#Heavy Truck Tax 2020
collapsedsquid · 4 years
The reason, according to Marcel Fratzscher, is that “the debt brake has changed incentives for governments in a fundamental way.” During downturns, tax revenue falls and mandatory spending on welfare programs rises. Although the debt brake is supposed to provide some flexibility to budgets to weather these cycles, the reality is that governments, especially at the local level, “are forced to cut public investment projects” in order to sustain spending on everything from teachers’ salaries to jobless benefits. Making matters worse, years of slow growth “encouraged many local and state governments to cut back on staff and the expertise necessary for implementing public investment projects.”
The result is that Germany’s municipalities alone have an investment backlog of about €160 billion. About half of the roads and bridges in Germany need repair. The Leverkusen Bridge, which crosses the Rhine between Cologne and Düsseldorf, was closed to trucks in 2012 because it was no longer deemed safe for heavy vehicles. Trucks were forced to reroute through other highways and villages, slowing traffic, creating congestion for commuters, and increasing air pollution.
Economists estimate that these costs have been worth multiples of the amount of money it would have cost to repair the bridge. Delaying necessary maintenance caused the Leverkusen Bridge to degrade so much that it needed to be rebuilt. The new bridge will not open until 2020. The A40 Bridge, which crosses the Rhine near Duisburg, has repeatedly been shut to truckers for safety concerns. These are but some of the thousands of bridges that need urgent maintenance or will have to be totally rebuilt.
Hey how are your local governments doing now?
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thedeaditeslayer · 5 years
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Dead Doll's Eyes: Bruce Campbell Talks New Evil Dead and Calls Out Martin Scorsese’s Bulls—t.
You can choose to read the interview below or click the link above to listen to the ten minute recorded version. 
Bruce Campbell burrowed his way into our hearts as a dashing B-movie icon with roles in a litany of cult classics, from Evil Dead to Bubba Ho-Tep.
After returning to his roots to play Ash Williams for three seasons of delightfully gratuitous gore in Ash vs Evil Dead, Campbell put away his chainsaw for good when Starz cancelled the series in 2018. However, much to fans’ delight, Evil Dead trilogy director and Ash vs Evil Dead producer Sam Raimi recently announced a forthcoming entry to the franchise with Campbell attached as a producer. Even better: although Ash won’t return to fight Deadites in live action, Campbell will lend his voice to an upcoming Evil Dead video game.
To accompany the rerelease of his memoir Hail to the Chin: Further Confessions of a B Movie Actor — now with an added “Requiem for Ash” chapter — Campbell is dropping by the Alamo City next week for a screening of Army of Darkness and audience Q&A. He promises it’ll be a good time — “There’s lots of stories about the making of that ridiculous movie.”
We caught up with Campbell over the phone, and he shared his thoughts on retiring Ash, teased some upcoming projects and even offered a few choice words for Martin Scorsese.
After Ash vs Evil Dead was cancelled you decided to hang up the character and retire him.
I did, didn’t I?
Unlike other actors who retire their characters, it’s not so much that you’re sick of Ash Williams, but that the demands of filming such a special effects-heavy series led you to reach something you’ve called “The Latex Point.” Could you expand on the on-set demands of Ash vs Evil Dead and why they’re so taxing?
Well, my wife sort of put a finger on it — as she so often does. She came into the trailer one day the last season of shooting, and I’m sitting there miserable because I had to put down plastic sheeting everywhere I went. I’d stick to everything because I was always covered with blood.
She goes, “I know what your problem is — you got Poopy Diaper Syndrome.”
I’m like, “What’re you talking about?”
“You’re like a 3-year-old or a 2-year-old sitting in a poopy diaper, and you can’t get out of your poopy diaper. No one will help you change your poopy diaper.”
So really, it’s that. It’s a series of lying face down in cellars. And it occurred to me multiple times. I’d be lying there literally face down, waiting for a shot, covered in blood in a dark cellar on the dirt, and I’m like, “Is this where I belong?” And the answer was “yes” for a long time, but it’s not a permanent place where you wanna be. Not as a 60-year-old man.
I wanted to avoid that Star Wars crap, where they’re holding these actors up with baling wire and cotton balls, you know what I mean? Feeding them their lines of dialogue through earbuds. I couldn’t do that. I could still pull the character off, so I wanted to finish while I could still do it.
And not have it kind of become…
Uh, sad. We don’t want sadness.
But you’re not leaving Evil Dead. You’re attached as a producer to a new movie, and it’s going to bring new blood into the franchise, including a director hand-picked by Sam Raimi. How does it feel to be able to step back, but still help usher in this new era?
Well, fantastic. Because, look, we can work with these directors. We can support them in the ways that we’ve always wanted to be supported. We can punish them in the ways that we should have been punished. We can hire actors that are good and well behaved, because I know what to look for. And when we get an actor, we can tell them how to best use their time and not party. We’ve learned a lot over the years, so we can share and torment these directors into making a good movie. There’s definitely a place for us. We’ll be there behind the scenes pulling the strings on these little monkeys.
How does it compare so far to the development process for Fede Álvarez’s 2013 Evil Dead? Or is it too early to say?
It’s too early, and every director’s different. Fede was very specific. I’d never worked with Fede, so I wanted to make sure he could work with actors. I sat in for only one day during auditions, and I could see how he would see a take, work with the actors, and the second take was better. After I saw two or three of those, I was like, OK — I’m outta here. This guy knows how to get a better take out of an actor. Done. That’s a huge accomplishment. And he was already very astute with special effects.
What you have to do is find out what the director’s strength is and encourage that, and find out what their weaknesses are and either fix that or discourage that. Some directors are great with actors but they suck at special effects, some are great at special effects but they don’t know how to talk to actors. It’s a really delicate dance. The modern movie is very delicate, because the modern movie has way more special effects now.
In Captain Marvel, even the cat was CGI most of the time he was onscreen.
Lemme tell ya, I’m gonna make a bold statement here.
The Irishman has more digital effects than the most recent Marvel movie, but you just don’t notice. Which why I call B.S. on Marty Scorsese calling out the Marvel movies. It’s like, bullshit! You just used more digital effects than a Marvel movie, and you’re telling me that’s cinema but the other one isn’t?
But the point is, I don’t buy it. I mean, I can’t wait to watch that movie, because I’m gonna be driven insane by Robert DeNiro at 42, Robert DeNiro at 47, Robert DeNiro at 31. It’s just gonna drive me insane, because I’m gonna look at it and I’m gonna be looking at dead doll’s eyes and, you know, they’re gonna do a good job, but they’re all gonna look like sharks.
Now that you’re no longer beholden to the intense schedule of TV production, are there any projects that you’re able to look at that weren’t an option before?
Well, one of two things can happen. I finally told my agent, “OK,” because I had to pass on some things in the last couple years that were decent projects, because I had a bunch of other random stuff going. If you open up your schedule, you can allow for stuff like that. All of 2020 is currently completely open. I have zero bookings for the first time in probably 15 years. I like booking my year — I like knowing what’s going on — but, in this case I’m gonna leave work open to fall off the truck from my agency.
But I also have a TV project that I’m pushing and a feature film project. I will go back under the TV knife under the right conditions, and I have a project that I would do that for. “Under the knife” meaning to sign a contract.
The beauty of it is with these limited series now, no one has to commit to shit these days. One season, two seasons, three seasons, you know. So, we’ll see what happens. I just wrote a feature film — a political satire — and I wanna make that next, so I’m in the process of shopping it. I’m hat in hand right now.
You’ve been in the director’s chair, both for Hercules: The Legendary Journeys and Xena: Warrior Princess as well as your horror comedy My Name is Bruce. Would you be interested in directing again, possibly for the movie you just wrote?
All the projects that I’m currently gonna be involved with now, moving forward, I’ll be directing in some way. Raising money for low budget movies — I have as much experience as anybody now, so there’s no reason to look for anybody else. I’ll just direct myself.
It’s time for the new sheriff to come into town.
Another thing that makes Evil Dead so compelling is the long-running team behind it. Even if it’s not Evil Dead, would you be down to act in future projects with Sam and Ted Raimi, or your Ash vs Evil Dead costars?
Well, I would be happy to work with any of them again, but I just can’t say. Sam, who knows? Sam’s off making these 10-minute shorts. I forget the name of the company, but everyone’s making shorts now, so go figure.
Kind of like YouTube — getting on that train?
Yeah, I don’t know. It’s all new to me. I’m sticking with the true-blue formats for now.
If you had the opportunity to reprise any other characters that you’ve played previously, like fan favorite Brisco County, Jr., would you be interested? Or do you want to focus on all new material and characters?
New stuff is always my favorite, but I would definitely do Brisco Rides Again, and I would definitely do more Burn Notice. We’re sort of circling the building now with Burn Notice. Maybe it’s time to save the world again. The world needs us.
You recently updated your memoir Hail to the Chin with a new “Requiem for Ash,” and are making appearances tied to the book’s rerelease. How do you integrate tours and press appearances without blowing out your schedule, and how do they differ from press junkets you do for film and TV?
The beauty of working with a company is when it’s time to do press, they’ve really got it down. I saved a bunch of my itineraries from Ash vs Evil Dead just because of how ridiculous they were, so I can look back and show my grandchildren “this was a press day in New York City.” So, you really got the support. The only difference is when you do low budget stuff, or even books, you’re kind of on your own, and it’s way more down-home. It’s Twitter, it’s Facebook, it’s Facebook ads or whatever. It’s no national TV — nothin’. It’s a whole different ball game.
You know, I’m a one-man band. I’ll miss a few interviews because I forgot or didn’t put it in my schedule or whatever. Someone’ll call, I’ll go, “What do you want?” They’re like, “We have a phoner.” I go, “Really? Ok, great.” This one I happened to remember. We do what we can.
A Conversation with Bruce Campbell and Screening of Army of Darkness: $29.50-$125, 8 p.m. Friday, October 25, Aztec Theatre, 104 N. St. Mary’s St., (210) 812-4355, theaztectheatre.com.
