#I *might* still need to do the quest for having 50 monsters but I already have the reward so. that wasn't a priority
chromaticray · 2 years
I'm really bad at finishing games so when it comes to farming sims I always force myself to do everything else Before I let my farmer get married because the dating sim part of them is my favourite so I'd never forget to actually marry the LI hahaha. haha. ha
Anyway I guess I'm loading up RF5 again I'm so sorry Martin
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nyan-koii · 3 years
Hashira ft. Sabito as genshin impact players
aunotes : Bad grammar ahead! I didnt proofread it so be aware of brain damage. plus i initially wrote it at the 1.6 update
PART 1 : T.Muichiro, R.Kyojuro, K.Shinobu, S.Sanemi, U.Tengen 
Muichiro : he probably would be uninterested at first. He's more to first person shooting game or anything other than this concept of farming or investing. So that's why when he saw yuichirou banging his fist on his desk, trying to get his fav character, he would simply just watch
"Fck this game, i've had enough,"
"But you havent finish your wishing things yet,"
Stares. "How about you give it a try mui. You might get the character i want,"
"You sure about that? You might get angry at me," "better than nothing. Now go go, get em you donkey,"
His first ten pulls on the game brings out a light we all want to see
Apparently, it was one of the luckiest wish yuichiro had ever seen so far
"I think i get your fav character?"
"Yeahh!! More than that to be honest. I want klee but you brought me two more person," sniffles and cries "you're really lucky mui. You should try and play the game,"
"It's probably the system. I doubt im that lucky tho,"
Nah, he really is lucky. Apparently he wished for his friends and got what they all really wanted for so long
"Thank you for getting me the aquila favonia, muichiro,"
"It's nothing really. I just simply press the button. It might be the system that's giving you the thing you want when i wish,"
"But still, even if i were to wish, i can get really scared and paranoid over it,"
"That's bad. You shouldnt invest yourself that much in the game tanjiro. It's just a game,"
"Ehehehe, i guess so. But you're really good at it muichiro! If you download it, we can play together :D!"
It took the word "play together" to get muichiro down on his knee for that game. Usually the idea of playing with your friends is not that interesting. So when tanjiro said that, you bet he's going to play it
Type of player
Extremely lucky it's not even real. He got a five star on the beginner's banner
Fast farming. He probably will complete all the quest and become an endgame player within one month
"I just wanted to play with tanjiro..." bashfully
He's really good with whatever he's doing. Attack combo, dodging, elemental reaction and all sorts of stuff. If he invest more of his time on artifacts, he would probably even one shot it!!
He's very lucky. Very
Kyojuro : he wouldnt even know the existence of this game. Well, he took a glimpse of it one day and boom, heart stolen. Maybe it was the fiery burning passion in bennett that made him play the game.
'oh wow!! What a determined young boy! Even though he has a very bad luck he still keep pushing forward! Amazing!!'
'I want to be like him'
Kyojuro's the type of player to read and pay attention to every single lore of his fav character. Bennett, oh my how he wish he could've had bennett in his team. Every wishes he made would make him a c6 bennett main if only barbara wont stop coming home
"I really like you barbara but i dont want you!! Thank you for the c6 though!! I promise to use you in the future but just-" he prepares to wish
"not NOW!!" Clicks
The highest con of bennett he had ever gotten is probably c1. One day the paimon's bargain shop offered bennett as their monthly character. Kyojuro had never been so excited over a game before. He usually perks up over academics and not this kind of thing. But it's bennett, the character he admires the most.
Unfortunately he couldnt get it due to low currency. He had never feel so sad in his life.
"I shall not give up. Dont worry, i will be a c6 bennett main!!!"
He will be a c6 bennett haver!!
Type of player :
Carefully reads every stories and listens to their lines attentively. He finds it amazing how the company spent their everything on this game. It amazes him. From the stories, lores and lines, he truly appreciates it.
Balance his team pretty well. He mains bennett so he doesnt need that much of a healer in his team.
Enjoys bennett's hangout very much!! He tried to not get him killed by the dungeon's trap but ended up having to sacrifice him which ultimately ends the route. He had never felt so down and guilty before.
Not much of a damage dealer. He prefers to play it in normal mode and doesnt care that much about one shotting monster.
He feeds his character three meals a day!! If only there's a sleep option, he would be sending bennett to sleep first before the rest.
Everyone loves his teapot
Shinobu : found the game while she's scrolling through the app store out of boredom. Initially she played it on her phone but due to the fps and a really bad ping, so bad that douma wouldnt find her interesting anymore, she finally downloaded the game on her pc where things has starting to get real
"Ara, shinobu chan, it's lunch time already. Come downstairs please,"
"Sis give me five more minutes, JUST FIVE PLEASE I NEED TO KICK CHILDE's ASS,"
"he's not going anywhere sweetie,"
"DIE DIE DIE!!" Aggresive clicking intensifies
"Shinobu chan dont hurt the keyboard that much!!"
She got lucky on the beginner's banner too and pulled a 5 star along with bennett and noelle. Who's the 5 star? Diluc Ragnvindr in all of his glory. Shinobu benched him sadly. She prefers sword over any other weapon
"I mean he's cool i guess but i just really dont get that 'WOAHHH COOL' vibe from him you know?"
"then give your diluc to me! I really want him so bad shinobu chan!"
Deep sighs "yeah sure. You can have my c2 diluc mitsuri..."
Loses 50/50 to diluc everytime everyone would think she either is lucky or cursed by the amount of that man greeting him on the screen. She still bench him though, sadly
Type of player :
Suffers a lot in the abyss because she just want the primos which is a valid reason to do because that's the only thing that keeps her going
She's a sword character main. She'll properly build every character as either support or dps. The support would be kaeya and bennett, and her main dps ayaka
Ayaka main btw
Honestly at some point she wanted to quit the game because of how tiring it is but then inazuma came out
Fragile resin = 0
Resin = 160/160 happens once in a blue moon
"i should probably control myself with the amount of resin i've used,"
"But i cant,"
Hates domain but always can be seen playing in there
Only coops if mitsuri is there
"So that someone can calm me down,"
"That's not a really good reason shinobu chan,"
Sanemi : dude probably know the game through obanai. He watched the latter play and finds it interesting on how high the numbers he dealt. He loves challenges so a game like genshin impact would probably satisfy his need.
"Obanai, are you hearing this shit?"
"What is it sanemi, im busy doing this event,"
"That loser giyuu is also playing the game,"
"Oh yeah i know,"
"i just know right after you told me,"
Sanemi's a meta but a mediocre one. He's meta but he doesnt show it that much. Probably buys welkin once in every three months or when he really needs it same goes with battle pass too. Honestly, he really just use his money when he really needs something
"Donno if my allowance can buy me a welkin so i'll probably skip,"
"But the next banner is zhongli's,"
"Ah fuck it," buys
My man cant dodge after he got zhongli. Its very painful because he used to studies the enemies movement in the early game so that he can utilizes it on the team but zhongli's shield is so tank he forgot that dodging exists
"Im gonna kill you and you and you hhahaahhaah just you wait im gonna shred all of yo- oh shit zhongli's shield. puT IT BACK PUT IT BACK ON,"
That one event where zhongli's shield plays an important role in the domain? Yeah, he felt like a god at that time. Even got his c2 on his rerun. Sanemi just really like zhongli because it kinda reminds him of himejima. Calm and wise and strong too. He looks up on that kind of person
"Zhongli sama, im in debt for all of your hard work protecting my team," bows and wipes tears
Type of player :
Spends a little money on the game to get what he wants
Zhongli main
Is that one player that has hoards of food but doesnt even use it
"Why need healer when you have zhongli's shield,"
Compare to kyojuro, he doesnt even touch the teapot because he finds it ridiculous and bothersome to create and design everything in it
Loves one shotting bosses and compares it to giyuu. He ask for advices from obanai regarding team build supports and stuffs
Doesnt do character's story quest. The key is full every single time. He unlocks it but leaves the quest like that.
"Ah shit, i accidentally activate the quest,"
His friend list only has obanai in it. Whenever people sent him friend request, he wouldnt hesitate, more like wouldnt care to accept it
They either have to coop in obanai's world or his world and after that, unfriend immediately
Says thank you after coop because he has manners and then completely disappears
"Zhongli main forever,"
Tengen : played since 1.0 this madlad has been staying loyal to the game ever since. Quite huge amount of money he spend on this game to be honest but he never gets broke by it. You can see his regular donation to the game by purchasing welkin and battle pass and some genesis crystal too. He's loaded with money, he didnt know what to do with it.
Uzui also plays honkai impact and guns girl Z so when he saw the unknown god at the intro , he was not surprised.
"Oh we have to pick between the siblings? Cool cool co- oh hi kiana,"
"Thats so herrscher of void hahahahah,"
Although he is a loyal fan to MihoYo games, he lost his composure when he saw the 1st genshin anniversary reward because what was that. Imagine getting billions of money and they give us this? Tengen cant believe this shit
"Oh god wtf was that reward, i have to draw to get a welkin and some primos?? aND I ALSO HAVE TO BE LUCKY? WHAT-"
In need of mona. He needs mona so bad he literally spent his money on standard banner to get mona but always ends up with qiqi. Not that he's complaining but he just wants the astrologist to complete the support team
"GOD QIQI YOU AGAIN? WTF WFF WTF-" converts genesis crystal to primigems
"Tengen, you should control yourself!"
"yeah but my f2p ass is hurting with how many bennett cons you got," droops
Tengen sees potential in every character. Everyone has their weakness and strength so when kokomi comes out, he diss her at first but then realize maybe its a new way for a character. Adds the uniqueness if he may say so.
"Meh i dont care honestly. You guys should pull whoever you find nice or beautiful. Like me ;)"
"Who do you main uzui?"
Type of player
Spoils the storylines, lores, leaks A LOT THE REST HAVE TO BLOCK HIM ON SOCIAL MEDIA
Speed runs the game and has become an endgame player ever since but he still does his daily commission and helps people with domains and stuffs
R5 every battle pass weapon
Fights azhdaha for fun and to test out his characters rather than ruin guards and stuff
Mona wanter
Puts traveller as the pfp and doesnt display any showcase of his characters and namecards. You can only see his achievements and spiral abyss ( 12-3 ). Says its for fun and mystery
Throws a lot of pickup lines and roleplays a lot. Spams your chatbox messages with stickers and censored stuffs
Probably steals your ores and exotic things like violetgrass, qingxin and silk flowers
Screams in the chatbox whenever he saw Mona until Kyojuro had to calm him down
Changes signature every single time and sometimes put spoilers in it
In every survey he would complain "MihoYo where the fuck is my Mona,"
Doesnt heals his characters
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #729: Dungeons and Dragons (Persona 5)
9:23 p.m. Outside of Leblanc Café........
Ann: (Smiles Brightly While Walking With Shiho, Ren and Makoto to the Café) That was a good movie night.
Shiho: (Smiles Softly) I agree. The new Godzilla movie was a lot more fun to watch than I thought it would be.
Makoto: You know, I've always wanted to learn more about the monster himself. His origins, his strength and weaknesses, how powerful his atomic laser really is.....and....how he even got it in the first place.
Ren: Pretty sure Futuba would've filled you in on all of that already. I'm surprised she didn't want to go to the movies with us.
Makoto: I'm more surprised at the fact that she wanted to spend time with my sister today. I hope they were getting along with one another while we were gone.....
Ren: (Gives Makoto a Reassuring Smile While Placing his Hand on the Café's Door Handle). Don't worry, 'hon.
'Door Opens and Bells Ringing'
Ren: (Turns Back Around Forward) I'm sure those two are doing just fine to- (Eyes Widened at What is in Front is in Front of him, Along with Everyone Else) ge....ther......
Futuba: (Gets Up from her and Speak in a Old Wizard Accent Seat While Wearing a White, Long Beard and a Wizard Hat) Greetings, love strucked travelers!
Sae: (Waves at the Very Surprised Gang While Having a Small Smile on her Face) Welcome back.
Lavenza/Morgana: (Happily Waves Hello to the Gang as Well While Wearing Respective Travelers' Robes)
Ren: (Almost Speechless) Well.......Guess we have nothing to worry about in that department.
Makoto: Sis......A-Are you..... actually playing-
Sae: Dungeons & Dragons with Futuba and the others? Why, yes my dear, yet somewhat naive little sister, I am. I play the role as a trained, Silver Knight. (Pulls out a Wooden Sword Right Beside her) While wielding an all powerful Excalibur in my grasp.
Futuba: I am the Almighty Wizard of the Ever Green Forest! Sharing and exposing my wisdom and power to those how DARES to seek them!
Shiho: (Raised an Eyebrow in Confusion) Weren't you like a mage at one point?
Futuba: Yeah, but I'd grind and grind a lot in my spare to till I was eventually able leveled up and evolved into full fledged wizard.
Shiho: Ohhhhhhhhh I see. (Smiles Softly) Nice work.
Futuba: (Smiles Brightly) Thanks! I-I mean....('Clears Throat') Thank you, lady friend of Blantent Fashion Diva!
Ann: (Gives Futuba a Deadpinned Look on her Face While her Girlfriend Giggles Softly at Her Dispense) Really?
Futuba: Yes. Really.
Lavenza: And Morgana and I are the wizard's humble apprentices who decided to leave their hometown in order to learn the ways of creating magical sorcery and use them necessary combat.
Morgana: (Pulls out his Wooden Sword) We also have swords. In case for urgent emergencies.....and if this whole magic gig doesn't work out.
Futuba: I heard that, Sir Cute & Fluffy Butt!!
Morgana: (Turns to Futuba with an Annoyed Look on his Face) Do you really have to keep calling me that throughout the entire runtime of this quest?
Futuba: Yes. (Pats on Morgana's Head) It suits you perfectly.
Lavenza: (Happily Hugs Morgana) Not to mention that your overall cuteness knows no bounds to the eyes of our enemies.
Sae: (Smiles a Little) I agree with both of them, Mona-Chan. You're quite adorable in your own unique way.
Morgana: (Starts Blushing a Little) You know, I I don't know why I didn't ask you this sooner but, HOW exactly are you able to understand what I've been saying this entire time?
Sae: I'm not really sure why myself, if I'm being honest...... Nonetheless, I'm.... somewhat glad that I am able to have a conversation with you.
Morgana: (Sighs Before Smiling a Little) Same.
Ann: (Giggles Softly) Wow, Sae. I had no idea you would be this interested that kind of stuff.
Sae: There is a lot of things you don't know about me, Ms. Takakmaki.
Shiho: Ooh! Like how you're the biggest fan of-
Sae: (Starts Rolling her Eyes While Sighing) Of Banjo-Kun and Kazooie-Chan. Yes! That is the honest truth unfortunately. You weren't even suppose to know that information if a certain SOMEONE didn't tell you before hand! (Glares at the Two Culprits, Ren and Makoto)
Ren: (Starts Getting a Little Scared by Sae's Cold Stone Glare) Ah shit.......
Makoto: (Chuckles Very Awkwardly and Nervously) I'm..... guessing....You managed to figured that one out somehow, huh?
Sae: Futuba told me everything. But it's fine..... I'm already over it. And besides, it helps become more laid back than ever before.
Makoto: ('Sigh') I'm happy for that, sis. But if you need any of us.....(Gently Grabs Ren's Hand) we'll be heading upstairs to-
Sae: Form a Cuddle Session among yourselves?
Ren: (Immediately Starts Looking Away While Whistling)
Makoto: (Eyes Widened in Surprised Before Looking Away While Blushing in Embarrassment) .............
Ann: ('Sigh') Geeez....... She's still able to see right through us, even when she's not in the courtroom......
Shiho: Yeah. That's pretty impressive.....and scary.
Sae: Very well. I'll let you four be for the night. Have fun, but not too much fun. Understand?
Makoto: ('Sigh') Yes, big sister. We understand. (Made her Way to the Upstairs with Ren, Ann and Shiho Following Her) Have fun with game night-
Sae: Makoto.
Makoto: (Turns Back to Sae) Yes? What's wrong?
Sae: (Use Both of her Fingers to Create a Heart Shape While Giving her Little Sister a Soft, Loving Smile) I love you.
Makoto: (Eyes Widened at Her Bug Sister For a Brief Second Before Smiling Softly Herself) I love you too, sis.
Ann/Shiho: Awwwwwwww~
Ren: (Smiles Softly at the Scene) Adorable.
Sae: Ren.
Ren: (Quickly Gives Saw Attention) Y-Yes, ma'am?
Sae: ............... You're a good boy.
Ren: ............................ I'm sorry. What?
Sae: You heard me. I said you're a good boy.
Ren: (Couldn't Believe What He is Hearing) Y-Y-You're kidding, right? You're not just saying that to be nice, are you?
Sae: ('Sigh') No, Ren. I meant every word I said. Despite our difference in the past......(Smiles Softly) I truly believe that you're a good person and already worthy of my respect.
Ren: (Almost at a Loss for Words) Wow. I..... (Chuckles Lightly) Honestly don't know what to say here. T-Thank you-
Sae: THAT being said.......
Ren: (Gets Startled by Sae's Serious Side Again) Y-Yes, ma'am?
Sae: (Gives Ren a Serious Look on her Face) You frequently make my little sister worried sick about you everytime you do something reckless and stupid. Which is exactly why I am ordering you to refrain yourself from doing that from this day forward!
Makoto: (Pouts at Ren) That goes double from me too, Mister!
Ann: (Glares at Ren as Well) And us too!
Shiho: (Nods in Agreement While Crossing her Arms)
Lavenza: I agree wholeheartedly in this in this request!
Morgana: Same here.
Futuba: By the power invested in me and it's everlasting glory!....( Points at Ren) I ORDER you to agree to the Silver Knight's command and take it very SERIOUSLY!...............(Sighs Before Talking in her Usual Self Again) Seriously, man. Promise us you won't be reckless idiot anymore, okay?
Ren: (Was About to Say Something Before His Phone Starts Ringing and Begins to Answer it) Hello?
Bayonetta: (On the Other Line) No more being reckless, young man!!
Ren: (Eyes Widened in Surprised) Mom!?
Palutena: (On the Other Line) Listen to your friends and mother, Ren-Ren!
Ren: Other Mom!?
Pit: Please, Ren? We're only trying to look out for you, that's all.
Dark Pit: In other words, quit being a dumbass already.
Kirby: Poyo! Poyo!
Pit: Yeah! What Kirby said!
Ren: Okay! Okay! I try not to be a reckless idiot anymore. I promise.
Sae: ('Sigh') Very well. I suppose that's good enough for us. Just know that we will have eyes on you for the time being.
Makoto: (Hugs Ren Lovingly) That's right. We won't let anything bad happen to you again, Ren-Ren.
Ren: (Chuckles Lightly) I know you guys wouldn't, 'hon~ (Gives Makoto a Kiss on the Forehead)
Dark Pit: Oh God. Are they making out already? Just marry each other already!
Makoto starts blushing again while Ren starts putting on a deadpinned look on his face.
Palutena: ('Sigh') Don't make fun of your brother, Pitto.
Dark Pit: Hey, I'm just saying. If they're gonna keep being lovey dovey with one another, they might as well put a ring on it sooner or later........ Bet you $50 Makoto gonna propose first.
Pit: No way! I bet you $20 that Ren is gonna do it first!
Kirby: Poyo! Poyo! Poyo!
Dark Pit: ('Heh') Deal.
Ren: (Sighs While Rolling his Eyes) Love you, guys!
Bayonetta: We love you too, sweetie-
Ren: (Finally Hangs Up the Phone Call Before Turning Back to Sae) Seriously though, thanks for the kind words, Ms. Prosecutor. And for..... (Smiles Softly) Trying to look out for me. Means a lot.
Sae: (Smiles Softly While Slowly Nodding) Think nothing of it. You four can proceed go to upstairs now.
