#I Can Tell You Don't Respect Me. Could You Treat Me Like A Tranny At Least
vulpinesaint · 2 months
my problematic gender truth is that i actually feel no attachment to either of the two binary gender constructs. it just like. makes no sense to me. i've got my own unrelated thing going on. but in the absence of connection to either choice i really do find it more convenient to cosplay closer to the one that people treat like a human being
#have never liked being a girl. but that's not really out of like. any kind of desperation to be anything else.#i don't care about being a man literally at all in fact the idea is kind of uncomfortable to me. cause i'm not a man#but being perceived as a woman is such orders of magnitude worse...#testosterone is awesome cause transsexuality is so fucking hot no matter what#but like. dysphoria is so fucking weird when there's not even rll anything i'm trying to pass as. i complain ab not passing but i'm not#like. putting my all into it. i go out looking like i do and i know i'm not reading Man i don't give a fuck.#but yet... holding myself back from fun makeup looks... from skirts even... cause knowing that someone sees me as a woman is Awful#like. dehumanizing even. viscerally uncomfortable.#idk. for me it connects to a lack of respect. girls will treat me nice no matter what and i don't think i read as a girl To Girls#vague gay person energy that just makes them say 'slay' around me too much. so not a Boy to them but i'll play gbf whatevs whatevs#starting a conversation with a man and being able to immediately tell that they see me as a woman fucking Sucks though.#many people are normal and so this is not an issue <3 and even if they don't see me as a man it's like whatever <3#but many people. well.#I Can Tell You Don't Respect Me. Could You Treat Me Like A Tranny At Least#disgust would be better honestly. long sigh though#every trans person i meet says i pass like hell. cis people continue to be blind and fucking stupid though#i read as a boy to ai now lmao i get the boy results on filters. so it's something wrong with the real life cissies i think#valentine notes
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More than Friends
We all know Laito's preference is the uke girl type then the seme girl. So when you hear tomboy who is more masculine then the girls that Laito has his small flings with it's odd. Laito enjoyed the tomboy's company always coming up with witty comments and savage comebacks to shut down his flirts, which only edged him on further to have this tomboy all to himself. This tomboy was (Name); she was a rebel against the school she stood out easily in the crowd in her boyish appearance but her features were that of a goddess who had a lot of guy's hearts, girls in the school were intimidated by her and some burned with jealously. A typical day for (Name) as she walked the school grounds skipping class as it bored her oh so much, therefore she looked for the perverted playboy vampire who for once was in class which slightly annoyed as her boredom grew "So class as you can see in order to achieve this formula you must used Pythagoras" the teacher said teaching the class. (Name) looked through the window spotting the perverted playboy vampire sitting at his seat boredom written all over his face as he played with his pencil. She knocked on the window softly drawing the attention of the class but she ducked quickly not to be caught by the teacher. Peeping back up, the teacher was facing the class and the vampire looked over smiling happily. She waved him over mouthing 'I need some help' and the teacher turned around and she ducked down yet again so she wouldn’t get caught "Sir, may I go to the toilet. You see I drank sooo much and I need to go" Laito said with a smirk and the teacher sighed and lets him go. He walked out seeing (Name) on the ground lying there arm over her eyes being over dramatic which he found amusing "Tranny-chan? Are you alright?" he asked a little worried but held a playful tone as usual "You take forever" she whined childishly as she moved her arm away from her face and glared at him playfully "hmmm~ I didn't know you missed me so much, maybe I can make it up to you~" he purred holding his hand out for her "Oh Laito-kun, just you being here is enough" she said sarcastically imitating Laito's fan girls "What did you need help with?" he asked with a chuckle at her imitation of his lovely fan girls "Nothing, I was just bored and didn’t want to walk around like a loner" she explained with a chuckle as he hummed in response in somewhat understanding "Oi Laito you doing anything in the school break?" she asked looking at him as they walked out of the school grounds "Nope, as usual" he sighed a little knowing how boring his holidays will be "Wanna hang out sometime, I feel like we need to chill ya know?" she smiled at him "Ahh~ what’s this, is my little Tranny-chan falling for me?" he smirked leaning into her "HA! In your dreams pretty boy, knowing you, you probably do that anyway" she said leaning away from him laughing a little as he clicked his tongue "Did you just call me pretty my I didn't know you thought of me as attractive" he said with the back on his hand on his forehead and his other hand over his heart. By now they were out of the school grounds and in town they were making their way to an ice-cream shop "Yeah so? I ain't blind" she laughed as they grabbed an ice-cream together. Yes even though the two aren't a couple they act very much like it but this love was mostly one sided, Laito was in love with her; while she was the care free go with the flow kind of person. She wasn't into all that relationship things considering her past relationships where they wanted to be serious with her but she loved the life of the party, going out places to hang out more of the friend vibe than the boyfriend girlfriend vibe. Laito was much the same but he really wants to be with (Name) because she was not likes any other girl he's been with, but he wouldn't mind getting serious with her and settle down with her. But who knows what (Name) might choose, when the time comes.