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rjzimmerman · 4 years
Excerpt from this story from the Washington Post:
More than a dozen states are teaming up to boost sales of pickup trucks, school buses and big rigs that run entirely on electricity and do not pump climate-warming pollution into the air.
Leaders from Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and 10 other states, along with the District of Columbia, say they will try to make sure every new medium- and heavy-duty vehicle sold within their borders is fully electric by the middle of the century. Other states in the non-binding pact are California, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, Washington and Vermont.
The agreement is not legally binding, and it promises to send a fleet of electric trucks onto the road before the technology to do so is fully developed. But it is the latest sign of Democratic-controlled states taking steps to combat climate change in the absence of federal action from the Trump administration.
The state-level moves are also an effort to diminish a source of air pollution that disproportionately chokes poor and minority neighborhoods, which often abut the highways on which diesel-guzzling trucks carry freight.
The states say they will work together to adopt policies meant to encourage the sale of electric commercial vehicles and the construction of charging stations for them.
Possible steps the states may take include giving rebates or tax breaks to buyers of heavy-duty electric vehicles, requiring cities to switch to electric transit buses and encouraging utilities to install charging stations for large commercial vehicles.
The goal is to have every delivery van, box truck and other large commercial vehicle sold in those states — which represent about a third of the U.S. market — be electric by 2050. There interim target is 30 percent of sales be for zero-emissions trucks by 2030.
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roswellroamer · 5 years
Day 12. February 10, 2020. Te Anau day ride. 155km.
Woke to low 40's and gray which made me question the Carrot and Weather Channel apps which had shown 72° and sunny. But closer inspection revealed a marine type layer probably due to the massive lake's shores which was projected to burn off by 11. The kitchen came stocked with farm fresh eggs, bowl of assorted fruit, milk, butter, juice, yogurts, cereals. We set about making some eggs and toast and then of course after finishing off yesterday's blog we grabbed the two frisbees and the "golf course diagram" and headed out. A half life sized chess board on the sprawling manicured lawn provided the tee for the first hole. All the bikes were truck tires with the hole number painted on the rubber. Got to explore their grounds and have some fun tossing the 'bee. We then got into our GoreTex gear and headed towards Milford Sound after a CalTex has stop in town. Knowing we couldn't get to Milford due to road closures/flooding we were aiming for a swing bridge made of three cables. One for your feet and one for each of your hands that spanned the west branch of the Eglinton River. It was featured in one of the NZ touring books I had bought last summer. We saw that the trail sign to identify the turn off was the Earl Mountain turnoff and headed that way. We wound a bit away from the water and gained some elevation and then came to a construction zone. Not being sure if this was related to the recent flooding we got in mine behind a few cars and waited. Maybe less than ten minutes and the opposing truck, bus and camper passed us then we were allowed to proceed. Usually the 120km up to Milford takes over two hours due to the heavy traffic. Top tourist destination in NZ, one road in and out. Lots of buses and cars jockeying to get parking at the roadside attractions. One huge benefit of having the road closed about 75km ahead was that there was hardly any traffic! Great road and scenery as jagged Teton-esque peaks wound into view between the nearly sheer yet forested canyons as we gained elevation. After passing through a few more, wait, take a wild guess... sheep farms 🐑 we came to a diversion. Funneled into a lane off the road to what appeared to be a toll booth, explained to the gal we were in search of a cable bridge off the Earl Mtn. Trail before the closed section. She allowed us to pass. So far so good.
You can tell when you enter Fiordland NP. Sure, there's a sign off to the left (but placed behind a farmer's field/fence so inaccessible for a reasonable picture). But immediately farmland disappears and you are envelopes in the eery dense tunnel of what seems to be darned close to tropical forest. With the 21 feet of annual rainfall being lush shouldn't be a surprise but the immediate drop off in brightness is dramatic as well. Almost like going in a cave. There are some open "flats" but much of the area along the one road there is heavy forest. The other concern for vehicles but especially bikes involves the encroaching algae/moss on the roads. Two tire tracks are largely clear of it but the center of the lanes and the road as well are mostly a bit greenish with the slippery stuff. Lots of "slippery when wet" signage and it wasn't for the Bon Jovi album. I imagined it could be taxing to stay in the worn and clear tire tracks on one of the 250 rainy days. With clear blue sky and dry along with no traffic, the 55,65 and 75kph turns were superb sweepers and we had a ball carving up that road. One of the stops was at Mirror Lakes. Aptly names and even though a couple of fish had disturbed the surface, the pics are keepers. We rode up into Fiordland a ways and then there was the Earl Mtn. sign. We pulled in to the parking area and saw the line of yellow tape across the entrance to the trail. Also no other vehicles were there. The sign said it was closed and also had a few poison signs around the lot. They described the poison that was dangerous to animals and people to attempt (as is often done here) eradication of a non-native predator. In this case it seemed to be some sort of weasel that was endangering a bird that lived on the ground. We had discussed this cable swing bridge and yellow tape and warnings weren't gonna stop us! We worked around the tape and stepped into a dense forest trail. The first 10 minutes took us along an occasionally muddy trail. Tons of tree roots. Most of the deep mud had sticks or small logs tossed in to provide steps but a few ill advised steps resulted in 6" plunges and lovely boot pulling sucking noises to dislodge my Alpinestar SMX-6 from the muck. Then found my way down a thirty foot hill by treading solely on exposed tree roots from one tree! (Pic above) After that, following the well marked red triangular plastic blazes into the heart of Frodo land, the forest was a magic pliant spongy floor. It took a while to figure out that about 6-8" of moss has somehow grown over a network of interconnected tree roots. When I stepped, the entire ground in a five foot radius would give in and move a bit. It was weird and beautiful. After another 10' we heard the Eglinton River and were blocked by some fallen trees and yellow tape. A work around brought me to the river just above the cable swing bridge. A very large tree had fallen on the bridge from our side and collapsed it. Instead of a V shape, the 3 cables were mostly flat but still spanning the river. Ugh. No go. Managed to work our way with some difficulty through the dense brush to get close enough for a pic on the first rung of the bridge which was also the last possible one to reach due to the tree and damage. Pic above. There was a cute little bird on the ground by the bridge remnants. He seemed happy to see us. Wasn't afraid of people evidently as he strutted about watching us, walking under the branch I was balancing on without flying away. He seemed to enjoy company. Said goodbye to my new friend 🐦 and found the blazes trail which included a half dozen improvised detours to avoid deep muck. Scaled up the root ladder which must have been connected to Eywa as the whole forest seemed a bit magical. 🌳 One couple was following our lead to enter the forbidden enchanted forest as we exited. They were disappointed to hear the wire bridge was out. The entire trail from there is about a three hour hike.
I must comment that tons of serious hikers (trampers in local speak) come here and cover long distances. Temps are good. Views and scenery fantastic. None of those deadly spiders and snakes one may encounter across the Tasman Sea in Oz. I get it, just don't love hiking that much to spend days or weeks doing it. This area shows why Peter Jackson used it for LOTR. Nearly pristine and just overwhelmingly stunning. With boots and Klim pants properly mud coated, we were now sweating quite a bit. In fact while holding my Latitude jacket I believe I finally lost my first set of reading glasses on this ride. I have a couple spares but oh well. Think they fell out as I was scaling some of the hill or tree root sections. 👓 I opened up all the vents on my jacket and pants and started the bike to stand and let the 65° breeze do its job. Turned around a couple kilometers further at Lower Holyford Rd. as the heavy machinery was at work. Estimated repair on the sign said that the road would reopen on Friday, four days from now. We stopped a few times on the way back for scenic spots that were too good to pass by. One of the files above is the .gif of some chopper footage. Stopped to watch him load and fly away with a few tanks of what may have been fuel? Most likely bound for Milford Sound which was still isolated from the rest of the country's road system. On one of the last stops Ted must've not closed his bag since when we pulled into Te Anau town center his right saddlebag/pannier was open! Ba quick inventory revealed his polartec jacket and a plastic bag with a wipe were missing. The chain lube that Kiwi gave us as well as a helmet lock were still in the pannier. Those darned side opening clamshell designs! I said I'd get a table at the Ranch outside and wait for him to hopefully retrieve his stuff. I showed him how to flip up on the iPhone to reveal exactly where that last pic was taken. He was just putting on his helmet when a white car pulls up. A guy walks out and hands him his stuff! So lucky. They are bikers and saw his stuff and followed us into town. Nice. After some thank you a they drove away and the day got even brighter. The Ranch delivered me a couple Cokes and an interesting prawn twist dish. 8 shrimp individually wrapped in a long thin dough sheet and fried so the whole 8" long finger is edible and 3 sauces to dip accompanied the serving. Then a calamari salad. 😊 Back to the homestead for some blogging (so I won't fall asleep tonight trying to get this down) and rest before we scored a reservation at the top place in town. The Redcliff cafe. Ted was here last year and unable to get in! We rode to town and were walking down the street when Ted recognized the Aussies who returned his stuff at lunchtime. We turned around and flagged them down. They were perfectly willing to join us for a thank you beer and had a nice time talking with them. They were riders but here to scatter ashes of a friend up north and had received money and were encouraged to make a great trip out of it. They had been to Burt Munro as well. Our appointed hour arrived and we were seated on the back porch of the Redcliff cafe. A few tables of Americans nearby and some conversation with a California couple by us and an excellent meal. I had a salmon tartare dish followed by venison which was amazing and a date and ice cream dessert which were each remarkable. Redcliff did not disappoint. Probably the biggest culinary splurge of the trip. Even with a couple drinks my total ended up being just over $50 and it would've been 50% more for that same meal at home. Had a great evening and got back to the homestead in dusk around 10. Ready to roll northward tomorrow. 😴
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phroyd · 6 years
Financial Greed is why we are not working to address Climate Change!
" ... The refuge is not the administration’s only target for stepped-up oil development in Alaska. It is also pushing for more exploration and production offshore and in the National Petroleum Reserve, west of the refuge. All of this is coming despite a glut in domestic oil production that raises the question of whether more oil from the Arctic — which is costly to produce — is necessary or makes economic sense, especially given the need to eventually wean the world off fossil fuels. ... "
FAIRBANKS, Alaska — It is the last great stretch of nothingness in the United States, a vast landscape of mosses, sedges and shrubs that is home to migrating caribou and the winter dens of polar bears.
