#Holy crap i killed/stabbed/or tortured every character I've ever written huh?
deiliamedlini · 3 years
I’m amusing myself. I found a flashdrive of my writing all the way back to when I was 12 and had a notebook I wrote stories in that I ended up typing out apparently. As cringy as all this is, I’m posting this because I originally intended to use this blog to have somewhere to look back to see if I’ve improved, so I’m going to embarrass myself and actually post this. After reading some of these old stories, I’m glad to know that my ability to write descriptions actually once existed, and has since gone down the tubes.
This post has one snip of dialogue that I wrote in a story for every year I have on my flashdrive or on my computer. 
I also think if you (mysterious person potentially reading this post) have access to old files, you should totally do this too, even if you don’t post it anywhere. This was a hoot!
Warning in case you consider hitting that ‘keep reading’ button: This is going to be a long post, I can tell. It’s going to take up your screen and you’ll have to scroll a lot to get by it. 
2007:  “Did I do good enough yesterday to use real swords today?”
Benny nodded. “You learn quickly and your magic is strong. If your skill yesterday was a zero, it would be at a six today.”
“I hope that is out of five,” mused Adam.
Benny chuckled. “No, out of ten.
”Adam grabbed a sword only to have it taken away by Benny and he picked up a different one. “What is your skill number out of ten?” 
Benny chuckled again, “Twelve.”
2008: “Hey, did you like the show?”
“Um… oh, yeah. It was really great.” In truth, she didn’t really hear the music; she just looked at the guitarist the whole time.
“Really? That’s good; we’re playing here again tomorrow, different songs and all that jazz. Oh, I beg your pardon, my name is Roger,” he said as he held out his hand.
“Elizabeth… Liz,” she said grabbing his hand. They stared at each other for a while then let go.
“You look familiar. Have you been here before?” His voice sounded like he was teasing her. 
Liz suddenly realized that she had made absolutely no attempt to hide who she was. “Um…” she stuttered, attempting to come up with a cover story. “No I haven’t. A lot of people say I look like, um, Princess Lynnette. I don’t think so but maybe that’s what you’re thinking of.” 
2009: Within an instant, Roland was screaming in agony as lightning flew from the man’s hand and into Roland. He stopped for a moment and the man in charge smiled. “Well? Has your mind been changed?”
Between breaths, Roland managed to croak out ‘no’.
 It went on for about five minutes when the man in charge sighed. “You always were willing to take the pain. Will you just join us? Give up that foolish rebel band you lead and join where rebels are accepted; join us.”
Roland was bleeding from his mouth and his nose. His shirt had been ripped by the electricity and he was struggling for breath. Still, he managed to whisper ‘no’ again. He was hit by the lightening again as another scream escaped his throat. 
(Um, hello to the torture scene I wrote at age 14 😬)
2010: Nick grabbed my hand and pulled me aside. I looked at his thoughtful expression for awhile before speaking. “What is the big deal? Don’t you kill people to live? Isn’t that all that happened?”
Nick stared at me, his red eyes so intense, I had to shiver, “Something is not right. Peter might have the lowest sense of control, but that is still a substantial amount. He would not just kill because he lost his control, that would take much more than a good smelling human. That would take a battlefield. Either something is wrong with Peter, or it wasn’t him. We need to get you home.” He paused for a second. “You never think things are that bad, do you?”
A smile escaped, “I guess I’m still new to the supernatural.”
 (Excuse me, but vampire romances were a serious mood)
2011:  Thav had Marley by the neck.
‘Let her go!" yelled Alyx, all sarcasm and toughness gone. She sounded like a little girl begging an older sibling not to draw on their favorite doll. Two shots rang out in her ear and she turned to see Logan with his gun aimed at Thav's head, but the bullets bounced right off her skin.
"Humans are so stupid. Do you really think that after all this time, I would have let myself be weakened by your inferior technology? No, your weapons will do nothing to me any longer." She focused on Alyx. "Would you swap your life for this one's?"
"No!" yelled Marley, struggling to break free.
Alyx sighed, defeated. "Yes. Is that what you're offering?"
Thav glanced at her, but she held Marley's head with two hands now. "No. I was just curious."
Marley stared at Alyx with unseeing eyes, but then blinked as a small tear escaped.
