#Hope this isn't rude as she hasn't been revealed yet
mushroom-for-art · 1 year
Hey @blues-sues, they consume me enjoy.
In the rain
Hidden under a rough covering of leaves, two Mewtwo sheltered themselves from the rain with the little dip huddling close for warmth as the rain splattered heavily around them. The red hued one kept his arms wrapped around his companion holding them close protectively, eyes constantly scanning his surroundings trying to pinpoint any abnormal movement or sounds from around the rain, his eyes darting to leaves that bounced under fat water droplets or branches that swayed in a gust.
He jolted flinching as a droplet that had rolled across the leaves fell on his back, water still getting them within their makeshift shelter. Feeling her shiver he held her tighter pulling her closer as rain thumped around them. He tilted and moved his head desperate to hear over the rain or anything past the rain as another droplet hit his arm then his tail. He couldn't help the growl that started to grumble and grow within the back of his throat and as it to insult him a drop plonked onto his head causing him to jolt and shift his body weight. His companion made a soft noise as she felt him moving.
He moved into a crouch, his arms still wrapped around his friend, his tail thumping into the sopping wet ground causing mud to fly around, his eyes frantic as the rain continued to pour indiscriminately around them.
He felt his companion lightly jump in his arms as rain hit her on the cheek, despite her quietly giggling at the sensation and surprise he felt aggressive. He shifted on his toes feeling quills starting to form under his body, his body beginning to stretch and morph. He felt his fingers and toes extending elongating outwards, his digits sinking into the dirt as he growled, feeling surrounded by thousands of unseen enemies and untraceable threats. He shoved himself upwards from his crouch standing and storming out into the rain even as his limbs screamed at him to not move. He bellowed snarling furious at the rain turning in circles as he was lashed with water in feral deranged hysteria.
Throwing his thick quills from his wrists, they sank into the mud into tree trunks as he paced in a circle overwhelmed with pain and sounds. The rain was horrid and wet and cold on his body and wracked him full of chill even as his limbs and body burned in searing agony. His wrists and fingers quivered in uncontrollable subtle shaking between freezing anxiety and overwhelming pain, his foot sank into the mud whimpering with the pain shooting up his leg as his tail thrashed. Everything was just too much as he growled over his pain at the sky daring the weather to come and fight him personally, it was an unstoppable entity, an enemy that needed to be subdued even as rain hit his face and into his eyes.
Shivering from the sudden loneliness his companion of pinks moved carefully from where she was huddled making a soft oop as her horns touched the leaves above her head and splattered her head. She moved her hands to feel around to carefully shimmy out from the little shelter. Unable to see anything but the aura of others she managed to step into the open. She had seen other aura traces but right now all she could make out were the waves of bright red energy rolling off of her companion. His aura flared outwards in powerful waves that almost sent her stumbling backwards, but she could read him and she could feel his pain and terror. Even as his aura blinded her vision further with red and the outline of his taller form she approached, with practiced caution.
Her hand reached out and she managed to brush against his tail as it swayed past her hand thankfully going over his quills in a way that flattened them and left her unharmed. She heard his startled breath and the splat of mud as he turned quickly to confront her with a snarl before quietening into a whimper. Despite being blind to turned her head up to meet where his gaze should be and raised her hands upwards towards him. She couldn't actually reach but she didn't need to, she felt his hands quickly cupping the back of hers and his face burying quickly into her palms as he mumbled apologies into her hold. She rubbed her thumbs carefully against his cheeks as he buried into her hands feeling his tail curl around her and pull her closer as he moved into a crouch still using his hands to keep hers on his face. Slowly he moved his hands moving them instead to wrap around her body pulling her in closer to himself as he pressed his face into her neck as her hands moved one holding his face the other gently holding his neck. His aura waves were calming from erratic spikes and waves to small rolls of energy but she could still sense he was in pain even if he didn't express it.
She tilted her head to the side gently bonking against him and lightly rubbing her cheek against the side of his head near his horns offering a soft comforting purr. The rain pattered above them as a psychic barrier was made like an umbrella, she squeezed him just softly closer to her purring a bit deeper, "there you go," she comforted, "that's better yea?" She felt him nod into her neck.
Her hand moved from his neck to rub down his upper back carefully, his quills already flattened, she could feel his body starting to change once more, his aura signature shrinking as his body reduced in stature and size back to his regular form, though he still huddled into her. Even though he was quiet she knew he was still in pain, the mega evolution took a great physical toll on his body it was something he really shouldn't have done but she could understand why. Had he ever really heard or felt the rain before? She'd heard it a few times from her own room but she figured to him this was already so much especially with how anxious and protective he'd become. She gently squeezed him closer to her and he made a soft mrrp.
