin' pen, that's what."
you giggle. unhelpful, as he quickly loses his cool, flushed and irate. bakugo hisses, a vein popping from his forehead as his cheeks blow red like an over-exhausted balloon.
"you think that's funny, brat?!" he stands to yell, nearly toppling his chair over in the process. all eyes at the library turn on him at the outburst, but katsuki is all too captivated with your laughter that follows.
you wave him off with ease, slipping a hand into your pencil-case and offering it to him. "you're such a baby," and then with a playful drone, "kaaa-achan."
bakugo seethes as he slumps back into the chair, hissing as ever-rare embarrassment sets in.
then, for a second time, you burst into a fit of giggles. it's barely quelled when you slap a hand over your mouth, and doesn't stop as you turn away from him.
bakugo is flustered. "shaddap."
you snort, giggling. "it's not you. well, sort of, actually. kaminari said something really funny the other day."
for some odd reason, he suddenly feels his heart sink down to his asshole; like a warning for a forecoming disaster. katsuki grunts.
"what'd that damn dunce say this time."
you peer back up at him with a squint, eyes glittering with amusement. your laughter is barely concealed behind wobbling lips.
"he asked if i like... you know. like you, or somethin'."
bakugo flushes. damn. damn, damn, damn. sneering lowly, he quickly brushes the suggestion off.
"that's fuckin' stupid." do you?
you sigh, your smile tires. "i know, right." do you?
head tipping over the back of your chair, you stretch comfortably. the two of you sit for a while in silence, looking back at eachother.
bakugo breaks off the staring-contest. you smirk. "ha."
"tch." he hisses, pursing his lips, "wind got in my fuckin' eyes."
"we're in an enclosed space, loser," you retort. "i win."
"i could beat your ass in sparring."
you don't grace him with a reply, rolling your eyes.
for a while the two of you sit in silence, homework long abandoned. katsuki twirls your pencil around in his hand, cheek resting in his other. the library feels stuffy; hot as his fluster lingers.
"do you?"
his head snaps up to meet your eyes, katsuki's voice a rumble. "hah?"
you smile, but it's nothing teasing. earnest flickers in your eye, a genuine interest that encapsulates his.
"do you like me."
bakugo's answer is biting, harsh as if bile on his tongue.
"i like you just about as much as shit on my shoe."
you grunt, unamused. there's a tick in your jaw as you roll your eyes in the way he fucking despises. bakugo regrets his words; it's a clumsy insult, and he doesn't mean it.
"okay." you move to stand, and he lets you. stupid, stupid. he's going to kill kaminari, that dumbass.
you abandon the table, and bakugo soon follows.
bakugo wants to melt into the floor.
bakugo wants to slam his head into a wall.
bakugo feels like strangling kaminari and kirishima and mina and anyone that's ever dared cross him.
aizawa won't budge and he refuses to ask to have his partner changed. not because you're weak, and not because you're not worthy, but because you're ignoring him.
teetering on the edge of going completely crazy, his friends haven't quite given up on the pursuit, and although you refuse to have anything to do with katsuki, you'll happily chatter on to that idiot mina; which is exactly what you're doing instead of giving him the time of day right now.
too bad he's not planning to let you off the hook, and so isn't aizawa, who gruffly orders the two of you to quit wasting time.
reluctantly, bakugo can tell you don't want this, you enter the arena.
"oi," he growls. you peer up at him, exhasparated, "yeah?"
there's a crackle, he can barely contain the explosion that goes off in his fist, "i told you. i'm gonna bust your fuckin' ass."
"do your best."
your back slams against the granite flooring, and you struggle to gasp for air. you've long gone haywire by now, exhausted by bakugo's seemingly untiring resolve that is currently beating you into the ground; literally.
with him things aren't as easy as telling him to stop, you're sure you'll have to die before he stops. bakugo, for once, is angry enough to be blinded. he's frustrated, you're sure; after all, it's impossible to miss the way he's been staring.
maybe you had been too harsh, freezing him out like that. everyone seemed to have noticed too, and suddenly mina was pleading with you to make up for whatever had happened.
part of you never wants to forgive him, and that want is strenghtened by the way bakugo holds good on his promise, sending you flying like a ragdoll.
scrambling to get away, he fists your costume and pins you beneath him. katsuki pants, hand crackling.