Aside from a Native village at its northern tip, civilization has not dented its 19 million acres, an area the size of South Carolina. There are no roads and no visitors beyond the occasional hunter and backpacker.
But the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge — a federally protected place of austere beauty that during a recent flyover was painted white by heavy snowfall — is on the cusp of major change.
The biggest untapped onshore trove of oil in North America is believed to lie beneath the refuge’s coastal plain along the Beaufort Sea. For more than a generation, opposition to drilling has left the refuge largely unscathed, but now the Trump administration, working with Republicans in Congress and an influential and wealthy Alaska Native corporation, is clearing the way for oil exploration along the coast.
Decades of protections are unwinding with extraordinary speed as Republicans move to lock in drilling opportunities before the 2020 presidential election, according to interviews with over three dozen people and a review of internal government deliberations and federal documents.
To that end, the Trump administration is on pace to finish an environmental impact assessment in half the usual time. An even shorter evaluation of the consequences of seismic testing is nearing completion. Within months, trucks weighing up to 90,000 pounds could be conducting the tests across the tundra as they try to pinpoint oil reserves.
While actual oil production would be a decade or more away, the turnaround represents a prized breakthrough in the Trump administration’s campaign to exploit fossil fuels and erase restrictive policies protecting the environment and addressing global warming.
The Interior Department, which has jurisdiction over the Arctic refuge, has been central to the administration’s regulatory rollback in Alaska and beyond, accommodating the wishes of big businesses to strip down rules on how federal lands can be used. The oil and gas industry has been among the biggest beneficiaries as the administration has relaxed or abandoned regulations meant to safeguard air quality, groundwater supplies and wildlife.
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The refuge is not the administration’s only target for stepped-up oil development in Alaska. It is also pushing for more exploration and production offshore and in the National Petroleum Reserve, west of the refuge. All of this is coming despite a glut in domestic oil production that raises the question of whether more oil from the Arctic — which is costly to produce — is necessary or makes economic sense, especially given the need to eventually wean the world off fossil fuels.
The fate of the refuge’s coastal plain is in the hands of Ryan Zinke, the Interior secretary, who has appointed top deputies with deep professional and political ties to Alaska to oversee its development. In 2014, two of the appointees were involved in an unsuccessful court challenge to Obama-era policies that had helped keep the area off limits.
Congressional approval to open the area to oil exploration was inserted in tax overhaul legislation last December under the guise of generating revenue for the federal government, and by next year, the Interior Department expects to begin selling the first drilling leases.
The hurried timeline has created friction, with some specialists in the federal government concerned that environmental risks are being downplayed or ignored. And many outside scientists and environmentalists share the concerns, warning that plans for seismic testing and eventual drilling could harass, injure or kill polar bears and other wildlife.
“It seems as though the administration is in a headlong rush to put the drill bit into the coastal plain,” said David J. Hayes, a deputy Interior secretary in the Obama and Clinton administrations. “Given the virgin territory of the refuge, with the unique wildlife dependency issues, I don’t know how you do this in an artificially fast and truncated fashion.”
Mr. Zinke’s Alaska-friendly appointees, who have long pushed for oil exploration in the coastal plain, say the fears are overstated. They point out that years ago, Congress left open the eventual possibility of allowing development there. Exploration is in the best interest of Alaskans, they say.
“I feel like there is a lot of expectations, hopes and dreams from people who I know and love that are riding on this,” said Joe Balash, one of the appointees, who has worked in Alaskan political circles for two decades and now oversees the Bureau of Land Management.
An Alaska Native company, Arctic Slope Regional Corporation, has been a major force behind the push and stands to enjoy a windfall if drilling proceeds. The corporation, which has been awarded more than $7.5 billion in federal contracts in the past 10 years, expanded its lobbying under the Trump administration, records show, and Mr. Zinke appointed one of its executives to a top post.
Known as A.S.R.C., it is among 13 regional businesses created in the 1970s to foster economic development among Alaska’s indigenous population. It has myriad financial interests in the state’s oil-rich North Slope region, which includes the refuge’s coastal plain and Prudhoe Bay, home to one of the largest oil fields in North America. And it has been a key financial backer of Senator Lisa Murkowski, the Alaska Republican, who has been the drilling plan’s biggest champion in Congress.
Many Natives on the North Slope — including Inupiat who live in Kaktovik, the village inside the refuge — support oil development. But another group that lives south of the refuge, the Gwich’in, fears oil development would disturb the migration of porcupine caribou, animals it has hunted for centuries and still relies on for much of its food.
A nationwide poll last year by researchers at Yale and George Mason Universities showed that 70 percent of registered voters in the United States opposed drilling in the reserve.
Ms. Murkowski declined to comment, as did Alaska’s other elected representatives in Washington. Mr. Zinke also declined to comment. But he told a Senate committee in March that he was “very bullish on the Arctic.”
A History of Frustration
The struggle over oil exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge has its roots 50 years ago in the discovery of petroleum reserves around Prudhoe Bay, west of the refuge.
Congress in 1960 had set aside millions of acres in northeast Alaska for wildlife, lands that were largely off the beaten path, geographically and politically, and included the refuge’s coastal plain.
But with the Prudhoe Bay discovery in 1968, the calculus changed. Many thought the plain might hold riches too.
In 1980, when Congress voted to conserve much of the federal land in Alaska, drilling advocates pushed for oil and gas development on the coastal plain. Then, as now, the move was supported by many Alaskans, who generally favor oil development, in part because some of the revenue is returned to them in the form of an annual dividend. Drilling has largely had bipartisan support among Alaskan lawmakers as well.
The advocates were unsuccessful but had an opening: The 1980 bill allowed Congress to authorize oil and gas development at a later date. The 1.5-million-acre coastal plain, identified in Section 1002 of the legislation, has been known since as the 1002 Area.
In 1995, with Republicans controlling both houses of Congress for the first time in decades, legislation was approved to allow development. But Democrats opposed the measure and President Bill Clinton vetoed it.
When Republicans held on to Congress in the 2016 elections and President Trump won the White House, drilling proponents saw another opening.
Ms. Murkowski told reporters within hours of Mr. Trump’s victory that she would renew the push for legislation. That set in motion a furious effort to win congressional approval and position the Interior Department to carry a plan forward.
Congress Takes Action
A flight from Alaska’s central Arctic coast to Fairbanks is a straight shot. But when Mr. Zinke and Ms. Murkowski flew the route in May last year, just a few months into the Interior secretary’s tenure, the pilot made a wide detour to the east.
Below them was the vast 1002 Area, extending between the Brooks Range and the Beaufort Sea, still off limits to oil and gas exploration but now within their political sights.
A few days later in Anchorage, Ms. Murkowski introduced Mr. Zinke at an oil and gas conference. “The only path for energy dominance is a path through the great state of Alaska,” Mr. Zinke told the group.
Seven months later, Congress voted to open the coastal plain to exploration.
Getting approval in the Republican-dominated House of Representatives was not an issue. But in the Senate, Ms. Murkowski needed a bill that could survive a likely filibuster. The solution was to characterize oil exploration as a revenue raiser — with a target of $1 billion for the Treasury over 10 years — and insert it into Mr. Trump’s tax overhaul legislation.
Seismic tracks from the 1970s just outside the refuge.CreditKatie Orlinsky for The New York Times
The oil provision authorized two lease sales of drilling rights for at least 400,000 acres each, directing the “Secretary of Interior, acting through the Bureau of Land Management,” to oversee the development. The innocuous-sounding bureaucratic language was intended to fast-track the effort by marginalizing skeptics in another Interior agency, the Fish and Wildlife Service.
At a hearing, current and former Alaska politicians spoke in favor of opening the refuge, as did representatives of two Native corporations, including A.S.R.C. Several A.S.R.C. executives stayed in Washington to press for the measure, part of a push that saw the corporation’s lobbying expenditures nearly double to $590,000 in 2017 from $320,000 the previous year, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, a nonpartisan group.
The A.S.R.C. officials were joined by Natives from Kaktovik in the Senate gallery on Dec. 20, when the bill was approved on a straight party-line vote, and later that day on the South Lawn of the White House and in the Oval Office.
During a cabinet meeting, Mr. Trump praised the decision to open land that “for 40 years this country was unable to touch.” And in a message posted to Twitter, Mr. Zinke wrote, “It was a key part of @realDonaldTrump budget.”
‘Great Alaskan Friends’ at Interior
Mr. Zinke had been preparing for this moment since he took office.
As his confirmation hearing, he had promised a fresh approach to Alaska, and he went about delivering on that pledge by filling important jobs at the Interior Department with Alaska and Arctic exploration in mind.
A Washington lobbyist, David Bernhardt, was appointed deputy secretary. Mr. Bernhardt had represented Alaska in litigation against the federal government, including an unsuccessful lawsuit in 2014 that sought a review of the state’s plan for exploring oil and gas resources within the coastal plain of the refuge. Earlier, he served at the Interior Department under President George W. Bush.
A campaign manager to Ms. Murkowski, Steve Wackowski, was named senior adviser for Alaskan affairs. He had also had a job as operations manager for a joint venture focused on remote sensing in North Slope oil fields, his résumé said. An owner of that venture is Kaktovik Inupiat Corporation, a Native company that has surface rights in the refuge and a stake, along with A.S.R.C., in another partnership seeking to conduct seismic testing there.
A third official with Alaska ties, Mr. Balash, now oversees the Bureau of Land Management, giving him direct oversight of Arctic exploration. His first day on the job was the day after the tax legislation passed.
Ms. Murkowski told reporters within hours of Mr. Trump’s victory that she would renew the push for legislation. That set in motion a furious effort to win congressional approval and position the Interior Department to carry a plan forward.
Mr. Balash grew up in Alaska and served as chief of staff to Senator Dan Sullivan, the Alaska Republican. In 2014, when the state sued the federal government, he was commissioner of the Alaska Department of Natural Resources.
