#He can't run forever (Tien)
ofspaceandearth · 10 months
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Tag drop!
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spidybaby · 1 year
Begin Again | part one
Summary: Secrets can't be held forever. Specifically, not the one you keep from him.
Warnings: cursing.
A/N: The dividers I'm using are from @cafekitsune All credits to them ❤️✨️
Part two
December 2025
"No, Pedro! No puedo calmarme, estas bromeando?" (No Pedro, I can't calm down, are you joking?) You were shouting at this point. "Estas bromeando?" You repeat.
"¡No! Joder, no estoy bromeando!" (No, Fuck, I'm not joking) his tone elevates as much as yours.
You cover your face with your hands, feeling the tears wetting them.
"Cuatro putos años, Pedro." (Four fucking years, Pedro.) You shout again. "No me vengas a decir estupideces, anoche me hablabas de casarnos y hoy te dio por olvidar todo eso?" (Don't fuck with me, yesterday we were talking about marriage and today you forgot about all of that?) You couldn't believe his words. "Me estas jodiendo, dime por favor que me estas jodiendo" (you're joking, please tell me you're joking).
He stayed silent, time passing as you only waited for him to start laughing and tell you he was pranking you.
"Amor," you took his face in your hands. "Por favor no hagas esto, tu y yo podemos con todo, lo hemos hecho siempre, Pedro, por favor" (Please don't do this, you and I will get over everything, we've done it before).
You were begging him in denial of the situation.
"Pepi, por favor."
His eyes were fixed on something. He was trying as hard as possible not to look at you. He knew if he did everything he just told you, it was going to be taken back.
He press his hands on your wrists and slowly took your hands away from his face.
"Lo siento," he whisper "lo siento pero no puedo." (I'm sorry I can't).
He let go of you, not looking once at your. Took his jacket and keys and walked to the front door. "Por favor, ve a Portofino, no lo dejes ir por mi, no valgo la pena. Haz tu vida y déjame atrás." (Please go to Portofino, don't let that go because of me, I'm not worthy. Live your own life and leave me behind).
You saw his car getting away from your house.
The tears never stopped. Your body was now on the floor, crying louder than before, the pain I your chest was growing stronger by the minute.
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January 2026
"Bueno niña, todo listo y ordenado. Amo la vista por cierto." (Okay, girl, everything is done and ready. I love this view, by the way). Your brother Paulo says he's the one helping you with the moving.
You got an offer to be part of this big company in Portofino.
"Venga, cambia la cara, todo estará bien, me tienes a mi acá y Elena prometió venir a verte cada dos semanas, estas bien" (c'mon, don't act like that, everything will be fine, you have me here and Elena will visit you every two weeks). He pat you in the back, forcing you into a hug.
You accept the forced hug but only for a moment, after that you shove your brother away from you.
"Debería estar feliz." You say walking to the couch. "Pero no puedo estar feliz, Paulo. No sin él." (I should be happy, but I can't Pualo, not without him).
Your eyes water, you have everything you wanted, a big start, the job of your dreams, everything but him.
"No llores, por favor no de nuevo." Paulo runs to your side, hugging you while you cry. "Venga, vamos a dar una vuelta y tomar algunas fotos." (Don't cry, please not again. C'mon, let's go out and about and get you some good photos).
He dried your tears and pulled you out of the couch. Grabbing your purse on the way out to his car, you took out your phone and snapped a picture, sending it to Elena, your best friend.
Paulo took you to a rental of motorcycles, knowing you loved driving one around everytime you visited him.
You two spend the rest of the day laughing and having all the fun you could. You appreciate your brother help. He knew you needed to move on at your own time. A four year relationship was not a thing you left behind in a day.
"Para, deja te tomó una foto para tu insta" he indicates you how to pose for the picture, taking several. (Stop right there. Let me take a photo for your insta).
"Basta, ya son, suficiente," you laugh, getting off the motorcycle. "Igual solo subiré una." (Enough, they're enough, I'll only post one).
You both cheeked the pictures, and he airdrop them to you.
"Subí la foto y pone algo como "amando los nuevos comienzos", no crees?" (Post it and caption it with something like "I love new beginnings).
You laugh but did it.
