#Harrison wells / reader
adriellej · 5 months
Rough Days
Warnings: Explicit contents. Unprotected sex. Oral giving and receiving. Vaginal sex. 
Pairings: Harry Wells x Reader.
Word count:
Beginning 1: 2.1K+
Beginning 2: 3.8K+
In total: 4.7K+
A/N: Smutty smut smut. It’s only my second time doing this, so hope it’s okay. Just had a good idea, and there’s probably going to be a part two, where they have to deal with it if you want it? Also, there are two types of beginnings to it. One where Reader is already drunk and Harry finds her, and one where they get drunk together! Have fun! 
Also, unprotected sex is a no-no, bad idea, don’t condone it!
Also GIF's aren't mine!
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Reader already drunk beginning:
The past few days had been tough for you. The metas Alchemy was creating kept showing up everywhere, the metas already created by the particle accelerator explosion seemed to try to keep up with Alchemy's. 
Captain Singh wasn’t making it easy at the precinct. He had benched you because of the lack of sleep and focus you were having, you were acting out over the smallest things. So naturally you had needed some time away from everything. Away from home, away from work, and away from people. 
The team had gone home for the day a few hours ago, and you had made your way to the lounge area of S.T.A.R. labs and the fridge you knew had beers in it. You didn’t quite keep to the beers, you had also managed to find a flask of whiskey and tequila. 
By now you had gotten quite the buzz going, the music was playing from the speakers as you downed yet another shot of tequila. The liquor burned its way down your throat and you scrunched up your nose before biting into a piece of lime and shaking your head at it. 
“Whooo, I should do this more often,” You laughed to yourself. You had always been the type of drunk person who would end up being a happy-go-lucky kind of person. 
“Y/N, what are you doing?” A rasped voice pulled you away from your endeavor. You couldn’t help but smile at the sight in front of you. Harrison Wells with his black jumper and slick black jeans. His dark hair was slightly ruffled with a few strands sticking out to the sides. His expression was stern yet with a glimpse of amusement. 
“Harryyyyyy, hiii!” You slightly yelled out over the music. “What does it look like I’m doing though?” You questioned him back with a grin on your face as you took a swig of your whiskey. You didn’t wait for his answer as you continued. “I’m having my own little party, and quite honestly I’m having the absolute best time!” You lifted your glass in your hand and made your way over to Harry swaying ever so lightly on your way. 
“Don’t you think you’ve had enough?” He looked at you with a little bit of concern in his eyes as he gripped onto your arms to keep you standing upright and not tumbling over. Your hands wound up on his as you realized which kind of muscles he was hiding under that jumper. You squinted your eyes at him and began to make a pout with your lips. It didn’t last long before your lips turned upwards and your eyes were filled with enjoyment and carefreeness. 
“Actually I don’t think so, and you mister,” You said as you poked Harry in the chest hard enough for him to be swayed a bit backward. “Won’t take my fun away,” You finished before breaking out into a full laugh. Harry chuckled at you and your behavior. 
“Actually come to think of it, you should join my fun!” Your lips turned into a smirk as you went to get a glass of whiskey for Harry. “We deserve a bit of fun and downtime,” You said momentarily your voice was laced with seriousness. 
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” He chuckled with his beautiful smile ever so lightly creating his dimples. “Somebody has to make sure you’re okay,” He continued as he gestured with his hand to you. 
“You don’t have to worry about me, I’m fantastic,” You answered as you went over to him with the glass of whiskey in your hand. “Here, drink up my friend!” You spoke attempting to sound serious, just to have your smile betray you. Harry took the glass from you and took a swig of it causing you to smile even wider. 
“So you’re in?” You questioned with a small expectant giggle at the end of it. 
“I’m in,” He says with a wink and a smirk at you, rendering your knees to go soft on you. He takes another swig of the whiskey emptying the glass. He handed it over to you and you gladly took it to get him a refill. 
“We need to get you up to speed with me,” You smiled mischievously at him. You sat down a shot glass in front of him and poured some tequila into it. “Let me borrow your hand,” You said as you held out your own. He does as you tell him and you lick at the back of his hand before pouring some salt on it. “Salt, shot, and lime,” You tell him. He looked at you, his mouth slightly agape. His eyes had darkened at the action you had made.
“Earth to Harry?” You asked as you waved your hand in front of his face, your own face confused with a cocked eyebrow. “Yes?” He cleared his throat before speaking, followed by a big swallow causing his adams apple to bob. 
“Did you hear anything of what I said?” You let out a laugh that came from the bottom of your stomach. 
“Right, yes I did,” He licked the salt from his hand, took the shot, and bit into the lime. His face scrunched up by the taste of the liquor hitting the back of his throat. You made him take quite a lot more, you took some with him to keep your own high buzz going. 
Reader and Harry getting drunk together:
You were walking into S.T.A.R. labs with the rest of the team. It had been a tough fight with the current metas roaming the streets of Central City. Alchemy was creating quite a lot on the way, and every damn meta in this town seemed to be out for blood. 
You threw your backpack on the floor beside the central console of the cortex. You flopped down on a chair in front of the computer, taking your guns out of your holsters and putting them down on the table. 
“I swear Y/N, if one of those goes off on my computer, you’d wish hell was freezing over,” Cisco pointed at you. 
“Oh relax Cisco, the safety is on,” You say as you look at them, realizing that you might have forgotten that in the heat of the moment, or maybe more in the tiredness of the moment. “Or now it is at least,” You mumbled to yourself. 
“What was that?” Cisco asked his eyes squinting at you. “Nothing!” You laughed it off, knowing he would in fact kill you if you ruined his computers. 
“That’s what I thought,” He laughed back at you. 
“You do know he means it right?” Harry spoke with a serious face as he sat down beside you. You looked over at him with amusement in your eyes. 
“Is Harrison Wells afraid of what Cisco might do?” You joked. You thought you were funny, but looking at Harry’s face you thought differently. His eyes were hard as he looked at you. It felt like he was looking right through you. You swallowed thickly at the hard glare he was giving you.
“I’m not afraid of Ramon,” His voice was hoarse and low but laced with a hint of worry. Cisco’s computers and satellites were his everything, and having seen it be blown up a few times, both you and Harry knew he would hurt whoever hurt his tech. 
“Well, we’re going home for the day,” Barry and Iris smiled as she spoke. “I’m more than ready to go home and get some sleep. We’ll see you all tomorrow,” She continued and waved at everyone. So did Barry as they left the building. 
“I’m going to follow them. Cisco can you drive me home?” Caitlin asked her friend. Caitlin had had a rough time lately, she didn’t talk much about it, but you knew she would when she was ready for it. 
“Are you coming along too, Y/N?” Cisco asked grabbing his jacket from the console in front of you. 
“Nah, I’ll stay here for a while. I’m gonna see what it is we’re missing with Alchemy and all these new metas that are popping up. Thanks for asking though!” You smiled and gave a thumbs up to let him know you meant it. 
“Don’t you think it would be a good idea to go home and rest?” Harry asked beside you with a soft smile. You loved to see him smile, even more because it wasn’t so often he did. 
“No, really it’s all good. I want to be here, no need to go home to an empty apartment anyway,” You spoke as you looked away from him and back to the computers in front of you. 
Harry nodded at you and walked away, probably to go work on his own Alchemy project. You started to type away, going through every piece of evidence you had on Alchemy. 
You rubbed your eyes and looked at the clock. It felt like you had been sitting with it for hours, but there had only been 40 minutes. Realizing that you weren’t going to get much done you walked to the lounge, grabbing two glasses and pouring some whiskey into them.
Turning the corner into Harry’s lab you saw him looking at the clear board with equations on it, his white marker in his hand. You had been right when you thought he would be working.  You knocked at the entrance causing him to turn around and look at you. 
“What?” He asks gruffly and you raise the two glasses of whiskey in your hands. 
“Wanna have a drink with me?” You asked politely entering his workshop. 
“Uh, sure,” His answer was short but held a lot of meaning. He never stopped working, so his saying yes was a win for you. “Any particular reason?” He questioned as you handed him one of the glasses. 
“Can’t we just enjoy a drink without there has to be a reason for it?” You asked cockily with raised eyebrows. It earned you a small laugh from the Earth-Two scientist. You looked at him surprised at his response to it. “Maybe we should do it more often if it earns laughs from you,” You jokingly continued. 
“Don’t count on it,” He replied deeply, though there was still a small smile hiding behind the glass. You raised your glass to him and took a sip of the liquor. The burning sensation was welcoming in your throat. The small interaction you and Harry had was nice. Your life had been a mess lately so when you had emptied your glasses, you had stayed with Harry while he went back to work.  