“Given my background and work history,” Mr. Balash said, “I felt privileged to be able to work on this project. It has been something that, obviously, has been a subject of some debate.”
Drilling proponents cheered the appointments.
“We had no friends under Obama,” said Rebecca Logan, chief executive of the Alaska Support Industry Alliance, a trade group representing over 500 companies that provide oil field services. “Now, we’ve got the Interior Department where there are great Alaskan friends.”
Despite the close ties, industry officials insist they are not getting a free pass.
“I’m not expecting a rubber stamp,” said Kara Moriarty, the chief executive of the Alaska Oil and Gas Association, who has a framed photo with Mr. Zinke in her Anchorage office. “I’m expecting a very diligent and thorough process.”
But those who oppose drilling in the refuge, including many Democrats in Washington, suspect the Department of Interior is not being so diligent. Representative Raúl M. Grijalva, the Arizona Democrat who will become chairman of the Natural Resources Committee next month, said he would probably call a hearing about the Arctic development with the goal of slowing it down.
“We can make sure that corners are not being cut,” said Mr. Grijalva, who last week called for Mr. Zinke to resign because of ethics allegations against him, prompting a personal attack from the secretary.
Scores of environmental organizations are also watching closely, ready to sue whenever an opportunity arises.
“There are groups out there who will fight this tooth and nail, no matter what,” Mr. Balash said. “It is fair to say I’ve been lawyered up on this project from Day 1.”
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medicalresearch · 2 years
Automotive Steering System Market Explored In the Latest Research
According to The Insight Partners’ research, the global automotive steering system market was valued at US$ 22,501.0 million in 2020 and is likely to hit US$ 30,875.8 million by 2028 to rise at a CAGR of 4.3% from 2021 to 2028. The stringent fuel efficiency norms and rising demand for electrification in vehicles are the potential factors attributed to the market expansion.
Several governments across the world have adopted some concrete automotive emission norms and fuel economy legislation. Various regulatory bodies such as National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration in the US and International Council of Clean Transportation in Europe have laid down fleet-level regulations. Such stringent laws and regulations compelled automakers to spend more on electronic power steering (EPS) instead of conventional hydraulic steering systems. In ideal conditions, an electronic power steering system improves fuel efficiency by 2–4%, reduces fuel consumption by 6%, and lowers CO2 emission by 8gm/km.
The logistics and transportation (public and private) are expanding worldwide. Public transportation is preferred more in Asia and Europe. While in North America, private cars serve as the primary mode of transportation. However, as the urban population is increasing, this current transportation medium is proving inadequate. Hence, the automobile manufacturers are focusing on electrification of vehicles, especially passenger cars. Major countries across the world are striving hard to create green transportation ecosystem. Governments around the world are providing tax deductions and incentives to promote the use of e-trucks and e-buses in public transport. Thus, the rising demand for electric vehicles and the rigid fuel norms drive the global automotive steering system market.
On the other hand, the high cost of electronic power steering systems and difficulties associated with their maintenance hinder the growth of global automotive steering system market.
Based on type, the market is segmented into electronic power steering, hydraulic power steering, and electro-hydraulic power steering. The electronic power steering segment held 73.4% market share in 2020. It amassed US$ 16,521.6 million in 2020 and is speculated to garner US$ 23,230.0 million by 2028 to expand at 4.6% CAGR during 2021–2028.
According to type of vehicle, the global automotive steering system market is split into passenger cars and commercial vehicles. The passenger cars comprises class A, class B, class C, class D, class E, class F, SUV, and MPV sub-segments. The commercial vehicles segment include light commercial vehicles (LCV), medium commercial vehicles (MCV), and heavy commercial vehicles (HCV). With 70.6% market share, the passenger cars segment led the business in 2020. It generated US$ 15,885.6 million in 2020 and is projected to be worth US$ 20,912.2 million by 2028 to grow at 3.8% CAGR throughout the forecast period.
Oure regional analysis states that the Asia Pacific market captured 50.9% share of the domain in 2020. It was evaluated at US$ 11,448.3 million in 2020 and is predicted to reach US$ 16,429.0 million by 2028 to elevate at the highest CAGR of 4.9% over the forecast period.
Key players dominating the global automotive steering system market are China Automotive Systems, Inc.; Nexteer Automotive; Hitachi Automotive Systems Americas, Inc.; Hyundai Mobis; JTEKT Corporation; The Mando Corporation; NSK Ltd; Robert Bosch GmbH; Showa Corporation; and ThyssenKrupp AG, among others.
In March 2021, China Automotive Systems launched a new EPS product to empower advanced driver-assistance system (ADAS). This new product is based on proprietary technology developed by CAAS research & development team. The company started mass production of the product for Great Wall Motors, a leading Chinese automaker.
In February 2019, Nexteer Automotive announced its production milestone of 60 million electronic power steering (EPS) systems globally. The system is used in vehicles ranging from small cars to heavy-duty trucks.
In October 2019, Hitachi Automotive Systems merged with three affiliates of Honda, namely, Keihin, Showa, and Nissin Kogyo, to become a global mega-supplier and expand the business. With this merger, the company would manufacture electrified vehicle drivetrains, electronic control units, chassis parts, engine components, shock absorbers, brakes, and steering systems.
In July 2018, Hyundai Mobis developed an electronic power steering system that takes advantage of two electronic circuits during autonomous driving to maintain normal steering capabilities under any circumstances.
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lifeeconomypolitics · 2 years
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for first-year drivers from around $88,000 to a range of $95,000 to $110,000.Walmart is raising pay for long-haul truck drivers, a taxing job that is increasingly difficult for companies to fill. Walmart (WMT), (Walmart is the world's largest company by revenue, 560 billion $ per 2021)one of the few retail chains that runs its own trucking fleet, said it's raising the average starting salary for first-year drivers from around $88,000 to a range of $95,000 to $110,000. Walmart needs drivers to deliver goods to stores and e-commerce warehouses, as well as meet growing demand for customers' online orders. Walmart added more than 4,500 drivers last year, a record hiring spree for the company, which employs around 12,000 truck drivers. The latest pay bump will "help us continue to hire aggressively to meet all-time high demand from customers," a Walmart spokesperson said in an email. Walmart is also trying to hire new drivers internally. It started a three-month development program for its supply chain workers in select areas to earn their commercial driver's licenses and become Walmart truck drivers. A shortage of truck drivers during the pandemic has pressured supply chains. Around 70% of American freight moves on trucks, Turnover is high in the trucking industry and the job is notorious for its long hours, weeks spent away from home and low pay. It's also physically demanding. The median pay in 2020 for heavy truck and tractor-trailer drivers was $47,000, according to the latest Bureau of Labor Statistics data. Companies have raised pay to recruit drivers and stay competitive, but the trucking industry said last year it was still short 80,000 drivers. (at USA) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcEsxTcLXph/?utm_medium=tumblr
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techsciresearch · 3 years
Europe EV Powertrain Testing Services Market to Surpass USD37904.30 Million by 2030
Increasing sales of electric vehicle to drive the demand for the Europe EV Powertrain Testing Services market for the forecast period.
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According to TechSci Research report, “Europe EV Powertrain Testing Services Market By Country, Competition, Forecast & Opportunities, 2016- 2030”, the Europe EV powertrain testing services market stood at USD5605.88 million in 2020, and it is expected to grow at a double-digit CAGR of 22.02% to reach USD37904.30 million by 2030. Initiatives taken in the form of subsidies on the purchase of electric vehicles to promote its adoption and norms for reducing greenhouse emissions are driving the sales of electric vehicles in the region. Surging sales of electric vehicles are contributing to the increasing demand for the powertrain testing services market through 2030.
European Union laws set an emission target of 10g/km by mid-century, representing the Paris agreement goal of a maximum increase of two degrees Celsius of global earth temperature. In order to comply with the regulations, private and public transportation is witnessing increased automotive scrappage. Also, 26 out of 27 EU members have some form of incentives for EV manufacturers. For instance, countries like France and Germany have made electric cars production an important criterion for their industry stimulus programs in their efforts to promote EV adoption. All these developments have led to the rising demand for the EV powertrain testing services market in Europe.
Browse 70 market Figures and 1 Table spread through 154 Pages and an in-depth TOC on "Europe EV Powertrain Testing Services Market”.
Europe EV Powertrain Testing Services market is segmented into vehicle type, propulsion, sourcing, country, and company. On the basis of vehicle type, the market can be segmented into light duty, medium duty, and heavy duty. There has been an increasing demand for light duty vehicles in the EU region, where the industrial sector is expanding gradually, and the need to transport raw materials and finished products efficiently and cost effectively is increasing. The running cost incurred on transporting raw materials and finished products in small pickup trucks or vans that run on battery power is lower than gasoline vehicles. The high number of electric light duty vehicles is contributing to the increased share of the EV powertrain testing services market.
Leading players operating in Europe EV powertrain testing services market include:
Applus+ IDIADA
Ricardo Plc
AVL List GmbH
CTAG Automotive Technology Centre of Galicia
Intertek Group Plc
Element Materials Technology
FEV Group GmbH
EV powertrain testing services market is fragmented, and manufacturers are focusing on research and development processes to fuel higher growth in the market. For instance, TÜV SÜD is the leading player in the Europe EV Powertrain Testing Services Market, accounting for market share of 9.85% in 2020 in terms of total electric vehicles tested. The company has a robust portfolio of testing services for EVs. The company recently invested over USD30 million to open the largest independent center for mobility and powertrains testing at Heimsheim in Germany. The company also has a strong testing center network ranging across various countries in Europe, which further allows it to enjoy a competitive edge over other companies.
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“Most of the leading global electric car manufacturing companies have their sales operations or headquarters in Germany. To meet the climate targets, the Germany government is offering incentives to purchase electric vehicles and plans to abolish tax on pure electric vehicles by 2030. Previously, the EVs market in Germany offered a limited range of electric cars. However, in recent years, new product offering and diversification of companies in EVs have increased sharply, attracting the attention of more domestic customers towards electric cars. Increasing sales of electric vehicles in the country, in turn is driving the electric vehicle powertrain testing services market and contributing to the dominant share of the country in the region.” said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director with TechSci Research, a research based global management consulting firm.
