themindnotestory · 1 year
When in doubt
Go outside and explore
Something wonderful
Always happens
Often when we have a handra that is accompanied by a feeling that nothing makes much sense, it is hard to get out of this belief. In such a situation, one thing is certain - a change of mindset. The question is how to do it when we really don't have the strength to do it. My cure for all evil is to get out of the house and clear my mind. It gives me a field to explore and see the beauty in small things. That's why in a moment of weakness, remember that there is always a way out of the situation - literally speaking ♥️
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drakvuf · 5 months
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Az ötvenezres hal után, itt az ötvenezres póló!
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mickimagnum · 2 months
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Devin's Dude Ranch: Episode Ten
*the episode opens with a shot of Echo Valley Ranch. The sun has just set and crickets can be heard singing in the background.*
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Devin, in the diary room: "Today is our second group date and I'm so excited to spend more time with my four guys tonight. They're all still here because I still want to get to know them and events like tonight are the perfect chance to do just that. I'm hoping they're going to be able to cut a little loose."
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*the next shot opens with the contestants lined up. they're waiting for Devin in the backyard. she approaches and they all greet her with smiles*
Devin: "Hi guys!"
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Devin (continues): "Wow, you all look so nice tonight. I can't believe I get to spend another evening with you fine gentleman."
*the contestants grin and chuckle softly*
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Devin (continues): "For tonight's group date, I thought we could cut a little loose with a backyard hoedown. What do you fellas say?"
*the group cheers in reply*
Devin: "Alright then, let's party!"
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*the next scene opens with Devin sitting at the bar, joined by the contestants*
*Devin sips at her glass of nectar while Albert looks on, a smile playing at the corners of his lips*
Albert: "So, how was your day," *pauses and tips his invisible cowboy hat* "darlin'?"
*Devin chuckles and shakes her head*
Devin: "It was good. Just a typical, busy day. Worked the horses. Did some nectar business. Although, I did actually have time to go for a jog this afternoon which was nice. What about yours, cowboy?"
*Albert makes a show out of pausing to ponder*
Albert: "Also busy. I hung out with these goons all day," *motions to the other contestants* "and...thought about you nonstop."
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*Devin grins ear to ear*
Devin: "Is that a fact?"
Albert: "Yes. Admittedly, you're all I've been able to think about since I've gotten here."
*Devin blushes and tries to hide it behind her hand*
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*After a beat, she recovers, leans forward and asks:*
Devin: "And what exactly were you thinking about?"
*Albert grins, leans closer to her, and they lock eyes*
Albert: "Well, I'd love to tell you, but I'm sure these guys don't want to here it," *glances around at the other contestants* "Why don't you come dance with me and I can tell you?"
*Devin nods as a smile breaks out across her face*
Devin: "Deal."
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*the next scene opens with Albert and Devin slow dancing out on the dance floor. They are gazing at each other intensely and smiling.*
Devin: "So tell me. What thoughts have been going through that beautiful, twisted mind of yours?"
*Albert chuckles*
Albert: "Twisted?"
Devin: "You heard me."
*Devin winks at him and the pair share a laugh*
Albert: "Well. I think about that first night, and how natural it felt to have you in my arms. How right it felt. I think about your brown eyes...a lot. And your laugh. Man, I love the sound of your laugh. I think about how amazing it would be to have a life with you, from the crazy adventures we'd have to just waking up next to you every morning. But, mostly, I think about how I can get more time with you, because honestly, it feels like the air I'm breathing right now."
*The camera cuts to Devin. Her eyes are shining and she is smiling widely*
Devin: "Albert...I had no idea you felt that way. That has got to be one of the sweetest things anyone has ever said to me."
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*Albert suddenly scoops Devin up. She wraps her arms around his shoulder and they hold intense eye contact*
Albert: "Oh, I do. Maybe I should let you in on a little secret."
Devin: "And what's that?"
Albert: "I'm f*bleep*ing crazy about you."
