#I forgot the watermark-- I remembered when i was going to sleep and was gonna add it in the morning (thinking it wouldn't have notes) and
rainbow-sparks · 2 years
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this wasn't supposed to take 3+ hours for a joke I heard
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fidgetheart · 7 years
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here’s my 100% self-indulgent canon related, canon insert wc oc
this will most likely be uploaded onto my dA account which is why I’m using that username rather than this one it is now on my dA account and I ended up changing my username on there so I needed to edit my watermark
also this is 100% an AU - I also don’t really remember much of the plots in Po3 and OotS, so I’m probably gonna be skipping/missing important stuff like the three going to the mountains - I also haven’t really thought out her role in OotS, so that part’s gonna be pretty vague tbh, and there’s not going to be anything relating to AVoS just yet since I haven’t thought that out either
and I forgot about BS as well so that’s not gonna be mentioned
also this turned out longer than I had planned whoops
more info under the cut:
Name(s): Redkit, Redpaw, Redthroat Clan: ThunderClan Rank: Medicine cat Father: Bramblestar Mother: Squirrelflight Brother(s): Lionblaze (foster), Jaytalon (foster), Alderheart, Juniperkit Sister(s): Hollyleaf (foster), Sparkfang, Dandelionkit Mate(s): N/A Kit(s): N/A Mentor(s): Sorreltail, Leafpool Apprentice(s): Alderheart Book-esque description: dark brown-and-ginger she-cat with odd colored eyes Detailed description: scarred, dark brown-and-ginger she-cat with a plumy tail, one white paw, and odd colored eyes (one amber, one green) Name meaning: Red- for her ginger patches, -throat for the distinctive ginger patch on her throat Nickname(s): Batty (called that specifically by Hollyleaf, due to her ears being slightly larger than average)
okay, so Squirrelflight is actually pregnant the same time Leafpool is, and the two leave the Clan for about two moons (shortly after Leaf discovers she’s pregnant), with Leaf claiming StarClan willed her to do so so she can reconnect with them after running off with Crowfeather, and that Squirrel needed to tag along to protect her. the only one who knew what was happening was Brambleclaw
Leafpool gave birth to Lionkit, Jaykit, and Hollykit, and a day or so later, Squirrel gave birth to Redkit. Squirrel was able to start nursing Leaf’s kits almost immediately since she was producing milk, though struggled with feeding four kits, when she herself only had one
when they returned to the Clan, everyone believed the four kits to be Squirrel’s, though Bramble knew that Lion, Jay, and Holly were actually Leaf’s. Ferncloud still helped nurse the kits, since Squirrel was struggling to feed four of them, though Squirrel spends more time in the nursery than in canon
around the time the four are about to me made apprentices, they hear about the fox cubs lurking somewhere on ThunderClan territory, and Holly, Lion, and Jay decide that they should go out and kill the foxes themselves to prove themselves to their Clan. Red disagrees with their idea, being the more skittish sibling of the four, and tries to persuade them to stay. the three don’t listen and leave without her, though Red keeps their mission a secret, not wanting to get them in trouble, and ends up hiding behind the nursery to keep from being questioned about their whereabouts 
Red ends up sneaking out of her hiding space in time to see Jay falling into camp, and she immediately runs to his side, obviously distressed and panicked, and is comforted by Bramble and Squirrel as Leaf immediately begins to look over Jay
although Red didn’t leave the camp, she still gets in trouble alongside her siblings since she didn’t tell anyone of their plan, but none of them are punished, since it’s agreed that they’ve been through enough
Red is later apprenticed to Sorreltail, Holly to Brackenfur, Lion to Ashfur, and Jay to Brightheart - unlike canon, Holly doesn’t briefly train as a med cat, and Jay doesn’t end up training as a med cat
despite her skittish nature, Red proves herself to be a fine apprentice, and with the help of Sorrel, she begins to come out of her shell, becoming more adventurous and outgoing. she does her best to help Jay with his training, and often practices with her siblings in general whenever she’s not doing her chores or out of the camp with her mentor
