#Hii Power
jayninjago · 4 months
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Jay we cant both exist-
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quietwingsinthesky · 11 months
we’ve all said it before but ill say it again, sam should have gotten lucifer pregnant and that should have been the jack origin. if she was jessifer at the time, even better <3
#lucifer mommy truthing again hi hii he needs this#it won’t fix him it will make him worse but it’ll be hot to see sam tormented by the pregnant devil#☺️ sam going to attack jessifer and she goes ‘don’t you care about our baby Sam? don’t you want to meet him?’#gets sam to touch her belly and talk to the baby and that’s when Jack does the whole ‘I’m The Perfect Paradise Baby Love Me 🥺🥺’ thing on sam#and now sam can’t kill her or their baby. he can’t. he loves jack too much. perhaps has also been hit with so many nephil happiness rays#that he looks up at lucifer and is like Oh. overwhelmed with sudden love for her. and his heads all mixed up. it’s like the vision where she#made him feel calm x1000 and. and. he loves her? he loves her doesn’t he? he gave her a baby and he loves her?#they’re going to raise their son together? and lucifer is so very pleased as sam presses his ear to her belly to hear jack’s heartbeat.#sam has quite literally been baby trapped. as in that baby set the trap and caught him in it before it was even sentient. mind control baby.#cue the rest of the pregnancy with lovestruck sam doing everything in his power to protect lucifer & jack#he’s like. fully aware he was scared of lucifer. that Lucifer is Bad this baby is Dangerous. but also. he loves them so much.#nothing else seems to matter when he loves them so much.#<3 I think Sam deserves to be mindfucked into being Lucifer’s little househusband for a bit.#oh. there are places this could go after Jack is born uhm uh. i uhm. that’s not the point I won’t say that.#the point is sam getting brainwashed to be happier and protective of pregnant!lucifer. and he IS happier. he’s just also high on good vibes.#😳 lucifer riding sam with his hand on her belly 😳😳😳😳#tw pregnancy#anyway. thoughts.#samifer#lucifer spn#Jess!lucifer#Jack kline#sam winchester
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oceanwithouthermoon · 9 months
thinking about the saiki k girls with matching trademark vocaloids, as in they all assign each other as a vocaloid and get matching keychains, shirts, etc.
kokomi miku, kuriko luka, chisato teto (idc that shes not a vocaloid), chiyo meiko, mikoto gumi, imu rin or neru? also not technically vocaloid but hush
OH UNLESS WE WANNA INCLUDE SUZUMIYA ??? MY BELOVED ?? then hii would get gumi and maybe miko would get neru
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hoolay-boobs · 1 year
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They’re the best sapphics in the world idc
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kandidandi · 1 year
Hey Kandi sweetie silly do you mind if I light your slug sun on fire? (spring depends on it) muahw mwuah Thank you !! 🫀🫀💞🫀💞🫀♥️
i would prefer if you didnt he's not very fireproof ^_^
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raccoonmila · 2 years
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The main trio.
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unhingedkinfessions · 5 months
As an Aki Hayakawa kin I enjoy buying stuff of Denji and Power because I miss those dumbasses (I say that lovingly)
I went shopping yesterday with about $100 to spend and ended up buying a good amount of media stuff (as well as miscellaneous things and some gifts), including a silly plush of myself. I also found one of those sitting/looking up figurines of Denji (sadly only had enough for him and not Power, I’ll get her next time), and I put him on my dresser next to where I charge my phone so every morning when I wake up to unplug it he can greet me and I will pat his head. I need to buy a pack of gum and keep it near him. /ref
Also found a mystery box of those things that hang on your chargers and I was hoping for Himeno but ended up with Makima… I told myself it’s ok because now I can make her hold on for dear life as a torture method for what she did to me. 🔥
thats adorable man
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toadstool32 · 8 months
Why am I getting notes who died and made me king
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borialover · 1 year
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my last art scored like 1 like from me, BUT AT THE SAME TIME A STUPID JOKE THAT I DRAW SHIT SCORED 5 LIKES
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What If you ever offered the throne. to lead the whole Constant. what of it.
A quirk of the brow. A flicker of the gaze- as close to a double-take as she could manage without making it too obvious. As though the question had been the most bizarre thing she'd heard that day.
"What use is a place such as this tö öne öf my caliber? I remain tethered tö the cönstant för a singular reasön. My purpöse in this dömain is yet unfulfilled. And shöuld there cöme a time where its thröne rests barren, chances are I shaln't be aröund tö be tempted by such a thing... Well... 'tempted'."
It was rare that she stooped to finger quotes... In honesty it looked a bit unusual on her.
"I've all the strength and merit I cöuld ever ask för, cöurtesy öf mine Valkyrie status. Nö röyalty required. I döubt there's much it cöuld 'öffer' that I cöuld nöt attain ön my öwn accörd."
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mobblespsycho100 · 1 year
have u seen the 5* dan heng leaks btw. btw.
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oceanwithouthermoon · 8 months
kubosai but its "kuriko" wearing lipstick after a girls night with aiura and suzumiya, and kuboyasu is covered in lipstick marks <33
arens the type of guy to go
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caruliaa · 1 year
there was a little carulia fic thing that i started as part of like. a collection of little carulia fic things whichi inevitably gave up on when i gave up on the idea of the collection of little fic things but i may finish the little carulia fic thing on its own esp since it was def like. thee most well developed idea i had for it
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lostjulys · 2 years
YAY shinso is back !!!!!
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rainedroptalks · 4 months
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plasticsandwich · 10 months
food is like a legendary SS+++ item like holy shit. the power of a good meal can change you
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