#Hope I did Cooper justice; I'm always super worried about writing other people's OCs
inafieldofdaisies · 1 year
💭 I’m dying to know Cal’s thoughts about Cooper
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now, this would be in an AU where Sabrina and Savannah aren't staying at the ranch after the start of the Reaping.
we're going Goldilocks-esc hehe (totally blame Calahan for this parallel), with a side of destruction of property and other things. 🤷‍♀️ NSFW, kinda?
"Another one, gorgeous.", Calahan called out to Mary May, who was at the far end of the bar, speaking to a customer. That night, he found himself over John Seed's general existence and stifling presence in the region on an new level. She didn't make him wait long as she refilled his drink again, then asked, "Should I just leave you the whole bottle?" "Fuck. Might be a good idea. Thank you." Minutes passed where he searched for tranquility at the bottom of the glass, but that never came, his desire to cause destruction didn't die down. The Spead Eagle was more full than usual, but people kept their distance from him, sensing his sour mood. Must be something about my face. Or more likely his bloody knuckles after he had gotten carried away with another capture party sent his way. The bell above the bar's door signaled the arrival of a new patron, but he didn't bother to turn around. "A toast to you fuckers. Hope you ain't too hot down there.", he muttered out loud and raised his glass. At that exact moment, the empty seat next to him finally became occupied. A cowboy hat was placed down on the bar next to his hand. "What are we celebratin'?", the newcomer asked, which made Calahan's eyes shift to him. "The death of more of John's men.", he replied as he took in the blond guy he hadn't seen around the Valley before. "I'd drink to that. With pleasure.", the stranger smirked as he lifted a finger to Mary May in a sign he wants a drink. While he waited, he reached out a hand to Hartley, "Cooper McCoy. Howdy, Deputy?" Calahan grunted, letting Cooper's hand hang in the air, as he found himself dreading anyone's company. After a beat, the man took the hint, giving up on the handshake, but still smiling as he concluded, "Someone ain't in the mood tonight, huh?" Hartley took another swig, paying more attention to the liquor as it slid down his throat than to his words, hoping the newcomer would give up on socializing soon. "How about we make things fun?", Cooper broke the silence again, clearly set on turning him into his drinking buddy for some reason, "I sure can use it, you look like it, too." What the hell. I'd bite. "What do you have in mind?" "We hit John's ranch, heard he would be away tonight… why not have his blood pressure raise up a little when he returns?", Cooper quirked an eyebrow. "You're speaking my language now.", Calahan smiled at the idea, at endless possibilities the plan presented.
"Shall we then?", Cooper didn't wait for a reply, instead he put his hat back on and grabbed the bottle left at the bar and strode outside. "I'm heading out, gorgeous.", Hartley announced, and Mary May gave him a nod paired with "Stay safe." As he passed through the door and was hit by the night air that sobered him up, his eyes found Cooper standing by a pickup truck. The second he saw him, he climbed in the driver's seat, and Calahan wasted no time before he got in as well. He laughed internally at the thought of how Sabrina would warn him about going places with strangers he'd just met, but in the times of a war with a cult, you had to learn to lean on people. He couldn't deny he had a good feeling about McCoy as the man sped off towards John's ranch. Minutes later, they were breaking the side door's window of the bastard's house and letting themselves in. It didn't take long before the first floor was completely trashed. A record truly. "We're just getting started, Deputy.", Cooper cheered as he threw Joseph's portrait in the fireplace while Calahan took a swig from the bottle of liquor before passing it to him. "I'm heading upstairs, have been dying for a proper, uninterrupted shower." Hartley took the stairs two at a time as he heard more sounds of destruction coming from the living room and dark laughter. He checked each door until he found John's bedroom, taking his sweet time to rummage through every drawer for anything of interest before emptying out whatever he could on the floor. The bastard's clothes ended in a huge pile at his feet.
Should I burn them? Or throw them over the balcony? Nah. Focus. Shower first.
He marched over to the bathroom, eyeing the crimson bathrobe that hung on the door with disgust. For him, it was another symbol of John's hypocrisy. Living his best life while we're all fighting to stay alive. He striped off his clothes, jumping in the shower, reveling in the quiet and the feeling of the hot water against his tense muscles as it finally washed away the blood from his most recent fight. When he exited the stall, he grabbed the robe and put it on, then picked up his clothes on his way out. When he returned to the bedroom, Hartley found Cooper lounging at the edge of John's bed. "What are you up to, Goldilocks?" "It got boring without ya.", Cooper chuckled as his blue eyes ran over his body, "Damn, even his robe has their goddamned symbol?" "Yeah.", Calahan muttered as he lit a cigarette and made a move to grab the bottle from Cooper's outstretched hand, but the man had other ideas. He discarded it on the bed and rose up, coming closer to Hartley. His gaze was glued to his as he snatched the cigarette from his lips and took a generous pull from it. "Stealing my nicotine now, Cooper?", Calahan teased. "Want me to return it, Deputy?" Before he could remark anything about the strange suggestion, Cooper clashed his lips to his, blowing the smoke into his mouth before backing away with a satisfied smirk and passing back the cigarette. Now, that's a surprise. They stood with barely any distance between them, facing each other while Hartley smoked, Cooper's gaze darkening more and more as the cigarette shortened. "Up for some more fun?", he muttered as Calahan put it out finally, tossing the bud on the ground for John to find. His partner in crime's face revealed nothing of what he had in mind. "I'm listening." "Maybe we try that bed of his? Get rid of your bad mood completely… Been told I'm good at that." When Hartley didn't reply right away, uncertainty flashed in Cooper's eyes for a brief second. "Taking the Goldilocks role seriously, I see.", Calahan uttered out as his hand tangled in his blond locks, pulling him closer as he added, "Sounds like a plan." Their lips met in an actual kiss this time while Cooper's fingers undid the belt of the bathrobe and slipped underneath the material as Hartley asked, "You gonna put that hat back on for me or?"
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Prompt: Send 💭 to hear my OCs most recent thought about your OC.
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