#Honestly. And PLEASE don't take this as me being mean. This Ref is not. Great.
kakusu-shipping · 3 months
HI EMILE! You should draw your Pokémon Sun and Moon S/I in your favorite outfit there having a fun chat with mine (ref attached) in the Apple outfit.
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Hi Iris!!! Thanks for the ask!!! I don't know like anything about your S/I so I probably didn't get much right in this doodle. Sorry about that! Please come info dump about them to me some time so I can figure out our in universe friendship dynamic better!!!
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writerofstuff · 2 months
Hi, I'm one of your feral commenters on your fic "The Case of Richard Rowland" (spectacular work btw), just wanted to give you an update on the possible comic I mentioned in my ch 7 comment;
I'm 85% done thumbnailing the whole chapter (and dying about it) , it's the first first draft if you will.
I knew it was gonna be so so difficult, for many reasons, one of them being that I know absolutely nothing about comics, I don't even read any except manga.
Unsurprisingly, it's even more difficult than I thought, especially since I'm trying to adapt the animation I imagined of your chapter into a medium that is, imo, much more limiting.
Rn I'm just putting everything down, bit like brainstorming really, once that's done I'll dive into research and ref gathering on how to make comics, then I'll refine what I have, make another thumbnail, and then I'll draw a first sketch w/o colors.
If you want (it's completely fine if you're not interested), I wouldn't mind showing you the first sketch once I have it, since idk if I'll be capable of finishing the whole thing lol
(plz don't get your hopes up too high, I draw once every 84 years and I never manage to finish a single piece :')), additionally, this will be my first comic, so it's not gonna be state of the art;;;)
I hope it's alright that I contacted you about this, I'm abysmal at online social interaction so I apologize if this is awkward/uncomfortable, I assure you I'm not going to harass you about my project;; just letting you know I was serious;;;
Hope you're doing good and having a nice time :)
Oh my god.
Please know that I would love to so see the first sketch of your comic. It would be my absolute honour. My mind is honestly blown; it doesn't matter whether your art is finished or unfinished or half-finished. Just the fact that you thought of it? That you started planning it? It already means everything.
If you are comfortable sharing, I would love to see your art, in any and all its forms. And please do not hesitate to contact me here or at ao3 for anything at all - I am always up for a conversation! This is honestly the best thing I have ever woken up to. This means a lot.
All the very very best for your project! I am not a professional artist, but I have read a lot of manga and also handdrawn a couple of comics in my own time, so if there is any way I could help, I am all here! Thank you so much for putting in such effort for my small messy fic on ao3 - I honestly cannot wrap my head around it, except that this is the best thing ever. Thank you.
I hope you are having a lovely time too! Please take care, and have a great day!
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herzspalter · 2 years
hello! just wanted to let you know that i've been a fan of your art for many years. you're one of my favorite artists and i keep your username on a little .txt (along with a couple other artists) so i can always remember who i look up to and who i hope to become as good as someday.
i love your art. all of it. even the transformers fanart, and i don't even like transformers. i especially like your choice in colors (and i never see anyone comment on it!! it's such a key component to your style and nobody talks about it!!) but i also take inspiration from your lineart and poses. the way you draw teeth is unsettling but it grabs the viewer's attention, it might as well be your style's trademark.
i'm an artist, too, and i'm not nearly as popular as you are. (... probably because i'm only on twitter, i post infrequently, and when i post i only post ocs lol.) i just want to say that you've been one of my biggest inspirations and your art drives me forward. it reminds me that if someone can continue as long as you've been going, then i can continue, too.
i haven't always had a tumblr account. i made a couple just recently, and today i remembered that you exist, so i came to your blog. and read through it. all the way back to 2019. and liked several of your posts. so if you see a rando that liked a bunch of your old posts and left you a follow, that would be me. ^^;
since i didn't have a tumblr account, how did i know about your art? well, a lot of it (mostly your JJBA fanart) is on pinterest. some of it is even credited 😭 (pinterest users are notorious for reposting fanart without linking back to the creator). so yeah, your art is on pinterest, sometimes it's credited, sometimes it isn't. but yeah, you've got a ton of fans on pinterest that can't make their presence known to you. we all support you from afar until the day we make tumblr accounts.
this got long. sorry for being weird. i promise i'll buy from your shop and support you more directly someday, but for now i remain a broke nerd. don't feel like it's necessary to respond to this, i just wanted to let you know that you inspire a lot of people, even though you probably already know that.
your art is wonderful and i encourage you to continue with it! please stay safe and take care of yourself. and... thanks for reading my little essay ^^
Ohhh Lovely Anon;;
This is genuinely so, so sweet, and I've been thinking for two hours now how I should even reply to this because I'm very touched by it ;_;
Thank you so, so much, seriously. I'm happy you like my colours, that's honestly a great thing to hear because I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing with them;
It means tons to me when people enjoy what I do, whether I can see it or not, so this all means so fucking much to me; I don't know what to say really other than Thank You a million times over, seriously. You people have been keeping me going for years now by just enjoying stuff I doodle <3 I've found my drawings on pinterest before too when looking for refs of characters and it means a lot to me that there are people like you who go out of their way to find me still ;__; Thank you!
And you don't need to buy anything from me at all <3 I appreciate anyone looking at stuff I've made! Thank you so much for taking the time to write me such a lovely message!
I wish you the absolute Best for yourself and your path as an artist, always keep on doing what you love no matter what, and keep up your OCs!! <3 That's so powerful of you!! <3<3<3 Take good care!!
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coda-blue · 1 year
Update: Collab VNs
(This is a crosspost from my Patreon. To explore more, click here.)
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Belladonna's Flight — A demo is RELEASED! Belladonna’s Flight by Night Asobu is a poison-dealing fantasy romance, inspired by the historic case of an uncovered poisoner network in 17th century Paris, France. Made for both the Otome Jam and newly-formed sister jam, Josei Jam, Belladonna's Flight takes place in the fictional French city of Solroy, where you follow Catherine Auclair, a witch who makes her living selling lethal wares under the table. But once word lets out that the law is coming to execute every last one of her criminal ilk, Catherine has to call upon untrustworthy business rivals to try and work out a safe escape. Will her wit and wiles help her succeed, or will she get what's coming to her in a fateful betrayal?
I voice Marie Chaligault, a sharp-tongued fortune teller and potential love interest who keeps in the good graces of her noblesse clientele. I had a blast during the live sessions in bickering and boasting as Marie with my fellow voice talent, so I hope you enjoy it too! And hey: no matter who your favorite character is, Belladonna's Flight is continuing development! So be sure to keep up with Night Asobu, as you'll hear more from us moving forward! Until then, please play, rate, and share the demo!
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Hello Counsel — Version 1 is RELEASED! Created by miseri accordion for Otome/Josei Jam, Hello Counsel is a short romcom visual novel that follows criminal sensation, Poise, who just got arrested! She's not talking to the cops unless her lawyer (and boyfriend) Salem is present, but when he swings by, can she keep herself from flirting too much and distracting him from giving good counsel?
