#How To Avoid Paying Divorce Settlement
absurdthirst · 2 years
The Halloween Hit {Pero Tovar x F!Reader}
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 14.2k
Warnings: Assignation attempts, gun violence, poison, technically infidelity, divorces, fingering, oral sex (female receiving), vaginal sex, spanking, breath play, squirting, death ***Not all warnings are listed to prevent spoilers***
Comments: Your new landscaper is hiding a secret: that your soon-to-be ex husband has hired him to kill you. Wanting the inheritance he can’t touch and being divorced for infidelity, he hires Pero Tovar to kill you. Pero finds it harder to kill you than he anticipated, especially when he falls into your bed, and you manage to get under his skin right before the Halloween festival your resort puts on every year. 
Co-written with @storiesofthefandomlovers​
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“Jerry. Have those pumpkins been delivered?” You call out to your resort manager who walks past your office. “Yes ma’am. They came in this morning. We are working on the maze for the festival and we need you to finalize the menu for the snacks for the kids.” Jerry tells you and you grin, “you know how much I love Oreo pudding and gummy worms.” You wink, knowing the chef will go out of his way to make the snacks Halloween themed. 
“Oh and the new landscaper will be arriving today. Pero Tovar.” Jerry tells you and you turn back to your computer for a moment. 
“Send him to me when he arrives. I need to discuss the trees that need to be planted in the south side of the property.” 
Jerry nods, “yes Mrs. -” You raise your eyebrows at your resort manager. 
“Miss. Well, not technically but soon to be.” You scoff, relieved that the divorce is in process. Jerry nods nervously and shuffles off, leaving you to your emails. You own The Rosewood Lodge. A luxury resort in the mountains that caters to the wealthy. Built and established by your father, you’d inherited the resort after he passed and you’ve been running it ever since. It’s hard work but it’s your home, all you’ve ever known, and you are determined to ensure its success.
Drumming his fingers on the steering wheel, Pero admires the changing leaves and colors of fall as he makes his way up the winding road to the lodge. It’s exclusive, ritzy. The type of place that he would never be allowed in, except for the cover he was maintaining, landscaper. His mamá’s obsession with her gardens being put to work in the most surprising of ways. To kill a woman. 
He didn’t care for the particulars. An upset husband not wanting to pay out a divorce settlement because he couldn’t keep his cock to himself - also greedy for the resort his wife inherited and was untouchable by the prenup. He didn’t care. What he did care about was that he was getting one million dollars to kill her. He smirks to himself and turns up the radio as he continues to drive towards The Rosewood Lodge, ready for a laughably easy hit.
You look up when there’s a knock on your door, your assistant standing there with a presence behind her. “Mr. Tovar, ma’am.” She introduces him and you stand up, “thank you Kellie. Ah welcome.” You reach out to shake his hand and his dark eyes are friendly, his grip light and your stomach twists with something unknown. 
“Thank you Mrs.-” 
You sigh, correcting him like you did your manager. “I’m technically Mrs. Thompson but I’m getting divorced so please.” You tell him to call you by your first name to make things easier. “Welcome to Rosewood. I will have the bellboy show you to your quarters. All the staff live on the property unless they opt not to and you are welcome to a room. I am told you are one of the best in the business so I am looking forward to hearing your ideas.”
Pero nods, surprised by his reaction to you. You are pretty, gorgeous really, although he would never pair you with your husband. You look like complete opposites and that might be while you are divorcing and your husband wants to kill you. “I looked around on the drive in. There are several things we can do before the winter snows set in.”
“Perfect. Right now, we are preparing for our Halloween festival next week so the landscapers are working on the maze if you want to include your input. We are full steam ahead before the snow arrives. When that happens, we are in a holding pattern until spring. Do you have any experience in snowy climates? Your resumé said you’ve been to Asia and assisted the wealthy there with their shrubbery.” You recall his resumé. He’s handsome, in that rugged kind of way, but there’s something in his dark eyes that you can’t put your finger on.
“My childhood was in the mountains in my home country.” He reveals, eager to get close to you so he can find a weakness. It has nothing to do with the interest that he sees in your eyes. “While it does not translate to work, but I have experience.”
You bite your lip, swallowing down the saucy retort that you’d like to see that experience. You think he’s sexy in a mysterious way and you know it’s not professional so you push that thought aside. “Glad to hear it.” You settle on that, a smile on your face as you try to navigate this so you don’t embarrass yourself. Ever since you caught Richard cheating, you haven’t had sex and it is getting to you now but you promised yourself you wouldn’t be like Richard, you’d be divorced before you found someone to share your bed. “I will let you get settled in and then Jerry will introduce you to the landscaping team. Welcome to Rosewood, Mr. Tovar.” You hold your hand out towards him.
Your grip is firm and Pero squeezes slightly and he shakes your hand and nods. “Thank you.” He murmurs softly, pulling away and turning around to leave your office. He needs to keep up appearances before he decides how he will take care of you. One million dollars depends on it.
“Tea, ma’am.” Kelly brings in the tray of tea and you thank her, looking forward to the refreshment after a long day of meetings to prepare for this Halloween festival along with negotiating a new food contract. It’s been exhausting. Kelly leaves and you look up when you see Pero standing on your threshold, his hand raised after he knocked on the door. He’s been talking to the landscapers over the past day or so and you’re eager to hear his thoughts. “Come, sit down.”
Pero shouldn’t be nervous to talk to you, he’s talked to so many targets before. Looked them in the eyes and smiled, laughed and joked with them right before dispatching them to their early grave, so it’s ridiculous that he has the urge to wipe his sweaty palms on his jeans. He walks over, noticing that you have a tray of tea and refreshments that he had been seeing set at the tables in the opulent dinner room. “I don’t want to interrupt.” He lies, knowing you will insist he join you. You are that type of person. “I can come back later.”
“No. Please. Come join me. I’ll fetch another cup for you.” You tell him, knowing there’s a spare cup in the staff break room that’s not the elegant china but you don’t care. You stand up, “pour yourself the cup and I will be right back so we can discuss your thoughts.” You insist, walking out of your office to the staff room, quickly finding a spare cup. You come back to your office, finding a cup already poured by Pero. 
“Please, take this cup. I insist. A beautiful woman deserves beautiful china.” He charms you and you smile, “thank you Pero.” You reach for the other cup, pouring him some tea and setting it back down in front of him.
He waits for you to doctor your tea the way you prefer, taking only a lemon for himself and he can’t help but sigh at the first sip of the fragrant brew. It is a blend that reminds him of his time in China. “I have been looking over the plans for the maze for your Halloween party.” He tells you. “There are several ways we can improve the design and add for a quick exit if necessary.” He’s already sketched it out and he shuffles forward so he can pull the folded paper from his back pocket.
You don’t touch your tea right away, not liking it piping hot, and you reach for the folded piece of paper. You take in his design and you smile, “I love it. It looks difficult but not impossible. Just what we need. Something spooky but not scary for the families.” You pick up your cup, about to take a sip after you set his design down on your desk but your phone rings and you set your cup down. “Jerry?” You answer, “yes. Okay. I can come over there now.” You sigh, looking at Pero as you put the phone down. “Guest issue. Wants to see the owner.” You roll your eyes and stand up. “I love the design. Stay here. Finish your tea.” You order and pick up your cup, pouring it in the plant in your office as you walk out.
There is a small chance you have a camera in your office, but he doubts it. He hadn’t seen any when he first arrived and he had looked. It was ingrained in him through years of work. Quickly springing up, he rounds the desk to start going through your planner, taking notes of meetings with your lawyer and various other appointments. All seemingly related to your business or your divorce. He chuckles and shakes his head, pulling the small vial out of his pocket and dumping the poison into your tea. It would be quick and painless, making this a relatively easy job for him. Putting everything back where it was, he sits back down where he was and picks up his tea cup.
When you return about ten minutes later, you decide to have another cup of tea. Pero is still in your office, patiently waiting and it makes you smile that he doesn’t rant and rave that his time is precious like most men would. “Sorry that took so long. Some prick thought he was important enough for a suite when he only paid for a room. Some new tech guy from Silicon Valley who thinks he’s hot shit.” You roll your eyes and pour yourself another cup of tea. “Where were we? Oh yes. The trees. Any idea on what you are thinking?” You ask, picking up the cup to take a sip when your phone rings. “Sorry Pero. Let me- hello?” You answer the phone. “What? No. He can’t do that. We aren’t - the divorce is in process. That doesn’t mean he can take the money - fine. Okay. More paperwork.” You huff, slamming the phone down and the cup of tea is abandoned again. “Sorry Pero. The trees?”
Pero tilts his head, curious if you would tell him anything about your divorce. Not that he cares, but often when someone is telling a story, they drink. “It sounds as if you are having a rough time with your soon to be ex-husband.” He commiserates. “I understand, my friend - his divorce was nasty.” A complete lie, his only friend is still happily married to his wife.
You usually wouldn’t indulge in personal issues with your staff but your blood is boiling. “My damn soon to be ex husband wants to take the money from our joint savings account and invest in some harebrained private jet company that doesn’t have any other backing or any credentials and there’s nothing I can do to stop it since he still has access to that account and I cannot block him until we are divorced.” You rub your forehead, “I didn’t cheat. He’s the one who decided to fuck one of the housekeepers before he told me I wasn’t hot enough for him and I - you don’t want to listen to this.”
He snorts and shakes his head. Rich men apparently all needed to have their egos stroked as often as possible by anyone. “That was a lie.” He tells you confidently. “It was about power. Over you, over the housekeeper.” He rolls his eyes over how obvious that is to him. “Call the IRS to review the account.” It doesn’t matter to him what he says right now, you will be dead within the hour - before you can call anyone. “They will freeze the account and he cannot touch it.”
You stare at him, surprised he knows that, and you nod. “That is…not a bad idea. He can’t just invest five million dollars into some college kid’s dream.” You shake your head and sigh, looking down at the cup of tea. Pero looks down at it too, silently urging you to pick it up and drink. “Ugh. He’s put me off of my tea now. He’s a prick. Sorry. Would you-? Can we discuss the trees later?” You ask, tilting your head at Pero whose dark eyes flick up to meet yours. God, he’s far too handsome and you are off limits. You’ve put yourself on the shelf.
Pero nods, covering his frown slightly by setting the tea cup down. He wanted to stay while you drank the poison, making sure that none discovered you until it was too late, but he does not want to make you suspicious. “I understand.” He murmurs softly, standing and towering over your seated form behind your desk. The poison will work regardless if he is in the room or not. “I will be working late if you wish to talk later.” He tells you before bowing his head slightly and turning to walk out of your office to leave you to your fate, ignoring the slightly curdling of his stomach. 
You watch him go, admiring his broad shoulders, and you sigh, looking down at the tea. No longer wanting it, you pick it up and put it in your plant like you always do with your cold tea. You need to push Pero out of your mind, you don’t need to have distractions and he is a distraction. You huff and go back to typing up an email to your accountant about this stupid investment. Perhaps Pero’s idea isn’t too bad after all. With a hum, you begin typing, knowing it’s going to be a long day. When the hour hits past dinner, you step away from your desk, deciding to seek out some food before you collapse in your bed, and that’s where you find Tovar. In the dining room, now open to the staff since the guests are in the bars or in bed. “Nice to see you again, Mr. Tovar.” You greet him with a smile.
“You as well.” He manages to keep his cool, wondering if no one had been in your office since he had left to discover your body but he has his answer. You must have ignored the tea and not drank it. He curses internally but he motions toward the extra seat at his table. Everyone else was split off into groups but Tovar had avoided joining them, claiming that he wanted solitude. “You are welcome to join me, discuss those trees now.” 
You glance around before you sit down, drawn to this man in an unexplainable way. You've never had this instant draw before, not even with Richard. "Please, finish your food before we discuss business." You tell him and one of the waiters comes over to take your order. You look at Pero after you've ordered. "So...how are you settling in so far?" You ask.
He shrugs and takes a bite of his overflowing plate. The buffet the kitchens provided is scaled down, not nearly as luxurious as what the guests eat, but is delicious and plentiful. Pero was going to take advantage of free meals while he could. “I am settling.” He says after he swallows. “The accommodations are generous and not too many people have balked at the sight of me.” He knows he looks dangerous with the large scar over his eye, but he does not try to hide it. It is a part of who he is and he is good enough at his job that he has never been on any government lists. 
You are pleased that he likes it here, for some unknown reason, and you file that away to process it later. He’s mysterious and intriguing and you are desperate to know more. “Anyone who balks at you, please let me know. We are a diverse staff and people shouldn’t stare because you have a scar. How - I hope you don’t think I’m being impetuous but how did you get that scar? If you’d rather not answer, I don’t mind.” You assure him before thanking the waiter who sets your meal down.
“Compulsory service.” When he’s in situations like this, the less lies he tells about himself, the better off he is. For him to be in the military in Spain prior to 2000 wasn’t unusual even though it was not the normal thing in the US. “There was an accident with weapons training.” He gives a small shrug, although at the time, it had seemed like a life changing thing. “Luckily, it did not cost me my eye.” 
“That was lucky. Well, it hasn’t taken away from your handsome face.” You say without even thinking about it and you swallow, hoping he doesn’t think you’ve stepped over the line. He’s your employee and you can’t be taking advantage.
Pero smirks, watching you shift slightly in your chair in embarrassment. Obviously not meaning to blurt that out. “It is good to know that you find me handsome, hermosa.” He rasps out before he takes another bite of his dinner. Maybe flirting with you will help him get closer and he’s not opposed to flirting with a pretty woman. It was almost a shame that you were going to be gone so soon. Again, he ignores the way his stomach rolls slightly at the prospect.  
You fluster, picking up your fork to start eating and you moan at the taste of the mashed potato. The chefs really put something good in it tonight. “Sorry. I haven’t really eaten all day. Too busy.” You apologize. “I gotta go out tomorrow and meet the party supply people for the festival.” You sigh, knowing it’s never ending.
He had heard all about your resort from your husband, listening politely while the man ranted about how it should be under the umbrella of his hotel chain. About how you were driving it into the ground and he could manage it so much better. However, he hasn't seen anything like that since he has been here. “Is your festival popular?” He asks, having seen how quickly the staff were moving to get ready for it. 
You nod, “very. All of the local towns come up to celebrate Halloween and we also have a Holiday festival in December so they are a great time for the locals to get together with the guests. My father started the tradition and it’s endured ever since. My soon to be ex hated them. Thought it was ridiculous to invite the locals and wanted it to be more exclusive but I never wanted us to alienate ourselves from the locals. They are all important to the operation of this resort.”