Makoto: 'Kay. (Makes her Way Upstairs with the Rest of the Gang) Have fun on your quest!
Sae: Will do! ('Sigh') Glad I finally got that out of my system. I hope what I said that was enough for them to understand
Futuba: (Smiles Softly) You kidding? It was more than enough, Sae. I'm proud of ya.
Sae: (Smiles Back at Futuba While Simply Nodding) Thank you, Futuba. Now then......(Forms a Smirk on her Face) Shall we continue the quest?
Futuba: Let the Quest of Dragons Begins!!
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voidsentprinces · 3 years
I am seeing some weird defensiveness in the community lately so, I thought I’d write a little something up on my thoughts regarding it. Because though I love Final Fantasy XIV, my experience getting into it seems to begun to echo through the influx of WoW Refugees coming. So before I go forward let me say, I enjoy FFXIV. I think Shadowbringers is the best MMORPG story, I’ve ever been through. That being said, Heavensward was over hyped for me and Stormblood might be slightly worse than ARR for dividing its focusing among two separate revolutions. One which takes up a sizeable chunk of the game and doesn’t impact it until precisely the penultimate quest before the end of the main Stormblood MSQ. That being said, I have like 50 Million Alts and am planning an OC AU Comic to be posted eventually. With that out of the way let me say my peace:
I am glad, there is a surge of new players in FFXIV but like...ARR is still a hurdle. The story time meanders, it rarely finds focus and it feels very monster of the week up until the very end and not every player is going to wait or want to wait for that whole “It gets better later” spiel. If a game doesn’t grab a player within its first few hours, its its own fault. Another wave of new MMOs doing something different is on its way. Between New World and Ashes of Creation, the MMO Market is about to be bombarded with potential once more. After Endwalker, ARR is gonna have to be polished and shifted even more to compensate because the stagnation of the last twenty odd years ain’t cutting it no more. MMORPGs gonna have to sink or swim. No matter how much I like this game, I am not going to be writing home about how surprising the twist behind the ambush before Ifrit was. Or that same story beat is used in quick succession for Laurentius and again for Tiduslayer also being an imposter or for Thancred being possessed by Lahabrea or how it turns out the Inquisitor is also an imposter spy.
Like ARR has one twist beat and it is always that someone is a spy or isn’t who they say they are and it never refreshens it. By the end of Post-ARR its the same story beat they used for Ungust and that’s like Hours of Content that amounts to, “Yeah so, here’s another person who isn’t who they say they are.” Final Fantasy XIV is a fantastic game and all, but the incoming population shouldn’t be expected to stick around especially if we as community keep hyping up, “Oh it gets better in Heavensward” or “Oh Shadowbringers is where its at”. You set the expectations too high and they’re going to expect the second coming of Christ and as we saw with Cyberpunk 2077 or No Mans Sky or hell who remembers Spore? You put too much stock in something it is never, ever going to deliver on that promise.
I came to FFXIV during WoW Legion which is turning out to be the last good thing that MMO has done. And the grind, the overused story beats, and the world did not warm itself to me. It wasn’t until BFA that I actually broke into FFXIV and the only reason I broke through ARR is because I had already done the same thing with Dark Souls. A game about banging your head against a wall until it submits itself in defeat out of pity. Pretty sure general population didn’t get into Dark Souls either.
Point is, I am starting see a lot of defensiveness when a WoW Refugee comes over and isn’t instantly enamored with FFXIV and goes to try something else. If someone is turned off by something and goes to do something else they aren’t worst for it and they didn’t personally break into your house and steal your pets. They’re giving valid criticisms as to why it just didn’t connect with them. No one should have to get use to a look or a story. The story and look should be there to draw them in. Serve as a way to hook them and if it doesn’t there is little you can do about it.
And actually now that I think of it, I feel the need to quote a game critic talking about Dark Souls that I feel holds true for FFXIV experience and how the community seems to have to hint at it getting better at certain story beats later on:
“Now, I never reviewed Dark Souls because other titles were out and my playtime was limited, and every time I sat down to it, it was like walking into a dark shed full of rakes, immediately treading on one and getting blatted in the face. Other people with more time on their hands started telling me it was the greatest thing since tummy-rubs, so I'd go back in the shed thinking, "Well, maybe there was just the one rake," before BLAT in the face again!
So I left it for a while, but this week with plenty of free time in my schedule, I thought to myself, "Last chance! I'll just keep tanking the rakes and maybe I'll somehow become really psychotically into being rake-faced just in time to be prepared for the sequel." And I'll be blatted in the face with a rake if that isn't kind of what happened. I've been raking myself all week right up to bedtime, I'm at risk of going blind!
You see, I resisted Dark Souls partly because people kept telling me, "It's good once you're used to it" and I've always held that the same thing can be said about being boiled alive, so I'd ask them to explain why it's good and they'd reply, "Ooh, we can't tell you. You'll just have to find out for yourself." And then I'd say, "Shut up or fuck off, ideally both, in either order!" But then after watching a decent Lets Play of the game, gone over the wiki a few times and a six week preparation with a team of advisors and physical trainers, I was able to break through the wall. And I suppose that's the first failing of Dark Souls; that you need the fucking Cliff's Notes to get into it.”
Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn treads the same road and is unfortunately the entry point in the series and not everyone is built to do the grind all over again after coming from another MMO. Heavensward is an okay story, the aether currents if you’re not an altoholic like me are irritating to track down especially if, like me, you pick up flying to finish exploring a zone. Stormblood leaves much to be desired from the way it sort of forces Lyse down your throat to the way Hien just sort of goes about thing a little too pragmatically to be called a hero and doesn’t enamor any more confidence during Yotsuyu’s amnesia arc. Shadowbringers is the moment the story becomes about you. Which is kind of strange in the context that an MMO should make you feel like you are the central character and WoW’s greatest failing is in that the world changes about you and you have little say in how things actually unfold. It is a difficult balance to find but one Shadowbringers has done beautifully.
But again, to have to drag yourself through a two expansions to get to the actual goods while having the ever present need of FOMO to be with your friends. ARR certainly isn’t doing the influx any favors.
I am happy our community is welcoming and that there is a sizeable group of people sticking with it til the good stuff. To expect everyone to immediately become entranced by this new world we’re being thrown into is a little silly.
I am sure no one I follow or who can see this is causing an uproar but hey it never hurts to just get it out my system. Oh hey and there’s only 3 months until Endwalker. Here’s hoping for another solid expansion folks. Be excellent to one another even those who only stick around for five minutes and then leave the game for something else.
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random-blfan · 4 years
Alsar 66: New Quest
8 am.
I walked down the street in the morning sun, opened the guild door for the first time in three days, and Tord-san-san was sitting at the counter with a sleepy face.
"Good morning, Tord-san. Yesterday, I heard from Mr. Malik that there is a  quest for us. Is it posted on the bulletin board?"
"Good morning! Yes, it's posted on the bulletin board ... The solo quest  has 3 subjugations of A rank class monsters. The party quest is an escort mission that requires an A rank member in the party. I think it's probably that quest. "
As he spoke he shook his head lightly to get rid of drowsiness, then greeted me vigorously as usual then told me the contents of the quest.
It's difficult for me to subdue by myself without any means of attack, so it seems impossible for me to solo. Is it possible for multiple people to take a solo quest?
"This solo quest, for example, is it impossible for me and someone else to take it?"
"No, it's possible. Just be sure to take the quest as a party, and any number of people is fine in solo quests!"
"Is that so ... Thank you."
I wonder who to take along to do the quest.
First of all, I'm terribly inexperienced, so I'd like to gradually gain experience with quests.
"Is it a party quest?"
"Yes. It's supposed to be a party that includes an A rank, but the only parties here in Pedrel that have A ranks are Ren's [Luche] and Janna's [Casablanca]. Though Janna-san had taken this client’s quest before, they didn’t get along at all ,it seems like it went terribly, so it can be said that it’s perfect for Luce. " (It's suggesting that the quest can pretty much  only be taken by them)
"Ehh ..."
Originally there are only about 50 people in A rank, but is it a dangerous quest to specifically ask for an A rank?
What kind of person is the client who didn't get along with Janna?
If we don't take this  quest, no one will, so that person will be in trouble ...
Should I consult with those three?
"I see.... Thank you very much. Then I'll consult with Chris and the others and decide whether we want to take it or not. I'll see you later.
"Okay. I'll be waiting for you!
The last time I saw him, he was kind of gloomy, but I'm glad to see that today's Tord-san is more cheerful.After all, cheerfulness suits Tord-san, doesn't it?.
With that in mind, I headed to the 5th floor, where those three should be.
But really, why the hell are we on the top floor ......?
The stairs are pretty steep for me, but I'm sure the adventurers who stay here have strong legs and feet, so I'm sure it's not hard at all.
"I think Fer-san was the closest to the stairs… Is Fer-san here?"
"Yes, it 's open."
I knocked lightly on the door of 503 and heard Fer-san’s reply from inside, so I opened the door and went in.
It seems that preparations are complete today, and while turning his back, he wraps a dark brown waist pouch-shaped storage bag, Magic Bag, around his waist.
"Good morning, Ren-kun. Did you see the bulletin board?"
"Good morning, Fer-san. No, I haven't seen it, but I got the specifics from Tord-san”
"I see.... In the meantime, I'll go get the other two and we'll talk over breakfast downstairs.
Fer-san turned around and came up to pet my head, greeting me with a fresh morning smile.
People in this world really like to pet my head, don't they?
I feel like I've been patted a lot since I came here.
I guess I'm small, so I'm easy to pet.
When I replied, Fer-san grabbed my hand and we left the room to go to the one next door.
"I'm going to talk to Sig, so Ren-kun ask Chris, okay? ... Sig? Are you awake?"
I walked down the corridor a bit, listening to Fel calling Sig through the door, and knocked lightly on the door of room 501 where Chris was sleeping and called out to him.
"Chris-san? Are you awake?
"Yes, I'm awake. ...Good morning”
“Good morning. You're all set for today aren't you?”
As soon as I called out to him, the door opened with a bang and Chris-san peeked out.
I was a little relieved to see that he wasn't naked today, but was properly dressed.
"Fufu, too bad for you I’m wearing clothes ~?" (He’s kinda suggesting Ren wanted to see him naked)
"HA!? Not in a million years! Let 's go!" (The line here is something more like: there’s no way that’s the case, or smth along those lines, sounds pretty tsundere to be honest)
"Yes, yes ~"
Perhaps Chris read my thoughts, he leaned against the door and made fun of me with a grin.
I turned my back on Chris and started walking, but I'm sure he saw my cheeks turn red. The evidence of this was the giggling that followed me from behind.
"Hey Ren. Good morning"
"Good morning, Sig-san"
"Your face is bright red, did Chris tease you again?"
"Uh ..."
Sig-san's room was next to Chris-san's, so we got there quickly.
Apparently the redness on my cheeks hadn’t disappeared , he looked at me while telling me so, and I looked down to hide it.
"Okay, Okay… We'll talk about the quest downstairs while eating breakfast, right? Let 's go, Ren-kun."
Fer-san gently pats my head and puts his hand on my shoulder leading me to the first floor.
It seems like Sig-san and Chris-san are following us from behind.
It seems that Chris and Sig are also following from behind.
When I got to the first floor, I was escorted to a table in the dining area like the last time, and they pulled out a chair for me to sit on.
"Ren-kun did you eat already?"
"Oh, yes, so I'll just get a drink today."
As before, the three asked for breakfast, and I started talking about the request quest while drinking orange juice.
By this time, the redness in my cheeks had receded, so I spoke normally.
"-So it's a solo  quest, but I'd like someone to go with me ..."
“Though I saw it yesterday I thought that this solo quest is a tough one for Ren-chan to go…”
"Ah, is that so?"
Chris-san tells me when I ask the three of them.
I didn't check the bulletin board properly, but that's true ...
 "Ah, indeed. First, it takes time to get to the site, and It's a pretty steep mountain, Oscar and the others can't climb it, so it's going to be tough for Ren, who's not very strong yet, and I think the other two will be difficult for Ren as well, so leave it to us this time.. "
"That's right. There were three quests, so let's take one each."
"Then we'll go  separately, and while we're waiting, one by one we'll go on a date with Ren-chan"
If the three of them, who are senior adventurers, say so, then they must be right.
I can't help it, if I force myself to go and become a burden, so I'll just give up this time.
A date in the meantime...that might be nice too...
"Okay, then what about the party  quest?"
"It’s an escort to La Serna. It's a 10-day round trip. It's an easy job to take because the departure date and time can be anytime between July 10th and 15th."
"La Serna?"
It is the first time I have heard of such a place.
A 10 days round trip means it is farther than Calhea. (I wasn’t sure how to romanize カリェーハ but I left it the way the previous translator did…)
"Yes, the Calhea meadow and the village of Bayunov are north of Pedrel, but La Serna is the exact opposite, it’s a city in the south. The roads are well maintained and usually do not pass through dangerous places, so a B-rank or C-rank adventurers are enough as escorts.There are also stagecoaches that connect towns without hiring guards in the first place, so many people go by that”
"And yet, they’re asking for an A-rank, or rather, us, Luce?
According to Fer-san, if guards aren’t really needed then why are we being assigned to do it?
"Are you really worried?"
"Well, if there was a problem, the guild wouldn’t accept the requested quest, so it must be fine ... what should we do? Should we take it?"
Is the client someone very worried about the journey?
When accepting the  quest, the guild side also confirms the identity of the client, so there seems to be less trouble.
So I don't think I'm going to get involved in a crime, and it's a new place for me, who has rarely left Pedrel.
Maybe I want to go there ...
"I don't know if it's right for me to accept a quest like this, but I've never been to this place before, and I want to go there. Of course, I'll also do the quest properly”
"If that's the case, should we take it?"
"Let 's do it "
"Then let's finish eating and go to the reception."
So it seems that I don't have to worry about getting involved in crime or anything, and it's a new place for me as I've hardly ever left Pedrel.
I kind of want to try going…
I'm not sure if I can decide not to accept a request like this. But I'm still excited about the new quest.
As soon as we finished eating, they all went to sign up for a solo quest and I took care of the party quest”
The desired departure date is July 11.
The blueprints for the house would be finished by then, and the three of them were told that if the solo quests went well, they would be done by then, so we decided to do it that day.
I'm looking forward to dating each of the three until the 11th.
TN: Sorry about the late update,  I’m starting exams this week but I’ll try to have the next chapter as soon as possible.
Take care∼
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bloodelves88 · 4 years
Fundamental Game Design Problems with Genshin Impact
I’ve been playing Genshin Impact since its launch, and I’ve had some sort of a love-hate relationship with it. On one hand, I love the world, the characters, the story, and how it feels so carefree and beautiful. On the other hand, I really hate its leveling system, its gacha system, and the time-reward ratio of its activities.
I find that there are quite a few issues in Genshin Impact that just doesn’t make sense from a game design perspective. These issues make the player want to play less, or avoid features in the game that should not be avoided, and instead should be encouraged to explore. Coincidentally, the very same game design issues do encourage players to spend real money on the game, so I guess that’s the crux of the issue.
Issue 1: The Resin System
If you play Genshin Impact, we all saw this issue coming, didn’t we? 
Resin is basically the stamina/energy that you would know in other gacha games. The problem is that there’s just too little resin, which leads to almost every other problem that I’m going to talk about later.
In short, there’s just too little resin given to the player. The amount of time to recover resin is just too long for the amount of rewards given in exchange.
In Genshin Impact, you can spend resin on ley lines (random fights in the open world that give either character experience or money), domains (instanced fights that give you artifact equipment, or weapon ascension materials), and open world bosses (gives you character ascension materials). Nothing wrong with that, so far so good.
What if I told you that you need to spend approximately 5 hours worth of resin in order to get the rewards from a world boss, and that boss might not even drop the material? Just this past week alone, I spent about 5 days worth of resin on just one boss and nothing else, and I came out with no high tier materials at all. On the bright side, the game does allow you to combine lower tier materials into higher tier materials. This still doesn’t sound too bad... but read on to issue 2 and 3 to see why this becomes a problem that snowballs.
Another strange point is that the weekly quests require you to spend more resin than you can recover. This pretty much means that you must spend real money in order to complete the quest. Totally broken.
Issue 2: The World Level System
In Genshin Impact, there is something called a “World Level”. This determines the level of the monsters in the world, which in turn determines the quality of the loot that they drop.
The problem is, the world level increases as your adventure rank increases. Your adventure rank increases when you do pretty much anything in the game. Completing quests, opening chests, completing domains, defeating bosses, and completing ley lines all give you adventure rank experience. 
This means that you will be kept on your toes, and you cannot afford to spend your resin on things you do not need. God forbid that you end up with a high world level with weak characters. You’re pretty much dead if that happens. 
I’ve not found myself in such a situation yet, and I have no idea if it’s possible to break out of such an impasse. Too weak to farm materials, and no way to get around that. Big oof.  
It’s strange, because this is such a chill and calming game, but the system behind it is anything but. 
Ever since I hit adventure rank 30, I’ve avoided doing any random quests that I come across in the open world (game design problem: your players are avoiding quests). I simply do not want to level up! I’m scared of leveling up (game design problem: your players do not want to level up).
Now, why does this happen? The resin system! The player is just not able to farm enough to become strong enough to handle a higher world level.
There is a minor breather for this though. Every 10 adventure rank levels starting at level 25, there’s a trial that you have to pass before the world level will go up. This gives the you an infinite amount of time to catch up and farm whatever you want, and the world level will not go up. However, you will still earn adventure rank experience, which will all be added once you’ve passed the trial. I skipped level 26-30 this way and jumped two world levels because of this. Luckily, I was prepared enough to handle it.
You might think that this trial is there to counter this problem of being too weak in the world level you’re in. Nope. The boss (electro hypostasis) in the trial is one of the easiest bosses in the game due to a lack of an enrage timer (DPS check) and it has very obvious attacks that are easily dodged. So... it doesn’t gatekeep anything. 
Issue 3: The Leveling System
In Genshin Impact, your characters level up using character experience cards. These cards are dropped from chests, and are given as rewards from quests or ley lines.
In Genshin Impact, you also control a squad of four characters at a time, and elemental reactions and elemental advantages are a big part of the combat system. So, you aren’t just going to be able to get away with training one character, and I’d say that you would need about 6 characters to cover all your bases. 
I’ve personally leveled up two characters to 70, one to 60, two to 50, and one to 40. And I’m all out of character experience cards.
The problem? The resin system! Your main source of character experience cards in the late game would be from ley lines, and this requires resin if you want to gain rewards from it. But wait! I also need resin to farm weapon ascension materials and character ascension materials! Well, too bad. Welcome to Genshin Impact.
The fundamental game design issue from this is that it prevents the player from experimentation. You would think, “Hmm, what would character X be like if I used her in this squad? Oh wait, I don’t have the resources to level her up anyway”. You might think that’s fine, because you might think that you could just go farm some resources to level this character up and try her out. But remember issue 2? Your world level might go up while you’re doing this, which will make all content more difficult to clear. Is there really time for experimentation? What if the character doesn’t work out? Then your main squad hasn’t gained any strength while the world level went up. I guess you’re dead.
I’m not even excited about getting new characters anymore, because I know that all they’ll do is sit in my roster at level 1, and the only time they’ll ever get used is when I send them off to collect materials on expeditions. I have a Venti doing just that. Will I ever be able to train him? Ha! Who knows? Maybe when I’m stuck at adventure rank 45.
So from the start of the game, you have to pick your squad, maybe you’re allowed to deviate and level up two new characters on top of your main four, and that’s it. You got to lock that squad in and never use any other character ever again because you just can’t afford to.
Issue 4: The Gacha Rates
In Genshin Impact, the highest rarity (5 star) comes at a 0.6% rate. Compared to other popular gacha games which come in at around 1-2%, the difference is huge.
