#Happy birthday miya twins
i-love-dreaming · 1 year
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Happy birthday Miya twins ♥️🎉🎂🎁🎈
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Happy Birthday to these two knuckleheads! Atsumu, may all your serves be in-bounds and Osamu, may Atsumu leave you alone 🥰
Also 👀Atsumu and Osamu headcanons coming today 🙌🏻🙌🏻
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storytimewithnova · 1 year
Miya Twins' Surprise Birthday
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Tomorrow is the Miya twins Atsumu and Osamu's Birthday And Their sister Shona wanted to do a suprise day all for them shona knows her brothers have been there for her since they were little the Triplets were Inseparable and she knew that they deserved the best day ever not just Because it was their birthday because she wanted to show her older brothers she appreciated them they were their more than their parents they went off gallivanting some where left them to fend for themselves the twins were 10 year old and look after a 7 year old shona yes they are triplets just she is the youngest
As she wished them a happy birthday they said Sis we're triplets so it is your day too
Shona replied with but you're more important than i am you have done everything for me
Osamu: sis can you stop being selfless for one and enjoy yourself
Atsumu: Samu is right sis this is our day as Triplets don't make it just about us you are apart of it
Shona beamed at her older brothers, Atsumu and Osamu, as they sat in the cozy living room of their family home, the morning sun casting a warm glow through the curtains. Tomorrow would be their shared birthday, but today was all about planning the perfect surprise for them. Shona knew just how much her brothers meant to her, and she wanted to make this day unforgettable.
With a mischievous glint in her eye, Shona replied, "Okay, I promise to enjoy myself, but only if you two promise to let me pamper you today. You've been looking after me since forever, and now it's my turn."
Atsumu and Osamu exchanged knowing smiles. They understood their sister's sentiment all too well. From the time they were little, they had been inseparable, and looking out for Shona was second nature to them.
"Deal," Atsumu said, ruffling Shona's hair affectionately. "But let's make today about celebrating our bond as triplets. We'll cherish these moments forever."
With a nod of agreement, Osamu added, "We're grateful for you too, Shona. You're a big part of what makes us a team, and today is about celebrating all of us."
As the day unfolded, the Miya triplets embarked on an adventure together. They visited their favorite childhood spots, shared stories from their past, and created new memories. Shona made sure her brothers felt the love and appreciation she held for them in her heart.
In the evening, as they returned home, they found the living room adorned with balloons, gifts, and a delicious birthday cake. Shona had arranged a surprise party for them with their closest friends and family. It was a day filled with laughter, love, and cherished moments.
As they blew out the candles together, Shona couldn't help but smile. She realized that while they were triplets, they were also best friends and an unbreakable team. This birthday celebration was not only about the Miya twins but about the incredible bond they shared as siblings.
And so, in that moment, surrounded by the warmth of their loved ones, the Miya triplets celebrated not just another year older, but the enduring love and connection that made them a family like no other.
As the evening unfolded, the Miya triplets enjoyed their surprise birthday party to the fullest. The living room echoed with laughter and joy as friends and family joined in the celebration. The twins, Atsumu and Osamu, were touched by the effort Shona had put into making this day special for them.
They exchanged gifts, and the siblings reminisced about their childhood adventures. Atsumu brought out an old photo album filled with pictures from their early years. They laughed at the goofy expressions and cherished the memories they had created together.
Their friends had prepared heartfelt speeches, sharing stories of the Miya triplets' unwavering friendship and kindness. Shona couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in her brothers as she listened to their friends' words.
As the night wore on, they gathered around the birthday cake. Shona had baked it herself, and the cake was adorned with three candles, one for each of them. They closed their eyes and made silent wishes, a tradition they had upheld since childhood.
With the room illuminated only by the soft glow of candlelight, they sang "Happy Birthday" together. It was a moment of unity and appreciation for the special bond they shared as triplets.
After cutting the cake and sharing it with everyone, Atsumu, Osamu, and Shona found a quiet moment to sit together in the backyard, gazing at the starry night sky. Shona couldn't hold back her emotions any longer and said, "I'm so lucky to have you both as my brothers. You've been my protectors, my mentors, and my best friends all in one."
Atsumu and Osamu exchanged a look of gratitude. Osamu spoke softly, "Shona, we feel the same way about you. We may be twins, but you complete our trio. Today was a reminder of the incredible bond we share, and it's not just about us but about the Miya triplets as a whole."
With a tear in her eye, Shona hugged her brothers tightly. In that moment, they knew that their bond as siblings was unbreakable. They were not just a family; they were a team, and they would face life's challenges and joys together.
