#Haryana speaker
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royalpain16 · 1 year ago
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The Earthshot Prize and Bloomberg Philanthropies today announced they will co-host the second Earthshot Prize Innovation Summit on September 19, 2023, in New York City with the founder of The Earthshot Prize, Prince William, expected to attend.
Held during New York Climate Week and the 78th Session of the UN General Assembly, the Summit will convene previous Earthshot Prize Winners and Finalists with policymakers, global business leaders, philanthropists, and climate activists to scale their innovative solutions.
At the Summit, The Earthshot Prize will reveal this year’s 15 Finalists and introduce their groundbreaking climate and environmental solutions to repair our planet this decade on one of the biggest international stages.
To help drive meaningful change, and accelerate the collaborations and investments needed to scale those solutions, the Summit will connect the new and previous Earthshot Prize Finalists and Winners with forward-thinking business leaders, philanthropists, and governments already working to regenerate the planet. September’s Summit begins the countdown to The Earthshot Prize’s third annual Awards ceremony in Singapore, where, on November 7, 2023, five of the 15 Finalists will be awarded a catalytic £1 million to scale their cutting-edge solutions.
Alongside Prince William, Michael R. Bloomberg, Global Advisor to the Winners of The Earthshot Prize, will address the assembled guests. Other featured speakers will include policymakers, business leaders, climate innovators, and previous Earthshot Prize Winners and Finalists. The full agenda will be announced in due course
Founded by Prince William and The Royal Foundation in 2020, The Earthshot Prize is a global environmental prize to discover, accelerate, and scale ground-breaking solutions that can help put the world firmly on a trajectory toward a stable climate where communities, oceans, and biodiversity thrive in harmony by 2030.
Inspired by President John F. Kennedy’s Moonshot, which united millions of people around the goal of reaching the moon, The Earthshot Prize recognizes Finalists and Winners across five challenges, or ‘Earthshots’: Protect and Restore Nature, Clean our Air, Revive our Oceans, Build a Waste-free World, and Fix our Climate. The Prize aims to turn the current pessimism surrounding environmental issues into optimism and will discover 50 winners over 10 years with the power to repair the planet
The inaugural 2021 Earthshot Prize Finalists have already driven incredible impact with more than 1.5 million people benefiting directly from their solutions. Over 7,000 hectares of land and almost 2.1 million hectares of ocean have been protected or restored, while over 35,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions have been reduced, avoided, or sequestered. The 2022 Finalists, announced this past autumn, are well on their way to creating similar impact.
To help accelerate the work of the inaugural Finalists at last year’s Earthshot Prize Innovation Summit, Bloomberg Philanthropies committed more than $20 million through direct grants, co-funding, and other efforts to support the success of the inaugural Finalists and Winners of The Earthshot Prize 2021, including:
Scaling Takachar’s technology, which reduces smoke emissions from agricultural waste by up to 98%, through a pilot program in villages in the state of Punjab and Haryana, India.
Supercharging Pristine Seas’ 30×30 ocean protected goal through funding major ocean expeditions, helping establish more marine protected areas, and enhancing diplomacy and advocacy efforts. Pristine Seas has already helped establish 26 marine reserves worldwide, across an area over twice the size of India.
Scaling Coral Vita’s research capabilities to identify new restoration sites and monitor both restoration progress and local marine health after installation. Coral Vita’s cutting-edge methods to grow coral up to 50 times faster than nature can help replant our oceans and give new life to dying ecosystems.
Expanding the capacity of the Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs and Blue Map App to scale its data, research, and reporting capabilities.
Convening at least ten North American and European cities in partnership with C40 and NRDC to accelerate efforts to address food waste and food insecurity by sharing best practices from and helping to scale the City of Milan’s Local Food Waste Hub initiative, which currently provides about 260,000 meals to those most in need, to other cities.
As a mayor, entrepreneur, and philanthropist, Michael R. Bloomberg has long been a global leader in the fight against climate change. He has committed more than $1 billion to efforts across the world to mobilize cities and local leaders to reduce emissions, improve air quality, advance the global transition to clean energy, protect and preserve ocean ecosystems, and help unlock billions of dollars in sustainable finance.
Bloomberg helps lead a number of efforts including the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy, America Is All In Coalition, Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, Climate Finance Leaders Initiative, and the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero.
“To effectively tackle the climate crisis, we need to invest in innovative solutions and new ideas that can accelerate global progress and help repair the planet. This year’s Earthshot Prize Finalists are great examples of the kind of bold action and creative thinking we need, and our team is looking forward to working with Prince William to support them as they expand their ambitions.”
Michael R. Bloomberg, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy on Climate Ambition and Solutions, Founder of Bloomberg LP and Bloomberg Philanthropies, and 108th Mayor of New York City
“The Earthshot Prize scours the world to find entrepreneurs and innovators who exemplify the power of human ingenuity to address our most significant climate and environmental challenges. Our next class of Finalists are on the cutting-edge of some of the most exciting ideas and technologies, and with the support of our Global Alliance Partners and the global community gathering at the UN General Assembly, they have the potential to transform communities around the world for the better. By spotlighting the incredible work of our 2023 Finalists at the Earthshot Prize Innovation Summit, we hope to inspire a wave of positive change and unlock a more sustainable and resilient future.”
Hannah Jones, The Earthshot Prize CEO
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clarynewme · 7 months ago
Hi! I hope you are doing well 💫
My intials: B.P. (she/her)
DOB: 15 March 2003
3:20 Pm IST, Gurgaon, Haryana, India
I would like to know about my career.