“Are you just going to sit there for the rest of the night?” He asked looking over his shoulder and back at you. 
“Well actually I’d say yes, but then I thought we could also decide to have our way of resting,” You smiled at him as you took your feet down from his desk and turned all the way towards him. His features looked questioningly at the statement you had made. “We could go drink some more whiskey. Pretty sure we both could need some time away from Alchemy?” The last part you said as a question as you waited for his response. 
“And why would you think that?” Harry’s usual hard look and closed-offness showed. 
“Because Harry, you have been staring at the same equation for the past hour and gotten nowhere,” You told him gesturing to the board in front of him. His stare felt like it could shoot daggers at you for having said that, but you knew he was agreeing with you when a small nod came in your direction.  “Cool, let’s go then,” You said snapping your fingers in the direction of the lounge you had picked up the whiskey in before. 
A few whiskeys in you were both talking a lot more loosly about what was troubling you. As Harry, you weren’t one who cared much for sharing too many feelings or problems. They were your own, and yours to deal with. 
“I could have sworn you had just decided to spend most of your time here, just like Barry usually does now,” Harry stated as he looked slightly surprised at you for your confession. 
“Nope, Captain Singh asked me, or more made me, stay home and take care of myself. He sent my ass home, and I can’t just sit at home doing nothing, so here I am,” You threw your arms out to the side as you took a small bow in the chair. 
It earned you one of the rare laughs from Harry. Either it was the alcohol talking or maybe Harry was actually enjoying himself a little. You decided to go with the latter, making it so much easier to just smile and forget things for a while. 
You stood up to grab the flask of whiskey, only to realize it was empty. You looked through the cupboards to see if you could find something else. A devilish smile crept on your lips as you grabbed the flask and stood up. “Harry!” You yelled out. His body shot towards you at your sudden outburst. “I have found something better than whiskey,” You smiled from ear to ear shaking the tequila bottle in your hand. “We are so going to take some tequila shots!” You laughed out loud at the expression on Harry’s face. 
“No, we are most certainly not,” He replied coldly as he stood up and started to leave, and you knew how you could make him stay. 
“Harry, it’s a task, and you solve tasks right?” He stopped dead in his tracks and you could almost imagine the expression on his face and that joyed you even more. You knew you had won. 
“Fine!” He exclaimed and turned back to you, a few large strides and he was on the other side of the island. 
“Do you know how to?” You asked hesitantly not knowing how much drinking he had done on Earth-Two and in his younger days. “Did you just ask me if I know how to do tequila shots? How old do you think I am?” He said slightly annoyed before he broke out a dimple-filled smile. You broke out into a real fit of laughter before answering him. 
“I’m so sorry Harry, that sounded terrible,” Leaning forwards on the table in front of you, you half smacked yourself in the head when you put it into your hand. 
“C’mon, pour it Y/L/N!” He chuckled as he pushed the shot glass over in your direction. You found the salt and cut out the limes you had found in the fridge. You weren’t quite sure why the team even had this here, but you weren’t about to be mad at it. 
You clinked your glasses together before shooting it down. You both shook your heads and looked at each other, smiles spreading as you continued to pour tequila into your glasses.
“Right, let’s see,” You say with an idea in your head. You licked your own hand as you put it to your neck, you leaned your neck to the side as you drizzled salt on it and the lime in your hand. “Let’s go, Harrison,” You smiled playfully at him, his eyes glistening with just as much playfulness. 
He stepped close to you, your chests touching each other, his hands on your hips. You leaned your head to the side giving him access to lick the salt off of you. His tongue was warm to your skin sending shivers down your spine. You had to bite your lip to stifle a moan from escaping your lips. He stayed at your neck a little longer than he needed to and kissed you on the neck as his face left your neck. Downing the shot you had poured him, he looked for the lime and you smiled brightly with it between your teeth. 
It didn’t take long for Harry to catch on to what you wanted. A smirk danced across his lips before crashing them to yours to bite the lime. His lips were soft on yours. He tasted of a mix of tequila, lime, and whiskey. You spat out the lime before going back to kissing him. Your arms snaked around his neck drawing him closer to you. He gladly accepted and deepened the kiss. His tongue slid across your lower lip and you quickly granted him access. 
Your tongue felt like it fit perfectly with his as they danced and explored together. The kiss was filled with need, a hunger, for each other. Damn his an amazing kisser, you thought to yourself as you got completely lost in his intoxicating kiss. You broke apart after a few minutes needing to catch your breaths. 
His crystal blue eyes looked into yours, they were darker than usual, filled with arousal. Your chest was heaving for breaths and Harry pulled away from you. You whined as you lost the heat from his warm body. 
“I’m sorry,” He spoke lowly as he started to pull completely away from you. You grabbed the jumper in your hands and pulled him towards you. “Harry shut up and kiss me again,” You ordered your own eyes filled with lust. It didn’t take long for him to oblige to your command, his hands roaming your entire body. 
He pushed you backward till you reached the countertop and boxed you in between his body and the table. Your fingers tangled themselves in his dark locks as you pulled lightly at them. A hum escaped his throat as he kissed his way down from your jaw to your ear nibbling lightly at your earlobe before moving down to your neck. 
His kisses left your skin on fire. A burning sensation was starting to grow in your stomach and between your legs. You wanted him. You needed him. 
“Harry,” You whimpered in response to his kisses, licks and sucks. He was sure to leave marks on you. His hand moved in between your legs cubbing the outsides of your cunt, grinding at it with his hand. 
Several moans left your throat involuntarily. You couldn’t help it, this man was doing so much to you. He was humming in response to your moans. His lips went back to yours. You could feel the grin on his lips as he kissed you. 
His hands grabbed around your thighs hoisting you to sit on the countertop, keeping your legs spread to make space for him in between. You locked your legs around his waist pulling him as close to you as you could.
He grinded against you and you met his grinds with your own. You could feel his arousal, rock hard and ready for you. A groan left Harry’s lips at your movements and a smirk appeared on your lips. This time it was you breaking the kiss to make it to his neck leaving open-mouthed kisses. As you bit slightly into his skin, an animalistic groan left his throat, as you left a mark on him. 
“Either you stop and we go to my room, or continue and I’ll take you right here,” His voice was low and lust-filled as he spoke. The words hit you as you leaned in to whisper in his ear. 
“Oh I’m not nearly done, Harrison Wells,” you mused his name and it seemed to have the effect you wanted it to. Harry gripped your hips tightly and pulled you closer to him as his lips crashed with yours. The kiss was filled with need as you were both losing control of yourselves. 
One of his hands traced under your shirt and up to your breast and grabbed it. Your body ached for him as your chest shot forward at the feeling of his fingers pinching your nipple. His hand let go of your breast only to discard the clothing in front of it. He kissed down your neck and down to your chest and sucked lightly at your nipple as his other hand traced up your thigh toward your wet spot. 
“Oh god, Harry,” You moaned out at the heat pooling inside of you. 
“Mmh, what?” He looked down at you with a big smirk on his lips, his normally blue eyes almost completely dark from lust. “I didn’t tell you to stop,” You looked up at him whining. “But now we’re at it, you have too many clothes on,” You smiled innocently up at him as your hands glided toward the hem of his jumper. He chuckled deeply before lifting his arms up to discard his jumper. 
Your mouth fell open as your eyes roamed his torso. His chiseled muscles showed as he flexed a little under your stare. Clothes did him dirty. 
“My eyes are up here Y/N,” He pulled you from your trance. Your cheeks flushed as you looked down shyly. His fingers went under your chin to make you look up at him. “Like what you see?” He muses with amusement.
“I mean, have you looked yourself in the mirror?��� You spoke as your eyes darted down to his chest again. Your tongue darted over your lips as you took all of him in again. “How can I not like what I see?” You continued your own eyes darkening more. 
Your legs tugged him into you again as your lips met his again. You were fighting for dominance, pouring every feeling of lust and need into the kiss. Your fingers were digging into his skin at his shoulders. 
Harry pulled you down from the countertop, unbuttoning your jeans, not once breaking the kiss. You shimmied out of your jeans and panties and stood completely nude in front of him. This time it was Harry’s turn to get tranced, licking his lips. 
“My eyes are up here, Harrison,” You mused the same response he had had to your staring. His laugh filled the lounge as his hands found your hips again. “What? No smart comment?” You chuckled. “Nope, not this time. You look beautiful,” His smile was genuine, his eyes had gone soft again, and you felt your cheeks burning from his admiration. He leaned down to kiss you. The kiss was different from the others, this was more caring and more emotional. 
