#Harry's sexuality
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twopoppies · 2 months ago
I can't help but wonder if Harry being seen at Berghain is being used to test the waters. I've heard it used to be a gay club and is still very gay friendly. Maybe somebody wants to see how his fans react to him being seen at a club like that. Who knows if the sightings are real or if they were planted.
I don't mean anything against you at all, love. But people really need to let this kind of theory die. As the iconic post goes, "I'm not even in this fandom, and I've seen this guy come out 50 times."
Harry has done every possible gay thing short of sucking a dick in public that he could do, and people still think he's straight (or bi, but obviously only dates women 🙄) because he hasn't proclaimed on the cover of People magazine that he's a raging homosexual.
They don't need to test any waters. The waters have been rainbow-colored for years.
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savebylou · 1 year ago
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Article below. Read it if you can.
The discourse surrounding Harry Styles is many things, but one thing it literally ALWAYS is is exhausting. Harry Styles has reached the calibre of celebrity and fandom that whatever move he makes, how he chooses to do his hair, what he chooses to wear all spark conversation and debate. It feels like for years now the odiously boring conversation on whether Harry Styles has been “queerbaiting” or not is a never ending pollution across social media and the more yawn inducing side of Reddit – but now, it’s pivoted in a new direction thanks to how Harry Styles looked when he went to watch a footie game the other day, with people saying he’s now “straight again”. O-kay.
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Just a very bizarre opinion to be fronted with, in my opinion. And even more bizarre to see it’s currently sitting on 138,000 likes – which either means that many people genuinely believe such trite nonsense or they think it’s funny. It’s got to a boring area of the discourse where it doesn’t matter if Harry Styles rocks up in the pretty bog standard, neutral outfit he did or wears a feather boa as per his Love On Tour era – he’d be spoken about with the word queerbaiting not fair behind.
I think where this gets really problematic is that it’s sort of all centred on the nonsensical. If Harry Styles is bi, gay, queer – any of those things being entirely his business to keep to himself or share when he wants – then why would he suddenly not be if he wears a muted colour, goes the footie or cuts his hair shorter? I feel like the fact I’m even having to voice this makes me feel like I’ve fell down a time slip to 2010 or something. And what I find even more baffling is that the outfit in question is a shirt and sweater vest, big 70s vibes – isn’t that how Harry’s been dressing for … years? So we’re saying all this Harry Styles ‘is straight again’ because he’s cropped his hair short? Do me a favour.
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Was particularly riled at this one, which suggests the reason that Harry Styles isn’t walking into a footie match with a feather boa on and some pink palazzo trousers is because Love On Tour has ended and so has the album cycle – therefore he has not interest in… Your guess is as good as mine. No interest in being gay, of which he more than likely isn’t anyway? No interest in appealing to gays? Why are we pretending that over half of every stadium on Love On Tour wasn’t filled with heterosexual women?
It’s all just very weird, to be honest with you. I am writing this as a gay man, and whether Harry Styles is presenting himself in whatever way he’s seen fit I have never once felt “queerbaited”. I have not spent the last few years of my life thinking Harry Styles was LGBTQ+ – just that he was a massive ally and someone who wasn’t afraid to be a bit flamboyant from time to time. Even if he was gay or bi or whatever it would make a grand total of zero difference to my life or to my enjoyment of his music.
If your first thought when you see a pop star with shorter hair at a footie game is “oh, Harry Styles is straight again” – you need an urgent life.
Link to article.
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getawayheaven · 2 years ago
If there's possibility that Larry is not real anymore and they are still using Larry signs for signalling to connect with fans on a personal level then doesn't that mean that they both are Larry baiting so that fans will stay ??
That's the problem anon. Who decided that some specific things are Larry signs? Just because fans belive that blue and green are Larry colours should harry and louis just ban these colours from their life and career forever? M 100% sure niall is aware too about these "Larry" colours does that mean he was signalling about Larry in his recent photoshoot where he was carrying blue and green balloons? No. Not at all.
I am not against signalling and coding. I know that celebrities use these things to hint about their sexuality and relationship all the time and harry and louis have been doing this for years now. They used it heavily during one direction. But time change, people change, personalities change, priorities change and nothing is same anymore.
