#How Tic tac impact on health?
kooky-dough · 10 months
"Lucid dreams, fever dreams, daydreaming
oh my gosh, it's shark moon and lava sun"
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This idea has been living rent-free in my head for too long
I know, I'm awful, aren't I
A fic I started working on like a week + ago
I'm not even done with the first chapter
But this is what I got
You're a new hire at this Fazer-Fantasy Worlds - because Freddys Fantasy Word sounds a little too wrong - amusement park
The whole thing is supposed to be about wanting nothing more than to live in a dream world
It is quite literally called "dream lover" in my Google Docs file
I $#!t you not
So here, have at it
Hope you enjoy
The curtains are closed, blocking the majority of the sun's light that enters your room. Despite their best efforts to do their job, the remaining bit of light that slips through always threatens to pull you from sweet unconsciousness. Occasionally, you even wake up to being slapped in the face by the sun's light, shooting out from the opening between the two pieces of fabric. And so in retaliation to the sun’s gracious wake up call, you flip to face the wall and bury your face in the blankets, hoping to slip into dreamland once more.
Not long after disregarding the sun’s morning kiss, you fall back into sleep’s loving embrace… only to find yourself ripped from your lover’s arms yet again.
Yanked back down to planet Earth, you jolt at the abrasive sound of your alarm and pounce to silence the pesky thing. You always ended up hating the songs you used for it. Too many good songs have died from being used to pull you from your slumber.
But unfortunately it is about time you got up.
Begrudgingly, you slip from your cozy bundle, rise to your feet, and lift your arms as you stretch out your muscles with a groan. Walking over to the window with a grumble, and squinting as you pull back the curtain. As much as you hated disturbed beauty sleep, you couldn't help loving how the sun looked in the morning, and how it painted the sky in gorgeous colors as it woke the world.
But alas, you aren't just up to enjoy the view, for you have responsibilities. You're a new hire at FazBear Entertainment's newest attraction, Fazer-Fantasy Worlds amusement park. You found a page advertising the opening park in your search to find a job that was half as appealing as staying in bed.
You filled out the online application, advertising yourself as someone who can clean, organize, and has a very flexible schedule; you were hoping to score a janitorial job. If emptying trash cans, cleaning bathrooms, and taking stock ment you could avoid dealing with customers and daydream on the job, then you'd do it.
Who knows, maybe you'll even find some free time to just take a nap.
The man interviewing looked tired, bored, like he would prefer being elsewhere. Which was understandable. There's not much to do in an office job like his, besides a countless amount of paperwork that really starts to drag on someone after some time, and he looked like he'd been doing it for ages, poor guy.
You carried a professional and polite smile with you as you walk into his office.
During the interview he was looking at his computer, typing away and asking simple and basic questions. He spoke with such a mild tone and expression that it almost made you nervous.
“What previous work experience do you have?”
“Any health issues that may impact your work?”
“How do you handle stressful situations?”
“Do you get unsettled or scared easily?”
For his next question he paused his typing and looked up at you, still as mild as ever but there was a glint of something in his expression that nearly made your skin crawl.
“Are you afraid of clowns?”
..wait… what?
“Uuh, no sir.” you said, befuddled
It's an amusement park, so you guess it makes sense. But what's so scary? Do they have a haunted mansion? Maybe you should have done more research. As long as you're not being chased by anything, you'll be just fine.
“Hmm, good. Well there's not much left, if you want the job just sign these here papers” He slides a heap of paper in front of you with a pen nicely placed on top like a cherry on top of a cake.
You sniggered “Mmm, how fun, thank you.” There is no way in hell you’re gonna be able to read all of that.
He gave a sardonic, dry laugh “You should not be thanking me.”
Sparing him a glance as he goes back to typing on his computer again, you pull the stack of papers closer to you and skim through it as you sign your name on each dotted line.
He sends you a glance too as he types and asks “So why’d you sign up for this job anyway?”
How he could type and hold a conversation was beyond you.
“Eh, what a better place for a dreamer then the place that’s furthest itself from reality.” You could only hope to be engulfed by your own imagination but it helps to be surrounded by the inspiration of fiction.
The guy hummed something nocumunicationla and paused his typing once more “Hey, just don't forget that dreamers have nightmares too. Being further from something doesn't always mean it's safer, you could wander into an even worse spot then you were before.”
His words felt like a warning and just about sent chills down your spine as you signed your name on the last line.
He, may the devil have your soul now.
He sighed and handed you a shirt “I hope you get what you're looking for. when do you think you'll be ready to start.”
Your smile brightened from the somber one that crep onto your face and happily replied “Tomorrow!“.
And that's why you're getting up from your sweet haven and welcoming the morning sky.
The guy who interviewed you -that you never caught the name of- sent you to go to the park the next morning so you could get a tour and a run down on your responsibilities as an employee. Your name tag might not be done yet but they promised to give you all your employee goodies before you started your first true day on site.
The polo shirt the tired fellow gave you was sky blue with yellow and orange stripes lining the sleeves with a red hem and sunny, yellow buttons running a little ways down from the -also red- collar. A FazBear logo was stitched on each sleeve like a small patch. The text circling around it said “Fazer-Fantasy Worlds”. The cool part was that the two little bear heads in the logos were different. The left sleeve had a teddy bear with button eyes, patchwork beneath its right one, and on its left cheek. The right had a kingly crown and a proud smile. Honestly, the shirt felt perfect for a place that promised adventure and wonders beyond the mundane road of life.
You tuck your new shirt into your black jeans and put on a striped rainbow belt. It was most certainly cute and colorful. You tied on your trusty, black, steel toe boots, they were slip resistant and honestly the most comfortable pair of shoes your own. They were a procaution to protect your clumsy ass. You’d be lying if you said they didn’t make you feel a little more confident.
It was late spring, but thanks to the region where you live, it was more like summer with few rainy days to break up the warm and sunny weather. Slideing on your soft and breathable, navy blue jacket, you walk into the bathroom and finish cleaning yourself up. Trying to brush out your cronic case of bed head was futile and only made your hair poof up more. So you throw on a royal blue banadanna that had a white pattern, reminding you of a cloudy sky.
Before you head out to the randevu point, you grab your phone, slid it into you jackets innerpocket, then snag a peice of bread from the fridge and spred some jam on it to nibble on as you walk to your car from your apartment. You have a roomate but you never realy see them due to the fact that
Paper scrap
to help manage the mess of hair on your head and keep it out of your face.
With the magic cards of being available for work just about whenever and overall willing to learn anything they might want from you, you scoured a job.
and in this vary moment you akwardly realized, neather of yall exchanged names. Welp it’s too late now. He probubly already knows your name anyway from your resume. Unfortunetly for you, this guy has no inucations of what his name is. Buuuuut, luckly, he doesnt seem to care in the slightest, and hopfuly he wount mention it.
but that still caught you off guard,
Truth is that the guy giving you the interview looked tired and fed up, only skimming through your resume with a tired expression. Then he proceeded to just hand you an employee t-shirt and asked when you could start.
Like the awesome and cunning fox you are, you slayed the interview and got the job. The FazBear company totally didn't just give the job to the first person who signed up. No, you definitely got the job cus you were just that good.
some cool lost items you could keep. Mmmm, free shit.
with a thin, velvety, navy blue jacket over it and some black jeans. Your shoes were a nice black pair of steel toe work boots. Gotta love a good boot.
They see your creative work and ask why it wasn't in your resume
You didn't think it was important
And walk out the door to your interview
thinking that this place -out of all your other options- would fuel your creative thirst with a side of a living wage, cus gosh darn it, you ain't gonna get that from being an accountant. You shiver at the thought of an office job as you prepare yourself for the awaiting day.
you stir in your sheets and blankets as you lift them to cover your face. The early morning sun always seemed to try and tear you away from the blissful comforts of sleep. You where content in bed with not a care in the world
But the sun... the sun wasn't just a ball of light. No the sun was an antagonist
You're in bed, tossing and turning as a desperate attempt to get comfortable. Your body aches
Cold chills run through your body even as you sweat. Your sinuses are stuffed and your head aches. A nauseating feeling washes over you as you're stomach complains
Trying to fall back down the rabbit hole that was dreamland. Unfortunately for you, dreamland is under reconstruction
Your shirt sticking to you damp skin as you move
whining and trembling as chills run down you
sweat laced body causing The fabric of you usually loss fitting shirt clings to you damp skin. You coil into the sheets, desperately trying to get comfortable as you toss and turn.
The sound of your miserable
The sheets beneath you stick to your heated skin, damp and wholly uncomfortable as you toss and turn.
Your body aches
Your body aches and your mind is fuzzy.
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fmpsteelmarrow · 5 months
Final 2 Weeks Plan
What Have I made so far?
So far with my development, my original timetable and schedule definitely changed as I went along with me deciding to do things I felt like doing on my project as I felt I could achieve a higher quality end results out of it. I have created my cartoon aesthetic with a weapon system and some VERY basic enemies with a mini level showcasing off the various parkour movements of my character.
How Much Left is there to Build?
I have had a list on my phone for a while where Ive been crossing off things and adding small bits.
What I have left on the list is:
Adding UI
Adding Screen Shake When punching + Deals Damage
Menu Screen
Make the Level more tutorial like with whiteboards explaining how to play the game
Making the Tic Tics from the pistol explode on impact.
Add a Monkey Easter Egg somewhere from my first project.
Have a Star wars like intro explaining the tic tac lore.
Air Dashing
(Was a melee sword system but was replaced with punching).
Boss Fight
Background Music Ambience
Enemy designs with animations
Saving System
Pause Screen
Lose Screen
Is this all achievable?
I don't believe personally that all of this is anymore with lots to do. I have created a list for an order of priority for this week and next for what Must get done.
Punching ✔️
Player Health ✔️
Menu Screen ✔️
UI ✔️
Making the current level into a tutorial (Done)
Pause Screen ✔️
Retry Screen ✔️
Timer (for speed running)
Saving system for fastest time ✔️
Making Tic Tacs explode on enemy impact ✔️
Designing An enemy types with procedural animations (Done but didnt work)
Monkey Easter egg (Done)
Background Ambience Music. ✔️
Respawn Locations
Cut Content:
I am definitely going to have to cut things out such as:
Enemy Animations
Air Dashing (Unless I do find the time)
Boss Fight
Lots of tic tac branded ambient assets due to not having time to create loads.
