#Hwang Hyunjin packs
sailorjisunq · 3 months
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skz-files · 3 months
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♡ 현진 一 hyunjin ꒱🥟
꒰ ♡ : hyunjin's special birthday week' 🎂
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25lk · 1 year
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mwranguinhos · 2 years
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/ 🍰💬 % ★ hyunjinnie :] packs !
ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ່࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊ࠢ࠘𐡏 . . . like or reblog plss
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b4ng · 2 years
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hwang hyunjin icons 🤭
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gaiaxia · 2 years
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﹗. . . Hyunjin pack like ♡ or reblog ↻
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h-yungin · 2 years
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hyunjin pack / layouts !! 💚
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The one where the fire department is called. And Nirvana might not just be a word on a hoodie. or The twenty-sixth installment of the Skz!Pack Prequel series.
Tags: SKZ, Stray Kids, Stay, SKZ!Pack, Pack!prequel, ot8, bang chan, lee minho, seo changbin, hwang hyunjin, lee felix, han jisung, kim seungmin, yang jeongin, skz smut, skz fluff, skz angst, skz imagines, skz reactions, skz scenarios, abo, a/b/o, skz abo, alpha beta omega, femreader, poly!skz
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Light Smut
Title: Emergency Stop
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12 Hours Earlier
Chan sighs heavily and leans back in his chair, spinning a few aimless circles as he lets his gaze wander across the tiled ceiling of the student studio. 
He listens to the sound of fingers clicking across keyboards, the quiet hum of equipment, and then announces finally, to no one in particular, just to get it off his chest, “I think she’s avoiding me.” Hongjoong pulls his headphones off his ears, letting them drop down around his neck, as he turns from his current project to stare at Chan in exasperation, one dark brow arched. 
“I think that’s a little dramatic, mate.” 
“Wellllllll-” Changbin hems from the other side of the room, a grimace going across his features, as he swivels in his chair to face them, not quite meeting Chan’s gaze. 
Chan bolts upright, his voice loud with triumph. “Ah ha! I knew it!” 
“Oh my goood.” Hongjoong groans, scrubbing at his face with his hands, before he must decide that they’re not worth the trouble, turning back to his computer and pulling his headphones back up- on both ears this time. 
Changbin’s lips twist to the side in an obvious guilt ridden expression, his dark eyes finally meeting Chan’s. 
Chan feels his stomach drop as he regards his best friend and packmate’s worry. 
“What?” He asks, suddenly breathless, leaning forward in the office chair, his alpha suddenly on high alert. “What did I do? How did I fuck it up? You gotta tell me how to fix it, Bin, it’s fucking with my head.” 
Changbin reaches up to rub at the back of his neck, Chan recognizes the nervous gesture, and clears his throat, his eyes darting around the room, as if trying to focus on anything except the man in front of him. 
“You didn’t do anything, hyung. I swear to god, but I can’t tell you anything else, because (Y/N) will fucking eat me alive.” 
“She is pretty fucking scary.” Hongjoong chimes in once more, glancing over his shoulder at Chan, his fingers paused on the mouse. “Almost in Seonghwa’s league. Almost.” 
Chan glances back to Changbin, who is nodding avidly along in agreement with what the other alpha is saying. 
Chan’s alpha is growling at his mate’s resistance, at the way he’s holding back, even if he knows how to fix this whole mess, but he takes in a deep, steadying breath, and clamps his hands in his lap, willing the angry wolf back down. 
“Bin.” He tries again, glancing back to the other man, his voice steady, calm, imploring. “You gotta tell me something. If I don’t know what’s wrong, I can’t fix it, and I’m going crazy over here.” Changbin’s chest heaves with a sigh, and then he swallows, Chan watches the way his Adam's apple bobs, as he looks up to the ceiling, as if for some form of silent approval. 
Finally, he sighs again, audibly this time, and rakes a hand agitatedly through his dark hair. 
Chan feels his entire body tense, waiting on what comes next. 
He can sense a headache starting to pound to life behind his left eye. 
He doesn’t know if it’s because of the current situation, or because he hasn’t really seen you much over the last week, and his alpha is taking direct note of the loss of contact. 
Changbin shakes his head slightly to himself, as if he can’t believe what he’s going to say, going to reveal, and then he grits out, “She’s worried about something she said.” 
Chan’s mind races, going over every tiny interaction the two of you have had in the last week and a half. 
Nothing significant comes to mind. 