As the night continued, they celebrated under the stars, treasuring the love and connection that had been the foundation of their lives. The Miya triplets were more than siblings; they were a testament to the power of family and the enduring strength of their unbreakable bond.
As the night wore on, the Miya triplets continued to celebrate with their friends and family, dancing and sharing stories. It was a night filled with laughter, music, and a deep sense of togetherness.
However, little did they know that the true climax of the evening was yet to come. As the clock ticked towards midnight, a sudden commotion grabbed their attention. It was their parents, who had been absent for a long time, arriving at the party unexpectedly.
Their mother and father had been notorious for their frequent absences, leaving the triplets to fend for themselves. Shona, Atsumu, and Osamu hadn't seen them in months, and their presence now was a shock.
Their parents attempted to join the celebration, but their arrival brought an uncomfortable tension to the room. Shona felt conflicted, torn between the family she had come to rely on - her brothers - and the parents who had been distant for so long.
As the situation unfolded, Shona noticed her brothers' expressions, a mixture of anger and disappointment. Atsumu stepped forward, his voice steady but firm. "This is a celebration of family, but it's not just about blood. It's about the bonds we create, the love we share, and the support we give to each other."
Osamu added, "We may be triplets, but we're more than that. We're a team, and we've always been there for each other."
Their words resonated with everyone in the room, including their parents. It was a turning point, a realization that family wasn't just defined by biology but by the love and commitment they had for each other.
With tears in her eyes, Shona stepped forward, addressing her parents, "We appreciate your presence, but today, this celebration, it's about us—the Miya triplets and the family we've built together."
As the clock struck midnight, the triplets hugged each other tightly, knowing that no matter what challenges they faced, their bond was unbreakable. Their shared birthday had become a symbol of their unity, resilience, and the love that transcended blood ties.
The climax of the evening wasn't a dramatic confrontation but a powerful realization that family wasn't always about the people you were born to; it was about the people who stood by your side, supported you, and loved you unconditionally.
As the party continued, the Miya triplets, together with their newfound understanding, danced under the stars, celebrating not just another year of life but a newfound sense of unity and love that would carry them forward, stronger and closer than ever before.
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renneiscent · 2 years
Warts and All.
Note: I wrote this for Miya twins' birthday few days ago. Originally posted here, please spare my life since English is not my first language.
Summary: Just a dispute between two souls. They are not half of each other, they are whole of themselves; trying to choose their own path.
Words: almost 3k, I have no clue.
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Just like all other siblings, twins also fight sometimes… or quite often? It depends with the bonding between them pretty much. So, we cannot generalise every twin in this world will experience the same thing, will experience the same fight, will experience the same misunderstanding. The thing also happens to Miya family which having two beautiful yet mischievous children, Miya Atsumu and Miya Osamu.
People are crumbled from a far, observing the twin and discussing it in the school’s gymnasium as if it’s a focus group discussion; wondering with what kind of reason that made these two people from the same womb didn’t interact or even realise with each other’s existence.
“What happened to the twin?”
“Osamu decided to stop volleyball after high school, I think it pisses Atsumu really bad.”
“What? Isn’t that happened like few days ago? They are still not talking at all?”
Atsumu, the guy with blonde hair is sitting in the corner while polishing his nails like the good setter he is. Meanwhile his twin brother, Osamu, the guy with grey hair is sitting across the room while talking with other guys. Not any of them looks like willingly to shrug the fight off and break this high yet invisible wall between them.
Despite the fact that they are having the cold war between them, it seems like it didn’t affect their competence in the court; either it’s a true match or practice match, they two seem like professional when it came to the volleyball.
“Okay, I think it’s enough for today. All of you can go home after cleaning the gym. The meeting is dismissed.” The coach walked out from the gymnasium after giving the briefing.
“Thank you, coach!” Everyone in the gymnasium chimed in with all the energy left, they are proceeding to clean the school’s gymnasium before walking home.
Each student carries out their duties; someone tidying up the net, collecting volleyballs and wiping the floor. All of them are working together to take care of their gymnasium. Even though the cleaning task after practice is tiring, but the laughter and smile they have made didn’t think so. Everyone is having fun even if it was just cleaning the school’s gym, except for him. The blonde Miya.
“Whaddaya think there, Atsumu? Isn’t yer face going to be full of wrinkles until this end of the year?” someone’s voice took him back to the reality.
“Aran-kun,” Atsumu turn his head to the voice. “You don’t have to help me, I already wiped that spot.” His voice clearly shows that he isn’t that enthusiastic with Aran’s appearance like usual.