0 notes
bill-the-baker · 5 years
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I’ve also decided to finish this decade with something more light-hearted, detailing the many trends that one can associate with the past ten years. I styled this picture in a similar fashion to those gaudy collages you have relating to the 1980s and 1990s, with this mainly being reflected in the style of this picture. The title of the picture holds a very minimalist design, and is shown from inside a phone, whilst the rest of the poster has a dull white background. These main design choices were added to reflect the omnipresence of smartphones in this decade, as well as the general trend of Minimalism, which has been followed by many companies in recent years. The decision to make the background seem plain was not completely because I’m feeling lazy, but because I tried to follow the trend of minimalism, a trend I personally hate because of how boring it is (I probably would have added in a pretty pattern if there was some other major design trend).
Beyond this though, there are a few other things I chose to add in to reflect the 2010s:
-Ragecomics- The basis of most early-2010s memes.
-Skrillex (or rather Dubstep in general)- A key figure in a genre of music that you either loved or hated.
-Obama- A fantastic President who laid the groundwork for change that will hopefully be built upon in the future.
-Hipster culture- Fresh-out-of-college rich kids who made avoiding the mainstream a mainstream trend.
-The Occupy Movement (“We are the 99%” sign)- A promising post-Great Recession movement with disappointing results.
Gay Rights- Gay marriage is now legal in places like the United States, and homosexuality is more accepted the western world, so much so that companies are now no-longer afraid to pander to them whenever June comes around. Still, other parts of the planet have yet to change their outdated ways.
Trans rights- With people like Caitlyn Jenner and Leelah Alcorn, Transgenderism has arrived into the forefront of social issues, though it remains a strongly divisive issue throughout the decade.
Drones- Like helicopters but smaller and cheaper.
Overwatch- An interesting game that offered a unique personality to the shooter genre in a decade oversaturated with annual Call of Duty releases.
Cuphead- A challenging run-and-gun platformer with a Golden-Age animation-style, showcasing what can be made through video games these days.
Minecraft- The game that doesn’t die. It defined the childhoods of many gamers who fondly remember the early-2010s, and has since made a major resurgence in the decade’s end.
Steven Universe- A much-loved show that offered many unique and progressive themes, which I can admire despite my mixed feeling for the show itself.
Gravity Falls- A show aimed at children didn’t have to be this immersive and interesting, but Alex Hirsch and his team did it anyway and offered the world two seasons of hilarious and yet gripping television.
Political correctness/Woke-ness (“That’s Offensive” speech bubble)- Something that has been pushed to death among the political mainstream, but especially by the Left, as people are silenced whilst others demand safe spaces to keep their precious feelings from being hurt. Political correctness is a somewhat-trend that is better off staying in this decade.
Shrek- Whilst the 2010s have been starved of a new Shrek film besides the contested “Shrek Forever After”, the “Shrek is Love, Shrek is Life” greentext story, despite its crude subject matter, has made the brutish but kind ogre a mainstay in meme culture, whilst offering people the opportunity to explore the nuances of the franchise, after growing up with the character.
Pewdiepie- Starting out strong in the decade, making a name for himself as “that funny Swedish guy who screams as scary games”, an incident in February 2017, in which he was called a Nazi by the mainstream media, resulted in him becoming a more independent and politically incorrect figure, before going on to unite the internet in a battle for the most subscribed YouTube channel against a corporation. He lost in the end, but it was fun while it lasted.
Tyler, the Creator- Offering a unique sound among waves of forgettable Pop music, Tyler evolved from an edgy but somewhat humorous rapper, to an interesting and poignant singer in this past decade, achieving near-mainstream success.
Marvel Cinematic Universe (Endgame logo)- Many mainstream cinemagoers are bound to have seen at least one of these groundbreaking movies in cinemas, with their intense action and perfectly balanced humour, all culminating in the outstanding films “Avengers: Infinity War” and “Avengers: Endgame”.
Death Grips- Unlike anything that has ever been popular among general audiences, the exciting tunes concocted by MC Ride and Zach Hill have remained in the minds of many younger and more alternative individuals.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic- Arguably the most unlikely of fanbases to come around in this decade, this re-imagining of an 80s cartoon series had a style of humour and storytelling that peaked the interests of a group of adult men known as “Bronies”, who’s reasons for being interested were questioned and much of the internet hated them, but they were certainly something to behold throughout these years.
The 2016 Presidential Election (Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump)- A time many can regard as the branching-off point between the first and second halves of the decade, as the extremes of both sides were exposed to the world with astonishing results.
Vine- A social media platform that has since disappeared off the face of the Earth, but brought about many notable celebrities and memes that are often remembered by younger generations.
Vaporwave- Alongside Hipsters, Vaporwave was perhaps one of the few examples of a concrete “counter-culture” movement, offering an anti-Capitalist message within its use of music and iconography from the 1980s and 1990s. Since then, it is best known for offering a warm and interesting “aesthetic”.
Pepe the Frog- A frog best known for saying “Feels Good Man” earlier on, was later used by certain Right-wingers and has since been touted as a symbol of hat. But, with a smug grin like that, it appears that he doesn’t seem to care about what others say.
Social media- It already played a massive role from the mid-2000s-onwards, but now, the scale of social media has grown exponentially, with people moving away from mainstream news and entertainment and instead choosing to get their kicks on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube. This focus on gaining the news from social media has held some negative consequences as fake news continues to fool gullible Boomers.
Hyperbeast fashion- In terms of fashion, the Hypebeast is the late-2010s’ version of the Hipster, though unlike Hipsters, who are financially-independent rich kids who make questionable purchasing decisions, Hypebeasts are often preteen/teenagers who suck money out of the credit cards of their rich parents.
Adventure Time- A rather interesting cartoon that started off as a fun show to get high to, but evolved into a gripping epic with an expansive lore and interesting world.
Minions- While they were rather annoying to older viewers following their introduction in the otherwise top-tier film Despicable Me, children and especially 40-something year-old Facebook Mums couldn’t get enough of these wacky tic-tacs.
Brexit- A subject that I, as a Brit, couldn’t seem to get away from in the past few years, as politicians refused to move forward with the people’s decision. But, with the Tory majority in Parliament, as depressing as that sounds, it seems possible that we can finally move on as a country to more important matters.
Vaping (Juul-smoking mouth)- Recovered chain-smokers and rebellious teens have made this trend a popular pastime, though its popularity has waned recently over health concerns.
Doge- Whilst it began as a singular image of a cartoonish-looking Shiba Inu making a weird face, as brightly-coloured Comic Sans surrounds her, this dog has become the subject of many surreal and unique memes, taking on many different forms, solidifying the transformative nature that all memes should strive for.
Hoverboards, Fortnite, Dabbing, and Fidget Spinners (The monstrosity on the bottom-right)- What do a handle-less Segway, a more cartoony (but somewhat better) version of PUBG, a dance based off of post drug-taking sneezes and small bits of metal for Autistic children have in common? They have all ascended to levels of annoying trends that at least some people have had fun with.
Undertale (Sans)- An interesting game that has gained a heavy degree of fame for its interesting themes and interesting characters, some of which have been admired a bit too much by certain teenage girls.
As for my personal experiences of this decade, I can say that, whilst I was born in the early-2000s, I was definitely raised in the 2010s. Much of my memories of the previous decade are rather minimal, and I didn’t follow that many trends considering I only lived on constant repeats of SpongeBob by the start of this decade. Since then, though I have gained many impactful memories from these past few years. Some good, some bad, some great, all of which were a part of growing up. In about two-weeks’ time, I will finally become a legal adult, and shall begin the rest of my life. So, I wish you all well, and hope your Twenties are truly roaring!
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grandnincompoop · 6 years
Fire Emblem, Design Philosophy, and My Quarrels
Let's harken back to 2001 and the release of Super Smash Brothers Melee. I had an N64 and a Gameboy, so I was familiar with most of the characters. You had Mario and Fox and Samus- I had either played their game or learned about them from the original Super Smash Brothers. I didn't really know you could just go on the internet and look up how to unlock all of the characters when the game came out, and even when I did, we would just look up how to get Mew in the original Pokemon. Nor did I have a Nintendo Power subscription. I had one issue- 2003's Issue 173, probably because it had Star Wars on the cover. So in the daunting quest of trying to discover how to unlock every character, you meet Marth and Roy. As with most of the non-Japanese world, I was left wondering who these two sword guys were. I was 9, so obviously I wasn't in the market for importing untranslated Famicon games. My curiosity wasn't satiated until 2003 with the release of Fire Emblem on the Game Boy Advanced, but I was immediately infatuated.
The Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade is a highly linear game. This was an age long before sprawling open worlds were commonplace in every RPG or shooter. You merely progressed from quest to quest, accumulating an ever growing roaster with each mission. Except for the three missions that include Arenas, there's no way to deviate from the progression of game's 37 chapters. The experience points you can gain are limited, and honestly the game is stronger for that. As much fun as I had grinding Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced, such as the time I trapped a high level Malboro with a cycle of sleep/attack/heal, it diminished from the thrill I experienced with Fire Emblem with its terrifying combat where every critical hit mattered. Simplicity and transparency are core to the experience. Almost like a board game, the game takes a narrow concept- in this case rock-paper-scissors, the adds some elaboration to it to make it flow into a fantasy world of mages and magical creatures. There are stats like strength and defense, and you have health and there's a grid you move on and there's a percentile to hit, all of which are visible to the player. That's about it and the game was better for it.
 The core elements could easily be fitted to a pen and paper experience which is what brought me to believe that the game had a Bottom Up development. I was introduced to this term by Mark Rosewater, the head designer of Magic: the Gathering, who describes it, along with its developmental opposite (Top Down), as "Top Down is subject matter based. I want to capture the subject matter. Bottom Up is mechanical based. There's a tool I want to make use of. How can I best make use of that tool." Not to insult the subject matter of Fire Emblem, but it, like its combat system, isn't complicated. They're collections of sometimes loosely related stories of a prince having to fight some evil in a world with dragons, drakes, wizards, EVIL wizards, undead/possessed/ etc etc. You could play them for their narrative, but most people I know and have read play it for the combat and support system (hold on, I'll get back to that in a moment). Looking at interviews with  Shouzou Kaga, the original creator of the series, his initial intent was to create a "roleplaying simulation", which he describes as
 "A strategy game. But strategy games typically are kind of “hardcore” and dry. (laughs) You only care about winning or losing the battle, and there’s no space for the player to empathize with the characters or story.
I love strategy games like that too, but I also love RPGs. By adding RPG elements, I wanted to create a game where the player could get more emotionally invested in what’s happening. Conversely, one of the drawbacks of RPGs is that there’s always just a single protagonist. Thus, to a certain extent, you can only experience the linear story that the game creator has prepared for you.
I wanted to create a game where the story and game will develop differently for each player depending on the units they use. Thus I added the strategy elements and arrived at this hybrid system."