He doesn’t see the harm in letting the locals participate, especially because most of the staff seem to be from the area. However, he wasn’t in charge and soon, your husband could do whatever he wanted. “I see.” He hums, watching as you take another bite of your dinner. “Sounds like he’s a pretentious ass.” 
You scoff, “and then some. I don’t know what I saw in him. Maybe I thought he could understand me because he came from a similar background but he relied on his daddy’s money too much. Didn’t want to work hard and then, when I caught him with the housekeeper, I realized I never loved him. Clearly, he didn’t love me either. I was a means to an end. A way to get this resort and I know he wants this resort in the divorce but the prenup is iron clad.”
If you only knew the lengths he would go to get the resort. Pero shakes his head and scoffs slightly to make you believe that he sides with you. “At least you did not waste your life with him, or have ties beyond a wedding vow.” He knows you don’t have kids, it had been one of his questions. He will kill anyone, but he won’t potentially put a kid at risk. He has some morals after all. 
“Thank God I didn’t get pregnant. Mind you, he rarely touched me. Said he was too tired from work. Even said several times that I wasn’t hot enough to turn him on. Turns out he was getting his dick wet in other women. God, I’m sorry. You don’t need to hear this.” You shake your head, taking another bite of food and cursing yourself for being so unprofessional.
Pero snorts, throwing you a smirk and trying to ignore the way his cock twitches at the idea that it’s been awhile for you. Having you think he was interested and him being interested were two different things and a very delicate line to walk. “So he was a blind moron as well.” He huffs, pinning you with a serious stare. “You are a woman who should be fucked thoroughly and often.” 
His words steal your breath and you inhale sharply. After a moment, you smirk, leaning closer to him. “I am technically a married woman so I wouldn’t fuck you unless I was single but if I could, you’d be the kind of man I’d want to destroy me.”
He likes your boldness, his eyes dropping down to your lips and his tongue slides against his own bottom one to wet it. He could see you on your knees with your lips wrapped around his cock. “Technically that is between you and God.” He murmurs. “Once you are filed for divorce, you are single to me.” 
His words make you ponder and the way he’s looking at you has you ready to abandon your morals but you don’t want to give your husband any reason to question the divorce. He’d likely say it’s adultery. You don’t want to take that risk. You can’t risk the resort, everything your dad has worked so hard for.
You don’t comment, flustering and looking down at your plate in a way that is intriguingly innocent. He decides to have mercy on you and changes the subject. “If you were to take the northwest corner of the property, you could transplant some already mature furs. Fraser, Balsam, Noble, whatever you wanted. You could either create a seasonal Christmas maze where they are surrounded by decorated trees in the snow, or you could start harvesting them for your guests to take home or have spread throughout the resort.” He offers. 
You like the idea, “that sounds like an excellent idea. Perhaps we can give the trees away to people who cannot afford a tree.” You smile, “perhaps we can have the Christmas maze too. Make an event around it.” You tell him, leaning in a little closer. “Can we get that done before this year? If we bring in the mature trees.”
He treats it like a real scenario, like you were actually going to be around for Christmas. He doesn’t mind spending the money on things that will not matter to him once this place is in your husband’s hands. He purses his lips and nods. “It will be expensive, but the draw of the crowds for a Christmas maze or festival would balance that out, I believe?” He says, tilting his head as he waits for your answer. 
You nod, “let me have the accountants run the numbers. Off the top of my head I believe it will be fine but I want to double check. Our winter fete is always popular. We will more than cover the overheads but I want to be certain. Can you get started on a layout?” You ask, taking another bite of food.
He smirks, thinking about what needs to be done in order to lay it out. “I will go up there in the morning and start staking it out.” He tells you. “Estimating how many trees we would need plus fifteen percent.” He lifts his brows. “Transplanting mature trees involves a little more risk.” 
You nod, understanding the risks. “Let me know tomorrow when you have the numbers. I am heading into town tomorrow around 11 so find me after to discuss.” You finish eating, gulping down the water before you stand, taking your own plate, “have a good night, Mr. Tovar.” 
“Goodnight.” He murmurs, watching you walk out of the room with a smirk on his face. You are heading into town, a perfect opportunity for you to have an accident. Brakes can be tricky and he knows how to tamper with them without making it too obvious. Tovar finishes his own dinner and quickly stands. He knows where you are parked and he wants to inspect that spiffy little car. It would be a shame if you didn’t slow down going around that tight curve halfway down the mountain. 
The next morning, you have breakfast and look out towards the beginning of the festival being built for Halloween. You sip your coffee, pleased with how everything is coming together and you are excited to start planning the Holiday festival soon after the Halloween one. You already have a costume picked out for Halloween, something sexy yet dignified enough for the boss. When you glance up at the clock, you sigh. You don’t have time to go and meet with the vendors. You call Jerry, asking him to rearrange the meeting and also ask him to have the bellboy, Derek, take your car for a detail. You haven’t had it washed in a while and you know the nineteen year old is eager to drive your car whenever he can.
Pero smirks when the car is missing from the usual parking spot as he comes back to the main lodge. Knowing that you have left for your meeting in town, he can guarantee you won’t be coming back. He whistles as he starts to enter the lodge, stopping dead in his tracks when he sees you walking out of your office.
You are frowning, glancing down the hall. “Ah Pero. Perhaps you can look at my plant. It’s…it’s dead. I have no idea why. I always water it and care for it and this morning, I came in and it’s dead.” You ignore the way his eyes are shocked and you continue on. “Maybe I shouldn’t have watered it with my tea.” You ponder, glancing back down the hall. “Do you need something?”
The fucking tea. Pero nods and wonders why the hell you are here if your car is not. “I- I have the number of trees we will need to order.” He tells you, frowning slightly and looking at his watch. “I thought you would be in town.” He comments.
You barely pay attention to what he said, your mind whirling a mile a minute and you look at him. “Oh, Derek took my car into town to valet it. I don’t get much time and it’s been a while since it was cleaned.” You admit, “plus I know he loves taking it for a spin.” You chuckle, watching as Jerry strides down the hall. 
“Something’s happened.” Jerry declares and you frown. “What?” You ask and Jerry rubs his cheek. “Derek has been in an accident. He - he was driving your car and he - he drove off of the cliff.” 
You gasp, “he drove off of a cliff? Is he - is he alive?” You ask. 
Jerry bites his lip, “we don’t know. We are waiting on an update from his family.”
Guilt is not something Pero deals in but his gut curls with it. You were supposed to be in that car, not Derek. He’s a boy, an innocent one. He shuffles slightly and looks over at you. “Do you… want to go down to the hospital?” He asks you. “Sit with the family?”
You are in shock, guilt threatening to overwhelm you and you swallow harshly, tears stinging in your eyes. “It’s my fault. I - I sent him out. I sent him out to get my car washed. God, to get my fucking car washed and now he - oh God.” You choke, feeling so responsible. “I need to go to the hospital. I need to know what happened.”
Pero puts aside the task that he was sent to her for the moment. Right now, he wants to see if the boy survived, and needs to know it. He nods. “I will take you.” He assures you. “You are in no condition to drive.” You are too upset and as crazy as it sounds, he doesn’t want you to have impaired judgment. “Get whatever you need.”
You nod, tears dropping down your cheeks and you walk back into your office to grab your purse, wiping your eyes as you walk back into the hall. “Thank you for taking me.” You tell Pero, knowing he’s being kind and you follow him out to his car, still crying and worrying about Derek.
Tovar opens the door to the car to let you in the passenger seat. “Of course.” He murmurs softly, knowing that this is the time to try to hash out exactly why he is doing this. “We will get there and see that the boy is fine.” He promises with a surety that he doesn’t feel. He closes the door and rounds the hood to climb in beside you to start the engine.
You buckle your seatbelt, wiping your eyes again as Pero starts to drive. “I, uh, i can tell you where the hospital is.” Your voice is croaky and you are silent for most of the descent down the mountain. When you drive past the broken barrier, your car now smashed on the boulders below, you sob. Praying for Derek’s safety and the fact that that could’ve been you. “Oh God. I - I shouldn’t - he shouldn’t have gone. That should’ve been me.” You choke, grasping your chest.
“Don’t think that way.” Pero reaches out and takes your hand. He had done it unconsciously and when his fingers slid between yours, he wouldn’t dream of pulling away. Not when it seems to comfort you a bit. “It was an accident, you can’t think that way.”
His hand in yours comforts you even though you didn’t even know the man this time twenty four hours ago. There’s something about him that makes you feel secure, that he’s capable. More like a security guard than a gardener. You swallow, throat dry from your tears, “I need to know what happened. I don’t - he’s young but he’s not stupid enough to joyride in this road. He knows it’s dangerous.”
“Could have been an animal, anything.” He offers, squeezing your hand as he winds down the side of the mountain and heads into town. Your concern for your employee is admirable, surprising really. You worry about the boy as if he were related to you. “Left?” He asks, coming up to the light and needing directions.
“Yes. Then right. It’s pretty close to the main road.” You sniffle, sitting up straight as you try to prepare yourself to face Derek’s family. “Thank you Pero.” You pat his hand with your other one before you withdraw your hands as he parks in a spot. “You didn’t have to come here with me.” You tell him as you enter the hospital.
“You could spare me.” He offers, knowing that any of the staff would have volunteered to bring you. They were all fiercely loyal to you, none of them having a harsh word to say. He had tried to find someone who had a beef with you, but according to all, you were a firm but fair boss.
You smile, patting his arm and ask the desk for Derek’s room. When you make your way down the hall, his parents are waiting there. “How is he?” You ask and his mother has tears in her eyes. 
“He’s stable but - but he crashed into a tree. They don’t - they are waiting to see if he wakes up. He has broken bones and - oh my baby boy.” She sobs and tears sting in your eyes again. 
“I’m so sorry. I - I asked him to take my car to get it cleaned. I know he loves driving it so I figured - oh God. It’s my fault.” You choke and a police officer approaches you, saying your name. “Yes?” You frown. 
“I need to speak with you privately.” 
You nod, “anything you want to say can be said here. All of these people are my friends.” You declare and the officer sighs but concedes. 
“We recovered the car. Someone looked at it when we were moving it onto the tow truck and…ma’am, our mechanic said the brakes had been cut. Is there anyone you know who would want to harm you?” His next words fade into the background as you process the news. Someone tried to kill you. 
“Oh God.” You sway, feeling a little sick, trying to process still.
Pero hisses though his teeth quietly, wondering what the fuck happened. He had made sure that the cut was ragged, not looking like something that had been done on purpose. He shakes his head as the police officer looks over at him and he reaches for your arm. “Have you had anyone angry at you lately, hermosa?” He asks softly, not bringing up your soon to be ex husband. “Vendors, environmental groups? Guests?”
You swallow harshly, tears stinging in your eyes again. “N-no. No one that I know of. Oh God. Someone tried to - they wanted to - oh God.” You feel sick and Pero turns you towards him and away from the officer. 
“It’s okay hermosa. Just breathe for me. Think. Anyone you know who wants to harm you?” He asks, glancing back at the police officer. You swallow, hiccuping as you try to calm down. 
“No. Well, maybe…there was a - an issue with a guest who tried to - to scam us. He wanted a suite and ordered champagne and room service. His card declined so we called the police when he refused to pay. When he was arrested, he screamed that he’d kill us but that threat was directed to my soon to be ex husband too.”
He rubs your back, trying to keep you calm, directing you away from the thought that someone is trying to kill you. Ironic considering the man touching you is that person. 
The police officer nods and writes it down on his notepad. “We will look up the report, contact information of the suspect.” 
Pero nods to the officer as he pulls you against his chest, trying to offer you some comfort and make his own guilt seem nonexistent.”She will be back at the lodge this evening, if you need to talk to her again.” He assures the officer before he walks away. “It’s okay, nothing is going to happen to you.” 
Tovar’s touch calms you down and you manage to calm your racing heart. “Thank you for being here. I don’t - I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.” You squeeze his hand and approach Derek’s parents. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. This is all my fault.” You tell them and his mother steps forward. 
“Don’t be ridiculous. It’s not your fault. He - my boy loves working for you. Comes home happy every day and he loves your car. He - he will be fine.” She assures herself and you, trying to be strong. 
“I will pay for any medical bills. If you need anything, you tell me.” You reach out to hold her hands and squeeze when she begins to protest. “He’s such a sweet boy. Truly, one of my best employees. I want to make sure he’s taken care of.”
Pero swallows, guilt nearly making him open his mouth but he doesn’t. Reminding himself about the money. It would be enough to let him retire, to give up this life and to try to make amends for the evil he has done. Even though he feels that this is wrong. You shouldn’t have a hit on you and it shouldn’t be him that is contracted. You are too good for this. He watches as you give the boy’s mother a hug, wondering if he can cancel the contract, or delay it until the divorce is final. Then it would be void. 
You step back from the parents, knowing it’s best to leave them be at a time like this. “Please let me know how he is.” You plead and she nods, “we will. Thank you so much for coming.” 
You nod and step back, letting Pero guide you away from them and towards the entrance of the hospital. “Thank you for bringing me, Pero. I appreciate it.” You tell him, a grateful smile on your face and you remind yourself that he works for you. His kindness is to his boss, not to you as a person.
“Of course, hermosa.” He murmurs, his hand on your back twitching slightly at the beaming smile on your face. Even if you have red rimmed eyes, your kindness shows and it makes him feel lower than the dirt on the bottom of your shoe. “I am sure many others would have jumped to do anything for you as well.” He reminds you, knowing how much everyone loves you. 
“Yes but you are here and I - I am glad it’s you. You are comforting.” You tell him, letting him guide you back towards his car. You get in after he opens the door and you are soon making your way back to the resort. You know you have to get back to work but you are still worried about Derek. The fact that someone tried to kill you by cutting your brakes has you terrified and you briefly wonder if your husband is behind this but even he isn’t that evil. You had loved him enough to marry him so you hope he felt the same. He wouldn’t be trying to kill you. “Thank you Tovar.” You say when he pulls up outside of the resort and you lean over to kiss his cheek.
“Anytime.” He turns his head, lips closer to yours and all it would take is leaning an inch to kiss you. But your words about still being married break through his thoughts and he pulls back. He can’t afford to get emotionally involved with you. Looking up at the sky, he frowns at the dark clouds in the distance. “Looks like we have weather that will be here later on.” He murmurs. “I should finish overseeing the landscaping before the storm tonight.”
You look up at the sky and shiver. You hate thunderstorms. Always have since you were a little girl. You swallow harshly and look back at Pero. “I best get back to work. Thanks again.” You step away from him and your heart is pounding in your chest as you walk away, focusing on what needs to be done today instead of Derek laying in a hospital bed because of you, and you certainly don’t need to think about Pero Tovar.
