#Harrison Wells fic
iwannabeyourman · 5 months
I honestly hate how pretty much every single lennison/mcharrison fic out there is just George being the side piece/getting pushed aside in favor of Mclennon. Like it might be the most ‘historically accurate’ dynamic but cmon. He’s still George. Hes their special little guy
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khayrrilrainxwells · 1 year
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Bug Bite
HR Wells X Reader X Harry Wells
A/N: I hope you all enjoy my new fic! Your reactions, reblogs, and comments mean the world to me and keep me motivated. Exciting news: I'll be entering my second year of school soon, and I'm thrilled about it! Thank you for your ongoing support❤️
You and HR found yourselves enjoying a late-night coffee session, the dimly lit room creating a cozy ambiance. As he helped you with your new invention to support the team, you both couldn't help but share laughter and lighthearted banter. His presence alone filled the room with a warm energy that made the hours pass by effortlessly.
At one point, while engrossed in conversation, you realized the screwdriver you needed was out of your reach, positioned on the other side of the table, just next to HR. With a gentle smile, you looked at him and kindly asked for his assistance, feeling grateful for his unwavering support.
"Thank you," you whispered appreciatively, the words slipping out while you attempted to focus on your work amidst his nonstop chatter about his latest book. Occasionally, you'd pause and listen intently to his creative ideas, offering suggestions for the perfect endings to his stories, intertwining your own imagination with his words.
As you worked, the temperature in the room seemed to rise, causing beads of sweat to form on your forehead. Instinctively, you inhaled deeply, feeling the warmth cling to your skin. Sensing your discomfort, HR paused, furrowing his brow and casting a curious glance at your neck. A mischievous smirk played on his lips as he cleared his throat, catching your attention.
"Oh my, you've been having fun," HR teased, his voice laced with playful intrigue, as he motioned toward your neck.
Startled, you shifted in your seat, suddenly self-conscious under his gaze. You swallowed nervously, locking eyes with HR, his captivating blue irises drawing you in.
"It's a bug bite," you stammered, avoiding his penetrating gaze, your voice barely above a whisper.
"Yeah, sure. Bug bites," HR replied, his arms folding across his chest as he maintained a skeptical expression.
With each passing moment, you could sense that HR's curiosity wouldn't waver until he discovered the truth. Succumbing to the inevitable, you took a deep breath, accepting your impending defeat.
"Fine," you conceded, your face turning a shade of crimson as you recalled the vivid scenario playing out in your mind. "It was Harry," you confessed, your fingertips lightly grazing the hickey on your neck, a sweet smile gracing your lips.
Just as your conversation resumed, you heard the distinct sound of footsteps approaching the Cortex. An impish grin tugged at the corners of your mouth as you locked eyes with the person entering the room, a flash of excitement dancing in your eyes.
"Oh, here's the bug," HR declared with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, pointing at Harry in jest.
"The bug?" Harry questioned, his eyebrow raised in confusion.
"Yeah, the bug," you chimed in, struggling to suppress a mischievous giggle at the inside joke shared between you and HR.
Harry appeared even more perplexed, trying to make sense of the playful banter unfolding before him.
"Wait, what bug?" Harry asked, a mixture of curiosity and amusement coloring his expression.
You exchanged a mischievous glance with HR, unable to contain the secret any longer. With a mischievous smile, you leaned closer to Harry, whispering dramatically, "It seems I've been bitten by the love bug."
Harry's eyes widened in surprise, a wide grin spreading across his face. "Well, bug bites can be contagious," he replied with a playful wink.
Laughter filled the room as HR looked on, satisfied with the playful chaos he had instigated. From that moment on, your late-night coffee sessions became a delightful blend of scientific discoveries, shared secrets, and a hint of sweet romance, all thanks to a harmless bug bite that led to unexpected connections, endless moments of laughter, and the beginning of a whimsical love story that unfolded amidst your inventive endeavors.
Tags: @eonash @gaminggirlsstuff
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jackiequick · 1 year
Meet The Wells - Harry Wells Fic
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Tv Show: The Flash
Setting: Season 4
Pairing: Harrison ‘Harry’ Wells x Leanna ‘Lea’ O’Conner
Featuring: One of the best characters on the show, Cisco Ramon!
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The morning everything pretty well. Team Flash was doing their usual work at S.T.A.R LABS. Discussing lunch breaks, new metas they possibly discovered, new experiments to create and plans for the weekend. That was until Harry mentioned friends.
Cisco sat up, “No he’s delusional. That’s because the lack of sleep he’s has been having. Uh, Harry friends are in here!”
Caitlin looked at Barry, who stood there confused, guessing that he’s being sarcastic.
“I got friends other than you guys! You will meet them.” Harry respond, siping his morning coffee.
Cisco gave his second girl a look and asked, “Lea help.”
“I-i know nothing about this.” Lea admitted with her hands up in defense.
“Ramon, believes i don’t got any friends. When i clearly do.” Harry yelled and sighed, typing away on his keyboard, “You told me to go make some friends, right?”
Cisco yelled back, “Yeah but last time i checked, you don’t have any friends besides us!”
Leanna who was tinkering with her tools looked up and nodded, “Yup! I did tell you that. Actually I’m curious to meet your friends, but I gotta hand some paperwork over to Joe first.”
She stood up, giving her boyfriend of 3 years now, a quick kiss on the cheek, in which Harry wraps his hand around her waist pulling her in for one more starling kiss. Clearly he was excited for today.
Cisco and Harry were in the speed lab being introduced to their scientific ragtag team of friends. But it wasn’t what Cisco suspected Harry’s friends to be. One of them even practically threw Cisco Ramon out of the speed lab for being annoyed and offended. Lea walked in, confused onto why her best friend ran out of there but her confusion came to a pause after what she see saw.
There stood right in front of her brown eyes the doppelgängers of Harrison Wells. Not 1, not 2, but 3 Harrison Wells in the speed lab. And if add Harry, that makes 4! In total stood 4 very different variants of Harrison Wells, going from one with gray hair and a turtleneck to one with war general uniform like he just lost an eyeball for God’s sakes.
She didn’t know to laugh at how insane this is or internally whine about this little endeavor being oddly weird for her. But at the same time she was very much integrated into this new situation. She met versions of Wells beforehand but this was completely different. Before she can even say a word or pull together another set of thoughts, when a voice called out to her. More or less a catcall followed by a cheeky whistle.
“Who is this little beauty queen? She’s finer than a flower on a summer morning!” Yelled out a rusty almost burnt blonde Wells in a red rode and slippers.
Lea didn’t realize they were staring at her that moment, quickly fixing her dark gray shirt with tiny daisies scattered all over and dark jacket she borrowed from her friend, Caitlin Snow, earlier that week. She firstly mouth a small “What the fuck?” to Harry as he jogged over swiftly taking her hand with ease. The man was clearly excited about this.
“Honey, come meet my new friend!” He exclaimed holding a grin, returning back to earlier spot but this time with her next to him, “This is Harrison Wolfgang Wells, H. Lothario Wells and Wells 2.0. Men, this is Leanna O’Conner.”
All 3 of them smiled at the lady. Wolfgang Wells stayed wondering his eyes at the brunette, as if he trying to pin point something in particular.
Lea had to just smile politically for the 3 idiots to go sight seeing on her, if allowed. Without a second later the women dragging Harry out into the hallway for a quick chat.
