#How Much Are Reiki Classes
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purusadivine · 8 months ago
I am very much an everyone should get paid for their time/services/energy person but it does get very discouraging as someone who is serious about their healing to not have any resources outside of myself to go to for support because of money. Or to even get a mentor these days or advice you have to buy an ebook or book a session. I just wish there was financial aid for healing or ways that practitioners could still make a living while the actual needy can receive quality healing.
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itsastrobixch · 3 months ago
Astrology notes part ?
I've honestly lost track of it all ಠ⁠﹏⁠ಠ
Also a/n : it's very short cause i just wanted to get back into the swing of things. College is sucking my brain juice dry and tbh i barely get the time to come to Tumblr much less make content.
So enjoy 😃
♡ Wherever Pluto sits in the chart, it attracts jealousy and irrational emotions. For example, my friend has Pluto in 4th house, the IC is associated with home mother etc. Her mother has expressed multiple times that she's jealous of her, and sees her as a competition to her fathers affections. All of this with no actions on my friend's part.
♡ Mercury dominants or especially geminis they need to stay updated on everything thats happening in their immediate surroundings. The tv show everyone's watching ? Yeah they watch it or atleast watch recaps. The drama or gossip everyone's talking about ? They know the deets on that ish. They have an inner urge to stay connected and relevant.
♡ People always have a negative opinion about saturn. Its a karmic planet and the planet of delays and lessons. Everyone is a bit cautious around the saturn placements of your chart. But imo saturn is a harsh judge yes. But if you understand what its trying to teach you, the lessons then you'll get bountiful returns in the very same endeavours as well. Lets take me as an example, i have saturn in 7th house and my first relationship was abusive and horrible. After that the flings i pursued were all emotionally unavailable men. But once i learnt my lesson and was brave enough to imagine a life without a partner, i was blessed with my current boyfriend. Saturn forces you to confront your worst nightmares, and when you've mastered it it rewards you plenty.
♡ Sun conjunct Mercury is a powerful aspect and it manifests in different ways depending on the house of conjunction, the signs involved in the conjunction etc. But one thing in common between all of them is that these natives will be known for their speech like the way they speak. Whether it be the tone or way of putting things. It'll make people admire them for ghat specific quality and they maybe famous for their speech as well.
♡ Second house rules money, and the ways in which a person can gain money easily. Positive planets in the second house can lead to them retaining the money they make and malefic planets there can point to natives losing money easily. That being said, the planet in 2nd house can point to how they can earn money easily. Neptune in 2nd house can earn money through metaphysical endeavours such as tarot, reiki healing, pranic healing etc.
♡ intercepted houses are a menace in peoples' charts. They will create chaos, confusion and will pull the native In two directions at once.
♡Aries in 4th house or IC were either bullied or were bullies themselves in their childhoods.
♡ People with mars in first house can either have a prominent scar or a mole in their face. This can also apply to people with mars-ascendant aspects whether positive or negative.
♡ Capricorn in 2nd house people have very expensive tastes in clothing and jewellery imo. They like the "classics" - Gucci, Swarovski, Ysl, Louboutins etc. they dress for class rather than for making a statement about themselves. Neither is wrong. I am just suggesting they prefer class over expression.
©itsastrobixch Do NOT repost my content or plagiarise it.
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pastel-peach-writes · 7 months ago
Attracted | KorrAsami x Reader
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╰┈➤ PLOT: After a close call of losing the two girls who mean the most to you, you decide it's time to cut the crap and face the music, your feelings.
╰┈➤ WARNINGS: Not Proofread, No Use of Y/N, 3500+ Words
Part One | Part Three
⍣ ೋ Enjoy!⍣ ೋ
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Their stares dug into your soul and pulled out every sense of hiding and masking you've held in for the last few years. Their slight frowns, and disappointment in their colored eyes; it was too much for you to bear.
Were you so prideful in keeping your feelings secret that you'd risk losing Korra and Asami? Was it really that serious to let them think you didn't support their relationship?
You didn't know. You had no way to know.
Now the three of you were staring at each other in the courtyard of Air Temple Island. All parties eager for an answer from you.
However, just because they were eager to get an answer from you doesn't mean you had an answer ready for them.
Just now, in this very moment, you realized you had a crush on the two bisexuals. You just realized that going to bed thinking about kissing the both of them, holding their hands, and making them laugh wasn't as platonic as you thought.
You hated to admit it but Bolin was right. You hated when he was right, especially since you're often so stubborn. He was never going to let you live this down now.
But that's something to worry about in the future. Right now you needed to worry about the present. Korra and Asami are staring at you with hurt and almost distant eyes. The longer you let the silencer linger, the deeper you hurt them.
What could you even say or do in this moment? Make up some silly lie? Confess to them right on the spot? Make them think you're not accepting of their love? All three options were terrible. It was a lose-lose-lose situation.
"Uh," you nervously chuckled, scratching the back of your neck. The bright sun on Air Temple island shone into your eyes, nearly blinding you from the sight of the red-and-blue-coded girlfriends. You wondered what color you would be if you were added to the pair. "You know, I think I need to attend one of Tenzin's meditation classes. Learn how to ease up and become one with my chi."
"One with your chi?" Asami echoed.
"Yeah. If I'm so tense all the time and not noticing, obviously something is off. Maybe even wrong with me." You gave them another shrug. "I can't be one of the best members on the Krew and not be one with my chi."
Korra let out a chuckle. "'One of the best members'?" You nodded at her statement, a cocky smile growing on your lips. Korra shook her head, her smile from her chuckle staying on her face as she crossed her arms. "Who said you were one of the best?"
"Oh, isn't it obvious, Avatar?" You mimicked her stance and Asami did the same, matching the teasing smiles on your faces.
"Must not have been," Korra rebutted. "Sounds like you still got some work to do."
