greenteafiend · 6 years
Hatt (Matt x Hunk) #29
Hi anon! Thanks for asking! :)
Prompt: Slowly, the words dripping from your tongue like honey
Hunk wrung his hands nervously.
“Now, I don’t want you to get your hopes up, because for all the time we’ve been in space, we never have managed to find a good substitute for coffee, so I had to improvise—”
“-not to mention trying to find something like madeira, or marsala wine was a mission in and of itself—”
Hunk’s mouth snapped shut because Matt had leaned forward in his seat to take Hunk’s restless hands in his, his smile kind and amused.        
“As adorable as you are when you’re flustered, I don’t actually know why you had me sit here…”
If Hunk hadn’t been flustered before, he certainly would be now. His cheeks felt so hot he wondered if they were glowing.
“Right…” stammered Hunk, chastising himself in his head. “Lemme just—I’ll—I’ll, um—can you just—” Hunk made as if to back away, but it wasn’t working because his hands were still in Matt’s, and he was utterly unwilling to let go unless Matt did first and—
“Do you need to get something?” asked Matt, cutting through Hunk’s cluttered over-thinky thoughts.
“Yes,” breathed Hunk in relief. Matt released him.
“Okay, I’ll wait,” he said easily, giving Hunk an encouraging smile that he found so handsome it was amazing he could function well enough to walk out of the room into the kitchen.
Hunk fetched his plate of meagre offerings (that may as well have been his heart), and offered it to Matt.
“What’s this?” asked Matt, accepting the plate and the spoon.
“Pidge told me your favourite dessert is tiramisu. I made space tiramisu,” said Hunk, scratching the back of his head nervously, avoiding looking at Matt directly.
“For me?” said Matt softly. Hunk nodded bashfully.
He heard a small chink as Matt’s spoon hit the plate. He heard a scrape…
And then he heard the most sinful sound he’d ever managed to induce in another person.
“Hunk,” said Matt. It sounded like a moan.
“Do you like it?” asked Hunk, mouth dry as he peeked a look at Matt’s face. Oh god, he looked euphoric, pulling the spoon out from between those pink lips so so slowly…    
Hunk would make tiramisu whenever Matt wanted. He would make him tiramisu every day—  
The spoon slipped out of Matt’s mouth with a pop, and he licked his lips with relish, fixing those cinnamon colored eyes on Hunk.
“I love you,” he said, the words dripping from his tongue like honey.   
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floppy999 · 7 years
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WELP... Here’s mine.
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