“What?” He asks, puzzled, as if Changbin can reveal the clues to him. 
Instead, the other alpha gives a half hearted shrug. 
“I dunno, hyung. She wouldn’t tell me anything besides that. I’m sorry, man.” 
Chan shakes his head, still analyzing every time you’ve spoken, or interacted, since he saw you during Jeongin’s heat. 
Honestly, it wasn’t much, considering you’d been avoiding him at all costs. 
He manages a weak grin, and stands, walking over to pat Changbin on the back. 
“Nah, it’s fine, mate. Thanks for telling me that much. I’ll figure it out.” 
Changbin glances up at him, expression unreadable, and gives a curt nod, already reaching for his headphones again. 
“She feels things really fucking deeply. Deeper than the rest of us. Sometimes she just needs a little space to figure it out. But she cares about you, hyung. A lot. She wouldn’t be this fucking worried if she didn’t.” 
Chan grips his shoulder a little tighter, a silent sign of acknowledgement, and goes back to his own work station. 
He knows Changbin’s right. Knows he speaks from experience. 
So why is his stomach still in knots? 
Your eyes dart around the small kitchen, helplessly looking for an escape route, before they settle on the two men sitting at the table, staring you down. 
You clear your throat, and try to work up an easy smile. 
“You were talking about me? I’m flattered Min.” 
Minho’s smirk widens, growing sharp and dangerous, as if he knows exactly what you’re trying to do. 
You’re sure he does. 
He pats the chair beside him, in the middle of he and Chan. 
“Have a seat.” 
You can’t think of literally anything worse in this moment, your skin already hot underneath Chan’s stare, your fingers itching at your side, your alpha begging you to please get the fuck out of here already.
You take a step backward, back toward the safety of the hallway. 
“That’s okay, I actually was just leaving to go on a run.” 
Minho’s brow arches a little higher. 
“At eleven PM?” 
There is amusement in his tone, as if he knows he’s caught you in an outright lie. 
You give a little shrug, and take another step toward the door. 
“I do my best running at night. Must be the wolf in me.” 
You don’t dare look at Chan, not when he’s right here, staring at you, expression unreadable. He hasn’t said one word since you entered the room, and you can practically feel your body withering from the shame of his heavy gaze. 
It’s like he can see right through you, and you need to get out of here, right now. 
“Anyway-” You’re halfway into the hallway now, the front door, your shining savior, within sight. You give the men a little wave and another unconvincing, weak smile. “-gotta go. Have fun.” 
You dart for the front door, nearly bowling an emerging Jisung over, sending his popcorn flying. 
“Hey!” He protests with a glare in your direction, but you don’t stop, tugging on your sneakers with record speed, before you barrel out the door of the apartment. 
“Sorry, Jisungie!” You call over your shoulder, because you are, but honestly, in times of crisis-
You can breathe easier out here, in the quiet darkness of the dorm hallway, even though you’re still practically jogging, headed directly for the elevator. 
You’re making a beeline for your dorm a few floors down, and you’re staying locked up in there until Chan decides to leave. 
Well, not leave, because he lives here too, but at least until he decides to go back to his own kitchen and stop talking to Minho about whatever the hell they were discussing. 
You slide through the gap of the doors in the elevator before they’re fully open, and pound the second floor button a few more times than necessary, catching your breath as you wait for the doors to close. 
They’re almost down to a sliver, and you think you’ve gotten away with your hasty escape, when an arm shoots through, bouncing them back open, and Chan steps into view. 
Immediately, the breath you’ve just regained leaves your body, as he joins you in the elevator, the doors hissing shut quietly behind him. 
There’s silence, the space suddenly feeling smaller than normal, as you stare him down warily from your corner. 
“What-” You start to say, in an attempt at least to fill the uncomfortable quiet, but Chan beats you to it.
“Why are you avoiding me?” He demands, dark eyes flashing, as the elevator jolts into motion. 
You brace yourself against the wall, your mouth dropping open at his serious, commanding tone. 
“I’m not avoiding you-” You start to protest weakly, the lie sounding unconvincing to even your own ears. 
“Bullshit” Chan cuts you off once more with a growl, taking a menacing step toward you, and suddenly, you know, you’re not dealing with Christopher Bang any longer, you’re dealing with his alpha.
His irrational, incredibly pissed off and slighted alpha. 
The elevator feels tiny now, saturated with the scent of thunder, and you swallow hard, your own alpha flattening its ears in response. 