*Devin smiles and leans forward to kiss him.*
*The camera zooms in to Stan standing in the background watching. His face is etched in anger.*
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Albert (in diary room): "What a night. I opened up to Devin about my feelings for her and I feel like it took our relationship to the next level. And she kissed me....best kiss of my life too. These other guys better watch out. I'm not leaving without my girl."
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*the next scene opens with Devin and all of the contestants dancing to modern ranch music; all except Stan who can been seen drinking heavily at the bar with a dark look on his face*
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Houston: "What do you mean you've never read The Grapes of Wrath?"
Devin: "Don't judge me, mister. I'm admittedly not a huge reader. I don't have time."
*Houston acts wounded*
Houston: "But you have that beautiful library upstairs!"
*Devin chuckles*
Devin: "I do. And I would love to read the books I have in it but alas."
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Houston: "I think I know a solution."
*Devin looks at him puzzled*
Devin: "Now you've got me curious."
Houston: "You're too busy to read, so why don't I read to you? I'll be your living audio book. I can read some to you every night before we go to bed."
*Devin pauses a moment as a smile spreads across her face*
Devin: "I think I love this idea."
*Houston smiles back at her*
Houston: "We can start with The Grapes of Wrath. It's a classic and I think you'll love it."
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Houston (in diary room): *stares at the floor for a moment before a smile begins to spread on his face. he then looks directly into the camera*
"I think I'm falling in love with Devin."
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Stan (ranting to bartender): "Ya know, I don't even know why I'm here. I mean, I came to find love, but it's like competing with a pack of wolves. It's f*bleep*ing ridiculous. I'm too old for this s*bleep*."
*Stan drinks deeply from his mug of beer*
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*The camera cuts to Handra and Devin, who can be seen embracing each other, both smiling deeply*
Handra: "I've missed you. Is it too early to admit that?"
*Devin chuckles*
Devin: "Never. I've missed you, too. Your presence...it calms me. You make me feel safe."
*Handra smiles down at her*
Handra: "You're always safe with me, Devin."
*She bites her lower lip and blushes. After a pause she says:*
Devin: "Wanna swing?"
*Handra grins*
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*the pair can then be seen swinging, giggling, and talking indistinctly*
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*After Handra and Devin get done swinging, he takes her hands and looks into her eyes*
Handra: "I just wanna say, Devin, anytime I spend time with you, I feel like the luckiest man alive. I love how genuine you are to yourself, and with others. You inspire me."
*Devin smiles*
Devin: "I love spending time with you too. I think we get along so well because you are also a really genuine person. It's a rare quality."
Handra: "That it is."
*His eyes sparkle at Devin and she can't help but keep smiling up at him*
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Handra (in diary room): "Being with Devin just makes me happy. I really hope she feels the same way about me. And I want us to keep making each other happy. That's all I got to say."
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*Devin sits down next to Stan and greets him with a big smile*
Devin: Hi there, stranger. You've been awfully quiet tonight. Everything alright?"
*Stan glances up at her*
Stan: "Just haven't had the energy to claw my way through the wolfpack tonight for your attention."
*Devin cocks an eyebrow at Stan*
Devin: "The wolfpack, huh?"
*Stan shrugs*
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Stan: "Everyone's fighting for your attention all the time. That's what it feels like. We're wolves circling prey. You're a prize to be won." *he looks down at his drink* "It's exhausting."
*Devin studies him for a moment*
Devin: "Is it the competition that's bothering you or that you don't feel like you're getting enough time with me."
*Stan snorts*
Stan: "Hell, both, if I'm being honest."
*Devin looks slightly annoyed as she rests both hands on the bar. She takes a deep breath before speaking*
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Devin: "I'm sorry you feel that way. I'm doing my best to spend time with everyone. It is certainly challenging. But, this is a two-way street, Stan. You have to put in effort, too. You said you don't feel like you've gotten enough time with me, but also said you don't feel like 'clawing your way' through the others. This is, unfortunately, what we all signed up for. So, do you see my problem? I mean, which is it? Do you want to spend time with me or not? I'm going to do my part, but can I count on you to do yours? I guess that's my question."