“I know, but I have no chance to talk with you.” Aran leaned to the wall, letting Atsumu is looking at him with confusion on his face.
“I didn’t have jokes this time,” Atsumu took a pause. “I did behave recently tho.”
“Yeah, and that’s the problem.” His response resulted in Atsumu raising an eyebrow, surprised. This is not so usual? What is this? Why Aran is asking for the Miya’s shenanigans act? Is he finally losing his mind?
“Are you okay, Aran-kun?” The blonde Miya is clearly concerned.
Aran laughed then leaned on closer with him, his head is directing toward someone across the room; someone who didn’t bother about these two people are looking at him right now. “I’m fine, are you?”
Atsumu didn’t need to ask twice for the further explanation, because he already knew what Aran exactly asked. The conflict between him and Osamu.
“It feels like a betrayal,” Atsumu whispered. “It feels like half of me is evaporating into thin air.”
“You are so dramatic, it’s not like he is going to war.” Aran rolled eyes.
“It’s still the same! I always play with him, I keep playing with him…” Atsumu trailed off, his voice making Aran’s worried until he took a glace toward the blonde; checking if he’s really evaporating into the air. “I just don’t want to lose my sight from my twin.”
Aran sighed; luckily the gymnasium is not so crowded right now. Some of them already went home, especially the person that they are talking about; Miya Osamu. Since their fight, two of them rarely walk together either to school or even back home.
“What did he exactly say to you?” Aran asked.
“He said that he want to do business related with meal.” Atsumu pouted his lips, feeling annoyed to remember that moment when Osamu told him that. It sounds like sin confession to him, it still is. For Atsumu, Osamu’s confession has the same taste like how he is failed to set the ball for his spiker or even worst, how there is no one willingly to hit his set. Even though it sounds exaggerated, but that is how Atsumu feeling.
“And is that it?” Aran asked again, but there is long pause after his question this time. He almost opened his mouth, intending to ask back. But then Atsumu finally answer.
“He said that why does he have to keep playing volleyball to be called as successful person,” he murmured. His eyes are narrowed to the floor as if there will be a laser coming out from his gaze.
“Do you think that he won’t be success if he stopped playing volleyball?”
“The truth?”
Atsumu hesitated, but then answered. “Yes.”
“Let’s say if he never intends to stop playing volleyball,” Aran stretched his arms. “Let’s say Osamu is being successful person because he is playing volleyball and becoming the famous athlete like you in the future, do you think he will be happy?”
Atsumu immediately open his mouth to answer, but nothing came out from his lips. Nothing. The moment Aran asked him that question, it’s the moment he finally hesitated if he truly know the person who was born from the same womb like him. Will Osamu be happier if he continues to play volleyball alongside with him? He doubts that. Atsumu knows it, but why the fact taste bitter like it will make his tongue bleeding just by telling it out loud? Why? Is he this selfish? Does Atsumu really want his twin brother to sacrifice his dream just for his sake?
The long pause finally got interrupted with Atsumu’s dry laugh. Aran is glancing at him with frown on his face, wondering if the insanity on this blonde Miya finally took over.
“Yer damn right, Aran-kun.” He smirked, eyes are staring outside the gymnasium’s window as if he could look at his twin brother stare at him back over there. “Having another person who knows exactly your every thought can be a real gift and a real curse.”
“I’m home.” Osamu took off his shoes, his arrival was greeted by his mother from the kitchen.
“Welcome home, where is your brother?” the loving figure greeted him with sincere smile on her face.
“Dunno, probably still in school.” Osamu proceeded to his room.
“Are you two still not talking?” their mom sighed.
“We will be fine.”
Osamu put his school bag on his bed, he intended to take a bath but then his step is getting stopped by a sheet of calendar pinned against their bedroom’s wall. Tomorrow is 5 October already? Osamu sighed, they never fought this long before. It’s always over like minutes or hours but it’s been days. It’s not his fault, he can be so sure about that. Just because he finally chose his own path rather than following his older brother like he used to do, why Atsumu couldn’t relent and see from his perspective?
What makes him so pissed off and didn’t accept my choice?
It’s not like we are going to separate forever, Osamu said to himself. The grey Miya is puzzled with what kind of reason which makes this so simple problem yet become so complicated. But deep inside, he is able to assume one thing. It’s because they are not used to. They are always together with each other, they learn to share things, foods, clothes, you name it. Well, even mostly that Osamu is the one who keep sacrificing his stuff for Atsumu but he didn’t mind at all. He is pissed about it sometimes, but he is used to it already.
But this time is different, it’s his choice. His own life.