“Harry, honey, what the hell?!” She whispered yelled.
“What the hell? What do you mean ‘what the hell?’?” He whispered yell back.
“Are you out of your mind? Have you officially lost your marbles?!”
“You asked me to make some friends and that’s exactly what I did!”
“When I told you to make friends, I didn’t mean with yourself!”
“They’re technically NOT me! They’re my double hitting doppelgängers from other earths and one of the biggest baddest brightest mind out there.”
“Again! There’s literally 3 of you in that room, all three of them ready to make goo goo eyes at me and oh yeah, one of you is enough but a friend group of Wells that’s just—”
“Sweetie I can handle this. There is nothing to worry about, they’re just charming and intelligent people with different kinds of backgrounds. It’s gonna go great. I promise.”
“You promise? Cause—”
“Lea it’s fine! I got this.”
Once the couple walked back in, Lea announced the plan with Harry, but the second they all heard her voice they looked at her like 3 somewhat trained dogs. Harry had to scuff down a laugh, snorting a smidge.
Sandy hair blonde Wells aka H. Lothario Wells, grinned at her. He found her pretty and said, “Say, gorgeous you got any sisters? Or are you free this Sunday night?”
She blushed chuckling as she shook her head ‘No’ as Harry face them with a glare saying that Lea was HIS girlfriend. So hands off fellas!
Wells 2.0 spoke up, “I had a Lana on my earth…”
“Really? How was I like?” Lea asked, her eyes perked up curious about the answer.
“I wouldn’t know, she died or was it that she left the country? Oh well, i don’t remember! Ladies on my earth aren’t as nice looking as you.”
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The four of them kept talking, mainly Harry and his doubles, Lea just stayed sitting back writing on her iPad a few notes on an old equipment and equations. She listened every once in a awhile to their conversation, walking in and out of the lab to other part of the building or heading down to Jitters for some java.
Blowing a kiss to all 3 copies of Wells as she left. All of them stayed with a loopy and cheeky smiles after that. Harry Wells was the lucky one, he actually got a kiss of the cheek.
Returning with a coffee for her boyfriend, after handing one to Caitlin and Cisco she heard it. “Annie..” said the voice. It belongs to Wolfgang Wells, who staying eyeing her for the moment due stepped into the room in the first place. She rarely heard that nickname tossed around but it been said plenty of times beforehand. Only Cisco or Barry will throw that nickname out.
“That’s Leanna, not Annie, can you believe this guy fellas?” Replied Sandy Wells with a chuckling, figuring his doppelgänger was nuts in the head or something.
“No, Annie O’Conner..” Wolfgang Wells said once again with curiosity and confidence in his tone.
“Yeah he’s right.” Lea confirmed his wording, “Did you know a version of me, on your Earth?”
“My wife.”
“We’re married?”
Harry’s eyes darted towards them, mumbling, “You married a verison of her? When?”
“Yeah but I left her. Too much of a handful.” Wolfgang said with a shrug.
Lea gasped, “HANDFUL? I will have you know that I’m not a handful, you guys are. No offense, Harry..”
Wolfgang snickered, “You sound like her too! I left her cause we fell out of love, she was too uptight and I was too busy to care.”
“But I think still love her very much. Still, love is love. I think we all got a verison of this lady on our earths, right?”
Sandy Wells chuckled, “Mhmmmm! I do. She’s my 2 A.M bootycall. Speaking of which…”
Just like that, blondie wells was gone saying he got business to take care of. Leanna jaw dropped, meanwhile Harry held back a little smile, grabbing everyone’s attention back to the matter at hand.
All 3 men went back to work. But the looks Wolfgang and 2.0 didn’t go unnoticed, glancing at the half Asian brunette every once in a while. Both men saw something in her, and they liked it. Harry had to snap their towards himself instead and looping a hand on his girlfriend’s waist to signify that once again she’s taken!
The men were talking over one another and bickering more often than not about the topic. Honestly it was kinda hilarious.
Cisco walked in soon enough with a smile, “Soo Council Of Wells, how are we doing? Any progress or we just chitchatting about who’s smarter?” 
Leanna chuckled at the last part, because half of it was true.
Harry on the other hand groaned in annoyance, “It’s not going anywhere! We can’t even agree on what method to use.”
“What? You had an entire day.”
“I know! I know!”
“Is it cause Lana is distracting them?”
This time Lea spoke up, “HEY! Right here you know?! First we’re complimenting me, then you’re treating me like a diamond in the rough and now you’re insulting me?! What is it? Leanna Day and I didn’t get the memo?!”
“Well welcome to my life, girlfriend! Theses guys love to do the same thing to me! Ain’t so easy, isn’t it?” Cisco repiled back, tossing her a glare.
“Ohhh, so this is the way your framing this, huh?”
“I guess so, Annie!”
“Cisco I swear—!”
“What?” Harry asked.
“Isn’t there a 3rd one? Isn’t there 3 of—”
He pointed out there was only 2 Wells standing there, not the original 3 from the beginning of the day. Harry was about to say something about it but as if on cue, Sandy haired Wells reappeared with a cheeky grin blabbing on about something.
Sandy turned toward the trio with a smile, “Oh sorry! Had to take care of some off camera business—”
“OHH MY GOD!” Cisco shouted holding a hand, covering whatever it was he didn’t want to see.
This Wells had his pants down, showing everything his mother gave him. Harry tried to looked away, his face accidentally saw it. Leanna just blinked, gasping as she turned around burying his face in her boyfriend’s black shirt.
“What?” Asked Sandy Wells softly , confused.
“I can see your Frank and beans.” Said Wolfgang, looking rather uncomfortable.
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“Come on, now. Do my best thinkin' commando,” Sandy defends himself with a shrug, “Plus, it ain't like we all haven't seen it before. Especially, you little missy.”
“I haven’t seen it!” Cisco yelled, sounding funny and offended by the fact.
He shoots a wink Leanna’s way and she feel like she can’t help but peek her face towards all the men in the room. She saw so much more than clearly expected today! Like Jesus Christ! She rested her head, still sorta hiding her face in her boyfriends shirt.
She didn’t look confident or heroic in that moment.
Harry placed a comforting hand on her head, holding his lady while smiling at her embraced blushing and embarrassment.
Cisco held back a couple of laughs, “Aww! You’re traumatizing the poor girl! But seriously, dude put that away..please.”
Wolfgang agreed with Cisco for once.
“Ah, you Earth Folks. You are so uptight.” Sandy replied pulling up his pants.
“Ah, alright! Can we get back to the take at hand? We need answers.”
Suddenly all men started throwing out suggestions left and right, speaking over one another not allowing Cisco nor Harry to keep a full sentence in.
Lea’s ears were ringing loudly and she groaned in annoyance, “Okay! That’s enough!”
“Enough? We’re just getting started!” Add 2.0 Wells, in which causing another explosion of words being thrown around.
Clearly Harry was losing it having enough of this shit and yelled, “Guys! Guys! Ga—gentlemen!” Grabbing all their attention he continued, “Clearly this isn’t working. And just for the record, it’s not me, it’s you.”
With a simple push of a button, all three holograms disappeared, leaving the trio to themselves.
“This, was a bad idea.” Harry said walking back, placing his hands on his girlfriend’s shoulders whispering, “You okay?”