 This idea doesn't seem to fit exactly into either of MaRo's definitions. Concept isn't exactly subject matter, usually a story or pre-established setting, nor is it strictly mechanical based, although it's definitely closer to that. If we looked at a chart from a 2007 article on Gamasutra titled "Game Design Cognition: The Bottom-Up and Top-Down Approaches:
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 We see that beginning at a concept is part of the Top-Down process. So I guess my research proved I was wrong with my assertion when taking a developmental process from a relatively simple process, making a card with rules, and applying it to a highly complicated one, creating a video game.
 The concept is a fascinating one, however, playing with ideas that a modern genre, the grand strategy game, has to tackle with mindboggling amount of complexity. Since the plot is designed to introduce you to the menagerie of personalities they've designed, the writings is. . . charming, but not patricianly nuanced. By no means is the game the pinnacle of writing in interactive narratives. The characters personalities attached to a colorful aesthetic, almost comparable to what Blizzard's Overwatch did in making such a wide spectrum of characters that at least one should be appealing to even the most surly of fans. You'll have a female caviler who is a tom boy or a timed knight who, despite his bulking armor, commonly goes unnoticed. They're archetypes, not fully realized characters like you'll find in more traditionally RPGs with tomes of backstory and goals.  Overwatch and Fire Emblem develop their characters in the same manner- mid-combat dialog. Fire Emblem's greatest development (and what makes it stand out among the other strategy role playing games) is the Support System. Sure, it's fluff, but it evokes the feeling that there was a world before you arrived. Fire Emblems Awakenings main character, Chrom, will reminisce the past with his sister, another solider in your army. Except she can permanently die, unlike the Valhalla fantasy that is Overwatch where they we return to their friends to the next bout. Kaga always intended for your unit's looming mortality to cause shifts in how you view the narrative. "I wanted to make a strategy game that was more dramatic, something where you would really be able to feel the pain and struggle of the characters. That’s why characters can’t be revived once they’re killed, to impart a sense of gravity and seriousness. In turn, I think the result is that the more love you have for your characters, the more rewarding the game is." X-Com, a highly popular western SRPG for MS-DOS that came out four years later, attempted this with randomly generated names, nationalities, and looks for its characters. But unless you're willing to really lose yourself in the game and make your own narrative for the characters, their deaths will only have an impact in the loss of your highest level sniper, not the archer who was currently flirting with your barbarian. The game could create emersion through its characters and their deaths, but instead it becomes what I believe is the bane of  the series. There's a universe where each battle is like a chess match, where you must maliciously strategize your moves so take the least amount of causalities and each critical hit will either make or ruin your day. But we don’t live in that universe. Instead we're plagued with problems twofold: the prevalence of a dominate strategy and the existence of the reset button.  
 "A dominant strategy, in the context of game design, is something that emerges due to game imbalance. A clear example of dominant strategy would be "blocking the opponent from getting three in a row", in Tic-Tac-Toe."
 Fire Emblem is amazingly easy to get into and play, although maybe not to master. Unless you count the tactic I commonly refer to as the "death blob". It's like creating a delicious candy with a hard exterior and gooey center. Looking at another game for a second, Final Fantasy Tactics, you'll send your warriors and knights forward to pick off the prime targets while your mages and archers mop up. (Of course, there's another strategy where you carefully positioning yourself defensively into one corner, but they have means of combating this by starting you on the low ground to make you fight your way to high ground.) You can afford to have one or two units fall in combat because it'll only be moments before the healer arrives to mend any major injuries. It allows for the type of aggressive playstyle the computer utilizes against you, creating "drama". Fire Emblem is the antithesis. Dave Riley of the Fast Karate for the Gentlemen podcast and occasional game reviewer for Anime News Network says about action, "Most of the game is a creeping, careful crawl that moves the entire army in an ironclad block three spaces at a time. Movements are so fraught, and battles so carefully measured, that when the tide turns in your favor it's hard know what to do with the power." Usually your objective is to rid the map of foes that don't tend to move until you've moved past a certain threshold within their vacinity. As such, you'll surround your weaker characters, the mages, archers, the ones you're just now getting to leveling up, with those that have heavier armor or are higher in level. Then you move slowly across the map. And I mean agonizingly slow. Unless there is some sort of pressure on you, like a timed mission or some character you can interact with before the enemy overtakes them, it's three squares at the time for you. They've tried to counter this in some ways by having enemy units spawn behind you if you're taking too long, but that just leads to the second problem. Allowing the units to pair up to increase stats in Awakening was a good solution, but it showed to be highly overpowered when combined with the stats gained from the support system.
The second problem has coexisted with the game since inception. Instead of having gameplay be a carefully planned chess match (similar to the newly released Into the Breach which rewards sticking with failed "timelines" and even has a continent function to undo one turn per mission), we play the game like a speedrunner, resetting innumerous times in leu of missed attacks and unfortunate critical hits until we have such an intense knowledge of the map that we could perform it to lull us to bed. By adding Casual Mode in later games they've done some work to rectify this, and while the game might be more fun to play without having to turn off the console for the nth time, we loses Kaga's initial intent. In a joint interview with Hironobu Sakaguchi, he admits to Kaga that "when I die, I always reset". Even the creator of Final Fantasy has become victim to this pitfall! Kaga notes that "it’s not a big problem if some of your characters die in Fire Emblem; I want each player to create their own unique story. Don’t get caught up trying to get a “perfect ending.” Have fun!" But we just can’t because we have to see how the almost insignificant side dialog between the dark mage and pegasus knight will turn out. Will they become friends? We'll never know if we don't reset because an unexpected arrow saw an end to the purpled haired rider.
 The problem has exasperated even further with adding generations to the games. Awakening saw those cute support conversations to their apex by having them result in children, but not just any children- super soldiers of your own siring. Instead of being something cute you do on the side, a treat if you will, they added mechanics to the system. Depending on the abilities known by the parents and the hidden stat progressions (a thorn in the side of the wonderful transparency of the game), the child might be an unkillable machine of death that gets to move twice after reaping another soul all while regaining any  lost health. Fire Emblem has always had Uber characters. There's always the gallant knight, advisor to the lordling at the beginning of your adventure! (who is there solely to suck all the experience that should be going to anyone else) Then there's the  sweet young lad who starts as the weakest possible unit, needing to be babied for dozens of hours until they've shown their true colors as the harbinger of all lives, capable of taking down armies alone. But the child rearing aspect of the later games really irks me. It makes the game feel like it's become an anime character breeding simulator, where instead of letting love naturally develop on the battlefield as it has, you have to comb through wikias to see what the best combination for a certain child is. For a game that has forgone the grinding experience, it surely got lost in not remembering what made it so great to begin with in its transparency.
 There are aspects of Fire Emblem that reflect actual war. Every character is such: an individual with hopes, dreams, and interests. Taking a little time to get to know them leaves you with a sense of loss when they're lost in a pillar of flame from some nameless enemy mage. These games could be so much more with a little more finesse. The series has gone on for decades now, and this has caused the games to roll up increasing more systems until it has reached the point now that it is hard to see the game for what it once was. The concessions you have to make are never "there's no way I can do this without sacrificing someone for the noble cause" like the newly released Battletech RPG throws at you; the concessions are "time to waste a little more time and reset the game again." I believe the game I want to make can come- they just have to do a little more resetting.
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alternative-eyes · 5 years
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     Despite multiple reports from Navy pilots about unknown aircraft sightings, which have taken the US and the whole world by storm, the Pentagon has long avoided using the term
By sputniknews.com 5-30-2019
“UFOs” in its statements and reviews. However, last week, it actually resorted to it when detailing an effort overseen by the now formally abandoned AATIP program. In the wake of a bombshell report detailing Navy pilots’ regular encounters with unidentified flying objects in 2014 and 2015, Christopher melon, former deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence, has issued a comment on the subject asserting that the issue has long been there and the government needs to finally resolve it.