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(Sorry if the picture doesn't adapt to your features. I just use it as inspo. Also this is not portofino but imagine it is, love you)
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February 2026
"Elena, apúrate por favor." You say as you touch up your makeup. (Elena, hurry up, please).
You were going to be her +1 at this event in London, Elena was became an influencer way back in the day when you were eighteen, she started posting for fun and suddenly it became a full time job.
A good one, she was always invited to fashion shows, she even did modeling campaigns for big brands. You were happy and thankful because you could borrow some trendi clothes.
"Relax, bebé" she says, coming out of the bathroom. "Tenemos aún como una hora para llegar, bájale" (we have an hour to get there, relax).
"Elena, ya viste la hora?" You say, looking at her with lifted eyebrows. (Did you see the time?).
She looks at her phone, eyes opening as you laugh.
"Okay, vamos c'mon, vamos todos al show, vamos a la obra en una sola maniobra." she sings the Dora the Explorer song, and you only laugh at her.
You make your way to the venue. It was this big event for Dior. They're showing their new makeup line and invite different type of social media presence.
The event was amazing. The Dior team was amazing and made everyone feel welcome. They even gave you a little souvenir.
You left a little earlier because Elena was done for the day, not feeling like socializing with other people but not wanting to be rude.
"Te sientes bien? Estás algo pálida, " Elena says, looking at you carefully. "Queres agua?" (Are you okay? You look pale, do you want some water?).
You were feeling kind of dizzy, but you didn't want to ruin the day with that.
"Toy' bien," you say, drinking from the bottle she opened for you. "Maybe it's the day being too hot." (I'm fine, maybe it's because of the weather, it's too hot).
She only nodded, leaving the conversation for later.
The car ride was rough. You felt to hot, too dizzy and too uncomfortable. But didn't say a word.
As Elena's driver parked in front of the hotel, she was the first to go out. "Sabes que quiero, un carpaccio de salmón." (I want some salmon carpaccio).
She was paying attention to her phone and didn't notice how you were struggling to even hold yourself on the car door.
The last thing you remember was Elena shouting your name and feeling a harsh pain in your head.
Waking up to a painful white light and with a headache was not the ideal thing.
"Ay Paulo, esta despertando." You can hear Elena's voice. (She's waking up).
"Paulo?" Is all you can ask, barely opening your eyes due to the light.
Elena noticed this and turned the switch off.
"Ya esta, relájate." She pushed you back on the bed. "Te golpeaste la cabeza, me asustaste." (It's okay, relax. You hit your head, you scared me).
"Joder, no sé que pasó." Your head is still pounding. "Dónde estamos?" (Fuck, I don't know what happened. Where are we?).
"En el hospital, lista." She says with that obvious tone. "Me diste el susto de mi vida." (At the hospital, dingbat. You scare the shit out of me).
"Paulo, donde esta mi hermano?" You ask remembering about hearing his name. (Where's my brother?).
"En portofino, lo llamé porque el hospital por protocolo lo debe llamar al ser tu contacto de emergencia." (In Portofino, I called him because the hospital did it).
You slowly nodded. Your eyes are open now, but you are still feeling a deep pain.
"No entiendo que paso, estabas bien al salir del evento." Elena was playing the whole event and day with you, trying to find an answer for your pass out. "Tal vez se te bajo el azúcar, esta horrible el calor afuera." (I don't know what happened. You were fine at the event. Maybe your sugar went low. It's pretty hot outside.)
Lucky for you, a doctor walked into the room, making her stop.
"Hi ladies, how are we feeling."
"How do you think?" Elena says and points at you.
"Well, I think that apart from the head, which you don't have any contusion, everything seems fine."
"But, this is not fine." Elena talks again, making the doctor laugh.
"Relax, please." He patts her shoulder. "Her iron went low. It's completely normal, with the weather being hell hot, it's nothing to worry about, I promise."
She nods, smiling shyly.
"And even better news for you miss." He's not talking to you. "You're very healthy, it's good. Let me call a nurse to make sure your little one is also fine."
Your head snaps up very fast. "What did you just say?"
"Oh, don't worry, it's a routine thing, we have to make sure mommy and baby are both fine before letting you leave."