"Come on, let's head back to the shelter, wait for this rain to stop." He nodded into her neck once more his hold on her tightening as she moved, "Rig, you gotta let go so we can move," she giggled softly as he made a bit of a stubborn grumble moving to pick her up as she squealed and very much told him off and to put her down for his own sake before he hurt himself further.
"I know you're already going to be aching from that evolution. You stop being silly and put me down no lifting anything, oh my Arceus Rigger!!" He ignored her protests carrying her back to the shelter and ducking under inside keeping the protect barrier above them to offer more security and ease his overwhelmed senses. He put her down but didn't release.
"That was very foolish and you know it I can feel the pain in your aura," he buried himself into her neck wrapping his legs and tail around her to hold her close to him as she tutted thumping her tail a little to express her mild frustration at his lack of self care before sighing leaning into his warm hold. "You better take it easy from now on though Rig, you're still recovering if you continue to push yourself too far you could be seriously hurt." Her voice was soft but he could hear the clear worry in her tone as she cuddled herself into him.
"Sorry Mel…" His voice a mumble, "I'll, try..promise.." She sighed softly, the sincerity was clear in his aura despite him struggling for words. She leant into him comfortable in his hold and warm as she felt him mutually lean and press into her, closing her eyes she just listened to the rain with him.
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golbrocklovely · 1 month
since this anon kinda gets into some bridgerton spoilers, i'm gonna put it behind a keep reading so in case you haven't seen it yet, nothing is spoiled for yall :)
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i'm gonna make a whole post on my feelings for part one bc omg i have so many, but i'll go into some detail about how i feel now.
BOOK SPOILERS ARE IN HERE (so if you don't want to know anything at all about this season/book, turn back now)
i was interested to see how things played out with eloise and pen strictly bc in the books, since LW has been doing it for so long, eloise isn't all that upset at finding out about pen being her.
but in the show, i was curious to see how they would make el and cressida work. and i think it sort of works. but my whole thing is, i can't stand c. like i get why she acts the way she does, but compare her to pen who is basically in the same situation.
pen also comes from a family that is mean to her and doesn't treat her well. she is also in competition with the ladies of the ton (and not only them but her own sisters at one point) to find a man, and yet she isn't mean. she doesn't pick on others to make herself feel bigger. her and c are basically one in the same, but the difference is that pen is internal with her negativity while c boasts herself as something more while simultaneously not feeling like she measures up.
this obviously brings into the question LW, but i think in a way pen isn't really saying anything the ton isn't already thinking. she's just making it widely known. in a way, she's the gossiper for all ppl - the rich and poor. so while yes, she can be mean in the LW columns, she's really only saying what everyone was saying to her and around her. and even then, she's also bringing herself down by reporting on herself and her family, which puts her in even more negative withstanding.
i kinda wish they would have kept c mean just for the sake of being mean, not have the audience try and pity her in a way. i think it would have been more entertaining if she was just rude bc she was never taught to be nice, rather than it being a desperate ploy to get a man before everyone else while being deeply insecure. idk. in my own personal experience, while you have bullies that are bullied themselves, which is why they act the way they do, some ppl are just destined to be dicks lol
and pen will definitely reveal herself as LW to colin, and probably her family and the bridgerton family. but i don't see it being shared with the rest of the ton only bc that kinda defeats the purpose of the show. in the books, there is the whole carriage scene, but then she continues being LW even tho colin thought they both agreed to her stopping it then and there. but regardless of that (since that won't work in the show), i think she'll reveal it right before they get married, and some form of drama will occur.
also.. and don't take my word for this since it hasn't been confirmed or anything, but i heard there's gonna be another carriage scene so……… maybe we'll get that from the books after all lol
(plus the mirror scene... plus an apparent montage of them fucking so............... i'm sat and ready)
as for what's gonna happen in part two, i have seen some spoilers so i won't say them since i highly doubt you want to be spoiled, but from the little preview they did show (plus some bts i've seen that has been going around twitter from some news network that went on the set to film them do part 2) i think like the books c is gonna confess to being LW and that's what makes pen pass out. and then she's gonna try to counter c with her own LW column calling her out, and then she'll get caught by colin. i think a variation of that is gonna play out.
i'm just hoping that by the end her and eloise are friends again. bc their scenes in this first half… i literally cried twice. especially at the "would you like to come up" part. it just hits a bit close to home in a way for me.
i just can't wait for what's gonna happen. like i need this second half NOW.
