#Houston wedding photographer
rambleonwaywardson · 24 days
Clegan Astronaut AU - Part 5
AU Summary: the boys as modern day NASA astronauts. Taking place in 2025, Bucky is about to head to the moon as mission commander of Artemis III while Buck is CAPCOM at NASA. Established relationship (obnoxiously in love).
Author's Note: We interrupt your regularly scheduled mission programming to bring you... a gay astronaut wedding? Please enjoy this wedding sequence that got away from me a little bit. Because they deserve all the happiness before Bucky flings himself off the planet.
October 11, 2025 Houston, TX
Gale has known that he would marry John Egan for years. He won’t be dramatic and say he knew it from the first day that that lanky, brown-haired boy came tumbling into their assigned college dorm freshman year, but… it was close. It was a sure thing well before their engagement, and not a day has gone by since then without one of them calling each other “fiancé” or “groom” or “bride” (Gale had eventually accepted that Bucky would never stop calling him that). Meeting John was a one-way ticket to the rest of their life. But Gale wasn’t prepared for how real it would feel today.
The venue they chose is perfect for something extravagant. Something worthy of hosting NASA’s best and the many other friends and families on the guest list, nearing 300 people total. Thousands and thousands of dollars went into this whole crazy day– one of Houston’s finest wedding locations decorated to the nines, enough food to feed hundreds of people, not to mention a huge wedding cake, a wedding planner and photographers and DJs and musicians, flowers and wedding favors and tuxedos that cost a fortune. 
But somehow, sitting in the venue’s designated bridal suite, it doesn’t feel extravagant at all. Warm, gentle light passes through the windows, illuminating the quaint little room and splashing off Gale’s face and perfectly coiffed blonde hair as he looks at himself in the mirror. Other than the photographer taking photos as he gets ready, it’s just him and his attendants: Marge as his maid of honor; Benny; Helen; Croz; and Crank, an old Air Force buddy. And, of course, Meatball. They’ve been hanging out in here ahead of the ceremony, drinking wine (white to ensure nothing stains Gale’s white tux), listening to good music, telling stories, and having a good time. 
Gale smiles at himself in the mirror and runs a hand anxiously through his hair. Marge, standing beside him, smacks it away. “Stop that!” she scolds. “You’ll ruin it.” His hand falls back to his side, his fingers twitching almost imperceptibly, just itching to do something with all of the nervous energy building up in his body. Marge grabs his hand to still it as she makes eye contact with him in the mirror and grins. “You’re getting married today, babe.”
“You know, there was a time everyone thought it would be us,” Gale chuckles as she moves in front of him to straighten his tie. 
She glances up at him, huffing in amusement. “Yeah, that was before everyone knew you’re gay as fuck for John Egan.” They both burst out laughing and she gives him a tight one-armed hug. The photographer takes a picture.
John can no longer really remember not wanting to marry Gale Cleven. He’s fantasized about those pretty blue eyes since the very first time he saw him smile, and he’s made it his mission to make Gale smile every day since.
That doesn’t mean he’s not freaking the fuck out, though.
In a suite on the other side of the building from Gale’s, Bucky’s groomsmen are living it up to try to keep his nerves down. Curt, as best man, has taken it upon himself to keep the mood light, the music going, and allow all the other men just enough beer to liven the room but stay appropriately functional for the rest of the day. Brady and Murph – two of Gale and Bucky’s friends from AFROTC – laugh loudly at some joke Alex told while Rosie scratches Pepper behind the ears. He sets down his drink and steps over to Bucky, who is staring at himself in the mirror.
Rosie gently pushes Bucky’s shaking hands away from his tie and helps him tie it properly. He offers a comforting smile. “Can’t have you looking sloppy on your big day.”
Bucky laughs warily. “Shoulda made you my best man.”
Rosie looks over at Curt who, in his defense, is looking diligently through the “Best Man Duties” checklist Marge had made for him, but, not in his defense, is doing it while dancing on a table. “Nah,” Rosie says. “He gets shit done in his own way, and I know you’d trust him with your life.”
“With my life, but maybe not my marriage.” 
Gale shrugs his shoulders and shakes out his wrists, taking a deep breath. Benny hands him a small black gift box, and Gale opens it, already knowing what’s inside. Delicately, he pulls out one of the cufflinks. Custom-made in silver, a beautiful likeness of the moon with a space capsule crossing in front of it. Today’s date is engraved in small lettering across the top. They were a gift from Harding, and he knows Bucky is pulling out matching ones right about now. He thanks Benny and puts them on.
“What’s better?” Crank asks as he watches from the ornate couch in the middle of the room. “Goin’ to the moon or marryin’ Bucky?”
Gale grins. He doesn’t say a word.
Bucky drops one of the cufflinks as he tries to get it on, and Brady snatches it before it tumbles under the couch. He hands it to Rosie, who takes it upon himself to put those on for Bucky, too.
“Are there gonna be reporters?” Bucky asks.
Rosie glances up at him as he secures the second cufflink. “Is that what’s got you so shaky?”
If we’re lucky-
No. Not today.
Bucky just blinks, clenches and unclenches his jaw. “No, but it doesn’t help.”
Curt hops off the table and shoves his crumpled checklist into his pocket. “There will be,” he says carefully, then rushes to continue, putting his hands up to placate the groom. “But just a couple, hand-selected by Marge.” Bucky takes a deep breath and tries not to let his nerves show. He fails. He’s been failing at that all day. Curt places one hand on each of Bucky’s shoulders. “They’re under strict instructions not to talk to you or Gale uninvited ‘cept when they get some pictures. And they ain’t allowed to talk to any of the guests on the record. Marge had ‘em sign a bunch of shit.”
Bucky nods and looks Curt in the eye. “Thanks.”
Curt shakes him gently. “Any problems an’ I’ll take care of it. You don’t worry ‘bout a thing.”
In Gale’s suite, Croz and Helen raise a toast to the groom – or, bride, if Bucky has his way – the best spaceflight partner, CAPCOM, coworker, and friend they could ask for. Everyone, even Gale, clinks their wine glasses together before taking one final sip.
Gale kneels down to press his face against the top of Meatball’s soft head. Meatball licks him on the lips, making him laugh. “Great, now I’ll have dog breath for my wedding.” Croz tosses him a mint.
As Bucky tries to tame an errant curl insistently falling over his forehead, he hears a shout behind him and spins around in alarm. Alex is lunging after Pepper as she hops clear over the couch, a small black box in her mouth, and runs to the other side of the room just as a photographer walks through the door. She slips right past his legs and out into the hallway beyond, Alex in hot pursuit.
“What the fuck?” Bucky exclaims.
Curt is standing stock still in the middle of the room. “She has the rings,” he says.
“What the fuck!”
When he hears shouting and what sounds like a stampede in the hallway, Gale looks up from the surprisingly sweet little note that Bucky had written for him to read while they get ready. “What the fuck?”
“Wait here.” Marge puts a finger up and slips out the door, opening it as little as possible in an attempt to keep Gale’s sanity intact. She’s glad she did. The entire groom’s party is wildly chasing Pepper down the hall. She reaches out and snatches Curt roughly by the arm. “Talk,” she demands.
He pants as he leans over to catch his breath, pointing after the fiasco ahead of them. “Pepper has the rings.”
Marge nearly slaps him.
The photographer gets an action shot of Brady tackling Pepper, with Bucky’s other 3 groomsmen and best man running up behind in a panic. It’ll end up being one of their favorite pictures from today… after Marge finishes being royally pissed off.
Back in the groom’s suite, the four groomsmen stand in a line in parade rest, chins held high. Pepper sits obediently at the end of the line, wearing a navy blue bowtie to match the others, and Bucky swears she looks like she knows exactly what she did, and she’s proud of it. The ring box is now securely in Curt’s pocket.
Curt walks down the line, carefully inspecting each of the men to ensure not even a hair is out of place and demanding they correct any imperfections. Four perfectly pressed and donned gray suits with navy blue bow ties and boutonnieres to offset Bucky’s deep navy tux. Curt nods in satisfaction and turns to look at Bucky, gives him a once-over as well. “Ready?”
Gale’s attendants stand in a loose circle as Marge checks each of the men’s suits – which match Bucky’s groomsmen – and Helen’s navy blue dress, which matches her own. She adjusts Meatball’s matching bowtie and turns to Gale, who is fussing with the boutonniere on his lapel. His fingers are twitching again, the only sign that he’s nervous, even though she knows he’s just not showing the full extent of it. She pushes his hand away and fixes the boutonniere for him. Then she looks him in the eye and smiles as she squeezes his shoulder. “Ready?”
Gale and John want to remember every single second of this day, but they won’t. It’ll go by in a love-hazed, celebration-filled blur with only snapshots and key moments to fill in the gaps. That’s okay, though. Maybe even a good thing. Perfect days aren’t meant to be wholly remembered. They’re meant to be felt. They’re meant to be looked back on with a dazed sense of sentimentality, of love, of I don’t remember all of it, but I remember it was the best day of my life. That feeling is what will get Gale Cleven and John Egan through the next couple of months. 
