#Honourable Mention|Lord M'Baku
brooklynislandgirl · 2 years
23. What is your muse’s ideal environment (e.g. big city, forest, mountains, desert, e.t.c.)? 25. What is your muse’s opinion on gossip? Do they ever gossip, encourage it, discourage it?
A Little Bit Of This and That || Accepting 23. What is your muse's ideal environment: {e.g. big city, forest, mountains, desert, etc.} Beth lays on the ground, an arm tucked under her, staring up at the stars. The question posed to her by her host isn't a surprise. She is sure he sees her as a little frail thing, one that does not belong here in his mountains. Perhaps he expects her to be frozen solid by morning. People tend to underestimate her by appearance alone. "My homeland is not so different from what I know of Wakanda, my ali'i. There are many islands, and while they are tropical with many volcanoes, they also have some of the most lush forests, the most breathtaking mountains larger even from base to summit than the famous Everest, and some of the most beautiful beaches the world has ever seen. It is no surprise then that haole call them 'paradise' and wish to take and take and take until nothing is left of them." She smiles to herself and there is a lick of bitterness at the corners of her mouth. She is sure that her true answer would cause a great deal of offense as her ideal environment would be one in which people lived in harmony with their surroundings, saw every rock and leaf and creature as no more important than they themselves, and returned to living the natural way. Respecting the land and seeing everything in the world as part of a global family rather than what they do now. She would also like for there to be far fewer humans but that is a dream that died long ago. She also is a child of the Earth, and the Grandmother's blessing on is the ability to adapt as she needs to, even becoming something else entirely for a small duration. This is something else she does not say. "We do not have so much snow, as Madam Pele's fires still burn so close to the surface of the 'aina, the land, but we do get some at uppermost peaks of Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa. I like its cold, it's crispness, how clean everything feels in winter. I think....if I claimed one sort of environment as my own it is the sea. The Ocean is my true mother. Like all creatures it was from Sea we are born and I hope when my days are done, it is to Her arms I return." A slight pause, a hesitance in her soft voice. "And you, my ali'i? Have you always lived here in these mountains, or have you gone away only to return?" ~*~
25. What is your muse’s opinion on gossip? Do they ever gossip, encourage it, discourage it?
The entire camps are astir with talk. If she's hearing a wisp here or there of conversation it largely has to do with outsiders arriving by the score; the Avengers, for certain, Captain Rogers especially. Mentions of the White Wolf. Beth keeps her head down for the most part, and only does the things that are tasked to her in preparation for the upcoming battle. Truth be told, she rarely engages in the gossip and the questions everyone seems to have because she's partially still learning the languages so easily spoken between the tribes, but mostly it's because she doesn't hear things right. She never has. Wakanda has been a blessing when she is allowed to steal away to the Jabari lands, the silence of the mountains and the lack of constant technology humming and buzzing makes everything so much easier to process, as well as the directness of being able to look someone in the eye, to read their body language. The Golden City is a far cry from that, and in some ways it rivals New York or Honolulu. Another things she dearly dislikes about gossip is that it is often verbal poison; it infects the listener as well as the person or people who it is about, and it spreads like a disease or wildfire, twisting even the most innocent and honest truth into something unrecognisable before it runs its course. It is also the most important currency in politics, in business, in administration, everywhere. It sort of churns the bile in her stomach how easily someone can get labeled or mistreated because of something whispered in the right ear, again regardless of the veracity. It makes her want for the company of her animal cousins rather than her human ones. Maybe the only time she indulges is when she's talking to Sam and his is less gossip as it is keen insight into other people and sharp, often funny observations about people and human nature. He means no harm and doesn't wield his comments like a dagger in the dark. As she walks by a group of people, she feels eyes on her then she hears the giggles, and it isn't a very pleasant feeling. "Yeah, yeah, titahs. Go on wi' ya coconut wireless," she murmurs under her breath in her pidgin, a source of comfort, and hikes the basket of medical supplies a little higher up on her hip.
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M’Baku Headcanons: Part 2 (18+)
Part 1
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A/N: This is a mix of smutty and fluffy M'Baku headcanons. Meant to post this yday but it got fucked so I had to delete :/ BUT I got some cute pregnancy stuff!! Also I’m sorry but once again I’m posting it on mobile so I can’t do the keep reading thing 😒
Warnings: 18+, smut, mention of kinks (nothing TOO graphic), soft M'Baku, pregnancy, dad!M’Baku
-There's no point in getting involved with M'Baku unless you're in it for the long haul.
-He wants everything, spouse, kids, grandkids, all of that.
-He may be hot tempered, but if y'all ever have a serious fight he will go all marriage counselor on your asses cause unless there's a fundamental difference between the two of you, he isn't gonna quit on y'alls relationship.
-He can definitely get possessive when you're around other people, but he also wants you to be friends with his friends, and he trusts them not to try any shit with you.
-Same with you, your friends are like your family, and you want them to get along with him.  
-Likes watching you spar with people because "wow look at my love beating the shit out of everyone, I'm so proud, glory to Hanuman"
-He's more than happy to have you by his side on battlefields, he knows you'll have his back, and he'll always have yours
-He loves braiding your hair in his spare time, and considers it an honour whenever you let him do your hair; he picked it up from his mother (also picked up his temper from her).
