#Hc: larry doesn't use seasoning for any of his food he cooks
r0-boat · 1 year
What if Larry had a housewife S/O who made really nice bento-style lunches for him??
Larry with the housewife that makes him lunch.
Sfw larry headcannons
Larry x fem!reader.
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The fastest way to his heart, not going to lie. The first time you made him lunch, he was a little surprised that you went through all the trouble to make him something, but honestly, he doesn't mind. It beats starving until going to the Eatery. Especially because today had been extra hard on him, he would want nothing more than to see what you've made.
With the Box sitting in front of him do you remember is vaguely that you told him that you weren't the best cook Larry wasn't exactly a picky eater but he did wonder what kind of food you packed in this box maybe simple sandwiches? Bento boxes are a hot thing in Johto and Sinnoh, So perhaps a meal from those regions? Larry couldn't hardly wait anymore neither can his stomach just thinking about the kind of food you pack for him was making him hungry. Has he opened the box his mouth open slightly blinking twice not the best cook of his ass... this look like it took hours to make!
That rice with seaweed has a Starly's face on it?? With sandwiches with juicy chicken breaded that looked like it was cooked to perfection nice and golden brown with Crispy lettuce and melted the bun was toasted. With would you look at that not only you recreated his favorite meal to order at the Eatery but by the smell it looked like it had some kind of filling... boy he can't eat this he just feel bad ruining such artwork no matter how hungry he was.
"Oh Shit." He heard a familiar voice as Rika just so happened to pass by stealing a glance at her coworkers lunch. Stopping dead in her tracks before pulling up a chair to bother him during his lunch. Larry was one of the most disinteresting normal routinely person she knew. If something changed about Larry's everyday life even if it was minor. Something must have happened, and Rika was ready to know every single juicy detail she might have missed. And it didn't stop at just her soon enough she called Hassle over as soon as her brain clicked that Larry might have a special someone, then Geeta seeing her co-workers gathered around their financial advisor wanted to know what was up, when Rika whispered the news the Top Champion had to cover her mouth to hide her big smile. Then Poppy who was with Geeta was already asking a million questions about this Secret love interest.
Poor Larry who just wanted to he does lunch already felt a migraine coming... why was everybody so interested in what he was doing outside of work? He just saw Hassel get up to grab a tissue to wipe his tears?? As his coworkers watched as Larry opens up another half of the Box a note slips out from the bento.
When he opens the note Rika leaned over his shoulder to read. It was just a small piece of paper telling him to have a good day and that you loved him and to please enjoy all the hard work she made only for him. Larry closed the paper almost as soon as he opened it a slight blush appearing on his face which was the most emotion Rita has ever seen him with. The receptionist smirked "Oh? How sweet~ Gonna bring her here one day and have us meet her, yeah?"
After the crowd of his gawking finally left him alone too enjoy his lunch. He let out a sigh as he thoroughly enjoys every bite of your delicious cooking with a small smile. Larry was truly in love not only taking time out of your day to prepare something like this for him but how talented you were at cooking. Regrettably, he hadn't taken a photo of the cute neatly packed bento box before he started digging in, which he'll make sure not to forget in the future.
When he returns home from work, the first thing he does is thank you for the food and kisses you. (If he hasn't done that already)
Larry does hope you continue making delicious lunches for him though he would never Force you or tell you especially because you put so much love and work into each box you make for him.
If Larry was a good cook he would make dinner for you but he'll just stick to taking you out to places that you like has proper thank you then whatever Bland, tasteless food he makes.
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