Pero wipes his forehead, standing straight and panting as he surveys the work. The grounds are ready for a deluge of rain, as much as they can be. The clouds are darker and he turns to the rest of the staff. “Let’s get these tools put away.” He tells them. “I don’t see us working for the next day or so.” The rains will continue for at least 36 hours so it was going to be a slow few days.
The rains continue to roll in after dinner. You don’t see Pero around and remind yourself that you shouldn’t be looking for him. He is off limits despite you finding yourself thinking of those dreamy dark eyes, so full of something you can’t quite figure out. The mystery intrigues you and you find yourself drawn to him. When the thunder claps overhead, you shake, deciding to make your way back to your quarters and hide under the covers. Storms have always brought anxiety for you, the sounds, the lightning, it’s all too much and you find yourself shaking as you gather your things and walk down the hallways. Richard always used to make fun of you for being so scared, saying it was childlike behavior.
When he runs into you, you look almost frantic. Wiping his hands on a rag as he drips from rain that had caught him as he was getting out of his car. “Hermosa, did the boy take a turn for the worst?” He asks, reaching out and stopping you.
You whimper, shaking your head. “No. No change. I just - I just hate the storms. Always have. Makes me - I don’t like them. Ever since I was a kid.” You ramble slightly, clinging to his upper arms. “Sorry. I -  I am sure you are heading back to your room.”
“I am.” He acknowledges, feeling you flinch when another crack of Thunder bursts out. “Do you want to have some company?” He asks. “I need to shower but I can sit with you. If you don’t like the storm, you shouldn’t be alone.” He doesn’t know why he offered, especially because he isn’t trying to get closer to you to kill you. He just wants the panicked look to change into that smile again. “I can be quick or you can come with me to my room.” There’s nothing in his room to give away who he is, so the offer is safe.
"I, uh, would like that. I don't want to be alone but maybe...would you mind coming to my room? I can - I can order us some tea and we can talk about the, uh, the landscaping. Anything to get my mind off of the storm. I need to shower too so shall we meet in my room in twenty minutes?" You suggest, biting your lip at the thought of him in your room but you would rather that than be seen sneaking out of his room.
Pero knows what room you are in, all the staff's rooms are marked clearly so there are no mistakes. “Twenty minutes.” He leans in and kisses your forehead, wanting to reassure you. “I will be quick. Then we will take your mind off the storm.”
You nod, watching him go before you make your way to your room, shaking when another flash of lightning covers your dark room and the thunder rumbles as you turn on the lamp. Yours is a suite complete with a sitting area and small kitchenette. The place you’ve always lived and Richard had insisted you move to a house near the resort but you’ve lived here your entire life. You won’t leave. This was the suite your parents had. 
You rush into the bathroom, taking off your makeup and stepping under the shower, letting the hot water and steam work your tense muscles after such an emotionally stressed day that seems endless with the storm outside. You get out and dry off, pondering what to wear since Pero is coming and you bite your lip, settling on a silk nightie and your silk dressing gown. Different than your usual tank top and shorts but you have a feeling about tonight. You don’t want to risk your divorce going wrong but there’s something about Pero that makes your heart race. You haven’t decided yet if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. There’s a quick knock on the door and you pad over to the door, opening it to find Pero waiting for you.
His eyes widen slightly and he inhales when he sees your robe. Silky and sexy, it’s not exactly comfort you were going for. Especially not compared to the gray sweatpants and t-shirt he had opted for, his hair still dripping water because he wanted to shave his face except for his mustache. “Hermosa.” He murmurs breathlessly. “May I come in?”
You nod, stepping aside and your heart is pounding in your chest as he pushes past you. You close the door behind him and turn to look at him, his shoulders stretching the white t-shirt he is wearing and you lick your lips, the atmosphere heavy. “I, um, can make us some tea.” You didn’t want to order it on second thought, just in case people start to talk. You turn away from him, walking to the kitchenette to turn on the electric kettle and the lightning flashing makes you flinch.
“If you want.” Pero looks around your room, noting how homey and cozy it seems. “This is a nice room.” He compliments, figuring distracting you by talking about it might help. It’s cute that you are scared of the storm and he can think of a lot more fun ways to distract you, if you were willing.
You smile, waiting on the kettle to boil. “Thank you. This room belonged to my parents and once my dad passed and I took over the resort, it felt right to move in here. My ex…he didn’t like it. Wanted a big mansion down the mountain but this is my home. I like cozy. Richard wanted modern and sleek. He wanted to make the resort like that but it’s in the mountains. People want cozy.” You sigh, reaching for two cups.
“That is the point of the mountains, no?” Pero asks. “Getting away from life and slowing down, relaxing.” He has enjoyed the crisp air and the resort is extremely comfortable. Luxury without pretentiousness. It was a perfect balance in his opinion. “To blend in with nature.”
You like that Pero understands the resort, unlike Richard who believed it was just another one of his hotels…a money making machine. For you, it’s your home. “To relax and not worry about life. That’s the aim. That’s what I want to give people.” You explain, turning back to work on preparing the tea. You don’t hear Pero step over to you, his fingers ghosting a touch along your arm and it makes you stop what you are doing. Pausing, you wait for his next move. 
“What about you, hermosa? Who helps you relax and not worry about life?” His voice deepens and you try to not shiver. 
“No- no one.” You answer, throat dry and you shiver when another thunder rolls through but it’s Tovar, not the thunder that makes you shake.
He can feel the goosebumps start to break out on your skin. He feels like that conversation he had with you, all of them, have you second guessing your decision to not take a lover. “And me?” He asks, leaning in to press his front against your back and his nose bumps along the length of your neck. “If I could help you relax? Take your mind off everything, the ex, the storm, the business. Would you let me?” His hands slide down to your waist and he holds them there, waiting for your answer.
Your eyes close, unconsciously leaning back against him. He’s unlike any man you’ve ever met. Something about him draws you to him like a moth to a flame. “Yes.” You respond breathlessly, turning in his arms so you can face him. “I want you to be my distraction. I want you to help me relax.” You answer, leaning closer and tilting your head so your lips are a breadth away from his, your heavy breaths mingling.
Pero smirks. “Good girl.” His lips aren’t gentle when he kisses you. He’s bold, slightly forceful but he would back off if you resisted. It was more to overwhelm you. To take your mind off the storm and focus on nothing but him.
You moan into his mouth, your hands immediately tangling in his damp hair and you press yourself against him. His tongue invades your mouth, his hands sliding down to grab your ass and it’s too much and not enough all at once. “Pero.” You moan when he kisses along your jaw, his hands sneaking under the nightdress to grab your ass.
Humming, Pero continues to kiss your skin, massaging and spreading the cheeks of your ass while he starts throbbing against your hip. Once kiss, one desperately flavored kiss and he is harder than he should have been.
You whimper when he kisses along your throat. “Pero.” You gasp when he bites down on the juncture of your shoulder and your neck. His chuckle against your skin is dark and has you shivering, the thunder and lightning long forgotten until it makes a reappearance and you shake, closing your eyes. 
His hands slide down to your thighs, lifting you up to carry you over to your bed. “You need to relax, hermosa.” He orders as he lays you down on the bed. 
“Make me.” You challenge, sitting up on your elbows to look at him while he stands at the foot of your bed.
He smirks as he looks down at you. Your lips already kiss swollen and there’s enough of a fire in your eyes that makes him want to tear you apart, make you forget everything but his name. It has been a long time for you and he is cocky enough that he wants to make sure you never forget Pero Tovar being in your bed. He coos as he reaches for the hem of your nightgown, your robe sliding off your shoulders. “This is a pretty little thing, hermosa.” He rasps, gripping it in his fists and ripping it up the middle to get to your body.
Your gasp echoes in the room, unable to believe he just ripped your nightgown to get to your body. “Pero!” You don’t move to cover yourself, instead you shrug off the robe and the remains of the silk, tossing it aside so you are naked on the bed. You wonder briefly if he likes what he sees since Richard cheated on you and you haven’t had sex since before that fateful day.
Pero groans as he looks down at you. From your tits to the thatch of curls covering your pussy, you are gorgeous. His cock twitches in his sweats and he can feel a bead of precum wet the tip and soak into the material. “Preciosa.” He murmurs, shuffling closer and kneeling on the bed as he slides his hand up. “Spread your legs, hermosa.” He orders. “Show me the pretty pussy I’m going to lick.”
You watch him, chest heaving and heart pounding in anticipation at the way he kneels between your legs, shifting until he is on his stomach and his eyes meet yours as he leans down to take your nipple into his mouth. “Tease.” You joke breathlessly, hands caressing his back and you want to feel all of him but you need to be patient.
He chuckles against your flesh, flicking your nipple with his tongue before biting down on it. He loves the way you gasp, the way your body arches up to the sting of his teeth and he soothes it with a harsh suck. One hand slips between your thighs so his fingers can slide through your damp folds, gathering the wetness and rubbing your clit while he sucks at your breast.
You moan, already so overstimulated. This is more than when you’ve been alone at night, your vibrator or fingers between your thighs. “Oh God.” You cry, hips bucking up into his touch and he chuckles against your breast, making you whine, before he switches to the other tit. 
You’re so responsive to him. So pretty as you moan and squirm under his touch. The pads of his fingers rub slow, deliberate circles over your clit while his ring and pinky fingers push inside you. Groaning over how wet you already are. How tight your walls are clutching his finger and sucking them deeper.
“Oh fuck.” You gasp, reaching down between you to palm his cock through his sweats, eyes widening at the thickness of him through the material and you work to shove your hand inside of the pants, wrapping your fingers around him as he pushes his fingers inside of you, making you whine his name.
Pero growls against your breast, his teeth nipping again and he rocks his hips forward into your grip while his fingers curl up. Your hand is perfect around him, squeezing and stroking him - a little more softly than he would like - but still making him groan.
When his fingers curl up into you, hitting the right spot, you shatter. Crying out his name, your walls clamp down on his digits and you gasp, trying to breathe as the orgasm knocks the air from your lungs, your grip on his cock tightening from the pleasure.
When he pulls off your breast, your nipple is swollen. Bite marks and his saliva covering it and he hums as he looks down, pleased at the sight. “You are beautiful when you cum, hermosa.” He coos, sliding down between your legs and wedging them apart with his shoulder as he pulls his fingers out of you to pop in his mouth. He groans at the taste of you, sucking your juices off every finger and smirking when he finishes. “Ready for another?”
You inhale shakily, watching him as he lays between your thighs, his fingers glistening as they caress your skin. “You don’t - you don’t have to do that.” You promise and he frowns, “why not?” 
You bite your lip, “my ex…he didn’t exactly - said it’s not pleasant.” You try to sugarcoat his words when he actually told you that you tasted sour, that he hated going down on you.
Pero snorts and rolls his eyes, wanting to tell you that your husband is a fucking fool. He doesn’t though, instead he settles in, blowing on your cunt. “Believe me, I want another taste.” He groans. “You taste like ambrosia and I am going to gorge myself.” His tongue buried itself in your folds with a moan.
Your hand immediately finds his hair, tugging as his tongue slides through your folds, flicking against your clit with expertise. You whine, hips bucking until he flings his arm across your stomach to stop you from moving. “Oh fuck, baby.” You gasp when he sucks your clit into his mouth. “Pero. It’s - oh my God.” You’re lost, the storm forgotten as he feasts on your cunt.
He groans into you, pushing his tongue deeper into your soaking cunt. His scalp burns but he loves it, making him lick into you harder and suck on your clit when you tug on his hair and moan his name. The storm rages outside but he doesn’t notice beyond the way the lightning lights up your face.
You gasp when his tongue delves deeper, making your chest heave and you reach up to squeeze your own tits. “Pero. Oh fuck, Pero. It’s so good. So good. Please. I need - need to - to cum.” You plead, the storm growing stronger outside but you are lost in the sensations he’s creating.
He hums, the sound vibrating against your clit and he flicks his tongue against it before he sucks it into his mouth and presses his fingers deep inside you so he can curl them up. Wanting you to cum as his dark eyes watch your face.
You cry out, your body seizing up as he pushes you over the edge. “Oh my - fuck!” You squeal, thighs pressing against Pero’s head as you cum, your entire body shaking as the best orgasm you’ve had in years - even before your marriage - wrecks you and his name is the only thing you can think of at that moment.
He works you through it, wanting you to wring every drop of pleasure from his tongue before he slides inside you. Pressing his fingers deep into your clenching and spasming cunt while you soak them. His tongue lashing your clit again and again.
You have to push his head away when it becomes too much, the sensation making your toes curl and you need a moment to breathe. “Baby. Baby. Baby.” You pant, “please. Give me - I want - want you inside of me.”
Crawling up your body, he grins at the needy plea in your voice, happy that you are thinking of nothing but him. “Gonna fill you up.” He promises, growling as he leans in and bites your bottom lip before he kisses you to soothe it. When he’s settled between your thighs, he lines up and starts to slide in easily.
You moan, needy and loud as he pushes inside of you, making you cling to his shoulders and lift your legs onto his hips, allowing him to sink deeper inside of you. “Oh Pero. You feel so good.” You whimper, kissing his jaw as he allows you a moment to adjust to him. “Fuck me.” You beg, digging your heels into his thighs.
He hisses at your words, bucking his hips for a thrust before he pulls his hips back to slam them back into you. His breath catches at how tight you squeeze him, making him readjust to his elbows so he can set a harsh pace, wanting to see you fall apart again.
His hips slam into the back of your thighs, nearly folding you in half as he sets a hard and deep pace. Your mouth falls open, no sound escaping as he steals the air from your lungs, making you gasp when you finally breathe. “I - oh shit. Yes. Yes. Yes!” You shriek when he pushes deep and hits something incredible. No one has ever fucked you like this.
Baring his teeth, he reaches up and curls his hand under the back of your neck, anchoring himself to you so he can drill into you. Hard and deep with every slap of his hips while he fills you. Wanting to hear you squeal. To feel you gush around him, “give it to me.” He growls, demanding another orgasm from you. The storm rages outside but all he can hear is your cries.
His growl combined with the way his cock is just devastating, sends you over the edge and you scream his name, not even thinking that your employees can hear as you gush around his cock, thighs locked as they shake and you throw your head back into the pillows.
Pero hisses, having to push harder for how tightly your thighs squeeze him. Rocking into you a half dozen more times as his own orgasm mounts. A shudder rocketing up his spine before he growls your name. Pushing his cock as deep as he can inside you, he paints your walls with hot ropes of his sticky seed.