“Europe EV Powertrain Testing Services Market By Vehicle Type (Light Duty, Medium Duty, Heavy Duty), By Propulsion (BEV, HEV, PHEV & FCEV), By Sourcing (Outsourcing, In-House), By Country, Competition, Forecast & Opportunities, 2016- 2030” has evaluated the future growth potential of Europe EV Powertrain Testing Services market and provided statistics & information on market size, shares, structure and future market growth. The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment decisions. Besides, the report also identifies and analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges, and opportunities in the Europe EV Powertrain Testing Services market.
Press Release : https://www.techsciresearch.com/news/6749-europe-ev-powertrain-testing-services-market.html
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lahoreherald · 3 years
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Imports of new cars rise in FY21
Pakistan has experienced record foreign exchange expenditure as a result of the highest-ever arrival of new autos in 2020-21, driven by robust demand, followed by a resurgence in the import of old vehicles.
In the fiscal year 2020, the government imported a record 10,513 units of new cars, jeeps, vans, pickup trucks, two-wheelers, and buses, compared to 1,680 units in the fiscal year 2020, 3,716 units in the fiscal year 2019, and 7,424 units in the fiscal year 2018.
In addition, for the first time, 390 new electric cars and 19 used electric vehicles (EVs) were imported in fiscal year (FY) 21.
While new companies from Korea and China enter the local assembly of new models, cheap lending rates have given the auto industry a breath of fresh air, used imported vehicles, and locally built vehicles by established players continue to enjoy strong demand.
Read Also: SBP Restricts Financing For Imported Cars
New automobiles and jeeps accounted for the largest share of sales in FY21, accounting for 10,157 units, compared to 893 units in FY20, 2,427 units in FY19, and 3,758 units in FY18.
In the context of overall automobile imports of around $2 billion, the import bill for completely and semi-knocked down (CKD/SKD) kits for cars, motorcycles, and heavy vehicles reached a record $1.6 billion in FY21, compared to $727 million in FY20, and the import bill for used and new vehicles reached $386 million in FY21, compared to $219 million in FY20.
In the first two months of the current fiscal year (2MFY22), imports of complete knockdown/shell knockdown (CKD/SKD) kits for local assembly of all vehicles increased by 214 percent to $369 million from $117 million in the same period last fiscal year, while imports of completely built-up units (CBU) increased by 118 percent to $103 million from $47 million in the same period last fiscal year.
Imports of used cars, trucks, vans, and pickups increased to 29,276 units in fiscal year 21 from 16,455 units in the fiscal year 2020, despite the fact that they were 49,990 units in the fiscal year 2019 and 73,640 units in the fiscal year 2018, according to the Chairman of the All-Pakistan Motor Dealers Association (APMDA) H.M. Shahzad.
During the period FY18 to FY21, the majority of used vehicles arrived through the personal luggage plan, with only 946 motorcycles/scooters arriving under the transfer of residency scheme, according to him.
After explaining that it took time for importers to comprehend the government’s decision to restrict used car imports, Mr. Shahzad stated that imports of used cars and jeeps resumed in FY21 after experiencing a sluggish trend in FY20. He further stated that used cars under 1,000cc were particularly popular in FY21 compared to the previous year.
According to the import policy order 2017, it is mandatory for all vehicles (new and used) imported under various schemes – the duty must be paid out of foreign exchange arranged by Pakistani nationals themselves or a local recipient supported by a bank encashment certificate showing conversion of foreign remittance to local currency – be paid out of foreign exchange arranged by Pakistani nationals themselves or a local recipient supported by a bank encashment certificate showing conversion of foreign remittance to local currency
As stipulated by the policy, any funds used to pay duties and taxes must be transferred from the account of a Pakistani national who is sending the vehicle from abroad, and any funds received must be transferred to the account of a Pakistani national who is sending the vehicle from abroad or, in the event that his account is non-existent or inoperative, the account of his family if his account is non-existent or inoperative.
Published in Lahore Herald #lahoreherald #breakingnews #breaking
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medicalresearch · 2 years
Automotive Steering System Market Forecast to 2028
According to The Insight Partners’ research, the global automotive steering system market was valued at US$ 22,501.0 million in 2020 and is likely to hit US$ 30,875.8 million by 2028 to rise at a CAGR of 4.3% from 2021 to 2028. The stringent fuel efficiency norms and rising demand for electrification in vehicles are the potential factors attributed to the market expansion.
Several governments across the world have adopted some concrete automotive emission norms and fuel economy legislation. Various regulatory bodies such as National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration in the US and International Council of Clean Transportation in Europe have laid down fleet-level regulations. Such stringent laws and regulations compelled automakers to spend more on electronic power steering (EPS) instead of conventional hydraulic steering systems. In ideal conditions, an electronic power steering system improves fuel efficiency by 2–4%, reduces fuel consumption by 6%, and lowers CO2 emission by 8gm/km.
The logistics and transportation (public and private) are expanding worldwide. Public transportation is preferred more in Asia and Europe. While in North America, private cars serve as the primary mode of transportation. However, as the urban population is increasing, this current transportation medium is proving inadequate. Hence, the automobile manufacturers are focusing on electrification of vehicles, especially passenger cars. Major countries across the world are striving hard to create green transportation ecosystem. Governments around the world are providing tax deductions and incentives to promote the use of e-trucks and e-buses in public transport. Thus, the rising demand for electric vehicles and the rigid fuel norms drive the global automotive steering system market.
On the other hand, the high cost of electronic power steering systems and difficulties associated with their maintenance hinder the growth of global automotive steering system market.
Based on type, the market is segmented into electronic power steering, hydraulic power steering, and electro-hydraulic power steering. The electronic power steering segment held 73.4% market share in 2020. It amassed US$ 16,521.6 million in 2020 and is speculated to garner US$ 23,230.0 million by 2028 to expand at 4.6% CAGR during 2021–2028.
According to type of vehicle, the global automotive steering system market is split into passenger cars and commercial vehicles. The passenger cars comprises class A, class B, class C, class D, class E, class F, SUV, and MPV sub-segments. The commercial vehicles segment include light commercial vehicles (LCV), medium commercial vehicles (MCV), and heavy commercial vehicles (HCV). With 70.6% market share, the passenger cars segment led the business in 2020. It generated US$ 15,885.6 million in 2020 and is projected to be worth US$ 20,912.2 million by 2028 to grow at 3.8% CAGR throughout the forecast period.
Oure regional analysis states that the Asia Pacific market captured 50.9% share of the domain in 2020. It was evaluated at US$ 11,448.3 million in 2020 and is predicted to reach US$ 16,429.0 million by 2028 to elevate at the highest CAGR of 4.9% over the forecast period.
Key players dominating the global automotive steering system market are China Automotive Systems, Inc.; Nexteer Automotive; Hitachi Automotive Systems Americas, Inc.; Hyundai Mobis; JTEKT Corporation; The Mando Corporation; NSK Ltd; Robert Bosch GmbH; Showa Corporation; and ThyssenKrupp AG, among others.
In March 2021, China Automotive Systems launched a new EPS product to empower advanced driver-assistance system (ADAS). This new product is based on proprietary technology developed by CAAS research & development team. The company started mass production of the product for Great Wall Motors, a leading Chinese automaker.
In February 2019, Nexteer Automotive announced its production milestone of 60 million electronic power steering (EPS) systems globally. The system is used in vehicles ranging from small cars to heavy-duty trucks.
In October 2019, Hitachi Automotive Systems merged with three affiliates of Honda, namely, Keihin, Showa, and Nissin Kogyo, to become a global mega-supplier and expand the business. With this merger, the company would manufacture electrified vehicle drivetrains, electronic control units, chassis parts, engine components, shock absorbers, brakes, and steering systems.
In July 2018, Hyundai Mobis developed an electronic power steering system that takes advantage of two electronic circuits during autonomous driving to maintain normal steering capabilities under any circumstances.
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carsworld41 · 3 years
Why Electric Vehicles Will Soon Dominate the Road
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Last week, US President Joe Biden signed an Executive order that calls for half of all new vehicles sold in the US to be fully electric by 2030. This momentous action folds into the Biden administration’s greater plan of reducing US carbon emissions by 50 to 52 percent before 2030, and pushing the US to be Net zero by 2050 altogether. As it stands, only 2% of all vehicle sales in the US are electric vehicles (EVs), but one US senior administration official remarked that “it’s a central element of [Biden’s] economic agenda to help us grow our leadership in electric vehicles.” The developing economic interest of EVs in the United States is only one part of the story of a greater global trend in EV funding and market growth, and this impending expansion of this market could quite possibly be one of the greater technological paradigms that occur in the 21st century — something that is worth keeping a close eye on as both a consumer and investor.
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, global EV sales & registrations reached an all-time high in 2020, seeing a 70% encrease from 2019, with no signs of slowing. Through 2027, the global EV market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 33.6%, reaching a total valuation of $2.5 trillion USD. For perspective, the entire automobile industry is estimated to be valued at 2.7 Trillion$ this year. To suggest that the EV market alone could be worth nearly 10x its value today within seven years is an astounding economic and environmental promise. Across the globe countries are poised for expansion in the EV market, with Europe as the current leader by market share, followed closely by China. Though the US saw EV sales and manufacturing slump since last year, decreasing nearly 20% since 2019, the new action from the Biden administration is also set to rally registrations and sales.
Global government initiatives and funding are one of the primary factors for the bullish outlook on the EV market, which is spurring significant interest from institutions and individuals alike. The EU for example recently announced in July a de facto ban on all diesel and petrol cars by 2035, and nearby the UK is aiming to stop the sale of cars that use fossil fuels by 2030. With similar pledges being made around the world, it is no wonder that governments spent $14 billion on direct purchase incentives & tax deductions for EVs last year — up nearly 25% from the year prior. This public investment is significant in places like Europe and China, where a price cap has been set on EVs if their manufacturers want to receive a subsidy. The impact of this initiative alone has seen EV prices fall by 3% and 8% in China and Europe, respectively. While the pandemic has forced some governments to curtail their spending war against combustion automobiles for the purposes of economic growth, we can expect to see government capital injection and price incentives grow heavily in the next decade.