"the fuck's your problem, huh?" he snarls, "think you're better than me, that's it, you fuckin'--"
you lift your hand to shield your face, dirtied by the rubble, "it's 'cause you're a fucking asshole."
"you think i'm gonna change for you, or some shit?" bakugo stills, breath hitching. he bares his teeth like a dog, and you think he might just bite.
in a moment of strength, you push him off you. you're done, he realizes.
"no, that's how you treat all your friends, isn't it?" your joints ache as you stand, knees buckling beneath you, "like a little bitch."
you're pissing him off, you can tell. but there's also a hint of upset, one he poorly hides in the heat of the moment.
"you're such a pus─ hey!" he barks, grabbing your arm as you storm off, "don't tell me you're pissed 'cause i called you a piece of shit."
you turn to look at him, furious. it's getting heated, veins pumping as you rip away your arm. "you'd be too, dumbass! i swear, you're so thick─"
bakugo hisses, grinding his teeth. "shaddap! 's not my fault you're so─"
"you shut up!"
"i'll murder you, damn it!"
"oh," you push at him, "screw you, you loser!"
seething, bakugo wrangles your arms into place, knocking you into a wall. rubble unravels from above like hardened raindrops, and you brace yourself.
"you got something to say?" he rumbles, glare darkening, "i'll kill you."
grimacing, you lean further into the wall, and bakugo moves to follow it. "admit it, you prick," you seethe, "admit you you like me, or this is all for nothing and i'll never talk to you again."
a strangled noise leaves katsuki. he has half the mind to slam your head into the cement; to shut you up. maybe he'll scare you away, and you can leave for him to wallow in his feelings.
he squeezes your forearms, blunt leather digging into your skin. "...who the fuck told you, huh?"
a tiny smile, however smug, grazes your features. "anonymous source, "kacchan."
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a/n: back from the dead at last \(≧▽≦)/
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honey--mustard · 4 months
I need somebody to make a slow burn fic where toga is transferred to the care of u.a. after a lot of persuading from aizawa and ochako and it's like ochako following up on her promise to give toga her blood and the deku squad notices and they're all worried and fussing over telling her that she could just take blood from blood packs then her constantly needing to do it. And ochako is like brushing it off telling them that it's fine and it's no big deal and todoroki is like "it's because she has a crush on her" and the deku squad is like shocked (including ochako). And then she's like spiraling going like 'i cant have a crush on her' 'we're just friends lol' 'that can't be it hahaha' and then one day while giving her her blood she sees toga so happy and at peace and then it's just like 'oh'
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firedragonx · 1 year
I Can't Deal With U.A update!
I Can't Deal With U.A Chapter 10 First Draft update!
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The first draft is done! So far we have 1, 998 words and 7 pages.
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come-away-with-me87 · 2 months
The Art of Love Chapter 5
Chapter 4 here
"Please, have a seat," as you motioned to the seat on the other side of your desk.  Shouta and you both sat down in your respective seats, and he looked around your desk for a moment.  It was primarily scattered with the kids' drawings, but over to the side, there was a picture of you and Kento from your engagement photoshoot.  Even though he's been gone for years, you never had the heart to take it down.  You had told yourself it was a reminder of the decision you had made back at his funeral, but now you were having complicated feelings about everything.
"Is that you and your husband?" Shouta asked, finally speaking up first.  "Oh...oh. That's...that was my fi-fiance, Kento. He passed away a few years ago."  Shouta looked over at you, "I see. I'm sorry."  You looked over at the picture for a moment, then looked back over at Shouta, "thank you."  You two sat there in an awkward silence for another moment, until you said to Shouta, "so, you wanted to tell me about Eri's past and why she's here?"  His shoulders seemed to relax a little bit after the awkwardness, simply replying, "yes."  
Shouta then went on to explain everything from the beginning.  For years, she was used and abused as an experiment to make a Quirk-Destroying drug by the leader of the Shie Hassaikai, Overhaul.  "Her body was destroyed then restored over and over again by Overhaul's Quirk," Shouta said with venom in his voice.  He then went on to explain how he Shie Hassaikai joined forces with the League of Villains, which is when the rescue plan was put in order by a pro-hero named Sir Nighteye.  After much grief and loss, Mirio and a boy named Izuku Midoriya were finally able to rescue Eri, with Mirio losing his Quirk in the process.