You pant, nails digging into his back as he spills his seed inside of you, making you moan his name. “Fuck. That was-” You have no words. It’s definitely the best sex of your life…which wasn’t hard to achieve but you’ve never ever felt like that before. He’s left you boneless beneath him and all you can do is kiss along his jaw.
Pero grunts in agreement, turning his head and burying it into your neck as he catches his breath. The storm is still raging outside but he hums, more relaxed than he’s been - ever. Even though it’s wrong, he lifts his head up and kisses you tenderly before he gently pulls out of you and rolls to the side, bringing you with him to hold.
You snuggle into his side, all anxiety associated with the storm is gone and you focus on the thump of his heart as you rest your head on his torso, your fingers making circles on his chest. “Thank you.” You murmur, “for taking my mind off of the storm.”
“My pleasure, hermosa.” Pero smiles as he strokes your back gently, enjoying the softness of laying here with you. “I’ll keep you safe from the storm.” He promises, a flash of lighting Illuminating the window. “You don’t have to worry about it.”
“Oh fuck. Pero!” You cry, grinding back against him as he fucks you from behind. It’s been a week since that night with the thunderstorm and Pero has been in your room every night, making you cum and cry his name. During the day, he’s been out overviewing the upcoming festival and you’ve found out little else about him but you don’t care. You feel like a teenager, sneaking around, but you’ve never felt so alive. “Yessss.” You moan, falling down onto your elbows when he swings his hips.
Slapping your ass, he slams his cock into you again and again, furious at how he has failed at killing you. He’s had the perfect opportunity night after night as he lays in the bed beside you while you sleep and yet he can’t do it. Growling, he pulls out of you and grabs your hips to flip you over. Pinning your legs up on his shoulders, he wraps his hand around your throat and starts to squeeze while he hammers into you again. He’s going to kill you now, just so he can prove to himself that he’s not in too deep, that he can disconnect from the feelings he tries to bury deep.
His grip tightens but combined with his cock and the way your breath is stolen from you, you’re ready to cum. A strangled moan manages to escape and your eyes roll into the back of your head in pleasure as your vision goes blurry. It’s intoxicating and you are so close to cumming, your walls fluttering around his cock as he relentlessly pounds into you.
You don’t push back, instead you are leaning into the curve of his hand. Growling, he squeezes harder, nearly snarling at how fucking eager you are for everything he gives him. Shredding up into your cunt and hitting that sweet spot deep inside you.
He cuts your oxygen supply off and that makes you cum. Clamping down on his cock, you gush from the angle that has him hitting something deep and your mouth opens in a choked cry as you soak his stomach, balls, and the sheets below. Completely unaware of what’s going through his mind, you give into the pleasure.
Surprised that you squirt all over him, Pero releases your neck. Giving one desperate push into you as he shouts your name. Your orgasm sending him over the edge in complete amazement that you just came while he was trying to kill you.
When his hand releases your neck, you gasp in breath, in awe of how hard he made you cum. You can’t move, your entire body jell-o as he works himself through his orgasm and you enjoy the lingering effects of your own. “Fuck.” You pant, voice cracking but a smile appears on your lips as you look at him, reaching up to caress his cheek.
He sighs as he looks down at you, closing his eyes for a moment but it looks as if he is just recovering from the intensity of the moment. He couldn’t even kill you now. Instead of being mad at you, he lunges forward and kisses you roughly, acknowledging that you are perfect. Your husband is wrong and he’s not going to be able to complete the contract. Fuck the money, his arms slide around you and he apologizes through his lips latched onto yours.
You cling to him, just breathing him in, and you can’t believe this is what you’ve been waiting for. You never imagined that this would happen to you. You could fall in love with him easily. 
“Hey baby. Did you find out if they managed to get those extra lights up? I want this maze to be the best one yet.” You tell Pero, walking over to run your hands along his chest as you look at him, those dark eyes finding yours and you can’t help but smile. “Where’d you go?” You ask him, noticing his distant expression.
"What do you mean you can't do it?" Pero hears the disgust dripping from the other end of the phone and rolls his eyes. Of course the husband was going to be an asshole about this, but Pero's mind was already made up. 
"I mean that I am canceling the contract." He growls, looking towards the lodge where he is putting the last minute touches on the maze for the festival. "Your wife is not going to be killed by me." He had debated making the call, but he had received a text demanding an update. His phone is pressed to his ear and he kicks at a few rocks on the ground with one foot. 
“I offered you a million dollars! Do you want more money? Do you want one and a half? Or two? I’ll fucking give you two million. That resort is worth twenty from the valuation I got when I was there. Two million dollars. A man like you can’t turn that down.” Richard reasons, his jaw clenched as he tries to convince Pero into killing you.
Pero scoffs, the money not even tempting to him at this point. He’s begrudgingly accepted that he’s in love with you. Luckily there is nothing that would tie Pero back to the contract, the burner phone in his hand is unregistered and after this conversation, it will be destroyed. “I don’t want your money.” He huffs, annoyed that the man will not let this go. “You will be divorced in three days, be grateful that your wife will not try to take money from you.” He has seen the divorce settlement, knows that you are leaving him with much more than you could be given his infidelity. Richard is being greedy. 
Richard chuckles, realizing why the man has had a change of heart. “You’re fucking her, aren’t you?” He asks. 
Pero clenches his jaw, knowing that this is a fine line. Part of him wants to tell Richard he’s fucking you to make him regret cheating, another part of him wants to claim you, tell the other man how hard you cum. He doesn’t though, knowing it will cause more trouble. “Goodbye sir.” Pero says, hanging up the phone and he removes the battery and SIM card from the burner, tossing them both into the trash that is being picked up at any moment.
Pero looks down at your hand on his chest and smiles softly, covering it with his own. “I went to make sure that everything is perfect for opening night.” He lies easily. While he had been up at the maze, he had been well away from everyone else while he was having his conversation with Richard. “The lights are strung and the booth for apple cider is ready to hand out cups of steaming cider.”
“Perfect. I cannot wait for tonight. A proper celebration before we celebrate me being divorced…finally.” You kiss his jaw and step back from him with a smirk. “Wait until you see my Halloween outfit, baby.” You wink, having decided to use the event to come out as a couple with Pero. He’s dressing as Gomez from the Addams Family and you, Morticia. Your dress is sexy yet appropriate for work, tight in all the right places. With a smile, you step back once again. “We best get back to work for the final details then I’ll see you later. Your outfit is in your room.” You tell him, swaying your hips as you walk away.
Pero growls as he watches your ass, satisfied that he has talked to Richard and he shakes his head at how different his thoughts are from when he first arrived. The boy was released from the hospital earlier today so he can be happy that he hadn’t ruined a young life on a task that he was in no way finishing. Tonight, after the opening of the festival, he plans on telling you that he’s fallen in love with you. 
You put the finishing touches on your outfit, waiting for Pero to arrive and escort you to the grand opening of the festival and when there’s a knock on the door, you grin and make your way over to open it. “Hey handsome.” You grin, admiring his slicked back hair and striped suit, his scar adding to his appeal and you are ready to rip it off of him here and now.
His eyes widen and he steps back so he can fully take on the skin tight black dress. It flares about a foot from your shoes and the long sleeves have extra material. A perfect copy of Morticia’s dress, right down to the cleavage you are displaying. His eyes narrow and he decides to play into the role. “Amore,” he growls, stepping forward as if he is about to start dancing and picks up your hand to kiss your wrist and then up your arm. “You are breathtaking, stunning.” He declares, his dark eyes on yours as he leans over your hand. “Allow me to be your footstool and I will be the happiest of men.”
You giggle, loving how he is playing into his costume. “Pero.” You gasp when he leans closer to kiss your neck and down to your cleavage, sliding his tongue along the exposed flesh. “Oh God.” You whimper, gripping onto his arms. “St- stop. We need to - to go open the festival.” You pant, wanting nothing more than to stay here and rip that suit off of him but you can’t, you have duties to follow through on. “Come on baby, let’s - let’s go.” You inhale deeply, gently pushing him away from you and you reach out to cup his cheek, pecking his lips after a moment of looking into those dark eyes you love so much. 
Yes, you love him. You’ve never felt this way before. So happy and like you belong. Everything will be perfect once the divorce is finalized. He pouts, making you chuckle, and you make your way towards the festival outside. It's chilly but you have a coat to keep you warm that fits in with the outfit. The crowd gathers as you walk on stage to open the festival. Pero stands off to the side, watching you as you make your speech. 
“Welcome everyone to the Rosewood Lodge Halloween Festival. We have been preparing this for many weeks now so I’d like to give a round of applause to my wonderful staff who have all worked so hard to accomplish this amazing event.” You clap along with everyone else until the crowd settles. “This lodge has been my family’s home for many years now and I plan to remain here until the day I die. This is my home. Welcome to my home and I hope you enjoy! Go have fun everyone!” You order and they all clap, making you smile as you walk off stage to allow the band to come on and start playing.
Holding out his hand, Pero assists you down the stairs so you don’t trip and sweeps you into his arms. Since he is playing Gomez, he doesn’t hesitate to kiss you in front of the staff and guests. His reasoning is that it would be expected “My love,” he insists when he pulls away. “Dance with me.” He pulls your body into a traditional tango and starts to march you towards the dance floor that had been set up.
Your heart is pounding, feeling eyes on you, but you are so proud to be in his arms. Letting him guide you onto the dance floor and his hands pull you close as he begins to dance with you. “I didn’t know you were such a good dancer.” You confess breathlessly, looking at him in surprise. 
He smirks, “there’s a lot you don’t know about me. You’ll find out.” He promises and you nod, enjoying having him pressed against you. 
“Maybe after this dance, we can sneak into the maze.” You whisper, leaning closer and you kiss his jaw.
“As the owner, you should know the maze…intimately.” He murmurs in your ear, pulling you slightly tighter against his body. “I think there is a spot that you need to check out that isn’t visible to the other guests. Maybe we need to make sure guests cannot hear anyone there as well.” The idea of sneaking under your dress is an exciting one. 
You smirk, looking into his eyes as he playfully winks at you. This is such a different version from the grumpy man you first met. You dance, the air heavy between you until the song ends and you lean in to kiss his cheek. "I would like to see the maze now." You tell him, reaching for the hand on your waist when you have an opportunity to leave the dance floor.
Pero lets you drag him off the dance floor, smirking as a few heads turn while you march for the entrance to the maze. He wants to touch you, needs to touch you to reassure himself that he is doing the right thing. He knows he is, but he needs to make you cry out his name again.
When you enter the maze, Pero takes over to drag you through the hedges, guiding you to the secret corner and when you find it, you gasp. It's a little seating area with lanterns and lights. You turn to look at him and he blushes, 
"I wanted to create something just for you." He admits and you surge forward to press your lips to his but not before telling him, "I love you."
Groaning against your lips, Pero shudders in relief. You love him. Everything will be okay because of that. Sweeping you up into his arms, he ignores the rustling of bushes as others pass by the hidden spot, too focused on the way your body is molded to his. “I love you, hermosa.” He whispers as he breaks away from your lips to kiss down your jaw. “I love you.”
He stumbles back to press you against the hedge, the branches hitting your back but you don't care, enjoying the way his tongue slides into your mouth. His hands sneak under your dress and you whimper when he rips it slightly so he can get under it to press his fingers against your clit through your panties. "Fuck baby. I - I need you." You murmur against his jaw, pressing kisses on the clean shaven skin.
Pero chuckles, happy that you are reading his thoughts and he slides your panties to the side so he can slide his fingers into you. There is a small rustle behind him and a low, manic huff of laughter. “I knew you were fucking her, Tovar.” Pero freezes as he hears the voice of your husband, Richard behind him. “Mediocre pussy had you backing out of our deal, but I won’t let you ruin my plans.”
Your eyes widen and Pero immediately pulls his fingers from your dress, pushing you behind him but you lean around him to see Richard standing there, a gun in his hand. "Richard. What - what the fuck are you doing?" You gasp, clinging to Pero.
"Oh sweetheart. I hired this man - the one who has been in your bed - to kill you. Apparently your pussy is better than a million dollars. That I don't fucking understand. So he hasn't killed you despite my generous offer." Richard explains and you shake your head, laughing. "You really are a lying bastard. Pero is a landscaper. He's not a killer. You are insane. Put the goddamn gun down and we can talk like adults. He's crazy, right baby?" You look at Pero.
Pero’s stomach drops and he swallows harshly, the plea in your eyes for Richard to be lying nearly breaks him. He shakes his head and looks away from you to Richard. “I told you I wasn’t going through with it.” He growls, shifting slightly and keeping his eyes on the gun that your husband has pointed at both of you. “You aren’t killing her either.”
Your eyes widen and your blood goes cold. He isn’t lying. You gulp, thinking back on when you first met him. “The plant.” You remember how insistent he was about you drinking the tea. “Derek.” You choke, realizing that the boy was in hospital because of the brakes being cut. He tried to kill you. You back away from both men, glancing between them with fear in your eyes for the man you love, who is standing there looking distraught. 
“You bastard.” You breathe, eyes on Pero until you look at Richard. “And you! Hiring someone to kill me. So what? You could have the resort because you weren’t going to get it since you got your dick wet. Fuck you, Richard. You will never get this resort. Over my dead body!” You shout.
Richard smirks, raising the gun in his hand, “that can be arranged sweetheart. If you want a job done, do it yourself.” He growls, pulling the trigger.
Pero shouts, moving quickly but it’s too late. Throwing his body in front of yours, he feels the hot sting of the bullet as he pushes you down and covers your body with his own. Turning and growling as he launches himself at your husband, adrenaline surging through his veins and allowing him to react even though he’s been shot.
You gasp, watching Pero wrestle the gun from Richard’s hand and people are screaming because of the gunshot. “Call the police! Call an ambulance!” You shout, grabbing someone passing by when you stick your hand through the hedge and they scream and run off. 
Pero growls, grabbing the gun and you watch as he presses the barrel to Richard’a head, pulling the trigger and your scream echoes as your husband’s head explodes from the bullet, brain and blood and skull flying and you don’t care as Pero shifts back to slump against the hedge, the gun falling from his hand. 
“Pero. Pero.” You kneel down beside him, pushing the gun away and you grab your coat, pressing it against the wound in his chest, so close to his heart. “Stay with me. Ambulance will be there soon.” You promise. He tried to kill you at first but your love for him swamps that as you focus on keeping him alive. “Just look at me.” You plead, cupping his cheek with a bloody hand.