Thank you so much 🫶
Hi🤗 For your reading I am going to use vedic astrology.
For the first question if writing is a good career options for you, YES.
I found this tecnique where 10th house sign from the 1st lord in D1 or D9 chart indicates someone's career, in your case falls in aries in D1 chart and gemini in D9 chart.
Career Fields:
D1 Aries so anything related to leadership, sports and fitness/athletics, politics, boss, entrepreneur, healthcare, adventure, engineering, sales, marketing, firefighter, military, law enforcement, research and development, creative arts, etc
D9 Gemini so anything related to education, technology, public relations, communication, media, public speaker, marketing, advertising, travel and tourism, arts, creativity, writer, research, entrepreneur, admnistration, entrepreneur, journalism, consulting, etc.
Furthermore in D1 chart you have 10th lord mars in sagittarius mula in 6th house indicating that your career can be connected to writing and publishing due to mula sagittarius (education/teaching/research/law/philosophy/healing/others); can involve service, routine, organization, discipline and solving conflicts/helping others (6th house), perhaps you heal your readers with your writing, your books can inspire other people, transform their lives (mula); you might experience a lot of obstacles and competition in your career with other writers or issues with your editor for example ( mars 6th house) and go through intense transformative periods (mula) though don't worry you are very determined and hardworking, you will be able to overcome these obstacles and grow even stronger.
If we want to see about financial gains and stability we would need to look at your 2nd lord in D1 you have sun in pisces in 9th house this indicates that you might earn more money in a foreign land (working abroad or with foreigners) or higher education is really important like studying creative writing or liberal arts or philosophy in college can help you succeed and gain recognition in your writing career (pisces is connected to creativity). Since it's aspecting your mars  10th lord it's important that your career allows you to shine individually and work as a leader (you might have issues with your boss/authority figures/teacher so working independently or leading a team is a better option). You must also be careful with high expectations vs reality and idealism vs practicality, how to work creatively in a disciplined way, etc.
Additionally 2nd lord sun is aspecting scorpio ketu in 5th house by 9th aspect indicating possible obstacles related to creativity, hobbies, education, might make you detached from past beliefs related to these themes focusing  on new, inovative or unconventional ways to earn money through learning or higher education for example; you will notice that you earn more money after a transformative (spiritual/intense) period in your life.
2nd lord sun is actually aspecting 6th lord cancer jupiter in 1st house by 5th house which confirms financial growth through service oriented careers, healing, higher education, travelling and expanding the way you see the world (beliefs/philosophies/spirituality), etc.
Since 6th lord jupiter is in cancer conjunct moon, it's essential that your work environment allows you freedom (flexible hours for example), to express yourself, your emotions/feelings; a comfortable/nurturing, positive, open environment (family or mother/female figure could be relevant -> support you) can make you grow; tapping into your emotions (intuition/creativity) to write your books; future spouse could also be working with you or helping you (jupiter is significator of spouse); etc.
Jupiter is aspecting your capricorn venus in 7th house by 7th aspect indicating that your future spouse and relationships/partnerships have a strong influence on your emotional stability at work; you might have a business with them or contract relationships; they might contribute to your sucess; harmony and balance between career and relationships is key👌
Not just that jupiter is aspecting your aquarius mercury(3rd lord ->skills) in 8th house indicating that you might write about deep/unconventional/futuristic/fantasy/occult topics, influencing other people ->healing them; experience transformation in your environment; working with investors,  sharing resources with your spouse or business partners; work in secret maybe you could be an anonymous author; etc.
Lastly jupiter is aspecting taurus saturn + rahu in 11th house by 11th aspect that shows teamwork, working online, media, social connections, professional networking (large companies), innovation are relevant. With saturn energy this can cause delays/obstacles in making connections, with your coworkers, gaining financial stability and fame/success, etc. (you might have to put a lot of effort and be patient; after you saturn return you will see that all your hardwork paid off👀)
The rahu energy can cause chaos, confusion, fluctuations related to your financial gains, professional networks and work environment.
In D10 chart you have gemini 10th house another huge confirmation that your career is related to communication, writing, knowledge,etc.
10th lord mercury is in chitra libra in 2nd house conjunct chitra ketu and swati saturn(6th lord) meaning that you will earn money through creative, innovative, online, media, unconventional, independent, flexible, service oriented (routine), healing, disciplined/practical career fields during a transformative period in your life. It's confirming everything I've said above. Money and sucess in your career can be achieved later in life.
Moreover 10th lord is aspecting 2nd lord aries aswhini venus conjunct Mars and rahu in 8th house by 7th aspect reaffirming transformation, healing, spirituality themes and that money and sucess might come after a transformative period or attaining personal growth.
Regarding when you will get a job:
In D1 chart you have taurus jupiter transiting your 11th house saturn (6th lord) and rahu so there is already a good sign for this year till may 2025 (jupiter brings abundance and luck in professional networking, large companies, fame, etc).
Rahu/ketu pisces/virgo transit is affecting your 2nd lord sun in pisces 9th house bringing you new unconventional ways of earning money, maybe you will travel, work with foreigners, study creative arts; you might also be more recognized/confident in your work environment. ( Be careful with overindulgence, ego, chaos, high expectations vs practicality, illusion vs reality).
NOTE1: Sun is your Darakaraka só you might be meeting your future spouse this year👀👀👀 or if you are already in a relationship 💍.