“It’s like your junk was burnt into my brain.” Cisco answered instead.
“Your welcome.”
Leanna did not answer or add into the previous statement, just walking out with a hand covering her ears silently. Harry and Cisco shared a tired look, figuring something bothered her..
Him and Cisco were talking for a bit, the genius still grumbling about what happened. That he needed to accept the facts and himself, since they are technically his doppelgängers but still. He didn’t truly like it too much.
Until he found her.
Harry found his girlfriend in his lab, scribbling in a notebook wearing her noise canceling headphones, that both him and Cisco carefully crafted her due to her meta human abilities, and playing with her bangs.
He sighed, knowing she was flashed today and practically felt just as insulted as he was. But because Leanna was more of a sensitive soul in the relationship, rather busy lately with Iris’s wedding planning, and helping the team with their issues. Along with the overheating bickering wasn’t probably too pleasant to her ears.
He winced, taking a marker to the whiteboard and tapping it against the clear sided screen. Harry walked over to her, tapping her shoulder and simply asked, “Hey, are you alright?”
“Hm?” She asked, removing her headphone registering what he said and chuckled, “Oh! Yeah honey I’m fine.”
“Isn’t that my line? Lea, honey, what happened? You kinda snapped at them.”
“Yeah well, so did you!…I, uh, umm wasn’t expecting today. Part of me knew something was gonna happen! I felt like I was being pulled left and right. I mean 4 Wells in one room, that’s overwhelmingly surprising and kinda chaotic..no offense.”
“None taken! They are just huge self minded, idiots. Uptight, roughly insulting, snooty and just jerks. I—I didn’t think it would go like that! Hell they flashed you and choose to make eyes at you the whole time. Treated you like you were an prize to be won and be thrown away…no one was paying attention to anything and just talking over one another! Jesus…”
Leanna stayed quiet hearing him rant about how he felt about the situation and the protection his mind created, recognizing things she didn’t notice until now. It made her feel better, knowing that she got the best Wells in the multiverse. All he wanted was to make some more friends and figure out a way to help with his teammates issues.
But instead, he realized that rather became a host and solid choice for a complete conversation than the other guys. He also felt sorta good about himself being one to unlock the door to an O’Conner’s heart unlike his counterpart.
“I uh, don’t take you for granted, you know?” Harry said, with a soft grin.
“I figured as much. You stayed.” She replied with a tired smile.
“Wolfgang had a version of you then lost you, 2.0 Wells was just gah not—the best thing with women and uh, Lothario was something else where uh, you know!”
Lea chuckled and nodded, “Oh I know! I..I know!”
Harry couldn’t help but laugh, “But in all seriousness, Leanna I love you and I’m so sorry you had to deal with that—us, today.”
“I’ve been part of Team Flash for so long, where something like that shouldn’t surprise me but it did. It was chaotic chapter for the books, but I really hope that doesn’t happen again!”
“It better not! I can’t take another moment with those guys. They’re one of the most annoying minds of the multiverse!”
“Harry, honey..”
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
She stood up from her chair, wrapped her arms around his middle and looked up at the man gently grinning. He looked down at her, placing a hand on the small of her back, smiled softly confused since she left her second line incomplete.
“For being you! You came to this Earth and took it as it is, trying to help it. And those idiots, didn’t have to FaceTime us but they did. Because you would’ve done the same thing.” She added.
“Of course I’ve would’ve, I kinda like you guys. Especially you and Dr. Snow.” Harry admitted.
“Most importantly, you fell for me. All those other versions of Lea and Wells don’t know what they’re missing.”
“Well, technically, this wasn’t planned. I came to another earth for one goal. But we sorta happened.”
“Do you regret it?”
He leaned down, cupping her cheek a bit, “No.”
“Why’s that?” She asked, leaning in.
“Because it proves my multiverse theory. Every version of you or me, ends up being with an such interesting partner.”
“I love that theory.”
“I know you do.”
Harry closed the space between them, tossing in a few solid pecks of Lea’s waiting lips. A couple of sweet nothings and laughs were thrown into the mix, chatting about getting Big Belly Burger later.
When suddenly..
“Oh come on!”
Came Cisco’s voice, standing at the door with his hands on his hips.
“Seriously? Y’all didn’t need my help making her feel better.” Cisco said.
Lea snorted and smiled, as Harry tossed his friend a playful grin, only ever reserved for Cisco Ramon. 
“We’re heading to Big Belly Burger later, you coming?” asked Lea.
“Oh hell yes!” He replied, replacing the frown with a smile, snatched up his friend from Harry into his arms for a hug and yelling, “She was mine first.”
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed the story ⚡️
Please don’t forget to like, share reblog
Tags: @yetanotherwells @gaminggirlsstuff @gcthvile @mandylove1000 @msrochelleromanofffelton @hanlueluver @topgun-imagines @sherloquestea @superspookyjanelle @rooster-84 @bisexual-watermelons @withakindheartx @blackheart-beauty @blueboirick and etc.
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aliengirl99 · 1 year
Fic of the week
I'll be recommending one of my favorite fanfics once or twice a week. This week's is;
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Ok, so this isn't one fic, it's a bunch of 1 or 2 chapter short stories. All Harrisco, several with Jesse messing with team flash. Remember to read the tags yourself.
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if you're still looking for harrisco prompts i'd love to read something about a marriage proposal! thank you <3
Of course! I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner. I hope you like it!
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"Ack, no! Harry, don't you dare throw that mug! That is my favorite mug!" Cisco pointed his finger right at Harry's head, his other hand out and reaching for the precariously lofted mug in question, Harry's hand well above Cisco's height and poised to toss the apparently offending piece of ceramic during one of his more robust temper tantrums.
Harry paused entirely, however, raising a single brow as he glanced at the mug. Then he lowered it just enough to make Cisco relax a little.
"It's a S.T.A.R. Labs mug. It's the same as every other mug in the building." Harry declared sternly, seemingly having forgotten, at least momentarily, what he'd been on a tirade about only a moment ago. Cisco took the opportunity to grab it out of his hand, stepping back as he practically hugged it protectively. Harry shook his head at him. "I thought your favorite was the one with all the rainbows on it. How can that," he motioned his hand at the one now in Cisco's grasp, "Be your favorite mug?"
"The rainbow one is my favorite. At home." He turned away, setting the mug on his workstation, turning and crossing his arms. "This one's my favorite here."
"Why?" Harry put his hands on his hips.
"Is... is that really important right now?" He asked, furrowing his brows a little. "Weren't you just upset about our equations not working?"
"I can be angry about that again later." He took a step forward, shaking his head dismissively. Cisco cracked an instant smirk, inwardly amused by the way he'd said that. Harry had always been singularly focused, but he was also incredibly flexible when it came to the problem of the moment. And apparently, for whatever reason, this mug situation was now very important.
"It's my favorite because you gave it to me." Cisco said gently, smiling knowingly. Harry seemed to still, glancing past Cisco at the mug. Which, in his defense, did look like every other S.T.A.R. Labs mug in existence. Except for the slight chip in the curve of the handle. It was how Cisco could tell it apart. "When you asked me out for the first time. We hadn't slept in two days, and you made really gross, strong coffee to keep us awake. You set it down in front of me and said-"
"We should get a real cup with breakfast after this is over." Harry responded, remembering the exact words he'd said. "You wanted to know if I was asking you out on a date. And I said-"
"Only if that's what you want." Cisco finished for him, unable to stop the warm smile on his face. Then he let out an easy breath, uncrossing his arms and moving right into Harry, slipping his hands right onto the taller man's hips and tucking in close. Harry's features softened even more, hands coming up to rest on Cisco's arms.