You could only laugh at her playful words. Although her statement was true, it was for the wrong situation. You did have some work to do. You had to work through and process your growing crushes on Asami and Korra in hopes you can get over them and have them never find out about your crush.
That should be easy. What's a little crush going to do to you?
"You're right," Tenzin said as he waved his palms over your torso. You were serious about taking meditation classes from him. You were too tense, hyper-focused on the sapphic pair. You needed mental clarity and hopefully with mental clarity comes a way to get over them.
The Airbender was using reiki, some form of spiritual healing that used energy and intention to ease the human mind and body. He decided to use the technique on you when you came to him about your stress problem. He said he rarely used this technique but given that you're a new student of his, he decided why not?
The man had his eyes closed and waved his arms and body around as if he were airbending. The only difference is that he wasn't airbending at all and in fact was getting a feel of your stress and anxiety levels. "You are very tense," he continued. "The tension lies within your shoulders and sits in your gut. Your chest, too, is tight. If you were an Airbender, you'd be blocked from your ability entirely. It would take months, maybe even years to remove this type of stress."
You heaved a sigh as the monk opened his eyes and returned to his natural standing stance. "Months"? "Maybe even years"? By the time you mastered your chi or removed most of the stress in your body, Korra and Asami could very well be married. Or even worse, forgotten about you.
It was extreme to think of those two scenarios but it's what your mind went to. You're doing this to be better for them, not to risk losing your friendship. If it's going to take years to return to the person you were before you started having feelings for them, they were gone for good.
"Well," you said as another sigh escaped your body. "We better get started."
Because of your circumstance, Tenzin decided to add airbender training to your "Stress Relief Regimen". Like he mentioned, you would be blocked if you were an Airbender but in addition to the spiritual and worldly connection, Airbenders also have a physical outlet. They use their body to navigate through the winds and courses of life. It acts as another way to release whatever your body is holding in.
It's been a few weeks since you started training with Tenzin and you can admit things are a lot better now. Well, physically. You're still blocked mentally and spiritually, but the airbending training traditions were getting easier for you. You ran into the equipment less and stayed on the balls of your feet more often. Even Jinora was impressed.
You practiced day and night while leaving space to meditate and to connect with nature in between. But the cause of your vigorous schedule to train and relax, you've pulled yourself away from the Krew. You rarely hung out with them outside of work and only said hello to them during meals. Day in and day out, you were training.
It was ironic though. You were training and practicing these techniques to become one with your emotions and get clarity on the KorrAsasmi situation but all the training seemed to be doing was making you avoid them.
You were actively running away and towards your emotions at the same time. How you mastered that skill, not even Tenzin knew.
He watched you prance and elegantly move around the spinning panels on the Airbending arena with your eyes closed and your arms in the offensive position he taught you. While you were physically correct, he could still feel a weight of heaviness and emotion rest on your shoulders and sink into your body.
Korra saw it too. That's why she was here standing next to Tenzin and monitoring your training. She knew Tenzin to be a good teacher so she didn't understand why his training kept you away from the Krew so long.
She already went through that teenage rebellion phase with him so she figured he eased up on allowing you to go out and such. Especially since you're not under his care and a grown adult. And as she watched your practice, she knew Tenzin's methods had changed for the better and the pressure lessened. So, if it wasn't Tenzin keeping you away from her. What was?
When practice was over, there was a meditation session immediately after. It wasn't a one-on-one session like you usually had with Tenzin, but actually an open session for the new Airbenders and anyone who wants to learn more about the art. In fact, it was taught by Jinora. Tenzin wasn't a part of it at all.
Korra assumed you kept your schedule busy with not only Tenzin's agenda but the other Airbenders too. To her it made sense. You're pretty much training to be an Airbender just without the bending. So to her surprise when she walked into the class and saw you weren't there, something was up.
"And you're sure they weren't there?" Asami asked as she unmade the bed for the night. She and Korra were in their room, the midnight moon shone through the window and provided natural light for the girls. Korra, just slipping on her white tank, nodded.
"Yup. Now we know Tenzin isn't keeping them away from us. I think it's them who wants to stay away from us." Korra's feet shuffled across the wooden floor, her tush melting into the mattress after she plopped.
"Come on." Asami frowned. "They're not like that. I'm sure it's something else." The paler woman sat beside Korra and placed a well-manicured hand on her shoulder. Korra only sighed again with her head hung low. "They haven't even spoke to Mako and Bolin and they're like brothers to them."
Korra shrugged. What Asami was saying made sense but there was something deeper going on. There was something you weren't telling them and Korra was killing herself trying to find out. "Does it not bother you either?" Korra's sad blue eyes struck Asami's green. "Don't you miss them? Their laugh and how they used to look at us with those eyes? Like we were the world to them. Now we barely get a glance when we pass each other in the halls or in the street."
Asami sighed. Of course, she did. She missed all of it and how you used to compliment them or poke fun. She missed watching you interact with Mako and Bolin and playing with them like they were your blood kin. She missed so much and more. She only placed a kiss on Korra's cheek and moved some hair behind the Avatar's ear. "Come on. Let's get to bed." -
"Good, now breathe while you lift your leg. Your opposite arm follows." You followed Tenzin's notes, lifting your leg and doing a fan kick while your opposite arm follows. When your arm follows, the momentum carried you throughout the move and when your leg landed on the ground, you spun around and nearly womble to the floor.
"Good," Tenzin said walking through the plush grass. "When you use that move, your weight shifts between your standing leg and then the led that lands on the ground. Because of your arm and force of the air, you spin around and when mastered, it's a great move to switch the play on your opponent." Tenzin then cleared his throat, the tops of his ears going red. "You know. If you airbent."
You gave him a slight chuckle. Almost four months into training and Tenzin still forgets you're not an Airbender sometimes.