To me, this alone is already an issue from a design perspective. When it’s too low, it can get people frustrated enough to quit the game (I was planning to, until the last roll I could afford gave me Klee). The amount of money the whales are spending just to get a single character or weapon can easily go into the hundreds or even thousands of dollars.
Another problem that arises from the poor rates is you start to lack important archetypes in your squad. For a long time I lacked a heavy-hitting claymore user (this is important to break shields and rocks), and I also lacked someone good against frost enemies. So I spent all my free gems (six 10 rolls, worth US$180) and finally got Klee, a fire bomb user. The game does give a free claymore user, but I don’t have the resources to train another character (see, resin raises its ugly head again). The game also does give a good free fire character, but she isn’t fiery enough to fight a whole domain of frost enemies.
If Genshin Impact wants to keep its gacha rates low, fine by me. But the game needs to give all players a complete and well-rounded set of characters that can cover all bases. Every element needs to be countered, a healer is needed, and a shield-breaker is needed. And this set of characters need to do the job well. Having complete jokes of a character like Amber is not going to help. Having a difficult to understand/build character like Noelle is not going to help.
I do like this game, and I do want to keep playing it. But sometimes I wonder if I should wait a little and let Mihoyo fix the game before I start playing again.
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Goraciar Eaxian, Dragonborn Cleric (He)
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(Credit: Kyle Smith https://www.instagram.com/somecallmekyle/) I was again a dragon on my dream. Flying I traveled through the islands of the far sea, fought the monsters of the frozen lake, fed on the remnants of a colossal monster and flew so high that the world below looked no more than an illusion. I was a high lord of the sky, the land and the seas, beyond the petty struggles of mortals, rival to the gods themselves. But the mist came, as it always does, and its tendrils were inescapable, no matter how fast I moved. They caught me and brought me back, my crying echoing through the universe itself.
The ship moved stronger than normal. I could feel, even lying back on my bed, the strength of the wind and the rain: My type of weather. I got out of my room and saw big waves cradling my small ship, endless clouds and storms on the horizon. I had no fear but respected this display and bowed my head recognizing the all mighty gods and goddesses below. I casted a small prayer for Umberlee and promised her a small bounty on her name; she might have been curious as the seas suddenly grew calm. Or maybe she just wanted to see how far I would get on this quest of mine.
We dragonborn were borned from Brahma, the all-father. Created from the bodies of discarded dragons, given intelligence by him and all-mother, Tiamat. Bound to cross the earth. Bound to be excellent. Bound to live and die by our clan. But when your clan is also bound by dreams, the madness has a way to infect you. Madness becomes reality.
In our clan, Nemesis, we have always believed, from time immemorial, that we are memories. The faded colors of our scales, the power of our breath, the roughness of our skin, the intelligence of our eyes, all of them are no more than memories from others, those who lived fuller lives with the wing below their wings; we believe that our families all come from a single dragon, a mythical beast that protects us and grants us wisdom. This wisdom comes from dreams. Dreams where a selected few can see this world through the eyes of the dragon, feel their power, see their achievements and sometimes, have a glimpse of the future that might help the clan. That is how it has always been, how it will always be. My family, all of us dragonborns with different tones of blue, were not originally blessed with any dreams and therefore, we were unnamed outcasts, still part of the clan, but not allowed to take any decisions for ourselves. We were expected to obey the will of the many, led by Vastrae, the matriarch and ruler of our clan, a beautiful silver dragonborn with many of her colors still bright enough for us to see. But that all changed with my dreams.
The dream has always been the same, from the very first moment. I am a dragon, flying, my blue scales shining bright in the morning. I fight, I eat, I laugh and I sleep. But whenever I feel myself secure, a black mist comes, and follows me, trying to grab me, trying to take my essence. And then, the dreams always end. When I first had this dream, my brothers and sisters had no guidance on its significance, but glad that at least one of us had received the blessing, they led me to Vastrae. But far from being happy, and welcoming, Vastrae listened to the story with a mix of horror. This hasn’t happened in 50 years or more, she said, and this is never good. Your dragon, your blue dragon, is being hunted. And is up to you and your family to save her. All 4 of us, brothers and sisters, met at dawn outside town. Vastrae gave us all a talisman, so that we would always know how to come back home. And convey the significance of our quest. Because if a mist dares to hunt a dragoness, wouldn’t it hunt the rest? Wouldn’t the rest of our forefathers and foremothers be in danger? So we all left, each to a different path, all uncertain of what our quest would mean, where our dragoness was and what we could do to save such a mighty beast with our feeble powers. But our family and our clan was more important than our doubts and with a heartfelt goodbye, we all left. It has been 5 years since that day. Each of us found a calling in our travels, a special bond that we didn’t know existed but was there nevertheless. Hifras, my older brother, became a fighter, and his multiple swords have carved him a path of blood and reputation. We travelled towards the east, to the ice; Queltrina, my older sister, became a thief, her small size perfect for the cover of the night and constantly raided nobles and historians, in search for information of our dragon; and Raipora, my little sister, she became a prodigal sorcerer, commanding forces way beyond our comprehension, searching on her soul the source of our history in the huge cities of Baldur’s Gate and Neverwinter. And I, with my boat traveling the isles, ended up finding my calling in the Typhon, the unpredictable, the angry, the storm lord. 6 months after we departed from our clan, I found myself on the coast. I knew my brother and my sisters would travel in the continent and also knew it was up to me to travel the sea. But I also knew I lacked the skills required to command such a vessel in the uncertainty of the sea and therefore, found myself as the unlikely apprentice of an old couple of the sea, husband and wife both sailors at heart. Ike and Magda they were called. They didn’t even ask any questions, they didn’t stare at my scales. They simply appreciate the help that my strong body could give them and started with their lessons. Months had passed and we sailed everyday, for fishing and for treasures. The boat big enough for all 3, named Sea Miracle, would quickly travel through the strange sea of the west and together we stayed from dawn ‘till dusk fishing. But there was this day that the sea was particularly violent, and not even their prayers to Umberlee were heard. The sky was angry, a thunderstorm as I have never seen. Ike and Magda were brave and I had never seen them scared, except that one day; maybe they felt that the storm, more than nature, had a divinity on it and without a word, they both entered the small cabin, leaving me outside. I was in trance, the power of the thunder called me in a way nothing else could, and there was such a beauty there, in the rage, in the destruction, that I couldn’t resist. It was as if my dragoness was calling me in each of these flashes and without knowing what I was doing, I started a prayer. My prayer was born in pure devotion, a poem that came from my heart and my soul. Even with my eyes shut, I could feel the tension in the air, as each thunder came closer and closer to our boat, the sea still angry but expectant. I didn’t even notice when I started levitating but I did notice when the thunder hit me, with its full power, and the voice that came upon me at that moment.
Thunder is destruction. Is Chaos. Is Rebellions. Nature is all-mighty, Nature is uncontrollable. The sky is aflamed with fire and blood and wind and power. Not all have learned to see both its power and its beauty. I am TYPHON, god of Dragonborns, god of rage, of lightning. My power, either die or accept it, go forth as a cleric of the storms. Bring word of Typhon to the ignorant, convert your clan to me and show the world the fury hidden between the clouds.
At that moment, I accepted the power and the thunder hit me with so much force, as electricity travelled through my veins, filling them with a purpose I never knew I was missing. And with it, the thunderstorm disappeared and I fell into the boat, where I was cradled back to life by the couple, taken back to our home.
2 weeks I spent on the verge of death, with fever and delusions. But I also dreamt of my dragoness. I understood that Typhon had selected me as the plight of the dragon was his plight as well; the black mist that continued to pursue her was threatening more than I could ever understand and Typhon had seen in me an avatar to his rage and to his justice. So when I finally recovered, I knew what I had to do. The couple, Magda in particular, also knew the resolve in my eyes and that day we all three started building a new boat, just for me. When we were done, I hugged them both and thanked them, and was greeted with a beautiful boat with a freshly painted name on its bow. The name was perfect, I told Magda, the only name the boat might have. So we parted, me and “Blue Chaos”, to the unknown.
I have been sailing for a long time now, docking on islands for rations and gossip. I have battled creatures from the depths, with the powers given by Typhon; I fought a chimera on an island, protection a treasure and found a lance with the inscriptions of the thunder, which I knew was a gift from Typhon to me; I have battled and befriended pirates, and joined them in their ships, at nights of gambling and drinking; I have circled the same islands over and over again, always discovering something new, some new clue that I am still on the track of my dragoness, that she is still out there, looking for me and my sisters and brother. I don’t know how well my family has done it, how close they are to discover their own truth. Sometimes I will receive a magical message from them, informing me of their latest exploits and I will reply always the same. The dream is still there, our dragon as well. The gods have blessed us, but the hunt must continue.
The sea is calm, the night is beautiful. I can feel that same tension in the air, as a thunderstorm approaches. I will need a sacrifice for Typhon, I think, looking in the horizon for inspiration. A mile into the west, I see a battle between two ships, a slaver ship and a pirate; I have always hated slavers and I know Typhon does too. I invoke a little power to fill my sails with wind and I approach the ships, my lance in my hand, my shield in the other, a spell already on my lips while a heavy cloud magically appears on top of the slaver ship. Thunder rumbles and the slavers look up, in confusion and fear. Yes, let them fear. Fear is always welcome, I think, while a thunder falls upon them and I jump from my ship to theirs, my lance already caving a way of blood. This is for you Typhon, I finally whisper.
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nelllraiser · 5 years
LGBeach part-T | remmy, nell, shiloh, skylar, & winn
LOCATION: cursed frozen beach of freezing chest fame. PARTIES: @whatsin-yourhead​, @nelllraiser​, @evanescentform​, @theskyeandsea​, @packsbeforesnacks​. RECCOMENDED LISTENING: [ 1 ] [ 2 ] THE BATTLE PLAN: [ by cal ] SUMMARY BELOW: 
calcifiresToday at 7:50: LGBeach par-T: Location: the beach Description: Ice-capades ensue. See video [Power of Love Video LInked] HellaHairFlipToday at 7:50 PM: the sailors go to the ice capades. moon crystal power. deusxmanichaToday at 7:51 PM: "HUNTERS, SELKIES, WEREWOLVES, WITCHES, & ZOMBIES: ON ICE!!!!!" envysaurus-rexToday at 7:51 PM: power of love is my otp song for shylar
For being such a small box, the Imperial-or-whatever box sure felt heavy in Remmy’s hands. It looked somehow both extremely delicate and extremely sturdy, held together with a network of pins and latches that Remmy itched to undo. Kinda like the box Ricky had have them solve. But it would have to wait. Whatever power this box had, Remmy wasn’t sure they could use it. In fact, they were almost positive of it. Cece had acted as if it held a great power, as if she could feel it, but Remmy felt nothing. Even as they made their way down to the beach-- despite Blanche’s protests-- Remmy couldn’t feel anything. Supposedly this thing had a connection to the chest, but how was someone undead and disconnected from the energies of the whatever ether supposed to feel that? 
The beach was empty. Of course it was, though. Remmy had chosen to go closer to night so that it would be. Nobody wandering by, either. Remmy could see well enough at night, anyway, and involving other people wasn’t a good idea this time. They had no idea what was going to happen with this, so it was best if people kept a distance. All they needed now was someone pure of heart. Blanche was supposedly sending someone their way. 
Remmy made their way down the beach tentatively, keeping an eye out for karkinoids. They’d mostly started to recede the past few weeks, lethargic and dwindled in numbers. The frozen snow and ice crunched beneath Remmy’s feet as they approached the chest carefully, wary of what might happen when the two boxes met. It was only when they were right in front of it that Remmy realized the little markings on the box in their hands seemed to match the ones on the chest. They didn’t know what that meant, other than that the two objects were clearly connected. Finally, Remmy came to a stop. It felt like there needed to be some big build up or drama or drum roll, but Remmy didn’t have time for that. So they just plopped the box onto the chest, and waited.
And nothing happened.
Well, one thing happened. Chittering. Karkinoids. Remmy would recognize the sound anywhere. Whirling, they turned on foot, picking up the rubber mallet they’d brought with them just in case. And it looked like that “just in case was” happening after all.
It had been weeks since Nell had encountered the mysterious zombie and the Garkain, having intended to do a tracking spell ages ago after she’d seen the draugr do it’s impressive work of annihilating the monster. But between everything that had happened between then and now, it had simply continued to slip her mind, more important things getting in the way such as keeping Remmy safe, making sure her house wasn’t destroyed by a demon, making sure Seth wasn’t destroyed by a demo, Winston’s name...It had just been one thing after another. However, it seemed that today had been the day the universe decided to give Penelope a moment of peace, and the knife the zombie had left behind that fateful night was finally given it’s moment to shine. 
The spell was easy enough, and she followed it’s pull towards the beach, the one where the chest had been deposited some time ago. Anticipation mounted as she felt the pull grow stronger, tighter as she neared her quarry. Clearing the last dune, she raised a hand to shield her eyes from the setting sun, squinting along the coastline. Where the hell was her zombie? Hold on. There was someone near the chest. Was this it then? FInally the end of her short-lived quest? The bad-ass zombie that was practically begging to be a fighter for the Ring with its impressive display was…”Remmy?” Holy shit. Had she ever been more blind in her entire life? As she walked towards her friend, she took out the little knife the zombie- Remmy had dropped, running her thumb over the letters on it one last time. R. M. Remmington McAllister. It had practically been slapping her in the face. “Buddy- I think this is your’s.”
This time, she called their name louder, raising an arm over her head in a wave. “Remmy! What are you doing out here?” It didn’t take long to walk closer, something even stronger than her tracking spell tugging her towards the chest. All she could focus on was the box for a few moments, the waves of magic pulsating off it nearly impossible to ignore. “What the hell is that? And where did you get it?” But instead of an answer coming from Remmy, it seemed the murderous lobsters were the ones who wanted to speak their mind on the matter. “Ahhh, shit.” Her boot dug into the ice beneath it, already knowing this was terrible terrain for a fight as she bent to pull her trusty dagger from its hiding spot. “Well, this should be fun.”
Time passed at the arcade - hours turned to minutes. Shiloh couldn’t have asked for a better person to spend time with than with Skylar. It started with the games they had in the front, pinball games, space invaders, donkey kong - this arcade had them all. Of course, not all of them were winners (they actually lost quite a few games) but Shiloh had never felt more like a winner that day.
It wasn’t until they finished up with a few matches of laser tag that they decided, hey maybe they should step outside and enjoy the rest of the day - only to find the sun had already begun to set. It still didn’t hinder their plans as they just decided to take a nice stroll for the remainder of the evening. It was turning out to be a very long date and honestly, Shiloh didn’t want it to end. The sunset was just a perfect end to a perfect date. Shiloh had even asked Skylar for a kiss when she heard something in the distance. It would have been easy to ignore - it should have been but Shiloh turned her head to the sound.
“Did you hear that? There’s something over there. C’mon.” She couldn’t even make out what she was hearing but knew as they got closer to the beach, she knew they were heading in the right direction. It sounded like scrapes on the ice.
As they arrived, what she saw stopped her in her tracks. Were those lobsters? Why was that one so big? That was way too big. Her eyes tore from the lobsters and she could see two people there - both which looked like they were heading over to the lobsters. That didn’t look safe. Shiloh took a step and realized it was slippery. She offered a hand for Skylar. “Careful, it’s slippery,” she gently warned and continued heading over there.
Something was pulling her to that chest and its pull was enough to make her overlook the gathering of weird looking lobsters. Maybe if she didn’t look at them, they weren't there…
Spending time with Shiloh was like a breath of fresh air to Skylar. Was she still incredibly nervous around the other woman, particularly after their prior date? Yes, and she probably always would be. But…spending time with someone outside of all the craziness she’d been dealing with and who wanted to hang out with her… it was nice. And Skylar could really use nice right now. Which is why the arcade had been so much fun. She’d never been to a place like that and, though she’d been a little worried, it had been a lot of fun. And when they’d exited the arcade, startled to find that night had begun to fall, she hadn’t wanted the date to end. So, a nice long walk it was, talking, holding hands, and a request for a kiss.
But when Shiloh paused, just before their lips met, Skylar blinked in confusion. Her ears straining, she frowned. What was she missing? “I don’t-- oh! Um, okay.” She nodded, following along behind Shiloh. As she realized that they were heading towards the beach, towards the ocean, a pit formed in her stomach. Sticking her hand in her jacket pocket, she instinctively reached for the case that she kept her hearing aids in. What was going on--
As they rounded the corner, Skylar nearly ran into Shiloh as the other woman came to a full halt. Wincing, Skylar saw a small horde of not at all small karkinoids surrounding-- “Remmy?! Nell?” She yelled, “What are you two doing, get away from there!” But even as she said that, she could feel a strange pull, drawing her towards the chest. Glancing over at Shiloh, she grimaced. Oh no. Oh no, no, no. This was the last thing she wanted to happen. For more of this supernatural bullshit to ruin her life. But, the sway continued and she found herself gingerly walking across the ice towards the chest.
Winn was running the Crypteens through remedial shooting drills — hey, practicin’ the basics was important — when his phone started buzzing in his back pocket. Not many people had his number, and twenty-two of them were within the Arena right now, so… That could be bad. But still. Commitments. He led the kids through the remainder of the drill, the sun hanging low in the sky outside of the Arena, before turning his coaching duties over to his assistant coach for the last hour of practice. Always eager to get her feet wet, even if — especially when — Winn requested it out of nowhere, Annetta clapped her hands together and smiled somethin’... a little evil, if Winn was bein’ honest.
His signal strength in the locker room was shit, but the message eventually popped and crackled into his ear: Blanche was a mess, sick and… crying (???), but his heightened hearing came to the rescue. He caught that Remmy was in trouble, and that it had somethin’ to do with that stupid chest on the beach. (In that moment, Winn regretted not askin’ Ricky or Blanche or Remmy to tell him more about it.) Listening again, he was able to parse a little more of what Blanche was saying… What the fuck did she mean “pure of heart”? No time to worry about that. He remembered, a fragment from a news report on the radio, that the chest was surrounded by ice. Well, he wouldn’t be caught with his tail out twice. He slung his stick on his back, grabbed a bag of pucks, and shoved his skates into his bag, ready to fight whatever fight needed fightin’.
The sun had set over the horizon by the time his bike started to approach the beach along the river, and— Shit, had he been blind? How had he avoided seeing this? He only barely recognized from this distance, thanks to his night vision, the form of Remmy and… a girl? Probably? Engaged with… Satan lobsters? Winn made a mental note to stay in the fuckin’ loop next time, what the shit were they? He’d grown up near the Bay, and the biggest lobster he’d ever seen had been torso-sized, not human-sized. Two figures, just far enough out of his vision even as he pulled aside on the road, were surrounding an object — probably the chest, right? Winn leapt off his bike, making his way to hide behind a — frosty, Christ — boulder at the edge of the ice. No one had noticed him yet, including the cursed crustaceans. He could hear the sounds of a struggle behind him, one that he needed to jump into. Quick. Sliding on his skates, he tried to think of a decent game plan… Eh, fuck it. He’d wing it.
Winn vaulted over the boulder and came face-to-face with a small army of salty seafood. The biggest fucker was right in his line of sight, obviously, to Winn’s adrenaline-brain at least, where he should direct his energy. Just needed to piss it off long enough for whoever the fuck was dealin’ with this situation to open the damn chest. The “pure of heart” or whatever. That phrase clicked somethin’ in his heart, a soft push towards where he figured the chest was. Weird, but Winn definitely wasn’t that. So, he firmly ignored the impulse, and did what any considerate jock would do: Gave a warning.
“HEAD’S UP!” he yelled at Remmy and the other person, lining up his shot and beaming a hockey puck with all of his wolf-enhanced strength straight at the eyes of the ugliest catch of the day he’d ever seen. Nothin’ to get your feet wet with the supernatural like a good ol’ wrestle, right? 