"NO!" Alyx screeched, but strong arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her backwards. 
(Wtf younger me? I was straight up murdering everyone)
2012: Annalee sprang up from her nightmare, arms flailing and heart racing. Her body felt sticky with sweat and her vision was still blurred from sleep. When it finally cleared up, she realized Nolan was trying to calm her down. After a few moments and deep breaths, Annalee managed to really look at Nolan. His deep blue eyes were tired, but filled with genuine concern. She realized that she had woken him up. 
“Why’d you let her fall?” Annalee finally asked.
He sighed. “I didn’t want to. When she let go, I lost my grip on her and she slipped away. I tried to hold on to her. I really did.”
“But if you’d just held on longer, she may have grabbed something. She could be alive. You should have tried harder!” 
“I can’t save everyone! I’m not a superhuman machine. I regret not being able to save your mother! But the two I don’t regret are joining the rebels, and saving you!”
2013: I sent sparks of light from my fingers, one to the other. “I do it all the time.” My voice was lifeless and dull as I watched the sparks.
Corin cupped his hands together before opening them again. Where there had been nothing before, there was now a bird watching me before flying away. “It’s nothing to us, but you and I are the only two who can do that.”
We sat in silence for a moment before I began to feel uncomfortable. Every time I wasn’t talking, I remembered that this guy I had just met would be my husband some day. I went to wipe my sweaty hands against my leg. “Doesn’t the whole ‘arranged marriage’ thing bother you?”
He shrugged. “It used to, but I’ve had eight years to accept to the concept.”
2014: “Here is the real problem: if this was a real fight, I would have been out the second you pinned me, but you’re the king so I have to be kind and let you win.”
“Why? What would you have done to miraculously escape?”
“You’re fighting for your life. There are no rules. I’d have spit in your face and gotten out while you were surprised or…” she leaned closer to him, so close their faces were warm with the others breath, “I would have taken away your ability to produce an heir with my knee and then the knife in my pocket.”
His eyes widened and he took a step back, letting her move away, watching her for a moment before she smirked and tossed him his discarded sword. “You do scare me sometimes, Sel.”
2015: Looking between God and Lucifer, I poked at God’s cards. “I… I donated to charities! My entire life, I donated! I care about giving to others! That must be somewhere in those cards.”
With a tilt of his head, God made a small sound, like he wasn’t entirely convinced. “Well, you have donated, but not to my children. You’ve been donating to WWF your entire life. What about those starving and in need? You don’t want to save humans, but you’ll save animals?” 
(I basically wrote a crackfic about God and the devil playing cards for someone’s soul for school and I loved it so much hahaha)
2016: “And I have warned you not to get attached. Your troops are not your friends. Unfortunately, they must be willing to give their lives for you or the kingdom, and you must let them.”
“I can’t!”
Ric rose from the throne, slamming his cane down. Kenna backed down a few steps cautiously, but Ric moved toward her. “You will! I am dying, Kenna! I will be dead in less than a few months, and you will be queen. Being the queen means that you will make hard decisions, you will send thousands to their deaths, only you might not know their names. You will defend this kingdom, and your people from usurpers and tyrants. And you will give this order, now, just as you will give all those.”
2017: Nathan’s face was pressed against her neck, the harsh pressure coming from his arms around her waist and the impact was his body crashing into her mid-fall. Shield, his mind screamed. She could feel their hearts, both in perfect unison, beating erratically. She was afraid they’d die of a heart attack before hitting the ground. 
“I can’t call it out” he hissed. 
Despite it all, despite the fall, she managed to summon her shield, and felt it immediately strengthened by Nathan’s attempt at magic as they continued to plummet to the ground. 
The shield impacted the ground and shattered, leaving them both panting and in pain. Stumbling a few feet over, she collapsed again next to Nathan, struggling to keep herself upright until she felt Grey run up to support her.
He sat up gently, his hand against his side. “You look terrible.” Leaning forward, he wiped some blood off her face.
“No worse than you.” She smiled and leaned her head back against Grey in relief. “But better than dead. Thank you.”
2018: Kyle grabbed onto May’s arm to stop her. “I see one of them. Get down.” He put his gun into one hand, and held May with the other. “Let me see your gun.”
She handed over the old revolver, still looking around for any sign of her father, and Kyle inspected the gun, making sure the chamber had all of the rounds. It did. He cocked the hammer and handed it back to her. “Should have checked before.”