Aquarius saturn transit is influencing your mercury in 8th house, so you might have been experiencing some challenges/delays perhaps writing blocks, lack of inspiration, issues with your business partners or investors, anxiety/depression, fears of expressing yourself, transformative period, etc.
In D7 chart you have aquarius saturn transit in your 10th house with mars this can indicate challenges/delays in your career, power struggles with authority figures, business partners, achieving your goals, etc ( Be patient and don't give up🙏)
Taurus jupiter transit is influencing your 10th lord saturn with moon in 1st house so this actually eases the saturn transit in 10th house bringing optimism, abundance and success in your career. So even though you might have delays/obstacles you will be able to overcome it with motivation, positivity, wisdom, discipline and emotional support (perhaps your family/mother figure can help you).
Rahu/ketu pisces/virgo transit is affecting your 11th/5th house (ketu transit is conjunct virgo sun in 5th house) so you might be rethinking about romantic relationships and friendships, personal goals vs social endeavours, new social networks and aspirations/dreams, individuality vs union/teamwork, engaging in spiritual/unconventional activities/hobbies -> inspiration in your writing, changing yourself (transformation on personal expression), etc.
NOTE2: When jupiter, saturn, rahu/ketu are transiting in the same or opposite sign of sun, saturn, rahu/ketu in D7 chart it indicates a major event might happen during this time of your life like meeting your future spouse or a partner, engagement, pregnancy, career,success,fame, breakup, divorce, moving out, etc.(This technique is by Camila Regina from tiktok).  
You are currently running venus-venus-mars dasha (10th lord mars in D1 chart) till 4 september this year. I am leaning towards pisces eclipse in september (affecting your 2nd lord sun in 9th house that is aspecting your 10th lord) you might get a job offer abroad or work with foreigners (foreign company), etc.
Next year 2025 you also have good chances since rahu will be in aquarius after 19 may transiting your mercury in 8th house D1 chart (you will express yourself more, be inspired, etc),  your 10th house in D7 chart bringing opportunities and sucess in your career, your 6th house in D10 chart changing your work environment, daily routine, health, etc; jupiter will be transiting in gemini in may aspecting your 10th lord sagittarius mars in D1 bringing growth and opportunities related to communication/writing fields and affecting your 10th house in D10 chart bringing abundance in your career;  in october you will have your jupiter return in cancer affecting your 6th lord in D1 chart, 11th house (jupiter) in your D10 chart (fame/recognition/luck), among other factors; etc.
If we want to be more specific/accurate there is a technique I am trying out by KRS Kapiel that when the saturn is trine/conjunct transiting your natal moon/saturn you might get a job. You have natal (D1 chart) taurus saturn and cancer moon. So when moon is transiting virgo, taurus and capricorn or saturn transiting in scorpio, cancer, pisces, virgo, capricorn and taurus.
Moon is transiting capricorn 17 august till 19 august (full moon👀 and moon will aspecting your cancer jupiter 6th lord and 7th house venus  -> work/health/contract/love/relationships/business).
Saturn is a slower planet so the next transit will be in pisces next year 2025 in 20 march.
You can check this link to see the moon + saturn transits: https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/calculate-sidereal-vedic-ephemeris-august-2024/?&aya=lahiri&&presnost=1&
NOTE3: If you notice your sagittarius mars 10th lord and your 2nd lord pisces are both ruled by jupiter (sign ruled) which is in cancer -> cancer/capricorn transits are fundamental.🫰
NOTE4: Accordingly to D1/D7/D10 charts (this technique is from Camila Regina tiktok) you might have sucess or fame when saturn, rahu/ketu are transiting the signs of aries/libra/taurus/scorpio.
Okay I think I am done😅 I hope you like this reading if you do leave feedback on my page🙏 And let me know if it resonates👌it helps improving my readings🫶💜
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watthifi · 11 days ago
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indiaepost · 16 days ago
Union Minister Manohar Lal enlightens MLAs on the second day of the orientation program for Haryana Vidhan Sabha members
Chandigarh, February 15 – On the second day of the two-day Orientation Program for the members of the Haryana Vidhan Sabha, organized in collaboration with the Parliamentary Research and Training Institute for Democracies (PRIDE), various key speakers enlightened the MLAs on legislative matters. These included Union Minister of Energy, Housing and Urban Affairs Sh. Manohar Lal, Gujarat Vidhan…
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news365timesindia · 17 days ago
[ad_1] GG News Bureau Chandigarh, 14th Feb. Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla underscored the importance of quality legislative drafting and inputs from elected representatives in legislative processes during the inauguration of a two-day orientation program for newly elected members of the Haryana Legislative Assembly. Speaking at the event held at the State Legislative Assembly premises in Chandigarh, Birla stressed the need for wider consultations in legislative drafting, highlighting that inadequate input at the drafting stage affects governance and legislative scrutiny. He urged first-time legislators to study House rules and procedures thoroughly to effectively raise public issues. Birla also advocated for financial autonomy of state legislatures, stating that it would enhance efficiency and governance. He called on lawmakers to utilize technology and innovation for meaningful participation in legislative discussions. Emphasizing the importance of productive debates, he urged legislators to avoid planned disruptions and work within parliamentary rules. Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini, Haryana Assembly Speaker Harvinder Kalyan, and presiding officers from Uttar Pradesh and Punjab were present at the event. The program aims to equip new legislators with the knowledge needed for effective lawmaking and governance. The post Best Legislator Engages in Meaningful Discussions: LS Speaker Om Birla appeared first on Global Governance News- Asia's First Bilingual News portal for Global News and Updates. [ad_2] Source link
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news365times · 17 days ago