Your hands went to his shoulders moving down his chest. He flexed under your touch and deepened the kiss again as your hands found the button on his jeans. It didn’t take long for him to discard them. 
Your eyes couldn’t help but dart down to his erection. He sure did hide a lot under those clothes; because holy hell he was well-equipped. The burning desire inside of you took over as you went down to your knees and looked up at him through your lashes. 
A smirk playing at your lips as you licked from the base of his cock and up to the tip. A deep rumble came from Harry’s chest as his eyes closed shut and his head leaned back. Your tongue swirled around the tip, licking off the precum before taking his cock into your mouth. You bobbed your head in rhythm with your hand at the base. Your tongue swirled around the tip every time you came back up, before taking as much as you could of him in again. 
“Y/N,” Harry moaned out. “Fuck, it feels so good,” his breathing became more panting as he took every bit of pleasure you were giving him. You could feel him tense under your touch and you bobbed your head a little faster, drawing him closer to his release. 
He took in a sharp breath as he pulled away from you. 
“Harry, why did you do that? I almost had you,” You looked up at him while pouting. 
“Because when I cum I want to be in you,” He took hold of your hand helping you up and he instantly pushed you back to the countertop. His lips find yours again, his hands on your hips, lifting you back up to sit. His head moved down your chest, down to your stomach, leaving open-mouthed kisses on his way. 
Your own breathing became quicker at the thought of what he was about to do. Your hand tangled itself in his hair as he kissed the inner side of your thigh. The feeling of his mouth leaving shivers going up and down your body. Moans escaped your lips as he moved closer to your cunt. 
“Mmh, you’re so wet for me,” He breathed as his tongue licked through your folds, leaving a fire burning inside of you. His tongue flicked over your bundle of nerves. The pleasure coursing through your veins, the feeling of heat pooling in your stomach, alarming you that you were close. 
“Harry, I’m-,” You choked out, one hand gripping the countertop so tightly your knuckles were going white. 
“Cum for me, princess,” Harry focused more on your clit and it didn’t take long before you were coming undone for him. He lapped all of your orgasm before coming back up to your head and giving you a chaste kiss. 
“Well you certainly know what you’re doing,” You breathed heavily coming down from your high, a proud smirk played on Harry’s lips. Your hands reached around his neck and you pulled him close to you. Your kiss wasn’t chaste in any way, it was lust-filled and hard. You could taste your own orgasm on his wet lips. One of your legs wrapped around his body, pulling him even closer to you. “I need you Harry,” You begged him. You needed him inside of you. You were hungry for him. All of him. 
Harry aligned himself at your entrance and slowly pushed inside of you. Moans escaped both of your lips as he let you adjust to him. He slowly started thrusting into you. Controlled, slow moves were dragging out the pleasure already building in you. 
“Fuck, you feel so good around me. So perfect,” He breathes into the base of your neck. One of your hands was holding onto his shoulder and the other clawing at his back. 
“Harry, I- I won’t last long,” You were moaning and panting under him. 
“Neither will I,” He groans out, his thrusts becoming quicker and sloppier. Your orgasm builds up quickly in you. Leaving you screaming out his name as you draw closer and closer. A few more quick and hard thrusts leave you both coming down and hard. 
He stayed with his head dipped into the crook of your neck, your hand started drawing circles at his back. He draws back from you and pulls out of you. His dark hair was messy from sweat and your hands, and you only saw the most handsome man you had ever seen. 
A big goofy smile played on your lips and you couldn’t tear your eyes away from him, as your breathing was slowing down again. 
“What?” He smiled and shifted a little on his feet as his cheeks turned a shade of pink. 
“Oh, nothing, you’re just very handsome,” You spoke looking him deeply in his eyes. He leaned in to give you another kiss. He broke apart from you, but you continued to peck his lips in between words. “Also. You. Just. Rocked. My. World,” Your hands were cupping his face as you held onto him. 
“Well, why don’t we go rock it some more,” He returned your goofy smile with a wink as he dragged you with him to his room. 
Your eyes slowly started to flutter open and you groaned out at the bright light hitting your face. You rubbed your eyes with one hand as you felt the hangover headache hitting you. It wasn’t until you tried to move that you realized that there was someone beside you. 
You turned your head slowly as to not disturb whoever it was holding onto your side. 
You didn’t exactly expect to see a certain dark-haired grumpy scientist beside you. 
“Oh god, what have I done?” You said to yourself, panic coursing through your veins, causing a pair of blue eyes to open and look at you.
Tag list:
@hiddenwritingsintheworld, @brianllamawrites, @sarawritestories
135 notes · View notes
smittenbyvillains · 4 months
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Harrison Wells: you breath too hard
Y/N: you stomp too hard
Harrison Wells: you eat too loud
Y/N: you can’t walk.
Barry Allen: …
Caitlin Snow: …
Cisco Romano: …
Barry Allen: Are they?
Cisco Romano: they are denying each other
Caitlin Snow: this happens a lot
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Harrison Wells: At least I can sit just fine
Y/N: you’re grumpy and a know it all
Harrison Wells: You’re too perky
Y/N: excuse me?
Caitlin Snow: oh dear…
Cisco Romano: ..
Y/N: You think I’m annoying?
Harrison Wells: I didn’t say that-
Y/N: You did
Barry Allen: should we stop them?
Caitlin Snow: just wait
Y/N: you think I’m annoying and you’re mean
Y/N: *starts sobbing.*
Harrison Wells: shit. No no. I don’t think that.
Y/N: you do!
Harrison Wells: you’re a beautiful young lady and smart and wonderful personality
Y/N: *sobs more.*
Harrison Wells: *pulls her into his lap.* there there
Y/N: *calms down soon after.* big jerk
Harrison Wells: yes yes I’m a jerk but yours. *laughs*
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Barry Allen: WAIT THEY ARE!
Caitlin Snow: you didn’t know?
Cisco Ramano: they are Barry. You’re too slow
Barry Allen: am not..
54 notes · View notes
unreliablesnake · 1 year
Somebody like you – part II (Harry Wells x reader)
Summary: You left the day after Harry kissed you and now he believes he chased you away. But when you return, you don’t hesitate to explain yourself.
Note: part 1 / If you want to know when I post new stuff, follow @unreliablesnakefics.
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Harry kissed you one time out of instinct and you fled right away. He thought you liked it too, he thought you felt the same way, but apparently you didn’t. You returned to A.R.G.U.S. where you had worked between the black hole incident and the day the team called you back soon after he arrived, and conveniently went no contact with him due to security measures there.
And now there he was, anxious and worried to death because Zoom had his daughter, and also because you were out there, out of his sight, basically served on a silver plate for the evil speedster. If he knew about you, he could easily kill this version of you as well to torture him even more than he already was.
You never explicitly told him he was the reason why you left, but he could feel that it was all because of that stupid kiss. He didn’t believe the whole “they just called me back to help with something I used to work on” excuse you came up with. It was too big a coincidence to believe. It bothered him, he blamed himself for chasing you away, but there was nothing he could do about it now.
Even after they freed Jesse, after he had entirely new things to worry about, Harry often found himself thinking about you. If you were only there to support him, to be by his side and ease the pain he felt–but you weren’t. You were hiding somewhere far from him, and on worse days he wondered which member of this little team kept in touch with you to keep you updated about whether or not he was still here.
“Look who’s back!” Harry heard Cisco’s voice from the cortex one day.
He pushed himself away from the desk he was working at to see who it was, and when he saw you standing there, he almost lost his balance with the swivel chair. It was you. It was really you standing there with that big and happy smile on your face, hugging the team as a greeting.
“How are things at A.R.G.U.S.?” Barry asked you with a laugh once he let go.
Whatever you said in response, his brain didn’t register your words. He didn’t care–he couldn’t care–when every cell in his body was ready to move towards you. All he had to do was stand up and walk over to where you stood. It wasn’t hard. Yet he couldn’t get himself to move because his brain was telling him you would only push him away, and he didn’t want his daughter and the entire team to witness that.
Yes, his ego was in the way.
Harry knew he was staring at you, but despite this he wasn’t really paying attention to what you said or did, this is why he only realized you were on the move when you were standing right in front of him. He gulped as he stood up and watched you with a nervous smile.
“Welcome back. How long will you stay?” he asked you hoarsely.
“As long as I can,” came your answer. “I’m done with that project, I have no reason to be there anymore.”
The others were watching you, he could see that over your shoulder, but it didn’t matter now. Maybe it was time to let go of his fears, maybe it was time to start an honest conversation. “Why did you leave?” Your eyes narrowed in confusion. “I kissed you and the next day you announced you were leaving. Why did you leave?”