“I just assumed…”
“Me too,” he admitted. They stayed low and Kyle led her up further, keeping his eyes on the approaching man. “I can take them.”
“Don’t be stupid, hotshot! Stop!” May hissed and tugged on his arm so he couldn’t move. A second man approached.
2019: He cast a sidelong look at her, his face the epitome of seriousness. “Probably not. I live for humor. Dark humor, usually. Sexual humor, modestly. Sarcasm, fluently. I’m not actually trying to lure you into my room every time I talk to you. Though, feel free to join me while you’re still wet.”
Sam’s mouth dropped open and she whacked his arm with a decent force. “You just did it again!”
He couldn’t help but laugh at her innocent expression. “See? I can’t help myself. Bad habit. Like cocaine, but healthier.”
“Cocaine?” she repeated.
“Sorry, yeah, I’m actually a drug addict.” Well, not far off with all the meds he was on everyday.
Sam tsked. “Fluent in sarcasm. I’m catching on.” 
(We’re in fanfiction territory now. Everything else has been original, but this is Until Dawn and the other two are Zelda)
“Your arm,” she said finally, “How did you say you fixed it?”
Link made a face and turned away from her. “I popped it back in as soon as I got out of the chains. Not the most efficient fix, but it’s worked well enough.”
Her mouth dropped and she crossed the distance between them. “Let me feel it.”
“It’s fine.”
“Of course it is. Take off your armor,” she demanded. It was that voice, that posture that she’d used on Link in the past, the one that had him unabashedly intimidated by her. And now, he knew exactly why. It was the demeanor of a royal commanding the attention of one of her subjects.
He sucked in a breath and shook his head in acceptance, unwilling to fight her, as he pulled off the guard uniform and chain mail until he was in the last of his layers, a loose shirt that was barely thick enough so the chains of the mail didn’t rub against his skin.
“Link,” she sighed. She had to see the bone, not just feel it. “You can’t possibly be modest. Before today, I’ve never even seen you with a shirt on.”
“It wasn’t like I was strutting around in front of you like some bird, but it was also before I learned who you were, Princess.” His eyes pointedly avoided hers, and he stared at the bottom branches of the nearest trees just to give himself something else to focus on.
"Well, get over it."
In a quick motion, Zelda tugged his arm lightly, and watched him hiss, stepping away from her in pain. “Gods, Zelda!”
2021:  “Mr. Woods!” She winced in pain, clutched her throat, cursing her louder volume. But he went back to her side so she could whisper, and he stood beside her, waiting. She took a breath. “I find you tolerable. For the most part.”
“Do you?” he quipped.
“For a rotten pirate, that is.”
“Oh, of course.” His eyes were glinting with mischief.
Zelda’s mouth dropped in frustration as she watched his usual self begin to reappear. Annoyingly confident, entitled in his own way, and charismatic without even trying. It was all in his smile and his eyes, and she wondered if he had any idea what he was doing. “Don’t flatter yourself too much, Mr. Woods. I happen to find you all intriguing.”
“I wouldn’t dream of flattering myself, Miss Nohansen, especially not when you’re doing it for me.”
This time, her mouth didn’t just open, it hung. Her mouth formed the word “I” several times as she shook her head. Her eyes narrowed, and she made an indignant noise.
Link chuckled and rested his hand on the bedframe. “I’m going to leave before I say something that’ll bite me in the ass, which, coincidently, you’ve already seen.” He smirked in her direction, his comment just another attempt to get a rise out of her.
But to the surprise of both of them, Zelda chuckled and shook her head slowly. “Oh, I saw far more than that, Mr. Woods.”
Link’s eyes shot up, wide and completely shocked by her. He couldn’t even hide it.
Goddess above, perhaps her ordeal since arriving on the island had simply broken her. She no longer worked properly.
Unable to stop himself, Link burst out laughing as the most genuine, compelling smile spread across his face, one that Zelda had yet to see. And it had her cheeks flaming in embarrassment.
“Goddess, Miss Nohansen, I find you far more interesting with every conversation we’ve had.” He rested his arms against the bed. “I won’t hesitate to admit that I thoroughly enjoying talking with you. I suppose I find you quite tolerable as well.”
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