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willowfolksong · 3 years
HEY HEY read your Mated for Eternity and I loved it!! 🥰Can you pretty please do a nsfw Satoru x female reader where he has a shy girlfriend who’s afraid to reveal she’s a virgin 🤭… Satoru overheard that detail and plans a surprise for her he is super gentle and sweet (and a tease) with her for the first time😩🤞🏼you can do what feels right.THANK YOU AND TAKE CARE !! I love your work (not sure how to submit requests but here I am)
Learning time with Gojo-sensei
- Gojo Satoru x Reader
- NSFW (minors dni)
a/n: AHHHHHHH thank you so much for your words anon!!! They make me so happy 🥺❤ here's your request!!! I hope you like it as much as I did writing it ✨ Let me know what you think and take care too!!!! AND THANK YOU AGAIN ❤
Willow ❄
Requests are open ❄
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"So... yeah" you finish, pushing a lock of hair behind your ear and looking down at the floor, your ears burning "That's that"
Shoko takes a long drag of her cigarette, blinks, and then tilts her head to the side.
"So you're a virgin" she deadpans, and you would fall out of your chair in shock if you were a character in one of those shows Itadori likes so much.
A whole hour and a half trying to avoid wording it like that, and there she goes.
"Yes" you whisper, hiding your face in your hands "I suppose I am"
"And what's the problem again?"
You huff, and bite your bottom lip. When you peek through your fingers at her, Shoko's looking at you with an unimpressed frown.
"The problem is...— look I just wanted some advice"
"For sex"
"Yes!" you whisper, and then glance towards the closed door "I've been dating Satoru for two months now and I want... well..." you clear your throat, cheeks as red as the blouse you're wearing. Shoko doesn't seems like she's willing to finish the sentence for you "I want to... be with him. Like, closer"
"You want to have sex with him"
You groan, and stand up to pace around the room "Yes! That's exactly what I want! Thank you!"
She smiles, finishes her cigarette and crosses her legs "Look, if you're worried about being a virgin, don't be. Satoru must have plenty of experience. He'll know what to do"
That makes you pause, and you look at her in shock "Wait, what?"
"And about the whole moment" she continues, ignoring the face you're making "Don't worry too much either. Every person is different, but I'm sure you'll be fine. Just let him known what you want and that's it. The rest will come naturally"
You don't look too convinced as you go— you actually look even more bewildered, and now a little worried about your boyfriend's past endeavors as well. But it's late, and you have to go back home, and so you leave Shoko alone to do the rest of her work.
The door hasn't closed behind you yet when she sighs, rolling her eyes.
"That's rude you know. Spying on people like that"
Gojo peeks his head from behind the door and smiles cheekily at her "I wasn't spying"
"I was a silent third participant of the conversation"
"I bet" Gojo hums, and pushes his hands inside his pockets before looking on the direction you disappeared down the hallway. Shoko fishes another cigarette from her purse. "Well, at least you heard her. She's worried"
"Yeah" he says, deep in thought. Shoko watches him for a few seconds, until he finally seems to come to a satisfying conclusion on his own, and looks back at her with a bright smile "Isn't she the cutest?"
A week later, you open the door of your apartment to find it filled with candles. It smells like vanilla and lavender inside, and the glow of the little flames cast shadows on the walls, shadows that move, and compel you to take a couple of steps inside while dropping your purse to the ground, fascinated by the light.
Gojo closes the door behind you softly, his back against it, and you turn around with a smile.
"You did this?"
"Yeah" he says, and looks around too "I mean, someone suggested roses, but I thought it was a bit too tacky"
You blink, and then laugh a bit "Tacky, huh?"
"Unless you think they're cute and romantic" he rushes to add, placing a hand over his heart and closing his eyes behind his glasses "In wich case, can you step onto the hallway so I can clean all this and go buy some roses real quick?"
That makes you laugh even harder, and you rub your arms to ease the goosebumps and wait for him to approach you. Then you stand on your tiptoes, and kiss him softly on the lips.
"This is perfect, thank you" you whisper, and he hums and kisses you back "What's the occasion?"
"No occasion. Just wanted to have a fun night with you" he says against your lips, and both of his hands snake behind your back to bring you closer to him.
He's warm, and inviting, and you can feel his muscles under the shirt when you grab it for some support— as his tongue delves deep inside you and coaxes yours out to gently lap it.
Your thighs start to tremble.
"Actually" you say, and you're sure you must be a blushing mess already "I... would like to have fun with you too"
"Oh?" Gojo says, arching an eyebrow "What kind of fun?"
That makes you pause, and you feel like your head is about to explode because you just... don't really think you can say it out loud.
Shoko said you had to let him known what you wanted and then...
"Well..." you start, and then gulp nervously.
Gojo chuckles and pinches your side, making you yelp. Then he rubs his lips over yours, sending tingles all over your body "Do you want me to make love to you?"
You gasp, and feel like if you're going to combust into flames, that's precisely the moment to do it "I..."
"Don't be so shy" Gojo coos at you, gently but firmly backing you towards the casually open bedroom door "I really want to"
"You do?" you ask, and he nods enthusiastically before grabbing you in his arms and hosting you up. You yelp, grabbing his shoulders for support.