Remmy was a simple zombie. They didn’t really question things that happened, but five minutes ago, they had been alone on the beach, and now Nell was coming up behind them, lobsters were rushing the beach, and someone was shouting behind them. Remmy turned to look at who was calling out, recognizing the voice. “SKYLAR?” they called out. “No, get-- get out of here! It’s dangerous!” they shouted, lifting the mallet-- and sliding a little on the ice, zombie enhancements certainly didn’t help with that-- and swinging it towards a straggling lobster who thought being the quickest was the best idea. It wasn’t. He squelched and screamed as the mallet went through his shell, enhanced with slightly starved zombie strength. It was a risk, but Remmy had purposefully not eaten today, knowing they were coming here for this. Strength comes with starving, Deirdre had said. And she’d been right. Remmy’s thoughts were interrupted when another booming voice called across the ice. Looking up just in time to watch a hockey puck slam straight into the side of their head. It was weird, Remmy thought, as they nearly tumbled over, that this didn’t hurt. “I’m okay!” they called out when the dizziness stopped. “I’m good, just-- aim better, please!” 
Apparently, everyone had chosen this exact moment to show up for a nice game of beach ice hockey death lobster volleyball, and Nell wasn’t exactly pleased with it. Especially when a puck beamed Remmy in the head. “Do you mind?!” She called out after seeing that Remmy was alright, adrenaline making her have even less patience than usual. “It’s hard enough with the ice!” As if the universe was determined to make Nell feel the wrath of her words, she slipped as she tried to advance on one of the karkinoids, ending up eye-level with it. Thinking quickly, she jammed her dagger into its now easily accessible soft underbelly, and the thing joined the one Remmy had dispatched. Perhaps the ice was good for some things. She got back to her feet, and noticed the two other girls now hovering near them. “What are you all doing here? Get off the beach!” The last thing they needed was more people for lobsters to chomp on. 
Wait, was that Bea’s sister? And did Skylar know the other people here? Why were all of them coming closer to these huge lobsters. Shiloh was at a loss for words. “I don’t think we should be here,” she muttered more to herself than anything. Yet she didn’t move - at least not away, instead she moved closer, eyes moving from the chest to the two people trying to fight off the lobsters. “Guys, I’m not sure we should be fighting these things.” But who would? Who were you going to call for these giant lobsters? Shiloh had thought people were exaggerating but… no, these things were actually huge. Honestly, what the hell was happening right now? Shiloh was desperately trying to think things through but unfortunately, life doesn’t have a general reaction to seeing huge lobsters coming at you.
Skylar continued to walk forward, sliding slightly across the edge where ice met sand. Oh crap. This was terrible, there were giant freaking Karkinoids everywhere, and her friends were all here. Going to get sliced-- “REMMY!” She shrieked and turned around to look in the direction of the offending puck that had smacked them in the face. “What are you doing?!” Skylar asked, hands balling at her sides as she took in the sight of Winn, hockey stick in hand. Glancing over at Shiloh, she grimaced, the material of her veneers clicking together in a reminder of her secrets. She’d seen Ricky crush a Karkinoid’s shell in his teeth, but she wasn’t like him, she couldn’t do that, she wasn’t going to… out herself like that. “Shiloh’s right, why are you even here? Shouldn’t we be running?” She asked. But even as she said that, a sinking feeling of dread filled her. The karkinoids were only growing in numbers. Running wasn’t going to be an option for much longer.
“Shit,” Winn swore as the puck sliced, missing the slightly-larger-than-the-rest demonic decapod and knocking into Remmy’s jaw. Shit. Hope Remmy had a healing factor like he did. Winn knew he was strong. He called out a quick, “Sorry!” as his shoulder twinged in pain. Fuck. New moon was close, and his injury hadn’t fully healed up. (Why wasn’t it healing?) “Remmy!” he called out. “Blanche sent me! Who the hell is crackin’ this thing open?” A lobmonster skittered closer to him, and Winn skated around it, trying to draw its attention away from the humans standing over near the chest. It kept its eyes trained on him, but didn’t move closer once he hit the edge of the ice. That twinge in his heart flared up, and he glanced from the beast to the chest, and back. If it came after him, he could outskate it. But that wouldn’t help anyone. It was close enough now that… He dropped another puck to the ground, adjusting on the fly to make sure it didn’t fly into the dark and hit another poor asshole, and swung hard at the thing before him, hoping how close it was would make… Bullseye. The monster screamed and retreated back closer to the chest, giving Winn an opportunity to circle around it and closer to Remmy and their mystery friend, though he was still farther away than he’d like. Fuck. He shoulda brought more pucks.
This was very quickly turning into a situation Remmy was not comfortable with. All these people had showed up and were not heeding any warnings and coming closer to this instead. “Skylar, no!” Remmy called back out, reached up a quick hand to readjust their slightly askew jaw. “Go back!” They waved at her, wondering who the girl next to her was-- but now really wasn’t the time for that. More and more karkinoids were rising from the water, scuttling as quick as their gross, crustacean legs could carry them, towards Remmy, Nell, the chest, and the others heading for them. “I’m trying--” Remmy shouted back over their shoulder at Skylar, as they turned to face the onslaught with Nell-- “to open--” swung the mallet again, cracking one across the face. Reached down to yank Nell back to her feet-- “that stupid--” swung again at another one, harder this time-- “CHEST!” Eyes glowering red for a moment, the mallet smashing through and sending karkinoid guts everywhere. Winn was shouting something now, something about Blanche. She’d sent him? Well...that didn’t matter either. “THEN GET OVER HERE AND HELP!” they called, cleared their throat, “PLEASE?” Remmy glanced at Nell, giving her a worried look. “Anything uhh magic you got to help out here?”
For a second, Nell sent Remmy an absolutely bewildered look. They were trying to open the chest? What made them think they’d be able to- oh. The box full of magic they’d put on top of the chest when she’d waltzed up. “The box thing?” She asked, half-yelling over all the carnage that was beginning to unfold. “Is that what opens it?” Shit, this was a lot of karkinoids, though, far more than she’d seen gathered anywhere else in town. Five of them, and she didn’t have any clue about the others ability to fight. The odds didn’t look...great. Pointing blinding at Shiloh at Skylar for a split second, she simply called out, “Do something with the box and the chest!” Her hopes that such a thing would prove fruitful were...low after granting her very specific and stellar wisdom. As far as she knew, neither of the girls had any knowledge of magic. As far as magic went...she’d been trying her best not to use it in public spaces such as this, or in front of people she didn’t know. After all, there was a witch-hunter in town. “We’re fine, we’re fine! Maybe later!” she insisted, not wanting to resort to such measures yet. Instead, she continued to hack at the lobsters, dodging their deadly claws as she pulled another dagger from her boot, wielding in both hands while she dispatched as many as she could, moving from one to the next in fluid and practiced motions.
“Wait is their jaw -“ Shiloh started, weakly pointing off in their direction, wondering what the hell was going on? How can someone get hit like that and act like it was normal. Skylar… she knew that wasn’t normal, none of this was normal, right? Yet everyone was acting like this was just… something they had to do. She reached out for Skylar’s hand, not to pull her away but she needed something to comfort her and right now, Skylar was the only one who could do that. So what was the whole situation now? A bunch of lobsters. And a chest? Shiloh didn’t have to look far to find it. It was like her eyes were immediately drawn to it. “I think the chest will help get rid of the lobsters, Skye. We just have to go and open it.” Was it a bomb?? Who knows but if all they had to do was go open it to help them and the path was clear - they were going to do that. There was no need to put themselves in any danger. Shiloh could help these people without anyone having to get further injured even though that person with the broken jaw looked very injured but maybe she was just seeing things - yeah that was it. 
Did Nell just pull more daggers out of her shoes? How many did she have in there? Skylar blinked, shaking her head-- not the time to think about that. In the chaos of everything happening around, the shouting, and the very loud chittering of angry karkinoids, she was able to catch something about a box? But not the chest? What? As Shiloh grasped her hand, Skylar swallowed. Shit, shit, shit. There was too much sound, too much going on, too much pressure. “The chest? The chest… Okay, okay, but what about the box?” She asked, before glancing over at Winn. “You know about the box? Open it then! I’m not-- this wasn’t supposed to happen! None of this should be happening!” She yelled at him before jerking her leg back out of range from a karkinoid that had come dangerously close to snipping at her foot. 
“Hey, lady— Wait, shit, Skylar?” Winn’s eyes finally caught up with the rest of him as he got closer to the main fight… and to the chest. The pull of it was callin’ to him, a pull which he promptly ignored, thinking he was goin’ a little batshit in this extremely stressful situation. “Shit, dude! Terrible time for a first meetin’, but hope you enjoyed your gift!” Jokes. He could do jokes. The chest more firmly in his sight now, he saw that Remmy (presumably, it seemed like they knew what they were doin’) had put another box on top of the chest. “Now how the fuck do you open a box with a box, Remmy?” Winn hollered at them as the biggish seafood special, the one he’d previously tried to thwack with a puck, made its way to him. Alright, time for some acrobatics. He was grateful, at that moment, that he’d taken some of his hockey padding off, and that he had just enough space between him and the asshole with claws to build up some speed. Winn skated across the ice, blowing by Remmy and their friend, and leaped with the ease of years of experience on the ice. And his ma had said learnin’ proper ice skating would be a waste! He landed on its back, barely facin’ the right way for his plan, as it tried to buck him off, like the world’s most dangerous mechanical bull. “Fuckin’ hell,” he mumbled. Alright, these things needed to breathe, right? He yanked his stick underneath the thing’s head and pulled with both his arms. It kicked and it screamed, and Winn thought the stick might snap in half — it was his backup stick anyway — but its movements were getting sloppy. “Someone wanna stab this thing while I’ve got it distracted? PLEASE?” he yelled at the other combatants.
Remmy looked around just in time to watch Winn come skating across the ice and do a leap onto a karkinoid that would impress even professional bull riders. Not sure that was the safest tactic, but Winn looked like he could take care of himself. It was Skylar and the other girl with her that Remmy was worried about. “The box! It-- it um, folds out!” Remmy said, swinging again. A miss this time, but the lobster also seemed distracted and unable to claw them. Oh, right-- the bracelet. Remmy hoped it would work well enough as more started to surround them and they swung in a circle to clear a path. “It’s-- it holds the power! Or s-something.” They couldn’t remember everything Cece had told them. They should’ve just written it down, dammit. “Someone with-- pure heart has to open it! Hold it to the--” but they stopped, mid sentence, as a gargling noise and the sound of rushing water echoed around. And from the depths of the ocean, rose a claw, the size of a man. And then another claw. Followed by the body of something that Remmy was pretty sure that one horror dude wrote about. They swerved, bewildered, to look at Nell. “Now can you use magic??” 
Pure of heart? Holds the power? What the hell was Remmy even talking about? But Nell didn’t particularly have time to question it in the midst of trying not to completely eat it on the ice while she did her best to gut as many karikinoids as she could. Besides, she trusted Remmy. And yet...as the two girls grew closer to the chest, Nell could have sworn she heard the stereotypical boss music in every video game start to play. For a moment she was simply starstruck, a sharp smile beginning to spread across her lips. Oh, hell yeah. A karkinoid that looked like it could take the place of the RV in ‘We’re the Millers’? Sign her the fuck up. “We’re eating good tonight, guys!” she called out, rushing towards the giant thing. But the small lobsters kept getting in her way, deterring her progress. Nevertheless she took the appearance of the giant lobster to mean they were doing something right. After all, didn’t the boss always come out at the end? Maybe Remmy was right. “Okay, okay!” Time to stop messing with the little bait karkinoids so she could get to the big one. Rolling up a sleeve of her jacket, she revealed a tattoo she’d gotten some time ago, a summoning sigil that she chanted into for a moment, slicing her thumb open to pour some blood over it. In a few moments, a trio of hellhounds had appeared from misty darkness, waiting to do Nell’s bidding. “Dinner, boys,” she simply said before the shadowy beasts began to tear into the karkinoids, roasting some with fire from their maws while crushing others between hellishly strong jaws. 
Shiloh focused on that chest - if it could help them, that’s all that mattered. Everything was going well, all things considered until she felt a rumble at her feet and stopped in her tracks. She wished she didn’t look up because Really Huge Lobsters. That was a thing. And some guy thinking it was safe to ride one. Okay. Focus Shiloh. She kept heading over to the chest when a “small” lobster (compared to that huge mother of a lobster) scurried in front of her. Before she could even react, a… shadow? Dog? Ran right to it and snatched it up and ran. “Okay.” Was all Shiloh could say as she forgot how to breathe. The last thing she needed was to lose her cool in front of Skylar, even though there wasn’t a better situation to do it! All she wanted to do was open that chest and hopefully all this would end. Maybe it would all end up being a dream. It started off as such a nice one too. As she reached the chest, she knelt down, this thing didn’t seem to have any noticeable latches. She grabbed the box on top of it and turned it over. She looked over at Skylar. “What do we have to do?”
Struggling to make out Winn’s words over the yelling, screaming, lobster noises, and very sudden presence of the biggest freaking Karkinoid she’d ever seen in her life, Skylar squinted, trying to make out the sounds. “Lyft? What, is he a Lyft driver?” She mumbled under her breath before shaking her head. Before she could really figure out any sort of game plan though, Nell did some kind of weird gesture and then-- “No! No! NO!” She yelled, scrambling away from the three hell-dogs that had appeared from nowhere. “WHAT THE FUCK?!” Skylar shrieked as she attempted to continue to back away, only to run the back of her legs solidly into the chest. Dogs. Big fiery, scary, hell dogs with giant teeth. Skylar’s blood was pounding in her skull, but she forced herself to get a handle on the instinct that screamed at her to run away. She couldn’t run away, no matter how much she wanted to. “I--” She swallowed, still trying to process everything, “I-- Box. Something about a box? I can’t, I can’t hear over everything.” Skylar said. “Maybe we need to put the box inside the chest..?”
It occurred to Winn, as he continued to be bucked by the now second biggest bull at the County Fair, that he was going to have to deal with this the hard way. Well. They didn’t call it leg day for nothing. He substituted his stick for his legs as the monster’s attention was drawn towards its granddaddy from the deep, tugging tightly, tighter even than he’d been able to manage with the stick, and leaned forward, careful of the creature’s claws. They snapped over top of him, trying to get at Winn, belly down on the hard shell of the beast. Alright. Eat this, asshole. Winn pulled a puck from his pocket, and emergency back-up plan in case he needed one last-ditch effort, and smashed it against the creature’s mouth, forcing it in, wincing as the creature gnashed at his hand. Ah well. Healing factor for the win (ha). He hoped the puck was just big enough to… The bottom of his stick in his dominant hand as he held the puck in the dumb thing’s mouth, Winn shoved, hard, and kept pushing, and pushing, and pushing, until the puck, and the stick, were halfway down its gullet. Once it was lodged in there, Winn pulled up, and up, until he heard the slow crack of the wood, legs still tight around it, and shoved down. It wailed, screamed, gnashed, a horrible, gut-wrenching sound as Winn pushed the stick down and down, and out the bottom of the beast, through its underbelly. It fell slowly, twitched for a moment, and moved no more. Winn pulled his stick, holdin’ together, if only barely, out of the things mouth like a gooey Excalibur, before turning to the big fucker in the ocean. “Game plan, guys?” he called to the rest of his allies, chancing a glance to where Skylar and her lady friend were fiddling with the box and the chest. “I can do this all night.”
Not quite what Remmy had in mind for the magic, but it was better than nothing. It wasn’t like they really knew much about magic or how it worked, only that the bracelet around their wrist sure was a saving grace right now. Somehow, though, Remmy could feel it fading. It didn’t feel warm and heavy on their wrist so much anymore. “OPEN THE--” they started, then noticed Skylar struggling. “SKYLAR!” they shouted so that she’d at least know they were talking to her, and when she looked over, they signed ‘Open the smaller box to make it flat. Put on the chest. Hope something happens’. That’s what Cece had said. The Imperium would activate once the pure of heart part was there. Skylar was as pure as anyone got, to Remmy. Hopefully this would work. Suddenly, a sharp pain. Wow, Remmy hadn’t felt pain in a long time. What was that? They looked down, found a lobster claw sticking out of their stomach. Oh. Oh, that would do it. Without really knowing what to do now, Remmy screamed. They yanked away, the claw removing itself with a squelching noise, stumbling. Turned blindly with the mallet and swung, but claws grasped the handle and it was lost to their grip. It was a little surreal, having a hole in their stomach and not seeing blood. There was definitely something there, though, but Remmy didn’t want to look at it, for fear it was probably whatever organs were in that spot. It would heal, right? Hands caught a swiping claw. Eyes red and angry, that hunger growing inside of them again. Remmy’s hands tightened and the shell of the claw started to crack. With a loud yell, they pulled-- and ripped the claw right off. The karkinoid screeched and flopped away. Now for the big boy. Remmy’s eyes, still red, looked from Nell, to the big one. “Just...open the stupid chest,” they exhaled, stalking past Winn.
As far as opening magical chests went, Nell wished she had a little more clarity about exactly how this one was meant to work. All she’d gathered so far was that those pure of heart seemed to be the key. Thankfully, she trusted that at least Shiloh and Skylar were the most pure of those among them. Then there was the hockey man, Winn. How did he fit into all this? “Ahhh, fuck,” she cursed as a lobster ran Remmy through, not getting their in time to help with that situation. Well- no better time to be a zombie, right? “You good, Remmy?” she called out over the fray, figuring it still wasn’t exactly pleasant to be gutted by a karkinoid. But a quick look towards her friend made her realize just how close they were to zombie-ing out, and an idea formed in her head. “Remmy!” she called out again. “I can trigger you! Make you go full out!” There wasn’t really time to include the part of her plan that featured her being used as bait to guide Remmy on a lobster killing rampage. “Does that sound good?” She didn’t want to surprise them by forcing the change. But as soon as Remmy gave her a nod of confirmation, Nell was scooping up the brains of one of the lobsters her hellhounds had crushed open, flinging it straight into Remmy’s face. And then- she sloshed another handful of brains and viscera after it, just for good measure.  A moment later, she sliced a portion of her arm open, waving it high over her head as if that would carry the delicious scent of human to the hopefully hungry zombie. She didn’t wait to see if they would give chase as she flung herself over the back of a lobster putting it between her and Remmy as she blazed a trail towards the giant karkinoid, giving herself a bit of a magical speed boost to avoid being zombie dinner.
Despite not being her name, Shiloh picked her head up when she heard Skylar’s name being called. However, she wasn’t much use after that as the person started signing and Shiloh didn’t know sign language. Couldn’t pick a better time to be an idiot. Instead she looked over at Skylar, hoping she could make out what they were saying. Until then, Shiloh kept playing with the box, even trying to open the chest to put in but obviously there was no way it was going to open so this was tricky. As she messed with it she discovered she could open it flat and was a little startled when it happened - momentarily worried she’d broken it. It was really hard trying to focus with all the noise around her. So when she heard Skylar’s voice, it was welcomed and she turned to look at her. 
Head turning to the sound of her name, Skylar watched in confusion as Remmy signed at her. Open it flat? As she muddled through the information she was given, her eyes widened, “Rem! Behind--” And then Remmy was impaled, right before her eyes, a lobster claw protruding from their body. Horror and bile rose in the back of her throat as she quickly turned away. Remmy, they were a zombie. They were a zombie-- that sort of thing would be fine. They’d be totally fine. This was fine. Oh god, how was any of this fine?! Turning around to face the chest, she ran her hands over the surface, fingers brushing over the runes. Immediately, a sense of freezing cold washed over her, almost bringing her to her knees. “Don’t-- don’t touch the chest,” Skylar said through chattering teeth. “N-not with your hands.” Looking at the weird little box in Shiloh’s hands, she realized that she’d already figured out how to get the thing to lay flat. “I th-think you’ll be fine if you touch it with that though? Remmy said t-to open it and then put it on the chest?” Looking over at the three squaring up against Mr. Giant Freaking Lobster, she immediately wished she hadn’t. Nell was chucking lobster guts at Remmy for some reason and when she brought her knife up to her arm-- Nope! Looking back at Shiloh, she offered a nod. “I think they have it. Give it a sh-sh-shot?”
