#Hitman Valentine's Date 2023
hitmanexchange · 2 years
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Nominations are open!
This is your chance to nominate pairings you'd like to offer or request.
Nominations will close Saturday, January 7th.
Please keep in mind that / is used for romantic or sexual relationships, and & for platonic or familial. Make sure to nominate (and later to request and offer) what you actually want.
If you like, you can also nominate freeform tags for the kind of story you'd like to request. This is not a requirement, and the exchange will not match on freeform tags.
You can find the official tag set here.
The announcement post with schedule and rules for this exchange can be found here.
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myth-blossom · 9 months
For the end of year ask: 5, 17, and 22! ^_^
Hi Ninja! Thank you for the ask 😊
5) most popular fic this year
My most popular fic in 2023 was definitely Hidden Pleasures! I’m not sure if it’s because it was a BDSM exchange fic or because people like it so much to keep going back, but it has the most hits of a Hitman one-shot fic I’ve ever done (currently at 711 hits). It is rather good and smutty, if I do say so myself 😍
17) fics you’ll continue next year
Oh you know I’m looking to continue Infected With You in 2024, I love that series and I’m excited to get the next update posted at some point. I’m sure I’ll also add more into the Songs and Silencers collection and probably Moments in the Sun, too. :) And who knows? Maybe I’ll start another series or collection that’s been teasing my brain for a while.
22) events you participated in this year
Uhh….there were LOTS of events, I participated in many things in 2023 😅 -Hitman Valentine’s Date 2023: All Eyes On Us -Sapienzanniversary 2023: Irresistible -Hurt Comfort Exchange 2023: Lacrymosa -Cuppa JOE: Jealously and Obsession Exchange 2023: Flirting With Danger -Summer of Horror Exchange 2023: Don’t Hesitate -BDSM Exchange 2023: Hidden Pleasures -hAPPy birthday flash exchange: 2 years old! : Calling For You -Agent 47 Birthday Event 2023: Buon Compleanno, Amore Mio -Diana Burnwood Birthday Event 2023: Ti Amo -Hitman Halloween Party 2023: Masquerave and Shame -Amperslash Exchange Fic 2023: The Arrangement -Hitman Snow Festival 2023: Linger It was definitely more than I planned to do, but I had lots of fun and ended up writing some of my most favorite fics because of them ❤️
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hitmanexchange · 2 years
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The works are revealed!
Thank you so much for participating. Now it's time to read the fics and enjoy the Valentine's Date!
Author reveal is on February 20th! 💕
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hitmanexchange · 2 years
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Welcome to the Hitman Valentine's Date, an AO3-based Gift Exchange for the Hitman fandom.
Sign-ups are now open! 💕
Please read the rules before signing up. Feel free to ask if anything is unclear!
This year's tag set can be found here.
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hitmanexchange · 2 years
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Here's a list of all works published as part of this fandom event!
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Diana finds herself absolutely charmed over 47's Valentine's date surprise.
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Agent 47 surprises Diana Burnwood with a few relaxing days in Hokkaido, but their Valentine's Day getaway begins with a surprise for both of them.
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Diana joins 47 in Hokkaido to eliminate The Voyeur. Their cover story gets complicated.
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hitmanexchange · 2 years
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Welcome to Hitman Valentine's Date, a gift fic exchange for the Hitman fandom!
Detailed schedule and rules under the cut!
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General Links
Hitman Exchange on Tumblr
2023 Collection
2023 Tag Set
January 1 – Nominations Open
January 7 – Nominations Close
January 7 – Sign-Ups Open
January 14 January 15 – Sign-Ups Close (11:59 UTC)*
January 14 January 15– Assignments Out*
February 7 – Assignments Due
February 14 – Gift Reveals (16:59 UTC)
February 20 – Creator Reveals (16:59 UTC)
All times are 23:59 UTC unless otherwise specified.
*12 hour extension due to unscheduled AO3 maintenance.
The Basics
Hitman Valentine’s Date is a gift exchange for the Hitman fandom inspired by the Chocolate Box Exchange.
Assignments should have a minimum wordcount of 1,000 words.
What is a gift exchange?
Each participant offers to write a story about characters or pairings of their choosing, and in return gets to request to receive a story about characters or pairings of their choosing.
The first phase of Hitman Valentine’s Date is nominations, where you submit the characters, relationships and additional tags that you are interested in writing or receiving in this exchange to the tag set. Each person can nominate ten character or relationship tags and ten additional tags. The tag set is what participants will use for their requests and offers later in the process.
What fandoms are eligible?
Hitman (Video Games), Hitman (Comics), Hitman: Enemy Within, Hitman: Damnation
Nominations Format
You can nominate relationships and additional tags.
Nominating Relationships
Your Valentine’s Date doesn’t have to be romantic! Platonic dates are welcome, too!