You felt like passing out again. "Mommy and baby? You must have the wrong room, I'm not expecting." You're sitting now, ignoring the uncomfortable feeling of your headache. "Elena, please tell him."
Elena is as shaken as you're. Being speechless was not a thing in her books, always having something to say at the right time.
"I" she tried but nothing is coming.
"Oh, okay. My bad, " the doctor began seeing your shock. "I didn't meant for you to find out like that, I'm sorry. I'll call the nurse and we can check."
"No!" You snapped. "You need to do another test or whatever I'm not pregnant, I can't be."
The air was reducing around you, feeling a pressure on your chest.
"Wow, no, ma'am, please, let's breathe slowly, I didn't mean for this, sorry." The poor doctor is now in alert mode.
"You, friend, please go out and call a nurse."
Elena does as she's told and goes out of the room.
"No, por favor," you're hyperventilating. "The tests are wrong. Run them again."
The doctor tries everything to calm you down, working a little bit.
Elena and a nurse enter the room. The woman has a machine with her.
"Venga, respira profundamente." Elena is calming you down now. The doctor focuses his attention on the machine.
"Can you open your dress for us, love?" The lovely nurse says. "Just a little on your tummy area will be fine."
Elena helps you with that. Thank goodness your dress was a corset type, and you could undone it upfront.
You calmed a little, the crying stopped, but your breathing still irregular.
"This is going to be cold, okay?" You nod at her words. "Okay, let's see here."
The gel was indeed cold, nothing too crazy for you to handle.
She's pressing the ultrasound thing on your stomach. Yours and Elena's eyes are fixed on the little screen.
"Here it is." She points. "Here's baby."
She's smiling, but you're not, mind blank.
"What about?" Elena starts, out of breath. "What about the heartbeat? Can we hear it?"
Pressing a button was enough for you to hear the little boom boom.
Your eyes water, you let yourself fall onto the hospital bed.
"Stop it." You cry. "Make it stop, please."
"Amiga" Elena tries but you're not having it.
"No, Elena! Stop it, please."
The nurse and doctor look at each other, and she cleans the gel off of you.
"Él tenía que estar aquí, conmigo." You can't stop your tears. "Yo no tendría porque estar sola, se suponia que ambos íbamos a enterarnos juntos, ambos íbamos a planear la sorpresa a los demás, ambos íbamos a hacerlo juntos" (He was supposed to be here with me, I'm not supposed to be here alone, we were supposed to find out together, we were going to plain the announcement, we were doing all of this together).
Elena's eyes are teary. She knows what you mean. She knows your pain.
"Me quiero ir, sácame de acá" (I want to go, take me out of here).
"Can we go?" Elena ask the nurse, who's at this point kind of scared to even talk.
The doctor gives her some indications for you to follow as well as a recipe for prenatal vitamins. Indicating her how to take them.
They both left, saying goodbye to you.
After calming down a little, still very shaken with the news.
Elena helps you as you make your way out of the hospital.
The silence was uncomfortable. You didn't know what to say, and she didn't want to trigger your cries again.
The only thing in your mind is him and all the what ifs.
"Vas a decirle?" Elena broke the silence. (You're telling him?).
You didn't even know your next step, afraid of everything. You only responded by moving your shoulders.
"Sabes que estoy aquí para ti, verdad?" (You know I'm here for you, right?).
You only nod. Just wishing you could wake up for this nightmare.
Lucky you, the driver pull up to the hotel. You exit the car as fast as possible, ignoring Elena calling your name.
You run to the elevator, not waiting for her, just wanting to dissappear on your room. Thankfully, you and Elena had separate rooms.
You slammed the door as you entered, throwing yourself in bed.
After a good hour or so without moving, just existing in bed, you grabbed your phone. Making the mistake of opening Twitter.
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You stared at the screen, feeling empty.
Two months.
In two months he replaced you.
After all the "you're irreplaceable."
After four years.
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August 2026
"Venga, que parece que cada que te veo estas más grande." Paulo and you are sitting on his couch, his hand on your belly. (C'mon, it looks like every time I see you, you're bigger).
"Paulo," you laugh. "Eso es porque cada vez va creciendo más. Duh." (That's because it's growing constantly).
He laughs as well.