"Sorry, force of habit." You waved him off and repeated the move, still stumbling when your lifted leg hits the ground. Tenzin instructed ways to land and poses to land into but no matter the note or correction, you continued to wobble.
"Ugh, I don't get it. I'm doing everything right. I'm making sure I'm light on my toes and transferring my weight between my legs," you complained to Tenzin as you took a swig of water.
The Airbending master interlaced his fingers and held them near his diaphragm. "Well, are you emotionally light? Spirtually, mentally?" You nodded as you wipe excess water from the corner of your mouth.
"Yeah. I mean, I think so? I mediate in the morning, evenings, and join some classes at the other Air Temple. I don't know what I'm doing wrong." You walked over to the cemented benches which were really short walls of concrete painted beige. You took a seat, crossing your legs and placing your heels at the edge of the wall.
"Hm," pondered Tenzin as he followed you to the wall. While he can admit your dedication is impressive, he can't help but feel there's something else blocking you, stopping you from achieving your greatest.
It was similar to what he experienced when training with Korra or his failed attempts at connecting to the spirit world but heavier. Almost as if you were avoiding the emotions that kept you planted deep into the ground. If you were an Earthbender, he predicted you would be one of the best.
"Tell me, young one. Is it possible there's something else bothering you? Perhaps problems with family, friends, work even?" He took a seat by you as you contemplated your answer to him.
You've felt good. The feeling of jealousy or even anxiety changed to what some would call a rock. It was as if a flat rock sheet lay on your chest and stomach. Some had a heart of gold and steel, yours wore stone armor.
You gave him a shrug and sipped your water out of avoidance. Your lack of eye contact, expression, and words told Tenzin everything he needed to know.
You were stuck emotionally and he had a hunch it was about the Avatar and her girlfriend. And perhaps the fact that they weren't your girlfriends. Tenzin wouldn't have come to that conclusion if it wasn't for his older sister, Kya.
One day, Kya came to visit and Tenzin told her all about your training and dedication to the craft despite not being an Airbender. When Kya observed your practicing, she could tell immediately you were struck with something emotionally tolling. Something you took Airbending techniques to work through but ended up avoiding.
She did the same thing with Waterbending when it came to a crush of hers.
Also, Kya overheard the Krew express concern and longing for you. More specifically, she saw the faces of Asami and Korra and how their eyebrows knitted together in hurt and confusion. It was the same face she wore when she found out Lin liked Tenzin.
"You need to talk to them," Tenzin spoke. "Avoidance or whatever you call this dance of yours isn't going to better your ability to meditate or to perform such exercises. In fact, it'll stifle your chances and ruin whatever you have left of your friendships." With a deep sigh, Tenzin put a hand on your shoulder. "Take this from someone who focused so hard on training that he almost lost his family. Isolation is not the key to working through hard emotions. You have to work and realize it's not going to be easy."
When your eyes met Tenzin's, you could see his brows downturned as if he was frowning with them. His eyes glossy yet held this certain look in his eye, as if he saw you as his own. His family.
The look stirred a certain guilt in your stomach. It was the same guilt you felt when you watched the Krew interact while you purposely lingered in the shadows. In hopes of bettering yourself, you ended up self-sabotaging.
"Hey!" Bolin chirped as he strode over to you and Tenzin. You quickly blinked away tears and looked at him with a smile, responding with a greeting. "We're going out to dinner tonight. You coming?"
Dinner was nearly normal. The five of you, the Krew and yourself, went to this fancy-ish restaurant where they served everything from Water Tribe food to Fire Nation goods. They also included the more modern dishes that Republic City had to offer.
It was like nothing had changed when you first ate. Everyone was chipper, happily munching on their meals, and cracking jokes like no time had passed between your group.
But then, just as you were almost done with your meal, the mood switched. A metaphorical cloud full of darkness and heavy rain washed over your booth and wind dared to blow you away from your seat.
Korra sighed, putting down her eating utensil and putting her hands on the table in an interlaced fist. "Okay, we have something we need to talk to you about." You barely looked at her to continue. "You've been kinda distant lately and we know it's not because of your training. Tenzin was adamant in easing the intensity of his training schedule, especially now with the new addition to the family and the new Airbenders."
You shrugged for what felt like the fiftieth time today. "I'm taking my craft really seriously. Is that a crime?"
"No," Asami said in a calmer tone that Korra could've given the sass you had in your sentence. "But it worries us. Especially now that you're not even attending Avatar duties anymore. We're a group and we need you. We're empty without you."
You threatened to scoff but instead shoved down the urge with another bite of your food. "I don't know what you want from me."
"Your training was supposed to help you ease up and not be as stressed but it looks like it's doing the opposite," Mako spoke. "You're distant, eat meals alone, and I've never seen someone train so hard for Airbending when you're not even an Airbender."
"Okay, so what? Look, it's my training, my schedule. You guys don't have a clue of what's going on with me so just drop it. Okay?"
Bolin glanced around his table of friends. Nervously picking at his pants, his eyes landed on you and gazed into your eyes. With a tone soft and gentle, he spoke. "So, something is going on."
You sat up a little straighter, eyes on the brown wooden table in front of you. You didn't realize you said that out loud. All that work of being alone and trying not to talk about your feelings nearly came undone with one measly slip-up. "No. Drop it."
"No, we don't want to drop it. What's going on? We can help you." Asami reached a hand out to you but you just snatched your hand away.
The Earthbender at the table sunk down in his seat. He knew what was going on now. He doesn't know why he forgot the last genuine conversation you had just a few months ago.
Your crush on Korra and Asami were eating you alive. What was supposed to be an outlet became a distraction. A distraction from the possibility of hurt, rejection, and loss. If he remembered this earlier, he wouldn't have suggested this confrontation dinner.
The only person who could help you in this situation is yourself and Bolin could see you didn't want that. Not anymore at least. You were perfectly fine losing your friends if it meant the protection of your relationship and feelings.