On the other side of this growing government action is the private sector, which is making a significant effort to capitalize on EVs expected growth. Currently, 18 of the 20 largest Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) like BMW Group, Toyota Group, Ford, and Honda have each commited to rolling out a significant EV fleet within the next decade. In March, Ford pledged that by 2030, 40% of their automobile sales would comprise EVs, while General Motors announced in January that they would stop selling petrol-powered vehicles altogether by 2035. It is the aggressive targets being set by both public and private entities alike that are shepherding in the next era of automobiles.
Along with net zero pledges & obligations, OEMs are making rapid advancements in EV model availability, fueling further consumer demand. It will likely be said that one of the greatest achievements by the automobile industry was the electrification of the SUV. With the SUV being the fastest-growing auto segment in both Europe & China and already the largest share of automobile sales in the US, OEMs are cashing in big-time by introducing more electric SUV models to their fleets. Because of this, more than 55% of new EV models in 2020 were SUV's. Not only are there advancements being made in personal transportation, but also with heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs) like busses and tractor-trailers. We are now seeing a diverse spectrum of electric HDVs like medium to heavy freight trucks, garbage trucks, and commuter busses hit the market. EVs are no longer relegated to just daily personal vehicles and will come to permeate all facets of transportation.
Beyond this extension of available EV models, recent advancements in battery technology and other electric fueling innovations are driving renewed consumer interest as concerns of distance and charging times are being alleviated. Most of today’s cars use lithium-ion batteries that use a liquid or gel electrolyte that is expensive & poses fire risks. Companies like QuantumScape and Solid Power have developed solid-state batteries that use ceramic/other electrolytes in order to reduce cost, make EV range comparable to that of cars that run on fossil fuels, and decrease the time needed to charge EVs. Additionally, countries like Korea have begun to launch vehicles that use hydrogen fuel cells as a source of power. As more companies form early relationships with manufacturers like BMW and Ford, it is expected that battery technology will see increased scalability and innovation over the next decade.
Even with all the innovation and funding happening, we would be remiss to not bring up one of the largest barriers to the adoption of EVs — insufficient charging infrastructure. Currently, the US rank 27 th in the world for public chargers per EV, and in 2020 the European Union failed to hit its goal of having 1 charger per EV which was laid out in its 2014 Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Directive (AIFD). There are also currently less than 40 active electric heavy freight trucks in the world due to a lack of sufficient charging infrastructure for HDVs. While these shortcomings are one of EVs main drawbacks to commercial practicality, there is optimism to be had given the wide variety of initiatives that are attempting to increase public charging infrastructure. Tesla for example is working with various third-parties, as of 2020, to develop a "mega charger" network for HDVs. There is plenty of proactivity in the realm of public charging infrastructure; it is just going to take some time and proper capital allocation to have a fully realized public charging network across the globe.
The coming dominance of the EV market is undeniable, both from an environmental and investment standpoint, and there is arguably no other market with such heavy cooperation between the public and private sectors today. With many markets, there is often a certain degree of economic uncertainty or commercial practicality, but EVs do not entertain either of these controversies. We are in the midst of a quiet but momentous technological shift that will revolutionize everything we know about transportation and energy.
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alex121world · 3 years
Automotive Electric Oil Pump Market is anticipated to surpass US$ 76.1 Bn by 2030
Theglobal automotive electric oil pump market size is anticipated to surpass US$ 76.1 Bn by 2030, expanding at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 24.1% during the forecast period 2021 to 2030.
Rise in the demand for electric mobility and fuel-efficient vehicles is driving the demand for automotive electric oil pumps. The growth owing to rising concerns about the environment and carbon emission across the globe. Increase in global carbon footprint and stringent emission norms are driving the preference of the automotive industry toward electric vehicles, which is likely to increase the demand for electric oil pump in vehicles.
Rise in demand for fuel-efficient vehicles coupled with stringent emission limits has prompted manufacturers to install electric oil pumps in their vehicles, which is anticipated to significantly propel the automotive electric oil pump market across the globe. Increase in sales of vehicles across the globe due to decline in tax rates on vehicles is also a key factor fueling the demand for electric oil pumps in vehicles.
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Rising vehicle electrification, including electric power steering is likely to increase the demand for electric oil pump across the globe. Enactment of stringent emission norms across the globe is prompting vehicle manufacturers to develop lightweight vehicles to enhance fuel-efficiency of their vehicles. An electric oil pump is an oil pump driven by an electric motor, and is used to maintain oil pressure and lubricate the automobile components during engine stop of stop-start vehicles. Electric oil pumps are needed for hybrid electric vehicles and vehicles with idling start-stop systems. These pumps, which are able to supply oil even when the engine is switched off are characterized by high voltage, oil-pressure, and flow rate with less noise. This is anticipated to boost the automotive electric oil pump market across the globe.
Wide spread of the pandemic across the globe is prompting consumers to own vehicles, which is likely to increase the sale of vehicles and subsequently, boost the installation of electric oil pumps in vehicles in order to increase the performance of vehicles. This is likely to boost the automotive electric oil pump market across the globe.
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a majority of businesses across the globe to crumble, owing to forced shutdown of production and manufacturing activities. This has led the global economy to contract to its lowest growth rate. Majority of businesses in every industry are codependent and are a part of major supply chain in the market. Disruption in supply chain attributing to stoppage of transportation and shipping services and reduced demand for vehicles across the globe is likely to cause the global automotive industry to contract in Q1 and Q2 of 2020.
Advancements in material, components, and systems boost the price of the electric oil pump as compared to that of the conventional oil pump. Consequently, the price of the vehicle equipped with an electric oil pump is higher, due to the high price of the automotive electric oil pump. This is likely to hamper the market during forecast period.
Electronic Transmission Oil Pumps Eliminating Need of Electrolytic Capacitors
Intelligent transmission oil pumps for high performance applications have the potential to fully replace mechanical pumps. Vitesco Technologies - a producer of efficient electrification technologies for vehicles is developing electronic transmission oil pumps that are eliminating the need of electrolytic capacitors.
Manufacturers in the automotive electric oil pump market are increasing their R&D muscle to integrate sensors in electronic transmission oil pumps that reduce further efforts with the wiring. Such oil pumps are gaining prominence in battery EVs, commercial vehicles, and off-highway applications.
Report Highlights
Based on propulsion, the global automotive electric oil pump market has been classified into electric vehicle and IC engine vehicle. Electric vehicle is expected to be the dominant segment of the automotive electric oil pump market during the forecast period, owing to the enactment of stringent emission norms across the globe.
Based on application, the brake and transmission oil pump segments accounted for significant share of the global automotive electric oil pump market. Rising safety standards in vehicles, including anti-brake system, is likely to fuel the demand for electric oil pumps in vehicles.
Get Discount On The Purchase Of This Report @ https://www.trendsmarketresearch.com/report/discount/13646
Asia Pacific dominated the global automotive electric oil pump market in 2020. It is anticipated to hold the leading share of the global market during the forecast period, as rapid expansion of manufacturing industries across the region is likely to propel the automotive electric oil pump market in the region.
Europe is also estimated to account for a significant share of the global automotive electric oil pump market, owing to increase in the demand for lightweight engines across the region.
Key Players
Prominent players operating in the global automotive electric oil pump market include FTE automotive, Hitachi Automotive, Rheinmetall Automotive AG, Johnson Electric, Nidec Corporation, Mitsubishi Electric, Mikuni American Corporation, Magna Powertrain, Inc., HUSCO Automotive, LLC, MAHLE Group , BorgWarner Inc., Robert Bosch GmbH, DENSO CORPORATION, ZF Friedrichshafen AG, AISIN SEIKI, and SHW AG.
Market Segmentation
By Vehicle Type
Passenger Vehicle
Light Commercial Vehicle
Medium & Heavy Duty Truck
Buses & Coaches
Off-road Vehicles
Utility Vehicle
By Propulsion
Electric Vehicle
IC Engine Vehicle
Battery Electric Vehicle
Hybrid Electric Vehicle
Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle
By Application
Transmission Oil Pump
Engine Oil Pump
Brake Oil Pump
By Sales Channel
By Region
North America
Asia Pacific
Middle East & Africa
Latin America
This report focuses on automotive electric oil pump market includes crucial information on market share, market size, and growth rate for the forecast period 2021 to 2030 at the global level, regional level and company level. From a global perspective, this report represents overall automotive electric oil pump market size by analyzing historical data and future prospect. The study highlights deep analysis on the major drivers of the market, restraints, and challenges to help the business owners, suppliers, and marketing personnel in planning effective strategies for the forecast period. This will help the business and manufacturers to lead the market and gain prominent position in future. The report also presents vital information through graphical representation on factors like table, charts, and statistics. The study includes drivers and restraints of the global automotive electric oil pump market.
The research not only conducts forecasts in terms of value, but also evaluates the market on the basis of essential parameters, such as Year-on-Year (Y-o-Y) growth. This helps providers to recognize the future opportunities as well predictability of the market.
In order to understand and assess opportunities in this market, the report is categorically divided into five key sections on the basis of segments. The report analyzes the global market in terms of value (US$ dollers) and volume (Million Units).
The research report includes specific segments by region (country), by company, by all segments. This study provides information about the growth and revenue during the historic and forecasted period of 2017 to 2030. Every segment is further sub-segmented into several sub-segmented that are deeply analyzed by experts to offer valuable information to the buyers and market players. Understanding the segments helps in identifying the importance of different factors that aid the market growth.
Request For Report Description :  https://www.trendsmarketresearch.com/report/automotive-electric-oil-pump-market
Regional Analysis
The research report includes a detailed study of regions of North America, Europe, China, Japan and Rest of the World. The report has been curated after observing and studying various factors that determine regional growth such as economic, environmental, social, technological, and political status of the particular region. Analysts have studied the data of revenue and manufacturers of each region. This section analyses region-wise revenue and volume for the forecast period of 2017 to 2030. These analyses will help the reader to understand the potential worth of investment in a particular region.