Consequently, that first breakfast date had turned into one of the best makeout sessions Cisco had ever had, followed by many, many other dates, which turned into the longest, craziest, most important, and honestly kind of perfect relationship Cisco had ever been in.
Truth be told, things had moved pretty quickly after that breakfast. But for Cisco, it was as though they'd been building into the 'something more' phase for months. He'd realized very early on that he was in love with Harry. But he was never going to act on it. He'd been too afraid of the idea of Harry rejecting him. He couldn't lose their friendship, which admittedly was one of the most important things in his life. But when Harry asked him out first, it was like a weight had been plucked right off his heart and he could finally act on all the pent-up yearning he'd been drowning in.
Getting to be with Harry, to love him out loud and without apology, had been the best decision he'd ever made. In fact, they'd been together for just over a year now. And Cisco couldn't picture ever making a different choice. He couldn't picture his life with anyone else. He never wanted to.
"If I'd known it was your favorite, I wouldn't have grabbed it." Harry said gently, all apologetic and rather sullen. "I'd never intentionally break something you care about." Which was true. Harry's temper was a work in progress. But even when he was throwing things, he never hurt anyone. Physically or emotionally. And he'd never, ever hurt Cisco. That was as real a truth to him as literally everything else about Harry.
The guy was surly, but his temper was driven by his heart and by the incredible enormity of how much he cared about his work, about his family, about the team. And especially about Cisco.
Harry was the only one who could really keep Cisco on his toes, challenging him at every turn, pushing him to do more than he thought he could, and daring him to believe in himself the way Harry always believed in him.
He was also physically exactly Cisco's type. Strong and lean, with eyes like the ocean and a smile that could melt icebergs. He was also incredibly good with that body and with his hands. In fact, of all the people Cisco had been with, Harry was by far the best in literally every category. With the focused, thorough way that Harry tackled most of his life, this meant his mastery of what went on in the bedroom was no exception.
Add to all that the way he treated Cisco every single day, like he was Harry's world and the universe around it, and Cisco couldn't help but feel like Harry was a bit of a miracle. Because how could someone already love him so much, and still seem to want to love him even more every day?
Now, here he was, lost in the way Harry was looking at him right, truly sorry for what he'd almost done to the mug, and all the reasons why Cisco loved Harry so damn much in return clicked in his head and had words tumbling out of his mouth before he had the sense to stop them.
"Marry me." Cisco said softly. Then blinked and wondered, if only for a moment, if he'd really said them out loud. But he had. He'd said it. And he, quite surprisingly, didn't want to unsay it. In fact, he really wanted to say them louder.
"What... what did you just say to me?" Harry sounded instantly stunned. Or worried. Or maybe a little of both? For once, it was hard to tell where his tone fell on the spectrum of emotion. He looked a little like a deer in headlights. And Cisco... shit, he should have felt just as petrified, right? But... he didn't. He really, really didn't. Because even though those words had popped up out of the blue, he was ready to dive in head first with what they meant. And it was probably the most comforting, wonderful thing he'd figured out in a long time.
"Marry me, Harry." He said with a barely contained smile, searching the crystal blue eyes he adored. "I'm serious. Say yes." Harry's expression softened, even took on a humorous quality, but he shook his head a little.
"You can't just tell someone to marry you, Ramon. That's not how it works." He responded dryly, pulling him closer, searching Cisco's eyes for any hint that this wasn't real. "You are serious..." he whispered, letting out a quick breath. "Cisco, I'm not... I-
"No, no," Cisco lifted his hands to Harry's face, shaking his head, "Don't overthink it. I'm happy, Harry. Happier than I have any right to be, and it's all because of you. I'm pretty damn sure you feel the same way about me. I mean, you were just nearly heartbroken at the thought of breaking a mug because I like it." He cracked a smile, then slipped his hands around to the back of Harry's head. "And just now... it occurred to me that I don't want to lose that kind of love. I don't want to lose you, ever. I want you to drive me nuts and make me happy every day for the rest of my life. And I want to do the same for you, okay? So, you're right. I'm serious. Very, very serious."
For a long, far too quiet moment, Harry didn't say a thing or move beyond his eyes dancing over Cisco's. Then he leaned down and slotted their lips together, warm and soft. That kiss lingered and deepened in a way that was familiar but always made Cisco's heart knock a little louder against his ribcage. Their tongues caressed in a way he knew well and always wanted to fall into. Harry backed him up slowly into his workstation, Cisco's rear stopping them both and shaking the table's contents. And, phew, that kiss? That was the sort of kiss that would have made a biker blush.
When they both finally had to come up for air, Harry stayed pressed up against him, hands smoothing Cisco's hair away as he examined the flush in his cheeks and the way Cisco couldn't help but try to get his breathing under control, because hot damn.
"You... you do realize that wasn't an answer." Cisco huffed out, smoothing his hands over Harry's chest without breaking eye contact. Harry's sly, knowing smile was a gift in itself.
"Try asking me an actual question." Harry countered. And Cisco giggled like an idiot, feeling a little giddy and honestly rather elated by all of this.
"Harry, will you marry me?" He asked, grinning when Harry's smile turned wide and happy.
"Yes, I will." He replied. And Cisco instantly pulled him down into another pretty damn incredible kiss. In fact, that kiss turned into hands everywhere and getting half-naked on the lab floor until Barry walked in and nearly had a panic attack at seeing them getting their busy on, which was something that Harry found endlessly amusing.
After that, whenever Harry brought him coffee in the labs, it was in the mug with the little chip in the handle and a knowing smile to go with it. And even if the coffee was too strong, Cisco enjoyed every sip. Because nothing could be better than this...
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vexic929 · 1 year
having lots of eobarry and barrison feelings tonight anyone have any fave fics?
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sarawritestories · 1 year
Hey, I just wanna say I'm a HUGE, and I mean HUGE fan of your fics of the Wells!!!
So I have a request, is it possible to write an fanfic of Y/N being Cecil's sister, then she comes to visit her sister due to her pregnancy and wanting to take care of her. Reader is all cute and funny and has a soft side for everyone. So as Jesse was talking to her dad about him not moving on, she decided to make reader and Harry try and be together. These two fall i love later on, and reader finds out Harry has been holding onto that thinking cap too close to him.
Reader has powers, but she never revealed them to anyone.
Thanks and ILYSM!!!!!!!
Oh my gosh! First of all, thank you for your lovely words! I am so glad my stories bring you joy! Second of all, I really love this idea and will totally whip something up! I am a sucker for Harry, so no one ever has to twist my arm to write for him!