"I very much want to, yeah"
"And... that's why... there's so many candles?"
Gojo shrugs, and then carefully lays you down in bed "I'm a romantic at heart, what can I say?"
"Also" he adds, hovering above you with a smirk, his glasses catching the light of the flames "The fear of dying in a fire really gets you going right?"
He snorts, and sits down on the bed beside you. When you try to sit up as well, he gently pushes you down— a hand on your chest that moves away only after having grazed your nipples over the shirt.
"I'm joking, cutie" he says, bending forward. You feel him take your heels, and then his hands trail slowly up to your legs, until he reaches the buttons of your pants and looks back at you "You need to relax more. You're a bit tense"
"I'm sorry..."
He clicks his tongue at the same time he unbuttons your pants, sliding them down with a little of your help and throwing them to the other side of the room without looking.
"Dont apologize" he asks, tracing your slit with a finger, and then getting up to pull you towards the edge of the bed, before kneeling in front of you "Just enjoy"
He licks you over your panties, and your eyes widen at the same time a small whine escapes your lips. He looks at you, amused, and does it again.
"Unless you don't want this" he says, pushing your panties aside to bury his nose in you. You're sure he moans at the same time you do "Then I can just help you get dressed and we can have a fun night blowing candles off"
"No... please..."
"Please yes or please no?" he asks, his tongue sneaking out to finally properly taste you "Words are going to be important on this"
"Yes..." you whisper, cheeks aflame "I want this"
"That's a good girl"
The feeling of him eating you out after he takes off your panties it's just too much, too soon, too... everything— and you try to get away from him, to back away in bed because it's just too much all of the sudden. You were not expecting it to feel this good.
Soon, you realize that your own fingers won't be enough anymore.
Gojo doesn't lets you get away, keeping you in place by grabbing your hips.
His tongue is warm and slick against you, inside you, tracing your hole and licking at what he can reach, and once you’re wet enough, he slides a finger past that ring of muscle, chuckling quietly when you moan his name. You jerk when you feel his teeth on your clit, gentle as he nibbles at the sensitive bud before sucking it between his lips. 
"Oh...— my God... I can't"
He looks up at you, mouth glistening with your fluids "It's actually Satoru, princess" he jokes, giving you a long sensual lick that has you moaning in ecstasy "Remember?"
The bed dips under you as your back arches, shoulder blades sinking into it the further you push, no longer wanting to escape but to have Gojo bury himself in you. It isn’t long until you’re dripping onto the sheets, a growing wet spot below your ass.
And then you feel it aproach— all of the sudden and like a quick lighting bolt, and you barely have time to warn Gojo before you're grabbing his face and burying him in you as you come, a surprised moan escaping him as he happily sets on licking you clean.
You shield your face with your hands when you see him stand up, his cock hard and straining his pants— his face dripping wet "I'm so sorry"
"I shouldn't have..." you stutter, shaking your head "I'm sorry for grabbing you like that"
He laughs, a deep rich laugh that has you looking at him as he makes quick work of his clothes, only leaving his glasses on before crawling over you.
"Baby, if I'm going to die, I want it to be drowning between your thighs"
"Oh my god, Satoru" you whine "You can't just say stuff like that"
"Why not? Are you embarrased?" he asks, kissing you behind your ear "After creaming all over me?"
"Now" he says, and you blink and look down to see him rubing his cock over your glistenig folds. He's painfully hard "Do you want me like this, baby? Or do you want me to go down and eat you out some more? You're so sweet I wouldn't mind"
You're scared, and you feel your heart threatening to burst out of your chest. You don't know if Gojo can feel it too, leaning over you and looking at you behind his glasses, a tiny smile on his face. You move your arms up and take them off— slowly, just in case he doesn't want you too.
His blue eyes stare back at you with nothing but warm.
They're shining.
Yes, you're scared. But it's him. And you want him. You want this.
You pull him down to kiss him softly "Yes, I want you" you tell him, praying one last time that he won't realize how much you don't really know what to do.
Gojo smiles brightly, placing a hand besides your head while using the other to guide himself inside you. Your close your eyes and bite your bottom lip, whining when you feel yourself stretching to accommodate him.
He's big, and reaches places you've never been able to before.
Your thighs and hands are trembling when he finally bottoms out, the pain bringing a couple of tears to your eyes.
"Breathe" he tells you, leaning down to push your blouse up with one hand.
You help him, the distraction making you forget the slight burn. You don't know how he manages to unclasp your bra, but you're soon moaning at the sensation of his lips sucking your tits in his mouth.
He plays with your pebbled niples until you finally relax enough to buckle towards him, seeking some friction— and you have the feeling he did it on purpose.
"Ready?" he asks in your ear, and there's an edge to his voice that you've never heard before, and that's incredibly hot.