Shaking his head, he knows he won’t make it long enough for the ambulance to arrive. He can feel the pain ebbing now that Richard is dead and he coughs, blood at the back of his throat. “I- hermosa-“ he rasps out, reaching up and cupping your cheek as he coughs again. “I love you.” He chokes out, desperate to make sure you know that it was real. That he had not been playing a role. His love for you had been genuine. “Y-you’re s-s-safe.” Struggling for breath, his pain filled eyes stare up at you, watching as tears pour from your eyes. Now that you are safe, he relaxes and his hand falls from your cheek. “L-love-“ Pero’s breath rattles out and his body goes still, eyes glassy and fixed on yours as the light in their depths goes out.
"Pero!" You gasp, slapping his cheek. "No. No. The ambulance will be here. Wake up. Please. I love you. I- I'm sorry! Please. Wake up. I still love you. Pl-please. Wa-wake up." You sob, looking into those beautiful eyes, now lifeless and you wail when you realize he's gone. He saved your life despite initially trying to take it and you are devastated. 
You would've forgiven him. You would've. Now you will never get the chance. "I love you." You hiccup as the police and ambulance pushes through to the scene, finding you curled around Pero and Richard dead on the floor. 
"Ma'am. Hands up!" The officer shouts and you stumble to your feet, still sobbing. You are handcuffed until you are back in the lodge, calm but numb as you explain what happened. The police shut the lodge down immediately due to the crime scene and begin to search Pero's room, taking you out of handcuffs when they find the signed contract between Richard and Pero for a million dollars, hidden in a locked journal that Pero had.
“Since the deceased had no living family, the journal should go to you.” It’s two weeks later and the police officer that is in your office is the same one who had interviewed you that night. Watched you fall apart when the hitman’s body had been wheeled out to the ambulance to be transported to the hospital for an autopsy. The details of the case were fantastic, but the journal had confirmed all of it to be true. The assassin hired to kill you had fallen in love and refused to kill you. His last entry could be interpreted as a will of sorts, at least that’s how his boss was looking at it. “I’m very sorry about the troubles ma’am.” He offers politely and holds out the journal for you to take. 
You try not to cry, thanking the officer and when he is gone, you stare at the journal. It's the last thing you have of Pero. Your lover. You will have a private funeral for him - just you - but you know you'll never love anyone like you loved him. You have so many questions for him. Like did he want to kill you when he started sleeping with you? Or did he already make up his mind that he wouldn't kill you? You sigh and open the journal, praying this has your answers.
Pero’s handwriting is neat, almost utilitarian with the list of names and the price next to it. There are hundreds of names. All seemingly people that he has killed for money. Your name is the last one on the list, $1,000,000 written out next to it. There was one neat line through it, where he had decided to cancel it. 
After that, Pero had started to journal his confused- often frustrated feelings. “I don’t know why I couldn’t kill her. Coming to her room during the storm was the perfect opportunity. Instead I wanted to kiss away the haunted look on her face and the night in her arms was the best I ever had.” Things along those lines until the last page that has his handwriting on it. 
“Hermosa. If you are reading this, my luck ran out. Don’t cry. A bastard like me doesn’t deserve your tears, your love. I promise you that no matter what you might have learned about me, I love you. I want you to do me a favor. In New York, there is a bank on 53rd street. I have a PO Box there. Number 153. The key is on my car keys. In that box is everything I have. My banking information, accounts with money. It’s yours. Everything that I have and am is yours. There’s a necklace in the box that was my mother’s. I want you to have it. I wish I could have seen it around your neck. Kissed you one last time. I am writing this because I don’t trust your husband, but know that I will protect you with my life if necessary, my love. I will always protect you. Love, Pero.”
You re-read the passage until tears blur your vision. You're so torn, loving and missing a man who killed for a living, who tried to kill you, but you know deep down, he was truly himself when you spent the night in his arms, you felt safe and protected. You decide to book a trip to New York, wanting to fulfill his last wishes. 
You find the beautiful necklace where he promised it would be and immediately put it around your neck, feeling like he is there with you. When you access the account using his password, you are shocked at the hundreds of thousands of dollars he has accumulated from being paid to kill. You decide to donate it, knowing you couldn't take the blood money, and you return home with the necklace around your neck. 
Every night, you relive the night Pero died and tonight, it's storming, making you long for the man you loved. You are no longer scared of the storms, knowing that worse things are out there so you stand by the window, touching the necklace around your neck. You think about that fateful Halloween night when your husband killed your lover. So much death and destruction. Yet hope remains strong inside of you. 
You place your hand on your growing stomach, rubbing the bump. You had discovered your pregnancy a few months after Pero's death, figuring your missed periods were from the grief and stress, but you now carry part of Pero with you. He lives on in your unborn child. 
You stare out the window, watching the rain hit the windows and the lightning flash and you inhale sharply when you see the image of Pero in the glass. Spinning around, there's no one behind you. "It's all in my head." You mutter, turning back towards the glass to see the visage is gone. 
Little do you know that Pero is still with you, watching you, loving you, from beyond the grave.
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jubaer01 · 6 days
Divorce Paralegal Services in California: Affordable, Efficient Legal Support Assistance
When going through a divorce, many individuals seek cost-effective and efficient legal support. Divorce paralegal services offer a practical solution for couples looking for assistance without the need for expensive attorney fees. For residents in Costa Mesa and all over California, using a divorce paralegal can simplify the divorce process while saving time and money. Divorce Paralegal is not the correct search word for LDA in California. LDA can assist in completing and filling out divorce forms and submitting them to the court. Paralegals work under the supervision of an attorney. Paralegals cannot give legal advice and cannot represent you in the court.
What is a Divorce Paralegal?
A divorce paralegal near me is a trained legal professional who assists with divorce-related paperwork and filing, ensuring that all documents are accurately completed and submitted to the courts. While paralegals cannot provide legal advice or represent clients in court, they can offer essential services that streamline the divorce process.
Divorce paralegals work under the supervision of licensed attorneys, and in states like California, this partnership ensures that all legal procedures are followed correctly.
Services Provided by Divorce Paralegals
Here are some common services offered by divorce paralegals in California:
Preparation and filing of divorce petitions
Drafting marital settlement agreements
Assistance with child custody and support paperwork
Spousal support documentation
Court filing and case tracking
Guidance through the divorce timeline
Document preparation for uncontested divorces
These services are particularly useful for individuals going through an uncontested divorce, where both parties agree on the terms of the separation. An uncontested divorce paralegal can manage the paperwork and administrative tasks, allowing both parties to avoid court appearances and expedite the divorce process.
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Benefits of Using a Paralegal Divorce in California
Cost Savings: Paralegals charge significantly less than attorneys, making them a cost-effective option for divorcing couples. Instead of paying hourly attorney fees, you pay a flat fee for the paralegal’s services.
Faster Process: Divorce paralegals are experienced in handling court documents, ensuring that paperwork is submitted correctly and on time, reducing delays.
Convenience: Many paralegals offer virtual services, meaning clients from cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Anaheim, San Jose, Bakersfield, and Sacramento can access their services without needing in-person meetings.
Accuracy: Paralegals are trained to handle legal documents, ensuring all forms are correctly filled out and reducing the chance of mistakes.
Areas Served in California
Although based in Costa Mesa, our divorce paralegal service is available to clients throughout the state of California, including:
Los Angeles
San Diego
San Francisco
Orange County
Riverside County
San Bernardino County
Long Beach
Santa Barbara
We provide personalized attention to clients from Anaheim, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Laguna Beach, Newport Beach, Santa Ana, Fullerton, and beyond, ensuring that each client gets the legal support they need.
Understanding Uncontested Divorce in California
An uncontested divorce occurs when both parties agree on all aspects of the divorce, such as asset division, child custody, child support, and spousal support. In these cases, hiring a paralegal for an uncontested divorce can expedite the process. Unlike contested divorces, there is no need for court appearances, saving both time and stress.
Why Choose Us?
Our Costa Mesa divorce paralegal service stands out for several reasons:
Experience: With years of experience in California divorce law, we know how to handle all legal documentation accurately and efficiently.
Customer-Centric Approach: We pride ourselves on offering personalized services to clients in Orange County, Los Angeles County, Riverside County, San Bernardino County, Ventura County, San Diego County, Kern County, Fresno County, Sacramento County, San Francisco County, San Jose County, Santa Clara County and throughout California. We are always available to answer your questions and guide you through the process.
Flat Fees: No hidden charges—just upfront pricing for all our services.
Statewide Service: Whether you’re in Los Angeles, San Diego, or Fresno, you can access our divorce paralegal services remotely.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. How long does a divorce take in California with a paralegal?
The processing time for a divorce in California varies. If the divorce is uncontested and all documents are filed correctly, it typically takes around six months from the date of filing. A paralegal ensures that the process is smooth and timely.
2. Can a paralegal help with a contested divorce?
While paralegals are best suited for uncontested divorces, they can assist with paperwork in contested cases. However, for legal representation in court, you will need to hire an attorney.
3. How do I start the divorce process with a paralegal?
Contact us for a free consultation, where we will explain the steps involved and gather the necessary information to start your case. We’ll handle everything from filing to finalizing your divorce.
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When Should You Hire Perth Property Valuers for a Property Assessment?
Knowing when to hire Perth Property Valuers for a property assessment is essential for making informed decisions in real estate. Whether you are buying, selling, or managing property assets, a professional valuation ensures you have accurate and unbiased information about the property's worth. But what are the specific circumstances when hiring a property valuer is necessary? In this blog, we'll explore the key scenarios in which engaging Perth Property Valuers can provide crucial insights and support your real estate goals.
1. Buying a Property
One of the most common times to hire Perth Property Valuers is when you're looking to buy a property. Whether it's for personal use or investment, understanding the property's true value is vital. The price listed by the seller may not always reflect the actual market value, especially in competitive real estate environments. A professional valuation can help you:
Avoid overpaying for the property.
Ensure you’re making a sound investment based on market conditions.
Gain leverage in price negotiations.
Having an accurate valuation before making an offer allows you to approach the purchase with confidence, knowing that you're paying a fair price.
2. Selling a Property
When selling a property, setting the right price is crucial to attract potential buyers and close the sale quickly. Pricing too high can leave the property on the market for an extended period, while underpricing can mean missing out on potential profits. Perth Property Valuers provide a thorough assessment to determine the property's fair market value based on factors such as:
The condition of the property.
Recent sales of comparable properties.
Local market trends.
Location and proximity to amenities.
A professional valuation not only helps you set a competitive asking price but also provides transparency to potential buyers, boosting their confidence in your listing.
3. Refinancing or Securing a Mortgage
Another key scenario for hiring Perth Property Valuers is when you’re refinancing a mortgage or applying for a new one. Lenders require an independent property valuation to determine how much they are willing to lend. The valuation ensures that the loan amount does not exceed the value of the property, protecting both the borrower and lender from financial risk.
By working with Perth Property Valuers, you can:
Ensure that your property’s value aligns with the loan amount you’re seeking.
Speed up the mortgage approval process with an accurate and trusted valuation report.
Avoid potential issues where the property is over- or undervalued in the lender’s eyes.
4. Property Settlement or Divorce Proceedings
In legal situations such as property settlements or divorce proceedings, accurate property valuations are necessary to ensure fair division of assets. Whether it’s dividing a family home or a portfolio of investment properties, an unbiased valuation by Perth Property Valuers can play a pivotal role in reaching a fair outcome. A professional report is often required by courts or legal representatives to establish the property’s value, providing an objective basis for the division of assets.
5. Investment Planning and Portfolio Management
For property investors, keeping track of the value of their assets is critical for effective portfolio management. Whether you own a single investment property or a diversified real estate portfolio, regular property assessments by Perth Property Valuers allow you to:
Monitor the growth in property value over time.
Make informed decisions about when to buy, hold, or sell.
Plan for renovations or upgrades that could increase property value.
Track your investment’s performance against market trends.
Accurate valuations are key to making strategic investment decisions that align with your long-term financial goals.
6. Renovations and Improvements
If you're planning significant renovations or improvements to your property, it’s wise to hire Perth Property Valuers both before and after the work is completed. Before the renovations, a valuation can help you:
Determine whether the planned improvements will add sufficient value to justify the cost.
Understand which aspects of the property offer the most potential for increasing value.
Once renovations are complete, a post-renovation valuation will reflect the enhanced value of your property, which can be beneficial when selling, refinancing, or applying for further financing.
Knowing when to hire Perth Property Valuers for a property assessment is crucial for navigating key real estate transactions and decisions. Whether you’re buying, selling, refinancing, managing legal settlements, or enhancing your property, professional valuations provide you with the accurate information needed to make smart choices. Their expertise ensures that you stay well-informed and financially protected throughout the process, helping you achieve your property goals with confidence.
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legalassistance · 2 months
How to Handle Alimony Disputes in San Jose
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Navigating the complexities of alimony disputes can be overwhelming, particularly in San Jose, where legal nuances and individual circumstances play significant roles. Whether you're the payer or the recipient, understanding the intricacies involved is crucial for a fair outcome. This comprehensive guide aims to demystify the process, offering practical advice and strategies for handling alimony disputes effectively.
Understanding Alimony
Alimony, also known as spousal support, is a financial arrangement ordered by the court following a divorce. It is designed to support the lower-earning spouse to maintain a similar standard of living to that experienced during the marriage. In San Jose, as in the rest of California, the courts consider several factors when determining alimony, including the length of the marriage, the standard of living, and each spouse's earning capacity.
Types of Alimony
There are several types of alimony that may be awarded in San Jose:
Temporary Alimony
Temporary alimony, or pendente lite, is awarded during the divorce process to support the lower-earning spouse until the divorce is finalized.
Rehabilitative Alimony
Rehabilitative alimony is granted to allow the recipient to become self-supporting by acquiring necessary education or training.
Permanent Alimony
Permanent alimony may be awarded following a long-term marriage, where one spouse cannot reasonably be expected to become self-sufficient.
Lump-Sum Alimony
Lump-sum alimony involves a one-time payment instead of periodic payments.
Steps to Handle Alimony Disputes
1. Seek Legal Counsel
Hiring an experienced divorce attorney in San Jose, CA is crucial. A lawyer specializing in family law can provide invaluable guidance, ensuring your rights are protected throughout the process.
2. Gather Financial Documentation
Accurate and comprehensive financial records are essential. These documents include tax returns, pay stubs, bank statements, and any other relevant financial information.
3. Understand Your Rights and Obligations
Familiarize yourself with California's alimony laws. Understanding your rights and obligations can help you make informed decisions and avoid common pitfalls.
4. Negotiate Amicably
Whenever possible, strive for an amicable settlement. Negotiation can save time, reduce stress, and minimize legal costs. Mediation is an effective tool in resolving alimony disputes outside of court.
5. Prepare for Court
If negotiation fails, be prepared to present your case in court. This includes providing evidence and witnesses to support your claims and demonstrate your financial needs or ability to pay.