Winn scrambled backward on the ice as Remmy made their way past him, the tone in their voice raising the wolf’s hackles like not much else could. Winn knew, given what Blanche had told him, that Remmy was somethin’ that a Hunter would try and kill. And he knew, now, that being run through with a lobster claw would barely phase them. That was metal as fuck, if incredibly worrying. Jeez, at this rate, they’d both send Blanche gray before long. He had two pucks left, it was almost the new moon, and his hand was bleedin’ pretty badly from his stunt with the bull-lobster. Now, what was a werewolf to do? Remmy, the woman who’d just thrown viscera at Remmy, and three… dogs, he’d guess, were closin’ in on the boss. But there were still a couple of the smaller guys circling Skylar and her friend. He knew when to play defense. The werewolf whistled, loud as can be, at the monsters, waving his bloody hand and gesturing with his other at their dead sibling, hoping they could feel something beyond base instinct, and skated towards the edge of the ice towards the road, away from the boss and away from the chest. The lobmonsters followed him, eyeing him and his disgusting stick warily. “HURRY UP!” he yelled as loud as he could to the women at the chest, trying to piece together a plan. Their underbellies were less guarded, could he get under them in his human form? Dammit, he wish he had claws. Wait… He skated farther away — ignoring, once again, the tug from the chest, fuckin’ magic was so weird — and yanked off his skates, tossing his stick to the side and pulling them over his hands. His feet were a little cold now, and his traction was shit, but he’d survive. If all went to plan, he wouldn’t be on his feet for much longer anyway.
Remmy had to admit, in the moments before the dark hunger in their mind took over, that it felt kinda nice to let go. Fists flying through karkinoid shell, satisfying cracks. It was like all the anger and sadness they’d had pent up was flowing out of them through their hands and into each punch. And then the smell of fresh human blood hit their senses and eyes dimmed out, yellowed sclera and red irises turning on the source. Face grey and paled, veins highlighted through the thin flesh. Remmy’s head snapped up and turned. A karkinoid snapped at them but they caught the claw, one hand on each side, and pushed, turning the claw around backwards, before shoving through the thing, taking off at a speed not known to human. Each karkinoid that got in the way was met with yelling and fists, and teeth. But each slice they made stayed a little longer each time. Until Remmy was at the big one, trying to plow through one of its legs to get at Nell, not mindless yet, but not in control.
It’d been a moment since Nell had felt this alive, feet barely touching the ground as she sort of bounded across the ice, having discovered that worked better over the traditional style of running. This was the adrenaline she lived for, the delicious high she was constantly chasing in her everyday life. She didn’t bother to turn and see if Remmy was following her, able to hear it as they tore through karkinoids. Now faced with the monster of a karkinoid that had surfaced from the sea last, instinct made her fling some of her blood in Remmy’s direction, trying to get them as ravenous as she could to bring out their peak strength. Then, she whipped around the back of the big papa lobster, clambering up its tail and frantically climbing up the back of it as fast as she could, hoping the it’s enormous claws wouldn't be able to bend and reach her here. For a moment as she continued to ascend, she saw the entirety of the battlefield from above. The two girls fumbling with the chest, Winn looking like he was in the most avante-garde form of the Ice Capades she’d ever seen, and her hounds continuing to devour whatever they came in contact with. But the distraction cost her for a moment, stumbling over a raised part of the giant lobster’s shell, leaving her clinging to it to avoid falling back onto the ice.
“Are you okay?” Shiloh asked Skylar as she saw her start shivering. It was kind of cold given the ice and all but she could recall Skylar saying she ran warm. Shiloh wished she brought a jacket with her and struggled with what took more importance at the moment. Trying to figure out this damn chest or Skylar coming down with sudden chills. “Come here.” Shiloh put her arm around Skylar’s shoulder’s able to feel her trembling. What the hell happened? They needed to get out of here. But they couldn’t leave before all this stopped. Turning back to the chest, Shiloh reached out for it like Skylar had told her. The box was flat and she touched the chest with it. Nothing. A couple of more seconds that felt more like minutes? Still nothing. She touched the top. The side. Moved it around. “It’s not working, Skye. Are you sure that’s all we had to do? Am I doing something wrong? Do you want to try?”
“I-I-” Skylar teeth chattered as she struggled to fight through the chill that had suddenly set in. “It’s gonna be fine. We g-gotta get this chest open.” She said, but even as she spoke, Shiloh was already busy at work doing what Remmy told her. Were they supposed to like… stick it inside the chest? It wasn’t going to just slot in, there wasn’t anywhere that it would belong. When Shiloh offered the weird box to her, Skylar shook her head, “I’m n-n-not apart of this. This stuff, it’s not… I’m not going to t-t-t-touch it.” She said. She wanted no part of any of this magic, supernatural garbage. She wasn’t going to get into this. Looking up from the chest, she saw that Winn had taken off his skates and was-- “Winn, g-g-get out of there! You’re going to get freaking ch-chopped in half!” She yelled. What the heck was he thinking, smacking the karkinoids around with his hockey skates? As she looked at him, Skylar shivered as she tried to muddle through her curse-fogged brain. “Wait! You work out, right? M-m-maybe you can pull the chest open?” She asked. That had to be better than just, popping the dumb box thing on the evil Pirates of the Carribean chest, right?
As the demonic dog trainer repeated his bull maneuver with the Final Fantasy boss in the distance and Remmy, looking ravenous, chased after her, and as Skylar and someone who was real comfortable getting in Skylar’s personal space — were they on a date? good for them! sorta! — futzed with the chest, Winn turned his attention to his targets. He couldn’t let the wolf go fully loose, not here in front of all of these (mostly) people, but he could do what its — his — instincts were tellin’ him to do. Namely: Slice and dice. He ran forward towards the two monsters, chittering at him like they were the ones who had him cornered, instead of the other way around, used the frantic energy of him stumbling on the ice to propel him as fast as he could go on his human feet. At the last minute, right as their claws came out to make mince meat of him, he dropped to his knees, jamming his skates into the top of their exposed underbellies and sliding through, pulling his makeshift ‘claws’ down as he went, ice burning into his barely-protected knees. Distracted just enough by the pain, their screams loud, so loud, in Winn’s ears, they didn’t have time to react as Winn jerked his claws back towards him, pulling the twin wounds open as he did, pulling the meat out and letting their guts spill onto the ice. Eventually, when the screaming stopped and Winn was sure that he wasn’t about to get his head lopped off, he rose, discarding the gored skates on the ice-covered ground beside him. He looked between his two options. He, a new moon-adjacent werewolf in human form with no shoes on and a bleeding hand, could go try and tackle a monster. Or, maybe… There was that pull from the chest again, his heart soaring as he looked at it. Alright. Well. Never say Winn didn’t listen to Destiny… the third time, at least. 
Remmy was like a steam roller, crushing through karkinoids as they made their way towards the delicious smelling human blood. Fists and feet wrecking a path straight through, tackling one after the other, grabbing tails and throwing them aside, the satisfying crunch of their shells sounding as they fell back to the ground. The smell was climbing up the lobster, and Remmy’s instincts drove them straight to it, fists punching, punching, punching, until a leg snapped backwards, even as a giant claw grasped for them. It teetered and Remmy took the opportunity to claw up it, hands digging into its soft underbelly as they reached for Nell, so close, so close to that tantalizing smell. 
Shit, shit, shit. Nell could hear Remmy nearly on her, and today’s schedule did not include getting bitten by a zombie. In a scurried movement, she finally regained her footing, a next to insane idea popping into her head as she looked at her feet. She didn’t have a sword big enough to rip through this beast. But...she might have a person savage enough to. Not even having a moment to think about how utterly repulsive it might be, Nell let loose a raw blast of magic down into the karkinoid, launching herself into the hole it made, and praying Remmy would follow after her into the literal belly of the beast. If they couldn’t pierce through the exoskeleton all at once, might as well do this from the inside out, right? As soon as she was encased in the cavity she’d made, holding her last breath she’d taken from the outside world, she began to propel herself with blasts of her magic through the guts and who knew what else of the karkinoid, burrowing like a vole being chased by a marten. If the damage she was causing wasn’t enough to kill the thing, Remmy tearing after her certainly would be. Finally- she tunneled out of the other side, landing in an ungraceful and gooey pile beneath the monster.
“I thought you said not to touch it.” Shiloh asked, wondering how trying to break open the chest was going to fix it when they were supposed to use this other… flat box thing. “Can’t you help me?” Shiloh asked, not sure why Skylar wanted her to do this all alone. Her eyes looked up as she saw this guy coming up to them. She couldn’t recall ever seeing him before but supposed that didn’t matter. Maybe this guy was at least willing to try to help and open it. “Look, I tried putting this thing on the chest and it doesn’t do anything.” She told him, even offering him the box itself. “Can you try because I’m probably doing it wrong.”
“N-not with your hands. I’m… I got cursed. Th-this happened to Ricky.” Skylar explained through trembling lips, still very much freezing cold. “I-I’m not, this isn’t me. I’m just here.” As Winn neared the chest, Skylar let out a small sigh of relief though the gesture was ruined slightly by the shaking of her shoulders. “Winn. You, you’ve got to help us. They,” She swallowed, struggling to get her head out of the brain fog, “They said something about pure of heart and power? Y-you and Shiloh? M-m-maybe that’s what they need? This magic stuff. I’m not… I’m not a part of this. It’s not me.” She said shaking her head. She wasn’t a seal, she wasn’t magical at all. She was just a normal girl who’d gone on a normal date that had gotten ruined by giant freaking lobsters, blood magic, satan dogs, and one of her best friends turning into Zombie Hulk. None of this was her business. She’d just been dragged along for the ride. “You’ve got to help her. I c-c-can’t do this.” She pleaded.
Winn hated to be the voice of reason. Truly, he did. He didn’t mind, so much, talkin’ to people, tryin’ to get them to come to their own conclusions about things. But a conclusion wasn’t always reasonable. Sometimes, it was messy. Imprecise. Hurt like hell. There wasn’t room for a conclusion here, only reason. Only a step forward. He nodded at the girl, Shiloh, and started talking calmly, but clearly, to Skylar: “Skylar. I don’t know much about this magic stuff either, not really. I don’t really know what bein’ pure of heart means, and, by all of my accounts, I ain’t it. But magic is real fuckin’ stupid, I think. And it don’t much care whether or not you want it to be in your life or not, if it’s got its hooks into you, you’ve got a choice. You either go with the current, or you get crushed against the rocks. Maybe I’m not pure of heart, maybe you don’t want to be a part of this magic shit. But Shiloh here is maybe the smartest of the three of us, ‘cause she knows she has to just buckle down, and do it. You can do it, and we will do it. Together. Because we have to. There will be time, later, for fightin’ against fate. There will be time for questions. But now, all we can do, all the three of us have to do, is put a hand on this godforsaken chest, and hope like hell that we can fix somethin’ that’s broke.” He reached a hand towards Skye. “C’mon. I’m scared too. Scared as hell.” He nudged Shiloh to place her hand over his, both of them reaching out to Skylar, hands over the box. Hearts in tune. And, if only for one, indescribable moment, in that moment, Winn felt the magic.
Remmy’s target slipped right from their grasp and burrowed down into the giant monster. But that didn’t stop them. They scrambled and clawed their way up to the hole that had been made and tore a bigger one, ripping shell and muscle and meat away as they burrowed in, chasing after Nell. Hands tore at the inside guts, squelching in, ripping, tearing, pulling forward, until they were grabbing the inside of the karkinoid’s jaws, having lost the scent of blood, overwhelmed by karkinoid viscera. They pushed out, hearing its skeleton crack as they did, grasping to get out. The monster let out a scream and so did Remmy, before they finally pulled themself out, tearing jaws almost in half, and flopping onto the wet sand, covered in blood and guts. They stayed there for a long moment, somehow exhausted, blinking dazedly, cuts and scratches healing slower than normal, the hole in their stomach finally almost gone. For a moment, vision came back to Remmy, and from the ground, across the beach, they could see the three other people standing around the chest, hands all held together. And it felt...right. And then the smell of blood came back, and everything flooded red again.
Nell didn’t have time to rest as the monster voiced its death knell, knowing that underneath a humongous dying karkinoid was a very bad place to be. What goes up, must come down. Barely catching her breath, she darted out from beneath the thing as it finally found a resting place on the beach, an enormous thud emitting from the collision that she could have sworn had an echo. But as soon as she’d cleared the falling carcass, she knew there was still one more item to take care of. Remmy wasn’t just going to be all zen after tunneling through a massive amount of flesh and blood. As she stood her legs were shaky, the amount of sheer magic and energy she’d exerted rendering her uncertain of whether or not she’d be able to continue out-running a hungry zombie. She managed a few long strides before she stumbled onto the ice, a moment of panic flaring in her lest Remmy start to give chase again. But thankfully, the hellhounds were still picking at the leftover feast of karkinoids, and she summoned one to her, latching on its fur and sloppily clinging to its back as she urged it to run. But in the midst of all this, she chanced a glance towards the chest, and couldn’t help the flooding of relief that it seemed to finally be doing what it was supposed to. The magic around it was shifting, pooling amongst the three who’d gathered around the chest.
Shiloh listened to the guy, smiling as he seemed to be sensible enough minus the talk about magic. She’d rather choose not to think about that and instead focus on trying to convince Skylar that they should do this together. Which already relieved a good chunk of Shiloh’s stress that she didn’t have to open this weird chest all by herself. “Come on, Skye. Let’s do it together so we can all get out of here safely.” Shiloh at least hoped that the last part was true. It had to be. She had to have hope it would all be fine once they open the chest.
You either go with the current, or you get crushed against the rocks, Winn’s words struck a chord in Skylar. As she looked from him to Shiloh and to the flat box held between the two of them, she swallowed. “This… th-this is all real, isn’t it?” she mumbled, shaking her head. But, as much as she tried to deny it, as much as she tried to run away from the situation that bared down upon her, she couldn’t outrun this. She couldn’t just leave her friends here, she couldn’t just let them fight against this on their own. And… as much as she hated it, this was reality for her now. A world, previously unknown to her, had been revealed to her and she couldn’t escape its grasp. Swallowing, Skylar stared up at Winn, her bright blue eyes locking with his. “Y-you’re a good person, Winn. You c-came here and fought giant lobsters and tried to protect the town from this. You’re the most pure of heart out of us,” she said before reaching out and placing her hand alongside the other two. Glancing over at Shiloh, she offered a worried smile before focusing on the chest. There was no turning back now.
You’re the most pure of heart out of us. Winn fought back the flinch that rose up from within him. But Skylar didn’t know any better. It didn’t matter if he was, or he wasn’t. All that mattered was the chest. The moment Skylar’s hand touched his and Shiloh’s, all three hands were surrounded in warm light, which poured down from their hands like dancing fireflies and into the flattened box on top of the chest. As the light faded, the smaller, flatter box shuddered like an earthquake was rumbling it and only it, and flew off with such force that Shiloh, Skylar, and Winn were pushed back on the ice by the power of it, if only a little. Winn kept the girls’ hands clasped tightly in his own, unsure of the magical protocol here, but knowing that he, a reasonable man, really, really didn’t want to let go of the other two hands. Light, the same light that had encased their hands just seconds previous, rose from the chest, flittering upward like flecks of cinder and charcoal from a fire. Winn’s eyes took a moment to adjust to the return of the darkness, but when they did, he wished that he’d been blinded for a moment longer because he was staring face-to-uhh, eye with what was, by all accounts (and he might be going crazy, but he wasn’t that far gone) a sole, chest-sized, eyeball, flopping out and onto the remains of the ice. It stared at Winn, at Skylar, at Shiloh, making eye contact (ha) with them all, before taking its… uh, tail-lookin’ thing (Winn couldn’t remember biology at the moment, he was too freaked out, thanks) and slowly dragging itself towards the water. Winn watched it go with a sense of creeping dread and hysterical amusement. “What the fuck,” he said, slowly lowering, but not releasing, Skylar and Shiloh’s hands. “What the fuck was that? Why was it in the chest? Who? I? What the fuck.” He plopped down on the ice for a moment, gathering his bearings, his hand still held up above his head within Skylar’s and Shiloh’s, unwilling to let go quite yet.
Something was coming towards Remmy, and even in their tired, hungry state, all they wanted to do was catch it. And eat. They were so hungry. And so tired. And in pain. Pain wasn’t something they felt a lot anymore and it was heavy. Lobster claw marks lined their body and tore up their clothes, but they still lifted themself from the ground and stumbled after the moving thing. Whatever it was, it was moving and it was fresh and Remmy wanted it. Followed it straight into the ocean, waves beating at their face, choking and sputtering out of sheer reaction. Lungs didn’t need air, but the water still felt overwhelming. Moving until their feet couldn’t touch the ground anymore and water overtook them.
The chest opened, and everything seemed to paused for a moment. Nell stood stock still after slipping off the hound in her surprise, feeling as if the eye took a moment to make contact with each and every one of them before sloshing away. What the actual fuck? And then...a zombie was charging after it. “Ahhhh, fuck,” she cursed once more as Remmy went deeper and deeper into the tides. “Remmy! Remmy, no!” Why did she feel as if she was scolding some misbehaving dog who’d gone too far into the surf? “Remmy, get back here!” She used her best hellhound commanding voice, as she launched herself into the waves, a bit of lobster brain and guts she’d grabbed from the beach in hand. Adrenaline gave her another much needed boost, her tiredness melting away for a moment as the shock of the freezing water gripped her. Once she was close enough to Remmy, she reached out to grab them by the collar of their shirt, and carefully shove the bits of lobster down their mouth, avoiding any possible biting before dragging the two of them back through the waves the old fashioned way, finally finding safety on the beach.
Shiloh forcefully pulled her hand back from the other guy’s, despite one to be comforted by physical touch she didn’t know him and what she saw freaked her out way too much and she just wanted to be far away from him. When she got her hand free she crossed her arms, effectively closing herself off from whatever the hell just happened. An eye was in the chest and it just went into the water. Okay. That was a thing that happened now too. Whatever. Things were happening. In an effort to think of anything other than what just happened she looked over at Skylar. Reaching out gently to touch her in case she too was lost in thought. “Hey,” Are you okay what a stupid question. How did that even cross her mind? “- are you still cold? Do you wanna go?” She was just waiting for Skylar to give the okay for them to leave. She looked up to see the other two people safe so it was all fine they can go home now right? Shiloh didn’t want to be the first to leave (especially not without Skylar) but she didn’t want to stay around. She wanted to go home. She needed to get away from all this.
First, it had been beautiful-- the magic, the light, the warmth that filled her and erased the cold that had filled Skylar the moment she’d touched the chest. It had been beautiful. And then that giant fucking eyeball Cthulu-crawled out of the chest and ran into the ocean? Skylar jolted back in shock and horror, nearly tripping and falling over Winn’s form on the ice, his hand still tightly holding her own. But when Shiloh pulled away, arms folding tightly across her chest, Skylar slipped her hand out of Winn’s grasp gently, casting an apologetic look at him. “I meant what I said,” she mumbled, hoping that her words were clear enough for him to understand. The karkinoids were dead, their bodies littered around them on the ice, and the beach was silent save for the crashing of waves on the beach. Or rather, silent except for Nell yelling at Remmy. Glancing up, she watched as Nell yanked a delirious Remmy by the back of the shirt in the surf. “Oh jeez…” she muttered, rubbing her forehead. Before she could yell at the two of them to be careful, she felt a light touch on her arm and looked at Shiloh. “I’m okay now,” she said with a tired smile. Was she though? How was she okay with any of what had just happened? Reaching out, she offered her hand for Shiloh to take. “I… Yeah. Let’s go.” She nodded. As much as she tried to deny it, this was her life now. Magic seals and blood curses and evil demented eyeballs and all. But, that would be something to worry about in the morning. Tonight, she just wanted to live in that simpler world, where none of this had happened.