Although, it's a bit counteractive letting your friends slip away just to avoid a blowup over emotions you couldn't control. Bolin wasn't going to let that slide.
The Krew's been in messy romance drama before. What's a little more? They've prevailed over three times and they could do it again.
"I'm sorry," you took money from your pants and placed enough to cover your meal on the table, "but you can't help me with this. I'm sorry."
Following your departure, Bolin followed you out of the restaurant. Your friends exclaimed and called out for the both of you, but you were too far to hear and well Bolin, he was on a mission.
You stumbled behind yourself as Bolin took hold of your wrist and snatched you back. Your eyes met his, the orange-yellow lighting of the restaurant shining through the windows and making the sidewalk glow.
"You don't have to do this," Bolin spoke in a whisper. "You don't have to hide and pretend you're something you're not just to avoid rejection."
You pull your wrist out of his grip, your brows knitted defensively. "I don't know what you're talking about. I'm not avoiding anything."
"Please, I've seen it multiple times before. I lived it. The crushes you have on Korra and Asami won't change anything. They won't be weirded out or throw you out of the friendship if that's what you're worried about." The green in Bolin's eyes sought out to comfort you. As before, he kept his voice gentle and nurturing. "Crushes are scary and can leave you vulnerable but you shouldn't avoid your feelings because of it. You'll end up holding things in, the hurt turning into resentment, and the resentment turning into hate."
The Earthbender's palm found its place on top of your shoulder. Like his eyes, voice, and now touch, Bolin comforted you. His words, though similar to Tenzin's, had more meaning. You've seen Bolin get rejected before and heard horrific stories but he never let the embarrassment get to him. He learned, grew, and eventually got the partner of his dreams.
You patted his hand. "That means a lot. I'll try, okay? I can't promise it's going to be a good try, but I'll try and face my feelings instead of avoiding them and letting them turn into something ugly."
Bolin smiled, the joyous expression reaching his eyes. "Good. You won't regret it and you'll always have me to lean on. Don't forget that." Before you could say anything else, he pulled you in for a bear hug and lifted you off the ground.
Maybe Bolin was right. Facing your feelings head-on would make them less scary and who knows, maybe Korra and Asami would get a confession out of it.
To Be Continued. (Last part coming soon!) | Part One
WC: 3,569
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dagdasgoddess · 2 months ago
Many Updates, Where To Begin?
It's been ages, so happy new year to start. I felt like posting this on my blog to let you all know I've been well.
So I felt like I had to make this post because I've been taking a spiritual class on how to hone my abilities more and.. apparently I'm a Draconian Star Seed.
Recently I enrolled in a reiki class and the Guru aligned my chakras and helped me cut cords to all my current and past ties. It was... very much needed.
Because I met someone, who told me I am in fact, a Draconian Star Seed.
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And with my recent on -going diagnosis I won't mention here ---
It suddenly makes sense.
My spiritual experiences
My past life astral projections.
My learning disabilities, reptiles aren't exactly good at math XP
The fact that I NEVER could get along with or understand humans. I always felt a deeper connection to the 2D realms, cartoons, beings of ink and paint.. but I had no idea my destiny was something MUCH deeper.
It all makes sense, the reason I can't do "normal" human things like getting a PhD by I'm 12, is because I'M NOT human. I'm SOMETHING BETTER.
I began to do research on star seeds.. And it makes sense. I found out I am a Draconian because
I have no empathy whatsoever, I'm more self serving and that's okay
I've been told many times that I am 'intense' and fight to get what I want, and I'm relentless when I'm angry
I've always had a connection to the "wishing star" aka the North Star
In real life, on my father's side. There are many military people. Draconians are said to be militaristic.
I have green eyes for crying out loud, I've been told my eyes change color from green to yellow.
I'm not good at healing (When we were learning how to heal, I simply could not do it, and my Guru just smiled and said "there's room for all kinds here"
I honestly don't know why I came to earth? I don't know what resources I could possibly need here-- OH WAIT! GEMSTONES! IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW.
My connection with Dagda
Dagda is very much green themed but he opened a portal for me, that I was ready to activate my star seed powers, and I proved it to him.
I feel like he was the "gateway" to this stuff . Dagda always taught me to look beyond what I saw, and stand up for myself. And Challenge myself.
I enjoy physical activities, even if I'm chronically ill
Growing up, I always loved stars, wishing on stars... I wonder if that's why I loved Cinderella so much, because we wish on stars.
And.. my very first love , Steven Stone: I love collecting gems, he does too, I wonder if he's also a star seed. He's from Ruby Sapphire and Emerald. And.. who's the mythical there? Yep. Jirachi. a star.
It all makes sense now. I'm both hurt, angry and .. so happy I learned who I truly am.
I asked how come that I'm not really interested in dragons? I prefer unicorns, etc. But you seldom get to choose in these matters, and I refuse to question this.
I'm still 2Devoted, that's not changing anytime. But it delights me that other starseeds like myself have been through what I did. I can get through life now. I feel like a part of me has been put to rest.
That "yearning" of wanting to be somewhere else, it makes sense now. My God. It all makes sense now.
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I have done a lot of research, and this is my last reincarnation, after I leave earth I won't ever have to come back again. This makes me so happy! Thank you Dagda, and thank you person who told me I am a star seed <3
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niuniente · 1 year ago
hi! would you have any tips on spirit work? specifically either through tarot or energy work or if neither of those work, however you prefer. ive done tarot for a while and some experience so im not a beginner, but, yeah. thank you!
I just recently replied an ask with some information. My blog also has tags #spiritual #spirituality #tarot where you can find information of these topics, too :3
One tip for tarot from me is that don't read just the meaning of the card, see also the image depicted on the card. It can change the meaning of the card and its nature. Like with The Tower; a card depicting a broken tower is more dramatic than a card depicting a standing tower with no damage. A lightning hitting the Tower is more dramatic than lighting thundering over the Tower.