Here’s what they will recall:
The grand hall is even more massive than they remember, with vast marble floors filled with nearly three hundred seats and towering columns that stretch up past the mezzanine to possibly the highest ceiling they’ve ever seen. It’s elaborately decorated from top to bottom and end to end with navy, silver, and white decor including elegant and elaborate flower arrangements. Twinkling lights are strung from one side of the mezzanine to the other, crossing back and forth across the entire grand hall, and shimmering star-like decorations hang down from the mezzanine and upper ceiling. It’s a classy but subtly space-themed wonderland. 
Before walking down the aisle, they meet each other outside the entrance to the grand hall. Bucky can do absolutely nothing but stare in wide-eyed wonder with his mouth hanging open the first time he sees Gale. The photographer snaps a picture. 
Gale is in a perfectly tailored, bright white three piece suit with silver buttons, a navy tie, and a navy and white boutonniere. With the way the light streams in from the huge windows above, illuminating him from all directions, he looks like an angel. Bucky’s perfect, beautiful angel. 
Gale grins at him, already fighting to keep his eyes dry. “What? Something in my teeth?”
“You-“ Bucky stammers. “You. You’re… oh my god.” That’s it. That’s all he can manage. 
Gale steps forward and kisses him on the cheek before really taking in the sight of his groom. Bucky contrasts him beautifully in a deep navy blue suit, so dark it’s almost black, a gray waistcoat, light blue tie, and a white boutonniere. Their cufflinks, as expected, are exact matches, signifying not only their marriage but their legacy to this world. Everything that makes them whole in one little piece of metal. 
Gale reaches out and brushes his hand over the curl Bucky had spent so long trying to tame, making it fall over his forehead again. 
“Hey!” Bucky cries.
Gale just smiles. “You look more you this way.” 
They’ll remember Marge walking them down the aisle together. She’s in between the two, wearing a lovely navy blue bridesmaid dress and carrying a small baby-blue and white bouquet that matches the one Helen will be holding. Gale didn’t want to carry one – that was the line he drew – but they wanted the girls to have something to hold. 
A string quartet plays What A Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong, and Bucky walks on Marge’s right, Gale on her left, each holding tight to one arm as hundreds of people stand and watch them approach the altar. While planning the wedding, Gale had felt a bit nervous about who would walk them down the aisle; neither of them had doting parents left to do it. But this, he thinks, was the right choice. One of the most important people in both of their lives, the person who binds them together and keeps them sane. 
This, Marge thinks, is one of her proudest moments as a friend. The photographer snaps a picture. 
During the ceremony, Bucky is so besotted with Gale that, when it comes time for him to say his vows, Curt has to shove him gently to get his attention. Bucky can’t help but laugh, and everyone laughs with him. He shakes his head, bites his lip, holds tight to Gale’s perfect hands. He’s never been the best with words and he just so badly wants to get this right. “Gale,” he says. And he has to pause, because he’s worried for a second that his voice won’t let him do it. 
“Gale, I knew you were someone special from the first time I ever saw you smile. I knew that I had to hold onto you, and God knows I held on with everything I had. You know, teenagers always think they know what love is but, uh, wow, I was not prepared for you.” He releases one of Gale’s hands to wipe at his face with a shaky laugh before entwining their fingers once again.
“We’ve been through so much together. And I don’t know where I’d be, who I’d be, without you. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, that will ever happen to me, and I’m going to the goddamn moon next month so that’s saying a lot, because that doesn’t even come close to how in awe I am of getting to spend the rest of my life with you. You’re the most amazing human being I’ve ever known, and sometimes I still can’t believe how lucky I am. How lucky I am to be standing here, looking at you, with you looking at me like that.” 
Bucky shakes his head like he can’t even fathom what he did to deserve someone so perfect. Gale squeezes his hands tight, and Bucky tries to finish before he can't get the words out anymore. He wasn’t at all prepared for how emotional he’d feel today. “I am so proud of you and of us and of everything we’ve ever done and will do. I love you more than anything in this entire wild universe. I love you to the moon, to the stars… Gale, I love you more than any words could ever say, and I promise I will keep loving you, keep doing my best by you, for the rest of our lives.”
When Gale starts reciting his vows – “John Egan, I loved you the moment you barreled into my life, and I have loved you every moment since” – Bucky is suddenly glad he heard them last night, because his heart is pounding so loud and all he can do is think I love you I love you I love you.
He blinks away the tears that are threatening to spill and tunes back in as Gale comes to the part he didn’t hear before. “I love this life with you, John. Nothing makes me happier than waking up every day to you, going to sleep every night at your side. Nothing makes me prouder than watching you chase your dreams. And not a day goes by that I don’t think about how lucky I am. Because of all the possible places, all the possible times we each could have existed, the universe allowed us to walk this Earth together. Words can’t describe how thankful I am that you’re in my life. And I promise I will hold onto you with all I’ve got, I will love you with my entire being, until the end of time.”
When Curt gives them the rings, Bucky’s hand is shaking so bad he’s worried he’ll fuck it up. But Gale is there, steady despite the fact that his heart is racing and Bucky can feel it in the pulse in his wrist. And when they both say “I do,” they mean it more than anything they’ve ever said in their entire lives. 
When they kiss, it’s sweet and it’s passionate and they hold each other like the rest of the world has fallen away. The photographer snaps a picture. 
A room full of people is clapping and cheering. Benny and Brady whoop and holler and the dogs start barking in excitement. Then Pepper breaks free of Alex’s hold and nearly knocks down the happy couple. Meatball quickly joins her, celebrating right along with Buck and Bucky at the altar as they laugh and try to stay upright, try to keep two massive huskies from ruining their suits. The photographer snaps a picture.  
During the cocktail hour, the newlyweds and the wedding party run through staged photo after staged photo with every possible combination of wedding attendants and every possible picturesque background and positioning for John and Gale. Later they’ll think that no matter how much they paid their wedding photographer, it won’t have been enough to compensate for how elegantly he captured every possible moment. 
True to Curt’s word, there are two reporters with two different news outlets. At Marge’s direction, they were barred from photographing the ceremony, but have been granted the opportunity to take a few photos of their own during this time as well as throughout the reception. Bucky’s heart is beating too fast, trying to outrun the negative thoughts beginning to swirl around his brain. But the reporters smile kindly, congratulate them, and ask what type of photos they would be comfortable with them taking. 
They don’t say another word, other than offering some posing directions, until Gale says “do you need anything else from us?”
One of them, a lovely young woman, replies “only if you’re comfortable sharing a few words or answering some questions. I’m sure people would love to hear what you both are thinking on your big day!” Bucky wonders what lengths Marge had to go to to keep them so courteous. Curt is standing by, more like a bodyguard than a best man, ready to intervene. 
But Gale nods and strikes up a conversation with both reporters. Bucky’s ears are ringing, his hand holding too tightly to Gale’s. When Gale glances at him, a silent question – is this okay? – Bucky just gives a slight nod. It has to be. But he’ll never remember a word of what was said. 
He lets Gale do all the talking except for when the other reporter, an older man, asks Bucky what he loves the most about Gale. Bucky’s breath catches in his throat as he looks right at the guy like the answer is obvious. “Everything.”
The magazine and news articles that are printed about their wedding will be kind, written with cognizance, grace, and an appreciation for everything it stood for. The photographs will be flattering and genuine. They won’t mention that Bucky so clearly did not want to talk to them. All they’ll say is that John Egan was so mesmerized by his husband that everything else was secondary. They won’t be wrong. 
Bucky knows he owes Marge his fucking life at this point. 
When he starts to get fidgety, fiddling nervously with Gale’s fingers in his own, Gale looks over at him, kisses his cheek, thanks the reporters, and tells them to enjoy the reception. 
Then he takes Bucky by the hand and they slip away to a quiet corner before they have to go back into the grand hall. Gale holds him tight until his heartbeat starts to slow again. 
By the time the cocktail hour comes to an end, the amazing staff have transformed the grand hall into something somehow even more impressive, with neatly arranged tables and flowers and balloons and lighting in soft white and blue hues. The wedding cake, four tiers of navy blue with silver dusting and white flowers cascading down one side, sits on display at one end of the room, opposite the dance floor. The topper is a black silhouette of two men standing on a crescent moon. 
Gale and John re-enter, hand in hand, as the DJ announces their first appearance as newlyweds. When they take their place on the dance floor, all eyes are on them as Can’t Help Falling in Love plays over the speakers. 
Even with some spins thrown in, they manage not to trip. But for the most part they just hold each other, breathe each other in, know that they never have to let go. Gale thinks that he has never been more in love. Bucky thinks that this couldn’t be more perfect. They don’t even notice when the photographer snaps a picture. 
By the time toasts come around, Gale and Bucky haven’t stopped laughing and smiling since the reception began. There’s hardly been a moment where they aren’t touching, whether it’s a knee or a hand or an arm or a kiss. They sit together at the table of honor as Curt, in Curt fashion, climbs up onto his chair and taps his wine glass with a fork. “The maid of honor would like to say a few words,” he declares, before stepping down and helping Marge up. Gale worries about her up there in her heels, but then he realizes, it’s Marge. She’s fine. 
“I can clearly remember the night Gale first met John,” she begins, as she turns to look at them warmly. “It was when they first moved into their college dorm freshman year. Yes, everyone, that’s how long these two idiots have been in love. Because that night, Gale snuck into the stairwell and called me. The first thing he says is, ‘Marge, I don’t know if I can do it. This kid is the most chaotic, most talkative, most energetic guy I’ve ever met.’ So I tell him he just met the guy, give him a chance, and he goes on to list every single thing that’s wrong with John Egan.” The crowd laughs, and Gale blushes as he sips his drink, Bucky acting hurt even though he knows this story. 