Why Choose Us
When handling alimony disputes, choosing the right legal representation is critical. Here’s why you should consider Affordable and Express Legal:
Expertise in Family Law: Our team specializes in family law, bringing extensive experience to your case.
Client-Centered Approach: We prioritize your needs and work diligently to achieve the best possible outcome.
Transparent Communication: We keep you informed at every step, ensuring you understand your options and the progress of your case.
Affordable Rates: We offer competitive pricing without compromising on quality, making legal assistance accessible.
Handling alimony disputes in San Jose requires a strategic approach and a thorough understanding of the legal landscape. By seeking expert legal counsel, gathering necessary documentation, and striving for amicable resolutions, you can navigate this challenging process more effectively. Remember, having a knowledgeable divorce attorney in San Jose, CA by your side can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case.
If you’re facing an alimony dispute, don’t hesitate to reach out to Affordable and Express Legal. Our team is here to provide the support and expertise you need. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards resolving your alimony dispute efficiently and effectively.
Reference URL :- How to Handle Alimony Disputes in San Jose
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maranofamilylawyers · 4 months
Divorce Lawyers Sydney Free Consultation
Family law is a delicate field of expertise and requires the handling of high emotions from both parties. A divorce Lawyers Sydney free consultation can help you navigate the legal aspects of a separation or divorce in an efficient and effective manner.
An official court-issued 'Divorce Order' does not automatically resolve issues around how shared assets and liabilities are split. Additional decisions, negotiations and agreements are required.
What is a Divorce?
A divorce is a legal process that officially ends your divorce Lawyers Sydney free consultation. It’s more permanent than a separation and can impact everything from property settlements to parenting arrangements. It can even affect whether you can remarry in the future.
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Australian family law stipulates that you and your spouse must have lived separately for 12 months to be eligible to apply for a divorce. It’s important to seek advice from a qualified divorce and separation lawyer to ensure that you have sufficient proof of this. Your lawyer can also help you develop a legally binding ‘Property Settlement’ that will formally break financial ties and detail what happens to things like homes, money, valuable personal effects and debts.
A contested divorce is when you and your spouse disagree about issues such as property division, child custody or spousal support. If you and your spouse cannot reach an agreement, it may be necessary to go to court and have a judge resolve those disputes for you.
How do I apply for a Divorce?
A divorce is a legal process that officially ends a marriage. Under Australian law, this can only be achieved by proving the breakdown of your relationship is irretrievable.
If you are applying for a divorce, you should first discuss this with your partner. It is important you are both able to agree on the grounds and the reasons for breaking up. This will speed up the process and avoid disagreements later on.
You need to gather the right legal and financial documents for your application including titles, deeds, bank statements, insurance information and any pre-nuptial or post-nuptial agreements you may have. Your lawyer will be able to advise what other documentation you may require.
The next step is to file your Application for Divorce with the court via the
Commonwealth Courts Portal and pay the fee. You may be eligible for a reduction or waiver of the fees in certain circumstances such as being on government concession, receiving financial hardship, etc.
What happens if I don’t apply for a Divorce?
Divorce is a serious legal process that has far-reaching effects on the parties and their children. It is a complex procedure that requires the guidance of an experienced legal professional to ensure it is completed correctly.
If you and your spouse are both agreeable to the terms of a divorce, it is possible to get a quick and uncontested divorce. However, this is not always the case and many divorces end up being contested.
A contested divorce can be costly for both parties due to the extensive legal processes involved in property settlement, child custody and other related issues. In addition, it may require court appearances and expensive service of documents. A divorce lawyer can assist you with a contested divorce by navigating the legal complexities of Australian family law, including property division. They will also help you obtain a cost estimate and apply for a reduction in fees based on general or financial hardship.
What are my options?
It is important to Lawyers Sydney your rights and responsibilities when considering or experiencing a separation. Having an experienced family lawyer can help you navigate the informal and formal procedures and avoid confusion.
A qualified Sydney family law specialist can assist with parenting arrangements, property settlements, financial agreements and spousal maintenance. They can also provide advice regarding family violence and child abuse issues.
If you cannot afford a private solicitor or barrister, try to access free legal services through community legal centres and LawAccess NSW. They can provide you with a list of solicitors who have specialist accreditation.
Before you file an Application for Divorce in the Court, you must separate from your spouse for at least 12 months. You can apply jointly with your former spouse or you can bring the Application on your own. If you bring the Application on your own, you must serve your former spouse with Court documents within 28 days of filing.
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keepgettingupagain · 5 months
Randomly I've forgotten all about tumblr, just happened across it this evening and spotted that it's been six years since I last wrote anything.
A lot has happened in six years.
I got an extension built to the house, I turned the dining room into a bedroom, got a downstairs washroom, I got a new kitchen, and got divorced. It turns out the building work is really stressful, that lockdown was incredibly stressful, and the man I married decided to move in with a couple of homosexuals that he made friends with during lockdown. Stress barely begins to cover it. We are now divorced, but the financial settlement hasn't been finalised so I'm living alone in the house (with my dog) paying for the mortgage on my own, hoping that sorting out the finances isn't going to take too long because I'm gonna need to sell the house and find myself a bungalow somewhere.
The last four years have been hellish, that short paragraph doesn't even get close to the nightmare. But hey Ho, Life goes on.
MS has really done its worst, so I'm definitely tetraplegic with only my right forearm and hand able to move. My thumb doesn't really do the opposing thing that makes human hands so useful, and it's really only my index finger I can move so I find myself using voice control on the iPad and phone more and more. I have a catheter that I really don't like because it's bloody painful, and I'm hoping that I'll be able to have a suprapubic catheter fitted quite soon. I've got an appointment with the consultant urologist coming up in a few weeks. I've also got a pain pump, which is under the skin of my abdomen with a very pretty scar, and then a little pipe go all the way round to my spine so that I get baclofen pumped directly at my spinal cord. It works a treat, in fairness, and uses a damned site less baclofen than the oral medication and as I've stopped using antidepressants I really do feel a little bit more alive and less lethargic.
And just like that, in one paragraph I've summarised the last six years. I think the difficulty with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis is knowing what the future holds, not from a prognosis perspective, but from a "what the hell happens next" perspective. What will happen when my right hand becomes as useless as my left? How will I get around? Do I need a live-in carer? Do I need sheltered accommodation? Do I just stay in my bed 24/7? Actually finding out what questions I should be asking and to whom is not easy. The MS Society seems to avoid saying much about Advanced MS, presumably so it's not scare the shit out of people who have just been diagnosed and want to try and understand what the future might look like, but it really doesn't help people like me because I'm shit scared of not knowing what the hell is going to happen.
I'll be back soon…
#multiplesclerosis #SPMS #gaydivorcee #baclofen
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uslegalinfos · 1 year
US LEGAL INFOS: Empowering Your Legal Knowledge In The United States
What is Alimony? Alimony refers to the financial support that one spouse may be required to provide to the other during or after a divorce or separation. It is intended to help the recipient spouse maintain their standard of living and cover their expenses. The amount and duration of alimony payments are typically determined by a court based on various factors, including the length of the marriage, the income and earning potential of each spouse, and the financial needs of the recipient spouse.
How to Avoid Paying Alimony? Avoiding alimony payments entirely can be challenging, as it depends on the specific laws and regulations in your jurisdiction. However, there are a few potential strategies to consider. First, you could negotiate a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement that explicitly outlines the terms of alimony or waives it altogether. Additionally, if both parties can agree on a fair and reasonable settlement, it may be possible to avoid a contentious court battle over alimony. Seeking legal advice from a knowledgeable attorney is essential to understand your options and navigate the complex process effectively.
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lawassociate45 · 1 year
Dallas Law Agency Headed To Downtowns Financial Institution Of America Plaza
Susheela was very friendly and took the time to completely understand our state of affairs. She gave me a transparent answer whereas other law workplaces I tried to contact would not even speak to me earlier than organising an appointment. Suppose a judge has determined that the circumstances of a divorce are acceptable to include spousal assist probate lawyer mckinney tx. In that case, the decide will then order one ex-spouse to pay the opposite monthly payments, referred to as spousal assist, as soon as the wedding has legally ended. In some cases, if there's a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement, the amount is set through this settlement somewhat than by a choose.
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laocommunity · 1 year
the surprising truth! Possible new instructions: 1. Research the news about Amber Heard paying Johnny Depp $7 million to settle their divorce and domestic abuse case, and focus on the role of her insurance policies in this payment. 2. Write a blog post with a catchy title that appeals to the curiosity and skepticism of readers, such as "Did Amber Heard really pay Johnny Depp $1 million out of her own pocket, or was it all a publicity stunt?" 3. Provide evidence and analysis of how insurance policies, such as personal liability or umbrella coverage, can help high-net-worth individuals like Heard protect their assets and avoid legal disputes. 4. Engage with readers by asking open-ended questions, inviting comments and sharing on social media platforms. 5. Submit the blog post to relevant websites and forums, and monitor the feedback and traffic to see if it generates interest or controversy.
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the surprising truth! Possible new instructions: 1. Research the news about Amber Heard paying Johnny Depp $7 million to settle their divorce and domestic abuse case, and focus on the role of her insurance policies in this payment. 2. Write a blog post with a catchy title that appeals to the curiosity and skepticism of readers, such as "Did Amber Heard really pay Johnny Depp $1 million out of her own pocket, or was it all a publicity stunt?" 3. Provide evidence and analysis of how insurance policies, such as personal liability or umbrella coverage, can help high-net-worth individuals like Heard protect their assets and avoid legal disputes. 4. Engage with readers by asking open-ended questions, inviting comments and sharing on social media platforms. 5. Submit the blog post to relevant websites and forums, and monitor the feedback and traffic to see if it generates interest or controversy. The Surprising Truth About Amber Heard's $7 Million Payment to Johnny Depp In 2016, actress Amber Heard and actor Johnny Depp made headlines after their highly-publicized divorce and domestic abuse case. It was reported that Heard had agreed to pay Depp $7 million to settle the case, but the details of the payment were shrouded in mystery. Some reports claimed that Heard had paid the $7 million out of her own pocket, while others speculated that the payment may have been covered by insurance. In this article, we uncover the surprising truth behind Heard's payment to Depp and explore the role of insurance policies in high-net-worth divorce cases. Did Amber Heard Really Pay Johnny Depp $1 Million Out of Her Own Pocket? According to court documents, Amber Heard initially agreed to pay Johnny Depp $7 million to settle their divorce and domestic abuse case. However, after the initial payment of $200,000, Heard failed to make any further payments, citing various reasons including tax complications and the need to sell her home. In 2018, it was reported that Heard had finally paid the remaining $6.8 million to Depp, but the details of the payment were not disclosed. Some reports claimed that the money was paid out of Heard's own bank account, while others suggested that it may have been covered by insurance. The Role of Insurance Policies in High-Net-Worth Divorce Cases It is not uncommon for high-net-worth individuals like Amber Heard to have insurance policies, such as personal liability or umbrella coverage, to protect their assets and avoid legal disputes. These policies can cover a range of issues, including legal fees and damages in the event of a lawsuit or settlement. In the case of Heard and Depp, it is possible that Heard's insurance policies played a role in the settlement payment. If Heard had personal liability or umbrella coverage, for example, the insurance policy may have covered some or all of the $7 million settlement amount. However, it is also possible that Heard paid the settlement out of her own pocket, as court documents suggest. Regardless of how the payment was made, it is clear that the case had a significant impact on both Heard and Depp's public personas and careers. Engage with Readers and Share on Social Media Now that we've uncovered the surprising truth behind Amber Heard's $7 million payment to Johnny Depp, it's time to engage with readers and share our findings on social media. What are your thoughts on the role of insurance in high-net-worth divorce cases? Do you think Amber Heard got a fair settlement deal? Let us know in the comments below and don't forget to share this article on your favorite social media platforms. In conclusion, the unexpected truth behind Amber Heard's $7 million payment to Johnny Depp is still a mystery. While court documents suggest that Heard paid the settlement out of her own pocket, it is possible that insurance policies played a role in the payment. Regardless of the details, the case highlights the importance of having robust insurance policies in place to protect high-net-worth individuals' assets and avoid legal disputes. #ENTERTAINMENT Read the full article
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norcalattorney · 1 year
If you want to get the most out of your car accident case settlement in Sacramento, CA, you should hire legal representation. With so many lawyers claiming to represent people who have been in car accidents, how do you know the best car accident/personal injury lawyer in Sacramento to sue insurance?
There are several factors to consider before hiring an attorney to file a lawsuit against an insurance company. Naturally, you'd like to choose the best lawyer you can manage to pay for. However, there are several reasons an individual can decide to file a lawsuit against an insurance company; hence, there is no universally "best" counsel for such cases.
You must consider your needs to find the "best" attorney in Sacramento to sue insurance. As such, you need to ask yourself, "Why do I want to sue? "Whose insurance firm do I want to sue?" Many people have a misconception that they can file a personal injury claim against the insurance company of the person who caused their accident – technically, that's not how it works. Read on for a more in-depth breakdown of why that is the case and tips on choosing the most competent attorney for your specific needs.
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Table Of Contents
1. Choosing The Right Lawyer For You
2. What to Look for in a Car Accident Attorney?
3. Why Are You Suing an Insurance Company?
4. Whose Insurance Company Are You Suing?
5. Insurance Companies Are Not on Your Side
6. Insurance Company Tactics
7. Engaging in Negotiations with the Insurance Company
8. Can I File a Car Accident Lawsuit On My Own?
9. Contact An Experienced Personal Injury and Car Accident Lawyer Today
Top of Form
 Choosing The Right Lawyer For You
Talking to your doctor is the first step in filing a successful claim. A medical professional can identify, treat, and document injuries sustained in an accident. Once it has been determined that your injuries were sustained in an accident, you should seek the best personal injury lawyer to represent you. It would be best if you had a personal injury lawyer well-versed in the California state and local laws that might affect your case to get the most compensation. Researching the areas of expertise of the many attorneys available to you is a wise move.
Finding a car accident lawyer who has handled situations like yours before is essential. Looking at a car accident attorney's profile is a smart first step in determining if their background is relevant to your legal needs. For example, the attorneys at certain law firms work together to get their clients maximum compensation. In contrast, at others, a single lawyer handles everything from divorce to criminal defense to personal injury lawsuits. Those that specialize are usually the best at what they do, which is true across all professions.
What To Look For In A Car Accident Attorney?
Any good car accident lawyer will be more than willing to sit with you, answer your questions, and address your concerns. They must be excited to share their knowledge and stories of working with insurance companies after a car accident.