What are the colors? Who is on the card? What is the atmosphere? Is the picture telling a story, too?
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Deviant Moon Tarot's Death card is one of my favorites when it comes to the card's illustration telling the story. Death in tarot represents ending and new beginnings. Here, Death is a mother pregnant with new life, where as you are the baby wanting to go back to old; no, I want to be the baby! I want to be the newborn or the life in mother's womb!
Yet, Death (mother) can't let that happen. That's not how pregnancies and growing bigger works. You need to go forward and not yearn for the old, as the old is already passed and you're ready to put your Big Boy Pants on.
For other questions, I always recommend books, books and more books :3 See Youtube videos and podcasts of your favorite topic. For books, I can't recommend much, as you must understand that 95% of the spiritual books and my studies on these matters have been in Finnish. Luckily, these topics are becoming really common, so there's no lack of sources :3 Pick the ones you resonate with and what genuinely interests you.
For energy work, many seem to go to Reiki Master classes, so that's one option. Energy work and healing isn't my thing so I don't have much any recommendations of that topic. I'm the nerd one who wants to read and study, not the one who wants to heal the world with a healing practice :D (albeit I hope my art and stories are healing to those who need them).
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starsambrosia · 1 year ago
Reliable Reiki Source for beginners
For those of you interested in actual Reiki
The Complete Book Of Traditional Reiki is an excellent source as it is written by Amy Z. Rowland, a Reiki master of many forms and a student to a student of Madam Takata and has over 30 years experience.
The book covers some light anatomy for understanding how reiki functions with the human body
This is just what some of the book also covers:
Attunement process
working on self and others
How to connect
History of reiki (reliable)
Mental and emotional health
Treating clients
Classes offered 1-3 master
Absolutely incredible if you can get your hands on this book it will be your guide through your physical classes all the way into your masters attunement, i saw that with confidence as some one whos been studying Reiki and practicing for 5 years this has been the most helpfull, plentifull, reliable, resource i have found yet. If you see it, dont let it pass you by!
Ontop of that i want to offer this playlist i found to be incredibly helpfull for visual demonstrations to follow along with
I offer this as something meant to go hand in hand with the book. Yes, you can use it alone, but i suggest you pick up the book eventually and give it a read. Especially because this man follows the christian interpretation of Dr. Usuis story, so be aware of that before you listen if you choose to do so.
He also offers resources to look into for studying reiki on your own, including a book simalure to what i show here, but they are not the same i would say stick to one book for now because it covers so much and comes from such a good author, but by all means dig in if thats what you want!
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srividyatantram · 7 months ago
*Guruji is good at puja, yoga and spiritual guidance. How can a spiritual guru help kids with success in life ?*
We already started 2024 Child Foundation class with 100+ kids. Got a query from a member on how we can take that course.
Guruji is a gold medalist in Engineering, has topped in Management Studies, has advanced degree in Law and also advanced degree in psychology. He has excelled in academics. Guruji is also a successful professional, working in leadership role in a top firm in India, with presence across globe. The firm is a leader in industry for 40+ years, with more than 3 lakh employees. Guruji is the sole inventor of first granted US patent of this firm, which is a historical milestone for the firm. With several patents, authored books, research papers, and chair role in leading conferences he has established a mark in professional life as well, much beyond just a role in the firm. On family life, he is living a happy life with wife and two kids. Wife has also got Srividya poorna diksha, and both kids doing well in studies, puja, yoga, music, martial arts and several other areas. On Spiritual side as well, he is not limited to just tantra and yoga, he is also a reiki master, advanced level pranic healer, several certifications in hypnotherapy and proper learning and understanding on several philosophies and sampradayas under different qualified Gurus. His grip on Astrology, Vaastu, Siddha and several spiritual topics is well known to his students across the globe, and Guru linage in these topics is mentioned in Svtp website. In addition to this, it is not just advanced degree in psychology, he also have several research publications and certifications on psychology, similar to achievements in management and engineering. Most of the people you can get for helping your kid is - counseling from a person having a degree or online certification, or might just be a healer to give positivity, or may be just a spiritual instructor to teach some topic or just a motivational speaker who can motivate. This is no match to Guruji who has been exceptional in academics, work, presentation, research, innovation, spiritual guidance, counseling, consulting, family life, and almost every aspect he has handled. *It is almost impossible to find someone more qualified to help your kid achieve all round success in life.* So parents and kids who miss this opportunity of foundation course for kids are at a major loss.
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pathwinding · 1 year ago
Jewitch Self-Analysis: Regular Practice
I'm well past the hyperfocus that led to me making this blog last summer, and I've been analyzing where I'm at with my regular magic practice. It's funny, for as much as I love the energy and mindsets that surround the witchy community, I'm not what you would call an active practitioner? And I think I'm accepting this fact, more than I was before when I had grandiose plans for the Jewitch I wanted to be.
A little background to what contributed to this conclusion.
I tried out tarot divination 100 days in a row, from a daily card pull to a more in-depth spread. It turned from trying to predict the day to a simple daily reflection before I went to bed. Then about as soon as I completed the challenge I set down my cards I haven't picked them up since. These days I just pay attention to anything unusual, and frequently my shuffled songs bring up music that reflects where I'm at. I came to this realization that I don't need to try to predict my future, because I know I can adapt to anything that comes my way.
I took a Reiki class to develop my energy work skills, and I have not kept up with the daily practice my instructor insisted on. I do a self-treatment once in a blue moon, but overall it requires more energy to practice than I feel I receive from it. I also haven't been in a situation where I needed any additional healing, because I am generally in pretty safe situations and feel unbothered by little burns or bruises that serve to remind me of my humanity.