"Eri lived a very fearful and secluded life," Shouta stated.  "We never saw her smile for the first time until long after she was rescued, when Mirio took her to the U.A. School Festival.  I've been working with her since then on maintaining her Quirk.  Overall, she shows to be better, but I thought this class could also, in a way, provide a form of therapy to her that the U.A. can't."  You sat there and just looked at Shouta with tears in your eyes; what a heartbreaking situation for a young girl to go through.  You blinked back your tears, trying to remain professional, and brought out some of Eri's artwork.
You slid her self-portrait across the desk to Shouta stating, "this is one that has concerned me the most so far."  Shouta picked up the drawing from the desk and observed it.  "Interesting..." you heard him say for the second time now.  "It's difficult to tell, but this looks like the outfit she was in when she was being held captive in. She had on a tan dress and was covered in bandages."  He put the drawing back down and you automatically looked down at it, saying "it seems she still views herself that way for some reason."  "I agree," Shouta replied, "I'll talk with her about it tonight after we're done training."  
"What exactly are you training her on, if you don't mind my asking?"  He looked up at you thoughtfully for a moment, "I'm helping her train on controlling her Quirk since she was never taught how to. She's shown tremendous progress so far, but still has a ways to go."  You smiled at him in response, "you're pretty remarkable, you know that? You spend your days teaching and training students on becoming heroes, then you spend your evenings training Eri. It takes a pretty special person to do something like that."  Shouta slightly blushed and looked down at his lap, quietly saying, "it's not a big deal."  You just smiled again in response.
He looked back up at you, "the colors she chose for her mandala..." he trailed off, "I believe she associates those colors with Overhaul," to which he explained what Overhaul's outfit consisted of.  "Ah, it makes sense why you said it was interesting when you first saw it. I promise, I will do my best to continue working with Eri through her trauma, and help her become the best version of herself," you said with confidence to Shouta.  "It seems like she is also in excellent hands with everyone at the U.A., so between that and her art therapy, I'm confident that she'll heal."  
It was Shouta's turn to smile at you, "thank you for taking her into your class, Y/N. She thinks very highly of you, saying you're very kind to her. I can tell you're a warm person, and I appreciate you now being a part of not only her healing process, but her life."  Now it was your turn to blush.  "Listen, I don't normally do this, but I would like to give you my personal phone number in case you ever need me for anything...for Eri, of course."  You wrote your phone number down on a piece of paper, and slid it across the desk to him.  "Thank you, Y/N, I appreciate that. I'll give my number as well, in case something happens in the classroom or you're concerned about anything...regarding Eri."
He ripped off a small piece of paper from the one you gave him, wrote his number down on it, and slid it back across the desk to you.  "Well, I better get back to the campus. I have training with Eri and I also have papers to grade. Thank you for taking the time out of your schedule to talk to me."  You smiled over at him, "it was my pleasure."  You both got up at the same time, and you walked him over to the door.  "Thank you, Shouta, for everything you've been doing for Eri; I can tell you've been such a positive influence in her life; she's lucky to have someone like you."  He smiled at you once more, said goodbye, then took his leave.  You couldn't help but stand there and stare at him walking away.
You went back to your desk, picked up the piece of paper with Shouta's number on it, and plugged his number into your cell phone.  You then noticed yourself smiling the whole while.  After you finished putting his name and number in your contacts list, you put your phone down, and took a deep breath.  Sure, Shouta had some sort of effect over you that you couldn't explain, but you only have his phone number for Eri's sake.  That was all.  At least, that's what you told yourself, as you continued to smile down at Shouta's name in your contacts list.
To be continued...
Tag list: @lili-pond ; @jaguarthecat ; @big-denki-energy ; @ivydoesit23
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
everytime i read the manga im reminded of why i love bkg and ultimately his very roundabout but utterly sincere way of handling things is really my favorite thing about him ever and the entire cultural festival arc and scene really highlights it for me.
like i dont think the anime gives a clear enough translation of what bkg is actually trying to convey. and how deeply sincere he really is. while his whole class is putting on the concert almost as an apology to u.a. - bakugou says that doing something like this is nothing but self gratification.