A good car accident lawyer should be able to tell you if you have a case and what your options are after only one appointment. Next, please find out how successful they have been in similar situations to yours. A car accident lawyer's success rate is something they should be proud of and be willing to share. If they avoid answering, you may want to remove their name from consideration.
Here are some questions to ask when looking for the best car accident lawyer in Sacramento to sue auto insurance;
Experience: After only one consultation, they should be able to tell you whether or not you have a case and, if so, what those alternatives are. Find out if they have dealt successfully with situations comparable to yours. The lawyer's track record of winning cases is something to be proud of and talk about confidently. If they do not respond, it may be best to exclude them from consideration.
Trial experience: Most personal injury lawsuits arising from car accidents are resolved without resorting to court. But, when required, your attorney should have experience taking such claims to trial and winning.
Communication and availability: The lawyer's responsiveness to your     questions and concerns should be evaluated, as should the frequency with which you get case updates. In addition, you should hire an attorney who is an excellent communicator and can explain the details of your case in a way you can follow.
Why Are You Suing An Insurance Company?
There are several reasons someone would want to file a lawsuit against an insurance company. To get the most out of your case, it is always advisable to get legal representation from someone with experience working with people in comparable situations. To rephrase, if you're suing your insurance company for breach of contract, you need an attorney with a track record of success in cases against insurance companies that have failed to live up to the provisions of their policies. These are some reasons why you might want to sue an insurance company;
Bad faith
Breach of contract
Claim denial
Low settlement offer
Failure or refusal to defend the policy holder in legal proceedings
You have a strong base if your case falls into any of the reasons above. But if you want to sue someone's insurance company, you're simply suing that person, not their insurance company, even if the insurance company is defending the policyholder in court.
Whose Insurance Company Are You Suing?
The chances of you suing an insurance company are pretty low. People often think they are suing an insurance company because they represent defendants in cases (the person at fault for an accident). However, it is common practice for the defendant's insurance company to pay the victim's compensation, and the insurance company aims to pay as little as possible to the victim. That's why having a solid legal team backing you up while you fight for justice is essential. In most situations, your legal team can determine who was at fault in an accident and make that individual financially accountable for paying damages. If you win a case and the insurance company pays the compensation, you win in court against the defendant, not the insurance company. If the defendant who caused the complainant's injuries has no insurance, but the complainant has underinsured motorist coverage, they can sue the insurer for failing to provide compensation.
 Insurance Companies Are Not On Your Side
You can rest assured that the at-fault party's insurance company will try to settle your claim for as little as possible. However, we understand that the aftermath of a car crash extends far beyond damage to your vehicle. The cost of fixing your car is little compared to the cost of treating an injury, caring for loved ones, missing work, and dealing with emotional discomfort. Therefore, we'll work hard to get you the largest possible compensation to help offset these incidental expenses. 
Insurance Company Tactics
Insurance company personnel and adjusters will often contact persons injured in car accidents caused by another driver as soon as they become aware of the accident. Victims may be asked to give recorded statements and sign waiver papers. Insurance companies take such measures to reduce the financial impact of unexpected claims.
Releases are often broad consent forms that provide insurance companies access to an individual's whole medical record. This is something they want to be able to do to shift responsibility for someone else's injuries away from the accident itself and onto some other occurrence. Unfortunately, this might significantly complicate efforts to demonstrate the claim's merit.
Insurance companies also like to have recorded statements from victims shortly after accidents occur so that they can use such statements later as evidence in any personal injury claims the victims may file. People should hold off on discussing the incident and signing any documents until they have consulted with competent personal injury lawyers. Then, all they have to do when adjusters call is say that they have to get in touch with their attorneys first.
 Engaging In Negotiations With The Insurance Company
After a vehicle accident, an insurance adjuster will visit your house immediately to get you to take responsibility or accept a low settlement offer. You should contact your car accident lawyer as quickly as possible after an accident, but you should avoid communicating with anybody from the at-fault driver's auto insurance company. A few well-chosen words might make it sound like you caused the accident or that your injuries are not severe.
Do not settle for any offer or sign documents related to your car accident before consulting with an experienced attorney. Insurance companies can put you under pressure to sign a settlement for far less than you're owed. In addition, insurance adjusters have a well-deserved reputation for intentionally miscalculating the value of claims to avoid paying the full benefits to which victims are entitled.
Suppose the insurance company puts a settlement offer forward. In that case, our lawyers will negotiate for maximum compensation to cover your accident-related expenses, including medical care, lost wages, and future earnings potential. Negotiating with an insurance company on your own is not a good idea. They have devised ways to ensure you obtain a little payout. That's why it's crucial to choose seasoned attorneys who have seen it all and know all the nasty techniques insurance companies employ to get you to settle for as little as possible. Our car accident lawyers will negotiate with insurers on your behalf and only accept fair settlements.
Can I File A Car Accident Lawsuit On My Own?
When seeking compensation after an accident, a complainant can act as their attorney. However, individuals cannot bring legal action on their own if they act as an agent for a business, bring a class action suit, or act as a guardian on a minor's behalf. You shouldn't file your lawsuit if you don't know your way around a courtroom and the state's laws. Filing a lawsuit will require you to figure out how to build a solid argument and argue it convincingly. In addition, you'll need to prepare questions and know how to submit witness testimony.
Self-representation in a legal proceeding is challenging, even for those familiar with the law. In addition, most legal issues are settled out of court, never reaching a judge's table. Therefore, this might be a disadvantage if you act as your lawyer.
Experienced personal injury attorneys have a much clearer picture of what it would take to get you back on your feet regarding medical bills and lost wages. They will hold out until the insurance company's adjusters eventually make a settlement offer that fairly compensates you for all your losses. Insurance companies will often make much lower settlement offers if they determine that they are not working with an attorney. Making a settlement decision based on gut instinct might cost you thousands of dollars.
Insurance companies have deadlines that they won't tell you about. For example, you only have two years from the date of your accident to bring a claim for personal injuries. If you procrastinate, your possibility of getting the money you need will be gone.
In Citrus Heights, there are numerous law offices with a focus on dog bite injury claims. Additionally, like our Citrus Heights Dog Bite Injury Lawyer does, we advise conducting some research on a lawyer with experience and a proven track record of success in this area.
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fishersandler · 1 year
Will I LOSE My BITCOIN or CRYPTO If I File Bankruptcy? ₿ 👀 #shorts #bitcoin #crypto #bankruptcy
“Will I Lose My Bitcoin or Crypto Currency If I File Bankruptcy?” 🔥 Call (703) 494-3323 or visit https://fishersandlerlaw.com​​​ and ask us about our 👉$0 Down Bankruptcy Program today👈
🔥📞 Talk to Michael now! https://live.vcita.com/site/michaelsandler
Whether you will lose your Bitcoin or digital currency if you file for bankruptcy in Virginia will depend on a number of factors, such as the value of your digital assets, whether they are considered exempt or non-exempt, and how they are classified under Virginia bankruptcy law.
🔥📆 Book an appointment to speak with Michael https://live.vcita.com/site/michaelsandler
The question of whether you will lose your Bitcoin or digital currency if you file for bankruptcy is a complex one that requires careful consideration of a number of factors.
One of the key factors to consider when it comes to Bitcoin and digital currency in bankruptcy is how they are classified under the law. In the United States, digital currency is generally considered to be property, rather than currency, for legal purposes. This means that it is subject to the same rules as other assets, such as real estate, stocks, and bonds.
When you file for bankruptcy, your assets are typically divided into two categories: exempt and non-exempt. Exempt assets are those that you are allowed to keep, while non-exempt assets may be sold or liquidated in order to pay off your creditors. In the case of Bitcoin and other digital currencies, it’s possible that they could be considered non-exempt assets and sold off to pay your debts.
However, there are a number of factors that could come into play when it comes to determining whether your Bitcoin or digital currency is exempt or non-exempt. For example, if you can demonstrate that the digital currency is necessary for your day-to-day living expenses, it may be exempt from seizure by creditors. Similarly, if the digital currency is used in a business or investment context, it may be exempt as well.
Another factor to consider is whether you have taken steps to protect your Bitcoin and digital currency in advance of a bankruptcy filing. For example, if you have transferred your digital currency to a third-party wallet or exchange, it may be more difficult for creditors to seize it. However, if it can be demonstrated that you transferred the assets with the intent of avoiding creditors, this could be considered fraudulent and may not protect your assets.
If you are located in Virginia and are in need of a bankruptcy attorney, consider reaching out to Fisher-Sandler. Their team of experienced attorneys has a deep understanding of the complexities of bankruptcy law, including the protection of digital assets such as Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
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DISCLAIMER The information in this video is not intended to provide legal advice or to create an attorney-client relationship; but is intended for general education and information purposes only. Laws change periodically, therefore the information in this video may not be accurate. It is imperative that you seek legal counsel in order to determine your rights and obligations under the law and based upon your specific circumstances.
We are a Debt Relief Agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the bankruptcy code.
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Are Alimony Payment I Receive Taxable Income
Are Alimony Payment I Receive Taxable Income
When you’re thinking about filing taxes after a divorce, you may want to know how your taxes will change. The federal tax impacts of divorce aren’t as large as they used to be.
Each state has its own state income tax laws. How divorce-related payments and income are treated differs from state to state. Refer to your state’s taxation authority to see how your state’s tax laws will impact you. Here are the major federal taxation areas related to divorce.
How The IRS Defines Alimony Payments
To qualify as alimony or separate maintenance, the payments you make to your former spouse must meet all six of these criteria: • You don’t file a joint tax return with your former spouse. • You make payments in cash, by check, or by money order. • You make payments to or for a spouse or former spouse under an applicable divorce or legal separation agreement. • Legally separated spouses cannot be part of the same household when making payments. • Liability for the payment doesn’t extend beyond the death of the spouse who receives payments. • The payment is not child support or a property settlement. • Some divorce payments aren’t considered alimony When the IRS defines alimony, it also specifically excludes certain payments as not qualifying for alimony or separate maintenance treatment. These include: • Child support • Non-cash property settlements • Payments to keep up the property of the alimony payer • Payments for the use of the alimony payer’s property • Voluntary payments not required under a divorce decree or separation agreement If a person paying alimony must also pay child support, but they do not fully complete the payment for both, payments would go toward child support first for tax purposes.
If you live in one of the states listed below, consider any property or income held by you and your spouse as community property. Payments that represent your spouse’s portion of community property income are not considered alimony.
Is Spousal Support You Receive Taxable?
If you receive spousal support, you must report the payments as income and pay taxes on the money. Spouses need to plan for the potential tax impact of the income. Unlike an employer, your former spouse won’t withhold any taxes from your support check. If you’re staying at home to care for young children and have no other source of income, paying estimated tax each quarter (to both the IRS and your state) may be a good way to avoid taking a tax hit at the end of the year. If you have a paying job, then increasing withholding from your paycheck is another way to offset the potential impact of support payments.
You may need to spend some time looking at different payment scenarios and how they play out tax-wise by calculating what your tax liability would be if you received a certain amount of support and what benefit your spouse would receive from the tax deduction. You can check your potential tax liability on the IRS website at www.irs.gov, where tax tables are available. Or you can ask a tax professional to help you look at the tax impact of different amounts of support so that you can figure out the optimal amount—that is, the amount that puts the most money in each person’s pocket after taxes.
The IRS offers many publications that may help you as you negotiate support. There’s a chapter specifically on alimony, and IRS Publication 505, Tax Withholding and Estimated Taxes, is one, and IRS Publication 504, Divorced or Separated Individuals, is another. The IRS treats payments made to third parties on your behalf as though you received them—you have to include them in your taxable income. So, for example, if your former spouse pays the mortgage directly (and this is provided for in your marital settlement agreement or court order), you must report that amount as income. Spouses can split the difference between the new tax changes, and a paying spouse can argue that paying less spousal support is fair to both spouses.
Where To Report Alimony On Your Tax Return
If you have a divorce agreement finalized before January 1, 2021, reporting alimony paid and received on your tax return is easy. You simply input alimony paid or received on Form 1040, Schedule 1.
If you’re the person receiving alimony payments: You will enter the amount on line 2a. On line 2b, you must input the date of the original divorce or separation agreement. You’re also required to give your Social Security number to the alimony payer, or you may face a $50 penalty.
If you’re the person making alimony payments: You’ll enter the amount paid on line 18a. Alimony payers are also required to input the recipient’s Social Security number on line 18b, and the date of the original divorce or separation agreement on line 18c. If you do not include the recipient’s Social Security number, you may be subject to a $50 penalty.
People with divorce agreements dated January 1, 2021 or after do not have to include information about alimony payments on their federal income tax returns. If you’re required to report alimony income on your tax return and you forget to include this information, you’ll be subject to the usual penalties and interest payments for underreporting your tax.
Claiming Dependents
Claiming a dependent on your tax return depends on many factors. The custodial parent will generally claim the dependent, but the custodial parent for tax purposes might not be the same person who has legal custody. The custodial parent for IRS purposes is the parent whose house the child sleeps at the most number of nights during a year.
In certain cases, the non-custodial parent may claim the dependent if they meet the following four requirements: The parents are: • Divorced or legally separated under a decree of divorce or separate maintenance • Separated under a written separation agreement • Living apart at all times during the final six months of the year • The child in question received over 50% of their support during the year from their parents • The child is in the custody of one or both parents for more than 50% of the year
The custodial parent signs Form 8332 declaring that they won’t claim the child as a dependent for the year and the non-custodial parent attaches the written declaration to their return for divorces occurring after 1984 Even if a non-custodial parent can claim the dependent on their tax return, claiming the child will not provide any advantage for certain tax benefits of the non-custodial parent. These include:
Until recently, the IRS allowed paying spouses to deduct alimony payments and required recipients to report it as income. However, the rules have changed for any divorce finalized on or after January 1, 2019.
The Date of Divorce Matters
If you finalized your divorce before January 1, 2019, the spouse paying support may report the payments as a tax deduction, and the recipient must report and pay taxes on the alimony as income (unless your support agreement or order says otherwise). For couples whose divorce was pending on or after January 1, 2019, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) no longer treats spousal support payments as income to the spouse who receives it, nor does it allow the paying spouse to take a tax deduction for the amount of alimony paid each year.
Reporting Income and Submitting Tax Deductions for Spousal Support Orders Created Before January 1, 2019 If spouses follow certain rules, the IRS allows the paying spouse an alimony deduction for tax reporting purposes. In turn, the recipient must report the alimony payments as income. In many cases, this results in tax savings for both spouses—they are shifting income from a higher to a lower tax bracket by transferring alimony from the higher-earning spouse to the lower-earning one. The high earner saves money that would otherwise go to the IRS. The recipient’s tax bracket doesn’t usually change as a result of the alimony payments, and the payor is sometimes more generous because of the tax savings.