As Shiloh and Skylar let go of his hand, one slightly more roughly than the other, Winn felt a laugh pop out of his throat, sitting there. He laughed. Because this, well, this was his damn life now. And, alright, technically it had been since the day he’d stepped foot into the forest with Berto and his (then-future) packmates. But he’d never imagined this. Maybe he’d been foolish not to. And so he laughed, ‘cause really, when a giant eyeball falls out of a cursed chest and pulls its way through lobster monster guts to float into the river and towards the ocean, well… What could you do, but laugh? When he stopped, he felt boneless and tired, but… determined, in a way that he hadn’t felt in a while. There was one person he needed to message. Immediately. Wiping his hand on his pants, he pulled his cell out of his pocket and typed a quick message out to Ricky. They hadn’t spoken since… well. That didn’t matter. “Curse broken. Boom. You’re welcome,” he tapped out, waiting to hear the whoosh of it going through before turning his phone off and picking himself off of the already fading ice, which was seemingly being pulled back in towards the chest from whence it came. He had questions. A fuckload of them. But first. He stepped towards the chest, and looked down inside of it. Was that...? Coins. A lot of them, by the looks of it. Well, no way he was touchin’ them with his bare hands. “Hey! Magic lady!” he called, making an assumption since he knew those “dogs” hadn’t been there when he’d landed on the beach. “Somethin’ over here you might wanna do some magic on. ‘Cause I got questions, and I know a lot of other folks will too ‘fore long. Better safe than sorry, ya hear?” He unloosed the puck bag from his waistband, dumping the remaining pucks into the cold sand beneath his feet. Winn flipped it inside out and stuck his hand into the thick material, using it almost like a glove. He grabbed a small handful, and flipped the bag, carefully, back to its normal state. Winn didn’t want all of the coins — money wasn’t important to him, not in the slightest — but he did know a few people who might want to take a look at these. And ‘sides, he thought as he picked up the rest of his shit and walked away: He’d earned a damn souvenir.
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callsignbaphomet · 5 years
Rapid Fire Tips for New Players
You can hit a stunned partner out of their stun.
Speaking of stuns you can see when a partner is stunned, next to their name two little yellow stars will show up and they stand still while wobbling helplessly. You can also hear when someone gets stunned.
One fire? Roll 3 times on dry land and fire's put out. On water or moist surfaces you roll twice or once and the fire's out.
Sharpen your weapon between "matches". When a monster stops attacking to go to another area it'll be the perfect time to sharpen your weapon. Please do.
Unless it's an Elder Dragon always capture the monster. I know y'all wanna be edgelords and kill the monster but it's in YOUR best interest to capture the monster. Unless you want to repeat every single optional hunting quest. Plus it's safer to capture, say you're one cart away from failing the quest and the monster is finally going back to its nest. If you capture it it can't fight back which means there is ZERO chances for you to faint.
Speaking of Elder Dragons, they cannot be captured. Traps (shock, pitfall) do not work on them. There is no way you can capture an Elder Dragon, I don't care what the commander said. In fact he should've known better!
Always upgrade your weapons. Trust me, you don't wanna play catch up once you reach High Rank. It'll be insanely frustrating.
Go back to the smithy every once in a while to see if you can upgrade your armor. Don't be an idiot. More defense = less damage = less carts. Don't be cheap with your armor upgrades.
Always take some time to go gathering, fishing and foraging in all different maps. You get materials, you can gather monster clues, you learn the map, you find pets, and unlock investigations. This is also an excellent way to complete bounties which net you Research Points and Armor Spheres. Green (easy), blue (medium), red (hard).
Every time you spawn back in Astera stop by the Resource Center (place with the woman, elf and dawrf...I think it's a dawrf...).
Make use of the Botanical Center. Trust me.
Take some time to rearrange your item box. It's empty now compared to how it'll be later, especially after Kulve Taroth. You're welcome.
It's okay not to "main" a weapon. It's also okay to have a comfort weapon. Play around with all 14 and see how you do and how comfortable you feel. Some have a heftier learning curve than others. There are plenty of good tutorials on YouTube. The only weapon I can give a full tutorial on is Insect Glaive ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
However! I do suggest you get acquainted with at least 1 ranged weapon for hard to reach monsters like Rathalos, Paolumu, Bazelguese, Azure Rathalos and Legiana. *laughs in flash pods*
Hey, dual blade users, quit fucking doing Demon Dance every chance you get. It's extremely risky as you are locked in a lengthy animation and a monster can easily cart your dumb ass. You also should not do Demon Dance on a downed monster's head if you're in multiplayer. The head belongs to hammers and hunting horn users. You go for the body.
Downed/tripped/KO'd monsters can be divided in 3 parts for attacking: head, body (this includes the wings) and tail. Each weapon is "designated" for each part. To sorta give you an idea: horns and hammers go for the head. Insect Glaive, Dual Blades, Sword and Shield go for the body and/or wings. You can even divide yourselves. One on the back/wings and one in the front so you don't trip each other. Long Sword and Great Sword users go for the tail. Charge Blade and Switch Axe users can go for either the tail or body just asses the situation. Bow, Light Bowgun and Heavy Bowgun don't need to get up close and personal so they can go where they please just be mindful not to shoot your partners.
Hey, Great Sword, Switch Axe, Charge Blade, Hammer and Hunting Horn users. Be mindful of your partners and your upswing attacks. You'll send your partners flying which means less DPS on the monster which is never a good idea. Ever. Unless you're communicating and someone asks for a boost to mount the monster then go ahead and upswing that bitch and y'all can laugh about that successful mount later.
Hey, Hunting Horn users, before you even think about engaging a monster do the Improvement Song on yourself. You're welcome.
Hey, Bow users, you know the Arc Shot? Neat right? Stop fucking spamming that shit! Look, unless you got it set up to get consistent KOs all you're doing is flinching your partners out of their attacks which means less DPS on the monster and like I said that is bad, no bueno. Quit. It. Even if you have it set up right you only throw it when you can get it lined up right so that rocks hit the monster's head.
Hey, LBG users, you know your Wyvernblast? When a monster is tripped, falls over or gets KO'd run up to its head, plant 1 Wyvernblast near it and let your meelee weapon partners go ham on it. MORE DAMAGE!
Hey, Insect Glaive users, you know all those really cool aerial attacks you can do? They're practically useless! Stop it! While pretty and flashy it does less damage than grounded attacks. Aerial attacks are pretty much situational and a bit niche. Don't spam that shit!
Hey, Bow users, yes, you again! Dragonpiercer looks really awesome but you should never do it just because you can. You're locked in a long animation and the monster could aggro you and cart you because you decided to be flashy. There's other reasons not to do the DP because it has less elemental damage but I don't know the math behind that. Find some tutorials on why DP is no good really.
Wanna join a quest? Cool, do not click on "available quests". It's rude, you'll most likely fuck up whatever the host is trying to do and there's a good chance you'll get kicked out anyway. Unless you're in a squad session or someone asks people in the hall to join their quest there's no reason for you to do that. Don't be that person.
If you wanna avoid uninvited guests just change your player limit to 1 so it's just you. Or put a password so no one can come in unless they know the password. Just know that if you change the amount of players to 1 you can't use the SOS Flare.
Abandon Quest will replenish all items you used so if a quest isn't going your way you can use that option.
If you're in multiplayer and you or someone else carts DON'T BE AN ASS CLOWN AND LEAVE THE QUEST. Fucking stay, you never know, you might just make it. 4 is better than 3, 3 is better than 2 and 2 is better than 1.
Please, please, please refrain from making racist, homophobic, rape and other offensive shoutouts. It's stupid af, cringey and you look like a fucking moron. I can't believe it has to be said in the year 2019 but I've seen some really stupid shit.
When in multiplayer please fucking avoid taking every item out of the item box. Each person takes 1 pack of potions and 1 pack of rations. That's it. Everything is shared between y'all and taking everything is a bitch ass move. Share!
Don't be that person that stops in the middle of the fight to carve a tail. There's a good chance you'll get hit by an attack and cart. Do it when the monster leaves the area, is killed or is captured.
If someone mounts a monster DO NOT FLASH THE MONSTERS. If you're a ranged weapon keep attacking. If melee take the time to sharpen your weapon and heal or reapply buffs. Soon as the mounter takes the monster down it's time to go ham on it. You get a few seconds of free DPS as the monster will be down and won't attack.
A lot of people still do this shit and it's caused a lot of carts. Do not flash Lunastra. It doesn't make her fall, it just pisses her off and she spams her Super Nova attack. This is for High Rank people.
Guild cards! Send them to everyone you see but only once. There's an achievement that unlocks once you collect 50.
Need help in the arena but no one wants to help? Go to the Handler or board. Online Session - Search for an Online Session - Filter Search - Quest Preference and switch it to Arena. It can be filtered to find any specific thing you need and chances are there'll be people already hosting sessions to do a specific thing.
If you're trying to track down a monster but the scoutflies are all over the place and you're kinda lost just open the map and close it. That resets them.
You can save builds in loadouts and it saves everything you wear so it makes switching between builds easy. Everything saves. Only got 1 specific decoration that you wanna use for several different builds? That's okay, make the build, save it and then make the other builds. The game itself will remember what you had saved and it'll "move" tat one decoration to the build you equipped. Easy peasy. Though I suggest you wait till High Rank so you can save the good end game loadouts.
You can also make item loadouts and save them. You can also customize the wheel and save it to the item loadout.
There's monster poop in every map. Hoard that crap like your life depends on it because it WILL depend on it during HR when Bazelguese and Deviljho decide to invade your quests.
Investigations are perfect for farming. Need a monster piece? Check your Hunter Notes and see what part you gotta break for it and then start an investigation. Bronze boxes give you shitty parts, silver give you good parts and gold gives the best parts.
Slinger ammo is actually more important than you think. Try to always have some ammo loaded on your slinger in case you need to get a monster's attention, need to stop it from escaping or flinch it after it pinned you down and you need to make a quick get away.
Monsters have weaknesses and resistances. Check what a monster is weak to and use it. Don't go fighting Kirin with a thunder weapon! Remember Pokemon? Same concept.
When you or a partner makes a monster fall asleep stop attacking! You can tell because the monster suddenly stops attacking and the music dies down. This is the perfect time to put some bombs on the monster to do massive damage. When you see a sleeping monster don't touch it!
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annakie · 5 years
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An Annotated Mass Effect Playthrough, Part Three
List of Posts: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Wherein we finish up on Eden Prime, and make it to the Citadel.
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The fight along the long open walkway before the train is, imho, the hardest part of Eden Prime.  But hey, only died once this time and that was mostly my own stupidity.  Should probably knock the difficulty down to easy.
I have, btw, beaten the game on insanity, on Xbox 360 so without mods or cheats.  It was... extremely frustrating.  There are certain spots, and I’ll try to remember to point the worst ones out when I get there, that I probably had to replay upwards of 20 times before beating.  But I did it.  I did get every achievement on XBox back in 2009.
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This is such a good visual.  They didn’t have to tilt the camera, but they did, really emphasizing the “Something is very, very wrong here” angle.
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The aesthetics of this station are great.  Again my biggest problem is that it feels like it’s a train to nowhere.  
This last playthrough I completely forgot to disarm the bomb that’s, you know, right as you get off the tram.  Still had about 30 seconds left when I ran back for it.  Whoops.
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I really love this quick scene of Ashley and Kaidan because something about the lighting makes it feel like the cover of like a 50′s scifi pulp novel.
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I’m using the flycam command that can super slow time down so it’s been great for getting those little moments that go by super quick, like all the little cuts during the Beacon scene.  A lot of scenes like this I’ll run it through once normal and then go back and do it with slo-mo on, letting things that go by in half a second slow down so I have itme to capture a perfect shot.
I’ve always thought it’d be interesting to see what would have happened had Ash or Kaidan actually absorbed the beacon. 
I bet someone’s written that fic.
Anyway, I’ve seen people criticizing Ash/Kaidan for being that close to the beacon.  First of all, you can walk that close before the cutscene (in fact you have to to mash the button to start the cutscene) and second... um... it’s dictated by the plot that it has to happen. *facepalm*
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OOF.  Upscaling did not actually help this low-poly Sovereign model.  I mean the lights look good... the rest of the textures though... not so much.
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There’s a mod that gives Benezia a shirt that I’m really regretting not applying now.  I might figure that out.
Anyway, first time I played through it drove me CRAZY for a minute not knowing who this voice belonged to, and after googling it, I fell in love with this game even more.  I love ST:TNG so much, and it’s always a thrill to hear Marina’s voice.
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Anyone else totally not shocked that Saren is a rage monster?  
Later in 2009 I went on a cruise that was supposed to be with my entire family.  My grandma got sick and couldn’t go, so neither did my parents or aunt.  My brother, SIL and her parents still went.  With no heavy family obligations I spent 90% of the daytimes on that cruise on the adults-only deck reading books, including I think the two Mass Effect books that were out at that point.  Reading the whole story behind Anderson & Saren made me hate this guy even more.  Pretty good book, if you haven’t read it yet.
And that was a really, really great vacation.
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Scary hand textures there, Bioware.  Good angle and colors, though.
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At least the beacon let us have a really good nap.
This conversation and honestly most of them dealing with this vision / talking to the council about Saren I think the middle options are some of the better options, even better than the Paragon options.
Also, this happens sometimes in the next two games but heavily in the first game, the middle option is often still the Paragon or Renegade voiced dialog but the text is just different.  For a lot of these lines here, though, it’s not, and also it makes Shepard sound like less of a goody-goody and more realistic.
And then this happens.
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Oh, there we go, our first heart-melting moment.  The smile that’s been giffed a thousand times.  I love how subtle this is, the widening eyes, the actual natural-feeling upturn of the lips.  I wonder how long it took the animator to get this right, because... bravo.
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I’ve always wondered if the halo were intentional, like, that’s some heavy symbolism there since Shepard becomes The Savior of The Citadel (and eventually the galaxy).
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Finally some alone time.  I liked that he both checked in on Shepard here, remembered Jenkins and mourned civilians a little bit, encouraged her letting her know she did a good job, and also had time to give us a little more exposition about the council, his abilities, and his backstory. 
Maybe that line wouldn’t be so jarring later if they didn’t recycle it from here.  
Naah, it would still suck.
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This is the only other conversation of substance we have with Dr. Chakwas.  And a good chunk of it is about Kaidan and his implants.  I’d love more interaction with her in a remaster.  At least in 2 and 3 she has fetch quests.
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Also some time to get to know Ashley.  I can’t imagine people blaming losing her unit on Eden Prime on her, but hey, some people do.  Her abilities were wasted there anyway, and she deserves to be on the Normandy, end of story.
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Hey Joker what’s up do you want to tell me about yourse--
Nope, right into a cutscene, okay!
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At least it’s an amazing cutscene.
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I like here that apparently Ashley and Joker have spent the last 15 hours while Shepard was asleep getting comfortable enough with each other to make dick jokes.  
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The music, the visuals, the absolute majesty of this entire scene. How can you not already love this game?
Honestly, I complained about the loredump at the beginning, but it’s pretty crucial and it hits on all the right beats without being completely overwhelming, even if it does get a little repetitive.  It doesn’t take long for the game to throw you into the action, introduce you to the major players (except the four companions you don’t have *yet*) and establish the universe and premise of the story.  It also gives you a sense of urgency and danger, and sticks the sci-fi tropes it needs to land.
Then you pretty quickly get funneled into the Citadel, where some of the learning comes more naturally and you finally get off the beaten path a little.  It’s peak Bioware game design at it’s best.
I planned on stepping foot onto the Citadel by now, but I have stuff to do, so that will have to wait until later.
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jadeender · 5 years
Growing Shadows
Two months. That's how long Maverick had been living in Callous’s fortress and he’d learned nothing. Callous kept putting him to menial tasks, directing the shadowlings and watching over the finishing touches of the fortress being completed. By now everything was finished and furnishings and other things were pouring in from across the dark world. 
Hundreds of shadowlings already lived in the barracks there, and there were several armories full of every weapon he could imagine. Whatever preparations Callous was doing were almost complete. 
Maverick was outside overseeing a new shipment, another beast was arriving from the light world, the shadowlings hadn’t attempted to take any dark world monsters, those were too strong for them to handle, but light world monsters came in occasionally.
One shadowling approached Maverick and bowed, a practice he had gotten used to over his time working for Callous, in Callous’s own words “they’re lower life forms, they recognize our superiority”.
“Master calls.” The shadowling croaked out before turning away and walking back into the fortress and Maverick immediately followed, these past two months had been tense, he’d never really known what Callous was going to do and he’d made himself vulnerable by staying this long. So when Callous called, he went.
The shadowling lead him past the throne room and armory into a training room, he’d seen other shadowlings in here practicing their fighting under Callous’s watchful eye, their ability to move as one was chilling.
When he entered Callous was standing alone in the room, looking down at his mirror. But as the shadowling left he looked up and caught Mavericks eye. The younger dark hoped Callous hadn’t seen the surprised look on his face as his mind kicked into gear trying to formulate a plan. He had the mirror so he could be spying on the lights via Hyrule. 
“Hello Shadow.” The elder dark greeted him. Though Callous knew about his name change there was pretty much a 50/50 shot he acknowledged it at any given time. “You’ve been patient over these past two months, I know how you erembour are. So young and impatient, if you had come to make an attempt on my life or to steal my mirror you would have done it by now. So to reward your loyalty I’m going to begin your training. We only have a limited time until plans are put in motion so you’ll be getting the accelerated course.” 
Motioning for Maverick to come closer he pulled a knife out of no where and began talking. “Do you have any idea how I did that?”
“Is it part of your powers?” Maverick guessed.
“In a way yes. As you know all darks have the ability to manipulate shadows, using them as means of transport and various other purposes, as you found when you used them to take on the appearance of someone else. Weapons can also be crafted out of shadow.”
The dagger in Callous’s hand elongated and suddenly he was holding a sword, then an axe, then a spear before it shrunk back down. 
“Once you learn to create shadow weapons your arsenal is never empty, while material weapons are helpful these will never fail you. My knives are sharper than any material weapon could be.” For emphasis Callous turned to one of the shadowling guards by the door and in a single move decapitated it. Turning around he smiled his teeth almost shaklike, “and they never go dull.”
It made sense, if he could manipulate shadows to cover himself whos to say he couldn’t use them to create other things. Maverick lifted his hand and concentrated, the shadow beneath him slithered up his palm and pooled until he was holding a dagger, equal in size though not as elegantly fashioned as Callous’s had been.
Callous examined his handiwork has Maverick held out the dagger. "Very good, your control over shadows is greater than any I've seen at your age. Make a bow." 
Maverick concentrated on the memory of a recurve bow he had once owned, a toy he had acquired on his journey. As the bow formed into his hand he shook off the creeping memory, that wasn't one of his, it was Vio's. The shape faltered for a moment before fixing and in his hands Maverick held a black sleek compound bow perfectly sized, he drew the string back focusing additional shadows into an arrow. He fired the arrow and watching as it zipped through the room, hitting a shadowling guard straight on disintegrating him.
"Interesting effect. It appears you've had some experience in weapon making so I'll move on." Callous said and Maverick nodded dismissing the bow.
"At present those are your only powers, the ability to control shadows and any training in combat you've had. Much like Eternals mutt you have yet to unlock your true dark powers. And unfortunately those don't come from training or torture else the mutt would have them already. They'll present themselves in a moment when you need them." 