The sound of a ding signals the arrival of the next floor, and before you can make a move to do something, anything, Chan reaches behind him without a glance, and slams his palm down over the emergency stop button. 
The elevator grinds to a sudden halt with an eerie shriek of gears, and then there is silence, all movement ceased. 
Your mouth falls open once more, but you feel your own anger flare to life in the pit of your stomach, rising to meet his. 
“Chan, what the fuck do you think you’re doing-” 
He stalks toward you, and you shrink back into the corner, the cool metal of the hand bar digging into your back. 
“Exactly what I should’ve done when this whole nonsense started.” He growls, caging you in as he puts his hands on either side of your head, fingers digging into the slick, cool brushed metal of the elevator’s walls as he glares down at you. 
You’re choking on the storm now, your heart pounding against the wall of your ribs. 
But you hold your ground regardless, lifting your head as defiance flashes across your gaze, and frost starts to crackle outward from you, freezing the storm. 
“Oh? And what’s that? Emergency stop an elevator in a little temper tantrum?” 
His dark eyes flash, and a muscle ticks in his jaw, but his voice is steady when he responds. 
“If I have to trap you in a room with me to get you to talk over things like an adult, like my mate, then yes.” 
You scoff, looking away from his burning gaze. 
“There’s nothing to talk about.” 
“That’s not what Changbin said.” 
Your head jerks up, your angry gaze meeting his. 
“Fuck Changbin.” 
“I do, and I enjoy it.” Chan fires right back without missing a beat, crowding you into the corner further, his scowl deepening. “But that’s not what we’re here to talk about, is it?” 
“I’m not. Avoiding you.” You grind out through gritted teeth, your jaw clicking with the immense pressure of keeping your rage back. 
It’s a blatant lie, and you both know it. 
Chan’s eyes darken, dripping golden around the pupils now, and when he parts his lips, his teeth flash in what’s almost a snarl, dangerous and threatening. 
You can practically feel his alpha’s teeth poised warningly over your exposed throat. 
You don’t think you’ve ever seen him this angry before. 
“You think-” He begins, and his voice has dropped dangerously, a menacing growl in the back of his throat, a rumble in his chest. “-that even if I was stupid enough not to notice, he wouldn’t?” 
Your lips part, ready to spit something back, but something about his words ring true in the hollow pit of your stomach. 
He’s right. You could avoid him all you wanted, but your alpha, and his, would know. They were the ones who were suffering because of the distance, keening for their mates. 
Fuck, if it was hell for the two of you, it was fucking torture for them. 
Chan’s gaze hasn’t wavered from your own, not once, and when he speaks again, his words are just above a murmur, and you don’t miss the way his breath trembles on his next inhale. 
“I can’t fucking sleep, (Y/N.) I can’t eat, I can’t study, I can’t produce, I can’t do anything, because every single waking moment is spent trying to figure out what I did wrong and how to fix it.” 
You feel guilt drop like a hot pound of lead into the pit of your stomach. 
You lean your head back on the wall behind you, and meet his gaze head on, your voice quiet, but steady, when you reply back, “It wasn’t anything you did.” 
Confusion starts to pool into his expression, easing some of the anger, and you feel your own fury start to melt away like sand with the tide, leaving your body tired and heavy. 
“Then why?” He questions back, gaze boring into your own. 
You sigh, and glance behind him to the still blinking emergency stop button, wondering how much time you have before someone notices the elevator hasn’t moved and calls the fire department to rescue the two of you. 
That’s all you need right now. Better hurry this up. 
“I said something.” You announce without preamble, shifting your gaze to meet his own once more, sudden fear rising like bile in your throat. You force through the feeling, and swallow hard. “The day you asked me for help during Jeongin’s presentation.” Chan watches you closely, silently, and you give a little shrug and half a laugh-it’s awkward, and fleeting, and leaves the space in between you feeling heavier than before. 
“And I wasn’t sure if what I’d said-what I’d admitted-made you feel weird. I was scared I’d messed shit up, and I wanted to give you space to deal, if that was the case.” 
Chan cocks his head-the motion is endearing, like a puppy-and you resist the urge to reach up and push some of the curls back off his forehead with your fingers. 
Confusion is clear on every inch of his features now. 
“What did you-” He starts to ask, and then something clicks behind his expression, his eyes going wide and his jaw going slack. “Oh, you mean the love thing.” “Oh my god.” You groan, covering your face with your hands, already feeling your cheeks heat up. “Do we have to call it that?” 