*Stan clenches his jaw as he eyes her, choosing his next words carefully*
Stan: "I'm not sure this arrangement is for me. This whole thing is more difficult than I bargained for."
*Devin looks stunned*
Devin: "So, are you saying you want to leave?"
Stan: "I'm not sure what I'm saying."
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*Stan abruptly gets up from the bar*
Stan: "I need some time to think."
*he then turns and skulks into the house, leaving a stunned Devin still sitting at the bar*
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*the camera cuts to the other three contestants on the dancefloor, looking on in shock*
Handra: "Wait, is Stan leaving?"
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*Stan can be seen in the bathroom, clinging to the sink while glaring into the mirror*
Stan (voiceover): "I'm so angry I want to smash everything in this room. I had no idea this was going to be this hard; seeing her with the other men. I'm not sure I can keep doing this. I'm going insane."
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Devin (in diary room): "I'm so surprised at the way Stan behaved tonight. I mean, no, this is not an ideal situation for any of the contestants but it is what everyone signed up for. Yes, it's hard. But, we're all doing our best. Really, I'm disappointed in him for acting so...immaturely. If he decides to leave, I will be sad to see him go, but if he doesn't think I'm worth it, then maybe it's not worth the emotional investment. I don't know. I'm really confused righ now."
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Stan (in diary room): "I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet. On one hand, I really like her and I want to see what's there between us. On the other, I'm tired of competing with these other dudes, of seeing them with her. It's too hard. I hate it. I don't know what I'm going to do..."
Albert submitted by @bakersimmer Houston submitted by @invisiblequeen Handra submitted by @bloomingkyras James "Stan" submitted by @natolesims
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dozydawn · 26 days
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bloomingkyras · 11 months
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pizza for his future family ❤🤭
Hi,its me Kyra..I know I already told that I'm not sending my sims to Micki bc challenge but for some reasons,I make a room on my planner just for her 🤭.So here we are.. my another male sims for Bachelorette Challenge.
Meet My Sims in Bloom founder, Handra Diaz, and since I already have 3 legacy gp, I decided to sent him to compete in Devin's Dude Ranch BC. Here are his background:
Handra Diaz, age 29 (He/him) u can call Him Dra (Dre) or Diaz..He was born in Hendford and move to San myshuno to be a pastries chef in one of the Famous Restaurant there. But when his mum got sick,He went back to Hendford to help his mum with her farm and also become a horse trainer for the Villagers kids and selling his pastries to them. He really love to cook especially pizza and other pastries. He love animals and he wanted someday to own a Horse.
He tried to avoid to talk about Malicious or interact with that kind of sims cause for him that rude. He dislikes women's who smoke, doesn't know how to respect other especially with elders and Egoistic (he already done with that situation with his ex) Yes he have been in relationship before but that not goes well as he expected. He currently living in Chestnut Rigde to start his own farm and ranch after His mum pass away.His family farm in Hendford had been takeover with his Uncle.
Type of woman that he like, and he know that he not gonna get the same character like his mum who was loving and at the time strict too. He kinda person who doesn't care if his future wife can't cook cause he can 🤭. But all he care if his future wife didn't respect to him like i said before.Talking about kids he really love kids and he doesn't mind to have 1 or 2 kids as long as he can take care of them together.
That all about Mr. Handra Diaz. He still waiting for a call from Devin's to join her in the BC. And I'm not hoping much if he got or not the call for casting 😊. But wish us luck ✌🏻. His outfit are all from EA, I use cc only for his skin detail,tattoo,hair and default eyes cc (feel free to change)
If he doesn't make it to the Casting, I will open for u guys to take him 🤭. but for now he still Reserve. Tq Micki for doing this challenge and hope u can make a good decision and can't wait to see Devin's future BC ❤
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blueandyellowdiamond · 6 months
=>>pre všetky veľmi tajné služby čo majú veľmi veľký vplyv - čo má neviete zachrániť a vybrať si ma na "TOP HIGH level position asap ?!" Vy žumpa !!!