when Jay reveals the kin of your kin prophecy to his siblings, proudly noting it’s about them, Red immediately hopes that she’s not one of the three, feeling intimidated by the idea of being involved with a prophecy, but promises her siblings she’ll do anything she can to help them with said prophecy
it’s during their apprenticeship that Red starts crushing hard on Honeypaw, despite the other she-cat mooning over Berrynose, though does her best to hide it. she doesn’t hide it very well, leading to her siblings constantly teasing her about it
when Sol arrived to the Clans, Red, alongside her siblings and most of the Clan, was captivated by him, curious to where he was from and how he seemed to know so much about everything despite being an outsider. later on, however, she begins to grow more wary of him, feeling he would bring nothing but trouble, but stays quiet, unsure of how to talk to her siblings about it when they clearly looked to him for answers
when Honey is killed saving Briarkit from an adder, Red is devastated, since the two were actually close friends, and her siblings do their best to comfort her. she’s able to move on from Honey’s death despite the loss, and finds comfort in the shared grief she has with her mentor
during the battle against WindClan and RiverClan, Red received a nasty wound to her left side leading down to her underbelly, but she pushed on despite the pain, refusing to give up. once the battle was over, she went to Leaf for treatment, but found her mother seriously wounded. ignoring her own wound, she stayed by Squirrel’s side with her siblings, terrified that her mother wouldn’t make it. Leaf was able to finally coax her away to treat her wound, though by then, she warned the apprentice that, more than likely, her wound would scar
soon after the battle, when Squirrel was able to get back on her feet, the four were made warriors alongside Cinderpaw, with the five being named Cinderheart, Lionblaze, Hollyleaf, Jaytalon, and Redthroat
some time later, Redthroat was out hunting alone when a lightning strike started a fire in ThunderClan territory. panicked, she rushed back to camp, only to find that her Clanmates had fled - however, she spotted her mother and siblings struggling to get out, and saw her siblings trapped in a ring of fire
she rushed to help, though had to go around to get up to where they were at, since it was much to dangerous to go through the camp to get to them. by the time she reached them, she spotted Ashfur blocking her mother’s way to her siblings, and she overheard him telling her she was going to pay for what she had done
Squirrel attacked him, but due to being weakened from her wound, he easily threw her off and pinned her. before he could hurt her, however, Red bowled into Ash, knocking him off her mother, and began to fight him. she was in better health than her mother, but she still healing from her own wounds, and was no match against the healthier warrior. still, their fight was vicious and bloody, and Red was successful in stalling him long enough to allow her siblings to escape the ring of fire and flee with their mother
Red was able to pushed Ash off of her and was about to race after them when he attacked her once more, clawing at her right eye before slashing at her throat. before he could kill her, Holly came rushing back and lunged at Ash, grabbing his throat in her jaws and killing him
with the help of Lion, Holly was able to carry Red back to Jay and Squirrel, where the four made their way down to their Clanmates, Red struggling to remain conscious. Leaf was able to save Red despite the lack of herbs, and when the other three were questioned, they were reluctant to say what happened, shocked by the sudden turn in events. however, Squirrel was finally able to explain to the Clan what had happened, and was about to lie and say Ash’s death was accidentally, but Holly interrupted and admitted she had killed him before Squirrel could, weakly defending her actions that she had to save her sister
the Clan was shocked and horrified about what happened, especially Ferncloud, but no one blamed Holly for killing Ash, as she did what she had to do. however, Holly blamed herself, and was unsettled by what she had done. 