They go quiet at Marge’s next words, though, laughter turning to awe. She smiles at the two of them. “And then he says ‘and my god, Marge, he’s beautiful.’” 
Gale just about turns bright red. Bucky kisses him lovingly on the temple as Marge goes on. “And, well, that was that. Neither one of them ever looked back. I have had the privilege of watching these two grow up together in the many years since. From the first time I saw them together, there was no question they were in love. I think I knew it before they did, but today was always where they were heading. No matter what the world threw at them, there was never anything that could keep them apart for long. There was never anything one could do that the other wouldn’t eventually forgive. There was never anything that could break them. ‘Buck and Bucky,’ we all say. ‘It’s just how the world is meant to be.’ We can’t imagine a life where these two aren’t attached at the hip, and I’ve known this to be true since they were just boys. So, to my boys.” She raises her glass in toast. “You‘ve built something incredible between you. The rest of us could only hope to be so lucky. I love you both, and I know you’ll have a beautiful life together.”
Curt helps Marge down and climbs back on the chair himself as everyone claps and takes a drink. “Man, I just spoke at this man’s birthday and now I gotta do it here, too.” Everyone laughs. “Alright Bucky, I’m gonna call ya John cause this feels like a sentimental sorta moment. So, I first met John – fuck, no, never mind. Can’t do that. Ain’t right… I first met Bucky when we both went into the service after finishing AFROTC at our respective schools. From day one, he wouldn’t shut up about this guy, Buck, from college. I thought he was crazy. Didn’t learn for weeks that Buck was actually Gale Cleven and was, in fact, not Bucky just talkin’ ‘bout himself in some weird third person. But he’d talk your ear off about Buck Cleven any chance he got. Buck this, Buck that, Buck’s at another base, can’t wait for you to meet Buck, you’re gonna love Buck, I miss Buck.” It’s John’s turn to blush. 
“And then it was even longer before I learned that Buck wasn’t just some guy he knew, some best friend he admired. No, Gale was basically Bucky’s reason for stayin’ alive, keepin’ some sense of self-preservation through all the crazy shit we did in the Air Force. He was the love of his life, the person he had to get home to. Two airmen, sometimes together and sometimes apart, but always holdin’ each other up somehow. It would’ve been sweet except for Bucky never shuttin’ up about it. It was insufferable, and I’ve been dealin’ with it for ten fuckin’ years.” He glances at Gale. “Gale, honestly man, you could do better.” Gale grins and rolls his eyes.
“Nah, but really,” Curt continues. “I didn’t know it back then, but these two would become my best friends, and they amaze me all the time, as individuals and as a couple. I only had to meet Gale once. See them together once. And I understood.” He smiles fondly at his friends, and it may be the most genuine Curt’s ever been in public his entire life. “All you gotta do is watch these two for a moment, and anyone can tell that the way they look at each other is somethin’ beautiful.” He raises his glass. “Here’s to you two fuckin’ love struck dorks.”
The rest of the night flies by in a blur. Music and dancing and singing and talking with friends and thanking people for coming. Bucky sings along obnoxiously to Blue Skies and Gale can’t hide his embarrassment. Someone jokingly asks if he already regrets his choices but he just laughs and shakes his head, says “not even for a second.”
Gale slow dances with Meatball. Then with Pepper, too "so she doesn't feel left out." Then, for the hundredth time, with Bucky, cause he literally cannot stand Gale being apart from him for that long.
When they cut the cake, Bucky’s hand just about engulfing Gale’s around the handle of the knife, it’s messy and imperfect and they can’t stop giggling like little kids. Bucky takes a handful of cake and smashes it into Gale’s mouth, smearing blue icing all over his lips and nose. Gale kisses Bucky through it and it’s sticky and sweet and the best cake they’ve ever tasted. 
At some point, Bucky locates and steals the bouquet that Marge walked them down the aisle with. He grabs Gale’s hand, pulling him away from a group of friends to drag him up the stairs to the mezzanine. He shoves the flowers against Gale’s chest. “Gotta toss the bouquet!” He insists. 
Gale rolls his eyes. “Bucky…”
“No excuses! It’s tradition.”
Gale motions between the two of them. “This isn’t exactly traditional.”
But then someone is announcing to the whole room that the wedding toss is happening and Bucky spins Gale right around so his back is to the rail. He kisses him gently behind his ear and says “you’re the most beautiful bride in the whole world.” 
Gale groans in exasperation, but he’s smiling anyways. “You better believe it,” he mutters. Then he covers his eyes with his free hand as people gather below, and he tosses the flowers over his shoulder.  
It’ll go down as possibly the best party in NASA Houston history. But what the couple will remember most clearly, most fondly, is what happens after, when it’s just the two of them alone in the quiet night. They’ll remember these simple moments, woven together with love and desire and care. Body and breath and soul. The way it all feels so different from just days before and yet not different at all. 
The ineffable connection between them. That’s what Gale will cling onto, dream about no matter how much it might hurt, on those days when he’s alone on this planet just hoping against hope for his husband to come home. 
They stumble up their front walk, not because they’re drunk but because they’re delirious, exhausted and giddy and in love to the point that they’re out of breath and out of words and nothing else matters other than being in each other’s arms. Gale opens the door, but Bucky grabs him by the hand. “Aren’t I supposed to carry you through or somethin’?”
Gale tilts his head and raises an eyebrow. “You realize you did actually marry a man, right?”
“Course I do.” Bucky smirks and puts his hands on Gale’s narrow hips. Everyone always thinks Gale is tall, built, broad. Until Bucky comes, slips an arm around his slim waist or grabs him by the shoulders or just generally exists beside him. Then all of a sudden, Gale looks small. The way Bucky towers over him makes his heart go wild. His eyes flutter closed as Bucky presses him against the door frame and puts his mouth next to his ear, nips at it gently. He whispers, “But you’re still my bride.”
Before Bucky can do whatever he’s about to do, Gale grabs his hand and tugs him roughly through the door and Bucky is not complaining. 
Somehow, they end up in the kitchen. Bucky opens the fridge and grabs the bottle of champagne they bought for tonight, expertly pops the cork with a delighted grin. They both take a sip. Then, bottle in his left hand, Bucky presses his right hand to Gale’s chest and pushes him back against the kitchen counter. Gale lifts himself up so he’s sitting on the granite countertop. They haven’t done a thing and his hair is already a mess, and he’s looking at Bucky like that with his lips parted and his eyes bright and the corner of his mouth ticking up in just the hint of a smile that says, like a challenge, now what?
Bucky steps between his legs, rests a hand on Gale’s hip, and looks him up and down, at that lovely white suit and the way it snatches his waist and accentuates his shoulders. “You look fucking amazing in this. But I need it off of you asap.” He starts working at Gale’s tie until it’s completely undone, hanging limply around his neck. 
Gale grabs the bottle of champagne and presses it to his lips, takes another sip, then cups Bucky’s cheek and kisses him softly. Bucky bites at Gale’s lower lip and, without looking, carefully guides his hand to set the bottle on the counter. When he pulls away, with hands far steadier than when he slid the wedding ring over Gale’s finger, he makes quick work of undoing the top few buttons of Gale’s shirt, lets the tie drop to the floor. Gale groans quietly at the gentle kisses on his collarbone, the teasing teeth at his neck, as Bucky strips him of his suit jacket, then his waistcoat. 
Not fair, he thinks, and with urgent fingers grabs at Bucky’s tie, his jacket, his shirt buttons. Equally urgent fingers twist into Gale’s soft hair. 
Gale pushes Bucky away, hops off the counter, presses him to the kitchen wall. Between kisses, Bucky undoes the rest of the buttons on Gale’s shirt. It falls to the tile below, exposing a muscular chest and torso, and Bucky rubs his hands up and down Gale’s sides. Then he takes his hand and leads him down the hall to the bedroom, gently pushes him to sit on the edge of the bed. He wants to fucking worship this man. 
They both kick off their shoes and Gale leans back on his elbows, cheeks flushed as he stares at Bucky in awe, watching him strip off his waistcoat and dress shirt. When they make eye contact, the same desperate and eternal thought engulfs both of their entire beings: beautiful. 
Then Bucky’s on top of Gale, pushing him back back back into the soft mattress. And when their hands come together on top of the sheets, they pause to marvel at two silver rings, glinting in the moonlight. Inextricably linking them to one another for the rest of their lives, no matter where they go or what they do. 
“I love you,” Gale whispers. 
“To the moon and back,” Bucky says breathlessly. And then he kisses him.  
Thank you to everyone who has been reading, liking, commenting, etc. Hearing your thoughts fuels my inspiration and makes me day!
