reeltalk84 · 10 months
When Kevin McCallister Saved Christmas
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Interviewer: Good morning, everyone! We have an extraordinary guest with us today—the young mastermind behind last night's antics, Kevin McCallister. Welcome, Kevin!
Kevin: Hey, thanks for having me. It's been a, uh, interesting night.
Interviewer: I can only imagine! Let's jump right in. Last night, you faced off against two rather persistent burglars, Harry and Marv. Can you walk us through how you managed to outsmart them?
Kevin: Well, it was all about thinking on my feet, you know? First, I realized I had the house to myself, and it was a little weird, but then I figured I could make the best of it. So, I set up all these traps to slow down Harry and Marv. I knew they wouldn't give up easily.
Interviewer: Those traps were quite ingenious! Did you come up with them on the spot, or had you been planning this for a while?
Kevin: Honestly, it was a bit of both. I've always been a bit of a troublemaker, so I had some ideas in my head. But when it came down to it, a lot of it was improvised. Like the paint cans? That was pure instinct.
Interviewer: Impressive! Now, we have to talk about the Wet Bandits. What was going through your mind when you learned about their less-than-savory plans?
Kevin: Shock, mostly. I mean, who'd think a couple of burglars would target our neighborhood? But once I got over the shock, it was all about protecting my home. My family might drive me crazy, but they're MY family, you know?
Interviewer: Absolutely. And speaking of family, how do you think your family is going to react when they return and find out what happened?
Kevin: (laughs) Oh, they're going to be so mad. But I hope they'll also be a bit impressed. Maybe I'll even get away with a few extra cookies for dessert.
Interviewer: You certainly earned them! Now, as we wrap up, any lessons you've learned from this experience?
Kevin: Yeah, I think the big one is that family is important, even if they drive you nuts. And, uh, maybe not to wish your family away, even when they're annoying. Oh, and that aftershave stings!
Interviewer: Wise words, Kevin. Thank you for taking the time to talk with us today. We wish you the best as you clean up the aftermath of last night's adventure!
Kevin: Thanks! And remember, don't try this at home. Or, you know, maybe do. It was kind of fun.
Interviewer: (laughs) You heard it here, folks. That concludes our interview with the one and only Kevin McCallister. Until next time!
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