once the fire went out, the Clan returned back to camp, relieved to find it relatively undamaged, but they were quiet, still reeling but the sudden events. Red stayed in Leaf’s den, spending most of the time sleeping and recovering from her injuries, though was frequently visited by her parents and siblings
soon, Fern ends up visiting her, mortified at her brother’s actions, and apologizes to the kit she helped raised profusely, blaming herself for not seeing what Ash was capable of. Red assures her she doesn’t blame her, and tells her she shouldn’t blame herself either, since Ash was more than capable of making his own decisions
as Red recovered, Jay started receiving dreams from Spottedleaf and Yellowfang, both of them telling him that the secret can be kept no longer, and soon telling him that Squirrel and Bramble are not his parents. confused, but also feeling angry, he confronts Squirrel and Bramble alone, where they finally tell him the truth: he, Holly, and Lion are not their actual kits
hurt, confused, and angry, Jay confides in Holly and Lion about the sudden revelation, and the three began to distance themselves from Squirrel, Bramble, and Red - unsure of how to handle the news. it isn’t long until Leaf comes clean with them, admitting to them that they were her kits, and their father was Crowfeather
this sends the three reeling with shock, and they distance themselves completely from Squirrel, Bramble, Leaf, and Red. it isn’t long until Holly, shocked with the revelation and still struggling to cope with killing Ash, revels the secret to the rest of her Clan, shocking her brothers
the Clan is shocked by the announcement, but Bramble and Leaf are permitted to keep their positions despite what had happened, though Leaf reluctantly promises to step down once she has someone to take her place. Red is also stunned by the announcement, and is uncertain how to react - she’s hurt about the lie her parents told, but at the same time, she understands why they did what they did, and remains close to them
however, she’s unsure how to approach the cats she once called her siblings, since they’re adamant on avoiding her, so she gives them their space, spending her days alone in the medicine den with Leaf keeping her company. shortly after Holly’s announcement, she ends up disappearing into the tunnels despite Jay’s and Lion’s pleading to stay, and is believed to be dead when the opening collapses. her brothers claim she had been chasing a rabbit when it happened, and the Clan believes it
Red is devastated by the news of Holly’s death, and she finally confronts Lion and Jay about their separation, telling them that they may not actually be her brothers, but she will always see them as such, and she misses Holly just as much as they do. the three slowly reconnect once more, but it isn’t until Red is able to move back into the warriors’ den that they truly reconnect
however, Ash’s attack has hurt her mentally as well as physically, and although she’s still able to serve her Clan as a warrior, she finds herself struggling when it comes to physical conflict, and begins to pull into herself, losing her bubbly personality. this worries her family, but they are unsure of how to help her
a few moons later, Red approaches Leaf and asks her to take her on as her apprentice. Leaf is startled and asks her why, and Red admits that she’s lost the will to serve her Clan as a warrior, but during her stay in the medicine cat den, she gained an interest in healing. Leaf agrees, and Firestar soon announces Red as the new medicine cat apprentice
Jay and Lion are shocked that she has no quarrel against Leaf (or Squirrel and Bramble for that matter) after what happened, and she finally snaps at them, telling them that while the lies were hard for them to deal with, it didn’t mean she needed to reject them like they had. she also adds that she understands why Squirrel did what she did, and says that she would do anything to protect them (Lion and Jay), even if it meant lying to the Clan like that
despite their argument, the three remain close, though it doesn’t change Lion’s and Jay’s views on their kin
moons go by, and the Clan seems to have forgotten the fire and the revelations that came from it. Red earns her place as full medicine cat, and Leaf upholds her promise, stepping down from her position. Red, however, tries to persuade her to remain a medicine cat, having grown close to her aunt over those many moons, but Leaf assures her she’ll be alright
Red finds herself alone in the medicine cat den, and finds herself growing rather lonely without anyone there with her. she begins to sleep outside of the den rather than inside of it under the stars in an attempt to feel closer to her Clanmates, but despite that, she begins to open up once more
she soon adjusts to sleeping alone, but she notices that Leaf is struggling to adapt to being a warrior. feeling bad for her aunt, she begins to occasional bring Leaf back into the med den, asking her questions about herbs despite knowing the answers to them. Leaf knows fully well what Red is doing, but doesn’t say anything, grateful that she’s trying to help
when Dovekit and Ivykit are born, Jay and Lion confide in Red, telling her that they believe that one of them is the third cat to the prophecy, since it had been ruled out long ago that Red was most definitely not the third cat. Red reminds them of the promise she made to them moons prior, that she would do anything to help them fulfill the prophecy, and assures them she’ll do her best to continue to uphold that promise
when Dove begins to express confusion as to why no one was doing anything about the weird large animals causing the drought, Red immediately knows she’s part of the prophecy, and warns her brothers that, while Dove is involved, they need to remember she’s still just an apprentice