Paulo got so excited when you told him the news.
He loves kids. He's the type of guy who you'll fall in love with just looking at him with a kid.
"El big boy esta cada vez más grande, eso me encanta." (Big boy is getting bigger by the day, I love it.)
"Big boy," you repeat, laughing. "Mami dice que no le gusta que le digas así." (Mom said she doesn't like it when you call him like that).
"A mi me gusta decirle así." (I like calling him that). You caress your belly. "Big boy."
You were thankful for all the support your family gives you.
They didn't judge you or repremend you when you told them the news. Your parents were excited, taking the first flight to Portofino, your brother cried, he was happy to be an uncle.
They even supported your decision of not telling Pedro about the pregnancy.
After the picture of him and that girl, you decided that if he had already moved on with his life, that was okay, but you were moving too, without him.
You blocked all the people from Tenerife and cut ties with all his friends from Barcelona. You even blocked his family from everything. Your brother did the same in support.
Your parents weren't posting or mentioning anything about your baby, not wanting to mention something to the wrong person, and have Pedro and his family find out.
"Te gusta esta foto?" Me la tomé el otro día y Elena quiere que la suba." (Do you like this picture? I took it the other day, and Elena is nagging me to post it). You showed him the picture.
He nods and motivate you to post it too.
So you did.
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"Harás una sesión de fotos como mamá te sugirió?" (Are you doing a maternity photoshoot like mom asked you to?)
"No sé, creo que si." (I don't know, I think so).
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August 2026
"Dame una sonrisa, mami." The photographer says.
Elena, your mom and you were at Mike Peralta, a big photographer. You mom wanted the best of the best for your maternity shoot.
After a while, you're done with the photos, kind of tired. Being seven months pregnant was making you tired all day.
"Oh mi amor, estas fotos están preciosas," your mom says as Mike shows her the photos. (Oh baby, this pictures are adorable).
You change into the clothes you bring.
Elena, as well as your mother, loved your photos.
"Hola a todos." (Hello, everyone).
A very happy and excited Paulo enters the room with different drinks.
"Un chai latte para Lena, una americano para mamá, un té sin azúcar para Mike, un frappe caramelo para mi y un frappe matcha para ti y para mi big boy." (A chai latte for Lena, a Black Americano for mamá, a tea without sugar for Mike, a Caramel Frappe for me and a matcha frappe for you and big boy). He says, giving each person their drink.
When he gets to you, he kisses your belly as he hands you the drink.
"Paulo, amor mío, ven a ver las fotos." (Paulo, my love, come see the pictures). Your mom dragged him to the computer.
After your mom paid, not letting you do it, you all went back to the house you have in Portugal.
You were thankful for all the opportunities your parents gave you. They worked really hard for you and Paulo to have a nice future.
Something that always made you laugh was that Pedro's fan girls used to say you were a gold digger. Even when you grew up with more money than him.
Having that stability helped you get away from him. Not having to get back to Tenerife to do all the things you were doing.
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September 2026
"No puedo creer que este año tenga que ir sola a celebrar mi cumpleaños" (I can't believe that this year I have to celebrate my birthday alone). Elena says, after her birthday dinner, you were in Manchester, she wanted to celebrate there.
You were sad too, it was the first time in all your friendship you didn't celebrate together.
"Tomemos una foto, antes de que te vayas." (Let's take a picture before you leave).
"Estoy bien hinchada, le haces photoshop." (I'm so bloated, photoshop it).
You laugh extra hard.
"Lena, créeme que la única barriga que van a ver es la mía." (The only belly people will see is mine, trust me).
"Okay." She giggle as pose with you in front of the mirror.
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Elena left for her party.
She was going to a new club that her boyfriend owned.
She loved parties, and her boyfriend had the perfect places for her to party.
As the night went, she wanted to take some pictures with her whole group. But before anything, she was going to retouch her makeup.
Making her way to the bathroom, she hit someone. Making that person throw the drink in their hand.
"Omg, I'm so sorry." She turned at one table stealing their napkins.
Her eyes found that person eyes.
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lilibrownlabonita · 2 years
Necio - tenoch x latina reader
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Summary: In a broken and unhappy marriage the reader allows himself to meet the man he met in a bar for one night.