[ad_1] GG News Bureau Chandigarh, 14th Feb. Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla underscored the importance of quality legislative drafting and inputs from elected representatives in legislative processes during the inauguration of a two-day orientation program for newly elected members of the Haryana Legislative Assembly. Speaking at the event held at the State Legislative Assembly premises in Chandigarh, Birla stressed the need for wider consultations in legislative drafting, highlighting that inadequate input at the drafting stage affects governance and legislative scrutiny. He urged first-time legislators to study House rules and procedures thoroughly to effectively raise public issues. Birla also advocated for financial autonomy of state legislatures, stating that it would enhance efficiency and governance. He called on lawmakers to utilize technology and innovation for meaningful participation in legislative discussions. Emphasizing the importance of productive debates, he urged legislators to avoid planned disruptions and work within parliamentary rules. Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini, Haryana Assembly Speaker Harvinder Kalyan, and presiding officers from Uttar Pradesh and Punjab were present at the event. The program aims to equip new legislators with the knowledge needed for effective lawmaking and governance. The post Best Legislator Engages in Meaningful Discussions: LS Speaker Om Birla appeared first on Global Governance News- Asia's First Bilingual News portal for Global News and Updates. [ad_2] Source link
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ieltsinstituteinpanchkula · 2 months ago
Spoken english classes in Panchkula
In today's interconnected world, proficiency in English is more than a skill—it’s an essential tool for personal and professional growth. Panchkula, a thriving city in Haryana, has seen a rising demand for spoken English classes as residents aim to enhance their communication abilities and broaden their horizons. Whether you are a student, a professional, or someone looking to build confidence in everyday conversations, spoken English classes in Panchkula offer tailored solutions to meet diverse needs.
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Why Learn Spoken English?
English is the global lingua franca, used widely in business, education, technology, and media. Mastery of spoken English can:
Enhance Career Opportunities: Fluency in English is often a prerequisite for many high-paying jobs, especially in multinational companies and industries like IT, hospitality, and aviation.
Boost Confidence: Expressing yourself clearly in English can significantly improve self-esteem, especially in social and professional settings.
Facilitate Global Connectivity: With strong English communication skills, you can connect with people worldwide, expanding your social and professional networks.
Access Knowledge: English is the predominant language of the internet and academic resources, giving fluent speakers access to a wealth of information.
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What Makes Panchkula a Hub for Spoken English Classes?
Panchkula’s proximity to Chandigarh, combined with its modern infrastructure and vibrant educational ecosystem, makes it an ideal location for learning spoken English. The city is home to numerous institutes offering specialized courses that cater to beginners and advanced learners alike.
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Key Features of Spoken English Classes in Panchkula:
Experienced Trainers: Many institutes in Panchkula boast certified and experienced trainers who understand the nuances of teaching English as a second language.
Customized Curriculum: Classes are often designed to address the specific needs of learners, from basic grammar to advanced conversational skills.
Interactive Learning: Institutes emphasize interactive sessions, including group discussions, role-plays, and debates, to ensure practical application of language skills.
Flexible Timings: Many centers offer flexible schedules, including weekend and evening batches, to accommodate working professionals and students.
Technology-Enabled Learning: Modern spoken English classes incorporate audio-visual aids, online modules, and language apps to enhance the learning experience.
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Spoken English classes in Panchkula are more than just educational courses; they are stepping stones to a brighter future. With dedicated trainers, interactive methodologies, and a learner-centric approach, these classes cater to everyone from beginners to advanced speakers. So, whether you’re looking to boost your career prospects, enhance your confidence, or simply learn a new skill, Panchkula’s spoken English institutes are here to help you achieve your goals. Don’t wait—start your journey to fluency today!
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careermaker00 · 2 months ago
Career Maker Visa Consultants – Your Path to IELTS & PTE Success in Hisar
Are you planning to study or work abroad? Do you dream of mastering IELTS and PTE to open doors to endless opportunities?
At Career Maker Visa Consultants, we make your journey hassle-free by offering expert guidance for study visas and work visas. Located in the heart of Hisar, we specialize in top-notch coaching for IELTS, PTE, and Duolingo, ensuring you achieve your desired scores.
Our experienced team is dedicated to simplifying the visa application process and providing personalized support at every step. Whether you’re aiming to study at a prestigious university or embark on a rewarding international career, we are here to turn your aspirations into reality.
About Career Maker Visa Consultants
Career Maker Visa Consultants is a trusted name in Hisar, Haryana, for helping people achieve their dreams of studying or working abroad. Founded in 2003, We offer expert guidance for work and study visas and provide training for popular language tests like IELTS, PTE, Duolingo, and Spoken English.
Dr. Shruti Mehta is the Director of Visa Consulting Services, with over 15 years of experience in the immigration and visa consultancy industry. Dr. Mehta has successfully guided thousands of clients through complex visa processes, ensuring a high approval rate. She is dedicated to providing personalized and efficient services, making the visa application process smooth and stress-free for her clients. Dr. Mehta is also a frequent speaker at international immigration forums and a respected thought leader in her field.
IELTS Coaching Institute in Hisar
We provide the best IELTS coaching in Hisar to help students achieve their goals. We provide:
Personalized Training: We provide personalized training to every student in listening, reading, writing, and speaking.