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nikidykeachu · 8 months
Aouggjhj so many drawing ideas but no energy do do any.....
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nerves-nebula · 12 days
theres this comic/manga i read as a kid called Peach Fuzz about a ferret who thinks she's a princess and while looking it up recently i was hit in the face by THIS ALTERNATIVE FASHION PET STORE GUY
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and despite the fact that he looks and acts nothing like Abe my immediate thought was "oh this was 100% the kind of guy i was thinking of when i made abe" like. this guy is 5-10% of Abe's DNA
(despite the pet store guy being, from what i can see, a very responsible and cool adult. it's just his looks and mannerism that imprinted on me i think idk. all i know is that he is SOMEHOW related to my concept of Abe)
anyway this comic is so weird and kinda racist. lots of stuff that makes me go YIKES!!! but also a lot of stuff i still think is cool. for example, the ferrets see the humans as different things. to Peach, the humans are "handras" who's fingers are scary multi headed snakes
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i still think thats dope. i forgot how much this comic did for introducing me to the idea of "what if two characters had totally different perspectives of how this story is going" maybe i'll read all of these tonight since tomorrow is one of the few days of the week where i dont have to be up early.
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spookcataloger · 4 months
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Scared to death (2013)
Three-horned devil (2018)
Six-legged centaur (2016)
Cloaked mofo (2015)
Dapper alley man (2015)
Mrs. Handras (2013)
Draining Witch (2014)
Seaside sanitarium (2017)
Watching them (2014)
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444names · 1 year
Names generated from Swedish forenames, forced to end with "S"
Adampus Adamus Adrasmilis Adris Agabris Albines Albingris Alfrannes Alfras Aliamuelis Alias Alicolinus Alielines Alincellis Alines Alinus Alisampus Alivis Allis Altoras Altornes Alviampus Alvicolis Alvines Alvis Alvisaras Ameddampus Ameras Aminus Ampus Amuelines Amuelis Andannes Antornes Arvinus Arvis Asmus Augus Augustils Axeliamus Axelines Axels Aximils Aximolinus...
Belis Caras Caris Carvis Casmines Casmus Casperas Castilis Celiamejas Celinus Celisampus Celliviris Cenjas Chalvis Chamils Champus Colines Colinus Colis Coras Coriels Cornes Damilis Damiras Dampus Ebasmus Ebastines Ebbas Ebbasmus Ebbelis Eddiels Edielis Edvillis Edvils Edvinelis Edvines Edvinus Edvis Edwaras Edwarlines Edwarlis Eliamelis Eliamilis Eliampus Eliamus Eliasmus Elicias Elielis Elils Elinelis Elines Elingrejas Elinus Eliselis Eliviasmus Elivis Ellaris Ellarvis Ellexanils Ellias Elliasmus Elliels Ellines Ellinus Ellis Eltelvis Eltenjas Elvias Elvicias Elvigrejas Elvils Elvinelis Elvinornes Elvinus Elvis Emejas Emejasmus Emelis Emels Emilinus Emillis Emils Emines Eminus Eriampus Estils Felis Felivis Fellis Feltels Felviras Fiamus Fiasmus Fildamilis Filines Filinus Filis Filisamus Fillis Fredvis Frejacoras Frejamejas Frejampus Gabels Gredvines Grejas Griampus Grias Griktornes Gustris Halbines Halis Hamelines Hamuels Hamus Handras Hannes Hantornes Harasmus Harvinus Harvis Helias Helivils Helvingris Heodornes Hildandras Hilhelis Hilias Hilis Hilivis Hillivinus