Warning: adult content, infidelity. Nothing too heavy, but good to warn. Don't forget that Tenoch speaks Spanish and therefore the fanfic contains phrases in Spanish. This is my first fic after years so please forgive me for any mistakes.
Rating: +18
Work count: 7000-8000 ? Don't know :(
Please if you could listen to the song "Necio" by Romeo Santos I would appreciate it, I got the idea of writing from this song. 💕
"...Fool, why do you have an owner
Fool because you are not mine
My forbidden fruit
Awakens my desire to taste you..."
"...Necio porque tienes dueño
Necio porque no eres mía
Mi fruta prohibida
Me despierta el deseo de probar..."
His hurried steps to the room I am in wake me up, it makes it seem like he wants to see me I think with remorse. Even after all these five years he still pretends that he doesn't have another woman and runs to her whenever I turn my back, hours later he comes back and says he visited some friends, it's funny how before when he lied I could see the guilt in his eyes and slumped shoulders, now his lies seem like truth and I let myself believe every word, or pretend to believe, it's easier that way.
"I thought it was only a few hours" I say getting up going to the bathroom, I can't stand to look at him while pretending he wasn't between her legs.
"You know Theo likes to drink too much, I lost count of how many times I tried to convince him he needed to come back but he wouldn't give up, I had to stay with him so no tragedy would happen, you know he loses control sometimes. " my husband says as he goes into the bathroom and hugs me from behind like he did years ago when Tom was a good husband and turned to me and his newborn son, somehow everything got out of hand and he lost his way to find himself in her pussy, he is still a good father and goes to our son's swimming lessons, kisses his forehead and tells bedtime stories, but he was never my husband after her. It's like we are in a "friends" relationship but we are actually married, who don't touch or love each other, but we pretend we are a couple for our son and close friends, somehow we have entered into this silent agreement so we never question what each does without the other's presence, a life together but apart, it's easier that way.
That's what I tell myself.
"Tomorrow night I'm going out again" Tom looks at me through the mirror, I think about what an idiot he is and how much I hate him, he just got here and can't wait to see her again, angrily I turn around and look directly at him, my eyes are heavy but I refuse to let a tear fall.
"No, you've been out all day today, it's your turn to stay home and take care of our son, I'm going out tomorrow night, it's been a long time since I've done what I like."
"Wait, what are you talking about?, You just stayed here at home and took care of our son was not difficult at all, I thought you enjoyed taking care of him"
"I do, I love our son, but it's your turn to do this, he misses you, I won't change my mind, good night Tom, take a shower before you go to our bed, you stink of it." I leave the bathroom taking a deep breath, if he thinks he can keep me here forever and get rid of the responsibility he was wrong, it was my turn to have fun, I told myself.
"...Sincerely you my love
Make a fool of me..."
"...Sencillamente usted amada mía
Me pone necio..."
I look around and everyone is in company, it's disheartening to be sitting here alone while others are having fun, I miss the years gone by when being in a bar was fun and festive, with sexy drinking and dancing, quick sex in the bathroom and the next day a strong hangover.
"...Fool, why do you have an owner
Fool because you are not mine
My beloved..."
"...Necio porque tienes dueño
Necio porque no eres mía
amada mía..."
A handsome man sits down next to me and returning my gaze he gives me the sweetest, sexiest smile I have ever seen, I feel like a teenager again, falling in love with a stranger in a bar, but I can't help it, his skin just a little darker than mine glows in the light of the bar, his blue suit stands out and his pretty mouth is eye-catching, I drink the wine from my glass which is enough to make my blood boil and send tingles to the middle of my legs, thinking about how that smile can get between them.
"I didn't know married women were allowed here, especially the hermosas." He said as he continued to look at me but now mischievously as he noticed my wedding ring.
"My husband doesn't care about the places I go, he's busy with his mistress." I smile bitterly, looking at my wedding ring, and realizing it's over, with me here trying to flirt with a stranger in an attempt to get revenge for my husband's infidelity, it's humiliating but I don't care, if this strange man wants to take me to the bar bathroom and fuck me against the sink I will accept, I just want to have fun and forget about Tom, I want to feel alive and enjoy myself again after over a year of no physical contact with my husband.