You may nominate / or & relationships. "A/B" is a romantic or sexual relationship; "A & B" is a platonic or familial relationship. 
Please alphabetise ships by family name.
Nominating Additional Tags
You may nominate additional tags to shape the Valentine’s date you’re looking for. Try to come up with fun activities and situations for the characters! It’ll make it easier to suggest prompts later when you sign up, and it’ll make it easier to write your assignment. 
How many requests can I add?
You can add up to three requests to your sign-up.
Additional Tags
For each request, you can include up to twenty additional tags from our 2023 tag set. If you’d like to suggest a specific scenario, add it to your request’s description.
Try to find the right balance between an interesting idea that gives authors something to work with and a too restrictive request.
You may add one relationship to each of your requests. Make sure to request the correct ship tag — A/B for romantic or sexual interactions, A & B for platonic or familial interactions.
DNW and Letters
You also have the option to add a link to a letter. These can be very useful to give your writer ideas for possible gifts. It can also be invaluable for telling them what you do not want at all.
If you have anything you Do Not Want (DNW), it must be in the request directly to be enforceable. Authors should respect the Do Not Want list; however, the requester should not abuse it to try and force the author into a corner. Do Not Wants that appear only in an external letter will not be enforced.
Am I guaranteed a gift?
Yes, this is a gift exchange. Each participant will write one story and receive one story in return.
Minimum Requirements
The minimum requirements are low: 1,000 words. If you want to write more, you can! 
Assignments need to include the requested relationship and relationship dynamics. They don’t have to include the scenario suggested in your recipient’s request, but it is highly encouraged. Works may not include any of the DNWs listed in your recipients sign-up. You only need to write one story according to one of you recipient’s requests.
Works need to be newly published for this exchange and created by you.
Either go to your Assignment page on AO3, which you can find under the "Assignments" link on your Profile page, or go to the Hitman Valentine’s Date subcollection page and click on "Your Assignment". You should see two buttons at the top right of your Valentine’s Date assignment: "Fulfill", and "Default".
Click "Fulfill", and you'll be taken to a posting form. This will automatically post your story into the current year's Valentine’s Date collection. It also has your recipient's name already filled in. All you need to do is fill in the rest of the form, preview it to make sure it looks okay, and post.
If you're posting a treat, you won't have an assignment or "Fulfill" button. Instead, go to the subcollection and click on "Post to Collection" under the collection title. This will take you to a form with the challenge collection name already filled in. Fill in the recipient's name manually, then fill in the rest of the form, preview it to make sure it looks okay, and post.
Assignments are due February 7th, to make sure there’s enough time to find pinch hitters if needed.
Work Reveals
The works will be revealed on February 14th, as soon as every participant has at least one gift.
Works are anonymous until creator reveals, the Monday after work reveals. Please do not add anything to your work that gives away your identity, including adding the work to a non-anonymous series.
Additional Gifts (Treats)
If you’d like to write an additional story for your recipient or for another participant in the exchange, you may do that. Please make sure that the recipient of your treat has additional gifts enabled and is open for treats. 
If you’re open for treats, make sure that you have additional gifts enabled in your user settings, and leave a note about it in your requests.
Be friendly!
Make sure that your prompts and your fanworks do not contain any hostile elements towards people you disagree with in any part of the fanwork (title, tags, summary, author's notes, body text). Refrain from adding DNI notes.
If you shame or harass other participants, or if there are signs that you have deliberately caused problems in multiple exchanges, the mod will delete your signup.
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hitmanexchange · 2 years
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Work reveals are in about 24 hours!
Here's a quick checklist for all participants:
💕 Have you removed all placeholders (title, summary, body) from your work? Is the work complete? Have you pasted the correct version?
💕 If you've written more than one fic recently: check for mix-ups!
💕 Did you gift the right fic to the right person?
💕 If you added your work to the collection a while ago: remember to change the publication date to February 14 before work reveals!
💕 Remember that this event has an anonymous period! Don't add anything that reveals your identity until after creator reveals! This includes adding your work to one of your existing series.
Looking forward to tomorrow! 💖
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hitmanexchange · 2 years
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Sign-ups are closed, and assignments are out! 💕
Please check your email or your "Assignments" page on your AO3 dashboard.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions, need an extension on the deadline, or need to default.
Happy writing, Agents!
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hitmanexchange · 2 years
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24 hours until the posting deadline!
Please make sure that your work is posted to the collection (just click the "fulfil gift" button when publishing the work) before February 7, 23:59 UTC!
When is that in your time zone?
If you need an extension for any reason, please let me know!
Works that are still in your drafts won't count, please double-check that you actually posted it. Posted works will only be visible to you (well, and to me, but I won't peek) until work reveals on February 14, so you'll still have some time for last minute edits and such.
Don't worry, there'll be a handy checklist before work reveals!
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