I was the Character Artist for this visual novel! I was in love with the premise and the character refs presented in miseri's recruitment document, and I also I hadn't drawn character sprites for a published game in a good while. This ended up being a great opportunity for me to flex my ol' drawing muscles, in a more expressive and cartoonish style than my darker personal projects allow. I love the outrageous world and petty banter of this story, so this was honestly a breath of fresh air for me, style-wise. Please go play, rate, and share the game!
My Reflections
I push myself in my roles if it means in the end, I produce something that I am proud of. But as I don't constantly produce a specific style of product, I tend to overestimate how much work I can get done in, say, an hour. It's interesting to me because these are specialty skills that have taken years for me to train and cultivate, so what I personally can get done in an hour has all that history behind it, compared to someone else who may be much earlier in their own journey. Yet still I feel... slow. But I'm not sure if I'm "slow" so much as I'm underestimating my average output for a work I deliberately intend to look, read, or sound a certain level of polished. At the end of the day, I need to have more realistic—or perhaps, forgiving—expectations for myself. I also need to permit myself to be able to make certain executive decisions in the creative process that speed up the process because of my years of experience already informing my judgements. I trust myself to find that balance, and this latest jam experience has been a great help in reminding me of my strengths and points of which I ought to improve.
That's a Wrap
Thank you for reading! If you dig my stuff and where I'm headed, don't be afraid to show your support by sharing this post, interacting, or sending a tip my way.
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mx-julien · 3 years
glacier hcs with meta based on canon s11 bc this season had so many ideas stuffed into it i have to expand (at the end an AU idea wrestled its way in so uh whoops?)
first of all, y'all, Zane's put in mortal danger twice in this season and the first time he's a smug bastard about it and the second time he goes full death metal so the vibes are aspirational, honestly
Cole doing a paper puppet show in the Never-Realm for the kiddies so they'd know about Zane's sacrifice and then defending it when Nya (understandably) asked if it was too mature; obviously the dialogue Cole says is edited and paraphrased from the actual moment, but let's look at what he edits, why don't we?
gives all the ninja heroic dialogue "Put down the staff and surrender, Aspheera. Your days of evil are over." for Zane and "What did you do to my friend?" for Nya
completely skips over everyone else having a reaction as if after he realized what was going on, nothing else happened until they found out what Aspheera had really done, which we know isn't true and says a lot about his perception of the event (Zane's gone, Nya says something, he realizes what happens, then he's numb until they find out they can get him back)
meta-wise, this is a recap of the season for viewers who haven't seen earlier episodes. there are four other ninja that could've done this, however, with Jay being the likeliest out of all of them since he's usually billed as being funnier than Cole; Kai also being a contender because he usually likes telling their stories to other people. so what other reason would overpower those two? probably that, out of the five of them, Cole's the one who's closest to Zane and thus acts a bit seemingly ooc now that he's gone.
Cole constantly keeping himself busy/making himself useful after Zane's gone by holding onto the traveller's tea, building the village new weapons, with the paper puppet show, finding more traveller's tea, and making friends with Krag
this is, of course, a way to grieve and process tragedy, but let's look at the meta, too, why don't we?
overwhelmingly, he likes being with other people during missions and will immediately be paired with another character if he's alone for too long [ref: we're ignoring episode 1 of rebooted b/c the only reason Cole's not with the others is that Bad Love Triangle that we will continue to ignore in this house; befriending Karlof in the tournament so he's not alone in the prison; taking care of a baby when Zane runs off in SoG; making friends with Krag in s11 when Zane's not there; befriending the Geckles and Munce in the work camps (yes i know that's a later season but this is the reference section so sue me)]
whenever Zane's gone, they immediately have to pair him with someone else. this has happened in two different seasons: in SoG they put him with baby Wu and in rebooted they pitted him against Jay
Pix is doing perfectly fine during this season, save for the one nightmare scene, she's perfectly able to adjust [ref: The Absolute Worst, The Kaiju Protocol]. i mean, she's practically fine without their relationship whereas Mr. Brookstone (or Hence, whatever you hc) is going through the five stages of grief right here except he hasn't yet got past the denial one. although they absolutely didn't mean for it to be, it's very much the trope of the lover who's lost after their partner dies.
Zane's poster for march of the oni says that he'll "leave his love behind" and literally nothing happens to Pix but Cole practically dies? was that a weird merch issue or was that intentional? we'll probably never know but it is great meta (that a ton of other people pointed out and it's not even s11 but i just want to mention because come on)
since they play the same video game [ref: Wasted True Potential] and clearly it at least somewhat matters to Zane (otherwise why would Jay bust into his room and wake him up, yes he's dramatic but if Zane was that indifferent he probably wouldn't've done it) so please do imagine the two of them curled up on a couch together and shoving and pushing each other to throw the other off his game. absolutely think about how Zane had the most recent high score and the smug look that bastard probably gave Cole when he scored it. just. glacier competing at video games. a real dose of I Can't Believe It's Not An AU!
another s11 take: Baby Wu and why he should've stayed a baby
i'm definitely writing more on that Pro Gamer Ninjago AU and you can't stop me
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haven-raven012591 · 6 years
Right in front of you
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Picture from Smileitspeak on IG
Authors Note: been in my phone for a year, so let's see if it's any good! 😂
Paring: Finn BalorX OC Haven (both call each other by their real names in Private)
Warnings: Cussing, a little angst, a lot of fluff
"So how was it?" Sasha asked. Haven looked at her. "How was what?" Haven asked. "Duh your date with Seth!" Bayley said. "It was NOT a date!" Haven fumed stairing at Bayley. "Easy girl." Sasha said. "He's not my type, he's a great guy just not the right one for me." Haven said. She picked at her salad and sighed. "Ok so who can we fix you up with?" Bayley said. "Bay please don't ok I'm just really not ready." Haven said. Bayley hugged her and Haven smiled. "You just need a great guy friend is all." Sasha said.
Finn walked into catering. Haven ran over to and hugged him. "Hey." Haven whispered. "Hey." Finn said. "You look so upset, are you ok?" Haven asked looking up. He stroked her hair and she giggled. "I've got a lot on my mind." Finn said. "You don't have to worry about the match I've got your back." Haven said. "I was never worried about our match." Finn said. "Wanna go talk you know I'm here for you." Haven said. "I know." Finn said. She took his hand and he looked at her. "Come on I know a spot." Haven said.
They walked off and Sasha smiled. "They are so adorable." Sasha said. "She'd never try you know she's so closed off." Bayley said. "So is he, Cathy totally messed him up." Sasha said. Finn sat with her and she nudged his shoulder with hers. "Come on Finn spill." Haven said. "It's lonely now." Finn said. She looked away and he sighed as he got up. "She never should've been with you if she couldn't handle you being focused on getting your title back." Haven said grabbing his hand. He turned and she pulled him close.
"He should've loved you." Finn said. "She should've loved you as well." Haven said. He laid his forehead to hers. "I have to get ready." Finn said. "Listen to me Finn Balor you are an amazing person and wrestler I'm so ready for our match." Haven said. "You're an amazing woman and wrestler Haven I'll see you out there." Finn said. "It's a date handsome." Haven teased. He brushed his nose against hers and she giggled. "You an Eskimo now?" Haven teased. "I don't want to kiss you yet." Finn said softly. Her body trembled at his words and she rubbed his biceps.