Callous stopped as Maverick opened his mouth. "I've never seen you use your dark powers, what are they?"
"Oh but haven't you? I'm using them right now. You only need to guess what their effect might be." Callous smiled cruelly and Maverick knew that's the best he was going to get. How could Callous be using his powers right now, unless it was something he hadn't previously thought about.
"For now you need to train physically, centuries of hiding haven't help you, the shadowlings will be your opponents." Callous turned and began to walk out. "If only you were a true dark, the things you could learn, things you could do."
The dark pivoted when he reached the door. "Don't stop until 500 lay dead here." 
With that callous left and shadowlings poured in, Maverick pulled out Dragons fang and readied himself for the battle.
Three months, for three months he had been hunting for anything. Any spell or magic or item that could help him accomplish his goal. Physically not needing to eat or sleep had aided his quest. By night he snuck into the greatest libraries each hyrule had to offer but none of them had books on the subject he wants, they over flowed with tomes on light magic and peace or whatever happy crap the hylians love but he needed dark magic. 
So he continued looking, he snuck into villain strongholds and looked for whatever knowledge he could, but sadly villains had a tendency not to win in this world and even worse to have any of their knowledge destroyed. 
But after months of searching he found something, a group of dark wizards somewhere in the twilight realm. Their spells and works remained hidden to normal eyes but to a dark they rediated like a beacon. 
He burst through the door, a simple touch enough to destroy them as the wood rotted away. Several sorcerers occupied the inner sanctum of the hideout, he’d already gone through barriers after barriers and twenty waves of acolytes protecting the outside. 
They all began to chant in unison but moving with intense speed he ran forward and within seconds has decapitated all but one, whom was now in his grasp, one poisoning hand held over the sorcerer's face.
Acidic smiled sickly delighting in the blood lust. “You’re going to teach me some magic.”
It had taken hours to get through the horde of shadowlings that Callous descended on him. By the end he was tired, littered with small cuts and soaked in black shadow blood, something he knew never came out.
Dragging himself through the halls up to his bedroom, which had been converted from a lounge, after all Callous didn’t need to sleep so what use did he have for bedrooms. The elder dark had been surprisingly generous after Maverick’s display of loyalty. 
After ordering the shadowling guards in front of the door to make him a new tunic and cleaning up Maverick collapsed into bed hoping to get the few hours of sleep Callous allowed him, though he only needed a few hours anyway.
“Get up Maverick.” A gruff voice sounded from far away snapping him out of a dream he couldn’t quite remember, the remnants fading as he awoke. Callous was standing at the entrance to his room looking very impatient. “Get up now. We have company.”
A fast as physically possible Maverick dressed in the replacement tunic that had been made overnight and ran for the throne room as he belted on Dragon’s Fang. Reaching the throne room Maverick skidded to a halt just behind the throne itself were Callous was sitting. And coming down the long carpeted hallway was… Conqueror. 
“Ah I see you were expecting me.” Conqueror examined the room. “Why else would you have made the place so nice.”
Conqueror continued to sache his way towards the throne stopping a few feet away from the dias is sat on. 
“What do you want Barbara?” Callous asked his face calm but voice full of sneer. “If it’s a quick death you’ve come to the right place.”
“Can I not merely come to appreciate your work Callous? We never see each other anymore, not since you killed Eternal, a commendable move on your part. With him gone there’s a certain power vacuum to be filled. And I take it you aim to fill it.” 
“When there’s an opportunity to be taken I don’t let it creep by. Besides who else could have done this. That other fool cares so little about anything its a surprise he’s still alive. And you don’t have the wits to rule.” Callous explained. “And none of the erembour are strong enough to have aspiration enough to fight us.”
“And yet you keep one for yourself?” Conqueror questioned his coolness pushing back anger. “Since you’re intent on acting like Eternal you had to get yourself a mutt too?”
Maverick stepped forward to respond but Callous waved his hand. “Rising to petty taunts is beneath us. But if you must know I did not collect this one, he came to me. Already the erembour recognize me as the best fit, else he wouldn’t be here.”
Conqueror looked more insulted but held in his emotions well. “Won’t even let him speak for himself, he is just a pet.”
“Even the best commander needs his generals, or don’t you know that?” In a second Conqueror was surrounded by Shadowlings. “Or would you like to be a first test for my army? They’ve been awaiting a good fight.”
Conqueror clicked his tongue. “Shadowlings are the best you’ve got?” Several dark clones of Conqueror appeared around him and simply walked forward making the shadowlings back up.
Rising from his throne Callous summoned a weapon from shadow drew back an ornately designed recurve bow almost as tall as he was. “I’m the best I’ve got.”
A black arrow tore through the air striking Conqueror head on though several clones had jumped in the way the arrow tore through all of them. Within seconds his form faded to dust leaving behind nothing but ash, not even his mirror.
Callous turned from his defeated enemy as the shadowlings began to disperse. Walking down the steps of the dias and towards the outer door he motioned for Maverick to follow.
“That buys us another several months, a dark as powerful as him will take more time to reform. But now I think it's time we go collect some new members for my army.” 
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rustandruin · 6 years
Remember that time Quentin wanted to date Eliot for real but Eliot turned him down because he was afraid of being loved, and Quentin just quietly accepted it because he wanted to keep whatever he could of Eliot in his life and deep down believed he was unloveable anyway? Remember how I'm never going to stop screaming?
Bold of you to think I ever stopped screaming about this, Anon. It was quite literally the first thought on my mind this morning. Because can you believe we lived through that episode??? 
That whole scene is so fucking incredible because it pretty much takes everything we thought we knew about season 3 and throws it out the window. Or at least, frames it in this new light where every little interaction between Quentin and Eliot is now suffused with this sense of loving but being unable to be with. It’s a lot. 
Because look at these three key moments within the season. (There are more, but these are the ones, I’m fixated on.): 
THE QUEST: Q, who was recently romantically rejected by Eliot, goes into a hug before he sets off on his quest, allowing himself to still seek that kind of physical comfort from Eliot. And Eliot just let him and also joked about about them being life partners??? (Suddenly the whole thing about his sleeping with Poppy makes sense. Q always does go seeking solace when rejected that way.) But also, can you imagine Q on that boat? The key was already amplifying his depression and making it say awful things. It probably brought up Eliot not wanting to have a relationship with him as well, throwing it back in his face that he was rejected despite having spent 50 blissful years together. But he still stayed strong in the face of that. (Honestly, I’m fucking proud of him.) 
I used to want to see what would happen if Eliot were on that quest with him, would he have helped him through? Now we know, no. It would have been sheer torture for Q to behold this guy he loved, and know they couldn’t be together because he is who he is. Though, now I’m fascinated by the idea of Eliot having held that key. Because now we know all the things he repressed. Would it have brought up that moment? Would his self have yelled at him for turning down Quentin, before listing all the reasons why it was probably a good thing? 
QUENTIN’S DAD: It always struck me as interesting what Quentin chose to tell his dad about the time with the mosaic. Because they’re really close and his choosing to omit Eliot, despite their being basically married, was kind of glaring. But now we know it’s not because Q didn’t think his father could handle it, if anything, we now know that Quentin’s mother is definitely queer, so Ted wouldn’t have been shocked, but it’s because he himself couldn’t bear to share that pain with his dad. I might be misremembering, but I’m fairly certain he only wanted to give his dad good news and not worry him with his love life. Also, he probably felt like him and Eliot were a longshot at this point, and he was more preoccupied with his dad’s cancer being in remission while he’s trying to bring magic back. (To be fair, my internal monologue has just been yelling, “PEACHES AND PLUMS, MOTHERFUCKER” on a loop, so anything else is just hard now.)  
THE SACRIFICE: @thesnowyswan and I have discussed how Eliot has never had to lose Q. Even during the mosaic timeline, he passed away first. But even though he’d run away scared from the possibility of a relationship, he couldn’t stand to not have Quentin with him. He still wanted his best friend, and ostensibly the man who is his other half/his perfect match/his soulmate by his side after magic returned. He didn’t want to have to live with the idea of Quentin being stuck elsewhere. Because he knew just how much he means to him, even if he could never acknowledge or say it out of fear. 
Interestingly, Quentin decided he should make the sacrifice because he felt like he’d lived his best life already. He was happy. He didn’t need magic. He didn’t need any of those other things he might have told himself he needed all those years. All he’d had was Eliot, Fillory, and their little family, and he’d achieved contentment. So knowing he couldn’t do it all again with Eliot, that he couldn’t maybe reach that level of love and happiness, he just sort of decided that it would be better for him to go off and serve as the jailer for this monster that even the gods are afraid of. (NGL, I appreciate the bisexual drama of it all.) 
Of course, this means that when Quentin was asking for Eliot back from the monster, he was, in fact, pleading for this man he loves; this man who is also his best friend. And that when he was told that Eliot was dead, that little spark within him was snuffed out even further. Because Eliot is so so right about Quentin being good and true. He really is in all the best ways. He’s loyal and selfless and willing to be brave for love. He’s the romantic hero of Eliot’s story right now, in very much the same way Eliot was for Quentin when he first discovered Brakebills. 
All I hope as this season goes on, is that we do get Eliot back and that we get another quiet moment where they just get to process everything and maybe, actually give that relationship a try. 
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askroahmmythril · 5 years
Thoughts on the Nintendo Direct
So a lot of people asked for my thoughts on the direct, so I’m just going to give my summation here on various levels of excitement I have for things.  And honestly?  This one gave me a good bit to be excited about.
Excitement Level 1 : Cautiously Optimistic
“The Hero” in Smash - I don’t really have much connection with the Dragon Quest series outside of liking the monster designs (really wish Slime had been the rep instead), and not really a fan of the art style the character uses (I don’t know the artist’s name, I know they also do the DBZ stuff, just don’t really like their style, purely personal preference).  The character looks like they might be fun though, I’ll be interested to see how the command menu aspect works in full.  I just hope they don’t get as badly shafted as Cloud did as far as content.  “Oh, by the way, this character doesn’t get any new spirits because Squeenix.  Oops!  Enjoy your two music tracks.”
Breath of the Wild sequel - I can’t really call BotW my favorite Zelda.  It was good for what it was, but what it wasn’t was a Zelda game.  Your mileage may vary.  I’ll still probably want to play it though, I just hope it feels a bit more like a traditional Zelda game in some aspects.  More actual large-scale dungeons, please.  And gimme back my Hookshot.  Also hopefully, don’t just front-load me with all my abilities to where I don’t really feel like I have much to look forward to gaining for the rest of the game...
Animal Crossing : New Horizons - I’m not really sure how I feel about the deserted island thing.  Is that the entirety of the game?  You actually have to build your entire town from scratch?  If so, that seems like a lot of work just to get to where the other games already basically start you.  It’s one of those I kind of want to see more.
Excitement Level 2 : Casually Interested
Contra Rogue Corps. - I’ve never been super great at the Contra games, but have always enjoyed playing them, and this cast looks pretty crazy and fun.  I’m also considering picking up the Contra Anniversary Collection later.
Luigi’s Mansion 3 - This looks pretty solidly good.  I still need to play through 2 though, and kinda want to go through the first again.  I do have both those on 3DS.  3 looks good so far though.
No More Heroes 3 - This is kind of in the same situation as LM3, I need to play the first two.  I never finished the first, and never played the second, though I do have it.  I found the games interesting to play, definitely wouldn’t mind a third.
Mario & Sonic at the Tokyo Olympics - I’ve never actually played one of these, they always had a goofy sort of feel to them that made me WANT to, they were just never high priority for me.  Still looks fun though.
Marvel Ultimate Alliance - I’m not big on superhero stuff usually, but sometimes a good game will make me want to play it, see the Arkham series.  This one looks like it could be fun, Kit’s been pretty interested in it.  Probably a major thing that would tip the scales for me is if Gambit’s in there somewhere.
Excitement Level 3 : More Solidly Interested
Cadence of Hyrule - Can I just say, Gohmaracas is amazing.  I’ve never played the original Crypt of the Necrodancer, I kinda want to get both, really.
Link’s Awakening - I’ve embraced the art style, i wasn’t sure at first, but it’s grown on me.  The dungeon creation thing looks interesting, I still really want them to make a Zelda Maker or something, haha.
Mario Maker 2 - I’m pants at designing levels, but I’d like to get this so I can play my friends’ levels.  Still a bit disappointed costume collecting seems to have been cut in favor of janky multiplayer.
Trials of Mana / Collection of Mana - Having an actual, official translation of Seiken Densetsu 3 would be REALLY nice, so I’m definitely planning to pick up Collection.  Trials looks pretty nice too honestly.  I kinda wonder if the Switch will ever get the Secret of Mana remake?
More Resident Evils on Switch - I picked up RE4 last night, and honestly would be interested in getting the other REs for Switch if only for the sake of later recording.
Excitement Level 4 : Legit Hyped
Spyro Reignited Trilogy - I was hoping we’d get confirmation on this one at some point, and finally, there it is!  My only worry is, due to things I’ve heard about it on other systems..... how big is the required download portion of things gonna be?  I’ve heard it’s over 50 gigs on some systems, which is actually more than my monthly bandwidth allowance...
Hollow Knight : Silksong - We didn’t see much new, but heck yes, I’m excited for this one.  Hollow Knight was a very fun game, and Hornet was one of my favorite characters, so I’m all for this.  I want to know more!
Pokemon Sword and Shield - A few “blink and you’ll miss it” details like two more breeds seen I think, but I’m a Pokemaniac, so definitely looking forward to these.  Gimme dat fire bunny.
Banjo & Kazooie in Smash - YES!  ALL MY YES!!!  This was one of my last big wants for Smash, and here he is!  Bear and bird coming home!  Now we just need an announcement for them getting a new actual B&K game on Switch.
So that’s basically my summation of things.  A few things I wish we’d heard about that weren’t there (Bayonetta 3, King of Cards, Metroid Prime Trilogy on Switch, Pikmin 4), but the stuff that WAS there, I’m pretty pleasantly happy about this direct.
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pjarox-journey · 5 years
Breath of the Wild - Session #3
I’m still experiementing with how to do this. I have no problem with taking notes while playing, although it might disrupt the game at times. I don’t think this is entertaining enough, and far too long. I should leave out some details, right? *sighs* I’ll try this time! Oh, eh... when looking at some onlinemaps, i found out the shrines have different names in English and German (which i use cause that might be my mother tongue). Which is... kinda strange, tbh, but whatever.
As i wrote the last time, i was ready to take my leave from the stable. Hope poor Terry is alright, but i guess he might have experienced worse. Anyway, i rode north, towards Kakariko. On my way, i killed a few birds, which were unlucky enough to stand in Fiona’s an my way. More meat for me, yay! Also, i threw some bombs at goats, which worked pretty fine as well! (I might be an evil man, yeah...)
I had to cross another river to reach Kakariko, but luckily there was a big bridge i could use. With an Octoplatform as well, which wasn’t hard to loot, tbh. Nothing fancy here, though, but i looked around, looted some more stuff and fish, and found another Korok. #14. I had to throw rocks from the bridge, and... boy, it took me at least five minutes. The stone circle i had to hit was to far away for throwing, so i had put some ice pillars around it. Imagine Link, running over the bridge, taking every stone he could find and throwing it into the river. That was me. Hi. But i finally hit the spot, after... at least ten tries. Maybe more. Didn’t count.
On my way to Kakariko i met Hestu (also know as Maronus. Why do they have different names in English, whyyyy? TT_TT), the biggest korok of the all. He had lost his maracas, and he asked me to return them to him. I found them, after defeating 3 Bulblins nearby. 3 black Bulblins. I nearly broke my Knights Broadsword (the one with 38 attack), just for those 3. I hate everything about it, although i might have fought really bad. Anyway... now, after returning the maracas to Hestu, i was able to give him some Korok Seeds in exchange for bigger bags (read: a bigger weapon bag. This is my main problem right now. Who needs more shields anyway?!). But... he only did it twice, until he said something like “Oh no, it late, gotta go, bye!” :c
On the last steps to Kakariko i found another two Koroks, so now i’ve got 16. I might want to mention one in particular: there are some wooden archways before you enter the village. They have an eye out of metal in the middle,or at least thats what i think it looks like. Anyway, sometimes there are sticking some arrows besides them, indicating some people might have shot at them. I can’t tell you why, maybe for some luck? Whatever the reason might be, if you hit the eye, a Korok will appear. I know there is at least one more i can find this way, maybe even two. Not sure, i just got this one until now.
When i entered Kakariko, it was nearly midnight of the 4th day, and the first night of a blood moon. I don’t know if it was coincidence that it happened right when i entered the village, but... well, whatever. The blood moon is strange phenomena, happening every once in a while. The power of ganon revives all of the fallen monster once again. Yay, i guess.
Like i said, Kakariko is one of the more lively places in this world. There are living at least... 20 people in the village? Maybe even more? I did not count them, but i think you get the idea. They all have their daily routine, and some may even have quests for you. Like one of the villagers loves his chickens, but there are only 3 of them left in their enclosure. The other 7 roam happily through the village. For bringing them back, i got 50 Rupees, which was kinda neat.
The most important stuff about the villages are the shops you can use. Kakariko has a supply shop, where you can buy some ingridients, an arrow shop, for, well, arrows. There is also an inn and a clothing shop. Like i wrote, i wanted to buy some armor, but i found out the stuff i wore was good enough for now. Except for the top, so i bought a Hylian tunic for 120 Rupees. I have to admit, its one of my favorite outfits in this game, so i’m happy i was able to get it. There is also a special outfit in every village, which is pretty expensive. In Kakariko it’s a ninja outfit, for better stealth. I don’t like to play stealthy, to be honest, and i also don’t want to pay 1800 Rupees to buy the whole set (with less armor!), so i just bought the tunic and left. Maybe i’ll come back later, don’t know yet.
But i didn’t mention the most important part of the village yet! It’s Impa, the old wise lady! She was waiting for Link, so she could tell him a message of Zelda. But Link had lost all of his memories, so she told him about the past, what has happened 100 years ago. She didn’t tell me how to retrive the lost memories, but asked me to activated the four titans and pay Hateno a visit. Hateno is a small village at the eastern end of Hyrule, just next to the sea, and my next goal! But first, i will do most of the stuff in Kakariko i’m able to do now. I’ve already found another two Koroks here, so i found 18 already!
At the end of day 5, i already finished some stuff in Kakariko, but not everything. There is still the shrine, the great fairy in the forest, i know about another shrine (can i do that yet? I forgot how to get excess to it D:), and there are some quests here, too. Well, we’ll see! That’s all for today! :D I hope you enjoyed it so far! :3
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spectraspecs-writes · 5 years
Taris - Chapter 15
Link to the masterpost. Chapter 14. Chapter 16.
Matrik was right - all I had to do was hit one shop in the Upper City to find that permacrete detonator. And it only cost 50 credits. Just fifty credits to help a man get his life back.
I still feel a little banged up from fighting that assassin, though, but apparently there’s a little free clinic up here that I completely missed earlier. So with the detonator in hand, I head down there. When I walk in, the doctor there sees me right away. “I see from your appearance that you are an off-worlder,” he says, “Still, you are welcome here. I'll not have it said that Zelka Forn refused to help somebody just because they weren't a citizen of Taris. Do you require healing or medical supplies? I can treat almost any injury or ailment right here at the medical facility, except the rakghoul disease, of course.”
“Rakghoul disease?” I ask, “What’s that?”
“The terrible affliction has plagued Taris for many generations,” he says, “It is spread by the rakghouls, horrible monsters that live in the Undercity below Taris' great skyscrapers. Prolonged exposure to the Undercity breeds the disease and those infected will eventually mutate into rakghouls themselves, becoming mindless beasts that feed on the flesh of others.”