[...] Continue Reading ► See Also: Luis Elizondo: Why Is The Government Finally Admitting UFOs Are Real? AATIP: Pentagon Reinforces Previous Statement That Luis Elizondo Had “No Responsibilities” Did Luis Elizondo Really Run The Pentagon UFO Program? Conflicting Information Arises The Pentagon Denies Luis Elizondo’s Role in AATIP Harry Reid: UFOs, The Military And Impeachment New Details About UFO Encounters From Navy FA-18 Pilot USS Nimitz, USS Roosevelt "... Video Footage of UFOs Acquired Through New State-Of-The-Art Detection Technology" The Pentagon Denies Luis Elizondo’s Role in AATIP A Description of a Government UFO Info Operation – Tom DeLonge’s Origin Story For To The Stars Academy If UFO Disclosure Is Coming, Is the World Prepared? Are We Getting Closer to Disclosure? Did Luis Elizondo Really Run The Pentagon UFO Program? Conflicting Information Arises Military Pilots Had Ongoing Encounters with UFOs, Says Fmr. Commander Dave Fravor | VIDEO Multiple F/A-18 Pilots Disclose Recent UFOs Encounters, New Radar Tech Key In Detection Aliens Exist By Tom DeLonge America has Been Investigating UFOs for Years – Time for the Rest of Us To Catch Up Five UFO Traits, Seen by Navy Fighters, Defy Explanation UFOs Exist and Everyone Needs To Adjust To That Fact Navy Pilots Reported UFOs Daily Over East Coast The Pentagon Finally Admits It Investigates UFOs Why Is the Pentagon Interested in UFOs? UFOs: Why Should Congress Act? The Pentagon UFO Videos Brouhaha Explained? Deciphering the Pentagon's Release of Military UFO Videos Pentagon Release of UFO Videos Continues To Be a Bone of Contention Evidence Supporting Official Pentagon Release of UFO Videos is Disputed 'Pentagon Release' of UFO Videos Confirmed | VIDEO REPORT How The Navy Stopped Dismissing UFO Sightings Just Don’t Call Them UFOs UFOs And The Department Of Defense – What The Hell Is Going On? New Navy UFO Guidelines – What Does That Mean? New Navy Guidelines for Reporting UFOs New-Witness Angle to Nimitz Tic Tac UFO Incident Health Effects of UFO Encounters’ – The Top-Secret Government Investigation Forensic Analysis of Navy Carrier Strike Group's UFO Encounter The Nimitz UFO Encounters – New Military Eyewitnesses Interview The Nimitz UFO Encounters – A Short Documentary Film "UFOs Are Real," says Former DoD, Intellgence Officer Secret UFO Program Recorded Encounters with Unknown Objects | INTERVIEW – VIDEO Nevada Senator Fought To Save Secret UFO Program | VIDEO Pentagon UFO Study Examined UFO Activity at Nuclear Missile Sites Says Former U.S. Senator Harry Reid What the Government Knows About UFOs | Interview with Harry Reid New Interview with Navy Pilot Who Chased Tic-Tac UFO – Pt 2 | VIDEO New Interview with Navy Pilot Who Chased Tic-Tac UFO – Pt 1 | VIDEO Harrowing Encounter Between F/A-18s and UFO; Detailed Official Report Surfaces Executive Summary Report: UFO Encounter with the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group AATIP / AAWSAP - A Tale of Two Programs UFOs are Suddenly a Serious News Story UFO Info Wars UFOs May Have Attempted Rendezvous With Giant Undersea Object | VIDEO Executive Summary Report: UFO Encounter with the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group Confidential Military Report on 'Tic Tac UFO Event' | VIDEO Long-Awaited Government-Funded UFO Reports Now In The Public Domain Documents Prove Secret UFO Study | VIDEO AATIP or AAWSAP? Dr. Eric W. Davis, of NASA's Breakthrough Physics Propulsion Project, Discussed UFOs During Lecture | VIDEO UFO Research By NASA Affiliated Physicist Dr. Eric W. Davis is Confirmed By Colleague Dr Eric Davis, Physicist, Explains Why Scientists Won't Discuss Their UFO Interests Deciphering The Pentagon UFO Program and Release of The UFO Videos BREAKING: Formerly Secret UFO Program NOT Called, 'Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program' (AATIP)? 'Getting the Mainstream Media to Approach the UFO Puzzle as Legitimate News OREGON UFO EVENT: Air Traffic Control Audio Tapes Released via FOIA Request What the Government Knows About UFOs | Interview with Harry Reid 3rd AATIP Video & the Pentagon UFO Study – Interview with Luis Elizondo | VIDEO Third Government UFO Video Released | VIDEO The Military Keeps Encountering UFOs – Why Doesn’t the Pentagon Care? | VIDEO UFO Research Gets New Life By Way of The Pentagon's Mysterious Project BREAKING NEWS: The Pentagon’s Mysterious UFO Program Revealed | VIDEO Ex-Military Official Details Pentagon's Secret UFO Hunt | INTERVIEW – VIDEO Billionaire Robert Bigelow's Decades-Long Obsession With UFOs Navy F-18 'Gimbal UFO' Video Explained? Post Pentagon’s UFO Research Program Revelations – Skeptics Regroup Understanding the Science of UFOs and Space Time Metric Engineering | VIDEO UFO-Pentagon FOIA Request Delayed BREAKING NEWS: The Pentagon’s Mysterious UFO Program Revealed | VIDEO Ex-CIA Chief - Keep Studying UFOs Herald Tribune Reporter, Billy Cox Queries CIA On Chase Brandon's Roswell UFO Claims Luis Elizando Former Head of Secret Pentagon UFO Program Describes Five Categories of UFOs | INTERVIEW While Waiting for the Next New York Times UFO Bomb to Drop Navy Pilot, Who Chased A UFO, Says ‘We Should Take Them Seriously’ UFO Legacy: What Impact Will Revelation of Secret Government Program Have? UFO Reports at Nuclear Missile Sites and The Pentagon UFO Program Astrophysicist, Neil deGrasse Tyson Discusses The Pentagon UFO Program on Colbert | VIDEO Ex-Military Official Details Pentagon's Secret UFO Hunt | INTERVIEW – VIDEO Pentagon's Secret UFO Search, Stanton Friedman Weighs In | INTERVIEW – VIDEO What the New York Times UFO Report Actually Reveals 'Second' Navy Pilot Comes Forward Re UFO Encounter | INTERVIEW – VIDEO 'The Pentagon’s Newly Revealed UFO Research Program' – What a Week! On the Trail of a Secret Pentagon U.F.O. Program UFO-Pentagon Story Reflects Fundamental Problems Pentagon UFO Study Examined UFO Activity at Nuclear Missile Sites Says Former U.S. Senator Harry Reid UFO Study Focused on U.S. Military Encounters PENTAGON UFO PROGRAM: 'Recovered Material' From UFOs Discussed By Leslie Kean | INTERVIEW – VIDEO Senator Reid Discusses Secret UFO Program | INTERVIEW – VIDEO Navy Pilot Recounts UFO Encounter | INTERVIEW – VIDEO Aliens, UFOs, Flying Discs and Sightings -- Oh My! Secret Programs, U.S. Senators and Money, Who Wants to Talk UFOs Now? Navy Pilot Talks: The UFO Jammed Their Radar — ‘It Accelerated Beyond Any Airplane We Have’ BREAKING NEWS: The Pentagon’s Mysterious UFO Program Revealed | VIDEO Navy UFO Encounter: 'It Accelerated Like Nothing I’ve Ever Seen’ – F/A-18F Pilot | VIDEO Secret UFO Pentagon Program Explained By Leslie Kean | INTERVIEW – VIDEO
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"We Know UFOs Exist ... Why Are They Here and Where Are They Coming From?" – Former US Defense Official, Chrisopher Mellon http://www.theufochronicles.com/2019/06/we-know-ufos-exist-why-are-they-here.html
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inspirenationshow · 6 years
HOW TO BUILD YOUR SUPER POWERS THRU AN ALTER-EGO!!! Todd Herman | Health | Inspiration | Success | Self-Help | Inspire
If you’ve ever wanted to throw on a cape, and transform your life, then do we have The Alter Ego show for you.
Today I’ll be talking with Todd Herman, high-performance coach and mental game strategies and the author of a brilliant book on transforming your life that I enjoy so much I found myself saying “God I love this book”, The Alter Ego.
And that’s just w hat I want to talk with him about today, about the power of secret identities to transform your life.
The Alter Ego Effect Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:
How did sports become Todd Herman’s refuge?
What did he learn from challenging his older brothers?
What did his coach teach him that he carried with him into mental training?
What does Chief Sitting Bull have to do with creating an alter-ego?
What’s an alter-ego, and what’s a trapped self?
What can we learn from standing in other people’s shoes?
How can an alter-ego help empower us?
What can we learn from Beyonce Knowles and her alter-ego “Sasha Fierce”?
How do we activate our heroic self?
What’s the ordinary vs. the extraordinary world?
How do we learn how to play in the extraordinary world?
What’s a moment of impact?
How do we pull out our inner-enemy from the shadows?
How do we choose our alter-ego?
What’s a circular bullying conversation and why is it so dangerous?
What’s the power of giving your “enemy” a name?
What’s the importance of suspending disbelief?
What’s the importance of knowing your why?
How do we build our superpowers?
What’s the power of a totem?
What’s the power of a Tic Tac?
To Find Out More Visit ToddHerman.me and www.AlterEgoEffect.com
Todd Herman on The Power of Having a Secret Identity to Transform Your Life!!! Law of Attraction | Health | Fitness | Business | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire
For More Info Visit: www.InspireNationShow.com
Check out this episode!
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smadrid056-blog · 6 years
Introduction To Artificial Intelligence
According to Wikipedia- The field of Artificial Intelligence(AI) is conflicting as systems end up an increasing number of a hit, duties are taken into consideration as requiring intelligence are regularly eliminated from the definition, a phenomenon referred to as the AI impact, very important to the quip, artificial intelligence is anything has not been completed but. Artificial intelligence started into based as an academic situation in 1956, and within the years for the motive that has skilled several waves of hopefulness, observed via bother, and the lack of funding established with the aid of the usage of a way of latest strategies, fulfillment to investment also. What is Artificial Intelligence? Artificial Intelligence is a field of machine processing that stands up the appearance of cleaver machine that artwork and react for example human beings and they have proper symptoms of artificial intelligence, are its potential to carry through and make actions which have a notable risk of attaining an exclusive motive. Advantages of Artificial Intelligence: 1. Digital Helps: Lots of business used avatars that might be digital helpful who may have interaction with the customers, consequently saving cash on public sources. The one's avatars don't have emotions and might make the proper choice in any state of affairs. 2. Quicker Choice: This Artificial Intelligence generation can help make a quicker choice and perform movement faster. In marketing, there are numerous headaches to each advertising selections. Now our work is one has to apprehend client’s desires. 3. Medical Packages: The role of Artificial Intelligence Impact in treatment and hospitals is brilliant. Hospitals can energy clever robots to do with and declare sickness in the aspect of growing the attention of functionality aspect outcomes. They're able to even simulate a surgical operation technique for training. 4. Hotel: The Hotels enterprise can revel in exquisite mixing & automation through the execution of AI answers along with chat-robot computerized room issuer and centers monitoring fit in mixture with IoT. Applications of Artificial Intelligence:
Artificial Intelligence can help a key characteristic in sectors like health care, personal care, and transportation etc. At the present time, AI in its very number one shape is impacting human life inside the form of digital assistants, picture reputation software, laptop-driven digital mode of speech etc. A whole lot of these are examples of AI function in the achievement in human lifestyles. This massive effect on most of the fields and some of them are stated beneath:
1. Gaming: It plays a critical feature in crucial video games like chess, tic tac toe and so on. Right, right here the tool has in order to mirror on attention on a couple of viable steps based totally on heuristic expertise.
2. Chatbots: Artificial intelligence remains a warm problem be counted in the era vicinity in addition to growing its commence in another geographical region which includes healthcare, organization. These specifically, are constantly on, handing over smart flexible analytics via cellular devices the use of well-known send word equipment.
3. Practical Cybersecurity: Artificial Intelligence is taken into consideration to be in its infancy in cybersecurity and cannot generally in such a manner as to achieve the desired result deal with all issues, but it works successfully in information safety and Real-time chance detection, prevention etc. How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Works? Artificial Intelligence is a big issue or taking a take a look at that consists of many strategies and technologies, similarly to the mention 5 critical fields are given below: 1. Machine Learning (ML): This is the best way of artificial intelligence that gives structures the capability to mechanically have a examine and enhance from sense without explicitly arranging according to a plan or schedule. 2. Deep Learning: This learning allows us to teach an Artificial Intelligence to anticipate results, given a tough and fast enter. Every supervised and unsupervised gaining awareness of might be applied to learning the AI. 3. Computer Vision: it’s based totally on pattern identification & deep learning to identify as in a photograph. Even as machines can approach, have a examine and apprehend photos, they might take pics in interpreting their surroundings. 4. Natural Language Processing (NLP): This is the functionality of a computer software program that might help computer systems to break down and method human language.
5. Neural Network: This is an interconnected enterprise of nodes, comparable to the huge community of neurons in a mind. Neural networks systems are computing systems sort of inspiring by way of the manner of the natural neural networks that constitute like animal minds.