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mockingbirdshymn · 2 years
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handing you this then returning to the little mole-rat burrow that is my bedroom so i can write more
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ageless-aislynn · 1 year
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Title: “Green” (Chapter 1/1) Author: @ageless-aislynn​ Characters/fandom: Khione/Timeless Harrison Wells,The Flash Summary: For Snowells Week 2023, Day 4: Green Rating:  PG13 (T) Length: 671 Spoilers/warnings: Spoilers for The Flash 9x13, the series finale. Disclaimer: Definitely not mine but I do enjoy borrowing them just for a bit! ;) A/N: Full disclosure, I have no idea what Khione was actually supposed to be doing in canon after she ascended, so welcome to my AU, lol! (I was at least happy that we got one last scene between Tom and Danielle in the finale before all was said and done with the show. And they were so smiley in it! *clutches heart* 😉) If you read, I hope you enjoy! ⚡💗⚡
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film-in-my-soul · 1 year
Large Black Coffee. Hot (Chapter 3)
Fandom: The Flash
Pairing: Cisco Ramon/Earth-2 Harrison "Harry" Wells
Rating: G
Word Count: 21,771
Summary: Cisco likes working at the coffee shop just off campus.
Wait. Pause. Correction.
Cisco tolerates working at the coffee shop just off campus.
(Chapters 1+2 updated for grammar/structure/quality control - A/N under the cut)
Uh… honestly, I never thought I would get here? Like, this fic has been living in my brain for the past 4+ years now, knowing I had the last chapter started, mostly plotted out even, and to finally come back and have it be DONE? Fucking wild. More wild was having to go back through the first 2 chapters and heavily edit them through an updated lens.
Nothing has directly CHANGED in terms of the story from those two chapters, but they are now far more readable, and on top of that, they'll match my author's voice for this chapter as well.
I would like to thank everyone who has ever left a comment on this fic because it's wild to me that people found the first two chapters readable even up to this year. You helped keep this story in my brain, knocking around and waiting to hit the corner like the DVD screensaver. I hope this conclusion feels satisfactory to the VERY long wait.
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faofinn · 1 year
Day 9 - Oxygen
Fao’s chest had been bothering him. It definitely wasn’t right, as much as he tried to ignore it. Some virus or another had been floating round as always, the kids bringing god knows what home from school. He’d been suffering with it, the way he always did, but he was trying to push through. He didn’t particularly have a choice, he had to work. At least he wasn’t as busy as he had been in the past. Working up to clinical lead, he’d been doing more admin and taking more responsibilities that way, which meant more time at his desk. That was no bad thing, especially when he felt like shite. 
That didn’t mean he was purely non clinical, and today he’d been picking up the slack of an understaffed service. He’d rushed down the stairs to ED, called down for a consult, and his breath caught in his chest to the point he had to pause at the nurse’s station, trying to ignore the wheeze. 
The cough wasn’t great either, and Fao winced when it started, knowing just how bad he sounded. It didn’t last long, and he paused to push some hair from his face, still leaning against the nurse’s station for a moment longer to pull himself together. 
"Wolfie. Fucking finally." Harrison rounded the corner, shaking his head at Fao. "We paged you lot ages ago."
Fao cleared his throat, huffing at Harrison. “Understaffed.” He said gruffly. “Who am I seeing?”
Harrison narrowed his eyes. "How long have you been sick?"
He rolled his eyes. “I’m fine.”
"You're not. Jamie? Which room is free at the moment?"
“Oh, don’t start, you know what my chest is like.” He said, but didn’t move. “Which patient am I seeing?”
"Yeah, fuck that. Call gensurg again for me? I'm gonna take Fao down to 6." Harrison ignored Fao. 
“Good luck trying to get someone else.” Fao said, but his voice cracked and the coughing started again, undermining him. He could feel the wheeze in his chest, the tightness across his ribs and the lingering pain under his sternum. The coughing itself made him feel dizzy, and he pressed his lips together. 
"Yeah, no.  You're not alright." Harrison moved to support Fao, his arm wrapped around the other man. "Come on, before you end up collapsing."
Fao groaned, leaning into Harrison as the room lurched and his legs gave out from under him. 
"You fucker." Harrison swore, shifting to pick Fao up. "Someone get the doors, please! We're going to resus."
People made space for them, concerned muttering as the resus doors were opened. Jamie, who had appeared not long after Hars originally called for him, found an empty bay, calling the doctor into it. 
"Right then, we all know Fao. Just collapsed, shortness of breath, multiple previous spontaneous pneumos. He decompensates very quickly. I need full obs on him please, and if someone can get the X-ray, that would be great." Harrison called to their team, moving to listen to Fao's chest.
Fao came round quickly, batting at Harrison’s hands on him. “Piss off.” He grumbled. 
"Yeah, lovely. How long has your chest been fucked?"
“Since I was 17?” He tried, but the cough that followed didn’t help him out. 
"Faolan. Don't be a dickhead."
“Ooh, full name.” He teased weakly. “I’ve had some shitty cold since last week an’ I can’t shift the cough.”
"How long have you been wheezing for? Bringing anything up?"
“Last few days? Mostly dry.” 
"Have you bothered to take your inhaler?"
Fao shot him a look. “You have to ask?”
"If Sheila doesn't kill you, I'm going to."
He rolled his eyes, turning to cough. “It’s fine, ’m fine.”
One of the nurses huffed. “Fao, can you stop fidgeting so we can get some obs? Please?”
“I’m fine, honestly. All a fuss about nothing.” He protested. 
Harrison could have smacked him. He returned to Fao's side, face like thunder. "Fao, I swear to god. When you collapse on me again, you lose the right to complain. Lie still and let us do what we have to do. You look like shit, the obs we've got have been shit, and let me guess, you feel like shit."
“I jus’ went a little faint, it happens.” He protested. “I’ll be fine.”
He glared at him. "So your sats are supposed to be in the eighties?"
Fao hesitated. “Eighties?”
"You're sitting 89."
“Oh. Deep breaths, then.”
"And oxygen. You need some nebs."
“It’s probably jus’ postural, let me sit up and I’ll be better.”
Harrison didn't bother replying, but let the nurse by his bed adjust Fao to sit up. "Can someone get me five of salbutamol and five hundred ipratropium? We'll get a litre of normal saline running, start him on a broad spectrum abx, when we get bloods back, they can change it. Have we got the ecg done? Ah, brill."
He took a moment to read over Fao's strip. "You got any chest pain? Any palpitations? How have they been the past few days?"
Fao went to answer, but quickly changed his mind as he saw Harrison’s face. "It's been a bit tight but it’s not been awful. Nothing close to what it used to be. Thought it was just the infection. Is it that bad?"
"It doesn't look like you're having a heart attack or anything, but you've got a few runs of AF I'm not too happy with." He admitted. "Nothing I'm going to run off to cardio with you for, but enough that I want you to stay on monitoring for a little bit. Chances are, it's just the infection. We'll get that sorted, and you'll be better."
Fao nodded. “I hope I’m not having a fucking heart attack.” He grumbled. “I’ve really not felt that awful, I swear.” If Harrison was worried about his ECG, then maybe things were serious. Ely was going to kill him. 
"Can we get some IV hydrocortisone too? And a gram of IVP, help with this pain, settle the temp too, hopefully." Harrison called to his team, taking stock of his observations again. He listened to Fao's chest again, and nodded. There was a slight improvement to the wheeze, but it only highlighted the crackles. God knows how long he’d had this infection brewing.
Happy things were moving in the right direction, and that the staff were sorting the things he'd requested, he pulled the chair closer to Fao's side. "Hey, sorry for being a bit pushy."
"A bit?" He managed a laugh. “Try a lot.”