You suddenly started laughing, almost causing him to jump from surprise. “Harry, I didn’t leave because you kissed me. If I could, I would have called you, but the A.R.G.U.S. facility I was in has very strict rules,” you told him, slowly leaning closer. “To be honest, I thought about that kiss and you quite a lot.”
“Is that so?”
“I missed your grumpy attitude,” you whispered.
“I’m not grumpy,” he defended himself, but you only shook your head with a smile. “Yeah, maybe I am, but never with you.”
It was you who reached out to pull his head down and kiss him gently on the lips, drawing a series of whistles and claps from the team in the background. He couldn’t care less about the audience when he finally had you in his arms again. Safe and happy, just the way he wanted.
He pulled away for a second to take a better look at you, appreciating the view for the millionth time since you had met here the first time. You tilted your head to the side as you watched him, probably trying to figure out why he stopped, but he only smiled at you briefly before pulling you into a tight hug and rested his chin on top of your head.
Jesse was by now deep in a conversation with Caitlin, her eyes occasionally falling on him as they talked. He knew she was probably asking about you and he couldn’t blame her. She knew your doppelgänger, and knowing how smart his girl was, she probably had her suspicions already.
“They are staring, aren’t they?” you asked quietly.
“Of course they are,” came his response that lacked the usual hint of disapproval or sarcasm. He had grown to like these people, and while he wasn’t about to call them family, they were still more than simple friends. “Ready for the questions?”
You hummed in agreement as you let go of him, but you couldn’t even turn around before Jesse arrived. Harry was a little worried that she would disapprove of this thing you two had, but he was pleasantly surprised when her lips curled into a wide grin.
“Can I talk to you, Dad?”
And with this question the pleasant surprise turned into pure terror. You didn’t seem to notice and he was honestly grateful for that. You told them you would go over to the others, so he soon found himself feeling cornered by his own daughter.
“Please tell me this is not happening only because you lost our version of her,” Jesse began in a hushed voice. “I always knew you had feelings for her, I saw how badly her death hurt you, so don’t blame me for worrying about this version being nothing more than a cheap replacement.”
“Don’t call her that,” he warned her.
“I’m sorry, that’s not what I meant. I just want to make sure you really like her for who she is here, and not for what her doppelgänger was like.”
Harry drew in a deep breath as he thought about this. She was clever and she was right, and he had never had the time to truly get to know you. Sure, he paid attention to you even when you were avoiding him, so in a way he learned a lot about you, but he wasn’t sure if you saw past the little detail that he was your old crush’s Earth-2 counterpart.
Gulping loudly, Harry looked over at you and let out a groan. “I like her for who she is,” he said, and although he wanted to finish the sentence, he decided to fall silent instead.
And this silence was louder than he assumed it would be. “You’re not sure if she likes you for who you are,” Jesse pointed out, earning a nod from him. “I can ask her.”
“Or I can keep whatever this is going on and we’ll find out along the way,” he suggested with a smile.
“That might work too,” Jesse agreed with a shrug.
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mcbenson25 · 8 months
I Have Something For You (Eobard Thawne X Reader)
A/N: Helloooooo. Here's a little one-shot that didn't make it into More Than He Bargained For that I thought you would all enjoy!
"I have to go out of town for a couple of days," Eobard reluctantly informed you, his expression softening as he looked down at your pouting face. "What? Why?" you protested, your eyes searching his for an explanation.
Eobard couldn't resist the charm of your pout; it made him feel guilty about leaving you. A warm smile graced his lips as he reassured you, "I have to do this thing for work, but I'll be back before you know it."
"Impossible," you countered, pressing a quick, affectionate kiss on his lips before snuggling closer to him. "I always hate when you aren't here."
He sighed, his gaze fixed on you. He wished he could freeze this moment, capture it in eternity. You and him…happy, lovers. You made the stagnant existence in this time period bearable. "Why can't you take me with you?" you asked, breaking him out of his thoughts.
"You know I can't," he replied, his voice filled with a touch of regret.
You groaned in response, not happy but acceptingly. "Alright."
A comfortable silence enveloped the room as the television droned on in the background, providing background noise with its latest stock market analysis.
"I have something for you," Eobard suddenly broke the silence, his voice infused with anticipation.
Your eyes lit up, and you sat up eagerly, a smile tugging at your lips. "Oh? What is it?"
"We have to go outside, though," he teased, pressing a tender kiss on your lips. "Meet me outside," he said, his voice carrying a hint of excitement.
You giggled as you watched him almost trip on his way to your shared bedroom, his playful smile and wink leaving you with a sense of curiosity. Grabbing your shoes, you headed outside to join him.
Eobard's house was a cozy haven, nestled alongside the lake bordering Central City. The backyard was a sight to behold, with towering, lush trees adorned with delicate jar lights. A beautiful garden with a meandering stone path guided you towards the shimmering lake. From this vantage point, you could also see the dazzling cityscape, adding to the enchantment of your little piece of heaven.
"It's beautiful."
You turned around and found Eobard standing beside you, a gentle smile playing on his lips. Your heart fluttered at the sight of him. "It is," you replied, unable to contain your joy.
"Oh, I wasn't talking about the view," he sweetly retorted, his gaze filled with affection.
You couldn't help but grin, feeling the warmth spread across your cheeks.
"Before I go, I wanted to give you something, but first, I have to ask you something," Eobard began, his voice laced with nerves.
Curiosity ignited within you. "Okay," you responded, your voice soft and filled with anticipation.
He took a deep breath, his hand trembling slightly as it ran through his hair. "Is everything okay?" you asked, concern creeping into your voice.
"Yes! Yes, I just—" he stammered, his eyes meeting yours before he finally gathered his composure. Stepping forward, his voice regained strength. "Will you marry me?"
You stood frozen, unable to process the question at first.
Did he just...?
Oh my goodness..
He just asked me to marry him
"Yes, of course!" you squealed with delight as he kissed you passionately, sealing the moment. As you pulled apart, your eyes glanced down and spotted a dazzling diamond ring with your beloved gemstone nestled in the center.
Overwhelmed with joy, you looked up at him and said, "I love you."
A radiant smile graced his face as he replied, "I love you too."
Taglist: @khayrrilrainxwells @kirareaper13 @i-dont-care-lol @cursedfaechild @lovepeaceorelse @roryjames82 @brianllamawrites @achromaticerebus @honeybeezgobzzzzz @bellagomez-barriga @readingfanficdonotdisturb @tahiraseoti @roguerieka22
Hope you enjoyed this little snippet! Please feel free to leave any comments or thoughts as well as ideas! Love you all!
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marvelsgirl616 · 7 months
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Professor Wells :)
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khayrrilrainxwells · 2 years
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sarawritestories · 1 year
Fatherly Instincts
Harry Wells X Curvy Fem Reader
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Requested by: @twilightlover2007
Summary: Y/N finds herself having full custody over her best friends infant after a tragic accident. She is adjusting to life with a new baby, and though the baby is not fussy, there are few days in a row where sleep is scarce, and the stress is beginning to impact her. Team Flash has been great, but it's help from her favorite scientist from Earth-2 that she realizes how much he cares for her.
Content Warnings: Lost, death of friends, insecurities regarding weight gain/ negative self-image and fluff
Tag list: @eonash @yetanotherwells @twilightlover2007 @achromaticerebus
Y/N was on the brink of tears as the cries of baby girl next to her in the cortex. Sleep deprived and drowning in the responsibilities of raising a child that fell in her lap only a few months prior. Her beloved friends were in a tragic car accident and dealing with their loss, in which she has shoved it into the back of her mind. They named her the sole guardian of their sweet baby girl. Taking her was no issue, but the new duo has been staying in S.T.A.R Labs as her lease was up, and she was trying to find a place that can accommodate a baby. Fortunately, everyone in the lab had been open to helping with baby as she was looking at places.
Normally, Baby Girl sleeps through the night, but this night, the baby has been restless and simply won’t go to sleep. Y/N was rocking the child tears silently sliding down her face, feeling extremely overwhelmed. “Hey, Princess,” she closed her eyes as Harry’s voice rang the cortex.
She sniffled and whispered a hello that was drowned out by another scream from the baby, eliciting a defeated sob from Y/N. A hand touched her elbow, and her eyes met the baby blue’s of the Earth-2 scientist. “May I?” He held his arms open to hold the child. With a slight nod, she slid the baby into his arms, and she saw his features morph into a softer expression, and his face lit up. He bounced the bundle in his arms, and the crying began to subdue.