Hjamels Hjampus Hjasmus Hugottelis Hugus Innes Irasmus Irastris Isabris Isagnes Isamels Isampus Isamus Isebas Isebbas Ivines Jacolines Jacolis Jacoris Jalilis Jalmejas Jampus Jamus Jasmus Joeliannes Joelines Joelinus Joelis Joellines Joels Joelvis Johalinus Johampus Johamus Joliamus Jolias Jolines Jolingris Jolinus Jolis Jollielis Jollivis Joscas Joscasmus Josebas Josebbas Josebbels Julias Julicias Julinels Julines Julis Julisamus Junicias Kevinornes Kevis Leias Leodoris Liampus Liannes Liasmus Licias Licolines Licolis Linellis Lines Lingriels Linnes Lisamus Lisarlis Lisebas Lividamus Livis Lokevinus Lovalis Lovalvis Lovannes Lovantels Lovarias Lovias Lovignes Lovines Lovinus Lucarvis Lucasmus Lucastris Ludviamus Ludvignes Ludvils Ludvines Ludvingris Ludvinnes Ludvinus Ludvis Lunicias Majas Majasmus Majkenjas Malbinus Malines Malinnes Malis Mannes Marasmus Marvignes Marvines Marvingris Matils Matinus Maxelis Maxels Maxelvinus Medvils Mejas Mejasmus Melias Melines Melingris Melis Melisamus Melleiamus Mellines Melvis Merasmus Mildampus Mildarlis Milias Milinus Milis Minathamus Mines Mingris Minoras Minus Miris Mohampus Mohannes Molils Molis Molivils Mollinus Nelinus Nelis Nellis Neodornes Nestagnes Nicias Nielicias Niels Nilis Noelis Noels Noras Norias Noridannes Nornes Novaras Novias Novis Oliannes Olias Olinelivis Olines Olinus Olisampus Olliamalis Ollias Ollines Ollis Ollivines Oscas Oscasmus Oscastinus Osebas Osebasmus Osebbas Osebbels Osels Ronjas Sabelis Sabels Sabris Sagnes Salinus Saminus Sampus Samus Saras Saris Sarviras Sarviselis Sebas Sebasmus Sebbas Sebbasmus Selis Sellines Sellis Signels Signes Sigrejas Sigrias Sigrielias Sigris Simils Simines Simolis Siras Sirias Siriasmus Siridampus Sofiampus Sofiamuels Sofias Sofiasmus Sofilhels Sofils Stilovis Stils Stines Stingris Stris Svalindris Svalis Svarlis Tagabris Tagnestris Tavis Thamels Thampus Thamus Tharliamus Theodornes Tiampus Tiasmus Tiliamelis Tilias Tilinus Tilis Tillis Tines Tinnes Tinus Tyras Tyrasmus Varlivis Verasmus Viamilis Viampus Vicellinus Vicias Vidampus Vidamus Vignes Vigriampus Viktonjas Vines Vinnes Vinus Virias Viris Visampus Visamus Wildampus Wildannes Wildavils Wilhels Wilines Wilis
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ugysenemez · 1 year
Nem is értem, hogy
a motoros fűkasza ellen miért káromkodással és miért nem az iScyth fantázianevű Apple okoskasza (inspired by Bukta Imre) termékre adott tippekkel harcol @handras.
Azt mondjuk hozzá kell tenni, hogy a kézikasza csendes, de a használat után meg kell verni, amit rendszereint szintén vasárnap reggel, 1 órás acélkopácsolással szoktak elvégezni, ami ugyanúgy rontja a parizeres kenyér élvezeti értékét.
Szóval ezt a zajt úgy kell felfogni, mint a növények transzformált halálsikolyát.
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k-ky · 11 months
I'm okay I'm fine gwenchana, gwenchana thing ning ning ning ning, kumana handra saki rasa saki onion boo huhuhuhu😭
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drakvuf · 5 months
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handras megint tátott szájjal szaladt be a faszerdőbe
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mickimagnum · 10 months
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Devin's Dude Ranch - Contestant Announcement
I am excited to announce the 5 contestants that will be competing for Devin's heart during her upcoming bachelorette challenge!