~school breaks~
Laito: Hey Tranny-chan when are you planning for us to hang out?
(Name): Whenever you're free dude, I'm honestly free whenever. Plus don't you need permission from your "dad" Reiji?
Laito: okay technically yes I have to ask him and he's not my dad
(Name): dude chill, it’s just a prank bro. Anyway, dude ask him if we can hang out in town
(Name) waited for his reply as she cleaned her room. She was the kind f person when she's bored she will clean and listen to music and dance around like an idiot which took longer to clean up but that never stopped her "Na na na na na na, na na na na na na Na na na na na na, na na na na na na
I guess I just lost my husband I don't know where he went So I'm gonna drink my money I'm not gonna pay his rent (nope) I got a brand new attitude And I'm gonna wear it tonight I wanna get in trouble I wanna start a fight
Na na na na na na na, I wanna start a fight Na na na na na na na, I wanna start a fight" she sang pretending to play the guitar.
Her phone went off and she answered it "Yello?" she said turning the music down a little "Hello? Is this (Name)?" asked a deep voice "Yes it is I, (Name)" she replied "Good evening, my name is Reiji Sakamaki. Laito's older brother, he had just been explaining to me that you had made plans with him to go into town am I correct?" spoke Reiji "Yes, that is right. Is there a problem with that?" she questioned "Not at all (Name), but he must be home for dinner at 10:00, am I clear?" Reiji demanded "With all due respect Reiji Sakamaki, but both Laito and I are young adults 10:00 is a curfew for children. If I may, I shall have Laito back at 2:00 am, I will be sure that he will be in safe hands" she smirked as she spoke through the phone with Laito’s older brother "...Alright but if you are a minute late I will punish the two of you for disobeying. Do I make myself clear?" Reiji said sternly "Alright understood. Does Laito have any commitment for this week? I had asked him that I am available whenever he is, unless you plan to have family fun time?" she held back a small laugh "No, he's free. We do not do that "family fun time" nonsense" he said rather annoyed by her statement "Thank you Reiji Sakamaki for being so understanding" she said which came out sarcastic Reiji hummed and gave the phone to Laito who was standing by his side listening into the conversation "I'm impressed Tranny-chan, you managed to convince my older strict brother to a curfew of 2:00am, bravo~" he smirked as he complimented her "What can I say, I just have a way with men" she laughed along with Laito "So when are you thinking of hanging out?" Laito asked curious as to what she had planned for them "Well it's Thursday so~ Friday or Saturday is good and I was planning just walking around town I don’t know maybe catch a movie I don’t I say let’s wing it" she laughed "hmmm I don't have anything planned, so both days either way is fine" he chuckled a little "Alright Friday it is. Just send me a text whenever you're ready, I'll rock up and you better bring money because I ain't gonna pay for your rich ass" she laughed. She was well aware that he is rich and he had his own money so she did want pay for him because she didn’t see the point in it really "Oh alright I'll bring some money. So I'll see you on our date~" he smirked waiting for her reaction "OI IT'S NOT A DATE-" before she could yell at him Laito had hung up on her as he laughed "That little shit" she muttered as her cheeks flared up but she couldn't help but smile.