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the class thinks that bkg saying "people like that don't deserve my courtesy," he's referring to them but he's actually referring to the rest of the school. what he's actually saying is that 1a doesn't owe anyone an apology because it's not like they asked to be put in those situations.
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its a very bakugou way to handle it - but his whole point is that if they're going to do it, they ought to be the fucking best at it. better than everyone. he's saying lets put on a show that doesn't let them talk shit about us as a class ever, and he means as a class which is such a huge sign of his growth. bakugou only agrees to join them after everyone commits to that and he doesn't do it for himself because he really doesn't get anything out of it. he just cares about his class and has his own, very bkg way of dealing with frustration.
his whole thing is that if their sincerity can't reach everyone, then fuck everything else, we have to do such a good job that no one can even think to talk to shit about us again. we have to prove ourselves. and it's such an integral moment for his character but also as a one of those honorary leads in 1a. like im just so fond of him for it
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mhablog · 3 months
Can best jeanist control sheep? I mean he controls fibers but what makes it qualify as a fiber rather then just like sheep wool or like synthetic fibers how does that work if he tried do you think he could control like all plastic stuff or does it have to be string shaped? I really like the theory that if your body chemistry is unique enough and he is familiar enough with it that he could identify someone by their hair (like bakugo, sweating nitroglycerin has to make you body have some weird chemistry if only to prevent them from being poisoned by their own sweat) like in this fic (it’s part of a series so you’ll want to read the other works in the series first for context but it’s a really good series and I love it)
<a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/25049806"><strong>Closed System</strong></a> (65212 words) by <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/users/Cacid"><strong>Cacid</strong></a><br />Chapters: 15/15<br />Fandom: <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/%E5%83%95%E3%81%AE%E3%83%92%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AD%E3%83%BC%E3%82%A2%E3%82%AB%E3%83%87%E3%83%9F%E3%82%A2%20%7C%20Boku%20no%20Hero%20Academia%20%7C%20My%20Hero%20Academia">僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia</a><br />Rating: Teen And Up Audiences<br />Warnings: Major Character Death<br />Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku, Class 1-A & Midoriya Izuku, Asui Tsuyu & Class 1-A, Eri & Midoriya Izuku, Eri & Toogata Mirio, Sasaki Mirai | Sir Nighteye & Toogata Mirio, Asui Tsuyu & Tatsuma Ryuuko | Ryuukyuu, Bakugou Katsuki & Hakamata Tsunagu | Best Jeanist, Bakugou Katsuki & Kirishima Eijirou, Class 1-A & Kirishima Eijirou, Hakamata Tsunagu | Best Jeanist & Sakamata Kuugo | Gang Orca, Midoriya Izuku & Tokoyami Fumikage, Dark Shadow & Midoriya Izuku<br />Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Asui Tsuyu, Kirishima Eijirou, Eri (My Hero Academia), Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Hakamata Tsunagu | Best Jeanist, Tatsuma Ryuuko | Ryuukyuu, Toogata Mirio, Sasaki Mirai | Sir Nighteye, Iida Tenya, Todoroki Shouto, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Sakamata Kuugo | Gang Orca, Tobita Danjuurou | Gentle Criminal, Aiba Manami | La Brava, Tokoyami Fumikage, Dark Shadow (My Hero Academia), Nedzu (My Hero Academia)<br />Additional Tags: Ghost Midoriya Izuku, Asui Tsuyu Has One for All Quirk, U.A. Cultural Festival Arc (My Hero Academia), Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, mentors will protect their students, many people get to vent, suicide and sad/upsetting dicussions related to it, I can't decide if I need to warn for major character death or not, dark pasts, Mental Health Issues, Kidnapping, Bakugou and Hakamata deserve a break, they don't get one, Gang Orca Ex Machina<br />Series: Part 3 of <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/series/1626730">Reckoning</a><br />Summary: <p>“How much trouble did you just get yourself in?” </p><p>She was being nice, unbelievably nice. But right now he hated her for it. It was so much easier when the only option was “learn to live this way.” Now he had two options, both of which he hated, and whichever he chose he’d despise himself and always wonder wistfully what would have been if he’d taken the other path. </p><p>In the aftermath of the Hassaikai raid, the resident ghost of 1-A and his fellows deal with lost classmates, lost quirks and lost identities. Meanwhile, the UA Cultural Festival waits for no one and new foes rise from the underground.</p>
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osaemu · 1 year
could you do professor aizawa who has a student always running late to lectures and loud and annoying. And he catches her breaking the law (doing graffiti or something) and threatens to expel her but comes to a compromise and sees a different side of her? If not anything u write is amazing anyways! ❤️❤️
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ミ★ who says? 🜚
pairing: aizawa x reader
summary: your reputably strict teacher catches you breaking the law – minor offense or not, who knows how he'll react?