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Best Dirt Removal Service and Cost in Wichita KS |Wichita Household Services more information is at : https://wichitahouseholdservices.com/dirt-removal-service-near-me/
Dirt Removal Service near Wichita KS: Are you looking for the Best Dirt Removal Service near Wichita KS? Wichita Household Services, can help! We save you time and effort and take that dirt off your hands with quick and easy budget-friendly dirt pickup services. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Dirt Removal Service around Wichita KS. We serve Wichita KS and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
Dirt Removal with Wichita Household Services Dirt Removal Service near Wichita KS: Dirt removal is not always easy. With massive tones of dirt, it’s hard and often time-consuming work. Wichita Household Services can help! We save you time and effort and take that dirt off your hands with quick and easy budget-friendly dirt pickup services. ● We remove everything! ● We do all the work! ● Free estimates! Our quick and easy dirt removal is another of our great same and next day services. As soon as today, our friendly uniformed professionals can be there to pick up and dispose of your dirt with ease and within minutes even your excess soil and sod can be gone, leaving you to free from the weight of all that work!
What We Do It’s easy, after digging up all that soil or sod, give Wichita Household Services a call and we can dispose of it today. Our comprehensive pricing is all-inclusive, incorporating the dirt’s weight with all labor and disposal costs, ensuring you just pay for the dirt in our truck at the end of the day!
How to Dispose of Dirt Whether you’re breaking ground on new construction or just removing dirt from your yard, you may be wondering how to get rid of all that dirt in an efficient, cost-effective way. We’ve broken down a few common dirt disposal options to help you find the best way to dispose of dirt for your project.
Dirt Disposal Options 1. Rent a Roll off Dumpster Dirt Removal Service near Wichita KS: This is a simple way to dispose of dirt from any landscaping or construction project. To rent a dumpster, simply call and schedule a delivery time that’s convenient for you. Once it arrives, load up the leftover dirt at your own pace, and call back as soon as you’re finished to have it taken away. This option is ideal if you don’t want the dirt sitting on top of your grass or concrete driveway for a while.
Benefits ● No need to be home for pickup. ● An all-inclusive, affordable rate is provided before your rental even arrives. ● Offers a guaranteed, scheduled disposal of your dirt. Things to Consider ● Best for large amounts of dirt. ● You load the dirt yourself. ● Dumpster sizes and weight limits can vary depending on your location.
2. Make a Listing in the Online Classifieds Dirt Removal Service near Wichita KS: Listing your unwanted soil online is a good way to get rid of dirt for free. Many contractors and DIY ers browse sites like Craigslist and Freecycle for dirt and soil to use in their projects. You could list your soil as available for free pickup or offer to deliver the soil yourself, if you really need to get it off your hands. You can also browse dirt-specific classified sites, including FreeDirt.com, Clean-Fill-Wanted.com and DirtFill.com. These sites will match you with local wanted ads for soil and fill dirt, usually for a fee.
Benefits Free or low-cost dirt disposal option. Allows dirt to be recycled.
Things to Consider Removal time depends on the buyers. Dirt sits out in the open indefinitely. Not ideal for large amounts of dirt.
Dirt removal and disposal by the cubic yard Removing dirt and hauling it away is no cake walk. Loading and shoveling dirt is a tiring but character building endeavor. Soil is heavy and as such requires sturdy equipment and trucks to be able to handle the weight. Of course because of the density of soil we can only carry about 4 to 6 cubic yards at a time depending on dirt composition.
What type of soil? Certainly, there are a few different types of soil for example we haul away, clean and dirty.
Clean soil Important to note clean soil is nothing but organic material and does not include things like garbage or concrete. Of course clean non contaminated soil would be suitable for reuse or fill.
Dirty soil Dirty soil is usually intermingled with garbage, chunks of concrete or other not acceptable material. Of course soil like this must be properly landfilled and depending on what it’s mixed with may not be able to be screened at all for reuse. Shovel loading, no biggie, simply put, we get it done. Dirt removal requires everything from shovels to machines depending on the size of the project. Generally speaking for projects with less than 5 cubic yards or projects with delicate landscape or lack of access we choose this option to load and dispose of soil. Yes this means we load by shovel into our eco-dumpster bins. Not going to go into specific on the types of shovels we use but believe it or not it depends on the consistency of the soil. Also, like everything else in life there is a proper way to shovel dirt, use the wrong technique and you could wrench your back. Not trying to scare you but be aware.
How much does dirt removal cost? Dirt Removal Service near Wichita KS: Your dumpster rental company may charge the yard waste or inert debris waste rates for dirt. These rates are usually equal to or less than the rates charged for construction debris or household junk disposal. Here’s a breakdown of average costs for a 7-day dumpster rental: Dumpster Size Average 7-day Rental Cost 10 yard $300 20 yard $380 30 yard $440 40 yard $490 Cost varies by location. The figures above are derived from data collected by HometownDumpsterRental.com. These are national averages.
Cost to Remove Dirt To Remove Dirt in Wichita KS you should expect to pay in the range of $338.69 to $483.11. What we use to calculate Wichita KS Dirt Removal estimates is average material costs, average hourly labor wages and labor productivity rates.
Average Cost per cubic yard for Dirt Removal in Wichita KS The average cost to Remove Dirt in Wichita KS 2020 is $338.69 to $483.11 per cubic yard. Always make sure to make all hiring decisions carefully and to make sure the contractor is fully insured, bonded and licensed. It is a good idea to check references and verify prior work quality. If you want to receive the best value on Wichita KS Dirt Removal projects always make sure to receive project estimates from several contractors.
Cost Breakdown for Dirt Removal in Wichita KS Direct labor costs to Remove Dirt in Wichita KS - between $151.34 and $227.01. Costs of specialty equipment used for efficiency and job quality, which may include: - between $156.41 and $221.89.
What the Wichita KS Dirt Removal Estimate Includes: ● Costs associated with worksite preparation for the Dirt Removal in Wichita KS project, which may include any costs for materials, components, protection of existing structures and finishes. ● Costs for all local Wichita KS materials and equipment delivery to the work site. ● Costs for junk/debris removal and job cleanup after project completion. ● Hourly charges, labor setup and mobilization time that are usually associated with Dirt Removal projects.
What the Dirt Removal Estimate Does Not Include: ● Any fees for permits or inspection which may be required for the project by the Wichita KS building department. ● Wichita KS sales taxes on supplies and materials. ● Any general contractor fees for supervision of the Wichita KS Dirt Removal project. Please add 12% to 20% to the total cost shown above if you will be hiring a general contractor to supervise this project.
Is it Keeping It Clean?
We can remove unwanted dirt from anywhere on your property or we can level and clear an entire lot. We can also pick up and haul solid waste such as rock, dirt, concrete, asphalt, tile, gravel, sand, and brick to the correct disposal/recycling facilities, leaving your property totally clean.
We noticed there was a need for neat, reliable, and affordable junk removal and hauling, so we decided to fill that need! If you’re searching for dirt hauling services, we can tackle the job. We will save you time and money with bigger trucks!
Will Be on Time in dirt removal?
Dirt Removal Service near Wichita KS: Our dirt removal crew works hard to arrive on time. We generally offer same-day or next-day service, depending on the amount of dirt involved.
Whenever we get you on the schedule, we’ll provide you a 2-hour time window. We’ll always contact you before our crew arrives. We respect your time and stay on schedule.
Is it a One-Stop Shop?
One simple call solves all your dirt hauling problems. We’re the experts. We’re proud to have the biggest trucks in the San Diego area, but we also have Bobcat® equipment, excavators, and other specialty equipment to tackle jobs of any size.
We work with residential/commercial homeowners, business owners, contractors, realtors, property managers, and more. You can depend on us to do the job right the first time!
CALL FOR US: ● Dirt Removal Near Wichita KS ● Dirt Removal Dumpster ● How To Dispose Of Dirt And Rocks ● Where To Get Rid Of Dirt ● Dirt Removal Atlanta ● What To Do With Excavated Dirt ● Dirt Removal Denver ● Disposing Of Unwanted Soil Wichita KS ● Free Dirt Removal ● Cost Per Cubic Yard To Move Dirt ● Free Dirt Removal ● How To Dispose Of Dirt And Rocks ● Dirt Removal Dumpster ● Where To Get Rid Of Dirt ● Dirt Removal ● Excavation Costs Per Cubic Foot Wichita KS
BEST DIRT REMOVAL SERVICE IN WICHITA KS WICHITA HOUSEHOLD SERVICES REQUEST MORE INFORMATION. CONTACT US NOW! CONTACT US: Wichita Household Services We Offer Cleaning Junk Removal Movers Handyman Services Call: (316) 448-3558 SERVICE AREA: 55 Cities within 30 miles of Wichita, KS: Andale, KS | Andover, KS | Argonia, KS | Augusta, KS | Belle Plaine, KS | Bentley, KS | Benton, KS | Buhler, KS | Burns, KS | Burrton, KS | Cheney, KS | Clearwater, KS |Colwich, KS | Conway Springs, KS | Danville, KS | Derby, KS | Douglass, KS | Elbing, KS | Garden Plain, KS | Goddard, KS | Greenwich, KS | Halstead, KS | Harper, KS | Haven, KS | Haysville, KS | Hesston, KS | Hutchinson, KS | Kechi, KS | Maize, KS | Mayfield, KS | Mcconnell AFB, KS | Milan, KS | Milton, KS | Mount Hope, KS | Mulvane, KS | Murdock, KS | Newton, KS | North Newton, KS | Norwich, KS | Peck, KS | Potwin, KS | Pretty Prairie, KS | Rock, KS | Rose Hill, KS | Sedgwick, KS | South Hutchinson, KS | Towanda, KS | Udall, KS | Valley Center, KS | Viola, KS | Walton, KS | Wellington, KS | Whitewater, KS | Winfield, KS | Yoder, KS ZIP CODES: 67001 – Andale | 67016 – Bentley | 67017 – Benton | 67020 – Burrton | 67025 – Cheney | 67026 – Clearwater | 67030 – Colwich | 67031 – Conway Springs | 67037 – Derby | 67039 – Douglass | 67050 – Garden Plain | 67052 – Goddard | 67055 – Greenwich | 67060 – Haysville | 67067 – Kechi | 67101 – Maize | 67106 – Milton | 67108 – Mt Hope | 67110 – Mulvane | 67118 – Norwich | 67120 – Peck | 67133 – Rose Hill | 67135 – Sedgwick | 67147 – Valley Center | 67149 – Viola | 672xx – Wichita | 67204 – Park City or Wichita | 67219 – Park City or Wichita | 67220 – BelAire or Wichita | 67221 – McConnell AFB | 67226 – BelAire or Wichita | 67543 – Haven #Wichita #junkremoval #handyman #householdservice #movers #cleaning
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Driving through Jurupa Valley’s Van Buren Boulevard-Jurupa Road intersection is often a hassle. And when trains rumble by on Union Pacific Railroad tracks that run parallel to Van Buren, it’s worse.