"Yes, Satoru" you say, and lick your lips before closing your eyes "Fuck me"
If he's surprised that you of all people would say something like that, you don't know. You keep your eyes closed as he gives a short thrust, and his tip presses against the spot you could never reach, now dangerously engorged from the way he fucked you with his tongue before.
"Hah..." he moans, throwing his head back with a smile "You feel as good as I always imagined"
You wiggle on the bed, hoping for even more friction, until Gojo finally decides to move a bit more. He’s still slow but steadier now, building a rhythm that pushes little sounds from you with every inward thrust.
You fill it again, your upcoming second orgasm of the night— right there, close enough but still out of your reach.
You slowly open your eyes to find Gojo intently staring down at you, his hips still moving.
"Please" you plead, and feel him grab your hips harder "I need more"
"Are you sure, baby?" he asks with a groan, stilling himself inside you and filing you so good "Don't wanna be too rough with you... don't know if you can take me"
You nod, head overflowing with sensations.
You never, ever thought it could feel this good.
"I can" you say "Yes I can"
"Are you sure?" he says, leaning down to drawn you into a messy kiss "Are you sure you can take me?"
Then he surges back once more, eyes twinkling dangerously, and you brace yourself for what's to come.
"I promise I won't break you" he says, winking at you "Too much"
Then he finally starts fucking you with full force, the slap of skin-on-skin like music to your ears, your sloppy pussy squelching for him as your walls cling to his cock. He’s pulling you down to meet him, fingertips possibly bruising your flesh like never before.
You want it. You want it all.
The only thing that matters is Gojo, and how he feels inside you.
It's hard to say how long it lasts, at which point you abandon any inhibition and start begging for more— desperately, like you need his cock to breath.
Gojo huffs, and pants in your mouth, and seeing someone like him come undone— eyes scrunching close for a moment as you come, milking his cock and digging your nails on his back— it's what makes you see stars behind your eyelids.
For everything he whispered against your lips, every promise and praise, he comes silently— half lidded eyes as he pulls out and paints your stomach white.
You don't care. You're exhausted, and happy, and so high on the rush that when you blink a couple of times, you find him tucking you by his side, his face burying in your neck, with no recollection of how you got there, or when did he clean you up.
"How are you feeling?" he asks, smiling cheekily, and you laugh and kiss his nose.
"I feel amazing"
"Yeah you did" he says, tracing his fingers over your stomach "Definitely amazing"
"I... yeah"
He sighs, and hides his face again, kissing your skin softly "So glad to be your first... I feel so blessed right now"
Your eyes snap open, and you look down to find him pursing his lips, clearly having realized what he said.
"You knew?"
"Well... I might have overheard a tiny little bit... wich is all"
You groan, but Gojo stops you from covering your face and kisses you on the lips, then on the cheeks, and softly bites your nose.
"I'm so embarrased right now"
"Why? You didn't like it?"
"I did! It's just that..."
"Baby, don't you see?" he says, rubing your sides "This only means that there's a lot I can show you... and that we can both discover together"
And then he pulls you on top of him, and you yelp and place both hands in his chest, surprised.
A slow smirk takes hold of his face at that.
"Like right now. Let's start lesson number two with Gojo-sensei!"
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hyunsuks-beanie · 3 years
TXT when they accidentally use your insecurity against you in an argument
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A/N: So I wanted to write something for my babies TXT, and I'm a sucker for angst with fluffy endings.... So, here we go again!
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"I like this dress Yeonjun. And I'm not gonna change out of it, so cut it out," you huff, annoyed at your boyfriend pestering you to change into something else, something a bit less revealing (in his opinion). "Babe no, trust me. This dress isn't all that good. It looked good in your closet, but it's not looking good on you." "Uh huh, and why should I believe that? I tried it out in front of my friends, and they said I looked really nice wearing it," you counter. When he doesn't say anything and just glares at you, you ask him again, "Come on Jun. What is it? Tell me. Give me a solid reason, and maybe I'll change out of it. Although I think there isn't a real reason, you're just being overprot-" Yeonjun loses his cool very easily, and you just crossed the line by pointing out the truth.
"Oh shut up Y/N," he cuts you off, raising his voice. "You're wayyyy too curvy for this dress. It makes you look fat and desperate." When you don't reply, he turns around to see tears welling up in your eyes. It's only then that he realizes what he's said. He just used your biggest insecurity against you, and he can do nothing but watch you run up the stairs to your bedroom, crying. He decides to give you some space, but ten minutes later, he's at the bedroom door, unable to stay away from you any longer. He enters slowly, only to see you bawling your eyes out after having changed out the dress. "Y/N, baby...," he whimpers, "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean that. I know I'm a jerk, but I just want to say, you are right. I was being overprotective."
(Rest of the members are under the cut!)