Wrapping her arms around herself, cringing as she felt her stomach protruding, she had gained some curves since being Baby Girl’s arrival and being near Harry has her feeling insecure about it. She looked at Harry as he was whispering to her. She smiled she liked seeing this warmer side of Harry as she rarely ever saw it. “I forget you are a dad sometimes.” He looked at her, his warm smile waning as he saw her tear stained cheeks and her covering her stomach. “You’re really good at it. She hasn’t settled for me in the last few days. In just a few minutes she’s asleep.” Fresh tears sprung in her eyes.
He looked at the sleeping child then back up at the young woman in front of him. He spoke softly, “Princess, I was not prize-winning father. I did my best, especially after my wife died. But there were a lot of tough nights.”
Y/N lightly scoffed, “I highly doubt that,” she ran her fingers through her hair and shook her head, “Harry, I’m so out of my depth here. I haven’t even-“ She couldn’t finish her sentence as she walked to her chair and buried her face in her hands.
Placing Baby Girl in her bassinette with care and making sure she wasn’t going to stir, Harry moved over and crouched in front of Y/N and placed his hands gently on her wrist and lightly pulled, “Y/N, look at me.” She let him pull her hands from her face, “What haven’t you done?”
Her lip quivered, “I haven’t even gotten a chance to grieve my friends.” She stifled her sob to prevent the baby from waking up, “What kind of friend am I, that I haven’t had time to even miss them. Not to mention, how am I supposed to raise their child that would make them proud. I’ve never been a mom before. I couldn’t even get her to calm down and fall asleep. What if I make a wrong choice that they wouldn’t have agreed with. What if I won’t be able to keep their memory alive through her.” Harry pressed his lips into a thin line, listening intently and gently rubbing his thumbs in comforting circles. The dam erupted and she proceeded to express her concerns, “Then what good am I to the team if I can’t give my all because I’m looking for a new place to live, or what if she get’s sick one day and there is a meta attack and I have to choose between helping the team or getting her safety because she will always bee the first choice. Oh god, what if a meta attacks her school one day, and I can’t save her.
Harry cups her face, “Princess, stop,” He wipes the stray tears with the pads of his thumbs, “One thing at time.”
Y/N reached her hands up and placed them on top of his, “The worst part is, I have been so stressed and exhausted and operating on fear and adrenaline I have gained some weight and I feel ugly and unwanted, which is so dumb because I have this beautiful baby girl and these wonderful friends, but I don’t want Baby Girl to grow up without a father figure. I just feel so undesirab-“ She was silenced with her lips being pressed to his. For the first time in weeks, her brain came to a screeching halt, focusing on the fact Harry was kissing her.
He pulled away and stood up and lifted her up on her feet. Swiping the baby monitor, he walked her over to the med bay where there was a tv that was streaming a camera feed. The two are in frame, and he places Y/N in front of himself, “Y/N, you are beautiful inside and out. Your gaining weight was never going to change that beauty.” He wraps an arm around her waist and whispers into her ear, “Only enhances it in my personal opinion.” This caused Y/N to smile and laugh as she laced her fingers with his, “Now, I know for a fact that if anything meta related happened to that sweet baby girl, no one in this building would hesitate to drop everything to make sure she was safe. That little girl has so many people who love her so much that you have a whole army behind you to take care of her.”
Taking their entwined hands, he spins her around, placing his free hand around her waist. Their eyes were meeting, “Now this I want you to really pay attention to. You are going to raise that little girl right, your dear friends would not have entrusted this responsibility to you if they didn’t thing you were going to raise her in the way that would make them proud.” Tears filled the brim of her eyes again, “As for grieving them,” he tucked her hair behind her ear and sighed, “There is no easy way to do that simultaneously, with raising a child. I will tell you that you are not alone, and if it's too much or needs to let it out we’ll be here for you. Princess, I’ll be here for you.”
Y/N buried her head in his chest and sobbed and let out all the emotions that she had buried deep within her for the last few months. Harry swayed them back and forth, running his fingers and ran through her hair. After a few moments, she pulled away, “There is one more thing I want to address.” Harry whispered as she wiped her eyes, “Just because you gained weight doesn’t diminish the bright and intelligent woman you are. It sure as hell doesn’t make you undesirable. Not to me.”
She looked at him and smiled, gripping the back of his neck and rising to her tippy toes to kiss him once again. Finding comfort with his warmth, she pulled away and pressed her forehead against his, “Would you be willing to slip into that parenting role again?”
Harry smiled, “For you, Princess, I would do anything.” He kissed her nose as the baby monitor erupted with the sounds of crying. Y/N pulled away and was about ready to head back into the cortex before Harry grabbed her wrist. Y/N furrowed her brows, “You need sleep. Go I’ll take care of her.” He pulled her in for one more brief kiss before sending her to go get rest as he went to soothe the little one.
~An hour later~
Harry was down in the dorms sitting in a rocking chair. Baby girl in his hands, “My little Princess,” he whispered, “You are so lucky to have a mother like her.” He looked over to the slumbering Y/N sleeping peacefully. Looking back at the little bundle in his arms, he proceeded to whisper, “Can you keep a secret?” He paused for a brief moment and smiled, “I’m going to ask her to marry me.”
The child giggled with excitement that caused Harry’s eyes to brighten with joy. He never thought he would do this again, but this time, he wouldn’t have to do it alone.
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pinguwrites · 3 months
Ok sorry the old post got deleted but basically the premise
1) I made the new Lolita au Russian bot
2) I’m in love with Tom cavanagh and especially his portrayal of eowells in season one of cw the flash. I’ve been in love with eowells since I was like ten and I’ve always wanted to write about him because his character impacted my life in ways I can’t imagine
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brianllamawrites · 11 months
Autumn Chill (Harry Wells X Reader)
A/N: Nobody check when the last time I posted a fic was lol. Hoping my writing brain will kick in soon now that I've finally finished something. This post was brought to you by the head cold I had last week lmao. If anyone wants to be tagged in future fics don't hesitate to ask!
Word Count: 958
Tagging: @ageless-aislynn @khayrrilrainxwells @mcbenson25 @yetanotherwells
“Hey, I’m home!” called Harry.
He rushed to pull off his boots and didn’t even bother to look at his bag when it fell on the floor. He tossed his coat on the nearest chair, and spun around to double-check that the front door was definitely locked before he briskly walked away from it.
You had both been at STAR Labs all morning, but the autumn chill had seeped into the building, and Harry sent you home the moment he heard you sneeze. He wasn’t thrilled at the idea of sending you home alone. You looked so tired and cold; it took all his willpower not to bundle you up and have you sit next to him as he worked, but you deserved to fall asleep on something much more comfortable than an office chair, and there was still an enormous amount of work left for him to do. Of course, Harry ended up spending every free moment he had thinking about you.
Harry turned into the living room to find you in your pyjamas, curled up on the sofa with a file in your hands and a blanket on the floor. You met his gaze with a tinge of guilt in your eyes. After seeing the mountain of work everyone was dealing with, it didn’t feel right just to leave with unfinished files on your desk, so you had snuck a few things into your bag to work on at home. You promised everyone you would rest – and in your defence, you did take a nap – but turning your brain off work mode seemed too much of a struggle. The look Harry gave you was the perfect mix of disappointment and worry to make you close the file you were holding.
“Before you say anything,” you started, “I took a nap with that blanket, and I woke up way too hot, so it had to go.”
Harry raised a brow. “On the floor?”
“... Yes.”
Harry made his way over to you, perching on the edge of the coffee table next to the pile of work you had yet to touch. He gently pulled the file from your hands, taking a mental note of how cold your fingers were, and placed it beside him. Now that Harry was sitting next to it, the amount of work you had brought home looked ridiculous for a sick person to be tackling. You watched as Harry stretched down and scoop up the blanket, fidgeting with it as he thought about what to do with you.
“I hate being ill,” you muttered to yourself.
Harry hated seeing you so unhappy and not being able to fix everything for you immediately. He wrapped the blanket around your shoulders so he could pull you close enough to kiss your forehead.
“Oh love, you’re freezing.”
You dropped your head onto his shoulder and grumbled; you really did have a lot of work left to do, and it was a lot easier to pretend you weren’t ill when you were alone. Harry’s hand stroked your hair before moving down to rub circles on your back. He heard you wheezing and sighed.
“Come on–” to your dissatisfaction, Harry pulled away to look you in your puffy eyes “–you’ll feel better when you’re resting in bed.”
The room was a lot colder without his arms around you, and your head rocked, threatening you with nausea as you moved to look up at him. Suddenly, the idea of returning to work felt like torture.