"You're too good for me Finn." Haven whispered and moved him back getting up. He grabbed her hand and pulled her close. "I tink ya have tat wrong lass, you're fair too good for me." Finn whispered. She laughed and pushed him away playfully. "I've gotta match to prepare for." Haven said. He gripped her hand. "Wear my shirt." Finn said. "Finn what's going on with you?" Haven asked. "I'm frustrated." Finn said. She rubbed up his arms and smirked. "How can I help partner?" Haven asked. "Kiss me Haven let me taste ya lass let me feel ya against me." Finn whispered.
"Fergal." Haven breathed. It was the first time she'd said his name at an arena or event. She was usually so professional and in character. He smiled and she blushed. "Ya dropped character love." Finn whispered. "Sorry, I was shocked at what you said." Haven said. "Why?" Finn asked. "You asked me to kiss you." Haven said. "True but tat was wrong." Finn said. "Oh...I see." Haven said and walked off. He kicked the wall and sighed. "Put your foot in it huh?" Sasha asked. "Like ya wouldn't believe." Finn said. "Let me talk to her." Sasha said.
Haven was laying in the floor eyes closed when Sasha came in. She crouched down poking her stomach. "Am I in the way Sasha?" Haven asked. "No, but you frustrated your partner." Sasha said. "Finn will be fine." Haven said. "He's sorry." Sasha said. "Why are you and Bay so concerned with my love life?" Haven asked slightly annoyed. She leaned up on her elbows and then sprang to her feet. "We want to see you happy, both of you and when you two are together he's like the old happy Finn." Sasha said. "It's not because of me." Haven said.
"It is." Sasha said. "That's not possible Sash." Haven said. "Why not?" Sasha asked. "Because I'm me." Haven said. "Ok tell me something." Sasha said. "Sure." Haven said. "What's the matter with you?" Sasha asked. "You want a list?" Haven asked. "Tell me honestly Scabell." Sasha said. "You don't use my name most of the time it sounds so nice." Haven said. "Has he ever called you by your name?" Sasha asked. "Mostly it's Haven." Haven said. "I see." Sasha said. "Sounds pretty in his accent." Haven said. "Any thing does." Sasha said. They laughed and hugged.
Haven put on her leather jacket and walked out. "So unoriginal." Alexa said. "Part of my asthetic Alexa it's a simple coincidence Finn has one too." Haven said. "You look great in it Haven." Nia said. "Thanks Nia." Haven said. She went through the curtain and out to the ring jumping over the top rope and sliding out of her jacket. She sat on the top turn buckle and waited. Gallows and Anderson came out and they waited for him. When Finn came out she smiled at his infectious grin. It was amazing that he always seemed so happy to everyone.
He always gave everyone so much of himself and he was always last, he always got what was left. Sometimes at the end of the day there was nothing left. She knew how that felt, it was the way she was and had always been. She got down to let him do his thing and she leaned into the turn buckles. "Haven doesn't look very impressed." Coach said. "She's a very calm person." Cole said. "She has a lot of respect for Finn Balor, you can tell by the way she watches him I'd say she's very impressed." Corey said.
Finn too sweeted the guys and then walked to her and she tilted her head. "Join the club." Finn said. He held up too sweet and she did to the tips of their fingers touching. She shivered and he smirked. "Is there room for two girls?" Haven asked. "Sasha isn't part of us." Finn said. She beamed at him and walked over to the guys. They all held up too sweet and she felt whole. "Welcome." Karl said. She smiled at him and gallows. "I feel so short." Haven said. "Ya are the shortest of us." Finn said. "Now." Karl said. She laughed and leaned on the buckles.
"Who'd have thought I'd be the girl in the bullet club." Haven said. "You mean the Balor Club." Luke said. "Yeah sure that's what I mean." Haven said. Finn smirked at her and she blushed a little bit. They waited and she froze when Asuka's music stared. "Whoa wait she's not supposed to be his partner." Haven said. "Kurt didn't tell you?" Karl asked. "Tell me what?" Haven asked. "We face Asuka and Roman." Finn said. "They changed the damn match!" Haven said. "Yes." Finn said.
"The number one contenders verses the champions." Karl said. "Fuck me." Haven breathed. They all laughed but Finn. She saw his eyes go dark and the pure ocean blue turned to brilliant saphiare. "Finn." Haven said softly. "Just don't piss her off and ya'll be fine." Finn said. Karl and Luke left and she stood on the steps watching Finn and Roman trade blows. She was trying hard not to tag in. Her hands were twisting on the ropes like she was going crazy. Roman threw him into the corner, she tagged herself in getting in the ring.
They locked eyes as they circled each other. Haven went for her knees taking her down and pounding on her. Asuka was a striker, one of the best, you had to take her down and keep her down. Asuka got her legs between them and kicked Haven into the turn buckles. Haven's neck hit the top turn buckle and snapped back, like a whiplash effect. She slid down and sat there her eyes closed. The ref ran over and Finn stopped breathing. Asuka looked at Roman then Finn. Haven woke up later in the hospital blinking at the lights.
"Who turned on the sun?" Haven whispered. Finn shot up and she looked at him. "Hey did I beat her?" Haven asked. "No love." Finn said. "I'm so sorry I let you guys down Finn." Haven whispered. He caressed her cheek. "I'm just glad yer ok ya've been out for hours." Finn said. "How'd you get them to let you stay?" Haven asked. "I fibbed." Finn said. "Told them you were my brother." Haven assumed. "Yer boyfriend." Finn corrected. She shook her head and felt him shaking. "What's wrong?" Haven asked. "Scabell ya scared the shit out of me tonight." Finn said.
She teared up as he cupped her cheek. "You said my name." Haven whispered. "I've said it before." Finn said. "Not like that." Haven whispered. She closed her eyes and her heart skipped a beat. He kissed her forehead and caressed her cheek. "Rest Scabell, I'm here." Finn whispered. "Thank you for fibbing Fergal." Haven said softly. "I wanted ta stay, I had ta know ya were alright Scabell." Finn said. She took his hand and kissed it. "Maybe you are a prince after all." Haven said. "I have ta tell ya someting." Finn said.
"Please don't, not here or now when I'm hurt don't confuse our friendship with love when it's not." Haven said. "I have feelings for ya." Finn said. She looked at him and shook her head. "Fergal, we're best friends this will mess it up." Haven said. "Only if it ends Scabell." Finn said. She nodded and he kissed her forehead. "You rest." Finn said. "If you're my boyfriend shouldn't you be holding me?" Haven asked. He smirked and laid down. She rolled over and rubbed his chest. He pulled her closer and she sighed.
"I've always wondered what it would feel like to be in your arms like this." Haven said. "I have too Scabell especially when I was away." Finn said. "Fergal I missed you so much but you needed to heal and home was the best place." Haven said. "I'm healed now." Finn said. "I know, and your amazing now even better than before." Haven said. "Am I now?" Finn asked playing with her hair. "Better than anyone Fergal." Haven said. He held her tighter and she went to sleep. She woke up and looked around.