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Comprehensive Study Materials: Our institute provides updated study material to the students.
Mock Tests: We arrange mock tests for students.
Career Maker Visa Consultants has been helping students and professionals achieve their dreams of studying and working abroad since 2003. With years of experience, we have earned the reputation of being the Best IELTS Coaching Centre in Hisar and the Top IELTS Institute in Hisar, offering high-quality training and personalized support to ensure success in IELTS exams. Our friendly trainers use simple and effective teaching methods, making learning easy for everyone.
In addition to IELTS coaching, we also guide students through the entire visa process, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience. Over the years, we have helped numerous students gain admission to top universities abroad and supported professionals in settling in countries like Canada, Australia, and more.
PTE Coaching Institute in Hisar
A strong Pearson Test of English (PTE) score is crucial whether you intend to study, work, or relocate overseas. Being the Best PTE Coaching Center in Hisar, we at Career Maker Visa Consultants take pleasure in providing unmatched instruction, knowledgeable advice, and a customized learning environment to help you succeed.
All skill levels can benefit from our Top PTE Coaching in Hisar, which offers thorough instruction in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Our coaching center, which has a track record of high scores, focuses on giving you the tools and self-assurance you need to get the outcomes you want.
Why PTE Coaching is Crucial?
The PTE exam assesses your speaking, writing, reading, and listening abilities and serves as a widely accepted measure of English proficiency. Getting a high score gives you access to top universities, international employment prospects, and migration choices. However, the PTE exam necessitates strategic preparation because of its distinct style and time limits. Career Maker Visa Consultants can help by giving you the knowledge and assistance you require to be successful.
For PTE aspirants, our PTE Institute in Hisar offers the following facilities:
Certified Trainers: Qualified instructors who provide coaching tailored to your personal needs.
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Every student coming to our institute scores high in PTE, which has made our institute the preferred choice for PTE coaching in Hisar.
Visa Consultancy Services
At Career Maker Visa Consultants, we don’t just stop at coaching. Our experienced team provides end-to-end guidance for:
Study visas
Work visas
We ensure a smooth and hassle-free application process for Visa
Take the First Step Today
If you want to prepare for IELTS or PTE, join Career Maker! Whether it's scoring high bands in IELTS or excelling in PTE, we are here to guide you every step of the way.
At Career Maker Visa Consultants, we believe in turning aspirations into achievements. With personalized coaching, expert mentors, and proven strategies, we help you overcome challenges and unlock your potential.
Our state-of-the-art facilities, comprehensive study materials, and regular mock tests ensure you're always a step ahead. Whether you're aiming for study visas, work visas, or simply excelling in your exams, we provide the expertise and support to make your dreams a reality.
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study-abroad-delhi · 2 months ago
The Benefits of Using a TOEFL Voucher: Save Money and Simplify Your Exam Process
The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is a widely recognized assessment for evaluating the English proficiency of non-native speakers, particularly for academic and professional opportunities in English-speaking countries. Registering for the TOEFL can be a significant investment, but utilizing a TOEFL voucher can offer substantial benefits, including cost savings and a streamlined registration process.
What Is a TOEFL Voucher?
A TOEFL voucher is a prepaid, 12-digit alphanumeric code that covers the exam fee, allowing candidates to register without immediate out-of-pocket expenses. This method simplifies the payment process and can often provide discounts on the standard exam fee.
Benefits of Using a TOEFL Voucher
Cost Savings: TOEFL vouchers can offer significant discounts on the exam fee. For instance, Grace International, an authorized TOEFL partner in Delhi, provides vouchers that reduce the exam cost from ₹16,900 to ₹12,000, saving candidates ₹4,900.
Simplified Payment Process: Vouchers eliminate the need for immediate payment during online registration, making the process more straightforward and accessible, especially for those without international payment methods.
Budget Management: By purchasing a voucher in advance, candidates can better manage their finances, ensuring that exam fees are accounted for ahead of time.
Flexibility: Vouchers can be used at the recipient's convenience, allowing for flexibility in scheduling the exam when the candidate feels most prepared.
Bulk Purchase Options: Educational institutions or organizations can purchase vouchers in bulk, often at discounted rates, to support multiple test-takers. My Prep Club
How to Use a TOEFL Voucher
To utilize a TOEFL voucher from Grace International, follow these steps:
Obtain the Voucher: Contact Grace International to purchase a voucher at the discounted rate.
Register Online: Visit the official TOEFL registration website and create an account.
Enter Voucher Code: During the payment step, enter the 12-digit voucher code provided by Grace International.
Schedule the Exam: Select your preferred test date and location to complete the registration.
About Grace International
Grace International is a reputable educational consultancy and an authorized TOEFL partner based in Delhi. They offer various services to assist students in their academic pursuits, including providing discounted TOEFL exam vouchers. Their offices are located at:
Delhi: Office No. 505 & 506, 6th Floor, Westend Mall, Near District Centre, Janakpuri West, 110058.
Gurugram: G-308, 3rd Floor, Sushant Shopping Arcade, B Block Dr, Sushant Lok Phase-1, Sector-43, Gurugram, Haryana 122009.
For more information or to purchase a TOEFL voucher, you can contact them at [email protected] or visit their website.
Utilizing a TOEFL voucher not only provides financial bemplifies the registration process, allowing candidates to focus on their exam preparation. Partnering with authorized providers like Grace International ensures that you receive legitimate vouchers and professional support throughout your TOEFL journey.