You mumbled in agreement and shakily got to your feet, grasping the blanket around you with one of your hands. All it took was one step and your head span. The floor felt like it was moving to the bedroom without you, and you desperately waved your free hand around until it found Harry’s shoulder. He rushed to his feet to steady you.
“Let’s take it slow,” said Harry, keeping a firm hand on your arm and one on your back.
After what felt like an eternity of shuffling, you finally made it to the bedroom. As soon as you sat in bed, Harry tucked you into the duvet, and then the blanket, and as much as it made you laugh, you had to physically stop him from making a pile on top of you. Once he saw that you were comfortable, he turned to leave.
“Probably for the best,” you said, “I don’t want to get you ill too.”
Harry stopped at the doorway and looked over to you. “I’m not leaving you alone like that.”
“I don’t get sick, I’ll be fine.”
Before you could argue with how silly of a statement that was, Harry disappeared. A few minutes passed before he returned with painkillers, a bottle of water, and a mug of hot tea. He carefully placed the drinks and painkillers on the side table next to you, and grabbed the corner of the duvet.
“Move up,” he said plainly.
“I’m dead serious about getting you ill.”
“I’ve looked after Jesse every single time she’s been ill in her entire life, I’ve never once caught anything from her.” He could see the doubt in your tired face. “Sweetheart, I’ll be fine. Move over.”
Begrudgingly, you shuffled over and let Harry climb in next to you. You hated to admit it, but you felt so much better as soon as Harry’s arms were all around you again. He leaned you up against his side so you could breathe better and then wasted no time covering the top of your head in kisses.
You looked up to Harry and smiled. “Thank you for taking care of me. I love you so much.”
Harry grinned and gave you a squeeze. “I love you too.”
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adriellej · 5 months
The way
Warnings: None really. 
Pairings: Team Flash, Harry x Reader.
Word count: 1.6K+
A/N: I made something cute again! I’m apparently all in for the cute stuff lately. I was looking on Pinterest to get some ideas and I fell over this. I just knew it had to be Cisco’s line, didn’t imagine it to turn into a whole Harry situation, but it kinda did!
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GIF and Prompt isn't mine. Found on google and found on Pinterest.
You had always been an active outdoorsy person. You always played every sport you could find. You’d take long walks with your family, and when you got old enough you went hiking on your own. You had traveled quite a lot, all over the world really. 
Lately, it had been some slow days for team Flash, metas were on the down-low, no big current villain to haunt down. So you had convinced the team to come hiking with you. You knew an amazing place just outside of Central City. It was beautiful at sunset, but it was also a bit of a hike to get on top of the small mountain. 
It wasn’t everyone who was as excited for it as you were, and a few, or one specific, had been quite reluctant to go. It’s no point, makes no sense to waste our time doing this. Our time is better spent developing our tech than this, you recalled in your memory. Others had been excited and joyful. Oh yes! This would be awesome, it’s going to be so much fun! You had laughed at how excited Barry was to go. 
You looked around at your friends, they were like family to you and you were so excited to be spending this time with them. Barry was running in the front with Ralph right on his heels. They had made it into a competition; who could reach the top first? Caitlin and Iris were walking beside you and right behind you were Harry and Cisco, who were of course bickering about something.
“You know, this wasn’t a bad idea Y/N,” Caitlin mused beside you, all you could do was smile and say thank you. You dwelled in the moment, making mental pictures of it, because you knew you would have to go back to the real world at some point. Suddenly you heard a yelp.
“This is my life now. I have climbed this hill and now I will die upon it.” Cisco dramatically exclaimed. “Shut up. We’ve only been hiking for twenty minutes.” You and Harry said in unison causing the two girls beside you to laugh. “You two have a fun way of being quite alike,” Iris ushered. “Have you made up your mind?” Caitlin continued Iris’ thinking. You smiled and shook your head. “Come on, you must know if you want to or not!” Iris said a little louder than you wanted her to. 
“Iris, shhh!” You half panicked when Harry glanced at you with an amused look. “I don’t need him to know anything,” you spoke lowly. “At least not until I tell him on my own,” you continued as you looked at your girlfriends. A big smile spread on both of their lips. “Oh yes! You’re going to be so cute,” Iris shrieked. 
“Don’t get ahead of yourself Iris. It would have to include that he likes me too, ya know.” You tried to not get your own hopes up. 
You had had a crush on the Earth 2 Harrison Wells for quite some time by now. Iris had asked you one day what it was about him that made your heart flutter. At that moment you had said everything, but it had started a thought process over what it was about him. 
You could conclude on your own that it was the way his dimples came out when he smiled at you. It was the way he looked at you, that made your knees go soft. It was the way it didn’t matter to you if you understood what he said or not, you just loved to listen to him talk about something he was passionate about. It was the way that he tried to explain it to you, with no annoyance or anything. It was the way it felt when your fingers grazed each other when handing stuff to one another. It was the small hugs at the end of the really long days, that no one saw. It was something only you two had and moments only you shared. 
It was how he always put a smile on your lips when you thought of him. The way he made fun with you, told jokes, and laughed with you. He’s the first thing you think of in the morning and the last thing you think of at night. 
You glimpsed back at him. His baseball cap tugged down on top of his glasses, his black t-shirt showing his very nice muscled arms, and his sweater wrapped around his waist because it became too hot to wear. Oh yeah, and then he’s just flipping hot and sexy, you thought to yourself. 
“Iris come on, you need to see the view from up here!” Barry yelled down to his wife. A big smile spread across her face. “Race you to the top?” Cisco chimed in right beside you. They all shared a look and ran off, leaving you behind with Harry. 
“Hey,” He said as he joined you and adjusted his speed to fit yours. 
“Hey yourself,” you said as you nudged his shoulder with yours and a smile you couldn’t hide. “Is it as bad as you thought it would be?” You slowly started to converse with him. He breathed in and held it for a second before letting it go in a small laugh. 
“Well no, not with you by my side at least,” He smiled as he glanced down at you. His icy blue orbs were filled with enjoyment and warmth. Maybe Iris and Caitlin weren’t wrong when they said he had a thing for you too. 
You reached the top with the others just in time for the sunset creating the most beautiful purple, pink, and orange lights across the sky. 
“Wow, this is absolutely stunning,” Caitlin pointed out to the rest of the group. “How long have you kept this gem to yourself?” She continued looking back at you. 
“Well, not for as long as you would think. I found it a few months ago, just haven’t had a chance to show you guys yet,” you stated. 
Everyone fell silent for a while. Barry and Iris were sitting with their legs hanging off the little cliff, and Ralph, Cisco, and Caitlin were joking about something further away. Yourself, you were leaning on a big stone that was stood by a tree. Enjoying the moment. Savoring it as much as you possibly could. Harry came up to lean against the tree beside you. 
“Ya know, I was afraid something would happen and ruin this moment. I was expecting a meta alarm to finally go off and take this moment away from us, but it didn’t.” You looked into the horizon, with a dreaming look on your face. 
“I think we needed this more than we thought,” Harry caught your attention and you turned to look at him, his hand resting on your shoulder. His features were soft as he spoke. “With Savitar, with the metas, with the Earth X’ers. Having this moment with our family is worth more than anything,” Harry was a quite soft and warm person behind the hard glares, the grumpiness, and the insults. 
“Harry, with a risk of ruining this moment, can I ask you two questions?” You turned completely towards him with a soft smile on your lips. 
“Sure, though I would bet to say it would equal in three questions, taking the one you just did ask,” He joked and huffed a small laugh. “See, already ahead of you, that was one of the two questions!” You exclaimed poking out your tongue at him. “I know you too well,” You continued and he laughed. His laugh was like music to your ears, you would give anything to listen to it all day. 
“Go on,” he pushed. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again, looking straight into his captivating ones. 
“How do you feel about me?” You spoke lowly scared to say it out too loud. 
“How do I feel about you?” He looked puzzled at you. You looked down on the ground before you spoke again. 
“I like you, Harry. I like you a lot, and I have for a while now. I just haven’t had the guts to ask, because I’m afraid I might ruin what we have. We have an amazing friendship, and you are by far one of my best friends, and I would hate for it-” you ranted on before you were cut short by Harry.
“Y/N, stop blabbering and look at me,” His hand went to take yours and you looked more at your hands than at him. He crouched down into your view forcing you to look at him, and you followed as he stood up straight again. “I have a hard time going through my day if I don’t see you. It’s like my day isn’t good before I’ve seen your smile. You're the one who brings some light into my life while Jesse isn’t here. I wouldn’t want our friendship to be jeopardized in the slightest bit.” He continued to talk, and you could feel your face fall a little bit at the last part he was saying. “Stop overthinking it, Y/N. I’m trying to say that I like you a lot too, it’s just not coming across the way I want it to,” He laughed nervously as his hand went to scratch the back of his neck.
