#He is angry at Kaya and her mother for hurting someone who can't fight back in vol 1 just to do the same to his comrade in vol 4...
kleiner-detektiv · 1 year
Just gimme Vol 5 already Dx
I don't want to wait a whole month.
And I don't want to wait half a year for Vol 6 either Dx
I can't reread the previous books again, please >.<
Be aware, spoiler for happy marriage novel vol 4 in the tags.
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oncerpotter2018 · 3 years
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"Hatred was part of your training"
- Eren Jaeger
I love this quote from Eren as it begins to form and shape my understanding of these characters. That within these walls were children made to learn that nothing beyond their walls were nothing but demons. For Gabi, she had been taught her by her parents, her aunt and her society that beyond those walls were devils that must be destroyed to save the world from their bad blood. She had been conditioned to kill, attack and to get rid of these so called 'devils' and it such as sad reality that it still happens today.
What made me realise was that Gabi isn't a bad person, she just grew up in a bad world. Gabi was taught how to hate and fight from beginning. And I understand that what she did was unforgivable, unjust and unfair, but we later learn that during the restaurant scene with Sasha's parents, her father told an important lesson. That he taught his daughter the means to hunt and kill before letting her go to socialise with others. She killed and died as consequence. He sheltered her from the reality of war and pain so when she finally was able to go out into the world she was learnt to kill to protect what was important to her. In the end it only end up with her dead as a result of how she was taught to survive.
But this isn't me saying her actions weren't right, what she did was that she killed in cold blood. But if we were placed in her shoes, the horror of seeing your friend being crashed by debris and another friend being killed on impact by the rush of a human stampeed, I would be horrified to. I'll be angered, frightened and want to seek revenge. What I saw was two worlds, like two side of a coin, never seeing each other, not knowing who each other was until they finally come face to face and they only saw destruction and war. Deaths of innocent lives. Like I said, I don't accept her behaviour but I am a human being, I understand the pain and the anger and the emotions that she must have felt.
As well as that, the moment between Kaya and Gabi touched my heart. Seeing those two young girls, from two different worlds collide in such a way back in to where she used to live and seeing these two have a very philosophical argument is astonishing. Each one trying to convince each other different things at once. Kaya was trying to convince Gabi that they did nothing wrong, that she just wanted someone to believe her, to help her understand what she and her mother and her kind did wrong. While Gabi was trying to convince Kaya about how, even if it was so long ago, she still believed in a outdated ideology.
Everything Happens for A Reason
I have learnt that everything happens for a reason. The reason in being that actions leads to consequences. How if Eren hadn't attacked their home town, if he hadn't started that attack then Udo and Zofia would have still been alive, Sasha would have still been alive, those innocent people would have still been alive. But if this event hadn't happened as it should, things wouldn't have changed, Gabi wouldn't have left the walls she had been confined to live in. She wouldn't have met Kaya and Sasha's family, she wouldn't have experience that there were good people, innocent people in Paradis too. So, I do believe that everything does happened for a reason, that Sasha's death was the consequence of one's actions, but it also was a reason for change, for letting go, for moving forward because by the end of the day she and Gabi are human, that Gabi is a child that can still be saved.
I watched the season final again and the more I watched it the more I understood Gabi in a new light. Even in the first round of watching it, I didn't love what she did but I will not condemn a child to more hell because of her broken ideologies. I can't forgive her but I will not have the moral instinct of killing a child, even fictional ones, just because she grew up learning to hate the world that wasn't her own. What I am saying is that for me, the world is cruel, it is pain and angry and clouded with negative thoughts. The world becomes toxic with the judgments of others upon those who they never have met before.
So listen, when I say I am defending her, I am defending her for the reasons of being just a flawed human being, a child who is impressionable to those above her and would believe in anything they say. Because killing Gabi won't solve anything, it would only lead to more chaos and death. Killing Gabi won't bring back Sasha. It won't bring them any peace because their moral conscience will be ringing that a child's blood is in your hands. Even Mikasa stopped Kaya from killing her, even Sasha's father didn't want to kill a child born to be blind by the reality of this cruel world. What I am saying is that I can't forgive her for her sins but I will not condemn her for being human who had only known the means of hatred of the unknown instead of being taught to at least to understand one human being from another. That there is still time to save Gabi from the dark future that she will face if she continues down this dark path.
The lesson that Gabi taught me was that when you shelter a child for the harsh reality thinking you are protecting them from the evil nature of the world you are only hurting them in the process because when they eventually go outside the walls you put up they'll only know what you taught them.
More Attack on Titan Season 4 analysis coming soon until Part 2 comes out..
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