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sjpp65 · 3 months ago
Beyond Academics: The Holistic Development in Polytechnic Colleges in Haryana - A Look at Seth Jai Prakash Polytechnic College (SJPP)
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There’s not much better sieving mechanism than career polytechnic colleges as they inject the much-needed technical skills and knowledge aligned more towards industry needs. While all agree that  performance at examinations is primal still the idea of all-round development is becoming even more prominent in modern day educational institutions. In this context, this paper seeks to explain how polytechnic colleges in Haryana , in particular  Seth Jai Prakash Polytechnic College (SJPP), nurture areas apart from core academic learning so as to develop the individual as a whole within the members of their student population.
Increasing Need for Holistic Development in Polytechnic Colleges
There is a trend in the last few years where the teaching at polytechnic colleges has been changed from being narrowly academic to teaching more of the theory and practice of all aspects of personal and professional development. The importance of a more comprehensive approach to education has long been recognized. This integrates academic achievement and all-round development of life skills, social and community service, ability to lead, fitness and emotional components. As a result, students are not only experts in their area of specialization but can also face the realities of practical situations.
Seth Jai Prakash Polytechnic College: A Framework for Integrated Learning
Seth Jai Prakash Polytechnic Colleges in haryana , is a key technical institute considering the education its students receive while at the same time being concerned with a graduate as a whole. The synergistic development of subjects alongside extracurricular activities contributes to the student's overall development in multiple areas such as creativity, critical reasoning, problem-solving skills, and much more as well.
1. Ongoing Collaboration with Industries.
SJPP emphasizes the combination of theoretical study with skills oriented practical experience. The college has diploma programs in engineering, electronics, information technology and a wide variety of programs. This has been achieved by preparing an academic program that reflects the movement of industries and equipping students with real-life challenges.
Apart from the theory lessons in the class, the college needs to integrate a step further and also holds industry tours, industry speakers, and industrial attachments. This creates a platform for the students to witness the correlation between what they learn in class and its actual application in the field helping them get a realistic balance between the two.
2. Personality Underdevelopment Control
Personal growth process is also recognized by SJPP, and it also gives weight to it as well as academic growth. Various personality development workshops and soft skills trainings classes are also incorporated in the college. Such skills include, but are not limited to, the ability to communicate, work as a part of a team, lead and manage time - critical skills in the modern corporate world.
These workshops do enhance the student’s soft skills but even more importantly they enhance the students interview and group discussion related skills and instill confidence in them thus enhancing their chances of getting employment.
3. Sporting Activities and Physical Wellness
Physical fitness and sports as well is included in the whole package of development. SJPP is fully aware of the important role playing sports and keeping physically fit has on development of well-rounded growth. The college offers indoor and outdoor sports and encourages students to participate in a wide range of sports. College sports facilities are modern and regular sports days are conducted to promote participation and talent.
Not only do sports help in promoting the student’s health but they also impart lessons on working in a team, self-discipline and never giving up.
4. Pals and College Events
Societies assist in molding the character of a student and the SJPP gives students the opportunity to excel in society through drama, music, dance and art relating cultural activities. This not only helps students hone their creativity but also helps instill confidence in them, and appreciation of different cultures.
Art and culture appreciation goes beyond the artistic sense; hence by encouraging participation in these activities SJPP guarantees that the students are exposed to and develop a multidimensional aspect, which is vital for the students’ later professional and personal life.
5. Being Part of the Society
Apart from curricular and physical growth, SJPP believes in giving back to the society. The college really motivates the students to go out and get involved in a number of social causes including environment protection, awareness campaigns and social work.
This in return affords students a sense of compassion, enhances their leadership skills and gives them the opportunity to add value to society. Emphasis on it encourages community involvement and creates a sense of responsibility and awareness of the individuals about the community they live in.
6. The Importance of Mental Health and Emotional Intelligence
Mental health and how one approaches life is another area that the SJPP college looks to incorporate as part of the overall development. The institution has professional counselors to assist students as they adjust to the new environment in college and tackle stress, anxiety and other emotional challenges. Provision of regular workshops and seminars which aim at enhancing the mental condition of the students allows them to be able to adequately control their outbursts of emotion.
One’s ability to manage his or her emotions and adapt them is fundamental to the development of productive social relations, coping with everyday demands or challenges in the workplace, and emotional resiliency. Thus, why counseling professionals are so significant to students and why the resources provided by SJPP are beneficial because they allow one to be focused and ready of work or class.
The example of the Seth Jai Prakash Polytechnic College (SJPP) in Haryana shows that the role of a polytechnic in education is not only to provide an understanding of the syllabus, but to develop the person in full form for career and private life. A concentration on personality skills, physical exercises, sporting, volunteering and mental health enables the students of SJPP to be future ready in a way that classroom based teaching approaches hardly achieve. This not only gives them the technical know-how that is needed in the workplace, but also personality qualities that succession will require in such times of uncertainty.
For learners looking for an all rounded education qualified to develop their intellect as well as their personality, SJPP is still the best school offering polytechnic college in Haryana.