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"Soobin, stop practicing and eat something. You must be starving," you smile at your boyfriend, who is busy practicing for a comeback. He doesn't reply, and after five minutes, you beckon him again. "Soobin, ea-," he cuts you off by loudly saying, "Gosh Y/N, stop being so clingy and annoying." You're taken aback by his sudden outburst. Your Soobin never talks to you this way. " Soobin I just," you start again, only to have him cut you off again. "Can't you see I'm practicing? Can't you see I have better things in life to do, than to eat with you? I swear, when I agreed to dating you, I didn't know you were such an attention-seeker," he says without turning around.
Needless to say, you walk out the door as soon as he's done talking, and what's worse is that he doesn't even notice. Hours later, once he finally nails the choreography, he looks down at the food, and gratitude and guilt wash over him. He tries calling you, but you don't pick up, and that's when he knows he's screwed up big time. He quickly goes home, only to find you asleep on the couch after having cried your eyes out. He wants to leave you be, but he knows he needs to apologize. So he gently shakes you awake, before saying, "I'm so sorry Y/N. This one's one me."
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"Beomgyu, can we please go out? The weather is so nice!!," you say to your boyfriend, who's busy playing video games. "Maybe later baby. I'm busy right now." "You're always busy," you mutter under your breath, which, thankfully, Beomgyu doesn't hear. He's had a hectic month at the company, and now that he finally had a day off, instead of spending time with you, he's bust playing video games. You are a supportive partner, you really are. But Beomgyu is being really thick right now, and you can't help but sigh. A while later though, you try again, "Beomgyu....are you done yet?," You ask excitedly. You half expected a cold response, but what you didn't expect was a glare from him. "Gosh Y/N, what the hell are you so loud for? It's giving me a headache, and it made me lose the game," he says loudly. "I-I'm sorry, I d-didn't know," you try to reason.
"I have one day off in a whole month, and you don't even have the decency to let me enjoy what I like doing? I don't like going out with you anyway, you're boring," he lowers his voice, but you still hear. Your shock turns into annoyance, as you say, "Oh I'm so sorry. I'll leave you to your stupid game." With that, you walk out the door, determined to not let your stupid boyfriend ruin your mood on such a nice day. Beomgyu decides to restart the game, when another player says, "Dude, did you even hear yourself? Is that any way to talk to your partner? You know they're right man, apologize to them." This manages to knock some sense into Beomgyu, and makes him feel guilty. He walks out of the house, knowing full well you must've gone to Han River. He has no trouble finding you, and as soon as he sees you, sitting on the grass under a tree, he comes up slowly behind you. When you're in his reach, he wraps his arms around you, whispering a soft "I'm sorry."
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You like Taehyun. You really do. And so, you're always trying to find ways to talk to him. But he's been busy this week, and you didn't want to come off as too annoying or too desperate, so you decided to hang out with Huening Kai more. He's a good friend of yours, who knows about your crush on Taehyun. You guys have been fooling around for a couple days, and, unbeknownst to you, Taehyun hasn't been liking how close you two seem. One day, you went up to Hyuka, asking him if he wanted to hang out. Taehyun was sitting close by, working on his laptop. He gets jealous seeing you approaching his best friend instead of him, and before the younger boy can reply, he quips, "Y/N, are you always this desperate? First it used to be me. Now it's Huening Kai. Who's gonna be next? Jungkook hyung? Or Jungwon?" You're shocked at this, since Taehyun just called you what you had been trying to avoid being called. "I'll talk to you later," you say to Huening Kai, before turning away and leaving. "Dude, that was totally uncalled for. She's been hanging out with me because she didn't want to disturb you seeing as how busy you are. And look at you, being a total jerk," Hyuka says to Taehyun. It's then that he realizes his mess up, and he quickly gets up, hoping to catch you before you leave. He sees your form about to exit the building, and he jogs up to you before grabbing hold of your hand and turning you around. "Look, I know I messed up. I just got jealous, I'm so sorry," he says.
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Huening Kai
Hyuka enters your shared apartment, and soon as you see him, you know something is up. He seems pissed, or actually, beyond pissed. "Hyuka, baby, what's wrong? Did something happen?" "Oh nothing much, just the hyungs teasing me like always," he says in mock nonchalance. You see through it though, and ask, "Why? Should I go fight with them for upsetting you?" You meant this only as a joke, but it's enough to make Huening Kai raise his voice, and say "No Y/N. I don't need your help! I don't need you to fight anyone on my behalf, I don't need you to check up on me, I don't need you to send me food. Quit being so nagging. You're not my mom, so stop acting like one."