"Don't be an arse." Harrison said, reaching for Fao’s hand and giving it a squeeze. "You really aren't very well at the minute. I bet this has been going on for longer than you're gonna admit, but it's gonna get sorted. 
"I know you know the medical side of things more than most of my patients, but sometimes that makes it harder for you, too." He sighed. "Right now? I think you've got a pretty nasty infection that's more than likely this cough you've got going on. Your lactate is pretty high right now, obviously your oxygen is a fair bit lower than we want, and your heart rate is fast. Part of the rate will be the nebs we're slamming into you, but at the same time, I think you're septic. 
"We're gonna keep you here, try get this wheeze sorted first and then send you down to x-ray. You've got good air entry, I'm not too worried that you've got a pneumo or anything, but with your history, I want to be safe. We'll try and get your pain under a bit more control, get you more comfortable, but I need you to tell me. We're not mind readers, although I can tell when you're bullshitting me." He squeezed his hand again. "Is there anything you want from me? Anything you want me to do? Do you want me to call Ely? Sheila?"
“Sorry, septic?” He asked, taking a moment to take in all Harrison had told him. He felt bad, sure, but he’d been convinced it was nothing more that a chest infection he was struggling to shift, a bit of a wheeze that would go in time, a nice hangover from all of his history. He’d not been expecting Harrison to be that worried. He definitely felt crap, and Hars was right, the nebs weren’t helping his heart rate to feel any better. “It doesn’t feel like a pneumo, it just feels shitty.” He admitted. “You should call both of them. I’m not going to be able to escape without an admission, am I? Have you sorted another gensurg consult for that patient of yours? I think the bleep is still in my pocket.”
"The other patient is doing a lot better than you currently are. I'll be honest, right now, I'm doing my best to keep you from HDU." He sighed,  breaking from his doctor mode. "You've really not been well, Fao. Why didn't you tell someone? You've been running after the kids like a maniac, too. They'd have got someone in to cover you, take some of the pressure off. You need to put yourself first, or at least higher up on the chain."
“You can piss off with HDU.” He told him, digging in his pockets for the hard plastic of his bleep, which he shoved at Hars. “I honestly don’t have time to be ill. I took a couple of days off last week when I felt rotten, got some rest, but then I needed to come back in. I’ve not been sniffly, just the cough, and I can manage that. Not smoked in a week. The kids have so much on, and unsurprisingly they’ve not been well either. Been doing more non clinical hours, but we’re a surgeon down today and I had no other choice.”
"Well excuse me for giving a shit about you." He retorted. "You're my best friend, I need you to be okay."
“I’ll be fine. Supposed to be picking the kids up, though.”
"Tai's off today, he'll pick them up."
“Thanks. Ely’s on nights and she can’t get them picked up and sorted before she needs to come in.” He mumbled. “Sorry I fainted on you.”
"They can come have a sleepover. It's not a problem." He dropped his gaze. "I really can't lose you, Fao. I need you, and that means you need to put yourself first."
Fao cleared his throat, pushing at Hars gently. “Shush. You’re not getting rid of me.”
"I'm not that shit of a cons."
“Oh, course not.”
Harrison smiled. "How's everything feeling now?"
“Bit better.” He admitted. 
"Can I have a listen?"
Fao nodded. “Mm, go on.”
"Thanks." He hummed, standing with a groan. He listened to Fao's chest again, taking a moment. "Good news or bad news?"
Once Harrison had finished, Fao shuffled to get comfortable again. “Bad first.”
"The infection sounds like shit."
“And the good news?” He tried, looking hopeful.
"Your wheeze has pretty much gone, you've got really good air entry - especially for your chest, I'm surprised. And your blood pressure is doing a lot better."
Fao grinned. “So no HDU?”
"We'll move you to monitoring in a bit, too. I want to keep an eye on your lactate, but it’s looking hopeful."
“Good.” He said, and after a minute. “Thank you.”
"You're welcome." Harrison returned his grin. "Even if you do make my life difficult."
“I know it’s clinically a bad picture…” He murmured. “But I’ve felt worse than this.”
"That's not something to be proud of."
“No, it’s… I honestly didn’t think it was this bad. Almost felt worse wit’ the cold?”
"I know, it's okay."
“Didn’t know the AF was bad.”
"I've seen it worse. It's probably just because of the infection, the nebs, all of that. They're not long runs, and they're not super fast, nowhere near where they have been."
Fao nodded. “Haven’t really noticed it, an’ I usually do. Haven’t been bothered for ages, cardio told me to piss off.”
"Course they did." He rolled his eyes. "Honestly, I'm not surprised you didn't. Your body was busy compensating for everything else."
He nodded again. “Yeah. Sorry. Is Finn in?”
"Should be soon. Sheila should be dropping him off, actually." He grinned. "Rock, paper, scissors for who has to call her?"
“You can. I can’t possibly. Too ill.” He said, gesturing at himself. 
"Dickhead. I'm glad you're feeling better."
He coughed, but he was grinning. “Had a good doctor.”
"I'll take the compliment. Let me go ring Sheila first, and then I'll catch Ely up, yeah?"
“Tell them both I’m fine, yeah?”
"I will."
“Hug?” He asked, trying his luck. 
"Yeah, come here." He leaned over, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek before giving him a gentle squeeze. 
Awkwardly Fao lifted his arms to wrap them around Hars. “Thank you.”
"I'm always gonna be here for you."
“Here to kick my ass, more like.”
"Sometimes you need that, too."
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jackiequick · 1 year
Your in love, aren’t you? • The Flash Fanfic ⚡️
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HR Wells and Lea O’Conner One Shot | The Flash Fanfic ⚡️
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“HR your in love, aren’t you?” Lea asked with a grinned, standing in front of the taller man.
“W-what? Me? Me in love? Noooo!” HR tried to defend himself but his eyes said otherwise.
One thing that every Wells they met so held strongly was their eyes and mannerisms. It’s one thing she noticed the 3rd time around with The Wells crew, as much as Harry likes to deny him ever being compared to the others, it was clearly there.
“HR. I can see it in your face and your hand gestures today, matter a fact this whole week.” Lea pointed out with her hands on her hips.
“Maybe.” HR admitted with a goofy grin on his face, “Okay, I am in love!”
“Ooo who’s the pretty girl?”
“Yes it’s her!”
HR was grinning and started to blush a bit. It was the cutest thing, rarely do you ever see a Wells blush. Grin like an idiot, yes. Blush? No. Lea started grinning brightly at the sight. HR was one of kindness and most sweetest people she knows, of course Tracy would go out with him.
“I just don’t know how to woo her.” HR admits with a smile fidgeting with his drumsticks a bit.
Lea sat down and nods, “What do you mean? HR, honey, all you gotta do is ring in that classic Wells charm.”
“How, flower? I-I don’t know how women on Earth 1 like to woo..”
“Awwww! First off, if she likes you back then Tracy has great taste in men. And secondly, buy her a small bouquet of flowers and a size small of favorite coffee.”
“Ohhh! I can add a little custom note, like a poem.”
“There you go! Use that writer brain of yours HR. Your a Wells, your clever than anyone.”
HR grinned brightly bouncing up from his chair and with a flicker of his wrist placed his hat on his head. Always a flare for the dramatically sweet moment. Lea laughed a little, practically seeing his gears turning in his head. Always happy to help a friend like him.