word count: ~1.5k
warnings: no explicit romantic interest, but you can interpret it that way if you want. cursing. graffiti? mentions of illegal activities. half-baked character backstory. barely proofread.
a/n: hey anon! sorry this took a while, i just haven't really been motivated lately so um my bad! i wasn't sure if you wanted the request in a romantic way so i went the safe route, just lmk if you want me to write another one!
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"what the hell are you doing?"
caught off guard by the sudden sound of a deep voice, you yelp and quickly turn around. a tall, dark figure emerges from the shadowed alley behind you, and to your dismay, it's your taciturn professor.
"oh, hey, sir!" you say hurriedly, desperately trying to appear casual while leaning to the left a little. you attempt to hide the neon spray paint decorating the wall behind you, even though you know your efforts are futile. "...what are you doing here?"
aizawa scowls and takes a step forward, letting the flickering lamplight illuminate him. "cut the bullshit and answer the question," he says irritably. 
that would be a problem. his eyes were already trailing to the paint behind you, and the last thing you wanted to do was explain why you were in a dark alley in the middle of the night.
you should've expected that he'd be here, lurking the corners of the city like a stray cat. actually, was that a tuft of cat hair on his shoulder?
well, whether the answer was yes or no, there was certainly a scowl on your teacher's sharp features. the shadowed alley and dim lamplight further accentuate his face, and it's right then when you realize that hey, your teacher was kinda...
nope. not going there.
thankfully, aizawa didn't really give you the time to reflect on your possibly-broken brain before his narrow eyes focused on the neon scene behind you. "the hell is that?"
when you don't immediately answer, his sharp gaze lands on you. his scowl deepens before he continues "listen, i have a busy night. i can't be dealing with a student's mess right now." he nods at the graffiti behind you and wrinkles his nose slightly. "explain yourself, and make it damn quick."
you knew better than to argue at this point, so out with the carefully curated story you had dreamt up the night before.
"oh, this?" you wave your hand at the graffiti. "nope, wasn't me. i stumbled upon it and i was trying to figure out who did it. you wouldn't happen to know, would you?"
well, the excuse sounded better in your head. out loud, it sounded a lot like a rather pathetic lie, despite the way you tried to turn it around on your unamused teacher at the end.
to your dismay, aizawa sighs and massages his temples with his calloused fingers before looking down at you, somehow looking even more irritated than before. "if you don't want to talk to me, you can talk to the principal instead."
oh, shit. you couldn't get in trouble again, especially for something as stupid for this. you were already on thin ice with u.a's insanely-patient staff, and even then, you didn't want to push your luck.
"ah, no, never mind!" you say quickly. despite your chronic carelessness, you were genuinely grateful that you were at u.a, and it wasn't worth jeopardizing your spot over a little fun. "i'll talk, i'll talk."
"damn right, you will," aizawa snaps, pulling a water bottle out of nowhere and opening it. "explain this," he says, waving at the graffiti before taking a sip of the water. "and cut the bullshit. straight to the point."
seeing as you have no choice, you decide to tell him half the truth. you'd rather keep the last part to yourself, and frankly, it felt plausible enough.
"it was just a dare," you mumble, carefully monitoring your expression to make the half-truth believable. "lost a bet to my roommate, and i had to do something illegal."
"you couldn't have just stolen some alcohol or something?"
"are you condoning theft and underage drinking?"
aizawa scowls again, but there's an amused undertone to the scoff he lets out a second later. "just sayin', there's plently of other illegal activities that don't involve damaging public property."
you shrug. "seemed like something memorable."
"so, you want to tell me the whole truth now?" your teacher says dryly. when you look up, surprise visible on your face, he shakes his head. "don't try to hide things from a high school teacher. i've seen it all, now spit it out."
you sigh and look away, frantically thinking about ways to squirm out of this situation. but no matter how many half-formed plans you concocted, you knew that there was no escaping an explanation.