“Isn’t there a cure?” I ask, “If it’s been around that long…”
“There is no antidote for the disease, though I heard the Republic scientists at the military base here on Taris were close to perfecting a cure. Then the Sith arrived.” Naturally. “They overran the military base and now they refuse to allow anyone access to the laboratories inside. The Sith are keeping the serum for the patrols they send into the Undercity.
“If I could just get my hands on a sample of that serum the rakghoul disease could be wiped from the face of Taris forever. But I don't see how that's going to happen.”
“Hey, I could help you out, I’ll be heading for the Undercity later,” I say.
“I don't see how anyone could get their hands on the serum. The military base is crawling with Sith guards. Breaking in there would be a suicide mission. I suppose the Sith patrols in the Undercity might have a sample of the serum on them, if they hadn't already used it because of a rakghoul infection. But I doubt a patrol would just hand the serum over. And nobody's stupid enough to attack one of the Sith patrols, even in the Undercity.”
Nobody but the Rakghouls. “But I only mentioned the serum because you asked. I don't actually expect anyone to get me the serum. Now, is there anything else I can do for you?”
“I could use some healing,” I say.
“It will just take me a moment while I examine your injuries, and then I'll administer the proper treatment,” he says, and he gets to work.
While he’s examining me, I figure I can try to get a little further in the quest for Bastila. “Do you know anything about the Republic escape pods that crashed in the Undercity?”
And then he gets weird. “Republic escape pods? Uh... no... why would you ask me that? I don't know. Those pods crashed in the Undercity, I'm not involved in any way!”
“You sound weirdly defensive about this,” I say. He knows something.
“I'm not defensive! I just don't like being accused of knowing something about those Republic pods. This is as bad as an interrogation by the Sith!” he says. Why do men keep accusing me of interrogating them? First Carth, now this guy.
But he knows something. He must be worried I’m Sith. “Don't worry, I'm not with the Sith. I won't betray your secret if you tell me,” I say in a gentle voice.
“Well,” he says slowly, “you don't look like you're with the Sith. I guess… I guess I can tell you my secret. Or rather, I can show you.”
He goes to a door at the back of the clinic and opens it. It’s full of kolto tanks, those full-body tanks you immerse people in when they’re in really bad shape. And I recognize these people. From the Endar Spire. “Hey…” I say, “I recognize these men. They're Republic soldiers!”
“You... you recognize these soldiers? But how? Unless... unless you're a friend of the Republic.”
“Yeah,” I say in a hushed tone, “I was in that space battle overhead. I served with these guys.”
“Since the space battle overhead, people have been secretly bringing in these Republic soldiers who crash-landed on the planet. I had to take them in. What choice did I have?” he says.
“Their injuries are terrible,” he continues, “most won't survive. But at least I can make their last days more comfortable. And at least here they are hidden away from the Sith.”
“Well, for that you have my thanks,” Carth says, “It's good to know that at least some of these men ended up in compassionate hands.”
“Is there anything I can do?” I ask, “Any way I can help?”
“I'm afraid there is nothing more anyone can do for these soldiers,” he says, “Now, if you'll excuse me I should return to the front in case anyone comes in needing medical attention.”
“Yeah, of course,” I say. He’s tended my injuries enough. I think Carth and I can get back to the Lower City.
On our way there, we run into two Exchange thugs harassing a man. I guess that’s the price you pay for not having Czerka Corps on a planet - rapant Exchange thugs. “Davik says you missed your last payment,” one of them says.
“Davik doesn't like you missing payments!” the other says.
The merchant looks super stressed, which is understandable. “Here – I've got fifty credits! A down payment. That should buy me some time, right?” he says.
“Sorry, you're out of time,” one of the thugs says, “Now it's all or nothing. Davik can't have people not paying his debts!”
“But I don't have that much!” he says, “How can I give you credits I don't have?”
“That's too bad,” the thug says, faking sympathy, “Davik's going to want to make an example of you! You're coming with us.”
“No – help! Somebody help! They're going to kill me!”
Carth leans closer to me and whispers, “I know we have to be careful about drawing attention to ourselves, but are we just going to let them drag this guy off?”
“No, we’re not,” I say.
“Hold on a second. Looks like we got ourselves a witness here!” one of the thugs says, noticing us.
“Davik doesn't like witnesses.”
“Leave this man alone or you'll have to deal with me!” I say, pulling out my swords.
“Guess we have to teach you to mind your own business!”
Honestly, I’m going to have my own bounty on my head by the time Carth and I are done on this planet. I doubt this will be my last fight with these guys.
“Thank you!” the merchant says when the Exchange thugs are dead, “I owe you my life! Those bounty hunters were going to take me away and kill me! My wife warned me not to take a loan from Davik.”
Yeah, you should have listened to your wife, dude. “Now I can't pay him back,” he says, “It's not good to owe a crime lord money.” No, it’s not. “He'll just keep sending more bounty hunters after me until I'm dead!”
“How much do you owe him?” I ask.
“You already helped me by saving me from those bounty hunters. So unless you have a spare 100 credits to give me so I can pay off Davik, there's nothing else you can do.”
Only 100 credits? I get twice that much in most duels. “Yeah, here, man, have them. I’ve got that much to spare.”
“You're giving me 100 credits? Just like that? I... I don't know what to say! Thank you! Thank you!”
“You're giving him a hundred credits?” Carth says, “Generous.”
“Yeah, it’s not like I don’t get that much in duels, anyway,” I say with a shrug.
“Now I can pay off Davik. You've saved my life! Thank you! I better take these credits to him right away!” And he runs off.
As I start to walk away, I step on something. Fifty credits. From one of those Exchange thugs? And I look to the other one - he dropped fifty credits, too. Dude - am I about to get that money back from these corpses? Yes, I am. They’re not going to use it. So I take it. Only one thing you can do with all-dead. Go through their pockets and look for loose change.
Now. Back to business. Back to the Lower City.
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luukia · 6 years
Alsar Chapter 16
Chapter 16 : Departure
Malik-san came back home at evening, we had dinner together and I told him about my day. Including my complain because Chris-san paid everything for me.
“Can’t you believe it Malik-san?! I didn’t get to spend any money at all today.. Chris-san bought them all for me..”
“Well isn’t that alright? I think that Chris guy seems to be a good person despite all the rumors about him.”
“Ah! W-w-well it’s an old story, don’t mind it!” Malik-san laughs a little awkwardly and then he starts,” Anyway tomorrow you’re going to start cooking, right?”
I can feel that Malik-san is trying to change the topic abruptly.. But I will let it slide.
“Yes, I’m going to cook lots of food!”
“Don’t push yourself, okay?”
“It’s okay, cooking is fun afterall~”
Gradually, I’ve stopped using polite speech with Malik-san. In just one month, I can feel the distance between us shrinking. I feel like our child-parent bond is getting stronger now.
Everyday, it’s become our routine to sit and lay back on the sofa after dinner and just talk about our day.
I’m really happy because I never had this sort of bonding time with my parent before.
“In 2 days, Ren will be gone. Be careful not to hurt yourself,’kay? Ah.. I’m going to be really lonely..”
“I’m also going to feel lonely but.. I don’t want to remain an F-rank forever! I will be careful not to hurt myself though, so rest assured!~”
Just like father and son, right?
I feel like our conversation has a strange mood going on but I don’t know.. I never had father figure before so maybe that’s why I feel strange.
~The day of departure~
“Fuu...Ah I’m glad I’m able to wake up right on time. I have to prepare myself and wake Malik-san up because he insisted that we wanted to see me off.” I yawn once again and stretch my arm out.
I’ve promised Chris-san to meet him in the guild at 5 o’clock so I woke up at 4 o’clock to prepare myself.
I quickly get out of my bed and change into the new clothes that Chris-san bought for me.
It’s a navy blue long sleeved shirt along with black pants.
My magic bag,mantle and dagger is inside the living room. I also already prepared the dark boots that Chris-san chose for me on the porch. For the time being, I’m going to wear my slipper while I’m inside the house.
After finished changing, I walk to Malik-san’s room and knocks on his door,”Malik-san? Wake up, Malik-san~”
I hear a bustling sound before Malik-san replies,”... Ah.. I’m awake.. I’m awake.. Go prepare yourself first Ren, I will join you later.”
Usually Malik-san won’t be awake for another 4 hours so it’s to be expected for him to feel sleepy but he was determined to see me off so there we have it.
Fufufu, I actually feel happy that Malik-san willing to go such length to see me off though.
I go to the kitchen and prepares breakfast for me and Malik-san.
After a while, Malik-san came. He already changed his clothes so we sit down and start to eat together.
“Ren actually there’s another two adventurers that I want to introduce to you. I already told them about you and since you’re going to depart with Chris, I told them to just meet with you in Calhea.”
“Eh? An adventurer?”
Ah I see.. So Malik-san wants me to give them my greetings as fellow adventurer since I’m Malik-san’s son?
“Yes, they are called Silver Wolf and Ice Prince. Right now, they are in the royal capital but they already planned on returning to Pedrell after Calhea quest so I want you to return together with them.”
The nickname they have for adventurer is really amazing.
Crimson Red Malik,  Lightning Twin Sword Chris.. The nicknames sounds really strong!
I wonder who come up with all those nicknames?
I heard the people that get nicknames have to be at least A-rank adventurer so that means both of them are an A-rank adventurer as well then.
Although it might be impossible, I wonder what kind of nickname will I receive when I reached A-rank?
“Together? Okay then I will tell Chris-san about this too.”
“In the past, Chris already took several quest together with them so I’m sure they should have known each other.”
Now that I think about it..
Aren’t I too acquaintanced with many high ranking adventurer?
Right now, there’s 10 S-rank adventurer and 50 A-rank adventurer.
I’ve met Malik-san who was a former S-rank and Chris-san who’s an A-rank adventurer and in addition I’m going to meet another two of A-rank adventurer.
“I see.. I wonder what kind of person they are. I can’t wait to meet them.”
“I already told them about you but.. I don’t know what kind of first impression they will have over you. Though I’m sure they will like you.”
Most adventurer that I see in the guild is too rough and buff looking.
Since Malik-san told me to come home together with them, they can’t be a bad person.
Ah~ I wonder what kind of people they are.
“I hope I won’t disappoint them then. Ah! It’s already 4:40! I have to go soon!”
I forgot the time because it’s comfortable talking with Malik-san.
I quickly collect the plates and wash them.
“It’s only 5 minutes by foot to go to the guild so take your time Ren. You have to make sure that you don’t forget anything before you leave, okay?”
“Umm.. I have my magic bag, my dagger, mantle and also.. My boots.. Ah! What to do, my heart won’t stop beating! Somehow I feel really excited!~”
“I’m sure you can finish the quest perfectly! It’s okay Ren, everything’s going to be okay.” Malik-san says while he strokes my head.
Malik-san often strokes my head whenever he had the chance.
I don’t dislike it though, in fact I really enjoy it.
I never had anyone stroke my head so affectionately like this ever since I was a child so it’s a little embarrassing but it feels good to be stroked so I don’t mind the embarrassment.
“Ah.. Okay I’ve calmed down. Let’s go Malik-san!”
I will be late if I let Malik-san keep stroking me like this! I need to go soon!
“Ha.. I feel like I’ve put the nails on Chris’s coffin.. ”
In 5 minutes, we’ve arrived at the guild. Chris-san already waiting inside on the first floor with Tord-san beside him. It seems like they had just finished breakfast too.
Rushing over to their table, I bow my head in greeting,” Good morning Chris-san, Tord-san. Chris-san, thank you for waiting. Tord-san, do you have the night shift? Thank you for your hard work, Tord-san.”
Chris-san smiles in return,”Good morning Ren-chan. No, I didn’t wait at all. In fact, I just got up a moment ago. You came right on time when I finished my breakfast.”
“Good morning Ren-san! Today you’re going to depart to Calhea, right? Be careful there!” Tord-san adds. Even though it’s still in the dead of morning, Tord-san is as cheerful as ever. We’re only apart by one year but his spirit is really amazing. Maybe it’s because he’s a beastman?
“I’m glad you didn’t have to wait for me, Chris-san and yes Tord-san. I’m going to depart now, I have Chris-san with me so you don’t have to worry about my safety.”
“Actually, I think being with him is the most dangerous thing…” Tord murmur in low voice.
“Eh? What?”
Tord-san said something but it was too low for me to catch.
The monsters in Calhea is at most a B-rank monster. Other than Chris-san, there’s also plenty of other A-rank adventurer that take part in Calhea quest so I think without a doubt, I’m going to finish the quest safely.
“N-nothing!” Tord-san quickly replies.
Chris-san gets up from his table and says,“Fufufu~ Thank you for your concern, Tord. I’m going now~”
“Please come back home safely, Ren-san!” Tord-san hold both of my hands with too much force, it hurts but he seems to have a really serious look on his face that I can’t ask him to stop.
Chris-san in a beat stopped Tord-san when he noticed my discomfort,“Yup, that’s enough Tord~ If you hold Ren-chan with your cat power without any self restraint like that, you’re going to hurt Ren-chan~”
“Ah! I’m so sorry!” Tord-san immediately releases my hand.
It’d be bad if I get hurt even before I start the quest so I’m grateful Chris-san stopped Tord-san.
“It’s okay Tord-san, I’m not hurt. Thank you though Chris-san, I will be counting on you for today as well.” I bow my head to Chris-san.
“Yup~ Just leave it to me~”
I’m going to spend quite amount of time with Chris-san, so I have to make sure I have a good relationship with him. I don’t want Chris-san to hate me.
“You guys… Don’t forget about me..” Malik-san suddenly appeared from behind me.
I completely forgot about Malik-san!
“Ah! Master! I didn’t realize you were there! Isn’t a bit too early for you to wake up?!” Tord-san says, equally as surprised as me.
“Usually, yeah but today is a special day. Today is the day my cute son going to depart for his first subjugation quest. So I’m going to see him off.” Malik-san proudly says. He turns his eyes to Chris-san,” I will be counting on you, Chris.”
“Of course~ I’m going to return Ren-chan here properly without any scratch!~ Leave it to me~”
Malik-san is really like an overprotective father. I feel cherished.. Thank you Malik-san.
“Okay Ren-chan, let’s head out to the stable. I’ve made reservation there to rent a horse.”
“Okay! Then Tord-san, we will be leaving now, goodbye.”
“Have a safe trip!”
I leave the guild together with Malik-san and Chris-san to the stable.
The stable provides the place for adventurer to store their private horse and the service to rent a house for a certain period of time. It need a pretty big land and the stench of animals is really pungent there so the location of the stable is on the outskirt of town, away from the central to not disturb the people.
Malik-san and Chris-san is walking in front of me, while talking to themselves. I can’t quite catch their conversation, only bits of it.
“--------------- alright ------------ “
“------I don’t mind---------”
Judging from Malik-san’s personality, they must be talking about me.
Malik-san really cherishes me a lot but I wonder whether he’s too protective of me?
“I see then.. I will be looking forward to it.. Father..?” Chris-san smiles to Malik-san.
“It’s too soon to be calling me father, Chris.” Malik-san replies.
The two of them are smiling at each other but I can feel their ice cold tension.. So scary..
“Ah, I can see the stable!” I exclaimed.
We’ve walked quite the distance from the guild, I already can see the stable. The closer I get, the more I feel excited. It’s like, ‘Ah I finally will get out of Pedrel to properly do a subjugation quest’ kind of feeling.
“Yes, let’s go pick our horse~”
Chris-san goes to the reception desk. Looking around, I can see multiple horse behind the fence.
Since the people in Alsar is bigger than the people in Earth, naturally the horse is also considerably bigger.
There’s also magical horse here, like devil horse and half-horse half-human kind of creature. All of them are properly domesticated so they won’t hurt us despite looking so scary.
They’re also faster than normal horses and can properly run away if there’s a monster attacking. Though if the situations forces to, they can do self defense with the horn on their forehead.
That’s why even though the cost to rent a magical horse is a lot higher than normal horse, the demand for magical horse is always high.
“Thank you for waiting~ This is the horse that I often rents, it’s a male horse. His name is William~”
Chris-san brings a black magical horse with him. He’s really big and his fur is really shiny too. He has one black horn protruding from his forehead. Standing normally, I can’t even reach the horse head but the horse greets me while bowing his head so I can see his face properly. He has gentle looking deep blue eyes.
“Waaah~ What a cool looking horse! Nice to meet you, William.”
“Right? Let’s get on him~ Ah but since William is too big for Ren-chan so it’d be hard for you to climb him, right? I will carry you then Ren-chan~”
There’s a saddle for two people on William’s back. Ah I wish I can climb him on my own but looking at his monstrous height… It’d be impossible.. I want to search for stepping stair but there’s no such thing in here.
But to be carried like a child even though I’m already 21 years old.. Ugh..
“I understand, please help me Chris-san..” I says dejectedly.
Chris-san grabs me under of my armpits with both of his hand and lifts me up. “Wow, Ren-chan you’re so light~”  
He then continues to climb on William while hugging me. I don’t want to say it but truth is I fit snugly under Chris-san embrace like this. There’s nothing I can do though because the people in Alsar is considerably larger than me.
Chris-san then put me on the saddle on the front and he took the seat on the back saddle.
Turning my head to Malik-san, I say, “Well then Malik-san, I’m going now.”
“A-ah.. Y-yeah.. Have a safe trip, Ren.”
Malik-san seems flustered and surprised. I wonder why?
“Is something wrong Malik-san?”
“Eh? N-no. It’s nothing. Be careful not to hurt yourself, okay Ren?”
“I will. Goodbye Malik-san.”
I wave my hand to Malik-san who waves back as we leave the Pedrell City.
Thus, begin my first journey.
Malik’s POV !
“I can’t believe it.. For him to put Ren on the front..” I murmur while looking at Ren’s leaving figure.
Usually for a 2 seaters saddle like that, the people that hold the reins will be sitting on the front.
Instead of sitting on the front, Chris sit on the back with Ren on the front.
That way of riding in Alsar is usually done between lovers.
It has the feeling like ‘I always want to hold you close.’
“And also.. Our conversation earlier..”
Before we reached the stable, I was talking with Chris about Ren.
“Nee~ Malik-san, is it alright if I start to pursue Ren-chan with the purpose to become his husband?~”
“Ah.. I don’t mind it but don’t you dare put your hands on Ren yet! Also, I had Silver Fox and Ice Prince asking about Ren too. They’re going to meet with you two in Calhea. I want all of you to return home together to Pedrell after finishing your quest, okay?”
When I speak the name of those two adventurer, I can feel Chris’s bloodlust rising but he immediately suppressed it in an instant. If I was a lesser man, I wouldn’t have noticed it.
“I see.. I will be looking forward to it then~ Is it okay if I call you father now?~”
“It’s still way too soon to call me father..”
Did he knew that I was trying to make all of them become candidates for Ren’s husband?
“My intuition is correct. Christ must’ve fallen for Ren already and soon enough, the two of them will fall for Ren too.”
When I listened to the story when Ren went shopping with Chris, I knew for sure that Chris already deeply in love with Ren.
I might be become like a meddlesome old man, but I can’t help myself.
I do this because I’m worried about Ren’s future.
Living in Alsar is hard if you’re weak and frail so it’s better if Ren can have a strong husband(s).
“Ah it’s a long way to go home but there’s Ren’s home cooked meal waiting for me. Well, there’s still a few hours left before I have to go to work, I guess I will sleep for a few hours first.”
After praying for their safety, I walk back home.
Horse (?) Introduction!
Name : William
Shoulder Height : 180 cm (it doesn’t include the height of his head when standing straight)
Eye color : deep blue
Fur color : Black
Usually, the normal shoulder height for magical horse is around 160-170cm.
T/N : SO! We have the clue for another members of the harem! What kind of person is Ice Prince and Silver Fox? *drumrolls* For the next chapter, we will finally be able to see Ren’s first step to become a proper adventurer!~
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
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