Part 6
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updated: April 22nd, 2024
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When a race car driver and a footballer fall in love, your life revolves around race car tracks and football fields; he promised to marry you on track and on field, he did just that. (fem!reader)
Virgil Van Dijk 
The Red Carpet (F)
Virgil and reader are married to each other and the lack of public knowledge of said marriage causes more than a few rumours to fly around (actress!reader) 
Team Colours (F) 
When your mum works for Liverpool and when you shows up to the AXA training centre in a man city jersey, Virg makes it his job to correct it. (fem!reader)
Portugal Pretenders (F)
Virgil is desperately in search of a date for Robbo's wedding. After he finally convinces you to join him as his girlfriend for the weekend, it’s up to the two of you to convince the boys that you two are just as in love as Rachel and Andy are. (fem!reader)
Trent Alexander Arnold 
The Captain’s Sister (F)
Jordan’s baby sister comes to visit for a few weeks and a certain someone catches her attention. - insta au (fem!reader)
Erling Haaland 
Can’t Get Away From You (A/F) 
You get into a fight with your boyfriend and storm out. Your boyfriend on the other hand, doesn’t think it’s a fight and follows you. What happens when the power goes out and you two get stuck in the middle of no where? (fem!reader) 
John Stones 
Nothing Without You (F)
Two best friends deny they love each other until life forces them together in every way possible. - based on I Have Nothing by Whitney Houston (fem!reader)
You Snooze, You Lose (A/F) 
You live and you learn, you love and you lose. Two people who grew up together lose touch and reconnect later in life. Things are left unsaid and you know what they say, it all comes out in the end. (fem!reader) 
Kostas Tsimikas 
Behind The Lens (F) 
The photographer finds her muse, the only thing is everyone seems to notice but them. (fem!reader)
Ruben Dias 
Almost Isn’t Always (A) 
Ruben is facing a ghost from the past in the most heart breaking way imaginable and she brings along a friend, making it worse for him. (fem!reader)
Helping Hands (F) 
Ruben’s birthday comes around and reader, their son, Chris and the other players put together their efforts to surprise him with a birthday party. (fem!reader) 
Thiago Alcantara 
The Wavelengths I’d Go For You (F)
Your boyfriend takes you home after 10 years and he decides to surprise you with a day on the water and a little something else. (fem!reader) 
Neymar Jr 
Surprise! (F) 
your old friend invites you on a trip, the same time that your birthday falls for. you think he’s forgotten all about it but he surprises you, showing you that you’re the only thing on his mind. (fem!reader) 
Jack Grealish 
Hallways Hold Our Secrets (F) 
Your brother keeps pestering you about moving on from your terrible ex and you do, but he just can’t seem to piece it together yet. (rodri’s sister!reader) 
Andy Robertson 
Perfect Match (F) 
You and your favourite co worker decide to try a new dating app for the first time and end up as each other’s matches (fem!reader) 
128 notes · View notes
Photography And Videography Houston
Stills & Motion Company in Houston is your visual storyteller, capturing moments with finesse. Specializing in photography and videography, they blend creativity with precision to immortalize memories. From weddings to corporate events, their lens weaves narratives that resonate. Elevate your visual journey with Stills & Motion—where every frame is a testament to their dedication to craft and passion for storytelling.
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evesaintyves · 11 months
I love it when u post art!!
thank you!! do you want to see some art that's in my house?
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this is jenna and shauna. i have no idea who the artists, B. Lyons and M.H. Len are - if you recognize them let me know!! my guess is that this is probably folk/naive art. jenna, on the left, is from a roadside stand outside ardmore, oklahoma and shauna, right, is from a vintage streetwear streetfair (lol) in houston, texas. jenna doesn't hang right because she's haunted (affectionate)
possibly nsfw below
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artist unknown, she's from my flaming heart in houston. this sinister young lady, tish, lives in the hallway where we keep all our cursed stuff
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this one doesn't have a home yet - lizbeth lorenzo of la familia lorenzo
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also in the cursed hallway, i have no information on who made this or what's going on here, i bought it from from the texas art asylum, an art supply/found objects shop. i guess it's dicks and stuff though.
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honestly one of my most prized possessions. no idea who made it. bonus content of the spoon collection we inherited from my wife's grandmother 💖
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this is my fanciest piece of art, probably, it's by mike egan. i wish i knew who painted the rock, i think we got it at an antique store. also apparently i need to dust
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another one we haven't hung up (we're moving soon) by painter and beader natalie archuleta. we bought it at her shop in taos pueblo, new mexico
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by t. bouch, an artist out of oklahoma city who doesn't have much web presence. my wife has had this since before we met! her dad briefly owned an art gallery and t. bouch exhibited there. We have a few more of his paintings and drawings in storage right now, sonetime after we move i will photograph them because they're great
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my mother in law painted and framed this and gave it to us as a wedding present. it's barnabus collins from dark shadows. she's cool as hell
anyway uhhhh. i hope somebody enjoyed that! we have a lot of art packed up right now but someday, maybe, i'll make a part 2 ?????
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ruthie slowly realizing I have the front camera turned on 😂 this dog hates being photographed!
we were up for a bit at 5 but it was too early and I was sleeepy so ended up dozing for another hour or two. rainy morning here. I’m trying to really savor the cozy snuggly days as life is about to get so hectic for me:
I’m in pittsburgh friday morning through monday night (YAYYY) attending two weekend games and hanging out with bec!!!
I have tuesday to run errands and do laundry before my mom arrives wednesday
we leave early thursday morning for 14 days in japan and korea, during which we are hitting tokyo, osaka, kyoto, nara, mt koya, hiroshima, miyajima island, fukuoka, busan, daegu, and /seoul… I’m soooo psyched but also 🫠 it’s gonna be a whirlwind and I still have to do quite a bit of prep to be ready
we get home on a wed, I have thurs to recover from jetlag slash finalize my job talk, and then friday is the all-day campus visit
THEN I leave sat morning for houston and get back late monday night
it’s gonna be a lot!!! so very okay to be slothful this weekend and for as much of next week as I can manage I think. I am building up my reserves of rest and solitude lol.
mmkay. tonight I am having dinner + watching tár with mary later (and maybe seeing my sister at some point in the afternoon tbd) but the morning is my own! no pressure to get anything done in particular but here are some options:
could do more campus visit research for fun! my first gen programming book is arriving sometime today so I could read that and take notes, or I could spend some more time working through these articles I pulled up on designing programming for transfer students. I was also thinking it might be fun to create some one-page idea/vision/notes docs by hand on various topics—I feel like writing by hand will reinforce my memory of key details, and then making decisions about how I want to visually organize/arrange content will be a good exercise in synthesizing what I’ve learned. lol even as I’m typing this out I’m like ‘OOOOH that sounds like fun!!!!’ so I guess I’ll probably do that.
my former student is calling me at some point today to talk about transfer students’ experiences. he’s around my age (went back to undergrad after serving in the military for a long time) and is fun to talk to because he’s super smart and just like… more of a fully formed person and professional than the college-age kids. so that will be fun and should give me some useful threads to follow in my research. 
pick up my CVS prescription
hmm maybe I’ll put my laundry in right now? I also want to change linens/towels. I cleaned most of the house yesterday so don’t have much else to do in the way of chores… and I have a bunch of leftovers to finish before I’m allowed to make anything else so no cooking to do today either.
if it clears up I’ll go for a shorter long walk (the hourlong loop?) unless it’s really nice and I feel like doing the 90+ min trek again. not gonna let myself run today though—I can tell I pushed it a bit yesterday with the long fast walk + running two days in a row at a quicker clip than usual. just a little bit of achiness!
I finished a novel yesterday and want to start the next one today so I don’t break stride, but that can wait till before bed unless I’m moved to read earlier.
mmkay I think that’s it! take it easy and do fun relaxing stuff today.
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dtr-dtr · 1 year
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How adorable are these two lovebirds? Engagement season may be over, but we are just getting started with all the wedding planning! . . . Planner, Designer, Stylist: @daytoremember_ Photographer: @alwaysushtx Florals: @doanbyns_flower Linens: @houseofHough Hair & Make-up: @glaizacatheartistry Couple: @amandascheiner710 @jakescheiner7 Location: @hiltonhouston_plaza . . . #EngagementSession #CouplePhotos #EngagementPhotos #CouplesSession #EngagementShoot #Bride #FutureMrs #BrideToBe #WeddingPlannerExpert #WeddingProposal #WeddingPlanner #HoustonWeddingPlanner #TexasWeddingPlanner #WeddingGuide #WeddingPlanning #TheKnot #WeddingTrend #WeddingTrends #GettingMarried #EngagementPictures #Engaged #Proposal #IDo #IWill #Rooftop #RooftopProposal #CityView #BeautifulCityView #ValentinesDay #ValentinesDayProposal (at Hilton Houston Plaza Medical Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/CovsXTUJOQ6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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simmonsized · 2 years
I’m so glad I chose that one. You know I would read that immediately once you’re done. I think you’re trying to kill me though, being all miss zuipperpips about dogwoods are comin’ in blue.
I thought it was a pretty amazing coincidence! you managed to sniff out the one little section I included from that, haha!
as for dogwoods comin' in blue, it is just. I just have a lot of feelings about them, and i didn't know how to explain without sounding insane, which i definitely DO btw however because at this point you are fairly aware of how insane I am about these two, I will put the actual words i said before i wrote the fic itself beneath the cut c:
PS it is named for the song, "Good Day for Marrying You". Yes I am that sappy.