Conclusion: When you use this AI, the computer either machine can be skilled to accomplish special processing large portions of facts and identify styles in any data and it provides a software application that could motive on entering. In case if you want to become certified Artificial Intelligence experts so you can join best Artificial Intelligence Institute in Delhi via Madrid Software Training.
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6 Online Communities About Fallout 76 You Should Join
The video clip recreation industry is becoming a stronghold, not even a crippling financial system can convey down. At $64 billion in revenue a yr You will need to go else where by to find an impact of the overall economy now. Video clip online games have advanced from the trend to a beast which includes manufactured war with other hobbies and leisure to become a requirement in everyday life. Politics as well as other systems have built war, but none has slain this dragon. Considering that the shaky unpredictable starting of the primary industrial residence system to this mammoth reworking engineering; numerous merchandise have occur and absent around the span of 40 many years. But what's the fascination?
Spawning from your missile defense methods of the 1940's the main interactive online video game was manufactured in 1952 known as OXO. Employing a gentle pen it absolutely was much like Tic-Tac-Toe. University mainframes were being getting used to start with and many games ended up invented by persons for a pastime which intended that creation was minimum as well as the games ended up overlooked. Just about concurrently the arcade technique and residential console had been introduced and they released using joysticks. In 1971 the Galaxy Activity was set up in a pupil union at Stanford College and expanded to 8 arcade games in 1972. Then eventually color arcade programs were being released in 1979 and these games became commercialized. 1972 The Magnavox Odyssey property process was unveiled from the US, which employed cartridges (later on gets programmable) that utilised jumpers which enabled/disabled various switches inside the device, altering the circuit logic so various games could be performed on a similar program. 1976 game titles were being programmed on chips and inserted in plastic cartridges. Now in place of having video games programmed in systems there may be a library of online games.
Thriving for essentially the most innovated technology Fallout and possessing the most well-liked game titles all even though however producing a profit was an act that may confirm to get tough to juggle. In 1977 Atari 2600 (which began what is called the next generation consoles) was introduced by Atari And through the vacation period the company introduced nine games which served fuel the techniques attractiveness. By 1980 Mattel launched Intellivision with It truly is superior graphics this began the cutthroat company of online video online games. 1982 ColecoVision was brought into this boiling pot of Levels of competition of this new development. Whilst retail outlet shelves wherever full of these possibilities the business experienced It really is next crash in 1983 due to deficiency of purchaser know-how and a lot of selections. Quite a few consoles would arrive and go.
In Japan a comeback was on the rise by online video match organizations. 1985 Nintendo Enjoyment Technique(NES) was launched bundled with Tremendous Mario Brothers. Using a redesigned controller that employed a D-Pad and a few buttons NES was the muse for long term consoles. NES experienced a ten 12 months reign but video games demanding additional processing ability for graphics, video game Participate in, and conserving Room the battle for supremacy raged on. In the reign of NES numerous aspects and innovations gave hope and nervousness to gamers and developers. Although the net gave technique to multiplayer on line video games the home consoles organizations were being studying the most recent elements for his or her techniques. During the early 1990's Sega Genesis was introduced and slowly and gradually took maintain of markets, but sooner or later produced an effect. The rise of categorizing online games as genres, because of greater libraries of game titles and 3D graphics, created courts stage in and contend the material becoming distributed by these organizations. Their grievance "game titles were being far too violent and looked as well genuine". Very little did the courts know their final remark is what have been creating gamers hungrier For each and every launch. New guidelines by putting an age Restrict on who could purchase violent video games defused that struggle, but that wasn't the last war the online video video game sector would experience. 1991 Nintendo produced the Super NES and Sega's argument in opposition to it, Regardless that they each were 16-bit systems, was that Tremendous NES was way too slow. So, the formula for consoles turned terrific graphics, processing, and video game Enjoy.
Being moveable was An additional dilemma lifted through the industry which gave start to handheld units. In 1980 handheld LCD's came out, although not right up until 1989 when Nintendo released Sport Boy then moveable handhelds took maintain. When Sega and Nintendo had been in a battle of energy PlayStation made It can be debut inside the console market place in 1995. PlayStation launched with using cd's as an alternative to cartridges which became Yet another milestone and essential for your marketplace, but PlayStation continue to did not have assistance in certain markets and match organizations until finally they realised cd's held much more data and were being less costly to generate. This is able to result in counter act with their particular cd consoles. Nintendo sixty four was a success, but nonetheless working with cartridges the cost pushed video game corporations absent, and Nintendo started out losing recreation titles. Nintendo came up with GameCube a cd centered procedure, but deficiency of Grownup oriented online games and smaller library it was not as well-liked as PlayStation. Sega introduced Dreamcast in 1998 which has a created-in modem for on the net Engage in which pioneered online gaming with consoles, but failed.
PlayStation released PS2 in 1998 while with the sensation of not having a substantial competitor a remark was produced that might modify and propel the evolution from the video clip match technologies. "Video clip video game methods are the next computer systems" assisted merge the computer and video clip recreation consoles but retain them individual. Emotion threatened Microsoft's CEO Bill Gates, who is without doubt one of the richest Adult men on this planet, would department out from his Windows software to create Xbox in late 2001. His purpose was being the top gaming method and wouldn't end at any suggests. He had the finances to study and create. Bill applied his Computer system know-how for example Intel Processors and tough drives, and place it to make use of while in the Xbox While it had been a reduction for Microsoft, but that would secure his Windows model. With Xbox's graphics, hit activity titles, and on line gaming with the console having much income invested in them the opposite providers did not have the resources threatening computers any longer. Experience dominated in the home methods Nintendo and PlayStation focused on there handhelds. Each and every experienced their very own unique technology to keep them floating and evenly matched. Nintendo DS prospered with there touch display while PSP offered on multi use. PSP experienced these types of higher graphics that you may check out videos and play video games. Despite the fact that handhelds did not rise above consoles there remain markets exactly where they prosper thanks to there portability. Microsoft unveiled Xbox 360 in November 2005 although PS3 strike the selves before long soon after. The two environment the know-how typical for systems, the two featured superior-definition graphics, substantial disk drive-based secondary storage, integrated networking, plus a companion on-line gameplay and profits System. PS3 debuted greater in Price tag as a result of Blu-ray and Wi-Fi technological innovation.
Nintendo came again with drive by introducing the Wii late 2006 because of the motion controller's even though critics thought it could fail. It also was reduced in specifications, but Yet another progressive invention held Nintendo in the sport. The car and mobile phone marketplace was invaded with the video video games growth. Cars went from owning techniques personalized in-built to standard away from manufacturing unit. Cell phone went from having pre loaded game titles to with the ability to obtain from on-line which took a bit of guidance from the handheld organization. Even with these new toys the general public was still left in shock as a consequence of Nintendo Wii's participant conversation, but Xbox and PS 3's online multiplayer motion even now experienced a terrific keep. While PlayStation tried to reinvent the wheel with their very own movement controller PlayStation Transfer in 2010. Microsoft went by using a knock out blow by releasing Kinect for Xbox 360. Kinect is actually a motion sensor technology that makes use of no controllers. These movement units have unfold the fascination from teens and youthful Grown ups towards the aged who will't bodily participate in athletics, The genres now include sport Health and fitness for people who can not manage fitness center membership, senior centers and community centers. It looks far too early to inform how efficient Microsoft and PlayStation could be versus Nintendo seeing we have been only inside the 3rd round in a very twelve round 3 way struggle. January 2011 will show who reigns supreme when the revenue from the holidays are calculated.
It appears as this field evolves that science-fiction novels our grandparents browse are coming to daily life. Just like how human cloning and Room travel was imagined but wasn't understood right until many years later on, I ponder if and when warp zones or molecular separation are launched who will find it. Can be a worm gap going to transport players in the future when they're challenged to a virtual actuality battle? Another thing is for certain and that is individuals comprehend the solutions in existence along with the games which they assistance. It wont be a purchaser difficulty producing the subsequent movie sport industry scare. The technology that's frequently modifying has peeked the curiosity of thousands and thousands.
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everettwilkinson · 7 years
POLITICO Playbook: BIG WEEK: Gov’t funding runs out Friday, House-Senate tax negotiations to begin
Good Monday morning. JUST POSTED — THE POLITICO PLAYBOOK POWER LIST: 18 TO WATCH IN 18. Next year — 2018 — is shaping up to be a momentous one in politics. Midterm elections are less than a year away, with the backdrop of an unfolding federal investigation into a foreign power’s influence into our political system. The collective Playbook team — reporters in six states and Washington — selected 18 political figures worth keeping an eye on over the next 12 months. The list http://politi.co/2jKHziP
REMINDER — BIG WEEK — Congress must pass a government-funding bill by Friday, or else the federal government will shut down. The House is expected to try to pass a two-week funding bill early this week. Democrats are, for the moment, on the sideline, and don’t seem to be in a cooperative mood. John Bresnahan: “Congress faces frantic week with possible shutdown, taxes, Russia” http://politi.co/2jMvNV7
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— THE HOUSE is expected to vote to go to conference this evening for the tax bill. … WSJ: “Key Issues to Resolve in Congress’s Tax Bill” http://on.wsj.com/2ihwMfL
CONGRESSIONAL INSIDERS involved in the tax debate say the conference could be wrapped up in roughly one week.
CAROL LEONNIG, JOHN WAGNER and ELLEN NAKASHIMA: “Trump lawyer says president knew Flynn had given FBI the same account he gave to vice president”: “President Trump’s personal lawyer said on Sunday that the president knew in late January that then-national security adviser Michael Flynn had probably given FBI agents the same inaccurate account he provided to Vice President Pence about a call with the Russian ambassador.
“Trump lawyer John Dowd said the information was passed to Trump by White House counsel Donald McGahn, who had been warned about Flynn’s statement to the vice president by a senior Justice Department official. The vice president said publicly at the time that Flynn had told him he had not discussed sanctions with the Russian diplomat — a statement disproved by a U.S. intelligence intercept of a phone call between Flynn and then-Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak.
“Trump was aware of the issue a couple of weeks before a conversation with then-FBI Director James B. Comey in which Comey said the president asked him if he could be lenient while investigating Flynn, whom Trump had just fired for misleading Pence about the nature of his conversations with the Russian.” http://wapo.st/2jf2Odg
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TALKER — FIRST PERSON – BILLY BUSH in the NYT, “Yes, Donald Trump, You Said That”: “He said it. ‘Grab ’em by the pussy.’ Of course he said it. And we laughed along, without a single doubt that this was hypothetical hot air from America’s highest-rated bloviator. Along with Donald Trump and me, there were seven other guys present on the bus at the time, and every single one of us assumed we were listening to a crass standup act. He was performing. Surely, we thought, none of this was real. We now know better. Recently I sat down and read an article dating from October of 2016; it was published days after my departure from NBC, a time when I wasn’t processing anything productively. In it, the author reviewed the various firsthand accounts about Mr. Trump that, at that point, had come from 20 women.