When you peek back through your fingers, Chan is smiling, his lips pulled crookedly to one side, the gold fading slowly from his gaze. 
“That’s why you were avoiding me? You were worried about that?” 
“Yes!” You shriek,a little bit louder than necessary, and Chan’s grin widens even more. “I mean, that’s a fuck of a thing to announce to someone out of the blue, when they’re already dealing with a ton of shit and I didn’t know how you’d take it.” 
Chan tilts his head, regarding you. “But you’ve already told me you love me. Once before. Remember?” 
You stare at him like he’s just grown another head, and then it clicks. 
“That didn’t count!” You cough out, choking on your own spit, waving your hands wildly as you try to regain your breath. “That was like a post fuck thing, I was feeling sappy,  I just threw it out there to everyone in general, you guys had just saved me and given me the best orgasm of my life and it wasn’t-” “True?” Chan finishes for you, though there’s no hurt on his face, only slight amusement. 
“No!” You protest, growing angry again as you grow more flustered by the second. “It was true, it just wasn’t so-”
“Direct?” Chan tries once again, watching you closely. 
“Yeah.” You finish helplessly, your shoulders slumping. 
Chan gives a little laugh, and slides one of his large hands down the elevator wall to grip your chin in his fingers, raising your embarrassed gaze to his once more. 
His expression softens, the corners of his mouth settling into an affectionate smile, as you struggle a little and try to resist his gaze. 
“Baby. Look at me.” 
You finally do as he says, reluctantly meeting his eyes, and he arches a brow at you. 
The air between you is heavy with ice and storm, but it doesn’t feel so oppressive now. 
In fact, the headache you’ve been battling all week seems to be miraculously gone. 
Chan’s lips twitch, and you huff at him a little, folding your arms across your chest at his obvious amusement in your sheepishness. 
“Listen. If it hasn’t been incredibly fucking clear since the first time I met you that I’m head over heels for you, then I must not be doing enough to prove it to you.” 
Your own lips twitch into the hint of a smile then, and you begrudgingly uncross your arms from your chest. 
“No, you’re doing enough. Trust me. Following me around like a little lost puppy when I openly hated your guts for the first couple of weeks definitely sold it.”
Chan laughs, and the sound sends warmth cascading down your body. 
Your tired muscles feel a little more manageable now. 
 Chan leans in, and rests his forehead against yours. 
You take a moment to breathe him in, and then he murmurs, breath warm on your face, “Now, say it again, but don’t run away this time.” 
You smirk, keeping your eyes closed as you whisper back, “There’s not really anywhere for me to go. You saw to that.” 
He chuckles, breath fanning across your skin, but doesn’t move to pull away. 
You take in a deep breath, and let your hands skim up the warm length of his arms, letting your fingers take him in for a moment, before you breathe out, “I love you, Christopher Bang. Even though I hated your guts, and fucked up a couple of huge things, and you trapped me in an elevator with you-twice, I might add, against my will-I love you, and I don’t think that’s ever not been true.” 
Chan opens his eyes, and you stare into the golden flecks of his irises, before he pulls back, and his lips curve into the start of a smirk. 
“Now, was that so hard?” 
You swing an arm out and hit him lightly in the chest, giving him a fake glare. 
“Say it back.” 
He grins, and leans in, caging you with his forearms once more against the cool metal behind your head, his nose brushing your own. 
“I fucking love you, (Y/N), I always have. Even when you hated my guts. In fact, in retrospect, I think that made me love you even more.” 
You giggle, and Chan covers your mouth with his without warning, swallowing the sound. 
You let your hands trace up his back and into his hair, fingers tangling in his curls, as he flicks his tongue between the seam of your lips and into your waiting mouth. 
The sharp points of his canines graze and tug at your bottom lip, and you moan, breaking the kiss as you let your head fall back to the wall behind you, breathing heavily, as Chan presses kisses down your jaw, the column of your throat, tickling and teasing your skin as he nibbles your collarbone, traces your scent gland with his tongue. 
“They’re gonna send the fire department after us, you know.” You gasp out, gaze flicking beyond him once more to the flashing button on the wall, as he drops to his knees in front of you, fingers finding your hip bones. 
Chan looks up at you, lips red and kiss bitten, a grin stretching the pink skin over white teeth. 
He arches a brow. 
“Lucky for you, baby, they’re not incredibly known for their fast response time, and I’m a fairly quick worker.” 