You looked up at him, removing the last part of space between you as you stepped up to kiss him. His hands found their way to cup your face and yours snaked around his neck. 
“FINALLY!” Cisco and Ralph yelled out. You laughed against his lips before he started pecking your lips several times in a row. His hands snaked around your waist instead and deepened the kiss. “Okay you two, we get it, you’re in love, now get a room!” Cisco yelled out again. 
“Shut up Cisco!” You yelled out in unison again.
Tag list:
@hiddenwritingsintheworld, @brianllamawrites
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soft-persephone · 7 months
Laying With the Devil
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AN: I wrote this when I was in high school and I orphaned it and I just remembered it exists after finding a google doc of the last chapter. So I searched in AO3 for hours to find it!
MDNI? (I wrote it when I was a minor so idk)
WC: 11k Unfinished // AO3 Link // WA: Explicit (again I was a minor. Violence. Light mention of abuse but no details, emotional manipulation // summery:
“A brave man is an man who dares to look the devil in the face and tell him he is a devil.” — James A. Garfield
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unreliablesnake · 1 year
Somebody like you (Harry Wells x reader)
Summary: You had a crush on Earth-1’s Dr. Wells, while Harry was hopelessly in love with your Earth-2 counterpart. These feelings bring you a lot closer after an inevitable conversation.
Note: part 2
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“You’re alive,” the sentence left Harry’s mouth before he could stop himself.
This was a different Earth, he knew there was a chance you were alive here, but he wasn’t expecting you to show up in S.T.A.R. Labs as a member of this world’s Flash’s team. He watched as a confused look emerged on your face, filled with a hint of terror he attributed to your past experience with his evil doppelgänger.
He cleared his throat, trying to shake off the overwhelming feeling that had taken control of him, then raised his hands as he watched you. “Don’t worry, I’m a different Harrison Wells, not the one you knew,” he informed you, and he was sure his voice was way softer than it was when he talked to the others.
“Can someone explain to me what is going on here?” you asked the team, completely ignoring him.
It hurt him, yes, but he kept reminding himself that you weren’t her. You were a completely different version of your Earth-2 counterpart, just like he was a different version of the Harrison Wells of this world. Still, it was hard to accept this. It was hard not to think of his version of you.
Harry listened to Barry as he told you everything you missed while you had been away, his eyes fixed on you the whole time, analyzing every little movement of yours. Your body language was different, it simply missed that vibrant energy your Earth-2 version used to have even in the most stressful situations. He couldn’t help but wonder what else was different about you.
And sure he thought about your relationship with this Wells. Had he been your mentor too? Or was there something more intimate between you? He needed answers, he simply had to know what to expect. His betrayal hurt you as well, it was clear from the moment your eyes landed on him, but he didn’t know just how bad things were.
Once Barry finished the explanation, Harry drew in a deep breath and took a hesitant step closer to you. “I just want to stop Zoom with Barry’s help and save my daughter. That’s all,” he assured you.
You continued to ignore him completely which felt like a stab in the heart. Instead of talking to him, you turned to Caitlin and Cisco for help. They assured you that he was telling the truth, that he could be trusted, and only then did you truly look at him. You were still uncertain and he couldn’t blame you for it.
Before he could try to break the ice again, you finally spoke up, this time talking directly to him. “You’d better not betray us too,” you warned him.
“I would never betray you,” he noted quietly, keeping his voice so low everyone had trouble hearing him. “No need to worry about that,” he said with a forced smile, this time talking louder.
Days passed with you avoiding being alone with him. Every time you were left alone in a room with him, you immediately fled, leaving him behind without a second thought. He wanted to talk to you, he wanted to get to know you, hell, he wanted to be around you even if that time passed in complete silence.
It took him two weeks to finally get you to talk to him. You were ready to leave the lab he usually worked in once Cisco left, but he was quick to grab your wrist and pull you back. You yanked your hand away, looking slightly offended that he tried to stop you this way. Harry raised his hands and backed away to let you breathe.
“Let’s talk,” he suggested hesitantly, watching you carefully to see if you were willing to stay. When you took a deep breath and nodded, he let out a long sigh of relief. “Why are you avoiding me? What did I do to you? Or was it my doppelgänger that hurt you?”
You remained silent. It was killing him, the only noise that filled the room coming from the fan of the laptop he was working on, but despite this he didn’t feel like rushing you. After long seconds you finally gulped and folded your hands behind your back.
“You did nothing wrong,” you assured him with a small smile that he almost missed. “Dr. Wells… He betrayed us as you know. It just hit me harder than the others, I guess.”
“Why’s that?”
“I liked him. And when I say I liked him,” you began, falling silent in the end.
But even if you didn’t finish the sentence, Harry understood what you wanted to say, so he only nodded in response. He waited to see if there was anything else you wanted to add, but you were just staring at your shoes as if you were feeling guilty all of a sudden.
Something told him it was up to him to take the lead, to keep the conversation going, so he decided to dig deeper, hoping he could get some extra information out of you. “Did the others know?” he asked you.
You put a hand on the back of your neck and let out a nervous laugh. “That I had a stupid crush on our mentor? No.”
“Did Wells know?”
“I have no idea.”
“So let me guess,” he began slowly, carefully weighing every word as he tried to get some answers out of you. “You’re avoiding me because I remind you of him.”
Without much hesitation, you simply nodded. Harry wanted to tell you he wasn’t that man, he wasn’t about to betray you too, but his instincts told him this was the perfect time to practice staying silent. He wondered how long it would take you to accept him as part of this team. Catching Zoom wasn’t the problem of the next few days sadly, so he was surely here to stay for a while.
He couldn’t help but stare at you while he waited to say what was on your mind. Because he could see you were thinking about something, hesitating whether or not to say it. At one point he flashed a supportive smile at you to make you speak up, hoping you would finally trust him enough to say whatever you wanted in his presence.
And then it happened. “Can I ask you something too?” you asked quietly.
“Go ahead.”
“I’ve noticed that you’re hitting a much kinder tone every time you talk to me. Why?”
So you noticed. With a sigh, Harry folded his arm over his chest and considered how much to tell you. After you told him about your crush on your Wells, it would be only fair if he was honest as well. But how could he talk about that? How could he talk about her death without feeling like breaking down again?
“I knew your Earth-2 counterpart,” he began eventually, already bracing himself for the worst part. “She was working for me, with me, and we were trying to handle the metahuman crisis together after the explosion. Zoom wanted to hurt me so he killed her right in front of my eyes. It was my fault and I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to forgive myself for letting that happen.”
You nodded, though you didn’t seem convinced. “Is that all?”
“You’re smart,” Harry noted with a forced smile. “I asked her out but she rejected me. I kept telling myself that it was okay, that dating an employee would have only complicated things, but I was already too lost in my feelings for her. Losing her was… I don’t even know how I could describe how I felt.”
“I’m sorry for your loss,” you said softly as you walked over to him and pulled him into a hug.
Feeling you be this close to him rang the alarm in his brain, he didn’t even know what to do at first. Your Earth-2 version had hugged him a few times when he was upset, causing him to fall deeper in love with her, but you’ve been avoiding him all along, it was too big a change all of a sudden.
You probably noticed he was getting uncomfortable because you suddenly gulped and let go of him. “I’m sorry, I just… I don’t even know what I was thinking.”
“No, it’s okay. No need to apologize,” he assured you.
It was hard. Harry had assumed things would get a lot easier once he told you the truth, once the two of you sorted things out, but he was wrong. If anything, things only got more confusing. Did this mean you would loosen up around him? Did it mean he could finally talk to you the way he wanted without you running away?
You excused yourself suddenly and left the lab before he even registered what was happening. He felt like an idiot. Shaking his head, he rushed after you and was quick to turn you around and kiss you. You didn’t resist at all, and soon he felt you wrap your arms around his neck and press your body closer to his.
Maybe it was only the element of surprise that made you give in, maybe you were thinking about this Earth’s evil Wells when he kissed you, but he couldn’t care less about the reason. He had been thinking about kissing you or your other version on his Earth for so long that now he was on cloud nine and he didn’t want to come off this high.