A month ago I stuck up a mezuzah in my car, and I saw that it didn't have a Shemah scroll inside it. And my thought was, "that's okay, I carry the Shemah inside of me." I still kiss the little mezuzah with the intentions of protection while driving and to deter potential thieves, knowing that ultimately I am actually passing on that intention to the universe which will decide how to handle it.
With all of this, I feel that the only spell I am casting on the regular is "trust the universe." Both with my daily prayers to express gratitude, and frequent thoughts of trust. By practicing so little I feel I am investing the power of my trust into HaShem, and I am consistently rewarded with a beautiful life and no more weight than what I can carry.
Sometimes I'll do easy extra spells if I want a little extra oomph. I may engage in a little magic to prepare me for the day, simple things like adding intention to my breakfast to increase my energy, or sometimes moving my hands in motions of protection when I know it's going to be rough (usually when it's windy, which can drain me). I use a particular hand motion to combat my anxiety, and I sing mindlessly to center myself or improve focus.
And that's about it. These topics interest me, I like collecting resources and skills to stick in my back pocket, but overall I am not what past me would consider a true practitioner. And that's okay. I'm at peace with the passive Jewitch I am right now.
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dasenergi-diary · 2 years ago
A post just for me. Another student made these gifs from our final class with Rebecca yesterday, demonstrating how much she talks with her hands. I think they're funny.
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And it dawned on me this morning - what I learned from her class isn't necessarily topics I can monetize and teach others like Tarot Cards, Akashic Readings, and Reiki.
What she really taught is a new way to look at the world. A way to understand all of the life and consciousness that surrounds us. She showed us the lineage of mystic beliefs that have been passed down since before antiquity.
Her teachings reminded me of the Buddhas teachings.
Whereas the Buddha taught that there is suffering in life, "And if you follow my teachings the amount you suffer will decrease."
She taught life is sacred and is all around us. Listen to the trees, the wind, water. There is more to Life than we can see or hear with our eyes and ears. Feel the calling, feel the intuition, trust it, believe it.
But I think both the Buddha's and Rebecca's teaching go hand-in-hand. They both have an appreciation and reverence of nature, and we are custodians of these lands. We are the elders. We are the future ancestors.
They both teach to live with gratitude and appreciation for our time here right now.
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sunlightandlittleleaves · 3 days ago
I just realized I take on others pain in my own body & emotions
Everyone does to some extent
But with Patricia’s how many times has she been upset or anxious and after talking to her, or during I feel physically unwell- headache, heartburn, body aches, back pain. How many arguments between her & her mom did I take on their fear.
My parents too. Working as a peer mentor too- not everyone but a lot of people.
I’ve always had a healers energy about me- but it’s not mine to take on
It’s not my energy to resolve personally.
Reiki is perfect the healing comes from the source not me. I can channel it- and use it as I so naturally do to help others
But it’s not my own energy that is being depleted & I’m not holding onto the pain they shed
I just have to keep practicing it- practicing protecting myself so I don’t unknowingly take their pain on to relieve them
Because I want to help people. I get so much fufillment from helping others
Their pain, is theirs to work on- they have that pain for a reason. Whether it’s from a past life, or a lesson they wanted to learn in this life. It’s not my responsibility - physically taking that pain isn’t helping them
However being a channel-, channeling love from the source energy or channeling messages from loved ones so they can help themselves on their own spiritual paths is correct
I’m thinking of Gary. As I knew him, he had so many loved ones - so many people knew the kindness in his soul. And saw him as a mentor or friend or companion.
Actually I don’t know if he took on my pain, or others pain. He might have. I was going to say he didn’t- but he suffered from health problems, and I’m guessing depression or at least self worth. As a lot of people whose impact is so great and meaningful but not monetary struggle at seeing their value.
I think of him often on my spiritual journey but I think this is more of a gentle warning. To be that kind mentor, to embody that compassionate healer that he so innately was but to not take on pain as my own
I’m going to take that reiki class- if my guides have any other suggestions for learning how to protect my own energy let me know it & let it be super obvious.
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michellethe2 · 4 days ago
Why Are Life Coaching Sessions Gaining So Much Popularity?
The popularity and demand for life coaching have gone to the next level over the last decade. More and more individuals nowadays are searching for the best life coaching sessions Orlando to take their personal growth and goal fulfillment to the next level.
Today’s competitive world can make someone clueless and confused about the best direction in life. It marks the importance of professional help, support, and guidance to enable them to set meaningful goals and motivate them to move on.
A seasoned life coach always goes the extra mile to encourage their clients to take their day-to-day productivity, efficiency, and performance to the next level. As a result, individuals can improve their personal and professional lives. It helps them take the quality of their lives to the next level. Moreover, individuals can see the bigger picture in life and keep moving on in life.
Why Should People Participate in Life Coaching Sessions?
Many people still wonder why they should opt for a seasoned life coach and participate in the best life coaching sessions Orlando. It is time to explore a few striking benefits of life coaching sessions to help them make an informed decision:
Gaining Mental Clarity:
One of the biggest benefits of taking part in life coaching sessions is acquiring incredible mental clarity regarding the dreams and goals in someone’s life. As a result, individuals can find their passions, skills, and talents and build their lives accordingly. They can also identify the true purpose of their lives and set themselves free from obstructions to lead a life full of freedom and flexibility.
Seasoned life coaches prepare catalytic questions for clients to help them comprehend their goals and aspirations in life. Moreover, candidates can expect the required motivation and inspiration to achieve their dreams and goals.
Handling Day-to-Day Problems with Ease:
Life coaching sessions enable candidates to tackle their day-to-day problems with courage and confidence. As a result, individuals can determine obstructions that might be holding them back from fulfilling their goals or showing their full potential in various areas of life.