You reach out a hand to stop him as he reaches for the closure of your pants, and when he looks up at you in confusion, your lips lift into a smirk. 
“What if I told you I wanted to take my time?” 
His lips slowly lift into a wicked grin of his own. 
“I think we can make that happen.” 
Your apartment is closer than Chan’s (by one floor, but hey, a floor is a floor), so after apologizing to some severely annoyed alphas who were waiting on the stalled elevator, you push through your front door and Chan doesn’t wait a second before he pounces. 
He backs you against the wall of the hallway, his hands dropping to your waist once more, his mouth already on yours. 
His tongue swipes around the inside of your mouth, and you groan into him. “About that taking our time thing-” 
Chan chuckles huskily, the sound going right to your core, and if you weren’t already incredibly wet before, you sure as hell are now. 
There’s a quiet sound behind the two of you and you freeze, leaning up to glance over Chan’s shoulder, suddenly on full alert. 
Chan follows your gaze, your mouth open in shock, to the omega standing beside the front door, waving sheepishly to the two of you, his cheeks almost as red as his hair. 
“Hey, noona.” 
You slip out beneath Chan’s arm and approach him, surprise clearly etched across your face. 
“What are you doing here?” 
“I was waiting for you.” Jeongin gives a little shrug, but he won’t meet your eyes, embarrassment clear on his pretty features. “You said later earlier and I thought-” 
Oh. Fuck. 
You let out a sigh, suddenly feeling more than a little remorseful. “Sorry, Innie. I was hanging out at Minho’s and then Chan was there-” 
Jeongin glances down, scuffing his shoe into the worn carpet. “No, it’s fine, noona. I was just gonna sneak out when I heard the two of you, but I should’ve known I had no chance when up against a wolf’s hearing.” 
His hand reaches for the doorknob, and without thinking, you reach out and stop him. 
“Wait-” You swallow, his large, dark eyes flicking to you in surprise. “I mean. You can join us? If you want?” 
Jeongin stares at you, his pupils huge. 
“What?” Chan approaches, his hand going on your shoulder as he addresses Jeongin. “Yeah, Innie. It’s up to you, but we don’t mind-” 
You notice the way Chan reaches up to rub his neck as he speaks, as if he’s just as nervous over this as Jeongin is. 
“Don’t feel any pressure.” You hurry to reassure the omega standing in front of you. “I know you don’t have much experience, and one alpha on a good day is a lot, so if this is too overwhelming-”
Jeongin bites his lip and glances between the two of you. Finally, he says hesitantly, voice barely above a whisper, “I think I’d like that. But-” He takes in a nervous breath. “Can I just watch for a little bit first? Would that be okay?” 
You smirk. “Oh, so you’re one of those?” 
Jeongin instantly flushes, and you rush to reassure him you were only teasing, looping an arm around his shoulders as you lead him back toward your room, Chan following on your heels. 
“I’m just kidding, baby. There’s nothing wrong with a little voyeurism. Minho loves to watch.” 
“He also loves to boss.” Chan says with a slight smirk, as he steps ahead of you and pushes open the closed door, allowing you both to pass first into the room. 
“That he does.” You laugh a little, and then turn to Jeongin. “Okay, pup. Pick your poison.”
Jeongin glances around, clearly still a little shy given the circumstances, and then he settles into the desk chair in the corner of your room, opposite the bed. He pulls his knees up to his chest and nods. “Okay. Just pretend I’m not here.”
Chan has come to stand against your back, tickling his fingers up and down your spine, brushing his nose across the juncture of your throat, and at Jeongin’s words, he groans, and you feel him press into you from behind. He’s still clearly worked up from before, the momentary pause hasn’t even phased him. 
“That’s gonna be pretty hard to do when you smell so fucking good, pup.” 
Jeongin looks wide eyed at Chan’s throaty admission, and leans over to not so subtly sniff his own shirt. “I don’t smell anything crazy.” 
Chan growls in his throat, and you smirk, reaching back to palm him through his jeans. He bucks his hips up into your hand, his fingers digging into your shoulders. 
“That’s because you’re used to how you smell, but you’re kinda blooming, Innie. It means your omega has sensed the presence of alphas-pack alphas-and is desperately trying to get our attention.” 
“Oh.” Jeongin murmurs, looking suddenly small. “I’m sorry, I can leave-” He makes a move to get up. 
“Sit down.” You command, and his pupils dilate at the sound of your timber, but he does as he’s told. You soften your tone a little. “You’re fine, Innie. You’re not going to distract from anything. If anything, your scent is going to make this all the more enjoyable.” 