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tfgadgets · 4 months ago
Harvinder Kalyan elected as Speaker of Haryana Assembly
Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Saini, left, applauds as Harvinder Kalyan assumes as the new speaker of the Haryana Legislative Assembly, in Chandigarh on Friday, October 25. | Photo Credit: PTI Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLA Harvinder Kalyan was unanimously elected as Speaker of Haryana Assembly on Friday (October 25, 2024), even as the newly-elected MLAs were administered oath as member of the…
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bhaskarlive · 6 months ago
BJP releases first list for Haryana polls, CM Saini to contest from Ladwa
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Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini will contest from a new constituency, Ladwa in Kurukshetra district, while Speaker Gian Chand Gupta and former minister Anil Vij have been retained from their strongholds Panchkula and Ambala, respectively, for the October 5 Assembly elections, as per the BJP first list issued on Wednesday.
Saini is currently the legislator from Karnal, the seat vacated by two-time Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar, who is currently a Union Minister.
Source: bhaskarlive.in
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wafi-media · 7 months ago
Unmasking Depression: Live in Triumph 2024 Ms / Mrs/Mr / Junior Bharat Pageant, a Stunning Fusion of Fashion and Mental Health at Crowne Plaza, Gurgaon under the Visionary Leadership of Anuradha Das
The Live In Triumph (LIT) 2024 Mr/Miss/Mrs Bharat Fashion Pageant was a memorable event, blending the allure of fashion with a powerful message on mental health. Themed ‘Unmasking Depression,’ the pageant was held on August 15, 2024, from 4 PM at Hotel Crowne Plaza, Gurgaon.
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Live In Triumph was created to raise awareness about critical mental health issues, focusing on the belief that if they stopped depression, they could prevent a cascade of other mental health problems, including suicide, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and Alzheimer’s. This year’s theme, ‘Unmasking Depression,’ underscored the importance of addressing depression early to “Nip it in the bud.”
The event was organised by My Precious Life and Belle Events, led by Anuradha Das, a philanthropist, author, motivational speaker, and director with her own movie production company, Rising Eagle Productions, based in the US. Esteemed guests and speakers contributed to the event’s impact:
Many influential people who had contributed vastly to society in their respective fields attended this path-breaking event.
Chief guest- Major General R K Razdan (Kriti Chakra VSM)
Guest of Honour- Senior Advocate Ashok Bhan (Geo- strategic expert)
Special guests- Mukesh Gambhir (Founder Radio Booze), Dr. Vandana Singh (Dir, Global Corporate Key Account Management, Saudia Cargo), Ms. Rochika Agarwal (BJP spokesperson and film censor board director, Ms. Urvashi Mittal (National Secretary, Inner Wheel), Mr.
Ravinder Pandita (Save Shardha Committee founder) and Mr. Amit Dubey (Airbnb head India).
Celebrity guest- Asma Gulzar
Some of the esteemed guests at LiT included, (celebrity fashion designer), Khurafati Nitin (RJ- 92.7 Big FM), Ritika Pathak, Anthony Deshuja, Sarika Verma, Dinesh Mohan (model), Sushant Kumar (model), Pratibha Pundur, Rohit Manocha (Taiiki Media), Rakesh Kachroo, Ruth Stewart, Jaswinder Singh, Dr. Nootan Yadav (medical in charge- primary health centre, Palra), Mohit Sharma (Chief Warden, Civil Defence, Haryana), Sunita Yadav (Deputy Mayor Gurgaon), Ranjan Kumar Das (CFI charitable trust), Shyam Prakash Pal (Wafi Media Marketing Solutions) etc. Mr. Mahavir Yadav from Dainik Jagran was present as a media partner.
The esteemed jury panel included: Tabbu, Koushik Sheel, Dr Manisha Koushik, Mahi Yaduvanshi and Renny Sharma
Runway coach Gourav Kalra coached contestants.
In the past three years, Live In Triumph has successfully raised awareness of suicide, depression, and domestic violence through its unique fashion shows. Celebrity Sudha Chandran graced last year’s event along with fashion model Dinesh Mohan, Sushant Kumar, Ritka Patak and many more. These events had not only highlighted these critical issues but also provided a platform for survivors and advocates to share their stories, fostering a supportive community.The event details can be accessed at litfreedomfashion.com
This year, LIT 2024 aimed to deepen the conversation around depression, promoting early intervention and comprehensive support. While last year’s pageant had Mr. and Mr.s titles, this year, the event was expanded to include junior, elegance (ages 60+) and crown (who have overcome depression) categories. Various speakers, including doctors, unmasked depression through their keynote speeches and panel discussions. LIT 2024 was more than just a beauty pageant; it sought individuals who not only possessed outward beauty but also demonstrated a commitment to making a positive impact on the world. “We are looking for a visionary”, said Anuradha Das.
The event featured:
- Book Release: ‘Only When It’s Too Late’ by Suzanne Smith, showcasing a teenager’s pencil drawings during their struggle with depression
- Categories of Participation: LIT Mr Bharat 2024, LIT Miss Bharat 2024, LIT Mrs Bharat 2024, LIT Junior, LIT Elegance (ages 60+), and LIT Crown ( those who have overcome depression).
- Testimonies and walks: by fashion models Dinesh Mohan, Ritika Patak, Sushant Kumar, and Pratibha Sengar, sharing their journeys with depression.
- Lamp lighting ceremony: Symbolizing enlightenment and new beginnings
- Entertainment: a special walk sequence with a new video launch was showcased by ‘House of DMask, led by fashion models Dinesh Mohan and Sushant Kumar. Other performances included vocal renditions by Ashish Kumar Pandey, Hulahoops by Trisha Munjal, a Kathak performance by Mrs Prem Latha Gupta, and the ‘Miracle Workers’ skit team.