He was still asleep so she moved the little whisps of hair out of his eyes. "I'm not asleep." Finn grinned. "I see that." Haven said. "Did ya sleep well?" Finn asked. "Like a baby thanks to you." Haven said. "Me?" Finn asked. "Always wanted to be held." Haven said. "Oh." Finn said. She was released and he took her to the hotel. He went to his room and she went to hers taking a long hot shower. When she got out she called him and he went to her room. "What is it lass?" Finn asked and blushed instantly. She beamed up at him and blushed too.
"Please don't say anything Fergal, just keep using it for me I love it." Haven said. "I honestly didn't mean ta call ya tat it slipped." Finn said. "I've always wanted to be called that Fergal, by a man just like you, I just never told anyone that." Haven babbled. He kissed her forehead and she smiled. "Will you keep calling me that?" Haven asked. "If ya want me ta tat bad I tink I can keep callin ya lass." Finn teased. She let a few tears go. "Does it mean tat much ta ya Scabell?" Finn asked. "It's not just that, it's that you're here right now." Haven said.
"Ya said ya needed me lass what was I supposed ta do leave ya hangin?" Finn asked. "I kinda wanted a kiss, is that stupid I wanted to see if it's just because I'm hurt your letting your feelings out." Haven babbled. "Tat boy really messed wit yer head lass, wantin me ta kiss ya is natural, especially when ya first start ta date." Finn said. She touched his cheek and leaned up. "Stop rushin me lass I'll kiss ya." Finn said and kissed her nose. "Tell me the truth is this all storyline stuff Finn, is this...this is all fake and you've let me make a fool out of myself." Haven fumed.
He pulled her close and held her. "Tis is us lass, Scabell look at me and tell me ya don't have feelings for me." Finn said. She looked up trembling against him. "Fergal." Haven whispered. "I need ya ta say it lass, tell me how ya feel about me." Finn coaxed. "Fergal you mean the world to me, your my best friend." Haven said. "Do ya tink ya could date me Scabell, tat ya could love me?" Finn asked. "Fergal nothing would make me happier than to be your girlfriend." Haven said. She held him tightly and smiled stroking his hair.
"Ya make me happy lass." Finn whispered. "She was right." Haven said. "Who?" Finn asked. "Sasha, she said I made you happy." Haven said. "She was right Scabell, ya make me feel like my old self." Finn said. "You make me feel like me again, I was so alone, so shut down until we started talking." Haven said. He ran his fingers through her hair. "Black makes ya look so different, like some Raven haired goddess." Finn whispered. "A goddess, Fergal what's on your mind?" Haven asked. "You." Finn said. "I'm not dying my hair." Haven said.
"The brown suits ya to a tee lass, I love it." Finn said. "That warm Chestnut color really is natural, I swear." Haven teased. He laughed and she played with her hair. She sat on the bed and he sat with her. "I kinda just needed to know if I dreamed it all." Haven said. "I'm real." Finn said. "I wanna be like that every night Fergal." Haven said getting up. He pulled her down and she looked up at him as he caressed her cheek. "I'd like tat." Finn said. "Really?" Haven asked. "Yes." Finn said. "Tell me yer dream date?" Finn said. "You." Haven said.
He laughed and she felt the vibration in his chest watching him. "Your not like anyone I've ever met Fergal." Haven said softly. He looked at her and she had this innocence to her but also a darkness mixed with light. She blushed and he smirked. "Lass tell me someting." Finn said. "Anything, but you know a lot about me already." Haven said. "Are ya a virgin?" Finn asked. She blushed more and locked eyes with him. "And if I am, what you'll walk out is that it?" Haven accused. "No lass, just wanted ta know if what I saw was true." Finn said.
"You'd be my first kiss too my ex never touched me." Haven said. "The bloody fool." Finn spat. "I was the fool, and I'm being one again assuming you'd want to kiss me, or even fuck me, I want to be alone now please go." Haven said. She rolled from his arms and shuttered instantly. He'd been so warm and smelt so good. Like the earth after a summer rain, fresh and clean with a hint of darkness. He wrapped around her and put his arm between hers gripping her hand as he laced their fingers together.
She didn't move hell she could barely breathe. "Push all ya want lass, but ya don't have ta be scared of me I promise ya tat Scabell, yer safe wit me." Finn whispered. She licked her lips and rolled half way over so she could see his eyes. "What does that mean Fergal, that you won't stray from me, please I know better especially if I don't let you fuck me right away, you're a man with needs still in his prime." Haven said. "Ya keep talkin and ya'll break yer own heart lass, now stop." Finn said firmly but gently. She gazed at him longingly.
"It's already broken please just go, last night will always be special and I won't tell anyone." Haven said. "Tell the world lass I don't give a fuck, I was comforting a friend." Finn said. She stopped breathing and he closed his eyes licking his lips. He knew he just screwed up royally. "Lass tat's not what I meant, yer more tan a friend ta me." Finn said. "Go before you do something you'll regret Finn." Haven said. He cupped her cheek keeping her eyes on his. "Say my name Scabell" Finn demanded. He thumbed away her tears as they ran down her cheeks.
"Fergal." Haven said. "I'm not Finn, or Balor, or Prince right now, I'm Fergal and I'm wit ya Scabell." Finn said. He kissed her forehead then down the center of her face. She shivered and rubbed his arms as he moved over her. "Who are you?" Finn whispered. He kissed the tip of her nose. She smiled and held his biceps. "Scabell." Haven said. "Who did I hold last night?" Finn asked kissing the corners of her mouth. She smiled more and giggled. "Scabell." Haven said. "Who am I about to kiss?" Finn asked. She licked her lips and he smirked.
"Fergal." Haven breathed. "No tat's me try again cherry blossom." Finn said. She pulled away and got up running her hands through her hair. He went to her and she looked up. "Don't call me that Fergal, he called me that, and as much as I love it, and god the way you said it made me feel special again." Haven babbled. "It's because of how rosie yer cheeks are naturally, when ya blush it's beautiful." Finn said cupping her cheeks. "Say it again Fergal." Haven said. "I want ta be wit ya cherry blossom." Finn said.
She ran her hands over his. "Scabell you're about to kiss Scabell." Haven said. He brought her close and lowered his head smiling. She wrapped her arms around him and he kissed her softly. His lips glided over hers softly but firmly as he ran his hand into her hair. She ran her hands over him ending in his hair as her back connected to the wall she gasped. That was what he was waiting for the opportunity he needed to slip inside her mouth and lick her tongue coaxing it out. She shivered and moaned into the kiss.
He pulled back and she blushed hard. It went down her throat and disappeared behind her shirt but he followed it back as it reached her ears. "Tey're pointed." Finn said. "Ye...yes slightly no one's ever really noticed." Haven said blushing more. She pulled her hair around her ears as she moved away. He pulled her back into his arms and nuzzled her ear. "Fergal stop that tickles." Haven giggled. "Where are ya goin?" Finn whispered. "Just to lay on my bed your kinda making me lightheaded." Haven whispered.