He couldn’t just shrug it off which he needs to let go his dream and forcefully take a path where he didn’t even belong there. Osamu also doubts that Atsumu will be happy to hear if he give up on his dream and pursue to still play volleyball. But then, what are they supposed to do? What is the solution?
Osamu leaned on the bathtub’s side, his grey eyes are staring at the ceiling above his head; thinking, thinking, what should he do? He hates the invisible wall between them which separating them like they are nemesis or something. They are from the same womb, they are sharing the same born day, but they are still different. What kind of way should he make to convince Atsumu with? Or rather, should he really give up with his dream and follow his brother once more just because he had enough with this quarrel?
“I’m home! Is Samu home already? Where is he?” Osamu could hear his annoying voice from outside the bathroom, it irked him but somehow the small gap there is fulfilled by relief. But he didn’t want to admit that.
“Welcome home, Osamu took bath right now.”
“Oh, I see.”
Why did he finally look for me? Osamu’s eyes are shut as he let the whole body of his is diving inside the bathtub, letting the warm water rinse all of his lethargy. Hold on, why Atsumu suddenly searched for him? His head rises to the surface, he frowns. It’s been days since they are not talking at all and since that both of them try to not look for each other. So, hearing Atsumu asked their mother where the hell he is right now is kind of strange.
“Nah, maybe he is just making small talk with mom.”
Finishing the bath with complete so cosy pyjama, Osamu threw his body to his bed. He had no clue but he feels extremely exhausted. Is it because of the practice today? Or his mental state finally reached its peak? He is lost about which one. Tonight he just wants to close both of his eyes and rest, for the first time ever… Miya Osamu didn’t think about dinner after practice nor does he feel hungry.
“Oi, ye scrub. Don’t sleep with hair is still wet!” is the last phrase Osamu could hear before he fell deeply to his dreamland.
Dreams are sequence of stories that our brains create while we are sleeping. The dream we are having while we are staying in the dreamland can be entertaining, fun, or even scary. It also can be vague one till when you woke up, the confusion wrapped around your head when you are awake. That what Osamu is experiencing right now, how the scene that happening in front of him—or technically inside his head—showing that Atsumu under his breath is apologising toward him for whatever he has done. He has no clue. Osamu is perplexed, questioning if he wishes for this a lot until his brain subconsciously absorbs it and project it into his dream.
But then the dream that so random yet amusing for Osamu is changing to be something so real; the hand of Atsumu is reaching Osamu’s shoulder and grasping tight, and then shaking him until it feels like there is an earthquake happening right now. The voice of him calling his name makes him uneasy. How could the scene where Atsumu apologised turn to be something so chaos like this?
“Samu, samu!”
“Hmph—” Osamu lazily responded. His eyes are half-lidded as he is trying to choose between seeing who the hell is bothering his sleep and going back to sleep again. “What do you want…”
“Wake up!” Atsumu keep shaking his shoulder merciless. “Hey, wake up scrub!”
Osamu groans, feels extremely annoyed right now. He immediately sits on his bed and rub his eyes, helping his eyes to clearly glare at the lad in front of him with annoyingly wide grin and sparks on his eyes. Atsumu’s expression irritates him really really bad right now. How could this blondy scrub smile like an idiot after screwing up his bedtime?
“Gimme reason to not hit you right now,” Osamu threatened.
“Because today is our birthday!” Atsumu gestured at the digital watch on their desk which is showing it’s already midnight. Today is 5 October already.
Osamu still frowns; he isn’t satisfied with his answer. No, mainly he is annoyed because after few days they are not talking at all then Atsumu just suddenly casually talking with him like nothing happened? There is an intense, almost a fire burning up in his gaze. As if you stare at him for too long, you would get burnt just by staring at it.
“What the heck, Tsumu? Are you going to forget whatever happened yesterday?” Osamu grasp the collar of Atsumu’s pyjama. His voice is low and raspy, but the frustration and anger coloured there; making everyone that hears it will goose bump because of his voice.
“Calm down yer scrub! You will make everyone awake!” Atsumu put his index finger to his lips, gesturing the other twin to be silence.
“My voice wasn’t even that loud,” Osamu grunted.
“I know, and that’s annoying. I feel terrified just by hearing it!” Atsumu complained.
Osamu sighed, releasing the grasp on his twin’s collar. The back is facing Atsumu as if he is trying to avoid eye contact. “What do you want?”
There is nothing but silence, Osamu is hoping for answer but he got a long pause rather than phrase which bring an explanation. He hates it. Thus he moves to face Atsumu, preparing to hit him once again. “I asked you, scrub—”
“Here,” Atsumu handed him a black box which kind of big. “Take it, you scrub!”