You're at a loss for words. You thought that your boyfriend liked being looked after, but apparently, you were wrong. You feel guilty for embarrassing him, for being the reason he's upset. "I-I'm sorry, I promise, I won't nag you anymore. I didn't know you didn't like me looking after you. Sorry I embarrassed you," you say, mustering a weak smile. Even though he had said the same words minutes ago, seeing you repeat them makes him realize how rude he's been to you, when all you've been doing was looking out for him. He hugs you super tight, catching you by surprise. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have lashed out like that."
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mcyt-amber-tftsmp · 3 years
𝐀 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐀 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 {𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐛 + 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫}
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Request?: Fanvergent5
Character: Ranbob
Side Character(s): none
Story-type: Platonic
Story Length: 1450 words
AU or Not: It just takes place after the incidents just ranbob becoming a bit calmer and regrets killing the fishermen off and decided to not do it again like ever
Time Period: Future
Plot Summary: Y/N reintroduces Ranbob to the outside world that she's from. There could be new things he's never seen before cause of how long he's been underwater. Eventually y/n asks about Mizu and when Ranbob tells say he doesn't remember much they go looking through the library they originally found (Karl's library)
Small Info: Maybe Karl's library in Mizu could include some of the other places he's traveled to or even the truth of all the dsmp characters Ranbob would be OOC!
Y/N = Your Name
Trigger Warning: none
Normal Warning: Cringe writing- and practically short! ;-; oof!
Third person Point Of View~
"So what's it like in the Outside World you are from?"
Those words left Ranbob's mouth as he looked at you. He hasn't really been to the overword for a really long time and has been in Mizu for most of his life and he could tell many things have changed after 11 years of staying down here. Y/N could tell.
"Eh! It's alright to be honest. There are people who are nice and then there are people who chose to be rude and obnoxious. In my opinion majority of the people where I come from are actually nice." She started.
This actually made Ranbob want to know more.
"Can I know more if you don't mind about where you come from?" He asked as you looked at him as a smile formed on your face as you nodded.
"Yeah sure!" You said as you started to tell him.
You told him how there in your town many people help each other when they are in need, how the town baker is always there and giving the poor people on the streets food for free and how there is a big library which stands out the most in the town. You even told him about how there is always an event of gladiators that takes place in the Subbin Empire led by King Porkius VII.
Ranbob's eyes lit up at the things you said. It was pretty fascinating how in eleven years things could change for the better. To be honest he missed the outside world a lot. But he's grown so used to being here that it would be a bit weird for him when he goes back but he will be able to manage hopefully.
"There are also mobs which happen to spawn at night but thankfully they don't really cause that much havoc like they used to. The endermen mobs are pretty much peaceful and don't attack as much when you accidentally look them in the eyes." You said finishing what you had to say.
"Woah... I guess a lot of things have changed." Ranbob said as you nodded.
"Mhm! So do you mind if I get to know more about the City of Mizu? If that's okay by you?" You asked as Ranbob slowly nodded.
"Sure I really don't mind just the problem is that I don't really have that much of a good memory. I may have taken that from my ancestor. But there is a library that could give a good explanation on things considering many of the history laying around here are mostly wrong. I have the key for that." He said as he ushered you to follow him to it.
It was a long walk but you two made small talk and would crack small jokes every once in a while. Those had to die down when you reached the vast door of what you thought lead to the library. Ranbob put the key through the lock and turned it to open the door which revealed a huge library filled with books and shelves and many parchments, books and quills.
"I will be honest with you. I found this library a month ago. Back then I didn't really have access to this place since I couldn't find the key and would forget in seconds as to what I was doing. I managed to find this key in some room which I am sorry, I may have forgotten." Ranbob said rubbing his neck in embarrassment.
"It's alright Ranbob." You said as you looked around the place as you took out a few books to read.
You found a book which had some information on a person by the name Ranboo. You guessed that he was Ranbob's ancestor considering the name Ran and the fact that they are both half enderman and half something else. You read through the pages once you came to a part which you found very interesting.
"Hey Ranbob did you know that Ranboo was platonically married to a guy named Tubbo and adopted a zombie piglin child named Michael?" You asked which Ranbob looked a bit shocked and slightly pissed and this made you giggle slightly.
You went through other books and came across another book which was about a person named Karl Jacobs. he seemed to be pretty intriguing to say the least considering he had two fiances named SapNap and Quackity. Ranbob didn't seem to like the Quackity guy since he told him about how he was slightly stupid and other stuff.
What other interesting thing about Karl was how he was a time traveler. It showed the many places he had been into which consisted of the past, present and future. It was something very exciting yet it was dangerous.
You also read on about another guy who happened to be Demigod/god figure. Somebody by the name FoolishG. He wasn't an all powerful God like DreamXD who you guessed was Dream's brother or something. Though the one thing about Gods which made you feel intimidated was their height which reaches like 20 feet or above. Again it was very scary.
You also read about how there was a Red Egg which was a huge danger to the entire Dream SMP which existed a while back in the past. Sources say that it had been defeated hopefully for it to never come back for the second time.