"It's from our kiss and yer concussion." Finn said softly. "I know baby." Haven said and rubbed his arms. "Was it good?" Finn asked. "If that's how you'll always kiss me then yes." Haven said. He chuckled and kissed behind her ear. "If I always kiss ya like tat ten tings will happen faster tan ya want tem to." Finn whispered. "I've never been so happy and so calm." Haven whispered. "I'm happy too." Finn said. She turned and kissed him softly. "Would you stay?" Haven asked. "Yes lass I'll stay, just give me time ta go out wit my boys." Finn said.
"Take as long as you want baby I'm going to go get my dress anyway." Haven said. "For what lass?" Finn asked. "The hall of fame ceremony." Haven said. "Ya and yer girls?" Finn asked. "No, I was going alone." Haven said. "Please don't lass, if not me ten go wit Sasha or Bayley just not alone." Finn pleaded. "Fergal are you worried about me?" Haven asked. "Even wit a minor concussion ya could black out or get dizzy." Finn said. She rubbed his neck and back. "If you think it's best then I'll ask if they wanna tag along." Haven said.
"It would make me very happy and would take a lot off my mind." Finn said. She was happy to stay like they were for the rest of her life. "Hey girl you up?" Paige asked. "Yeah I'm up and I'm not alone." Haven called back. Paige walked in and the rest of the girls behind her stopped dead in their tracks. "Holy shit." Sasha said. "What?" Haven asked. "Are you two are a couple?" Bayley asked. "We haven't been on a date." Haven said. "Did he stay with you last night?" Paige asked. "No." Haven said. "Why is he here then?" Alexa asked.
"I don't remember having to explain myself to you." Haven snapped. "I'm here because she wanted ta let me know she was ok." Finn said. "Why are you two all close and shit?" Alexa asked. Finn looked at her and she laughed. "Up ta you." Haven said softly. "Say the words mo mhuirnín." Finn whispered. "Make her wish she was me." Haven whispered. He moved her hair and kissed her long and slow. She held him tightly and sighed when he pulled back. "That was wonderful." Haven whispered to his lips.
He held her close. "I'll leave ya ta get yer dress, after all I need my date ta look stunnin." Finn said. "What's it mean Fergal?" Haven asked. "Tell ya later." Finn said. She watched them move so he could leave and she bit her lip running after him. "Wait a second." Haven called. He turned and pulled her into his arms. "What is it?" Finn asked. "I said no because I know how private you are Fergal." Haven said. "I like her being envious of you Scabell, i like it so much I'd love ta kiss ya again because she's watchin." Finn said.
"Well hello Balor nice to meet you." Haven smirked. He nipped her lip and she shivered. "Maybe we should give tem a show." Finn said. "As enjoyable as that would be baby I don't want to." Haven said. She kissed his cheek and turned. He spun her around and cupped her cheek. "Tat's very considerate Scabell, but it's time someone envied you." Finn said. "That's not how I work baby." Haven said. "I know." Finn said. He kissed her tenderly as he held the back of her head. "Don't stop kissing me Fergal." Haven said.
"I have ta right now but I'll be back." Finn said laying his forehead to hers. "I'll be waiting baby." Haven said. He walked off and she turned to face them smiling. "No way." Alexa said. "Aww well you're allowed to be delusional sweetie." Haven said and laughed as the rest hugged her. "You and him aren't a good couple." Alexa said. "They're perfect." Sasha said. "We're happy at least." Haven said. "Did he stay with you?" Bayley asked. "Yeah he told them he was my boyfriend." Haven said. They hugged her again and she smiled bigger.
"He wants you guys to come with me to get my dress." Haven said. "That's why we're here, it's not a good thing for you to be alone right now." Paige said. "I know, he said the same it's kinda nice." Haven said. They all laughed and went to get her dress. "What do you mean it's been sold, I paid for it over a month ago." Haven said. "I'm so sorry miss." She said. Haven walked out and sat on a bench. "They sold it and it was perfect, it was my style it took forever to find." Haven fumed as she stood up pacing.
"Hey, relax we'll think of something." Bayley said. "How hard can it be to find a black dress?" Alexa laughed. "It wasn't black." Bayley said. "Relax or you'll give yourself a headache." Sasha said. "I know." Haven said. "Scabell." Bayley said. She looked at her and sat down beside her. "I'm ok Bay." Haven said. "Let's go get lunch and go to the show." Paige said. "Ok." Haven said. They ate and went to the arena. "Hey you ok?" Roman asked. "Yeah I'm fine just a little concussion is all I'll be ready for raw come next week." Haven said.
"Ya know the doctor said two weeks." Finn said. She turned and laughed. "Yeah but I'm not going to sit out two weeks." Haven said. "Better tan months." Finn said. "Yeah you're right, when I'm cleared I'll be back." Haven said. He hugged her tightly. "Are you ok?" Finn asked. "Just pissed off baby." Haven said. He looked at her and she rubbed his arms. "Hold up, are you two a couple?" Roman asked. "They are." Sasha said. Finn grinned and she blushed. "Don't spread it ok guys." Haven said. "I won't I promise." Roman said.
"Thank you." Haven said. They walked off and ran into Renee. Haven dropped his hand and he looked at her. "I'm not going to tell on you two." Renee said. "I have no idea what you're talking about." Haven said. "Ok." Renee said. Haven looked at Finn and he walked off. "Wait a second don't get upset." Haven said grabbing his hand. "Ya seem ta tink I want us ta be in the dark." Finn said. She pulled him close and framed his face. "I do." Haven said. "What?" Finn asked. "It's the first day Finn, I just didn't want everyone to know." Haven said.
He kissed her long and slow bringing her close. She held him and tears ran down her cheeks. "Maybe you and I shouldn't be together Finn." Haven whispered. "Why not?" Finn asked. "Because you're, you and I'm not up to your level." Haven said. "Which level and be honest." Finn said. "She was more beautiful than I could ever hope to be, Finn." Haven said and walked away. He ran after her and pulled her into a room. "What's wrong mhuirnín, ya can talk ta me ya know that." Finn said. She looked into his eyes.
"What's that mean?" Haven asked. He brushed away her tears. "It means darling." Finn said. He blushed a little and she shivered. "Fergal, I don't want her to find out I feel like you've down graded to me, she's so pretty and so popular and I'm me." Haven said. He kissed her forehead and she licked her lips. "Yer beautiful ya know tat Scabell, I don't care if she knows I don't care if the whole locker room knows." Finn said. "I don't understand you're such a person." Haven said confused. "Yeah well maybe your special." Finn said looking down but away from her.
She laughed and his head snapped up. "I'm the one with the concussion Finn but you're delusional, I'm not special hell I'm not even normal, do yourself a favor and stay away from me." Haven said. She turned and he grabbed her arm spinning her around. He forced her into a wall. His eyes were saphiare and she trembled from his touch. "What tat fool did will be erased by me, I will show ya what it means ta be loved properly." Finn vowed. She hadn't looked away from his gaze it was like she was in a trance. "Fergal." Haven breathed.