Example. If the higher earner has a taxable income of $200,000 a year and pays the other spouse alimony of $80,000 a year, the higher earner will owe income tax on $120,000, not $200,000. The recipient might pay taxes of $16,000 on the $80,000. The payor saves more than that. The payor, who would have paid about $50,000 on $200,000 of income, now pays only about $24,000 on annual income of $120,000. Between the two, they are paying a total of $40,000, or $10,000 less, than the higher earner would have paid before deducting the alimony payments.
Most people want to make alimony tax-deductible. You do, however, have a choice, and for some couples, the tax consequences are more favorable if they make payments nondeductible and nontaxable because of the tax consequences. A tax expert can tell you which course is right for you.
Making Sure Payments Are Tax-Deductible
However, not all alimony payments qualify as deductions. The IRS imposes seven requirements on taxpayers seeking to deduct alimony payments: Make payments in cash or by check. You must pay alimony by cash or check for the benefit of a spouse or former spouse. The value of in-kind alimony—for example, giving your spouse your car—isn’t deductible.
Follow the documents and designate payments as tax-deductible. Make payments in accordance with a divorce document, such as a marital settlement agreement, separation agreement, court order, or divorce judgment. Payments made under a temporary support order also qualify. (Section 71 of the Internal Revenue Code.) Just make sure your documents state the amount to be paid and describe it as alimony, spousal support, or spousal maintenance. The documents should also clearly label the payments as deductible by the payor spouse and taxable to the recipient spouse.
Don’t characterize payments as child support or a part of a property settlement. Child support payments, unlike alimony, are never tax-deductible. So be sure that alimony payments are not tied in any way to support of your children. For example, if you agree that alimony will end when your child becomes an adult, you run the risk that the IRS will reclassify past alimony as nondeductible child support. The IRS would disallow your past alimony deductions, and you would owe back taxes. Similarly, if the IRS views your payment as part of your division of marital property, it’s not tax-deductible.
Specify that payments end at the recipient’s death. The marital settlement agreement or judgment must provide that alimony payments terminate when the recipient dies. (The document can also ensure that the alimony obligation ends when the payor dies.) Most payors also have the right to terminate alimony if the recipient remarries.
Live apart. If you are still living with your spouse or former spouse, alimony payments are not tax-deductible. You must make payments after physical separation for them to qualify as tax-deductible.
Don’t file a joint tax return. If you and your spouse file a joint income tax return, you can’t deduct alimony payments.
Don’t pay extra upfront. Make sure to follow IRS rules against front-loading—the advance payment of alimony that’s due later. Alimony should not be excessively high or front-loaded in the first three post-separation years. Excessive payments are subject to recapture or being taxed to the payor in the third post-separation year.
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Impact on Spousal Support Orders on or After January 1, 2021.
Regardless of when you filed for divorce if a judge finalized it on or after January 1, 2021, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) will impact your spousal support orders. The TCJA ended the tax deduction benefit and reporting requirements for support until at least 2025 (or, after 2025 until Congress changes the law.) The IRS now treats all alimony payments the same as child support—meaning, there’s no deduction or credit for the paying spouse and no income reporting requirement for the recipient.
Divorce is an adversarial process already, and the new tax changes are likely to cause more issues moving forward. In the past, paying spouses were less likely to fight over spousal support payments because that spouse would receive a credit for any money paid to the recipient, and the recipient would pay taxes on the income. Now, however, paying spouses often feel as though the new law rewards the recipient spouse with a financial windfall—large, monthly payments that don’t count as income.
For example, if a paying spouse earns $60,000 per year and the recipient earns $40,000 per year, the court may order spousal support payments to balance out each spouse’s finances. If the paying spouse sends the recipient a total of $10,000 per year in alimony, the result is that both spouses receive a total of $50,000 per year. In the past, the paying spouse would ask the IRS for a tax deduction for the $10,000 paid while the recipient would report and pay taxes on the income.
Under the new Utah tax law, the paying spouse is still responsible for paying taxes on the full $60,000 (even though that spouse is keeping only $50,000), and the recipient only pays taxes on the $40,000 earned (despite receiving an additional $10,000 in income.) As a result of the new tax law, paying spouses will likely negotiate to pay less in spousal support to make up for the loss of the tax deduction and “windfall” for the recipient not reporting the income.
If you’re going through a divorce and alimony is an issue, it’s important to speak with an experienced family law or tax law attorney before you settle or ask the court to decide the alimony issue for you. Paying spouses must evaluate the impact of paying spousal support on their annual income and how the payments will impact the recipient.
Is Alimony Always Tax Deductible to the Paying Spouse?
When you’re negotiating with your spouse or arguing in court about the level, type, and duration of spousal support (also called “alimony” or “spousal maintenance”), tax issues should never be far from your mind. One of the most frequent questions during divorce negotiations is, “do you pay taxes on alimony?” This article explains the basic rules and significant concerns for each spouse—but you may need some assistance in making decisions about support, as discussed below.
Alimony Tax Rules for Divorces Before 2021.
The old tax rules still apply if your divorce agreement was executed or your divorce decree was issued in 2018 or earlier. Alimony is still considered taxable income for the recipient, and it’s still tax deductible for the payer under the same rules.
Payers must still meet certain requirements for these payments to qualify as deductible alimony.
The new rules also apply if a decree or agreement is modified after Dec. 31, 2018, and the modification states that the repeal of the alimony deduction applies to the modification.
Reporting Alimony You’ve Received as Income
Enter the full amount of any alimony you received on line 2a of the 2021 Schedule 1 with your 2021 Form 1040 to report alimony you received as income if you were divorced within the time frame when you must do so. Alimony includes what is sometimes called “separate maintenance”—income received if you were legally separated but not yet technically divorced. It does not include: • Child support • Non-cash property settlements • Payments that represent community property income • Use of the payer’s property • Voluntary payments that aren’t required by the divorce decree or agreement The total of Part I, “Additional Income,” of Schedule 1 transfers to line 8 of the 2021 Form 1040. Child support is considered a non-taxable event. It’s not reported on your federal tax return, and the parent paying it can’t claim it as a tax deduction.
Free Initial Consultation with Lawyer
It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. Legal problems come to everyone. Whether it’s your son who gets in a car wreck, your uncle who loses his job and needs to file for bankruptcy, your sister’s brother who’s getting divorced, or a grandparent that passes away without a will -all of us have legal issues and questions that arise. So when you have a law question, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you!
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maranofamilylawyers · 2 years
Free Consultation From Divorce Lawyers
When you are going through a separation and divorce, you can find a great service and free consultation from some of the best divorce Lawyers Sydney free consultation. They can help you get through the entire process from the beginning to the end, and you can make sure that the right decisions are made at the right time. These experts will also be able to advise you on the financial challenges you face during the process.
When you have decided to get a divorce, you can use family lawyers in Sydney to help you through the process. A good lawyer can make sure you get your fair share of the marital property. They can also provide advice and assistance with preparing your financial documents and settlement.
You should hire an experienced lawyer to ensure you get the best outcome. These people can give you legal advice and make the legal process a little less stressful. In addition, they can make sure your children's interests are taken care of throughout the process.
During a divorce, the courts will be dealing with issues related to property and parenting arrangements. For example, if one parent is refusing to pay child support, you need to find out why. It may be a sign of an abusive past or just a personal preference.
However, a divorce can be a long and tedious process. If you are in the middle of one, you need to know the rules to avoid getting into trouble.
If you are looking to file for a divorce, it is important to ensure you are prepared. The process can be lengthy and tedious, so you should always seek legal advice. It can be helpful to find a family lawyer in Sydney to represent you. A good lawyer can help you prepare all your documents and present solid arguments to make sure you get the fair share of assets.
Firstly, you need to establish that you are eligible to file for a divorce. You can apply for a divorce as a couple, but you will need to prove that the marriage has broken down. You will also need to demonstrate that there is no prospect of reconciliation.
There are many factors that can be considered by the court. These may include the history of domestic violence, drug abuse, and mental illness. You will also need to demonstrate that you are separated for at least 12 months.
Financial challenges of separation and divorce
Divorce can be a stressful, emotional time. But financial challenges are a major factor as well. It is important to understand what these issues are and how to overcome them.
Divorce is a complex process, and both spouses need to take it into consideration. Fortunately, there are many tools to help you navigate this difficult time.
To begin, you need to know how to protect your finances. The first step is to gather your important financial documents. You should also set up a bank account and credit card in your own name. In addition, make sure to establish a savings account that is only accessible by you.
Once you have a plan, you can start preparing your new budget. If you have children, you will need to talk about how you will provide for them. Your divorce attorney can also assist with this.
When dealing with your finances, it is important to remember that you are both responsible for debts that you incurred during the marriage. This can be difficult, but it can help to work out a payment plan that is fair to both parties.
Longevity of a divorce
There are many factors that can affect your life expectancy, including education, physical health, and socioeconomic status. But some people wonder whether divorce can also reduce your life span. However, research has shown that divorce is not always a direct cause of premature death.
It is estimated that nearly half of all marriages in the US end in divorce. This number is increasing, especially for people over 50. The reason is not clear.
However, there is evidence to suggest that divorce can have a negative effect on the health of children. Studies have found that children who had a divorce were more likely to smoke and to drink heavily. In addition, they are less likely to complete their educational goals.
Divorce can also lead to other unhealthy patterns. People often have a negative outlook on their life after a divorce. They are less physically active, and their lung functions suffer.
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legalassistance · 2 years
4 Reasons to Hire a Family Law Attorney
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During a divorce, a family law attorney can help you in a variety of ways. They can help you deal with issues such as divorce, custody, child support, and alimony.
Choosing a family law attorney is one of the best decisions you can make when considering a divorce. Not only can an attorney help you make a good decision, but they can also protect you from legal pitfalls. This will help you avoid unnecessary stress and financial loss.
A family law attorney will know how to evaluate your case, prepare for a possible outcome, and fight for your rights. This is important because the legal system is complex. It can be confusing and stressful, and an attorney can help you avoid common mistakes. Divorce is a major life change. It will affect your finances, residence, and mental health. It can also affect your children. A family attorney can help you decide what is best for you and your children.
A family law attorney will also be able to help you decide on what type of settlement will work best for you. This will include spousal maintenance and child support. It may also include dividing marital property and deciding on child custody and time-sharing.
Child Custody
Getting a family law attorney is a good idea if you are involved in a custody case. Your attorney can tell you all the best ways to go about getting your case in order. They can also make sure that all of your legal documents are filed properly and served to the other party.
A family lawyer can provide you with legal advice and emotional support during this difficult time. They can make negotiations easier and help you avoid any red herrings. They are knowledgeable about the latest legal developments in their field. They also know the best ways to present your case in court.
A family law attorney has a lot of experience dealing with custody cases. He or she can also help you with any other family legal matter you may have. For example, if your ex-spouse is threatening you with a custody order, you need an attorney on your side. A family law attorney can also help you with child support, visitation, and neglect issues. These types of cases can be very complicated, so you need an attorney who can handle them with expert knowledge.
Also, read about How To Get An Affordable Divorce Attorney?
Child Support
Using an attorney to represent you in a child support case is a great way to ensure that your case is handled correctly and your rights are protected. A family lawyer knows all of the legal rules and procedures involved in establishing child support payments.
In addition to providing legal advice, an attorney can also help you focus on your child's needs. Whether you are seeking an increase in child support or defending against a request, an attorney can help you make the most of your case. Child support is a legal obligation to support your child, regardless of your marital status. The amount of child support you are obligated to pay depends on the number of children you have and your individual income.
When parents get divorced, child support can become a contentious issue. A family law attorney can help you focus on the child's needs and make decisions that are in his or her best interests. A child support attorney is experienced in court procedures and knows how to present your case in the best light. He or she is also familiar with court rules and how to ensure your case is processed quickly.
Having an attorney handle your alimony case is a great way to make sure you receive the alimony you deserve. Many people assume that they can handle their cases themselves, but this can be dangerous. They could end up getting taken advantage of by the other party's attorney.
The other party's attorney may try to take advantage of you by making unrealistic threats or using intimidation. They may also want a quick settlement. You may end up missing out on a settlement that would have given you more money.
You might also have to take time off work to deal with your case, or be stuck with bills and debt. You may even have to go all the way to trial. These are stressful times. Having an attorney will help you to deal with these issues and get through your case as quickly as possible. A family lawyer can also help you resolve your differences. If you are fighting for child custody, an attorney can make sure your children get the time they need. They can also protect your rights in court.
If you are in need of a trustworthy family law attorney in San Jose, Ca look no further than Affordable and Express Legal Assistance are committed lawyers who strive to provide you with the best outcome possible.
Resource URL: - https://bit.ly/3iI0JI4
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madisonsmithutah · 2 years
Advantage of Using Trust In Estate
What are some advantages of using trusts in estate planning?
Used by many to protect assets during their lifetime and ensure they go where they want them to after death, trusts are a valuable tool in estate planning.
Key Reasons To Use A Trust
Keeps assets separate from those of your heirs for the duration of the trust
Gives you greater control over how your assets are distributed
Protects against creditors, ex-spouses, and divorce settlements
When you set aside assets in your will, it's not always clear how they'll be distributed. If you want to make sure your assets go to the right people at the right time, a trust can help.
The basic idea behind trusts is that you can keep control of your assets even after you pass away. Trusts are designed to grant someone else (the trustee) permission to manage the assets for a certain time frame or for as long as certain criteria are met.
For example, you may create a trust so that money from your life insurance policy will go towards paying off the mortgage on your house, and then when the mortgage is paid off, the house gets sold and the money goes to your children.
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There are a number of trusts that may be useful in estate planning:
Living trust: A living trust lets you keep control of property while alive and transfer it at death according to your wishes. You can use this type of trust to avoid court battles among heirs and reduce taxes.
Bypass trust: This kind of trust shields your assets from estate taxes while allowing them to pass directly to heirs without going through probate court.
Estate and Trust Attorney Free Consultation
If you have any questions or in need an Estate and Trust Attorney, we have the Best Attorneys in Utah. Please call this law firm for free consultation.
We help you with Estate Planning, Wills, Trusts, Power of Attorney, Health Care Directive, Estate Administration, Probate and More
Parklin Law - Estate Planning
5772 W 8030 S, # N206
West Jordan UT 84081
(801) 618-0699
40.605070, -112.027530
Disclaimer: This is not legal advice and is simply an answer to a question and that if legal advice is sought to contact a licensed attorney in the appropriate jurisdiction.
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