“Some of what Natasha Stoynoff, Rachel Crooks, Jessica Leeds and Jill Harth alleged involved forceful kissing. Ms. Harth said he pushed her up against a wall, with his hands all over her, trying to kiss her. ‘He was relentless,’ she said. ‘I didn’t know how to handle it.’ Her story makes the whole ‘better use some Tic Tacs’ and ‘just start kissing them’ routine real. I believe her. Kristin Anderson said that Mr. Trump reached under her skirt and ‘touched her vagina through her underwear’ while they were at a New York nightclub in the 1990s. That makes the ‘grab ’em by the pussy’ routine real. I believe her.” http://nyti.ms/2A0uYDc
WHAT THE PENTAGON IS READING — “Trump’s military buildup still a mirage,” by Connor O’Brien and Bryan Bender in Simi Valley, Calif.: “President Donald Trump came into office pledging the largest defense spending spree since the administration of Ronald Reagan — assuring the troops that they would see ‘beautiful new planes and beautiful new equipment.’ But that vision remains little more than a mirage, top Pentagon officials, lawmakers and defense industry executives lamented during a gathering this weekend at Reagan’s presidential library — undermined by congressional gridlock on spending priorities and a tax overhaul expected to add more than a trillion dollars to the national debt.
“‘Nobody wants to pay more taxes, everyone wants to have the programs they like protected and everybody wants defense … and they want the deficit to go away,’ Gen. Robert Neller, the commandant of the Marine Corps, said in an interview, echoing the sentiments of several leading advocates for a more robustly funded military. ‘The math just isn’t there.’ … lawmakers and the administration have taken few concrete steps to lock in any sustained increase in defense spending close to the 3 percent to 5 percent a year that Defense Secretary James Mattis says is needed to make the vision a reality.” http://politi.co/2iMqfO0
THE LATEST ON TAX REFORM — “Passage of Senate Tax Bill Puts R&D Tax Credit in Doubt,” by WSJ’s Rich Rubin: “Senate Republicans, in their push to pass a sweeping tax bill, undermined a research-and-development tax credit many companies use to encourage innovation, and business interests are in revolt. Late Friday, just hours before the Senate voted for the bill, Republicans decided to preserve the corporate alternative minimum tax instead of repealing it as planned. The change gave them money for lawmakers’ other priorities, but it could force many companies to lose tax breaks the bill’s authors intended to protect.
“Addressing this problem is one of many challenges congressional Republicans face as they shepherd a final tax bill with implications for middle-class households, American businesses and the health-care system. The House and Senate passed competing bills that will now be merged into one. Among other thorny issues, Republicans will wrangle over international tax rules, a new system for taxing pass-through businesses such as partnerships and the fate of the estate tax.
“Also surprisingly up for grabs: the corporate tax rate. President Donald Trump, after insisting on a 20% rate and getting it, this weekend said maybe it would land at 22%.” http://on.wsj.com/2ieFsDv
THE WHITE HOUSE POLITICAL SHOP — “Trump moves to block Romney from the Senate: The president is working hard to persuade 83-year-old Sen. Orrin Hatch to run for reelection, and Mitt isn’t happy about it, people close to him say,” by Alex Isenstadt: “Donald Trump is going all out to persuade seven-term Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch to seek reelection — a push aimed in no small part at keeping the president’s longtime nemesis, Mitt Romney, out of the Senate. Romney has been preparing to run for Hatch’s seat on the long-held assumption that the 83-year-old would retire.
“Yet Hatch, the longest-serving Republican senator in history, is now refusing to rule out another campaign — a circumstance Romney’s infuriated inner circle blames squarely on the president. Their suspicions are warranted: Trump has sounded off to friends about how he doesn’t like the idea of a Senator Romney. The president’s mostly behind-the-scenes campaign to sway Hatch will burst into public view on Monday, when he arrives in Salt Lake City to hold a well-choreographed event designed to showcase his affection for the powerful Senate Finance Committee chairman.” http://politi.co/2Bwmxvp
DARREN SAMUELSOHN — “White House paranoid: ‘Everyone thinks they’re being recorded’”: “Paranoia is enveloping the White House and President Donald Trump’s network of former aides and associates as Robert Mueller’s Russia probe heats up. Former national security adviser Michael Flynn agreed to cooperate with investigators as part of the plea deal he reached last week, adding to the worry already inside Trump’s circle surrounding the secret deal struck earlier this summer by former campaign aide George Papadopoulos, whose cooperation was kept quiet for months before being unsealed in late October.
“Both cases raise the possibility that other current or former colleagues have also flipped sides — and they’re prompting anxiety that those people could be wearing wires to secretly tape record conversations. ‘Everyone is paranoid,’ said a person close to Trump’s White House. ‘Everyone thinks they’re being recorded.’ Mueller is doing little to abate those suspicions. Tucked inside last week’s 10-page plea deal Flynn struck with government prosecutors is an agreement that the former White House national security adviser could avoid a potential lengthy jail term in part by ‘participating in covert law enforcement activities.’” http://politi.co/2jO6amC
****** A message from PhRMA: A medicine’s path from the biopharmaceutical company to the patient involves many entities across the supply chain. A new report examines how money flows through this system – which includes wholesalers, pharmacy benefit managers, pharmacies and insurers – and how that impacts what patients pay at the pharmacy. Read more: http://politi.co/2ngVlPj ******
BEHIND THE SCENES — “George Papadopoulos’ late night with the FBI,” by Josh Gerstein: “When former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos stepped off a flight from Germany at Dulles Airport outside Washington last July, he had no inkling of the unwelcome surprise in store for him: FBI agents waiting to place him under arrest. For the 29-year-old Chicago native, it was going to be a long night.
“Jail records obtained by POLITICO show Papadopoulos was booked in at the Alexandria (Va.) city detention center at 1:45 a.m. the following morning. Despite the late arrival at the jail and the fact that Papadopoulos later agreed to cooperate with prosecutors, his Chicago-based defense lawyers Thomas Breen and Rob Stanley said in an interview that the FBI did not attempt to interrogate him right away.” With his mugshot http://politi.co/2iMc7Eb
TWITTER EFFECT — “Trump’s uncontrollable tweeting triggers deeper anxiety among advisers,” by Andrew Restuccia: “It took nearly 24 hours for President Donald Trump to tweet about the news that his former national security adviser Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to FBI agents — a delay that Trump’s advisers said was not uncommon for the president, who often tweets after catching up on cable news. Many Republicans at first saw the radio silence as a welcome sign of restraint.
“But by Sunday, the notoriously hot-headed president had already claimed Flynn was fired earlier this year in part for lying to the FBI and had moved on to accusing the nation’s top law-enforcement agency of being ‘in tatters.’ ‘Worst in History! But fear not, we will bring it back to greatness,’ he tweeted. The tweets all combined to reignite fears among people close to Trump that the president is not taking the special counsel’s investigation seriously enough and is getting bad advice from his legal team.” http://politi.co/2BFCmkw
JARED WATCH — “Kushner upbeat, undeterred in first public remarks on Middle East peace process,” by Annie Karni: “Shorter Jared Kushner: I’m still here. On Sunday, the president’s son-in-law used his first-ever public remarks on the Middle East peace process to make a case for his own continued relevance in the Trump White House — even as the Russia probe and the more stringent reign of chief of staff John Kelly have seemingly pushed him to the margins.
“‘We do think it’s achievable,’ Kushner said of an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal. His comments came during a 30-minute question-and-answer session with Haim Saban, one of the Democratic Party’s biggest pro-Israel donors, at the annual Saban Forum, held at the Willard InterContinental Washington Hotel. …
“But his relaxed appearance — a blue blazer over a black sweater, with no tie — sent a clear message that Kushner is soldiering on, undeterred. His criminal attorney, Abbe Lowell, who is representing him in special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of potential Russian interference in the 2016 election, was in the audience for Kushner’s talk on Sunday. But other attendees said it was simply in Lowell’s off-the-clock capacity as a longtime figure in Washington’s power Jewish community, not as a legal representative.” http://politi.co/2AL6ME4
— INTERESTING BITE: HAIM SABAN: “To achieve [Middle East peace], the team has in it an entrepreneur — you — a real estate lawyer, a bankruptcy lawyer. I don’t know how you’ve lasted eight months in this lineup. But that’s for another day. And it’s impressive that it’s still going. There’s not a Middle East macher in this group. How do you operate with people who basically…with all due respect, a bunch of orthodox Jews who have no idea about anything? What are you guys doing? Seriously I don’t understand this.” KUSHNER: “I’ll definitely say it’s not a conventional team.” The clip http://bit.ly/2AsG0hg
PEACE PROCESS UPDATE — “Talk of a Peace Plan That Snubs Palestinians Roils Middle East,” by NYT’s Anne Barnard in Beirut, David Halbfinger in Jerusalem and Peter Baker in D.C., with Maria Abi-Habib and Hwaida Saad in Beirut, Rami Nazzal in Ramallah, West Bank, Alissa J. Rubin in Paris and Nour Youssef in Cairo: “In a mysterious trip last month, Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, traveled to Saudi Arabia’s capital for consultations with the hard-charging crown prince about President Trump’s plans for Middle East peace. What was said when the doors were closed, however, has since roiled the region.
“According to Palestinian, Arab and European officials who have heard Mr. Abbas’s version of the conversation, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman presented a plan that would be more tilted toward the Israelis than any ever embraced by the American government, one that presumably no Palestinian leader could ever accept.
“The Palestinians would get a state of their own but only noncontiguous parts of the West Bank and only limited sovereignty over their own territory. The vast majority of Israeli settlements in the West Bank, which most of the world considers illegal, would remain. The Palestinians would not be given East Jerusalem as their capital and there would be no right of return for Palestinian refugees and their descendants. …
“The White House on Sunday denied that was its plan, saying it was still months away from finalizing a blueprint for peace, and the Saudi government denied that it supports those positions. … Even if the account proves incomplete, it has gained currency with enough players in the Middle East to deeply alarm Palestinians and raise suspicions about Mr. Trump’s efforts. … One Lebanese government official who received a call was most surprised by what he said was a Saudi suggestion that the Palestinians could have Abu Dis, a suburb of East Jerusalem, as their capital.” http://nyti.ms/2np5ZmS
SUSAN GLASSER talks with ISRAELI AMBASSADOR RON DERMER in the latest “Global POLITICO” podcast: “Is Trump About to Blow Up Jared Kushner’s Mideast Peacemaking?”: “President Trump has talked of ‘the ultimate deal’ he’s going to strike, to finally make peace once and for all between Israel and the Palestinians. His son-in-law Jared Kushner has spent the last few months shuttling to and from the region, and speculation has been running high that the U.S. might soon unveil its own proposal for peace, or at least the basic outlines.