"Scabell." Finn said softly. He looked at his hand and let her go as he walked away. She went to him and rubbed his arms. "Hey it's ok, I'm sorry I upset you, good luck tonight Finn and don't worry you don't have to come by I've got Paige." Haven said. She kissed his shoulder and walked out. "Hey, what's wrong?" Renee asked. "Nothing, I'm just glad he came to his senses is all." Haven said. "About what?" Renee asked. "Me, us ." Haven scoffed and smiled weakly. "I don't understand you two looked so good and so happy." Renee said.
"The truth is that he should be with someone like you, next to you and the others I'm the plain Jane or the ugly duckling that stayed ugly." Haven said. "Oh god he didn't say that." Renee said horrified. "No, I said that see ya later." Haven said and walked off. Renee looked at him coming out. "Fergal, I'm so sorry." Renee said. "So am I Renee." Finn said. "Can I do anything?" Renee asked. "Keep her away from Haven please." Finn said. "I don't understand." Renee said. "Haven's comparin herself ta her, and in her eyes she loses." Finn said.
Renee shook her head and sighed. "I'll keep her away." Renee said. "Thank you." Finn said and walked away. Haven stood in the back and watched the show. It was nice to have free time to be with her friends. She was glad the Monday before the rumble she was able to come back. Finn hadn't talked to her since the Tuesday show after she got hurt. The rumble had been amazing. The night he fought Cena and lost, he ended up at her and Paige's room. She couldn't help but think maybe he wasn't mad at her anymore.
"Fergal she's not doing well I think she's got the flu." Paige said. He went to her bed and sat on his knees. "Hey Iron man." Haven coughed. "I came ta talk ta ya lass I can't stand it anymore." Finn said. "It's ok to be pissed at me Fergal I'm still mad at myself." Haven said. He felt her cheeks and and picked her up. "Where are you taking her?" Paige asked. "Ta the hospital." Finn said. He sat with her in his lap in the back of a cab. "You're so warm and smell so good Fergal." Haven whispered. He kissed her forehead.
"Close yer eyes mhuirnín." Finn whispered. "I feel so safe with you." Haven murmured. He got out with her and she held onto him. They gave her fluids and told her to rest as much as possible. That she didn't have the flu just a cold and she was dehydrated. She walked out with him and he pulled her close. "Now tat I know it's a cold." Finn said. She gripped his jacket and smiled. "You could get sick." Haven said. He kissed her long and slow holding her head in his hands. "I'll risk it." Finn said. She sighed and gripped his jacket harder.
"I don't want you sick Fergal." Haven said. "Ten ya could take care of me and give me kisses." Finn said. She kissed his forehead softly. "I'd love to take care of you but no." Haven giggled. "You know what I'd love?" Finn asked. "What?" Haven asked. "You and I ta be together." Finn said. "I'd love that too." Haven said. "Will ya stay wit me tis time?" Finn teased. "I was freaked out, I wasn't in a good head space Fergal, I'm so sorry I hurt you." Haven said. He cupped her cheek. "The concussion made ya sad, I'm sorry ya went trough tat alone mhuirnín." Finn said.
"I love that, it sounds so much better in Gaelic." Haven said. "So many tings do a ghrá trust me." Finn said. She blushed and rubbed his chest. "Does that mean something special?" Haven asked. He smirked and kissed her forehead. "Maybe." Finn said. She hugged him and sighed as he hugged her tightly. "Stay wit me." Finn whispered as he stroked her hair. She felt him shaking. "Let's get you to bed you're still not at full power from last night and tonight." Haven said. "Can I stay wit ya?" Finn asked softly. She kissed his heart and looked up.
"Of course, come on I'll give you a massage." Haven said. They went back to her and Paige's room. "You want me to split?" Paige asked. "No you can stay." Haven said. Finn pulled his shirt off and then his jeans. "You should really go get your bag that way you can shower after I give you a massage." Haven said. "Ooo you're in for a treat girlie has amazing hands." Paige said. "Should I be worried or aroused at tat?" Finn asked. Haven hugged Paige. "She's my friend Fergal, if I can help with a massage I do." Haven said.
She went to him kissing his cheek. "Go and I'll set up my stuff." Haven said. "Ok." Finn said and dressed leaving. "You two are adorable ya know it's really sweet." Paige said. "He's a doll." Haven said. She put out her candles and oils on her side of the nightstand. "You can use it all it's ok." Paige said. She put more out and Paige grabbed her bag. "Where are you going?" Haven asked. "Nat said I could crash with her so you two could be alone." Paige said. "Paige, nothing's going to happen." Haven said. "I really hope you're wrong." Paige said.
"It's not like that right now." Haven said. "You're insane he's in love with you, everyone but you sees that." Paige said. "He is not." Haven said. "He is so." Finn said. She turned and looked at him forgetting she'd given him her key card. Finn shut the door and dropped his bag on the floor. "You can't be, we haven't even been on a date let alone anything else." Haven said. "Truth is lass, I've been in love wit ya since I was hurt." Finn said. "You were with her." Haven said. "At the end of it noting was lost on my part, well almost noting." Finn said.
Paige left and he brushed her hair back behind her ear. "Ya remind me of fae." Finn said. "What kind?" Haven asked. "A cute little pixy." Finn said. She laughed and shook her head. "I'm not a pixy, I'm human." Haven said. He kissed her neck softly and she gripped his shirt. "Somehow I don't tink so." Finn whispered. She closed her eyes as he nuzzled her neck. "Bite me." Haven breathed. "What?" Finn asked. "Bite me." Haven said. He kissed her neck and she gave up. He smirked against her neck and bit hard.
Her hands flew to his hair as he picked her up. She wrapped around him effortlessly as he laid her down. He kissed her neck and nuzzled behind her ear. "How long?" Finn asked. "How long what?" Haven asked. "How long have ya had a crush on me?" Finn asked. "A while." Haven said. He kissed the side of her neck and she sighed as she gripped his arms. "Don't stop." Haven whispered. He looked at her and she smiled. "I'm not like tat." Finn said. She giggled and kissed him softly. "I'm glad you're sweet." Haven said.
He laid down and pulled her close. "And yer mine now, Scabell." Finn whispered against her neck. "Yes Fergal, and you're mine." Haven whispered. He kissed her passionately. She gripped his shirt as her back arched. His hands went to her hair. He loved her long black hair. It hit him and he pulled back. Her breath came out in little pants. "Ya dyed it." Finn panted. "Yes, I needed a change." Haven said. "Yer so fuckin beautiful, Scabell, my Scabell! Finn said. "You're so handsome Fergal, my Fergal." Haven said. They laid in bed kissing and cuddling.
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treadmilltreats · 3 years
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Hating bitches aren't happy, Happy bitches ain't hating
My cousin said this to me and I thought how true...this says it all.
I choose never to hate, never to be envious. I am truly happy for my friends and what happens in their lives. When they get promotions, when something great happens to them, when they meet the man of their dreams, I am happy for them as if it was happening to me. My heart fills with joy for them.
This is when you know you are happy and fulfilled in your own life. Even though you might not have everything you might want, you're still grateful for what you do have and you can share in the joy of others.