Chan’s teeth graze over your scent gland, and you glance back at him, arching your brow. “Eager, are we?” 
Chan growls again, the sound a low rumble against your back, and snakes his hand around your waist, letting his fingers find the inside of your thighs. He applies pressure with the palm of his hand, and you arch your back in response, letting out a quick hitch of breath. 
“Very.” He replies, licking a stripe up the side of your neck with his tongue, tasting you. 
You turn to face him, your eyes flashing gold to match his own, but before you fully lose yourself in him, you glance once more at the omega over your shoulder, saying in a soft, serious tone, “Innie, if you want us to stop at any point, say something, and we will. Without hesitation.” 
He nods. “Yes, noona.” His eyes are wide, and his tongue darts out to wet his lips as he watches Chan pull you toward the bed. 
“Sit down.” Chan orders you, much like you had commanded Jeongin earlier, and you do so, but not without a slight smirk in his direction. 
“I’m not going to make this easy.” You warn, settling onto the edge of the bed, your expression wicked. 
Chan knocks apart your knees and stands between your legs, a look of annoyance on his features. One hand tangles into your hair and he yanks your head back, forcing you to look at him, as the other hand comes to loosely wrap around the front of your throat. 
You feel your pulse quicken under his hold.
“Don’t play that game, pet. Not right now. You already made me wait far too fucking long already.” Chan lifts his lips into the hint of a snarl, and the flash of his sharp canines has your inner thighs slick with want. 
He slides his hand slowly up the column of your throat, finally letting his fingers find purchase beneath your chin, tilting your head back even further. 
“But you know that already, don’t you?” He murmurs, staring down at you with something akin to a hungry predator in his dark gaze. 
You swallow beneath the hold he has on your throat, and arch a brow pettily in response. “Care to remind me?” 
Chan’s lips curl, and another animalistic growl slips through the barrier of his teeth. 
You hear Jeongin let out a sharp exhale from the corner, but you don’t look over.
Your entire body is electrified, waiting for Chan’s next move. 
“I could remind you who you belong to-” Chan muses, eyes flashing golden as he stares at you. “-but I don’t think that’s necessary, do you?” 
He leans down, and without warning, slips a hand down underneath the band of your pants. 
His fingers immediately touch your heat, and just by the look of satisfaction that flickers across his features, you can tell he feels just how wet you are already. 
He pulls back, and holds up his slick, glistening fingers for you to see with a cock of his head. 
“I think you already know.” He repeats in a low tone, advancing toward you now, backing you onto the bed, until he’s straddling you, leaning over your prone form. “Don’t you?” 
“Yes.” You breathe out, tired of playing already, tired of staying away from him. 
“Yes what?” He prods, lips curling up into the hint of a dangerous smirk, as he moves to strip you of your clothes. 
“Yes, daddy.” 
Chan freezes, his pupils blowing at the nickname, and a muscle in his jaw ticks, as if he’s silently fighting himself for control, his hands curling into fists beside you on the bed. 
You openly smirk up at him. “Oh, I knew you’d like that one. You know, given your certain proclivities.” 
His irises are completely drowning in gold now, his lips parted slightly as he stares down at you, his breath coming in harsh pants, his chest heaving. 
Still smirking, you roll your head to the side and find Jeongin in your line of sight, arching a brow in the omega’s direction. 
“Did you catch that, Innie? When he was fucking you through your presentation?” Your voice is smooth like butter, dripping with taunting. You’re playing with the alpha on top of you now, and you all know it. 
Jeongin stares at you, his stare moving slowly to Chan and then back again. “Catch what, noona?” His voice is hoarse, like he’s been holding his breath. 
You shift so you’re staring back up at Chan, looming over you, and your lips tick upward into a dangerous expression meant to goad. 
“Our Channie here has a little obsession-a fantasy, if you will-with breeding. He probably went easy on you the first time he knotted you, because you’re inexperienced, but he just loves to fill you up when he fucks you, loves the idea of stretching you with his seed and then his pups, hm, Channie?” 
A low growl rolls from Chan’s chest, and you hear Jeongin’s breath catch. 
The smell of cinnamon is overpowering. 
Chan pins your hands above your head in one smooth, quick motion, and leans over to bite down-hard-on your scent gland in the curvature of your shoulder. 
Not hard enough to mark or draw blood, but damn near close. 