Direct copy/paste from discord warning:
me shuffling my papers where i say things like "i think bro and mom would get platonically married literally just for laffs but then also somehow take it so fucking seriously i mean they go to vegas and get married by elvis but then they also go to the courthouse and start filing joint taxes and putting away retirement funds and 401ks i mean it's SO serious like they are not kissing they're not but they ARE wearing wedding rings and they ARE legally married and bro definitely is like, i mean if we're post canon and they're alive he's definitely too busy and tired to be kissing BUT if we're talkin au he's like, definitely dtf whoever but like doesn't go out of his way to correct people who flip if he's married and cares more about getting dave through college also yes they're like 40 by the time they get married rose and dave have moved out and i don't even think mom and bro live together but they're also definitely not legally separated and celebrate their anniversary every year by going on a "honeymoon" type situation and send photos to dave and rose that are like, taken by a professional photographer and it's just rly good like that is how much i think they love each other literally THAT much" but then i don't say that bc yes it's my deranged hot girl summer but it's not THAT deranged of a hot girl summer
(and then it DID in fact become THAT deranged of a hot girl summer)
the fic itself is basically like, 500 times that bro asks mom to marry him, and 499 times she says no btw. I also wrote it in-line with RnG canon for some reason. It is like, secretly just the rng world but i made it so that one day they get married. idk, u and me are both perplexed by this. i cannot be stopped however.
here is more for u, because i actually secretly want to talk about this all the time:
"Marry me," you say for the first time, thirty-three and half and insane out of your mind with a grief that just barely belongs to you. You lie on your back on a futon in Houston, Texas, and your best friend sits on your stomach, trapping your arms on either side. Her eyebrows arch immediately, face splitting in half with a grin. She laughs, pink and beautiful as she's always been, and throws the blanket you were fighting over around her shoulders like a cape, dipping down and pressing her lips to the corner of your mouth, smearing black grease across your cheek. "No, Dirk. Of course I won't." "I know," you say, rolling over and taking her with you as you crash to the floor.
anyway i'm terrible and would probably just go and go and go writing this nightmare if i did not have 15 other things i should be doing instead LOL
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angelprojectposts · 3 months
The Ultimate Guide to Skin Rejuvenation in Houston
Are you searching for the perfect way to immortalize your special moments? Look no further than our New York portrait studio, where we specialize in bridal photography and studio family portraits. At Angel Project, we understand the importance of preserving cherished memories, and our talented team is dedicated to capturing every precious moment with skill and artistry.
Bridal Photography:
Your wedding day is one of the most significant moments of your life, and our bridal photography services are designed to beautifully capture every detail. Whether you're exchanging vows in a grand ceremony or opting for an intimate elopement, our photographers will work closely with you to create stunning images that reflect your unique love story. From glamorous portraits to candid moments, we'll ensure that your wedding memories last a lifetime.
NY Portrait Studio:
Located in the heart of New York, our portrait studio provides the perfect backdrop for timeless photoshoots. Whether you're looking for solo portraits, couple sessions, or family photos, our studio offers a versatile space where creativity knows no bounds. With state-of-the-art equipment and a passion for perfection, we'll bring your vision to life and deliver stunning images that you'll cherish for years to come.
Studio Family Portraits:
Family is everything, and there's no better way to celebrate your bond than with a professional family portrait session. Our experienced photographers specialize in capturing the love, laughter, and unique dynamics of your family in a relaxed and comfortable environment. Whether you're commemorating a special milestone or simply want to capture the beauty of everyday moments, our studio family portraits are the perfect way to create lasting memories that you'll treasure forever.
At Angel Project, we believe that every moment is worth remembering, and we're committed to delivering exceptional photography services that exceed your expectations. Contact us today to schedule your session and let us help you capture the magic of life's most precious moments.
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bilalrehmanstudiocom · 3 months
Capturing Moments Creating Memories Bilal Rehman Studio in Houston TX
In the heart of Houston, Texas, nestled amidst the vibrant energy of the city, lies a sanctuary where moments are frozen in time and memories are crafted with precision and passion. Bilal Rehman Studio stands as a beacon of artistic excellence, offering unparalleled photography and videography services to individuals, couples, families, and businesses alike.
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At Bilal Rehman Studio, the journey of capturing the essence of life's precious moments begins with a commitment to understanding the unique stories and desires of each client. Led by the visionary photographer Bilal Rehman, the studio is renowned for its ability to transform ordinary moments into extraordinary memories through the lens of creativity and innovation.
With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the nuances of light, composition, and emotion, Bilal Rehman and his team bring forth a distinctive style that seamlessly blends elegance, authenticity, and storytelling. Whether it's a wedding celebration filled with love and joy, a family reunion brimming with laughter and warmth, or a corporate event exuding professionalism and sophistication, every occasion is treated with the utmost care and dedication.
What sets Bilal Rehman Studio apart is not just its technical expertise but also its unwavering commitment to client satisfaction. From the initial consultation to the final delivery of the meticulously crafted photographs and videos, every step of the process is guided by a philosophy of excellence, professionalism, and personalized service.
One of the hallmarks of Bilal Rehman Studio is its versatility. Equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and a team of highly skilled professionals, the studio offers a wide range of services tailored to meet the diverse needs and preferences of its clientele. Whether it's intimate portraits, breathtaking landscapes, dynamic event coverage, or compelling commercial imagery, Bilal Rehman Studio delivers results that exceed expectations every time.
Moreover, Bilal Rehman Studio takes pride in its ability to create a comfortable and relaxed environment where clients can truly be themselves. From the nervous bride preparing for her walk down the aisle to the aspiring model stepping in front of the camera for the first time, every individual is treated with kindness, respect, and empathy, allowing their true essence to shine through in every photograph and video.
Beyond its commitment to artistic excellence and client satisfaction, Bilal Rehman Studio is also deeply rooted in the community it serves. Actively involved in various charitable initiatives and community events, Bilal Rehman and his team strive to give back and make a positive impact wherever they can. Whether it's providing pro bono services to local nonprofits or mentoring aspiring photographers, the studio is dedicated to using its talents for the greater good.
In essence, Bilal Rehman Studio is more than just a photography and videography studio; it's a sanctuary where moments are cherished, stories are told, and memories are made eternal. With a blend of creativity, professionalism, and heartfelt passion, Bilal Rehman and his team continue to redefine the art of visual storytelling, one frame at a time.
So, whether you're planning a wedding, celebrating a milestone, or looking to capture the essence of your brand, look no further than Bilal Rehman Studio in Houston, TX. Because when it comes to preserving life's most precious moments, there's no substitute for excellence, and there's no team more dedicated than Bilal Rehman Studio.
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dankusner · 4 months
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"But we is going after a heavenly crown"
From: Doug Swanson Subject: Re: DMN & 'Cult of' Date: September 17, 2023 at 12:49:08 PM CDT To: daniel kusner dakusner@
Hi, Dan,
Great to hear from you. Hope you're doing well. Didn't see you on the enemies list but if I do I'll let you know. All best, Doug
On Wed, Sep 13, 2023 at 8:51 PM daniel kusner [email protected] wrote: Hey, Doug
I hope you are enjoying being our nation’s foremost DPS authority.
This story just went up. Thought I’d send it along.
Until reading this today, I didn’t realized the Waco museum tried some nonsense with you.
So if you ever need anything , please never hesitate.
And (iIf you happen to know if my name is on a list, boy, i’d like to know about it.)
They didn’t like his book on the Texas Rangers, so they tried to smear his reputation
Watchdog: Supporters of Texas Rangers built a dossier on an author and compiled an ‘enemies list.’
‘Texas Rangers operated a fable factory.’ So writes author of a critical book on the Rangers, celebrating their 200th anniversary this year. Author Doug Swanson proves it from his own experience. Here, a Texas Ranger statue is removed from Love Field in 2020.(Juan Figueroa / Staff Photographer)
By Dave Lieber
5:00 AM on Sep 13, 2023
To me, a writer who studies the lives of people and shares them through journalism, this episode involving supporters of the Texas Rangers (the original ones, not the ballclub) is somewhat frightening.
Public records show that supporters, including the director of the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and Museum in Waco, tried to discredit author Doug J. Swanson for his courageous analysis of Rangers’ history in his 2020 book, Cult of Glory: The Bold and Brutal History of the Texas Rangers.
In doing so, their actions only further underline Swanson’s main point. In this cult, if you dare to counter Ranger orthodoxy, you will pay a price.
They compiled a dossier on Swanson and drew up what I’ll call an “enemies list” of reporters who previously portrayed the Rangers in a negative light.
Watchdog Alert
Are you a taxpayer in Texas? The Watchdog has your back.
A top supporter of the Rangers hired a Houston public relations firm to counter Swanson’s arguments about the sordid history of the mostly beloved Rangers.
The supporter, Russell S. Molina, a Houston businessman and chairman of the non-profit Texas Ranger Bicentennial 2023, told me he paid for the public relations firm that attacked Swanson’s book.
In an interview, Molina insisted that Swanson created “a flawed book.”
“His version is different from other versions out there,” Molina says. To which I add, that’s why you write a new book.
Read more Watchdog columns from Dave Lieber
Extended auto warranty scam callers drive off a cliff — a big fine and closure Ever get one of those unwanted phone calls selling extended car warranties? Here’s the story behind some of these companies – messing with them and then watching them die.
Changing face of Texas online scam victims: Youths rise as senior victims hold ground Texas scam alert: Young people under 20 are fastest growing targets, but seniors still vulnerable
This year marks the 200th anniversary of the Rangers. Historians trace their founding all the way back to 1823, long before Texas became a state.