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urprinceoflove · 1 year
The Flash Master List
Master List Key:
fluff - normal text
angst - italicized text
coming soon - crossed out
✩ - posted on old acc. (mostly for myself)
OG Harrison Wells/Timeless Wells
✩ Lost Love
Harry Wells
✩ Cuddle Shirt
✩ Cold, Lonely Lake
✩ Kitty Calls (Headcanon)
HR Wells
✩ Mistaken Relations (Songfic)
A Scientist’s Secret
Sherloque Wells
✩ French Cuddles 101 (Headcanon)
Nash Wells
✩ Stargazing
✩ Into the Air
✩ The Only Language I Speak
✩ Forgetfulness
✩ Bed Monster
✩ Lovable Idiot
A Second of Your Time (Headcanon)
✩ “Tough Villain”
✩ Heroes and Villains
OG Eobard Thawne/Mattobard
✩ The Dance of a Lifetime
✩ “Tough Villain”
Multiple Wells
✩ A Special Something (Headcanon)
✩ Hooked on Love (Headcanon)
✩ Birthday Surprises and Love (Headcanon)
✩ Children of Magic (Headcanon)
✩ Jealousy, Jealousy (Wells x Wells)
Hoping Eight Lasts Prolongedly Master List
Ralph Dibny
Catching a Feeling
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marvelsgirl616 · 7 months
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khayrrilrainxwells · 1 year
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The Color Enigma
Harry Wells X Reader
A/N: Hello everyone,
I'm back! School's out, and I have loads of time to write amazing fics. Get ready for some captivating stories coming your way!
You've been sitting at the cortex, the room filled with the soft hum of computers and the faint glow of screens illuminating your surroundings. As the minutes ticked away, the team had already departed, leaving you alone to complete your work. Feeling the weight of solitude, you cast your gaze upon the grumpy scientist who remained engrossed in his own tasks, his brow furrowed in concentration. The stillness in the air compelled you to break the silence and inject some warmth into the atmosphere.
With a thoughtful expression, you swiveled your chair to face Harry, the enigmatic scientist, whose demeanor often seemed impenetrable. "Hey, Harry," you called out, your voice cutting through the quietude. His eyes lifted from the intricate calculations before him, meeting your curious gaze.
"What's your favorite color?" you asked, a hint of amusement tugging at the corners of your lips. Harry leaned back in his chair, contemplating the question, his lips forming a pensive line. He glanced at you, his eyes momentarily searching for an answer before he finally responded, "Don't have one." His response was accompanied by a nonchalant reach for the coffee cup sitting on the edge of the table.
You chuckled softly, the sound ringing in the otherwise hushed room. "Of course you do, Harry. Everyone has a favorite color," you persisted, confident in your belief. He regarded you for a moment, his expression inscrutable, before shaking his head gently. "Not me," he insisted, his voice laced with a tinge of mystery.
Undeterred, you shifted your attention back to your work, though a flicker of curiosity remained. The silence settled once more upon the cortex, broken only by the soft sounds of keyboards and the occasional hum of electronic equipment. Lost in your own thoughts, you found yourself engrossed in your task until a gentle voice brought you back to the present.
"What's yours then?" Harry's inquiry caught you by surprise, and you turned to face him, your lips grazing the bottom one in contemplation before meeting his gaze. "My favorite color is (Y/F/C)," you replied, a hint of vulnerability seeping into your voice. As you resumed your work, you couldn't help but sneak a quick glance at Harry, hoping to discern any hidden emotions that lay behind his enigmatic facade.
Once again, he shook his head, reaffirming his lack of preference. It seemed as though Harry was a man of few words and even fewer emotions. A sigh escaped your lips, realizing that perhaps breaking through his walls was an insurmountable task. The whispers of your teammates' doubts echoed in your mind—they had warned you that Harry was closed off, unreachable. Maybe they were right.
Resolving to finish your work elsewhere, you swiftly gathered your belongings, preparing to retreat to the comfort of your own apartment. As you made your way towards the exit, his voice called out to you, stopping you in your tracks. "(Y/F/C)," he uttered, causing you to turn and face him, your brows knitting together in confusion.
"That's my favorite color, the one I just told you," he revealed, his expression mirroring your own bewilderment. Slowly, he removed his glasses, carefully placing them on the table. Taking a deep breath, he rose from his seat, striding purposefully toward you. With every step he took, your heartbeat quickened, anticipation mingling with apprehension. Backed against the cold wall of the cortex, you found yourself trapped by his presence.
Harry's intense gaze locked onto yours, his hands moving to press against the wall on either side of you, effectively enclosing you within his grasp. A small, enigmatic smile curved his lips.
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sarawritestories · 1 year
How Do I Look?
(Harry Wells x Reader)
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Summary: Barry and Y/N have a gala to go to hosted by the CCPD. Y/N asks her two best friends what they think of her dress. As Cisco leaves her alone with the Earth-2 scientist, the two share a brief moment, and Harry surprises her with a trick up his sleeve
Content Warning ⚠️: Fluff, just pure Fluff and a flustered Harry
Tags: @twilightlover2007 @eonash @yetanotherwells
Cisco and Harry were in their shared lab, bickering over a project they were working on. Their voices began to rise , and they were both unaware of the clicking of heels heading into the lab. Y/N entered the room in an emerald green floor length gown her hair in soft curls.
Harry and Cisco did not look up from what they were working on, their argument going to a decible that hurt her ears. "Guys," she tried to say over them. Harry began to ignore Cisco's comments and placed the pencil in his mouth screwing a bolt to whay they were working on.
Fed up with continuously being ignored, she screamed, "GUYS!" The Earth-2 Scientist and engineer stopped what they were doing to see the woman in the doorway. Harry slowly removed the pencil from his mouth as Y/N walked up to them. Emerald satin from her off the shoulder gown, swishing with every step. "I swear the way you two fight someone could sneak up on you and take you away, and you would be none the wiser."
Cisco smirked, "Well, Y/N, you dress like that more often, Harry may walk away from work now and again," immediately Harry whacked him upside the head. Cisco rubbed the back of his head, "What i meant to say was, you look beautiful."
Y/N gave him a warm smile, "Thanks, Cisco, you know Barry is in a monkey suit right -"
Cisco dropped all his tools and ran out of the room as Y/N finished, "Now.." she chuckled and looked back at Harry. "Well, Cisco fled so fast I didn't get a chance to ask him to zip me up?" She averted his gaze for a brief moment,"would you mind helping me?"
Harry cleared his throat, "Not at all," he put down his tools and wiped his hands with the closest towel and stepped toward her, "Princess, in order for me to help you, you have to turn around."
Y/N felt her face warm as she turned around. "Right, sorry." She turned around, moving her hair over shoulder a cold breeze hitting her bare back.
Harry placed a hand on her hip as he eased the zipper up. The dress fully zipped. Harry took a step back a flush on his face, "All done."
Y/N turned to face him and smiled, "Thank you, Harry." She did a twirl, "How do I look?"
The grumpy scientist gave her a rare smile as she twirled to face him oncd more, "You look absolutely beautiful, Princess. Whats the occasion?"
Y/N fanned her face with her hand warmed by the compliment, "CCPD is hosting a gala tonight. I promised Barry I would go. Though now he is taking Patty and I'll be alone, at a masquerade party." She bit her lip and shrugged, "I dont plan on staying very long. Thank you again for helping." She grabbed his biceps, rose up on her toes, and kissed his cheek. With that, she gave him a wave and walked out of the room.
Harry walked to the computer and hit the intercom button, "Ramon, get down here now!"
~10 minutes later~
Barry and Y/N were about to step out of the cortex, masks in hand, to pick up Patty when Cisco comes barrelling in. Out of breath, he puts his hands on his knees, regaining his breath, "Dude, what's wrong? Barry asked, brow raised in confusion.
Cisco stood up, taking a deep breath, ignoring his best friends question to face Y/N, "Someone didn't want you to be alone tonight."
Y/N knitted her brows in confusion to see a tall figure behind Cisco walk forward. Harry stood a black mask on his face to compliment the black suit with a tie the same green as her dress around his neck. "Harrison," she whispered, she smiled wide, "but you could get caught. Why risk it?"
He walked toward her and shrugged, "The mask will conceal me for the most part, I'm not worried. Plus, there is a beautiful woman who shouldn't have to be alone at a work event. Figured she could use a friend."
Barry and Cisco smiled as Y/N took Harry's face in her hands and pulled his face to hers until their lips touched. Barry held out his hand as Cisco pulled out money to place in his hands, clearly losing a bet as the couple pulled away. "So what do you say, Y/N," Harry asked, holding out his arm, "Shall we?"
Y/N looped her arm through his and nodded, "We shall, Doc." He smiled and escorted her out of the cortex.
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