“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much, flower! I know excited what I’m going to do!” HR yelled excitedly and pulled her into a adorable embrace, placing a kiss of her forehead always grateful for his friends.
She laughed hugging him back tightly, knowing all he needed was a small push. “Your welcome, HR! Now go on before it’s too late, it’s 2:31pm already!” Lea replied with a smile.
“R-right! I’m going now, don’t tell anyone okay?”
“Of course not. Theses lips are sealed, I won’t tell a soul.”
“Promise? At least until I tell Cisco.”
“I won’t tell anyone, HR.”
The writer of Team Flash left with a grin, not before grabbing his black jacket and almost stumbling out the door in excitement. Once she was sure he was gone, she smirked with a dazzling look in her eyes.
“I’mma go tell Caitlin.” Lea said with a cheeky smirk to herself and raced off to the top floor.
⚡️ Thank you for reading this short one shot. I hope you enjoy it!
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @yetanotherwells @drspencereidhotch @gcthvile @blueboirick @sherloquestea @superspookyjanelle @morgan108 @topgun-imagines @ohgodnotagainn @blackheart-beauty @rooster-84 and etc
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apricusapollo · 1 year
do I write paper rings or watch indiana jones
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thingswereadtoday · 20 days
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heyitsjaki · 4 months
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Folks were saying that Gale resembles a young Harrison Ford, and, well. This happened 🤣
(Also @sorceresssundries wrote a DELIGHTFUL Indiana Jones-flavored fic which you should absolutely read)
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happy74827 · 6 months
A New Moon
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[Dexter Morgan x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: Despite his gut telling him he shouldn’t, Dexter can’t help but fall deeper into the trap of his own emotions. And the more time he spends with you, the more he starts to realize what exactly those emotions are. {GIF Creds: beautifulguycollector}
WC: 2889
Category: Slight Lime/Spice, Friends to Lovers + Forbidden Love (if you squint) Tropes
Gotta keep this fandom alive somehow 🥲 (also… why are titles so hard to write? That and the synopsis are harder to write than the actual fic)
You were too good for him. Plain and simple. You were a smart, beautiful, hard-working woman who had goals and dreams. He was a cold-blooded killer. Not to say that he hadn't been there for you, though. The two of you had been friends since… well, a while. A long while.
He couldn't quite pinpoint the moment he started to notice the changes in your relationship. It was a slow, subtle buildup, and the first time you called him your friend, Dexter thought nothing of it. The second time, it made him pause, but not enough for him to consider what the implications of you saying that to him could mean.
But when you said it again and again and again, he realized the meaning behind your words, the affection they held. Dexter couldn't say that he was particularly close to many people. There were a select few he'd consider his friends, but he wasn’t emotionally invested in any of them. And he didn't think he was invested in you, either.
But maybe he was.
Debs was different, and it made him question how much he was supposed to care about someone. But that was his sister, the one person in the world who loved him unconditionally. That reason alone made his relationship with Deb unique. He was sure of that.
The same went with Brian—his brother, as it turned out. And Harrison, his son. Dexter felt things for those people, but they were different. Those were family, the people he was genetically tied to. Of course, he would care about them.
But you weren't family, and yet he still cared about you. It was a different kind of caring. And it was confusing. Dexter had convinced himself for years that he was a high-functioning sociopath, but lately…
Lately, he was beginning to question if that was true. Simple glances from you could bring an unwelcome smile to his lips. And when he heard the sound of your voice, he could feel his chest getting warm. It was a nice feeling, something he'd only experienced briefly with Rita, but then, that relationship was different too.
It was hard to put his finger on it, but being with you was just… easy. And it didn't feel like work. There was no pretending. Dexter didn't have to act when he was around you. He didn't need to try to be someone he wasn't. It was the real him.
It was terrifying.
Because now, as he sat on your couch, watching as you moved gracefully around your small apartment, the feeling was back, and he didn't know how to deal with it.
He should have been home with Harrison, but the little boy was staying over at Debra’s tonight, so he didn't have any responsibilities. The passenger within him didn’t see it as a problem either, considering he’d just recently “disposed" his latest target.
It was nice, Dexter decided, to relax every once in a while. Work and family didn't give him a lot of opportunities to do so, and now that the two were temporarily taken care of, he felt he deserved to be lazy for a bit.
You didn’t have a TV in your living room, so the two of you settled for movies. Dexter didn’t really have a preference for them. He could watch a comedy, action, drama, or horror and not feel strongly for or against any of them.
Apparently, you didn't mind what he watched either because he could see the spark of excitement in your eyes when you pulled out the case for one of the worst comedy films Dexter had ever seen.
He'd seen it before. Not with you, one of the movies Vince shoved down his throat when he planned a night out with him, Angel, and Quinn.
It wasn't his favorite, not by a long shot, but the grin on your face and the way you eagerly skipped to the DVD player, set the disk inside, and closed the hatch made him bite his tongue.
Dexter had learned a long time ago that you were a very expressive person. And even though most of the time your feelings weren't displayed on your face, your eyes told another story. Such opposites to his own, Dexter often found himself fascinated by the light they held.
You had a passion for life that was rare, and it drew him in. It was a quality he lacked, and he could see it in everything you did. Whether it was talking about the newest book you read or making coffee, you put all of yourself into your actions.
It was something that Dexter had never understood. How could you have such a strong sense of self? Didn't it get tiring, having to live up to a standard of being so… so good?
But then again, you'd always been better than him. He might’ve been smarter in some regards, but what was intelligence if it didn't come from a place of morality? You were better, purer than him. He knew it, and everyone else did, too, even if they weren’t aware of how pure he wasn’t
That's why this was so wrong. This thing that had been going on for the past couple of months between the two of you. The subtle touches, the longing stares, the late-night calls. It was all wrong.
You were similar to Rita in some ways. You were kind and compassionate, always looking for the good in others. You had a knack for taking care of people, whether they needed it or not.
Dexter could tell that was your nature, and it was one of the things that initially attracted him to you. All the things he lacked, you had. But that didn't mean that you could replace Rita. He didn’t want you to.
And that was the difference. While he may have found qualities in you that resembled the ones he'd found in Rita, you were not her. Rita was gone, and it was his fault. She didn’t deserve to die, and yet she did. She deserved to grow old, to see Harrison grow up.
She deserved better.
The same went for you. You didn’t deserve a monster like him. The more he thought about it, the more he came to the conclusion that he should stay away. It was for the best of both of you.
And yet he was here. On your couch, watching a shitty movie and drinking the beer you'd offered him. Because, despite his efforts, he couldn't keep his distance from you.
He should've known. When it came to you, Dexter didn't have a choice.
His gaze drifted over to your form as you sat down beside him. You were smiling, your eyes bright and focused on the television. A lock of hair fell across your face, and you pushed it back, the sleeve of your hoodie falling down slightly.
Dexter had never been so tempted to reach out and touch someone in his life.
It was a feeling that had been creeping up on him the last few weeks, and now, sitting with you, watching a bad movie, it was at an all-time high. He'd never craved intimacy. But there was something about you, a pull that he couldn't deny.
It gave him a sick feeling in his stomach. Reminded him of that need with Lila. God, Lila. What a mess that had turned out to be. Another thing to add to his growing list of mistakes.