“Sometimes you can sit there for up to 10 minutes,” said Dale Derstine, who lives nearby and drives through the busy intersection and railroad crossing to reach customers of his water purification business.
“Just getting through that intersection is a challenge,” Derstine said.
It’s about to become more of a challenge. And not just for drivers. People who operate businesses there worry customers will go elsewhere during construction because of the ordeal it will be to get in and out for, say, a hair styling or bicycle repair.
Maria Gutierrez, owner of Marie’s Beauty Salon, says the underpass construction will impact her business but after dealing with the pandemic and numerous problems, her business will survive in Jurupa Valley on Wednesday, June 30, 2021. (Photo by Terry Pierson, The Press-Enterprise/SCNG)
An artist’s rendering shows what the new Jurupa Road underpass in Jurupa Valley is expected to look like, in a view from the east, when completed. Construction on the underpass and bridges for Van Buren Boulevard and Union Pacific Railroad tracks is expected to begin in September. (Photo courtesy of the Riverside County Transportation Department)
An artist’s rendering offers a peek at what the new Jurupa Road underpass in Jurupa Valley will look like, from the west, when completed in 2023. Construction is scheduled to begin in September on the underpass and bridges for Van Buren Boulevard and Union Pacific Railroad tracks. (Photo courtesy of the Riverside County Transportation Department)
An artist’s rendering shows what the Jurupa Road-Van Buren Boulevard intersection and railroad crossing is expected to look like, from an aerial perspective, when a $133.4 million bridge-and-underpass project is completed in Jurupa Valley. (Photo courtesy of Riverside County Transportation Department)
Jurupa Valley mayor, Lorena Barajas stands by the Union Pacific Railroad tracks at the intersection of Van Buren Boulevard and Jurupa Road, were an underpass will be built to eliminate the lengthy delays drivers face to let trains go by in Jurupa Valley on Wednesday, June 30, 2021. (Photo by Terry Pierson, The Press-Enterprise/SCNG)
Jurupa Valley mayor, Lorena Barajas stands by the Union Pacific Railroad tracks at the intersection of Van Buren Boulevard and Jurupa Road, were an underpass will be built to eliminate the lengthy delays drivers face to let trains go by in Jurupa Valley on Wednesday, June 30, 2021. (Photo by Terry Pierson, The Press-Enterprise/SCNG)
A Union Pacific freight train stops traffic as it passes the intersection of Jurupa Road and Van Buren Boulevard where a underpass will be built to separate trains and cars and eliminate the lengthy delays drivers face to let trains go by in Jurupa Valley on Wednesday, June 30, 2021. (Photo by Terry Pierson, The Press-Enterprise/SCNG)
Traffic is stopped as the Union Pacific Railroad crossing arms rise after a train passed the intersection of Jurupa Road and Van Buren Boulevard were an underpass will soon start construction in Jurupa Valley on Wednesday, June 30, 2021. (Photo by Terry Pierson, The Press-Enterprise/SCNG)
A restaurant, gas station and animal grooming business have all closed and will be removed for the construction of the underpass at the intersection of Jurupa Road and Van Buren Boulevard in Jurupa Valley on Wednesday, June 30, 2021. (Photo by Terry Pierson, The Press-Enterprise/SCNG)
A restaurant, gas station and animal grooming business have all closed and will be removed for the construction of the underpass at the intersection of Jurupa Road and Van Buren Boulevard in Jurupa Valley on Wednesday, June 30, 2021. (Photo by Terry Pierson, The Press-Enterprise/SCNG)
A restaurant, gas station and animal grooming business have all closed and will be removed for the construction of the underpass at the intersection of Jurupa Road and Van Buren Boulevard in Jurupa Valley on Wednesday, June 30, 2021. (Photo by Terry Pierson, The Press-Enterprise/SCNG)
Jurupa Valley mayor, Lorena Barajas stands by the Union Pacific Railroad tracks at the intersection of Van Buren Boulevard and Jurupa Road, were an underpass will be built to eliminate the lengthy delays drivers face to let trains go by in Jurupa Valley on Wednesday, June 30, 2021. (Photo by Terry Pierson, The Press-Enterprise/SCNG)
A Union Pacific freight train stops traffic as it passes the intersection of Jurupa Road and Van Buren Boulevard where a underpass will be built to separate trains and cars and eliminate the lengthy delays drivers face to let trains go by in Jurupa Valley on Wednesday, June 30, 2021. (Photo by Terry Pierson, The Press-Enterprise/SCNG)
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Riverside County and Jurupa Valley are gearing up to launch the construction phase of a $133.4 million project that aims to shorten delays by separating trains and cars — and cars from cars. The work will involve tunneling Jurupa Road 23 feet below the existing crossing and building bridges for Van Buren and the railroad, according to a county report.
Mark Lancaster, the county’s transportation director, said in an interview that construction will start around Labor Day and wrap up in June 2023.
Derstine is ready for the work to begin.
“I’m sure it’s going to be a nightmare,” he said. “But there’s nothing you can do about that. It has to be done.”
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  When construction is done, Mayor Lorena Barajas said, Jurupa Valley residents and people from all over the Inland Empire who drive through the city of 110,000 can look forward to relief.
“This will eliminate wait times and just the agony of being stuck at a train,” Barajas said. “We’ve missed appointments. We’ve been late. And I hate being late.”
She said the new Jurupa Road underpass also will reduce air pollution from idling vehicles and make driving through the area safer.
Lancaster wrote in an email that traffic volume in 2018 averaged 38,000 cars, motorcycles, buses and trucks per day on Van Buren and 12,000 per day on Jurupa Road, with heavy vehicles accounting for 16% and 12% of the traffic mix respectively. Federal Railroad Administration data from 2020 shows that 21 trains and two switching trains traveled through the Jurupa Road crossing daily.
Beside building an underpass and bridges to separate that traffic, the project involves paving a connector road so drivers coming down Van Buren can still reach Jurupa Road, and vice versa.
“We will construct a road to reconnect the two as they are both very important,” Lancaster said.
Traffic signals are to be installed at several places, including Jurupa and Pedley roads. Zina Whitney, who lives near the railroad crossing and works as recreation and community partnership manager for the Jurupa Area Recreation and Park District, said Pedley and Jurupa is a four-way stop and the traffic light will be a welcome improvement.
“That will be great because traffic backs up in all directions,” Whitney said.
First, enough money must be set aside.
The county has a $108.4 million state grant for the project, but with the price tag has reached $133.4 million and there is a $25 million shortfall, Lancaster wrote in a June 16 letter seeking aid from the Riverside County Transportation Commission. John Standiford, the regional agency’s deputy executive director, said the commission will consider on July 14 allocating $25 million in Measure A sales-tax dollars to close the gap.
Lancaster said the county expects to award a construction contract shortly after that.
At the same time, Lancaster said, the county is finalizing property purchases and arrangements with the railroad.
“Union Pacific Railroad is happy that this important infrastructure project is getting underway in Jurupa Valley and we believe it is an important investment in the county, facilitating the flow of traffic for both the railroad and the public,” Robynn Tysver, a spokesperson for the company in Omaha, wrote in an email Thursday.
Lancaster said in an email that 19 private-property parcels were purchased. He said that an entire gas-station property was acquired and, in most cases, part of a property was needed for the project.
Gas station, Mexican-food restaurant, pet grooming and laundromat buildings sit abandoned along the west side of Van Buren.
Other entrepreneurs worry that construction closures and detours will cause irreparable damage to their businesses.
Maria Gutierrez, owner of Marie’s Beauty Salon at Van Buren and Jurupa Road, said she had to close for three months in early 2019 when a pipe broke and flooded her shop. Then came the coronavirus pandemic, which forced her to shut down three times last year and half her clients went elsewhere, she said.
Gutierrez said she has been slowly rebuilding her clientele in recent months.
“And now we have this going on,” she said. “So I am very worried about what is going to happen to my business.”
Don Jackson, who owns Southridge Cycling, is worried, too.
“I think it’s a fabulous idea,” Jackson said of the project. “Anything to enhance public safety, I’m for.”
Related links
Construction to start on Corona’s McKinley Street bridge in 2021
JURUPA VALLEY: Clay Street underpass work will run longer
68-year-old bicyclist killed by train in Jurupa Valley is identified
Riverside woman was thrown from horse into a train and lost both legs — but vows to ride again
Riverside sets sights on 2023 for Third Street railroad bridge
But he said construction will make it difficult for customers to navigate a maze of closures to reach his shop. “Are they going to say, ‘I’m just not going to hassle with it. I’m just going to drive down the road to a competitor’s shop’?”
A longtime resident, Jackson recalled that, when the Limonite Avenue underpass at Van Buren was built down the road in the early 1990s, shops and restaurants lost a lot of money.
“Those businesses out there suffered dramatically,” he said. “That’s what scares me.”
-on July 02, 2021 at 01:24PM by David Downey
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