On the other hand hating bitches aren't happy, they are jealous, petty and angry. They think that it should have happened to them, why wasn't it them?
They will never be happy for you as they are too busy hating on you for what they think they should have gotten.
I don't have time to worry about hating bitches, I am too busy being happy, I am too busy giving praise to God for the blessings he shows to me and my friends.
I am too busy praying for others to get what they want or need.
See, being happy isn't all about you, it's about helping others, it's about praying for others' lives to improve. It's about giving, even when you don't have it because you know how it feels to be there. You know how it feels to feel hopeless and this small thing you have sacrificed, will give them the hope to go on. You will sacrifice your own happiness for another, because you know it's not your time...yet, but it is their time now and you would never want to ruin it for them.
My cousin went on to say that not everyone is happy for your blessings and I thought how sad... how sad that you are so wrapped up in yourself and what you think you are owed, what you think you deserve, that you can't or won't be happy for someone else's blessings.
I'll never forget when a friend of mine who was also in a verbally abusive marriage finally moved out. I helped her move and helped her unpack the little stuff she did take with her. As she sat there amongst the empty room, the look of peace on her face made me cry.
I was so happy for her, she did it, she was finally free and happy.
Even though I was still deep into my own verbally abusive marriage, and I could see no end in sight for myself, I could still be happy for her, genuinely happy that she did it.
That is when you know you are happy within yourself. When you are both in the same situation but your friend gets to the finish line first, as much as you may have wanted to get there first, you're still happy she did it and know that it couldn't have happened to a nicer or more deserving person.
This is what it means when you're around like minded women, who want what is best for you. A community of women who will be genuinely happy for you, and your successes, that is what it is to be a true woman.
See this is when you realize what side of this statement you are on... Are you hating? Or are you happy?
So today my friends, can you honestly answer that question?
Look deep inside and find out because hating bitches aren't happy and happy bitches ain't hating.
"Be the change you want to see"
Check out our new community of like minded women @SoulSistersSoulution
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"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
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My 1st book The blessing in Disguise
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Nancy & Rio
Nancy: Not to be weird, because I obviously don't mind if so, but are you wearing my clothes in your latest insta pics or have I lost my mind? Rio: Oh my God, sorry! Shoulda said before putting that up Rio: casual single white female situation Rio: I was in London and I had to stop by yours to avoid a real walk of shame... whole 'nother story, assumed it'd be alright 'cos you know, you weren't using 'em? Shipped back fully dry cleaned, swear down Rio: Not to drop him in it but shamelessly will, Buster said it'd probably be alright too lol Nancy: Well we have the brunette and redhead thing going on, already. Just don't murder me like Nancy: It's more than okay. They look great on you and they are just sitting there Nancy: Keep them if you want Nancy: I'd rather you than one of Buster's 'guests' Nancy: Did you talk to him? Rio: Last time I check, no feelings of murderous jealousy towards you Rio: Even if you do have a killer clothes collection Rio: You're too sweet! I'm nowhere near statuesque enough to rock it for serious but it was fun playing dressup, not gonna lie Rio: A little bit, yeah, as much as you can with him Rio: Has he reached out to you yet? Nancy: We should go shopping then. I'm not flooded with other offers or compliments right now Nancy: He did try but I didn't answer the call. I didn't know what to say, you know Nancy: Do I want to know what he said about me, if anything? Rio: Absolutely, always up for a style update Rio: and I promise to stay away for the red box dye Rio: Rihanna 2010 I ain't Rio: That's fair, I remember he mentioned that too Rio: He said a lot of things, some of 'em stupid which don't bear repeating but I could tell he was worried about you, checking you were okay, like Nancy: Oh god Nancy: I should've answered I just couldn't Nancy: I've already broken my own heart there's no handling if he decided to do it for me too Nancy: It was like I already hear what he was going to say Rio: No one is judgding you for not Rio: He's been guility of being unavailable for less Rio: You're more than entitled to take your time with this Rio: Let him cool down too, I put him right where I could but Rio: He's stubborn Nancy: And he thinks I'm as cringey as everyone at school does, right? Nancy: I knew it Nancy: I can't blame him really Rio: But that's nothing you don't know, you feel the embarrassment, I don't get why people think they're being clever pointing out as if its not your first hand experience Rio: He asked if you were coming back Rio: which he clearly wants, even if he's not gonna outright say that Nancy: I thought he might be on my side since he always goes after what he wants Nancy: Maybe he is though, if he does want me home Rio: Yeah, there's definitely hypocrisy otherwise Rio: I'm not gonna commit him to either side from a conversation relayed but I don't think talking to him soon will make it any worse Rio: Hoping he said all the dumb shit he needed to me instead, like Nancy: Was he such a prick to you? I'm sorry Nancy: I can't go back until those girls are far away at uni Nancy: Do you think we could convince him to come here? Team effort to get a visit? Rio: Not all bad Rio: and nothing I can't handle Rio: Yeah, reckon I might've met some of them last night Rio: and I feel you Rio: Worth a shot, I threw it out there that maybe if he came it'd make your 'rents coming less of a shitshow Rio: try and hold him to it Nancy: The ringleader is Chloe, with an accent over the e. You'd remember her if you did Nancy: It wouldn't surprise me if she was still hanging around him and his friends, she always did fancy him Nancy: Okay. I'll try Rio: Oh my God, her?! Rio: If she gave me daggers any harder I woulda been bleeding Rio: Such an unlikely candidate, no offence Chlo hun but total Rio: always the girls with the least going for them, honestly Nancy: That's her specialty Nancy: What's it say about me that I used to think we were actually friends once Rio: She looks like she can play nice when she wants to Rio: with your Brother, like you said Rio: Ugh Nancy: Yeah. She didn't want to play nice after I came out but she did a convincing enough job before Rio: Bet she thought you were in love with her and everything? Rio: What a cliche mean girl Nancy: Oh she went one better and told everyone I made a move of her, which even I wouldn't Rio: Oh, don't flatter yourself Rio: What a cow! Yeah, she's not changed at all then, obviously I avoided her best I could but she was way too happy about my drama Nancy: Like I know what I did with Sian was bad but Nancy: Please, I do have some standards Nancy: What happened with you? I didn't even ask. What a cow I am Rio: Yeah, she's not a catch, whatever way you're swinging, sorry to be a bitch but you were first gurl and that's always gonna be a turn-off Rio: Oh nah, nothing major, well, it was very dramatic but over it whilst it was happening so I'm not bothered Rio: Curtis went with me and then decided to get all huffy and try and make me leave early 'cos I was 'dancing too sexy' or whatever Rio: when I wouldn't he literally left me there, considering he drove us over, he had the hotel key Rio: Cue mad rush trying to find a place to crash and a way back Rio: Safe to say he's chucked Nancy: Oh my god! There's no words for how out of order that is. What an utter prick! Nancy: Buster better have offered you my bed Nancy: I'll kill him if he never Rio: Oh yeah, he did Rio: Offered to pay the way back but I thought that was too far Rio: Between