Embedded in Rangers’ lore are their polished myth-making abilities.
Molina and Byron A. Johnson, the longtime museum director and public employee for the city of Waco, proved by their actions against Swanson that they do indeed belong to a cult of glory.
Johnson declined to discuss this with me.
In one email to Molina, Johnson identified weaknesses in the myth-making process.
Some inductees in the Hall of Fame fought for the South in the Civil War, they or their family owned slaves or they are perceived as anti-civil rights in their treatment of Blacks, Latinos and native Americans. Of 31 inductees, 17 have image problems, Johnson concluded.
Related:Texas Rangers will be stronger by confronting their brutal past The dossier
At one point during the back and forth between Swanson and arch-critic Molina, Molina told the author, “I know all about you.”
“What do you mean by that?” Swanson asked.
“We have a dossier on you.”
In response, Swanson, who previously worked 33 years at The Dallas Morning News as a top reporter, filed an open records request with the city of Waco for any documents that mention his name or his book.
The city, which owns and manages the Ranger museum, provided Swanson with what he says were 2,000 pages. But not all were relevant.
Among them:
Swanson’s writing history, including his previous books. A list of 25 news reporters from various media who had written critical stories about the Rangers and might be expected to do so again. A list of Ranger Hall of Famers whose stains on their reputations make them vulnerable. A list of Hall of Famers who didn’t have similar stains and whose stories should be promoted. Molina told me he is not an apologist for Rangers’ history, which he calls “the good, the bad and the ugly.” He acknowledges “there are things in the past you can’t celebrate.”
Swanson wrote in response to one critic, “The Rangers and their supporters have lied about their history. That is my conclusion based on my research. The proof of it is demonstrated in every chapter, repeatedly and thoroughly. It is beyond dispute.”
Love Field statue
You might remember the statue of the Texas Ranger that welcomed visitors to Dallas Love Field. In 2020, D magazine printed an excerpt from Swanson’s book about the Ranger honored in that landmark statue.
Swanson reported how Sgt. Jay Banks, model for the statue, did not in 1956 stop anti-integrationists from blocking school entry of Blacks in Mansfield and Texarkana. Apologists say he was following orders of the governor.
Shortly after the excerpt appeared, the statue was quietly removed.
Molina is trying to find a new home for the statue. He says he hopes to make an announcement soon.
The statue of a Texas Ranger was removed from Love Field after Doug Swanson's book on the Rangers was excerpted in D magazine in 2020. ‘A fable factory’
To lead the campaign against Swanson, Molina hired Begala McGrath, a Houston PR firm.
In one memo, Jim McGrath called the book “an attack” on the Rangers. McGrath did not respond to The Watchdog’s request for an interview.
Rather than take the punch, museum director Johnson fought back.
But after seeing through open records the amount of work Johnson, a public employee, did on work time, especially helping the PR firm, Swanson asks, “Is that the proper role for a publicly funded library?” (The museum hosts a Rangers research center.)
Among Swanson’s findings, he writes that the Rangers’ idea of border patrol was, in some cases, murder of Mexicans and Mexican Americans.
He writes that long ago Rangers “were the violent instruments of oppression. They burned peasant villages and slaughtered innocents. They committed war crimes. … They hunted runaway slaves for bounty. They violated international law with impunity. They sometimes moved through Texas towns like a rampaging gang of thugs.
“They conspired to quash the civil rights of Black citizens. They busted unions and broke strikes. They enforced racial segregation in public schools. They botched important criminal investigations. … And they completely lied about it.”
And that’s only from page 5 of a 466-page book.
In an interview, Swanson questioned why so much effort has been unleashed to harm him.
“Why is Molina still attacking me more than three years after the book was published?” he asked. “It presents truths they don’t want to acknowledge. … But these truths won’t go away. These guys are literally selling the myth. As I said in the book, the Rangers and their enablers operated a propaganda mill. Molina and his crowd are merely the latest iteration of that.”
As Swanson writes, “For decades, the Rangers operated a fable factory through which many of their defeats, worst embarrassments, and darkest moments were recast as grand triumphs. They didn’t merely whitewash the truth. They destroyed it.”
In a statement denouncing the book, the Texas Ranger Association Foundation reminded that Rangers catch criminals, help small town police departments and work cold cases.
“Some really good stuff,” the statement added. “They are deeply woven into the history of the state.”
The library
One more troubling piece of this campaign, in addition to creating a collection of reporters on an enemies list, is violation of a researcher’s privacy. Under established library rules and Texas state law, whatever books or research used by anyone in a public library is confidential. Violation is a misdemeanor for “official misconduct.”
Molina, who is not a public official, told me that Swanson “claimed he spent a lot of time doing research” in the museum’s research center. “That’s not true,” Molina told me. Records showed that as part of the campaign, librarians were asked if Swanson contacted them to discuss any “lies or myths.”
When I told Molina that state law and library ethics require that researchers’ activities in a library must remain confidential, he answered, “I have no idea about that. I just know he didn’t spend a significant amount of time doing research to back up this book, and if you asked him, that’s the truth.”
I asked him. “The book took six years,” Swanson answered. “The book has 43 pages of single-spaced endnotes and bibliography. It’s all there for readers to make their own assessments.”
Plus, he used other libraries across the state.
“Bottom line, I wrote my book,” he says. “I am proud of it. I stand by it.”
The cover of Doug J. Swanson's new book, "Cult of Glory: The Bold and Brutal History of the Texas Rangers."(Book design and illustration by Daniel Lagin / Viking)
On Sep 4, 2020, at 5:19 AM, dakusner@ wrote:
hi, doug.
yesterday’s thank you note was dispatched in a flurry of haste.
just wanted to thank you again.
re-reading the piece more than several times, i’m … jealous.
you have such a gift for balanced writing.
i’ve learned so much from this exchange with you.
and i hope to retain every single one of your fine qualities.
thank you.
hope you’re expecting to enjoy a wonderfully memorable weekend.
anytime you ever need anything, just holler.
DANIEL KUSNER @dankusner In 2023, the Texas Rangers celebrate 200 years of serving Texans, and the hall of fame inducted four rangers in June. While it was the first time in 25 years that rangers had been added to the inductee ranks, something was different about the 2023 class. The organization added rangers Colonel Homer Garrison Jr., Captain James Frank “Pete” Rogers, Sergeant John Martin, and Sergeant Johnnie Aycock. The difference is, this is the first year any living rangers have been inducted into the hall of fame, specifically Aycock and Martin.
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Koenig & Lamar
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menfolk masking as womenfolk white folk masking as black folk
and nobody is fooled by the masking
and yet...
TUESDAY, MARCH 12TH, 2024 I 12:00 PM I HALL OF STATE, DALLAS HISTORICAL SOCIETY WELCOMES MIKE COX PRESENTING The Texas Rangers: Wearing the Cinco Peso, 1821-1900 Time of the Rangers: Texas Rangers: From 1900 – Present
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crystalmediainc · 4 months
Unveiling the Benefits of Engaging a Professional Wedding Photographer
The wedding day stands as a pinnacle moment in one's life, brimming with love, joy, and timeless memories. While contemporary technology has granted ubiquitous access to photography, the intrinsic value of the Best Wedding Videographer in Houston cannot be overstated. This discourse delves into the manifold advantages inherent in enlisting the services of a professional to adeptly document the splendor of this significant occasion.
Proficiency and Seasoned Aptitude: Professional wedding photographers bring forth a comprehensive repository of proficiency and seasoned aptitude to the wedding milieu. Their mastery lies in adeptly capturing optimal shots, possessing an acute understanding of optimal angles, lighting dynamics, and a discerning eye for encapsulating poignant moments throughout the entire ceremony.
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Utilization of Cutting-Edge Equipment: Investing in superlative equipment is a hallmark of professional wedding photographers, ensuring the delivery of images characterized by superlative quality. Armed with state-of-the-art cameras and specialized lenses, they are equipped to meticulously document each facet of the event, transcending conventional visual standards. This premium-grade equipment also affords adaptability to diverse lighting conditions, guaranteeing visually resplendent images in any environmental setting.
Creative Ingenuity and Artistic Insight: At the core of a professional wedding photographer's repertoire lies an amalgamation of creative ingenuity and artistic insight. This unique fusion transforms ordinary moments into enduring memories through a meticulously curated portfolio. Be it candid snapshots or intricately composed portraits, these photographers adeptly narrate the narrative of the wedding day in a visually compelling manner.
Streamlined, Stress-Free Experience: Engaging the services of a professional wedding photographer contributes significantly to a streamlined and stress-free experience for the couple. By assuming responsibility for the visual documentation, these professionals afford the luxury of unwinding and fully immersing oneself in the celebratory ambience without the encumbrance of capturing every nuanced moment independently.
Tailored Customization and Personalization: Professional wedding photographers engage in a collaborative process with couples, assimilating their unique vision and stylistic preferences. This bespoke approach ensures a tailored representation of the couple's individuality, capturing the intrinsic nuances of their relationship and the ambiance of the event with unparalleled precision.
Post-Production Eminence: The commitment of the best wedding videographer in Houston ends beyond the event's culmination. Devoting considerable time to post-production endeavors, including meticulous image enhancement and retouching, these photographers elevate the visual narrative to unparalleled heights. This encompasses color correction, cropping, and other refinements that collectively transform the photographic collection into an enduring and aesthetically refined ensemble.