Your body goes limp beneath him, your mind going blank, your jaw slack, and suddenly, any of the teasing from before is long gone, and the only thought is-alpha, alpha, alpha. 
He pulls back, licking his lips with a wicked smirk, and fuck it, he knows he’s won already. 
“I should punish you for teasing me, pet, but lucky for you, I’m far to eager to feel you squeezing every last drop out of me to make myself wait any longer.”
And without warning, he leans over and sinks his teeth into your muscle once again, sheathing himself fully inside of you in the same frantic motion. 
You cry out, the sensations hitting you all at once, and arch your body up into his hold. 
He hadn’t prepped you, but honestly, you were wet enough that he slid in without much resistance, and the friction was honestly close to pushing you over the edge already. 
Chan growls, the sound sending goosebumps over your skin, muffled by his hold on your shoulder, and thrusts wildly a few times, like an animal gone mad with desire. 
You let him, your fingers scrabbling at his skin, and letting your head roll to the side to give him more access to your neck, you catch sight of Jeongin, watching the two of you with something clearly hot, but tentative, on his features. 
Reaching a hand out, you splay it across Chan’s bare chest, stopping his movements, and he releases his teeth’s hold on you, as you say quietly to get his attention, “Chan.” 
He’s panting, but he stills, and the feeling of him filling you without moving is enough to drive you crazy, but you keep your focus on Jeongin as you hold out your free hand. 
“Done watching, Innie? Wanna join in?” 
The omega swallows, you see the way his throat bobs, and then he stands, looking suddenly nervous, but you can tell he’s intrigued and more than a little hot and bothered at this point if the tent in his pants is any indication. 
He approaches the bed, and swallows again. 
“You don’t have to.” You say softly, taking his hand in yours and rubbing his fingers. “I know this can be overwhelming, but if you want to-” 
He nods, glancing down at you, his eyes trailing down the length of Chan’s body atop yours, before he meets your gaze once more with a look of determination. 
“No, I want to.” 
“Good boy.” You praise, before you tug him forward and onto the bed beside you and Chan. You jerk your head at his clothes. “Take those off.” 
He does so quickly, and then sits back down beside the two of you once more, looking unsure. “Now what?” 
You give him an encouraging smile. “Now, you’re gonna kneel above me and slide yourself into my mouth.” You open your lips and lean your head back to show him, careful not to jostle Chan. 
Jeongin’s eyes go wide. “What? But what if I hurt you-?” 
A raspy chuckle leaves Chan’s lips, and he gives the omega a soft look. “You’re not gonna hurt her, pup. I promise.”
“You’re not.” You reiterate, as Jeongin finally takes a breath and moves to kneel above your head. You glance up at him, as you wrap your hands around the back of his thighs. “And besides, now is as good a time as any to talk about safe words and safety gestures. I won’t be able to talk, obviously, but if I need you to stop at any time, I’ll tap you twice, like this, okay?”
 I tap the back of his thigh with two fingers hard, twice. 
Jeongin nods, staring down at my head between his knees. “Okay.” 
“Okay.” You repeat back, parting your lips once more. “Whenever you’re ready.” Jeongin hesitates briefly, glancing to Chan, who gives him a little nod, and then he leans forward and places the tip of himself into your mouth. 
You adjust slightly to allow easier access as he slowly slides between your lips. 
You see the way his body tenses as he feels your tongue on him, but he still gives you a worried sort of glance. “Okay?” 
You nod slightly, and hum a sound of affirmation, before you let yourself suck, creating suction with your tongue. 
Jeongin instantly groans, his head falling back and his hands scrabbling to tangle in your hair. 
Chan takes that as his cue to move again as well, and he resumes his thrusting from before, his hips moving more rhythmically now. 
You feel Jeongin hit the back of your throat, and oh god, he tastes just like he smells, and fuck, with Chan moving like that-
You can feel the muscles in your body tensing, readying for release, as you keep working Jeongin with your mouth and Chan shunts your body over and over with his. 
“Fuck, noona, I-” Jeongin starts to say, and then he’s shuddering, and you feel him release, tasting the sweetness on your tongue. 
“Fuck.” Chan swears, watching Jeongin come for you, and then he leans forward, his sweaty skin sticking to yours as he rests his forehead on your chest, fingers digging into your wrists, and roars through his own release. 
Everything whites out for a moment as your own body uncoils, and you have to remind yourself to breathe, as Jeongin slowly pulls himself from your mouth and Chan lies on top of you, catching his breath. 