“Still, Israel’s ambassador to the United States, a close ally of the Trump team who has been working closely with them on the plan, says in a new interview for The Global Politico that while he’s an ‘optimist,’ chances are only ‘moderate to high’ of even restarting the dormant peace process over the next year. As for an actual deal, he wouldn’t even speculate.
“And the ambassador, Ron Dermer, one of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s closest confidants, confirmed in a rare on-the-record conversation that Trump this week is likely to take a controversial step by recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital—a move that Palestinians have threatened will blow up any talks even before they start.” http://politi.co/2ASlFVY … The full transcript http://politi.co/2igOKyM
— “Trump approves National Security Strategy,” by Axios’ Jonathan Swan: “The draft is almost completed, and all the principals — James Mattis, Rex Tillerson, Steven Mnuchin, etc. — have agreed on its core components. The document will be rolled out soon. … The NSS … will explain how Trump’s ‘America First’ mantra applies to the vast range of threats America faces, including Chinese economic competition, Russian influence operations, and the weaponization of space. It’s designed to guide the Trump administration’s foreign policy and national security decisions, according to three sources familiar with it. …
“Nadia Schadlow, a well-respected member of the National Security Council and trusted confidant of H.R. McMaster, spent months drafting the document, working with Deputy National Security Adviser Dina Powell and McMaster. Schadlow and Powell met with dozens of members of Congress, cybersecurity and foreign policy experts, military strategists and CEOs.” http://bit.ly/2nr2gp2
TRUMP’S MONDAY — He is flying to Salt Lake City and will meet with leaders from and tour the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Trump will give a speech at the state capitol and then will return to D.C.
— TRUMP’S WEEK: Tuesday: The president and first lady host the Congressional ball at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday: Trump has a cabinet meeting at 11:30, and lunch with VP Mike Pence at 12:30 p.m. Thursday: The president and first lady host a Hanukkah reception at 7:30 p.m. Friday: The president meets with Defense Secretary Jim Mattis at 1:30 p.m.
— FWD.US is launching a six-figure digital ad buy featuring the personal stories of DACA recipients. The ads will run in Washington, Ohio and Texas and and other target states and districts. Example of Texas ad http://bit.ly/2AshGMv
YOU’RE INVITED — Our first live podcast taping is this Thursday night at 7 p.m. at Sixth and I. Our inaugural guests: MICHAEL BARBARO, host of the New York Times’ hit podcast “The Daily,” DCCC EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DAN SENA and NRCC EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR JOHN ROGERS. And a panel of POLITICO stars: RACHAEL BADE, SEUNG MIN KIM and ANNIE KARNI. Get your tickets now! http://bit.ly/2hWK7tF
PHOTO DU JOUR: Jared Kushner speaks about Middle East peace with Haim Saban at the Saban Forum 2017 in Washington, D.C. on Dec. 3. | Jose Luis Magana/AP Photo
FOR YOUR RADAR — “Stealth jets, other aircraft fly in U.S., South Korean drills,” by AP’s Youkyung Lee in Seoul: “Hundreds of aircraft including two dozen stealth jets began training Monday as the United States and South Korea launched a massive combined air force exercise. The war games come a week after North Korea test-fired its most powerful missile ever, an ICBM that may be able to target the eastern seaboard of the United States. The five-day drill, which is called Vigilant Ace, is meant to improve the allies’ wartime capabilities and preparedness, South Korea’s defense ministry said.” http://bit.ly/2AsZfHF
FIRST IN PLAYBOOK — Attorney General Jeff Sessions is traveling to Cartagena, Colombia on Wednesday, to participate in the Trilateral Summit Against Transnational Organized Crime. The summit brings together attorneys general from the U.S., Colombia, and Mexico to coordinate efforts against organized crime. Sessions was invited by Colombian Attorney General Nestor Humberto Martinez.
****** A message from PhRMA: A medicine’s path from the biopharmaceutical company to the patient involves many entities across the supply chain. A new report examines how money flows through this system – which includes wholesalers, pharmacy benefit managers, pharmacies and insurers – and how that impacts what patients pay at the pharmacy. Read more: http://politi.co/2ngVlPj ******
ON THE AIR — “Giffords buys ads against 8 Republicans on concealed carry,” by Isaac Dovere: “Gabby Giffords is going up on the air Monday with a six-figure ad buy against Reps. Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-N.J.) and Jason Lewis (R-Minn.) from her gun safety group. The ads come ahead of this week’s expected House vote on Concealed Carry Reciprocity, which, if enacted, would be a massive opening of gun laws across the country, forcing all states to accept gun licenses issued in any state.
“The result could lead to gun carrying laws effectively being set everywhere at the lowest level any state would allow. … Digital ads will also go out against Reps. Steve Knight (R-Calif.), Ed Royce (R-Calif.), Mimi Walters (R-Calif.), Mike Coffman (R-Colo.), Lee Zeldin (R-N.Y.) and Barbara Comstock (R-Va.). All of these are at the top of Democrats’ 2018 pick-up hopes. There will be a radio ad focused on the three Southern California members.” http://politi.co/2AmWZUm
BUSINESS BURST — “CVS to Buy Aetna for $69 Billion, Combining Major Health-Care Players,” by WSJ’s Sharon Terlep, Anna Wilde Mathews and Dana Cimilluca: “CVS Health Corp. agreed to buy Aetna Inc. for about $69 billion in cash and stock in a move to transform the pharmacy company and capture more of what consumers spend on health care. … The proposed deal is the latest and most dramatic sign of how the lines between traditional segments in health care are blurring as companies, saddled with mature businesses and in many cases restricted from buying rivals, enter new areas in search of growth.” http://on.wsj.com/2iM7XMO
SPOTTED: Sen. Ed. Markey (D-Mass.) chatting with Chris Matthews at a Starbucks in Washington on Sunday — pic http://bit.ly/2AtJrnQ … Omarosa last night at the Ivy City Smokehouse. She was there for a party in a private area … Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) at Jose Andres’ barmini on Saturday night.
SPOTTED at the Kennedy Center honors last night: British Ambassador Kim Darroch, Ambassador Stuart Bernstein, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and Hilary Ross, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Louise Linton, Labor Secretary Elaine Chao, VA Secretary David Shulkin, John and Anne Dickerson, Patrick Steel and Lee Satterfield, Meryl Streep, Quincy Jones, Mary Street and Clyde Tuggle, Alan Fleischmann, Lara Bergthold, Maria Pica Karp and Rick Karp, Howard Fineman, Dan and Rhoda Glickman, Rob Reiner, Queen Latifah, Capricia Marshall, Stevie Wonder, Steve Ricchetti, Joe Naylor …
… Phil Musser, Matt and Abby Echols, Tim Keating, Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.), Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and Kelly Paul, Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich), Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.), Rep. Don Beyer (D-Va.) and Megan Beyer, Glenn and Suzanne Youngkin, Valerie Jarrett and Laura Jarrett, JJ Abrams, Amb. Caroline Kennedy, Les Moonves, David Rhodes, Jackie Alemany, Nick Ayers, Adrienne Arsht, Tammy Haddad, Christine Lagarde, David Gergen, Questlove.
ENGAGED –– OBAMA ALUMNI: Eric Fanning, former Secretary of the Army and incoming President and CEO of the Aerospace Industries Association, and Ben Masri-Cohen of The National Gallery of Art. “They announced to friends Saturday night at a surprise engagement party that had been disguised as a holiday party.” They first met ten years ago and have been together two years. They got engaged in Greece. Pic http://bit.ly/2zLe9rH
TRANSITIONS — Molly Drenkard is the new manager of corporate communications at Anheuser-Busch. She was previously the national press secretary for the House Republican Conference. Olivia Hnat will join the House Republican Conference as Chairman Cathy McMorris Rodgers’ (R-Wash.) national press secretary. She most recently was with Rep. Pat Tiberi (R-Ohio) and is an alumna of Speaker John Boehner’s team.
BIRTHWEEK (was yesterday): Andy Surabian, who celebrated with “brunch at Cuba Libre with Steve Cheung, Cliff Sims and Kaelan Dorr from the White House. And then forcing his girlfriend to watch football with him for the rest of the day”.
BIRTHDAY OF THE DAY: Jackie Kucinich, Washington bureau chief of The Daily Beast and a CNN political analyst. How she got her start in journalism: “My start in journalism was an exercise in good timing. I sent my resume into The Hill for an internship my senior year of college. When I didn’t hear back, I called and got then-managing editor Andy Glass on the phone. I asked him for the position and he asked me when I could start. Timing is everything!” Read her Playbook Plus Q&A: http://politi.co/2jLh3FX
BIRTHDAYS: Griffin Harris … Al Hunt is 75 … Bill Muratt, COS for Sen. Tammy Baldwin (hat tip: Hilary Rosen) … Claire Lucas … Kevin O’Neill, co-chair of Arnold & Porter’s legislative team … PBS NewsHour’s deputy senior producer Anne Davenport … Nick Gass, communications specialist at Koch Industries … Rep. Francis Rooney (R-Fla.) is 64 … Edelman alum Craig Brownstein … Peter Freeman … CNN’s Suzanne Malveaux … Ashley (Nerz) Levey, comms at LinkedIn (h/t Chip Cutter) … Ben Keller … Rep. Grace Napolitano (D-Calif.) is 81 … Tyquana Henderson-Parsons … Whitney Ksiazek, a field producer for Fox News … Cesi Covey … Dani Kurtzleben, political reporter at NPR … Colin Rogero … Sarah Schanz, Duke Law student (h/t fiancé Jeremy Iloulian) … Marina McCarthy … Campbell Marshall …
… Rick Hohlt … Jennie Westbrook Courts, a principal on the communications team at Precision Strategies (h/t Tom Zigo) … Andrew Shult, digital director for Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.), is 3-0 (h/t Allison Schneider) … John Neata (h/t Jon Haber) … Yesenia Chavez, VP of the LGBT Congressional Staff Association and LA for Rep. Raul Grijalva (h/t Mitchell Rivard) … Hilary Matfess, author of the new book “Women and the War on Boko Haram: Wives, Weapons, Witnesses” (h/t Ben Chang) … Jon Fleischman … Matthew Bevens, MBA student at INSEAD in Singapore … DLCC’s Shelbi Warner … Washington Institute’s Louisa Keeler … ACLU’s Sarah Baron … Joe Britton … Leigh Strope of Burson-Marsteller … Patrick Collins … WaPo’s Jennifer Hurley … Facebook’s Francesca de Quesada Covey … Nancy Rose Senich … Steve Fowler … Leslie Rhode … Laura Derby … Emily Hines … Doug Nation … Brian Svoboda, partner at Perkins Coie … Steen Hambric … Doug Tiet … Yesenia Chavez … Meg Badame … Lis Buck … Sean Gagen … Nate Beecher … Mike Stratton (h/ts Teresa Vilmain)
****** A message from PhRMA: In the competitive marketplace for medicines, negotiations between pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) and biopharmaceutical companies result in substantial rebates and fees. According to a new report, in many cases, this system often creates incentives for PBMs to prefer medicines with higher list prices and higher rebates. Read more about how money flows through the supply chain here: http://politi.co/2ngVlPj ******
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from CapitalistHQ.com https://capitalisthq.com/politico-playbook-big-week-govt-funding-runs-out-friday-house-senate-tax-negotiations-to-begin/
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course reflective essay
Studying graphic design and multimedia have a lot more information than I thought which makes it more interesting and exciting to learn about. From knowing nothing about software’s to knowing more than 15 different  program and how to use them with all different techniques that’s why I like my major and how technology never ends there is always something new to learn about.