"Hm....I don't understand why your husband can be so dumb and let you walk around in that short, clingy dress instead of fucking you tonight"
"I told you, he doesn't give a shit"
"Well, I care, I'm not going to leave a woman like you unsatisfied"
"Unsatisfied?, Who says I'm unsatisfied?" Don't get me wrong, even though I desire this stranger I don't want to seem desperate, I'm not going to give him what he wants that easy, I want to play a little.
"You don't have to say it love, I know you are, that dress, that smile, you want me to fuck you hard and fast, and I will give you what you want, come with me beautiful" That sweet smile appears again, her brown eyes blatantly devour me.
"I don't even know your name, I don't know you, I don't know what you are going to do with me"
"I'm going to fuck you and then fuck you against a wall so you don't run away from me, my name is tenoch, but you can call me mi amor."
"...My hallucinating love was thrown
Into the ocean for stubbornness
And I am sinking..."
"...Mi amor alucinante se lanzó
Al océano por terco
Y me estoy hundiendo..."
His hand caresses my pussy while the other squeezes my breasts, his kisses on my neck make me wetter, while I stay on the bed whimpering. Tenoch is affectionate and fiery, his strong hands grip me firmly and squeeze my skin, he runs his hands all over my body until he reaches my legs, squeezing my thighs he licks my pussy while looking directly at me, soon he starts eating me, saliva and my excitement are all around his mouth and mustache but he doesn't stop, He fucks me with his tongue and makes circular movements on my clit making me shudder, shamelessly as he looks at me he starts eating my ass making dirty carnal noises, I feel my body tingling, the fire inside me suffocates me and so I come with my legs trembling around tenoch's head.
Tenoch looks at me with an amused smile, his hands grab my hands and place them around his neck, asking me to hold on to him as he holds me by my thighs and keeping his promise he presses me against the wall and starts fucking me non-stop, hard and fast, the wet sounds of our bodies together begin to fill the room along with the smell of sex, it seems amazing the way his cock enters me, stretching me and going as deep as possible, I can see his volume in my belly, my previous orgasm makes everything hotter when I see his cock dirty with my cum. Everything is so dirty and hot, it's suffocating, but I love every moment of it, his body holding me against the wall makes me feel small and protected.
"¿Te gusta hermosa? hmm..."
"Do you like it beautiful? hmm..."
With my eyes closed and my eyebrows furrowed I nod my head helplessly and can only moan as he shoves himself into me mercilessly.
"Eres tan hermosa, mi amor, ¿me daras tu dulce?, ¿Sí? Por favor, cariño".
"You are so beautiful, my love, will you give me your candy, yes? Please, sweetheart."
"Me dejas loca tenoch, por favor." Now all I can do is beg for him, beg for him to make me cum and make him happy, beg for him to come in me and fill me with his cum.
"Please what?, what do you want honey? do you want me to fuck you hard?."
"Yes, please, please"
Tenoch kisses me as he puts one of my legs on his shoulders and fucks me deeper, that fire and tingle comes back and I feel my orgasm coming, a few more sloppy strokes and he cums with me inside me, moaning in my ear like a miserable man, I was no different, totally ruined, I hold on to what is around me not to fall. I allow myself comfort and lie on his chest as we lie there, listening to his heartbeat, in bed together no words are spoken, it is not necessary we both know this is it, one night and nothing more.
"...Fool, why do you have an owner..."
"...Necio porque tienes dueño..."
After a hot shower and some food I feel refreshed, I put on my dress again and walk to the cab I ordered, I look back and see tenoch looking at me, we smile at each other for one last time and I get in the car. Even though we desperately want each other, we both know that this can't work, we would never be lovers or just friends, it is impossible for two people who burn for each other. When I get home I see my son on the couch sleeping peacefully next to his father, I smile at the image and say it's better this way, it's easier.
"Even if I'm engaged
May it not for a second occur to me to accept you
As a friend"
"...Aunque seas ajena
Que no se me ocurra aceptarte ni un segundo
Como amiga..."
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pocketramblr · 2 years
Ask game: Immediately after touching the first shardblade, Kaladin's eyes became light and never turned dark again, please.