You had hoped it never comes back after what you read from this. Ranbob was pretty much praying for that egg to not come back either since he doesn't seem to like the idea of getting infected or something.
You wnet through other characters like Eret, GeorgeNotFound, Captain Puffy, Awesamdude, Ponk, BadBoyHalo, Skeppy, Philza Minecraft, Wilbur Soot, TommyInnit, Tubbo, Purpled, Technoblade, Punz, Niki Nihachu, Hannah Rose and so on.
After all the reading you noticed how late it was and told Ranbob that you had to get going. Ranbob nodded as he led you out of the library as he closed it quickly behind you and went with you to the entrance.
You went towards your boat as Ranbob looked at you. You came up with an idea as you looked at Ranbob.
"Hey Ranbob?" She asked.
"Hm?" He hummed in response.
"Do you want to go to with me to see the outside world? I thought you would want to go see it yourself since you had a lot of interest and whatnot." You said as Ranbob pondered.
He did want to go but did he want to right now? He wasn't really sure. Plus it was night time and he didn't feel like going at this time right now so he shook his head.
"Don't get me wrong I do want to but not right now. Maybe another time." He said as you nodded.
"I get it. Though let me know whenever you want to cause this isn't the last time I am coming back here. You are a really great company to have. Can we be friends though?" She said and asked which brought a smile on Ranbob's face.
"Sure." he said with a nod.
"Alright! See you tomorrow! Bye Ranbob!" You said as you sailed away on your boat by rowing the paddles.
"Bye Y/N!" He said as he watched until you disappeared out of sight.
To be honest it felt really nice talking to someone and not killing them off for once. He actually felt happy knowing he had found a friend. He was actually looking forward for you to come back tomorrow. He sighed and went down the ladder.
This time he was very happy and smiling without having to kill off anyone.
Guess this was something he had been missing his whole life.
A very good friend.
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dreamwritesimagines · 3 years
Soooo... Detailed review for last chapter it is!
Ok so first off even though they had sex and it was their first time, you could sense the tension in the air. Bucky has always been tender with her as if she holds his entire heart. Shrike's act was also understandably, a bit off. They had the affection and banter of two people who share the bed with each other occasionally; but you can sense it that it wasn't as cozy, warm and intimate as compared to a few of their dates before.
Their dynamic has definitely changed. You could just sense it. Bucky may not know it right now and he claims later in the chapter otherwise; but subconsciously you know that he's holding onto the known comfort of the wants of 1940's Bucky.
The Bucky that he is today is definitely attracted to the thrill and the exhilarating experience that Shrike is. He isn't even noticing it but Mr. Bionic Staring Machine smiles fondly at her and I'm sure if we have his POV then we'll learn that he thinks about her quite a lot too. He can threaten her to reveal herself or what all this is about but he hasn't yet because surprisingly he trusts her. He respects her and he may not know exactly what her intentions are but he believes that she doesn't mean him any harm directly.
It's almost ironic that Cover! Shrike and Bucky were as close as they could be romantically yet the sparks of not just chemistry but also the mutual respect between him and Real! Shrike flared brighter.
Coming to Shrike Again how funny it is that for someone whosse job was everything to her and so was the General's praise and her co-workers respect; her first thought of who should be betraying wa
DARLIIIIING ILYSM! ❤❤❤ You've made my day with this omg THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU😍😱❤
I was actually hoping that was like visible between them and you noticed that part yaaaay! ❤ They had sex and normally after that especially if they're dating- they get more comfortable with each other and it's like there's this bond BUT with Shrike and Bucky, it actually went the opposite way 😁❤
You're absolutely right, their dynamic has changed and kind of...not in a good way 😂 Because so far in the story, Shrike was under the impression that she could actually have fun with this and she liked her cover, she liked the relationship despite knowing it was fake, but the moment Julian told her they would be done with the mission soon, that was a rude awakening for her ❤ And the fact that they slept together made everything a bit more intense for her ❤
And there's also the fact that Bucky is aware of the chemistry between Real!Shrike and himself 😏 I think he would deny it completely when Sam asked him, but he does look for her in every mission and he actually lowered his gun as soon as he saw her, which means a lot to an assassin or a spy 😏 So, he likes Shrike but it's exactly like you said, he's desperately trying to be the man he used to be and Cover!Shrike is everything he's supposed to want, but there's something missing ❤
THAT WAS EXACTLY WHAT I WAS GOING FOR YEEEEES! ❤ That's the thing, Bucky is closer with Cover!Shrike as a couple but the minute Real!Shrike appears, the tension and the chemistry is there, much more than his actual relationship😈
There's also the fact that Shrike was kind of holding back in order not to blow her cover during sex😏😈
OH MY GOD tumblr cut off the rest of ask?!
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