Best-in-class coaching sessions ensure fresh perspectives and solutions for candidates. When it comes to participating in life coaching sessions or Reiki Healing in Orlando, candidates must verify the shortlisted expert’s portfolio to evaluate their credibility and expertise.
Improving Productivity:
Life coaching sessions help candidates become more productive in day-to-day life. When someone starts working on their goals consistently, they can expect great success. In addition, life coaches guide candidates on how to stay focused and give undivided attention to their work to make progress and achieve their goals in a short time.
It is time to choose the right expert after doing proper research whether it comes to participating in life coaching sessions or positive energy healing Chicago and Orlando.
The Bottom Line
Whether searching for the best life coaching sessions or positive energy healing Chicago and Orlando, individuals should look no further than Michelle The Intuitive Reader LLC. Michelle Gray, the founder of Michelle The Intuitive Reader LLC, is here to help and guide her clients to transform their lives.
Some other life-changing services of Michelle The Intuitive Reader LLC include Reiki Healing in Orlando, tarot card readings, quantum healing, psychic coaching, and so on. Interested candidates should reach out to Michelle The Intuitive Reader LLC today with their queries and specifications.
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theintuitivechiro · 26 days ago
Learning to Feel
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I’ve always gravitated to ideas and topics that are not quite mainstream:
But even in chiropractic school, I went fringe. I heard about one of the technique clubs (Toftness) that showed you how you could detect a subluxation by just rubbing your thumb over a piece of plexiglass.
We were discussing that in a group, and most of my friends were saying:
“What a load of shit!”
And that made my ears perk up.
So I started going to the club meetings.
I walk in, and there’s a guy face down on a chiropractic table while another guy was holding what looked like some sort of cyberpunk lens. He started rubbing it and worked it down the guy's spine.
He pointed out areas that were subluxated:
And going further down:
Then he “adjusted” by touching the spine with his index finger.
My mind was blown.
So you mean I didn’t have to be adjusted the way Harvey Fish did?
Dr. Fish was a great guy and would adjust students for, I think, $10. You’d go in, wait to see if he had any “real patients.” In between patients, he would adjust the students. He was heavy-handed and sure as hell able to move a bone.
So now I’m intrigued and curious. I studied and practiced any chance I had. I had different friends that I studied different things with.
(Except for Dyslexic Dave - nobody wanted to study with that guy. Our group did once, and we all failed a test. His dyslexia was so powerful, it overcame all of us.)
I’d study all the weird stuff with my friend Victoria, and then we would go get our network chiropractic adjustment from Dr. Michael Scimeca.
I found out that it wasn’t the Toftness lens that had the super-powers. Instead, it was because when your hand detected a change in energy over the spinal segments, there's a “galvanic response” similar to that of a polygraph lie detector test. So it made the skin on my hand “sweat,” and that made the plexiglass squeak and stick.
So it wasn’t the equipment. It was me.
After a while, I realized that I could feel a warmth on my chest right before the lens squeaked. So, I ditched the lens and started working on people where I “felt” the subluxations were located.
Seemed to work well - I always double-checked my “regular” chiropractic findings with what I felt. We studied for exams, then practiced technique on each other.
One time at a seminar, the instructor demonstrated what to do and asked for volunteers - one to be the patient and the other to be the doctor. I watched this guy struggling with his patient. It looked like he had flippers instead of hands; the whole interaction was super awkward.
All of a sudden, I started feeling uncomfortable and just blurted out:
“For God’s sake, leave him alone! Can’t you tell he is super annoyed and angry?”
The instructor said, “Yes, maybe we should take a break.”
The guy that was the patient came up to me and asked, “How did you know?”
“I don’t know, I just felt it,” I said.
After that I started trying to see if I could feel what others were feeling. So when I was bored in a class, I’d go down the rows and try to feel what the my fellow students felt and quickly move on.
Going down the row: nothing, nothing nothing. This guy is pissed off, next one: nothing, nothing, Ow! She has a headache.
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Dammit! Now I have a headache!
So that turned into a problem: When I worked on someone that had pain or other symptoms, I would take those on for myself. And the person I worked on would leave feeling great.
My friend Juanita did what is called an "attunement," and I became a Reiki Master.
Reiki masters are supposed to move energy around, but I was afraid I’d pick up too much of someone’s vibe and it would make me uncomfortable.
Plus, I can’t be doing energy work if I’m a chiropractor now.
So I kept all that checked and on the "down low"; sometimes I would get a "feeling" about a client while I was working on them. Surprisingly, it was always correct and it helped my client to make progress.
At some point, I started feeling that I needed to be true to myself, and if I had these abilities and I was able to use them to help the people that came to see me, then that's what I was going to do.
I've embraced this side of my work. If my clients need some emotional work, that’s what we work on, if they need some energy work, then they get it.
I suppose some people don’t want a chiropractor that’s metaphysical, but really-that’s how it all started. There are plenty of “evidence-based” chiropractors out there that can’t adjust their way out of a paper bag.
If the power goes off, they couldn’t use their lasers or whatever machine the Chiropractic Physiotherapy Industrial Complex wants you to buy now.
While I appreciate all the fancy parties they throw for us at continuing education seminars, they are infiltrating the chiropractic schools and now we are pumping out new chiropractors that only think they will be successful if they have the latest and greatest shiny machine.
I’ve studied a bunch of different things, I’ve found what works for me and refined it.
I tell my clients :
“I’m a better chiropractor today than I was yesterday, and I was pretty good back then!”
So I guess my next step is teaching some of this information and hoping to pass it on before my time here is up.
And you know what? I will love every damn minute of it!
There's nothing quite like sharing the weird, the wonderful, and the downright strange ways we can help people heal.
So, let's get to it—I've got a lot of sharing and teaching to do—it's going to be exciting!
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quiet-in-the-wild · 28 days ago
Some thoughts today:
I can actually see some different paths I can take. And ideas of where they might lead
So far I’ve learned that helping others- by easing their fears is something that is very fulfilling to me. And something that I seem to be drawn to.