Adept Handling of Unforeseen Challenges: Professional wedding photographers are adept at handling unforeseen challenges that may arise during the event. Whether it's navigating inclement weather, managing large crowds, or adapting to spontaneous changes in the schedule, their experience equips them to maintain composure and deliver exceptional results amidst unexpected circumstances. This capacity to handle challenges ensures a seamless and uninterrupted documentation of your special day.
While alternatives such as familial or amateur photographic endeavors may be contemplated, the decision to enlist the expertise of a professional wedding photographer is underscored by a myriad of advantages. From technical acumen and superior equipment to creative finesse and post-production excellence, the professional photographer emerges as an indispensable investment in encapsulating the enchantment of this singularly momentous celebration.
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amortexas · 5 months
Capturing Timeless Memories: Excellence in Wedding Photography and Cinematography in Houston
Houston, Texas, known for its vibrant culture and picturesque landscapes, has become a premier destination for couples seeking extraordinary wedding photography and cinematography. From the charm of traditional Texan weddings to the intricate beauty of Indian ceremonies, Houston's diverse wedding scene offers endless opportunities for capturing unforgettable moments. In this article, we explore the essence of award-winning wedding photography, specialized Indian wedding services, and the art of wedding cinematography in Houston.
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Award-Winning Wedding Photography in Houston
Houston's wedding photography scene is renowned for its award-winning photographers who excel in capturing the essence of each couple's special day. These photographers are known for their creativity, attention to detail, and ability to capture candid moments that reflect the emotions and atmosphere of the wedding. Their expertise in using Houston's diverse settings, from urban landscapes to natural scenery, ensures each photograph is not just a memory but a piece of art.
Destination Weddings: Houston's Hidden Gem
Houston is rapidly becoming a sought-after destination for weddings, offering a blend of traditional southern charm and modern sophistication. Whether it's a grand ceremony in a luxurious downtown hotel or an intimate gathering in a countryside ranch, Houston provides a perfect backdrop for every style of wedding. Couples from all over the country are choosing Houston for its unique venues, exceptional catering, and top-notch wedding services.
Innovative Houston Wedding Cinematography
Wedding cinematography in Houston has evolved into an art form, with professional videographers offering cinematic experiences that tell a couple’s story in a dynamic and emotionally engaging way. These cinematographers specialize in creating high-quality films that capture the essence of the wedding day, from the small, intimate moments to the grandeur of the celebration.
Indian Wedding Photographer and Videographer Specialists in Houston
Houston's multicultural landscape includes a thriving Indian community, leading to a demand for photographers and videographers skilled in Indian weddings. These professionals are adept at capturing the vibrant colors, elaborate ceremonies, and rich traditions that are characteristic of Indian weddings. Their understanding of cultural nuances ensures that every significant moment, from the Mehndi to the Vidaai, is captured beautifully.
Premier Videography Services in Houston
Houston offers premier videography services that cater to all styles and preferences. From documentary-style films to more cinematic productions, Houston’s videographers use the latest technology and techniques to create stunning visual narratives of your wedding day.
Professional Wedding Videography: A Must-Have in Modern Weddings
Professional wedding videography has become an essential part of modern weddings. It's not just about recording the event; it’s about preserving memories in a format that can be relived and cherished for years to come. Houston's videographers are skilled in creating films that capture the mood and atmosphere of the wedding, ensuring every laugh, tear, and dance is remembered.
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Texas Wedding Photographer: Capturing the Heart of Texan Weddings
Texas wedding photographers bring a unique flair to capturing the spirit of weddings in the Lone Star State. With a keen eye for the Texan landscape and a deep understanding of local traditions, these photographers excel in creating images that reflect the heart and soul of Texas weddings.
Conclusion: Your Perfect Houston Wedding Experience
Choosing the right photographer and videographer is crucial in creating your perfect wedding experience in Houston. Whether you're planning a traditional Texas wedding, an elaborate Indian ceremony, or a modern cinematic celebration, Houston's talented professionals are ready to capture every moment of your special day. With their expertise, your wedding memories will be preserved in stunning photographs and films that tell the story of your love, culture, and joy.
For More Info: -
mexican wedding Photography in Houston
Premier houston wedding videos
Wedding films in houston
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legends-of-time · 5 months
The Strength of a High and Noble Hill (Outlander)
Chapter 15: Loss
Brian and Ellen both have to deal with the loss of their mother. Get used to the fact that she's not nearby anymore but centuries in the past.
Brian throws himself headfirst into his work. He works longer hours to keep his mind off things. He doesn't want to be in the house on his own, thinking about Mama, about the real truth of his past.
He's even tried going on dates with some of the girls from work, but it doesn't work, doesn't feel right.
Ellen returns to university but this time she changes her major to mechanical engineering. She completes her degree at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the spring of 1971. Brian is there in the audience, clapping away and trying to be enough for Ellen as he notices that little dip in her smile as she walks onto the stage, accepts her diploma and looks out to the audience. Brian knows she wishes Mama and Dad were here, but they catch eyes, and her smile widens. They're going to be alright.
Brian watches with a smile as Ellen gets spun around by Roger, who's in his Highland dress, to the beat of Celtic music. Roger had returned to the States again to visit Brian and Ellen and had taken them to a Celtic festival. Roger had shown off his singing skills on stage by singing a song about the Battle of Prestonpans. Brian had felt a shiver up his spine as he listened. It was a battle that his parents were both at, Jamie leading the charge. What had been going through their heads?
July 1969
Brian has been enjoying the Scottish pride he's surrounded by. The music filling him with familial ease.
Ellen and Roger's relationship has been interesting. Brian knows Ellen had kept her distance as she and Brian try to rebuild their lives after losing Mama as well as Ellen trying to complete school. Brian had encouraged her as while he likes Roger, he knows that Ellen can't just throw herself into a relationship just because he happens to know the truth. Brian just wants his sister to work out if this is what she really wants.
As he watches the two, Brian wonders if she has made that decision. He thumbs the envelope in his pocket. Roger had found photographs of Dad and Mama when they were young and happy, including photos of their wedding. It's strange to look at those photographs, thinking of the journey this couple will embark on, and how they end up.
"Brian!" Brian startled out of his thoughts to see Ellen beckoning him over with her hand and Roger smiling encouragingly.
"Oh, no I—" Brian tries to dissuade.
"Oh, come on!" And with that, Brian gets pulled onto the dance floor by his sister.
Roger grins at him. Brian beams back and lets himself get pulled into the music.
"Houston, Tranquility base here. The Eagle has landed."
They erupt into cheers. Among the cheers, Ellen turns and kisses Roger. It's the next day after the festival and Brian, Roger and Ellen have gathered at Joe's to watch the moon landing.
Joe's kids, Lenny and Ellena, pull Brian into their group hug while Gail grins and pulls Joe into a kiss.
"That's one small step for man. One giant leap for mankind." Comes Neil Armstrong's voice through the speaker as the grainy images of him and Buzz Aldridge stepping out onto the moon's surface are displayed on the screen.
Brian looks out of the window, up into the sky. Yes, they'd made it to the moon, but he's travelled further than that.
Brian feels this pull inside him, a desire to discover and explore, to travel.
"Neil, this is Houston. We're copying."
They spend the Christmas holidays in Scotland with Roger and Fiona and her fiancé Ernie Buchan. Their home in Boston feels too small with just the two of them and it doesn't feel right to do all their old Christmas traditions without Mama.
December 1969
Being in a different place for their first Christmas without her makes things easier but it doesn't hurt any less.
Brian and Ellen have already put up the house for sale. If either can move on, if it's possible, then they need to be somewhere else. Somewhere where they're not surrounded by old memories.
Brian stares at the words in front of him in bold, faded ink.
"It is with grief that the news is received of the deaths by fire of James MacKenzie Fraser and his wife, Claire Fraser, in a conflagration that destroyed their house in the settlement of Fraser's Ridge, on the night of January 21 last."
He and Ellen look up and share a look.
They'd gotten around to clearing out Dad's office, all the documents in there. It's been closed off since the initial sort through after his death. The house has been sold and they need to clear out.
Brian looks back at the date. January 21st, 1776. He doesn't know why it shocks him. His mother is in the past – two hundred years in the past – of course, she's dead by now but to see it confirmed hurts, especially as it's only ten years after the year at which she would've arrived in.
"I..." Ellen's voice trails off as she tries to find the right words. "I- I've seen this before."
Brian looks at her sharply. "What do you mean?"
A tear falls down Ellen's cheek. Brian reaches over to grip her hand; she smiles softly at him.
"It was years ago. I'd forgotten till now." Ellen explains. "I'd sneaked into Daddy's office when he was out and had found it on his desk, I just thought it was part of one of his research projects."
Brian sighs, squeezing her hand. "He knew. Dad knew that Mama would go back to Jamie." There's a brief silence as they stare at the document in front of them, both lost in their own heads. "What do we do?"
"We need to warn them." Ellen says resolutely.
Brian looks at her shocked. "Ellen... they're both two hundred years in the past, how can we?"
"We travel back too, obviously."
"Ellen, I, we can't just pop to the past and pop back again." Brian argues. He knows his sister wants to protect their mother and her husband, their father, Brian understands that, but it's too big of a risk.