“Fuck.” Jeongin repeats, staring down at you, his eyes full of awe. “Fuck.” 
You give a weak little laugh and reach out to brush Chan’s sweaty hair back from his forehead. He glances up at you, his chin on your chest, and releases his hold on your wrists, one of his hands moving to your jaw and pinching your mouth open so he can look inside. 
A small smirk quirks the corner of his mouth as he says hoarsely, “A shame to waste all that perfectly good come on your mouth, baby.” You grin down at him, wincing slightly as he pulls himself out of you with a long, low groan. 
He flops down beside you on the bed, covering his face with his arm as his chest still heaves. 
On your other side, Jeongin collapses down as well, his hand finding yours, even though his eyes are closed. 
After a few moments of silence, Chan pushes himself up with effort, and scoots to the edge of the bed. He waves a finger between you and Jeongin’s prone forms. 
“Don’t move. I’ll be right back.” 
You give a sound of assent, but don’t open your eyes. 
Soon though, you hear the sound of his footsteps padding back, and he nudges you with his hand. 
“Drink this, baby.” You crack open your eyes, and take the bottle of water he offers you, passing the other one to Jeongin, who guzzles it down immediately. 
Chan slides back onto the bed between your legs, and begins to wipe down the sticky skin of the inside of your thighs with the warm rag, cleaning up all the residual juices that were left behind. 
You relax into his gentle motions, and when he’s finished, he turns to Jeongin, arching a brow at the younger boy. 
“Can I?” He asks, and Jeongin hesitates, before he nods slightly, spreading his legs for Chan to clean him up as well. 
You watch them-how gentle Chan is, how trusting Jeongin is-and you feel warm from head to toe. 
Warm and content. 
When he’s finished with Jeongin, you finally sit up and reach for the rag, motioning for Chan to lay back on the bed. 
“Okay, now you.” 
He opens his mouth, as if to protest, but Jeongin pushes him down gently with a hand to his chest and a small smile. 
“C’mon, hyung. It’s only fair.” 
Chan rolls his eyes, but lets you wash him over with the warm rag anyway, and you can tell, by the slight hint of pink on his cheeks, that he enjoys the tender touches just as much as you do. 
When everyone is cleaned up, you motion for Jeongin to snuggle down between the two of you, your arm looped comfortably across him, your fingers making nonsensical patterns on the warm, bare skin of Chan’s chest. 
Leaning over to press a kiss to the tip of Jeongin’s nose, you say softly, “I love you.” Jeongin glances up at you with large eyes, and his lips curve into a smile. 
“I love you too, noona. And you, hyung.” 
You grin and press another kiss to the top of his soft, red hair, before he glance across to Chan, who is watching you affectionately, a small smile on his lips. 
He arches a brow at you and whispers over the top of Jeongin’s head, “I’m proud of you. You’re getting better.” 
You grin back at him, and reach up with your free hand to cup his jaw, before you squish Jeongin between you as you lean forward to press a kiss to his lips. 
“I love you, Bang Chan.” 
He tugs you forward for another kiss, and Jeongin whines slightly at being squished. 
“I love you too.” ********************************
“So, I’m guessing the two of you made up?” Changbin remarks offhandedly, leaning against the desk as he eyes you with an arch of his brow and a smirk on his lips. 
You give a little shrug, sifting through Chan’s papers to find the one you’re looking for. “I guess. How can you tell?” You stop, glancing back at him with a narrowing of your eyes. 
Changbin grins, his eyes dropping pointedly to the large black hoodie you wear. “That’s his favorite hoodie.” 
You hold out the heavy fabric so you can see the Nirvana logo printed across the front of it, staring at it skeptically. “Really? This old thing? I just stole this the last time we went over to his dorm after hide and seek.” 
Changbin laughs and shakes his head, leaning around you now to pluck up a piece of paper and present it to you. 
It’s the one you’ve been looking for. 
You snatch it from him with a teasing glare. 
“Really.” He nods, tugging at the hood of the hoodie teasingly. “This fucking thing is his favorite fucking thing on the whole planet, so the fact that he let you take it and wear it-” He shakes his head in slight disbelief, and smirks down at you. “-well maybe that just means that he has a new favorite fucking thing on the whole planet.” 
You grin at that. 
“I kind of like the sound of that.” Changbin grins back and tackles you onto the futon in the corner of the studio, tickling you as you shriek and struggle to get away from him.
“I knew you would.” 
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docisnie · 11 months
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