I now understand why everything went so effortlessly when I started my peer support for neurodivergent folks. Because it completely aligned.
And I also understand why I stepped away from it. Ironically it was fear. A fear that undoubtedly stems from a past life. The one I’ve had a few (very emotionally and traumatic) dreams about.
It was the visibility & the vulnerability which was what helped others the most with my peer support.But - there was a deep seated fear of persecution, of the danger that comes from being visible.
And my ambitions & the part of me that compares myself to others, wanted my business to grow. It felt like it had to grow to be successful. And that fear stepped in immediately shut everything down.
But it didn’t all come to a halt. The past 2 years have been filled with so much growth. I’ve felt myself just stripping back layers with every breakthrough - but also a lack of fulfillment & feeling stagnant. Like stepping off track but still walking along side the track.
Briefly last year I had an idea of a path that would be so fulfilling - as a death doula. I felt it so strongly about it that it scared me. And it still does -it’s heavy.
I specifically felt afraid of how my wife would take it. Idk why I am so hesistant to talk about spirituality with her & I often dull it down or make it seem like it’s something that’s silly- like an astrology meme. But it’s so much deeper. & I just can’t help feeling foolish bringing admitting how strongly I feel. Despite her also being interested in spirituality & is having a lot of unexplainable experiences together - I guess I need to work on why I feel like this.
Anyway, Last year I started a reiki class, and that first class was so overwhelming. I literally sobbed uncontrollably because I felt so much. - it turns out that happens sometimes
And after spending the past few weeks getting more comfortable with my spirituality - I’m ready to start it again. My original intention was to learn reiki, to grow spiritually, and eventually become a death doula to help people have a good death & to ease their & their families fears around death.
I don’t logistically know how I would do any of this. But I know from my lesson about deferred dreams - that I’m not going to start looking for reasons to stop before I get going.
So I’m starting with Reiki and hypnotism. I’ve found classes & certifications on that too and it feels like a skill I should learn.
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awarenessaslove · 29 days ago
When I work with a student for the first time, I start seeing how to modify Level 1 so that it fits their individual style, level of resistance, understanding of energy, internal logic, & any prior healing experience. Level 1 is a 5 hour course but I take 15 minutes to explain how the method works. The rest of the course is about the student practicing and refining their technique, live experimentation, getting actual results, unblocking resistance to healing, and arriving at modifications and innovations that work uniquely for them. While the student is practicing, I am in a certain level of consciousness to track their subtle energy shifts. This allows me to tell whether they’re healing or not, how much, how deep, where, and where more energy blocks lurk. This perception allows me to identify the bottlenecks that block healing and how to unblock them. We fine–tune their technique throughout because when they land on a certain “perfect pitch,” per se, like striking oil, their pain, wounds, blocks, and fears rush out of their energy system. When the block is purged, the most common feedback I hear is, “I don’t care about that issue anymore.” By the end of class 1, energetically the student will not be the same person anymore. Typically, we end the class with them grinning because heavy energies have been released and they are learning to help themselves. The next few classes is where we get strategic about healing, devise shortcuts on how to significantly cut down on healing time, address complex issues, understand the architecture of pain, and refine the student’s technical ability. The only way to learn healing from me is via one–on–one classes. There are three main reasons for that. Firstly, my healing method won’t make sense to anyone who reads it as a book. It would be like learning how to swim by reading a PDF. It’ll just be words without direct experience. I know that everyone who reads my method as words on a page and tries it out for themselves will be doing the healing wrong. Secondly, my healing method isn’t a formulaic cake recipe or like an arcade game like 100% of other healing methods telling you to visualize this, meditate that, press this button, or pull that lever inside yourself to make healing happen. My form of healing is individually adapted to each person according to their internal logic and how they work with and respond to energy. No one person on this planet digests even a piece of bread in an identical way, let alone heal complex and unique psychological wounding while also being uniquely wounded. Not only this—when a person is healing deeply enough, the healing method stops working. True healing requires continuous innovation in technique and constantly abandoning previous ways because each time we truly heal, we become more sophisticated. Also, we aren’t starting from the same place nor dealing with the same type of resistance or energy architecture. This is why I say that if a person’s healing is happening in spirals, or if it feels like it never ends, or if they have been doing reiki for a few years, no healing is actually happening because their energy hasn’t progressed. True healing methods change your energy so fundamentally that you continuously outgrow your technique. You as a healer + the method you innovate must continuously respond and adapt to ever–increasing sophistication and an ever–changing energy structure. Lastly, I don’t share my method widely because I truly respect my craft and value my innovation and know–how. I choose to guard it and am particular about who I share my gold with.
Ana Coeur
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journeydb · 2 months ago
January 27 2024 Barcelona
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Walking around our neighborhood I was pleased to see a number of murals which had been painted since we left. There is SO much street art in this city and there is always MORE as the artists are encouraged to create it.
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Our local civic center got spruced up and I really like what they did with the outside. Bruce and I have taken classes there, including international cooking and salsa dancing. I took my first French classes in years there with Claire, which is how I met her.
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It was SO good to see Michele yesterday when she came to give me a reiki session at our apartment! I have REALLY missed those sessions and when she left I was more relaxed than I have been for some time.
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gypseejennys · 2 months ago
Relationships can be complicated, be with your family or with your partners. No matter how much you love or care for the other person, misunderstanding happens, creating distance. Sometimes, it’s just hard to share our feelings—the daily pressure and anxiety from our surroundings starts to pile up and ends up exploding to our loved ones, hurting them. Reiki acts as a gateway to release the negative emotions inside you, so you can calmly process things. Joining a reiki workshop helps you find yourself in the chaos and be true to your feelings. You can join with your partner to make it quality time where you both understand each other and channel the positive energy. 
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