And yet, the longer he stared, the more he found himself leaning forward. He didn’t register what he was doing until his lips were a hair width away from yours.
You froze but didn't move away. The only indication that you were startled was the widening of your eyes. They bored into his, unflinching. He could hear his heartbeat pounding in his ears.
He was scared. Scared? Yes. That was what he was feeling. Why? He didn't know. Fear was new. It was a feeling reserved for Deb and sometimes his son, but even then, it was different.
But as Dexter gazed at you, so close and so beautiful, the fear melted away. It was replaced by a warmth that he was quickly becoming familiar with. It made his body thrum and his blood rush. It made him feel alive.
You were the first one to make a move. Well, not really a move, just the smallest shift forward, and then you were breathing the same air as him. You weren't kissing. You were just… waiting. Waiting for him to make the final move.
It was like an unspoken rule between the two of you, the power dynamic. He was the dominant one, and you were the submissive. You had never fought against it. You were a people pleaser, and he knew that.
It was one of the reasons he knew this was wrong. Because he couldn't stop, and you would never ask him to. Even now, as he hesitated, you waited patiently. You trusted him.
Why did you have to trust him? Why couldn't you be more selfish, more like him?
But deep down, Dexter knew that it wasn't your nature. You couldn't change, not any more than he could.
So, after another agonizing second, he closed the distance between you.
It was gentle, the way his lips pressed against yours. A stark contrast to the usual forcefulness he applied when taking his victims. No, with you, he was careful. Almost timid.
Your lips were soft and smooth, and the kiss was sweet. Nothing more than a simple caress. Dexter didn’t expect the tingling sensation it would cause, but the slight brush of your mouth sent shivers down his spine.
The kiss was short and chaste, but it was enough to leave him feeling dizzy. The heat spread through him, from the tips of his toes all the way to his cheeks.
Dexter pulled back, and you stared at him. His breath hitched in his throat at the look in your eyes. There was something there, something that mirrored his own emotions.
Was it possible? Was he really capable of such intense emotion?
Maybe he was.
You didn’t move. It was like time had stopped, and the only sound that could be heard was his own uneven breathing. That, and the movie playing in the background, which was forgotten as soon as your lips touched.
The urge to reach out and grab you was there. He could feel the need deep in his bones, in his soul. But instead, Dexter sat, staring. Staring into the eyes of the woman who had somehow managed to break down all the walls he'd spent his life building.
You didn't speak. There was nothing to say. No words could describe the feelings that had surfaced between the two of you. So, instead, you smiled. A simple, beautiful smile that had him feeling weak.
He could have stayed there forever, just looking at you, taking in the beauty that was you. It was a new experience for him, and it was nice.
“Debra is going to be pissed," you finally said, breaking the silence. “I’ll be bullied into telling her every detail."
He blinked. Once. Twice. Then, his lips curled up in amusement. It was true. Eventually, she’ll figure it out. Maybe she already knew but was waiting for confirmation. Debra was good at figuring out things, even if it wasn’t the most obvious answer.
His sister was good at a lot of things, like being a detective. And, apparently, being an interfering matchmaking nuisance.
At least she wouldn’t call you the things she called Lila.
The thought made him chuckle, and you looked at him in confusion, but it would have to stay a mystery to you. For what was life without a few private jokes between siblings, right?
You didn’t press for answers, though. You did what you’ve always done and waited for him—waited for him as if it was his turn in Chess.
And he did the only thing he could think to do. He kissed you again. And again. And again. And again. Until he had you pinned beneath him, your arms around his neck, and your breath coming out in heavy gasps.
The kisses were still innocent, just as you were. But he could feel the passion behind them, the hunger. He couldn’t remember the last time he had felt that. It had been a long, long time.
But the longer he kissed you, the more the heat grew, and soon, he was lost in the sensation. Your hands found their way into his hair, and you tugged at the strands. His heart was racing, and the sound of his own ragged breathing filled his ears.
It was exhilarating.
Your lips parted, allowing his tongue to slip inside, and the innocence was gone. Replaced by a desire that left him trembling. The feeling of your tongue against his, the taste of you on his lips, the smell of your shampoo mixed with your unique scent—it was all intoxicating.
The movie continued to play in the background, forgotten as you pulled him closer. The warmth in his chest intensified, and Dexter didn't fight it. Instead, he embraced it. He gave in to his emotions and let himself feel.
He didn’t go too far; he knew you weren't ready for that yet. The craving was there, and it was strong, but the moment wasn’t right. Instead, he satisfied himself by touching your skin, mapping out every inch of it, memorizing the way it felt under his fingertips.
And, when you finally pulled away, breathless and flushed, he held onto you, refusing to let go. His eyes searched yours, searching for something. Anything. He didn’t know what he was looking for, but whatever it was, he didn’t find it.
He mostly saw fear, anger, and some regret when he had them pinned down beneath him. Of course, that was usually the case with his victims. Fear, anger, and regret were normal emotions—a reaction to being trapped by their own demise.
Having someone look up at him with emotions on the other side of the spectrum was different. Not a bad different, just... different.
Rita had been the first to look at him like that. Lumen did, too, once upon a time. And Lila, well, her emotions were never consistent.
But you? You looked up at him with an expression that was all too familiar and yet not quite the same. Your eyes were full of affection and desire, yes. But they were also filled with something else. Something he couldn't place.
Something he couldn’t understand.
"Dex,” your voice was so soft, a whisper. He almost didn’t hear it, and yet, he felt it. He felt the way his name rolled off your tongue, and it was like music to his ears.
"Yeah?" he whispered back. He didn’t know why he did that; it wasn't like the two of you were speaking in a library or something. Maybe it was the way the light danced in your eyes, the way the colors reflected off the white walls, casting an ethereal glow.
"I didn’t expect you to be… like this," you murmured. You ran a finger over his cheek, down to his jawline. He swallowed thickly. He could feel his pulse quicken.
"Like what?" he asked, his voice rough.
"Not bad," you replied. Your lips curved up, and his eyes were drawn to them. They were red and swollen from kissing, and it was such a contrast to the pale skin of your face.
"You think I'm not bad?" he said, raising his brows. "I'm flattered."
You shook your head. "You know what I mean," you said. "I just meant that you're different than how you come off. I didn’t think you'd be so... bold.”
He snorted.
If you only knew.
"I guess I'm full of surprises," he said, smirking. You rolled your eyes and punched him lightly in the shoulder, only for him to catch it and press a kiss to the back of your hand. It was something he picked up from a movie once, and it seemed to be a pretty romantic gesture. And by the look on your face, it seemed to be appreciated.
You didn't say anything else. You didn't have to. There was nothing else to say. The two of you simply enjoyed each other's company, content to just be together. The movie might've been a failure, but the night wasn’t.
And when Dexter finally left, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief. Not the type of relief he felt after a successful kill, but the type of relief one feels after a burden is lifted off their shoulders. The type of relief one gets when they are finally honest with themselves.
Rita was gone. Lumen was gone. And although his guilt and shame were still there, his self-loathing and fear were slowly starting to fade away. It wasn't gone, it was never going to be, but it was a start.
A fresh start.
A new beginning.
A new moon.
Yes, tonight was the night that changed everything. Tonight, Dexter Morgan learned that maybe he was more than the monster he thought he was.
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