And in a few brief words Gentry, you've done it again: emotionally devasted me forever. Man Kaladin would hate that.
1- so like, Kaladin kills Helaran and picks up the shardblade, his surviving men are all staring at him, so's Amaran and his guys, more soldiers from over the hills turning back to see what's up. Everything hits Kaladin at once, and he throws down the shardblade, stumbling back.
But it's too late. His eyes have been stained silvery grey, a glint to them like the sheen on the blade he dropped.
They'll never be the rich, warm color he inherited from his father again.
2- so like, no one really knows?? What's supposed to happen?? Becoming a shardbearer makes you a lighteyes, but that hasn't happened in living memory, and like?? Kaladin doesn't want the shardblade. But the word of the change spread fast, soldiers all over trying to break closer and see, and yeah, look! Stormblessed does have lighteyes now!
Amaran wants the shardblade, and Kaladin would happily give it to him, but Amaran can't just take it when everyone knows who's supposed to have it, and he can't just kill Kaladin, and he can't enslave him either so?? He's got to Manipulate.
Amaran pulls Kaladin aside, says he remembers him from Hearthstone - how his family was treated unfairly. As a lighteyes, a shardbearer, Amaran can move to have him take Roshone's place, return home, run the town well. It's no shame to be sick of fighting, after so long, and he's a good man, he can run a small unimportant town out of the way of things.
Kaladin thinks about returning home without Tien, about Roshone, about Hearthstone. He remembers Laral dreaming of him becoming a shardbearer so he could marry her- something he hadn't realized at the time and was distinctly uncomfortable with now. He thinks about Lirin's face, when he sees Kaladin.
He thinks about his remaining men, how he'd killed to protect them, more than Amaran.
"No- I need to stay with my men. But I can't carry that shard."
3- and Amaran isn't happy but ok. Ok, he can roll with this. Kaladin has never fought with anything but a spear before, of course he doesn't know how to carry a shard. Of course he needs time to learn, first.
And so he suggests to Kaladin that he take his time. He'll move up in leadership, but still be over his men. He'll learn more tactics, etiquette, swordsmanship, learn to be a proper lighteyes under Amaran's guiding hand.
Kaladin doesn't like it, but it's that or go home, so he agrees.
4- I'm gonna skip months and months of Kaladin training and learning and growing to really hate being lighteyes more and more. He doesn't hate Amaran yet - he hasn't been betrayed by him- but he starts to kinda think like Adolin does: there's just something sus about him. Kaladin learns how to use a sword, and hates that too. He still refuses to pick up a shardblade. Amaran decides he's too guiless to induct into the sons of honor, but that maybe he can get Kaladin to have a breakdown and become a cautionary tale of why to not aspire above ones station.
Kaladin is very careful to not have any public breakdowns, even as he grows more frustrated with higher leaders throwing away men's lives and Amaran's helpless platitudes about it.
"You're a good Vorin man." Kaladin says one day, and Amaran thanks him for the compliment, until it's followed with: "So maybe you should ask why the Almighty wanted my eyes to put me in your circles after my brother died for these wasteful tactics. Maybe you're supposed to learn to listen."
Pretty strong words for someone who's kinda ambivalent about if God exists, but Amaran is just as hypocritical about his religious beliefs as he is everything else, so it doesn't do much to sway him.
It does make Amaran think about making Kaladin some sort of religious figure pawn in his game though, for a few weeks.
Also Kaladin is meeting Syl and bonding with her and hiding learning new stuff with her as this happens.
5- finally, Amaran has had Enough. At this point, Szeth's started slaughtering nobles around the world, so Amaran figures he can kill Kaladin with the shardblade (that Kaladin let Amaran bond to, not wanting to do so himself), and blame his death on the Assassin in White. So he waits for the night of a High Storm, and then sneaks into Kaladin's room.
But Kaladin's not there. He's in the barracks of his old squad, one of the few times he feels normal. Amaran tracks him down, and is perfectly fine killing the men to get to Kaladin.
Kaladin, of course, protests this.
And he summons Syl's blade for the first time, and his eyes change again- still light, but now Windrunner Blue like the clear sky, the color will stay even after Amaran falls dead to the floor and the storm passes and the light slowly fades from Kaladin's skin, and everything in Amaran's army camp erupts into chaos.