“What is it?” Osamu hesitated, but he didn’t let it show.
“I know what you are thinking! I didn’t prank you. How dare you hurt me with that stare of yours! Just open it!”
Osamu sighed, he take the box reluctantly but no doubt that his eyes flickers because of excitement. He open the lid then his brows are raised, stunned? Speechless? Confused? His eyes are moving from the content inside the box to meet with the brown gaze which smiling like an idiot in front of him.
“This…an apron?” Osamu mumbled, not sure about what he should say.
“An apron! I bought it yesterday because I don’t know what kind of gift I should give to someone who wants to do business related with meals. This is the only thing I have in mind.” Atsumu pouted his lips while confessing, his eyes are looking somewhere besides Osamu.
“An apron?” Osamu reiterated.
“Why, why?” Atsumu whined. “Here, I gave you certificate too! Suna helped me with it! But it’s my idea! You perhaps don’t get the certificate for your business yet, but you will in the future!” Atsumu took out the handmade certificate from the box and wave it in front of Osamu’s face.
Osamu was silent, still trying to process what had just happened. But then in between the silence, the corners of his lips lifted. He smiles.
“Say something, you creep…” Atsumu complained.
“Who the heck hit you? I dunno you could be this adorable.” Osamu joked, but his face brightens. He is happy.
“No one,” Atsumu murmured.
“Oh? You just realised with yourself just like that then? I see.” Osamu clarified but deep inside he knows there is someone that got on Atsumu’s nerve.
“Aran-kun,” he corrected. Atsumu move to his bed and let the blanket cover all of his body. “I still hate it when you chose to stop playing volleyball. But I don’t want you to sacrifice your happiness, your dream, just for me. We are from the same wombs but you are you and I am me. We are not one individual. So, I have no right to obstruct your path.”
‘He is so dramatic but he is true though, it’s kind of rare to see this.’ Osamu said to himself.
“I’m not dramatic, why everyone keeps thinking like that!” Atsumu kick his blanket because of frustration.
“Hey, stop invading my mind. It’s privacy here!” Osamu glared at Atsumu from his bed, feel disgusted you could say. Having another person who knows exactly your every thought can be a real gift and a real curse, he thought. Then his eyes are moving to look at the apron and the handmade certificate that Atsumu gave to him. He still wants to touch it, he still wants to stare at it, he still wants to observe every spot his eyes could take. He is elated.
“Hey, Samu?”
“What’s up, Tsumu?”
Tonight’s sky looks so deep yet magnificent, the gradient of dark blue and black is mixing like God is trying something new to color. The night sky is decorated by the scattered stars which are shining bright like the heavenly finery. The moon is fully aglow as if the sign to tell everyone that the never-ending dispute is finally over.
“Wanna play some winning eleven?”
Just like all other siblings, twins also fight sometimes… or quite often? It depends with the bonding between them pretty much. So, we cannot generalise every twin in this world will experience the same thing, will experience the same fight, will experience the same misunderstanding. The thing also happens to Miya family which having two beautiful yet mischievous children, Miya Atsumu and Miya Osamu.
Faith? It’s not like any of them have super faith or anything between each other. They just know that they will always find way to fix it somehow.
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areioshq · 1 year
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🍙: It's my birthday. 🦊: And mine!
🍙: Listen 'Tsumu, this ain't about you.
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lowkeyremi · 1 year
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sleepinghellokitty · 1 year
HBD Miya twins
Atsumu: The moon controls the tides and the human psyche. Wolves know that, that why they howl at night. It's a tribute. Osamu: Mom! He's doing it again! Atsumu: *starts howling while lunging at osamu* Osamu: MOM!
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osamuniichann · 2 years
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a belated miya twins bday post;;
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sapphicscorekeeper · 1 year
I think Atsumu would try to shove his brother’s head in the cake and fail miserably. Like, somehow ends up getting his own head in the cake.
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yoomiomiki · 2 years
Osamu who makes a tuna onigiri cake tower for atsumu for their birthday. And atsumu who buys a tub of fresh cream just to have a fresh cream food fight and a fruit cake eating cake only and giving osamu the fruits
A/n : their birthday is on 5 Oct for those who don’t know ! And it’s almost a week early to write this but I just thought of it
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kyolypso · 2 years
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kageymaspoiledmilk · 2 years
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Happy birthday to My Favorite Twins wow have they come so far
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groshia · 2 years
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Happy Birthday 
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theblaringlemon · 2 years
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dark-mnjiro · 2 years
Happy Birthday to my favorite set of twins.
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sakubabypowa734 · 2 years
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Best twin ever!!!
5th October 2022
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