"fuck." you didn't mean to curse out loud, but the word somehow escaped your lips. fuck.
surprsingly, your muttered curse drew out an amused half-smirk on your typically stone-faced teacher. so the way to his heart is through curse words. noted.
"watch your language," aizawa says offhandedly. his tone and body language make it clear that he's only saying that out of obligation, not because he gives a shit. "and watch the damn clock. i don't have all night. i'm a hero, for god's sake."
"oh, yeah, my bad." well, it wasn't like you had any choice at this point. 
so you reluctantly tell him about how you never really got to enjoy your elementary and middle school years because the atmosphere was so competitive. because everyone wanted to get into u.a. and even though you didn't really care as much as the others overcome by the hero-fever, you couldn't stand being the only one left out. so the years of your life where you were supposed to enjoy youth were thrown away in pursuit of a far-off success. 
it all kind of came tumbling out, one sentence after the other, and when you finish your sob story, you realize that you probably just word-vomited all over your teacher, who probably doesn't care.
what if i just die of embarrassment?
aizawa doesn't respond to your words for a heartwrenching second, and right when you're sure he won't, he speaks.
"that explains why you're so damn immature. always running late to lectures, passing notes in class, and more focused on theatrics than content, yeah?"
the words sting, and it probably shows on your face, because a second later your teacher's stern expression softens.
"could be worse," he mutters, pulling out his phone and checking the time. "c'mon, i'll walk you back to the dorms. can't have you out alone in this part of town this late."
aizawa beckons for you to follow him, and when he starts walking, you jog behind him to catch up. "wait, so am i in trouble?"
he continues walking with his hands in his pockets but looks over his shoulder at you, expression unreadable. "i won't report this to admin, so not officially. but you're in a shit-ton of trouble with me."
"watch your language," you mumble, suppressing a grin when his dark eyes narrow into a glare. "what? can't take your own advice?"
he scoffs. "watch it. i'm still your teacher."
"yes, sir."
"damn right."
the rest of the walk back to the dorms happens mostly in silence, and when you finally arrive well past midnight, he walks off without another word.
it doesn't feel right to let him leave without a thank you, so as his dark shadow blends into the night, you call "thanks! and good night!"
and maybe you imagine it, but you could've sworn that he raises his hand in a farewell gesture as he disappears into the darkness.
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"so, what happened? you in trouble?" your wide-awake roommate croons, looking at you curiously. "i saw you come back with mr. aizawa – are you expelled? he does that a lot."
you pause, toothbrush halfway to your mouth. your roommate's right. aizawa does have quite the reputation for being a di- a rather harsh teacher to his students. and honestly, he had every reason to expel you, or at least threaten to tonight.
your roommate repeats your name a couple times before you zone back in and smile distractedly.
"no, you're still stuck with me," you reply, staring blankly in the mirror. 
"huh. that's weird."
yeah, it really is.
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"fuck, you damned hero! keep you and your righteous head out of my damn busine-"
aizawa tightens his hold on the low-grade villain's hair and scoffs when the guy yowls in pain. "i get paid to deal with your bullshit."
"you damn heroe-"
before the villain can say the rest of his statement, aizawa jams his fist into the man's mouth and uses the other hand to call the poilce. after a brief summary of the capture, the police send a couple cars over and retrieve the villain.
aizawa watches them drive off, dark eyes tracing the cloudy horizon. his mind flickers back to earlier today, when he found one of his more... problematic students graffiting a back alley.
had it been anyone else in their place, they would've recieved a severe warning or expulsion on the spot. but, unlike what some of the kids said about him, he wasn't cruel – he was a teacher. and a damn good one at that.
most cases were solved by the simple threat of expulsion. but in cases where a threat would make things worse, sometimes letting the culprit go without an explanation worked better.
a sigh slips through aizawa's dry lips as they curl upwards into a smile. he wouldn't be so nice next time.
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a/n: if you read all that, i'm sorry for the shitshow of a fic that was 😭 it's been a hot minute since i wrote for mha, and even then the plot was super rushed fjsjdjsjd
i promise my jjk and bsd writing is better check my profile i pinkie promise 🙏🙏 love u lots
if by any chance u actually liked this, reblogging would help me out of my misery thanks sm
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