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yaretsblog · 2 months
Estaba pensando en lo maravilloso que eres. Pensé que deberías saberlo. Pasar tiempo contigo es lo más destacado de mi día. Te amo profundamente. Me haces sentir débil en las rodillas cuando me tocas. Te amo. Una mirada a tu brillante sonrisa me trae alegría instantánea en mis peores días. Mi día termina mejor cuando te veo sonreír. Mantente a salvo esta noche y siempre. Te amo tanto que no puedo explicarlo incluso si lo intentara. Sólo sé que eres amado. Quiero besar cada centímetro de ti. Te adoro. Eres mi todo. Me haces sentir como un niña emocionada en un parque temático cuando estoy contigo. Podría mirarte por siempre y todavía sentir que no he tenido suficiente de ti. Me haces sentir tan feliz cuando estoy contigo. Te amo mucho. Tus ojos son tan expresivos y hermosos que no puedo evitar perderme en ellos. No puedo esperar a verte más tarde para poder enamorarme de nuevo. Usted es maravilloso. Quiero hacer que el tiempo se detenga cuando estoy contigo, pero siempre pasa volando. Eres lo único por lo que estoy más agradecida de tener en mi vida. Te amo. Cuando me voy, la expresión de tu cara me hace difícil alejarme. Podrías tener a cualquier chica, pero me elegiste a mí. Eso me hace muy feliz. Te amo. Siento mariposas cuando pasas tus manos por mi cara. Te amo tanto. Todo sobre ti ha llenado mi corazón. No hay lugar para nadie más. Cada emoción que siento comienza y termina contigo. Eres todo lo que necesito en la vida. Por más que lo intento, las meras palabras no son suficientes para expresar mis sentimientos hacia ti. Cariño, esos pequeños minutos contigo son muy valiosos. Te aprecio. La primera vez que te conocí quedé asombrado y todavía lo estoy. Te amo y adoro profundamente. Te aprecio y seguiré amándote hasta el final de mi vida. Eres mi estrella especial. Te adoro más que cualquier obstáculo que pueda interponerse entre nosotros. Eres profundamente amado. Eres la única persona que tiene las llaves de mi corazón y mis pensamientos. Te amo mucho. Sólo un recordatorio: estoy increíblemente enamorada de ti. No puedo esperar a verte más tarde hoy. Prometo caminar contigo a lo largo de nuestro viaje hacia la eternidad, mi amor. Eres una joya preciosa. @hamdan-fazza @yaretsblog
I was thinking how wonderful you are. I thought you should know. Spending time with you is the highlight of my day. I deeply love you. You make me feel weak in the knees when you touch me. I love you. One look at your bright smile brings me instant joy on my worst days. My day ends better when I see you smile. Stay safe tonight and always. I love you so much I can't explain it even if I tried. Just know that you are loved. I want to kiss every inch of you. I adore you. You are my Everything. You make me feel like an excited little girl at a theme park when I'm with you. I could look at you forever and still feel like I haven't had enough of you. You make me feel so happy when I'm with you. I love you a lot. Your eyes are so expressive and beautiful that I can't help but get lost in them. I can't wait to see you later so I can fall in love again. You are awesome. I want to make time stop when I'm with you, but it always flies by. You are the one thing I am most grateful to have in my life. I love you. When I leave, the look on your face makes it hard for me to walk away. You could have any girl, but you chose me. That makes me very happy. I love you. I feel butterflies when you run your hands over my face. I love you so much. Everything about you has filled my heart. There is no place for anyone else. Every emotion I feel begins and ends with you. You are everything I need in life. No matter how hard I try, mere words are not enough to express my feelings towards you. Honey, those little minutes with you are very valuable. I appreciate you. The first time I met you I was amazed and I still am. I love and adore you deeply. I appreciate you and will continue to love you until the end of my life. You are my special star. I adore you more than any obstacle that can come between us. You are deeply loved. You are the only person who has the keys to my heart and my thoughts. I love you a lot. Just a reminder: I am incredibly in love with you. I can't wait to see you later today. I promise to walk with you along our journey into eternity, my love. You are a precious gem.
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