Currently they could be together or they could be not. Who knows. But one thing is for sure they don't want their fans to keep linking them with each other. Their priorities have entirely changed and they want everyone to know them by their solo work not by their relationship. Their current priority is getting as successful as they can get no matter what it takes. But that doesn't mean they don't want people to recognize them for who they really are.
Who would have thought that harry would sit down for an official Rolling Stone interview with leech just to let everyone know that he has the right to go on dates without having to explain constant hate for his girlfriends on internet. But at that time his top priority was to make DWD a huge success. But keep in mind that this is the same harry who almost teared up on stage on the very next day of RS interview and said "It's difficult to sing Matilda in a rainbow suit" because ALL his fans were accusing him of queerbaiting. He knew what he was saying and he knew his fans would understand.
Both louis and harry would be ok if people won't recognize them because of their relationship or their sexuality but they won't be ok if they would be categorized as flop artist who can't sell shows. According to me coming out is not in their cards for at least next ten years. But that does not mean they don't feel happy and satisfied when their fans love the real harry and Louis for who they really are and not for who they are pretending to be. That does not mean they don't feel immensely loved when they use signs related to Larry and they know that these fans know their real identity and still they are loved. So no they are not Larry baiting even if Larry is not real anymore. They are just continuing to set a connection with fans in a way they invented years ago but the context of these signs and connection have changed with the change in time and with change in their life and people need to understand that.
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surrowndedbylights · 2 years ago
It always bothers me when antis say things such as "larries are disrespectful because we should not assume anyone's sexuality." Like- we don't even do that. No one ever says Harry and Louis are definitely gay/bi etc. We only see the signaling and queer coding and speculate about their queerness. But it IS an assumption when you claim they are straight without them verbally confirming it. Why is it fine to assume someone's heterosexuality but not queerness? Why are we problematic for seeing whatever they themselves show us? Sorry for the rambling but it drives me mad how heteronormative and homophobic these people are.
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rynli · 6 months ago
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shut up we’re so fuckin hetero-sexual
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mousegirltrapped · 1 month ago
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Dear followers from Naruto fandom, today I bring you Disco Elysium fanart. Tomorrow? Nothing. But next time I post I prommy it will be founders. Kim Kitsuragi autism is just very very strong. Dear Disco Elysium fans: TRANS KIM KITSURAGI!!!!!!!
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halflinghands · 1 month ago
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My interpretation of how this interaction went down in my current playthrough
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hereforh · 2 years ago
thank you!!! I try to tell her this daily but she doesn't understand me, we've been friends since we were 6 and I didn't want to let the fandom ruin our friendship, but it's so hard for her to respect me sometimes! I don't know if you saw that video of him reacting to the golf poster, but she sent it to me like 10 times (I wish I was lying) Sometimes I wish I could disappear from this fandom lol
ugh that sucks... maybe you should just tell her "let's agree to disagree" and end this subject for good, you know? let her know that you don't want to talk about that anymore because you don't want it to destroy your friendship, and that she should respect your opinion, even if it's different than hers, because you respect hers. and yeah, I saw that video... I absolutely hate signs like that and I wish he would stop interacting with them. but he seems to think some are fun, so...
it still doesn't say anything about his sexuality, though lol so idk why your friend seems to be counting it as a win.
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guchaigue · 9 months ago
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kim inflation art
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Sirius : uhm... Prongs, I'm gay
James : oh, I know you're dating moony since past 2 years after all
Remus : what!! I thought you and pads were a thing!
Peter : I thought all three of you were together!
Lily : wait, so y'all aren't dating each other?
Regulus : you and James aren't dating?
Barty and Evan : so you're telling us the marauders and lily aren't in a relationship?
Sirius : *groans* this is all messed up....... Wait how tf did you guys enter the Gryffindor common room?
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twopoppies · 27 days ago
Hi! another member of bi pride chiming in here! I’ve seen solos say the Lights Up video is a nod to Harry’s bisexuality due to the perceived bi colors in the video but a lot of them are young or don’t know queer history. Bisexuality is sometimes used as a cover, simply a part of someone’s journey, or a “safe” label to slap on someone. George Michael spoke heavily on believing he was bisexual before realizing he was gay and the constraints of our heteronormative society is what made bisexuality an easier fit for him. He stated he was not attracted to/or ever in love with women despite previously having sex with them.