"You don't have to. I'll go, warn them and then come back." Ellen declares, not listening.
Brian grips her shoulders. "I can't let you do this on your own. I won't."
"You either come with me or I'm going on my own." Ellen retorts. "I have to go Brian, I have to."
"I know, I know." Brian sighs, he can't believe he's doing this. "So, what do we need?"
The beaming smile he receives makes him feel that this'll all be worth it.
A/N: Please leave comments on how you're enjoying this story and what you think.
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datascraping001 · 6 months
Photographers Email List
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Enhancing Your Photography Business with Photographers Email List. In today's competitive photography market, connecting with the right audience can make all the difference. Photographers need to be able to reach potential clients and collaborate with other professionals in the industry. That's where a comprehensive Photographers Email List becomes an invaluable tool for any photography business.
At Datascrapingservices.com, we understand the significance of accurate and up-to-date data in today's fast-paced world. Our Photographers Email List service is designed to provide photographers and photography-related businesses with a reliable source of contact information for photographers across various specialties and regions.
The benefits of having a curated Photographers Email List are numerous. Firstly, it provides a direct channel for communication, enabling photographers to connect with potential clients for bookings, inquiries, and collaborations. This direct line of communication can significantly enhance business opportunities and facilitate a broader network within the photography community. Moreover, a well-segmented and organized Photographers Email List allows for targeted marketing strategies. Photographers can tailor their promotional efforts, showcasing their expertise and services to the right audience. Whether you specialize in wedding photography, fashion photography, or any other niche, having access to a targeted email list can amplify your marketing ROI.
Our team at datascrapingservices.com is dedicated to delivering accurate and reliable data that aligns with your business objectives. We take pride in offering a seamless experience, making the acquisition of the Photographers Email List a hassle-free process. In conclusion, a well-curated Photographers Email List is a powerful tool for photographers and photography-related businesses. It streamlines communication, amplifies marketing efforts, and expands networking opportunities within the photography industry.
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lavishlylux · 8 months
Wanted to know about Houston black wedding photographers  
For those seeking an expert Houston wedding photographer, look no further than Lavishly Lux Studio. Our team offers seamless access to talented Houston black wedding photographers for hire, ensuring a quick and efficient process to find professional photography services in Houston. We guarantee instant confirmation and dispatch a specialized photographer directly to your chosen Houston location.
We focus on providing timeless photography for today's couples at a cost-effective rate. We specialize in capturing the essence of professional wedding photography while emphasizing the importance of preserving unforgettable moments.
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Dedicated to unparalleled customer service, we prioritize delivering exceptional care to couples and creating stunning African American wedding art. We are committed to ensuring an experience that exceeds expectations, blending professionalism with artistic flair.
To learn more about our services and the talented Houston black wedding photographers available, please reach out to us at 682-777-2553. Let us help encapsulate the magic of your special day with our exceptional photography expertise. 
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Show & Tell at our 10th Birthday Party was a wonderful display of creativity!
Here's a recap of everyone who shared. Thank y'all for coming!
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Alison Tugwell, Writer, Coach & Founder of Punspoken
Alison Tugwell is a writer, marketing coach, and the founder & producer of Punspoken, a puns + spoken word poetry event series in Austin, TX. She is the author of the Amazon #1 Best Selling book, Word Awakening: Stop Writer’s Block and Start Creating Impact Now and a Marketing Expert with the ASK Method® Company. Her work has been featured by the Austin Chronicle, Austin Monthly, CBS Austin, Huff Post, Thrive Global + more.
Follow on Instagram: @alisonperrie Sites: https://www.alisonptugwell.com/ http://punspoken.com  
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Allison Lash, Multimedia Visual Artist
Allison Lash is a multi-media visual artist who earned her MFA from Rutgers University in NJ.  A former NYC public school art educator, Allison created Awesome Art! in Austin where she designs and facilitates hands-on workshops for schools and community based public projects.  Allison continues to explore materials and techniques and is currently obsessed with working in clay, a medium she returned to after a few years away.  By scraping away, digging into, and further manipulating the material, Allison experiments with making clay sculptural pieces that are locally fired in a soda or gas kiln in Austin.  
Follow on Instagram: @AwesomeArtAustin
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April Sullivan, Mixed Media Artist
April Sullivan has lived in Austin for over 30 years and works as an arts administrator and visual artist. Her focus is mixed media, specifically using pages from recycled books to create what is called blackout poetry or found poetry. The poems are a way to express her inner thoughts and feelings that she may not even realize she is experiencing. They are fun and freeing. April then embellishes these found poems with collage, gouache, marker, and inks. The mixed media pieces are then mounted as wall hanging works of art.
Follow on Instagram: @ArtworkByAprilS
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Cecily Sailer, Writer and Creative Coach
Cecily Sailer is a creative coach and founder of Typewriter Tarot, which offers guidance and inspiration for Creative Spirits. Cecily’s mission in life is to help people claim their creativity fully and create with more passion, freedom, and pleasure. 
Prior to launching Typewriter Tarot, Cecily earned an MFA in fiction from the University of Houston, and worked for 10 years running community-based literary arts programs for people of all ages. Her writing and reporting on books, Texas history, and social care have appeared in Dallas Morning News, Texas Monthly, Austin Fit Magazine, The Texas Observer, and Resolve Magazine.
Follow on Instagram: @typewritertarot Site: https://www.typewritertarot.com
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Cody Travis Maher, Filmmaker & Photographer
Hi there, my name is Cody Travis Maher, I am a 32 year old freelance filmmaker and travel photographer based in the US. I have been producing videos for over 15 years and can handle all aspects of filmmaking including planning, directing, photography, and editing. I have extensive experience in creating content for social media, internal communications and brand identity. I am also a skilled photographer with experience in portrait, landscape, architectural, and astrophotography. My portfolio includes filming events, corporate, interviews, branding, music, documentary, weddings, and much more. I consider myself highly versatile and can be challenged to imagine a solution to most any marketing goal.
Follow on Instagram: @codytmaher Site: https://codytravis.com/
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Elena Lopez, Fiber Artist
My name is Elena Lopez and I am a fiber artist! I work at a gender justice non profit, but in my free time (or anytime I have to wait for more than three minutes) I am crocheting. I'm an Oregonian at heart, where indoor activities are essential to cope with the endless rainy season and where I learned to sew and crochet as a child. Crocheting allows my creativity and love of colors and texture to shine! From wearables to home decor to abstract pieces, I can weave yarn into something beloved.
Follow on Instagram: @laleona555
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Elina Nikol J, Storyteller & Poet
Elina Nikol J. is a storyteller and poet. Her stories center around female protagonists trying to figure out this life thing while her poetry explores her thoughts and observations on the world. When she's not writing fiction or poetry, she's writing nonfiction under her real name (Erin Nicole Johnson). She's not one of those writers who likes to write in silence and is always open to learning about new artists. Originally from Louisiana, followed by a ten-year stay in Florida, she currently resides in Del Valle, TX.
Follow on Instagram: @elinanikolj.writes Site: https://elinanikolj.com/ Medium: @elinanikolj
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Lucero Archuleta Valle, Photographer
In the sun-drenched landscapes of Northern Mexico, my journey began, fueled by an early passion for photography and business. Today, I call Austin, Texas, home, where I've harnessed that passion to establish a thriving photography business and a certified women and minority-owned creative studio. Picture my studio as a hub of resourcefulness, where passion and collaboration collide. It's not just about my talents; it's about fusing them with my clients' expertise. Whether they're aiming for business growth, increased sales, or to stand out in the crowd, together, we craft a visual masterpiece that unveils their brilliance.
Follow on Instagram: @lucero.studio Site: https://www.lucerocreativebusiness.com/
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Natalie Chapman, Artist, Photographer & Designer
Raised in Austin, Texas, my artistic journey began with ceramics and blossomed into mixed media and photography. My background in automotive repair led to my current role as an engineer tech in Applied Materials' robot department. Beyond my job, I'm studying visual communication to blend design skills with my artistic pursuits. Ultimately, my ambition is to return to the automotive industry, but this time with a keen design focus, aspiring to create a positive impact in the future.
Follow on Instagram: @chapmanwerks Site: https://nataliechapman.myportfolio.com/    
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Rosanna Turner, Writer, Comedian & Storyteller
Rosanna Turner is a writer, comedian and storyteller. She performs standup regularly at local comedy spots around Austin. Her debut novel, a romantic comedy titled Romance vs. Reality, is set to be published early next year.
Follow on Instagram: @intellectualdonuts Site: https://rosannaturner.com/
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Upasna Kakroo, Brand Storyteller & Children’s Book Writer
Upasna has been a brand storyteller for over 20 years and currently leads a nonprofit, Peerbagh in Austin, Texas where she leads creative confidence and storytelling workshops for kids and adults. She is the winner of Writing Barn's fellowship and also received the Elevate Grant from the City of Austin in 2023. Her first book of nonfiction (City Wi-Fi networks, Lap Publications) was published in 2012, and her first children’s book (Lil’ Danny Runs a Race) was published in 2018. In 2021, she wrote a children’s book, Shaliya Discovers Coronavirus Frumpfchi which was translated into 17 languages. She lives in Austin with her husband and toddler. 
Follow on Instagram: @peerbagh.stories Site: https://peerbagh.com
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