-He's a big softie when it comes to children, and he personally wants a whole hoard of girls and boys from you, so you gotta be prepared to have kids at some point in the future (he doesn't mind when, as long as y'all do)
-After a couple months of living together the two of you decided to do away with his bed and instead sleep on a pile of furs by the fireplace for two reasons.
-One, not many beds would fit the gigantic man, and the one that did fit him would ONLY fit him, and you'd end up getting squashed against the wall or under him.
-Secondly, when yall are in the bedroom, yall spend most of your time on those furs anyways because that's his favourite place to fuck you cause you're all warm and relaxed, and he can do whatever he wants, and make you come as many times as he wants
-Also yall usually fall asleep there anyways
-When he's fucking you he loves the way your moans grow louder and shriller, countering his own deep grunts as he buries himself in you.  You try to contain your sounds for the sake of any passing guards or servants, but that never lasts.
-His favourite position to have you is on your hands and knees, cause that's when you're vulnerable and he can do anything he wants to you; plus it shows that you trust him enough to submit to him like that.
-He also gets to watch your ass bounce when he slams into you. He's a little obsessed with your 🍑 and will use almost any opportunity to grab it or smack it regardless of who's around you.
-Especially when you're laying on your stomach reading something or just taking a nap, he'll sneak up behind you to bite your ass
-He'll purposely overfeed you cause he likes em thick all over, and once you're pregnant, he basically turns yalls bedroom into a mini kitchen for any and all of your favourite vegetarian dishes.
-Tries to make you do as little as possible when you're pregnant, even though he knows you'll do what you want; you do try to cut down on strenuous activities so he won't worry as much
-Speak of strenuous activities, he think's you're even hotter when you're pregnant, and has no problems indulging your hormones whenever you need it, but he does keep it slow and gentle so as not to hurt you or the baby.
-You can get away with literally anything when you're pregnant, he remains surprisingly even tempered with you for nine whole ass months (it really surprises you the first time), he understands that you're busy creating a life and your hormones don't have the patience for a lot of things (he still goes off at other people though, that never changes).
-He definitely cries when your child is born, he cries and h e thanks you for giving him such s great gift.
-Also won't let anyone apart from y'all hold the baby until you convince him that the doctors and nurses won't harm the child.
-Of course he's that over protective parent who's willing to fight anyone for his children, but once they get to the right age, the both of you train them in combat and self defense so they can hold their own and protect each other.
-After yall have the child, he's already planning the next one, and the one after, you have to remind him to chill and focus on the ones yall currently have
-Y'all will definitely be having twins at some point, and there is a 90% chance he will brag about how 'fertile' you are (including all your friends and family)  
-He takes the kids everywhere with him, the throne room is littered with toys, some people may disapprove, but no one's going to tell Lord M'Baku or his wife where they can or can't take their kids
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brooklynislandgirl · 2 years
Advent Calendar: Day 12 @uxanduva​
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Beth tries to be the least offensive of creatures given the privilege of walking Tutu Gaia’s body. Not only does this mean she treads the actual ground with the most delicate of steps but she tries to be aware of every other living thing, and even respectful to rocks and sand, even the waves and wind though she has very little control over encountering those. It is because of this that she deliberated for so long as to whether or not to mark the Solstice and Christmas while she is a guest here in Wakanda. Maybe she knew her own answer long before she deliberately made up her mind, before she’d even addressed Lord M’Baku and sought his permission to go to the Golden City and to be allowed to return. She does not take his hospitality and that of his tribe for granted. He is kind enough to grant her that permission. Beth returns to her dwelling and prepares for the travel, having politely declined an escort. She packs the basket with a host of jars; muscle linements, bruise reducers, infused aromatic oils to relieve dry and chapped skin, herbs and the like that do not grow natively to Wakanda, and of course, mistletoe. Each thing is labelled with their purpose and ingredients. The mistletoe itself was grown specifically to be sterile despite its berries and without any of its toxic qualities. There’s a story about it, too, and the legend about kissing beneath its green leaves bringing the pair pressing lips together good luck. With the help of a few of the Jabari women she’d been in company with, trying to learn more about the tribe’s ways, she translated the writing into Wakandan and English both, knowing the General is a highly educated woman. When everything is in order, she makes her way to one of the secluded pathways that lead down from the mountain. She steels herself against the idea of being watched as she carefully removes every last stitch of clothing she wears. South of the Equator, Wakanda is experiencing summer where at home the mainland of the US is at the start of winter. The highest peaks of the mountains are still covered in light snow. She places her clothes atop the basket and wills her shape to change. It happens in what appears to be seconds but the transformation is not wholly pleasant. Her bones become lighter and shift around, hair becomes feathers and covers her new body head to foot, her arms become wings, feet become claws. She chooses the body of a martial eagle, the largest and most powerful raptor of the continent. Her new talons are strong enough to lift a small impala. More than enough to carry the basket of gifts for the General and her myriad sisters. She soars on the wind currents, gaining height by beating her massive six-foot wingspan, covering the miles between the summits and the city. She lands outside of the Golden City’s limits and changes back into her own frame, dressing herself once again with more appropriate attire. She makes her way to the General’s quarters, waiting to be granted an audience. When the majestic woman makes her appearance, Beth smiles and hoists the basket. “In my kingdom,” she begins quietly, and perhaps a little wistful because she supports the de-occupation of the Hawai’ian islands, “and on da mainland, arguably most people are celebrating winter holidays. And while I know Wakanda does not likely follow da same traditions, I wanted to express my gratitude for all your kindnesses.”    
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