I would wager that George Michael’s experience was not Harry’s experience except for the closeting. At first glance, it does seem like it’s the pink, purple, and royal blue colors of the bi flag that Harry’s standing in, but if you pay attention he’s actually splattered in multiple colors throughout the video and those colors are pink, violet, indigo, (turquoise he’s wearing), yellow, green, red, and flashes of orange. Those are the colors of the Original Pride Flag not to be conflated with the Rainbow Flag which took two colors out. I don’t think it was Harry’s intention to tell us he’s bi. To me, the crowd of men and women around him symbolizes him being clawed at by the public, everyone wanting a piece of him, and no one knowing the real him. I wouldn’t say he’s unlabeled either. I think he’s been very sure of his sexuality for a very long time and I think the point of his Better Homes and Gardens interview is that he’s open about it to his friends/family but won’t give a verbal confirmation because he’s literally been saying it all along. (He also contractually can’t say it yet blah blah blah IYKYK) He also said his sexuality is personal to him and I’d like to add the only personal piece of him we have is the music and he uses that to express it with us. After all these years, he knows which fans will get it and which wont. That video (and Late Night Talking) was a huge step forward for him and I’m so proud of him.
I want to kiss you, anon. THANK YOU.
in reference to this
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kappamelone · 7 months ago
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playing disco elysium right now and this feels like my experience so far
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aerostaticsurrender · 6 months ago
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JEAN VICQUEMARE - "She was incredibly fuckable. A beautiful bourgeois woman. Waifish. Like a *welkin* basically."
CONCEPTUALIZATION - Snow Welkin. Blonde Welkin...
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soldierandawar · 3 months ago
Another thing about Baby Girl is that Harris Dickinson's character is a blank slate. He very easily could be just the hot intern, and in a lot of ways, he is. We don't learn much about him or his motivations, but there's a part in the film where he (Samuel) tells Romy (NK) that sometimes he scares himself, and Romy tells him she's not scared of him, and all I could think was...well, I am!
He's so deliciously mysterious and almost unhinged? I was lowkey like Romy maybe you should run away from this man. Fuck the fact that he's half your age and your subordinate, this man is volatile lmao.
But I think part of what makes me feel better about the lack of communication between the two (about kink, safewords, or what tf they're doing sexually in general) is that neither of these people knows what the fuck they're doing. They understand each other in ways their other partners don't, but Samuel is flying by the seat of his pants, and Romy is as confused as hell. Bless her heart.
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hereforh · 2 years ago
hey can i do a mini rant? so, i think harry is gay, and i never had a problem thinking that, but my friend has been trying to make me think that it's wrong to think that he only likes men, like i feel it's wrong of her, because only he knows about her orientation, and she is constantly trying to make me feel bad with my thinking and talking about him being bi and that he has more affection for women and such, besides the posters he reacts to. like, it seems like she wants to call me biphobic but I'm bi, not that it removes prejudice but come on... - sorry for the english
I think you should tell your friend that, while harry doesn't specifically tell us what his sexuality is, we're open to guess by what he shows us/signals to us. and what he keeps trying to tell us, repeatedly, is that he's part of the queer community, whether that means he's gay, bi, pan or whatever. you should tell her that, within that context, she's also just guessing. all of us are. we're all entitled to our own opinion - unless that opinion is that harry is straight, because that just doesn't make any sense lmao
hope that helped in some way <3
you're always welcome to rant in my inbox, either in english or portuguese (unfortunately there are the only two options I can offer lol)
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scaramionee · 2 months ago
"IS THERE ANYBODY WHO THINKS SIRIUS AND MARY WOULD ACTUALLY MAKE A GREAT PAIR ??!" I scream into nothingness as my voice echoes through the chamber of the asylum they've put me in- " OR REGULUS BEING AROACE ??!!"
"ANYBODY??! PLEASE, ANSWER ME-" I thrash in my bindings, scratching my skin in the process, tired and worn out , lungs bleeding inside but heart aching with foolish hope that SaintStar fandom is still alive.
"Just one person, one is enough, just-" I choke in my own words, unable to form a coherent word after being deprived of saintstar headcanons for so long. Maybe my fate is tied here, in this chamber, dying, alone again. The hope flicking slightly like a star in the enormous galaxy, far away, quite never reaching me.
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