(Name) and Laito have been going out to town having fun and enjoying each other's company, but poor Laito was falling more for her as the days passed by. (Name) oblivious to his feelings for her continued to treat him like any other mate of hers, Laito knew this and that's what annoyed him the most. School break was finished and it was backed to the same old routines, going to class learning boring things and having a few fights here and there. But the two still hang out with one another which caused trouble for the two, (Name) for having girls sending death threats and Laito for have men confront him about touching "their (Name)". Laito was walking with (Name) as they talked as they ate their lunches "Has anything interesting happen lately?" he asked flashing her a small smile "Nah, just your fan girls wanting to pick a fight with me but backed down when I challenged them. Honestly Laito Sakamaki you have the worst taste in women" she laughed punching his shoulder lightly "Ah yes but they are not really my type to be truthful" this sparked her interest a little "Oooo so what is your type? I always thought you like those submissive girls that would date you with tip of your fedora" she laughed a little "I'm not sure myself, normally I prefer the submissive but its gets boring when they don't put up a fight" he sighed. "I understand, sometimes you have to spice things up, HA! Am I right" she laughed holding her hand in the air for a high-five. In a flash Laito had her pinned to a wall at the back of the school where they hangout, it was their spot that no one knew where they were. "LAITO!" she yelled her back hit into the wall, knocking the air out of her "I'm sick of this... I will make you mine. You will submit to me" he growled tightening his grip "Knock it off Laito this isn't funny, so lay off would you" she growled back trying to break free from him "That is something I cannot do Tranny-chan. I'm hurt that you think I'm joking when clearly I'm being serious" he said dangerous close to her face. (Name) stared at him closely. She didn’t know what to say or do she was frozen. His emerald eyes captured her in a trance his reddish-brown hair in his face his fedora laid perfectly on his head. She felt powerless as Laito started to lean into her further, she felt her heartbeat quicken. Laito could tell it was beating fast which made him chuckle as he proceed to lean into her neck ready to bit into her but she managed to shake him of "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU" She yelled pushing his off causing him to stumble back "Fufufuf~ don't you get it I want you, and I always get what I want" he purred pinning her again having regained his balance "LAITO! GET OFF ME NOW!" She snapped pushing him again "Not until I get what I want. And what I want is you" he said seriously and bit into her neck. (Name) gripped onto him trying to throw him off but he was too strong for her, she waited for the awaiting pain of him drinking but nothing happened, at first she thought he was just toying with her. He pulled back licking the blood that surfaced on her neck "Now you're mine" he smiled as he looked at his work done on her neck "YOU BASTARD!" She yelled angered and punched his face hard. Grabbing her hand from the pain and he was hit pretty hard his face faced the other way as he cast his eyes at the floor. She was muttering swears from the pain in her hands then she glared at him harshly her hand still I pain "Look at me and listen close because I won't repeat myself" she growled as he faced her with pain in his eyes and fear that he made her hate him "All you had to fucking do was just tell me how you felt...I would have happily gave you a chance... I'm willing to give you a second chance but as soon as I catch you playing me for your own pleasures I won't hesitate to kill you. Got it" she growled venom dripping from her words "Understood" he felt his smile rise on his face as he hugged her she hugged back awkwardly "Can I get a kiss?" He asked with a small purr in his voice "Fine but don't go telling everyone alright" she tsked and gave him a quick peck he pouted at her as she kissed on the cheek "I said a kiss and that's all you're getting" she said sitting down to eat lunch he joined her happily eating his food “Seriously man, I thought you were smooth in confessing to people you like” she laughed “But those girls I didn’t really like, you know I thought it would have been easier but you aren’t like others girls so I kinda panicked and just became forceful” he explained truthfully “Hey I never said I hated it really I was just shocked…and sorry for punching you it was just a reflex” she blushed softly “I keep that noted to warn you when I’m going to do something” he laughed with her
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