taking your bed and clothes, like, need to at least try and sort half of it myself, like! Nancy: At least he's not a total prick himself ALL the time Nancy: Remembering some of how he was raised now Nancy: Are you in London rn still? Rio: Yeah, I'd say we can give him that Rio: Will go to his head but what you gonna do Rio: I am Rio: Toying with staying for a bit but I'll defs get in more shit for doing that for going with Curtis in the first place so Rio: Should probs get the soonest flight back now Nancy: My bed and wardrobe are yours if you are staying Nancy: Did you see my mum and dad? Nancy: While we're mentioning being in lots of shit, like Rio: I appreciate it, Nance Rio: I did my best to avoid then, and succeeded, thankfully, not really the vibe I'm looking to give out to the olders like Rio: Buster didn't seem keen to talk to them either, so they may very well be on the warpath towards Dubo and you...Soz to confirm Nancy: Care to teach me some of your ways before they end my life? I'd REALLY appreciate it tbh Nancy: Fantastic. That sounds accurate Rio: Umm, get them drunk and they'll be sleeping as you sneak about like Anne Frank? Rio: ORRRRR, whilst they're mid-air, come back to London, ha Nancy: Get mum REALLY angry Nancy: Nice subtle nod to my gayness with the Anne Frank ref though Nancy: And you're definitely onto something with getting dad a drink Rio: Say you're coming to rescue me, I can be FAR more dramatic about this breakup than I'm really feeling Rio: edge of fucking tower bridge like Rio: of course, all bisexuals are upheld in the highest esteem in my household Rio: especially brave little jewish girls Nancy: Good plan, if I can be this dramatic about a non-break up then we can make this believable I'm sure Nancy: Take the heroics from my brother too, always great Nancy: I see the bed and clothes gesture and I raise you Rio: Everyone loves a bit of sibling rivalry put to use Rio: get us both off the hook in one fell swoop Rio: Only flaw in the plan is Chloe with the accent Rio: Going to have to work on that so she's outta the way by the time you get here Nancy: I'd suggest taking her to the bridge and pushing her off but I don't need to go to prison Rio: If you thought the gay jokes were bad now Nancy: Exactly Nancy: And nobody needs a rebound that badly, least of all me Rio: They say some people go to Prison for the roof over their head and three meals a day Rio: wonder if anyone has ever gone in purely for the pussay Nancy: As a vegetarian I feel I'd have to Nancy: If only casual sex was my thing. Wouldn't have got here Rio: Yeah, it ain't for everyone Rio: at least you didn't get to fuck her, THEN catch feelings Rio: that'd be even shittier like and what happens to so many girls in our year when they do the 'casual' thing Rio: no wonder they're being salty little bitches about it Nancy: But that way it wouldn't have been all in my head Nancy: Maybe they have a point, I don't know Rio: It wouldn't make this bit any easier Rio: the actual heartbreak shit Rio: the people being cunts, less so Rio: but they'll find any reason, someone else will be the target next week, like Nancy: I know you're right Nancy: And I don't want her life ruined so Rio: Yeah, but you gotta think about you and your life too Rio: She's fine Nancy: Don't rub it in, please Nancy: I feel like my life's over Rio: I know sweets Rio: but it ain't Rio: you'll just keep going Nancy: I know I will, but I don't want to. Like I know she couldn't love me but I still want her too Nancy: It hurts Rio: Its going to Rio: for a while yet Rio: revel in it Rio: how unfair it feels Rio: 'cos its not a sexuality thing, if you were straight or she was gay or whatever the fuck, when you feel like you love someone and they just don't back Rio: that's gonna hurt regardless of the how you got there Rio: its not just because she was a teacher, everyone's been there, like Rio: Promise Nancy: I wish everyone saw this how you do Nancy: You're the best Nancy: June too but he doesn't get this bit yet Nancy: Though he can appreciate the wonders this will do for my art Rio: Gotta suffer, might as well get paid for it Rio: or A's Rio: at the very least Rio: I don't know, Junior is so guarded, I wonder if he ever will, not that I wish that bit on him but you've gotta go through it so its better to get it over with really Nancy: Especially because my Irish grades are gonna take a dive Nancy: I think he will Nancy: He just needs the right one to fall for Nancy: I appreciate how that sounds coming from me rn but Rio: Oh the awkwardness of that first lesson back is gonna be Rio: I'll deffo come Home by then Rio: I hope so, I know he's not happy hiding who he is, so I don't think he's content being alone forever, like, either Nancy: Oh god please do. I'll need all the help I can get Nancy: He won't be. He's a catch. I keep telling him Rio: Pretty sure push it any harder and I'm being dragged back by my hair lmao Rio: Totally, he just needs to get a lil confidence Rio: Not a complete personality change but just enough to give him that push Nancy: We're working on it Rio: Yay! Shame we can't be real speedy about it, get him getting a man to distract all the attention from you like Nancy: That's okay I wouldn't wish it on him Nancy: I can handle it. Sort of Rio: Yeah you can Rio: You've got this Nancy: So our brother keeps saying. But he makes it we because he's everything Nancy: *your Rio: Y'all are cuties Nancy: If you could use your influence on my brother to make him bearable I'll be your best friend Rio: I definitely cannot make promises there Rio: He goes out of his way to be un Rio: but he's alright really, I think lol Nancy: I'll have to take your word on that Nancy: Until I talk to him myself Rio: Let me know how it all works out like Nancy: Definitely
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keii · 8 years
I noticed you've been giving advice? ;o; Could you help me as well, please? Lately when I show my mom my art, and tell her I used reference for the pose, she calls it a form of art theft or cheating. She says she wants me to be able to draw without a reference (OrUseAPoseDoll) Which I understand! And I want to come to that too! But..I'm still figuring out my art style, so I don't think I can get there yet. I explained that and also that other artist whom I enjoy use refs. But it doesn't work ;o;
I don’t think using references is a form of art theft or cheating tbh. Even experienced artists has to use reference from time to time. We all start off having to look at something and studying it before the image gets ingrained into our brain. I would honestly prefer for people to use (real life) references so that they can draw something correctly rather than not using it at all and just guessing whether or not it looks right (most time it’s not.) Unless it’s a VERY specific pose, I don’t think a pose is something a person can claim as their own, especially if it’s super generic. 
No matter how experienced a person is with drawing, that doesn’t mean that they automatically know how to draw something. I’ve been drawing for years and I still use references from time to time when it comes to more complicated perspectives or poses. Once you get more familiar with something, it’ll be easier to not use references. Your mom just has to understand that using references is also a form of studying. You’re learning how a certain thing looks, how it works, you’re learning how certain things curves, how lines interact with each other, how the light hits a specific surface, how the shadows fall across a person’s face, etc. By telling you to not use references, it’s as if a teacher is telling you to take a sudden exam without even giving you the proper material to study from. 
So to reiterate, using references is so that we can study and learn from it, so that in the future we don’t have to use it again. If you don’t need it to draw, then great! If you still use it, then there’s nothing wrong with that! We’re always learning and improving. It’s a never ending process. Though I do suggest that it’s better to use references from actual real life rather than other people’s art. There’s a difference between being inspired by someone’s art style and incorporating it into your own and actually copying their style for “reference” c:
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