as moons go by, Red begins to notice that multiple warriors are waking with mysterious wounds, and begins to grow worried. she confides in the other medicine cats, who admit that they’re noticing the same in their respective Clans, and her worry grows. she ends up telling this to Lion and Jay, fearing it may have something to do with the prophecy, and they promise her they’ll do everything they can to figure things out
Ivypool ends up confiding in Red about the Dark Forest, after being encouraged by the three to do so, and Red is alarmed. she asks if Ivy can leave, and Ivy admits that she’s promised the three she would stay as their spy. Red’s alarm grows, but she knows there’s nothing she can do to persuade them otherwise, and wishes Ivy the best, knowing she would face a difficult path
a moon later, when Red is out gathering herbs alone, she’s startled by a voice behind her saying, “Hey, Batty”. she instantly recognizes the voice and her nickname, and she’s ecstatic when she finds Holly alive and well. eagerly, she brings her back to the Clan, thrilled to be united once more with her sister. she, Lion, and Jay catch Holly up on everything that’s happened, and when Holly learns about the situation between them and Leaf, Squirrel, and Bramble, she asks her brothers to be kinder to their kin. Lion and Jay are surprised, but Red supports Holly’s decision, relieved that Holly had time to collect herself
when Red and the other medicine cats are told that each Clan must stand as their own, and that even StarClan has borders, Red fights against that, mortified at the idea. she tries to convince the others that the four Clans need each other to survive, that they can’t if even one Clan falls, but the others refuse to side with her, and she reluctantly explains StarClan’s decision to her own Clan
 Red is out walking with Jay when Flametail falls through the ice, and when Jay dives into the water after him, she’s terrified she’s going to lose him. however, Jay is able to bring Flame back to the surface, and Red immediately begins to do her best to try and save the tom, helping Dawnpelt carry him back into ShadowClan while Jay goes back to ThunderClan to explain what happened. however, despite Littlecloud’s and Red’s attempt at saving him, Flame ends up dying later that night
Red mourns the loss of Flame, and comforts Little the best she can before being escorted back to her territory
however, Flame is able to reunite StarClan shortly before the Dark Forest attacks, and the med cats are able to convince their leaders to meet the others at the Gathering island to plan a way to handle the impending battle
when the battle finally comes, Red has Leaf stay inside the med den with Briarlight, knowing she would need all the help she could get to treat the wounded, and guards the den, horrified at the ferocity of the battle
it’s during the second wave of attacks that she spots Ash fighting on the side of the Dark Forest, and it doesn’t take long for him to see her as well. he goes after her, determined to finish what he had started, but Red’s fury brings back her warrior training, and the fight between them is vicious. she’s able to kill him, and feels no remorse for doing so, and continues to stand guard over the med den, helping bring any cat that needs immediate medical attention to the den 
at one point, she’s ganged up on by two Dark Forest warriors, and she struggles to fight both at once. however, Jay quickly comes to her rescue, and the two are able to drive them off
when the battle is finally over, Red is devastated by how many cats were killed, but is able to push aside her grief to help treat the wounded. she’s relieved to see that her parents and siblings are still alive, however, and finds comfort in that small victory
Leaf helps her with treating the wounded, and later helps her prepare the bodies for burial. when Bramble announces Squirrel as his deputy before he and Red travel to the Moonpool, Red makes an announcement of her own, asking Leaf if she would like to become a med cat once again. Leaf agrees with the support of the Clan, even support from her own kits, and Red is more than happy to share her role with Leaf once again
aCK okay so this wasn’t gonna be this long but I got carried away haha 
idk I just really love Red?? idk if I’ll actually do anything with her outside of this, but, yeah, I thought I’d share anyway  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and as for AVoS she primarily trains Alderheart, though she technically shares that duty with Leaf, and she’s thrilled to be able to train her little brother
also Sorrel and Fern don’t die in the Dark Forest battle bc the reasons for their deaths are absolutely stupid (I mean... c’mon, Sorrel dies bc she was too happy?? Fern dies bc fans wanted her to die?? really?? like I get killing off characters bc that battle was intense but going out of the way to explain those reasons as to why those two died is dumb smh)
and I figured that, if the Erins are gonna have Ash snap, might as well go all the way and make him an actual antagonist rather than just a cat that ~”loved too much”~ and gets into StarClan
oh yeah! originally Red was gonna be a tortie, but then I decided just to go with brown-and-ginger rather than black-and-ginger, and decided she was gonna be a great mix of Bramble and Squirrel (hence the different eye colors - also I think she’s a chimera but I haven’t decided yet on that tbh). she was gonna be a tabby, but I didn’t like how the tabby markings were turning out so I just went without ‘em haha. she’s also not blind in her right eye, btw, but her vision is impaired :o
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