Model and actress Sonika Chopra graced the hosting.
Partnerships and Sponsors The event was partnered by the GDMR Foundation and was supported by sponsors like Aieque Trademark Services, UAE; GejoSpeaks; Golden Nib Publications, Ramgraphics, Mumbai; House of Dmask; Hungry Tau; Super Chai; Taiiki, Influencer For, Friends to the Dance; Vandana; Saurabh Arthur; and Be U.
WINNERS: LIT Junior (6–9): - Shanaya Sahoo - Pavnoor Kaur - Tisha Kalra
LIT Junior (10–12): 1. Myra Arya 2. Sarah Steve 3. Riddhi Srivastava
LIT Junior (13+) Winner: Mishka Kagra
LIT Mrs Bharat: 1. Hemangi Devendra Bhatnagar 2. Ajaya Singh 3. Deepa Pal
LIT Crown: 1. Ruchi Raj 2. Krutika Satapathy 3. Shubhra Chadha
LIT Elegance: 1. Mona Chopra 2. Indira Haksar
LIT Mr Bharat: 1. Deepak Raina 2. Sumit Khanna 3. Vaibhav Sen
LIT Miss Bharat: 1. Harvinder Kaur 2. Ankita Sood 3. Bhawna Talwar
Live In Triumph 2024 marks the fourth successful year of this unique fashion show with a noble cause. It continues to use fashion as a platform to foster understanding, support, and hope for those battling depression, promoting the idea that stopping depression can prevent a multitude of mental health challenges.
For PR Inquiries, Contact: Wafi Media Marketing Solutions (https://www.wmmsols.com )
For More Details, Visit: (https://litfreedomfashion.com)
Follow LIT on Instagram: (https://www.instagram.com/lit_freedomfashion/)
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watthifi · 11 days ago
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indiaepost · 17 days ago
Lok Sabha Speaker inaugurates a two-day orientation programme at Haryana Vidhan Sabha
Chandigarh, February 14 Lok Sabha Speaker, Sh. Om Birla said that under the leadership of Chief Minister, Sh. Nayab Singh Saini, Haryana is continuously progressing on the path of development. Whether it is infrastructural development or the social and economic landscape, Haryana is making strides in every sector today, he said. The Lok Sabha Speaker was speaking at the inaugural session of the…
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news365timesindia · 2 months ago
[ad_1] The two-day annual event, Satluj Pride, was held at Satluj Public School, Sector 4, Panchkula. This year marked the 48th edition of the program, celebrating the theme, “New India: Forging Futures, Celebrating Culture.”    Students of Satluj Public School performing at the two-day annual event, Satluj Pride 2024 that was held at Satluj Public School, Sector 4, Panchkula   On the inaugural day there were scintillating performances by students of classes 8-12, while on the second day students of classes 5 to 7 enthralled the audience.   The Chief Guest for the first day event was Sh. Mahipal Dhanda, Minister of School Education, Parliamentary Affairs, and Higher Education Archives, Government of Haryana. Special guests included Sh. Gian Chand Gupta, Former Speaker and MLA Panchkula; Banto Kataria; and Sh. Deepak Sharma (BJP District President, Panchkula), among others.   The cultural performances by students were the main highlight of the event. Class 8 students delivered an inspiring presentation on the theme “World Peace: Cultivating a Culture of Peace.” Class 9 students presented on “Sustainability and a Greener Tomorrow,” emphasizing the importance of environmental conservation and sustainability. Class 11 and 12 students brought alive the spirit of New India through their performance titled “Panegyric.” These performances left the audience energized and filled with fresh ideas. The event concluded with a rendition of the National Anthem by Class 12 students, instilling a sense of patriotism and pride in everyone present.   The second and the final day of the event witnessed the presence of the Chief Guest, Mr. Alok Kumar Roy, IPS, Director General of Police (DGP), Railways and Commando, and the Guest of Honour, Ms. Anjum Moudgil, an Olympian, Arjuna Awardee, former World No. 1, and the first Indian woman shooter to win medals at the World Championships and Commonwealth Games.   The ceremony began with the traditional lighting of the lamp and a Saraswati Vandana, followed by a series of inspirational performances by the students. Class 5 students presented “The World Is Our Stage” while Class 6 showcased “Legends and Leaders.” Another notable performance focused on “Innovators of Tomorrow: A Celebration of Creativity, Technology, and Innovation.”   Joining them on this occasion were Mr. Krit Serai, Co-Chair/ Director-Principal, Mr. Reekrit Serai, Managing Director of Satluj Group of Schools, Co-Principal Ms. Madhurima Serai, Mrs. Radhika Panickar Serai, entrepreneur and philanthropist, Mr. Gur K Serai, Co-Chairman/Director-Principal of Satluj Public School, Sector 2, Panchkula and Ms. Preet Mangat Serai.   Mr. Reekrit Serai, Managing Director of Satluj Group of Schools, expressed his gratitude to students, teachers, and everyone who contributed to making the event a success. He remarked that such events not only encourage students' creativity and performance but also help them recognize their cultural heritage and individual talents. Programs like these provide students with opportunities to hone their skills, preparing them for success in various fields of life.   The event concluded with the Chief Guest, Guest of Honour and school management presenting awards to students for their outstanding performances. The event also celebrated the achievements of Class 10 and 12 students, with awards presented to the CBSE toppers of 2023-24. !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments); if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window,document,'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '311356416665414'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); [ad_2] Source link
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