           When I started this class I had no idea what I will be learning. All what I know is that I would learn new techniques and explore more on new technology.
The first week we had to create a Google map with start point and end. I never did a map before so that was very new to me. In the second week, we read about augmented reality it was fun to learn about with all the new technologies around us. So, creating a AR was new as well by combining audiovisual data with a view of the world around us, determine the input and output possibilities of wearable computers, and using 5 Icons to demonstrate the data in the environment. In week three we learned QR codes which I know a little about from my previous class. In my previous class, we linked OR code to a coupon in this class it was different linked to a movie from Prelinger Film Collection that I didn’t know about.
In week four I used photoshop to make the 3D design, identify the impact of 3D printers within the production industry. I didn’t know that we can raise money for a project or a good idea I thought Kickstarter was about donating money for a family lose or for paying to get better health. It was fun creating online game through google drive, Google Drawing to create a simple Tic-Tac-Toe game. In this week, we did a User Interface Design Mock-Up for Smartphone with Visualization Example. In week seven we used Tumblr which I did I have account on, but I never used it creating a blog was very new to me and interesting.
 The key takeaway that I will take from the course as I move forward that theirs more into things as you search it more than what appear from outside. I will use the blog again for sure and the 3D printable design. I can use maps if I need to add it on a website or the QR code.
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ennaraw52 · 8 years
1. BEGIN EACH DAY WITH A SWIFT KICK IN THE ASS! Complete your most difficult task first! It gets it out of the way, it relieves the anxiety that you will carry the entire day, and you will be amazed at how confident you will be when addressing all the others tasks. Bonus: the rest of your day will be a breeze, so brew a full pot of coffee, pack the tic tacs, and head over to the office lounge! It is no coincidence that this one is strategically placed as numero uno
2. FLASH YOUR 25,6 MORE!  Oops! Wrong audience, you are not snails! SMILE MORE! It is infectious, and others will smile back. Also, it draws people to you – ever tried cosying up to a sour puss? I would know about this, I grew up with an older sister, who, I admired (in childhood) and tried so hard to have a relationship with, but alas, it was like trying to get on first name basis with a cobra (I have been in a snake pit in India, even those snakes paid more respect and acknowledgement to me than my sister ever did).
Btw: Here is something to crack open at the dinner table: About that 25, 6, did you know that snails (which are typically no longer than 30cm, about 1/6th your size) has 25,600 teeth? So shame on you for gripeing about having to floss your 32 nightly!
3. USE YOUR FUCKING MANNERS! Say thank you more often. Remember those things your grandma taught you? She did, loads of them….but you are either thick, or you forgot them when she died. What the hell is wrong with you!?
And I do not only mean saying it in person, I mean also things you learn from others online. If you visit a site that brings you knowledge, or assistance, or even joy, remember to give at the very least a thumbs up. Many people use their time to be helpful, entertaining, and to pass on valuable information, the least you can do is acknowledge their effort. Can you imagine our current world without Google or Youtube!  Heavens forbid, we may have to read a whole book! I am asphyxiating just typing it!
Admittedly, I am also guilty of this one, but don’t worry, I am reeking my own reed!
4. STOP FAKING IT. You either care, or you don’t! Take a random person to lunch (regularly) – and I mean random. What you are actually saying to them is, I care about you more than just throwing you a few dollars. In today’s society of widespread indifference, that makes a HUGE difference to a person, any person, regardless of their stature in life. Because what they will register from this act, is: Gee, some (ostensibly busy) person took time out of their lives to listen to me! THAT SHIT IS STRATOSPHERIC!…..besides, you can use the companionship. Eating alone sucks!….yes, you are alone, don’t even lie (to repeat, stop pretending!)
5. EXPAND YOUR FUCKING MIND! Remove the words “I can’t” from your vocabulary. Substitute it with ”Let me have a look and get back to you on that.” This will vastly improve not only your knowledge (assuming that you really will look into it), but also your confidence (after realising and enhancing your abilities), and your popularity rating (careful not to make this your primary objective). Did I mention how immensely this expands your perspective?!
Just so we’re clear, and to ensure that you know what you are saying when you use this word, the real meaning of can’t is: not knowing how to do something; not caring to learn; unmotivated; untrainable; thick; not wanting to get off my ass; LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE.
6. SAY ”THANK YOU” (especially) WHEN YOU DID NOT GET YOUR WAY! In other words, GROW THE FUCK UP! Sincerely thank your boss (and everyone else who lit or lights a fire under your ass) for not giving you the promotion (or whatever else) – explain to them how much stronger it made you, and thank them for not providing you the easy road. No, you cannot take them to lunch to satisfy #4, it MUST be a random person, with whom you have no association.
7. BLOW YOUR MIND (regularly)! It is like a fresh drink of lemonade in the summertime – a little sweet, a little sour, but a hell of a lot refreshing and rejuvenating!
Randomly and regularly give your first class seat to someone in coach. No, you don’t select the person, just let the air hostess do it. Yes, that means that you get to sit in….don’t choke….coach! It is good for you. It gives you a different perspective, it enhances you as a person, and you may mess around and meet some very interesting people back there.
I used to travel first class (emphasis on ”used to”), I met mostly tight-ass, boring, uninteresing people, with straightened teeth, combed hair, polyester suits (couldn’t resist that one!) and name brand (made in India) luggage, who were bent on telling me about their accomplishments (totally not caring about the gross lack of give-a-shit in my eyes), and how important they are (in their own microcosm). Great! Now there is some shit I can sell on Ebay!…..for zero dollars.
Believe me, this act will take your ‘interest’ rating way off the meter; everyone will be wanting to chat with the person who would do something so unusual.
8. DANCE! Stay flexible and improve the functions in your heart, mind, body, and FEET! Dance at work, in the bedroom, in the street….anywhere! You may be amazed to see others dancing with you, or at least cheering you on (see, you are spreading joy!). Additionally, this will decrease your heart aliments, lower your blood pressure, and will also work in tandem with #s 1,2, and 7.
Caution:do not dance in the bathroom, I already tried; slipped and fell and cracked my head open…..I was little, it healed….some….maybe!? Not sure. Just don’t do it!
Fyi: Did you know that you have more than 7,000 nerve endings in your feet? Think of how many bodily functions you are improving with the simple act of dancing! Not to mention, word will get around, you will go from Nerd Savant to Rico (or Rita) Suave. What is it that Victor Grimmy Owusu (V.I.C doing the song Wobble) sings? ”A girl told me that a man that could dance might could possibly get down with the tool in his pants.”(1.37 in video)
Yeah, the women are all over that (wink!)!
9. LOSE YOUR FRIENDS! Literally. Take random hermitic time (emphasis on the word ‘random’); reflect, deliberate, meditate….procrastinate! Step away from your phone and email for 3 days every month – randomly, not planned. It has an amazing effect on your life, health, and perspective. Oh, there you go again using the ‘c‘ word! Carefully re-read # 5 (stop being deliberately thick).
Caution: you will lose some (fake) friends from this, but that will do you (a great deal of) good also.
10. REACH OUT AND TOUCH SOMEONE! Give your favourite scarf (no, not the ratty one, but the one you paid lots of money for, and maybe cannot replace. Yes, that red, silk, pashmina one. Oh, yeah! Now we’re getting somewhere) to a ‘street’ child. Believe me there is a significant impact on both you and that child. I know, I do it….often! Money is soon spent (on nothing) and forgotten, a scarf will keep her warm for a very long time, and it has the same effect as explained in #s 2, 3, 4, and 7……the ripple effect is phenomenal.
11. BE FUCKING GREAT, EVERYDAY! Resist the urge to choke the living shit out of those who really tick you off. Instead, look at them, smile sweetly and say, “You know, that really pissed me off (acknowledge your own feelings, instead of stiffling them), and I would really love to follow my gut reaction (letting them know that the shit was not cool, and putting them on guard that the next time it may be a TKO), but I read somewhere (thanks for the credit, see you’re already getting the hang of  this gratuitous thing) that it takes a great person to resist their primal urges rather than giving in to them, and you’re in luck today, because I have it on my agenda that I am going to be great!”
In fact, why stop at just great? Splurge, give yourself license to
BTW: the swear-a-lot t-shirt is my new year gift to myself. I love it so much I bought 2 and then a few more for some well-deserving friends. I am still deciding if I want to frame it and mount it on my wall.
attribution for swear a lot image
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alternative-eyes · 5 years
Tumblr media
     In December 2017, much of the world was stunned to learn that pilots from the USS Nimitz encountered something eerily similar to the above scenario back in 2004, while conducting an exercise off of the sunny, southern coast of California. Just like
By Luis Elizondo Fox News 6-15=19
a script from a science fiction movie, Top Gun-trained fighter pilots from the Nimitz were unfairly engaged with and attempting to intercept something that could only be described as extraordinary. What the pilots encountered that day was able to perform in ways that defied all logic and our current understanding of aerodynamics. Furthermore, beyond what the pilots saw with their own trained eye, the technological feat they encountered was further verified by the impressive Aegis SPY-1 radar, America’s premiere radar system at the time, and even gun camera footage and sonar systems from submarines accompanying the carrier.
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Luis Elizondo: Why Is The Government Finally Admitting UFOs Are Real? http://www.theufochronicles.com/2019/06/luis-elizondo-government-ufos-real.html
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