#Hellboy Oc
moot-ramsey · 9 months
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Marco's first mission! I think it went well :)
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agentdickens929 · 6 months
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obscurushydrae · 2 months
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// You can play the role of rebel //
Independent Original Character Urban Fantasy/Mythology/Paranormal/Supernatural Friendly Written by karthonic [Back after 4 years.] - Sporadic Activity / (Mostly) Casual Interaction -Friendly to OCs, Canons, Multimuses/Sideblogs -Fandoms: BPRD | DMC | Hades | Good Omens| Obey Me! | And more! – [ Rules | Bio | Welcome ]–
// Just be sure to know your wrong from right //
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havockingboo · 1 year
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Spooky doodle of hellboy oc + very very dumb doodle of hellboy oc interacting with abe
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odditycircus-2002 · 2 months
Full Grown Celeste and Hellboy
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Another amazing piece by the wonderful @moot-ramsey!😁😁😁
The piece this time being Hellboy walking with his DAUGHTER , my OC Celeste, on her first official BPRD mission. She’s got her books and everything detailing the possible monster they maybe going up against.😁 If only her mother could see her now…
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icarusk · 5 months
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Laundry Day. Who do you think stitches up his coat every time he rips it?
Atha's mine, Mr. Boy is credited to Mike Mignola
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may0nnaises · 11 months
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i am very slowly teaching myself how to draw Abe !! And I will be insufferable once I figure it out !
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hellboyslady · 8 months
Hellboy x Hillzanora by a dear friend of mine! His work is amazing! Well worth the wait and $$$!
More work of Hellboy & Hillzanora from this artist coming soon, so stay tuned in.
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gabybubblegum24 · 7 months
Guess who has too much free time and took advantage of it to make edits of her Shipp with HellBoy?💨💕
Obviously me 👀✨
Asdfghghjklñ sorry I just love my shipp and love to make these fake screenshots of Ivy and Hellboy
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moot-ramsey · 1 year
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Just a little warmup I did between commissions the other day... Realized I haven't drawn enough of Marco and Hellboy lately so... here they are... the Old Men... just guys bein dudes... grandpas....
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agentdickens929 · 4 months
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house-of-slayterr · 1 year
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@oceansrose2002 I made a Hellboy oc, this is Gideon graves, she’s 15 and she’s Abe Sapiens apprentice. She’s a cuddlefish! Ain’t she a cutie 🥺 she already owns my heart!
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havockingboo · 1 year
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sorry if this looks gay to the viewers, hellboy
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odditycircus-2002 · 8 months
Hellboy and Diyana Commission
Done by the amazing and talented @moot-ramsey!!!😁😁😁😁
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It was worth every penny to have done!🤩🤩🤩
Why is Di giving a peck on HB’s face there? I like to imagine she won a bet that Hellboy inadvertently agreed to😆 If there’s one thing about Faes, they’re a fan of loopholes and technicalities. At least this time, rather than someone’s crops or first born, Di just wanted to give a kiss to HB. Luckily for the big guy, Diyana felt like going easy on him and giving him a peck on the corner of his mouth instead.
Hellboy isn’t sure whether he’s relieved or disappointed that Diyana didn’t kiss him on the lips😆
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kcarts-blog · 5 months
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The Queen *Meline’s Mother*
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tonpy69 · 3 months
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I finally finished this reference sheet that I started back in 2023, for a Bayonetta/Hellboy self insert character that I planned to write a story for, I still need to draw her brother as well, who I do have a concept sketch for, but the design is not finalized yet so it probably won't be shared until I'm happy with it! The last image was the concept idea, which you can see is now polished and updated. I genuinely couldn't decide which series to put her in, since I liked the idea of just making a crossover series hybrid, and I even found a way to make it work! I might share her profile in the next post, Which also features information about her brother as well! :D
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