Handra Diaz - @bloomingkyras
Houston Bloom - @invisiblequeen
James Stanford - @natolesims
Albert Robins - @bakersimmer
Milo Penn - @belsasim
These cowboys will move into Devin's ranch house and vie for her heart over 5 6 weeks in the hopes of being the last man standing. The winner will have to survive weekly challenges, group dates, public opinion, and four heart-wrenching eliminations. Most importantly, they will have to forge a connection with Devin that proves they're "the one"!
Stay tuned! Devin's Dude Ranch begins Monday, December 4th!
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Eurovision 2006 - Number 62 - Erinda Dhima - "Për ju"
FiK 44 was the usual huge Albanian occasion pre-Christmas with two semi-finals that produced a final of twenty songs and a 100% jury vote. It was a rich and varied affair with many genres of music and singing represented. Among them was Erinda Dhima.
Erinda is a Laïko singer and most of her fans and songs have been released in the Greek market, even though (I think) she's Albanian. Her first claim to fame was appearing alongside Greek folk star Stelios Rokkos on his single Χάντρα Χαντρα (Handra Handra) in which she starts off singing in Albanian.
Her main gig was gigging - all around Greece, singing folk tunes and popular songs at clubs on stages night after night. She had a self-titled album out in 2001 that doesn't appear to have gained much traction, but as live singer, she had more than enough work.
I don't know where the idea to sing at the Festivali i Këngës came from. Perhaps it was because Eurovision was in Athens and RTSH wanted something with local flavour. Perhaps it was someone in the team behind her song. The lyrics to Për tu (For You) were written by Laert Vasili, Albanian actor and director who like Erinda has made a living mostly in Greece, but who has appeared on stages all over south-east Europe from Bosnia to Cyprus. He's something of a regular on Albanian talent shows too.
Për tu itself is a song sung by a woman really needing her man. Love has got her feeling touched by fire and her devotion knows very few limits. The genre is her stock in trade. A song with Greek flavours woven throughout. In a Eurovision context, it's an ethnobop and thus very on brand for 2006. She's afflicted by that mid-2000s costuming decision, the shared skirt that's disposed of when the bridge of the song hits.
Erinda was on last in the running order for FiK, and it would appear that this was because the organisers knew that her song would go over well. Reports suggest that this drew the biggest audience ovation of the evening and I've seen little to suggest otherwise.
However the judges disagreed. FiK only announce the results of the top three finishers and Erinda was not one of them despite the popular reception. With this rejection, she went back to Greece and continued her career. She's still singing today - having spent the past two years performing in Israel
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ridhiagarwal · 4 months
8 Staircase Handrail Design Ideas for a Luxurious Touch
Staircases are not merely functional elements in a home; they are opportunities for architectural expression and design innovation. Amongst the various components of a staircase, the handrail stands out as a focal point, offering both safety and style  Elevate the aesthetics of your home with these eight luxurious staircase handrail design ideas that seamlessly blend functionality with elegance.
1.Modern Minimalism:
Embrace the sleek simplicity of modern minimalism by opting for a staircase handrail design characterized by clean lines and understated elegance. A minimalist handrail, crafted from materials such as stainless steel or tempered glass, exudes a contemporary vibe while maintaining a sense of sophistication. 
TeamHome offers a wide range of minimalist handrail designs that effortlessly elevate the aesthetic appeal of any staircase, creating a luxurious ambiance in your home.
2.Classic Elegance:
For those who prefer a timeless aesthetic, a classic staircase handrail design is the epitome of elegance. Choose handrails crafted from rich wood, such as mahogany or oak, adorned with intricate carvings or ornamental details. Pairing a classic handrail with a gracefully curved balustrade adds a touch of old-world charm to your staircase.
 At TeamHome, we specialize in creating bespoke handrail designs that exude timeless elegance, transforming your staircase into a statement of luxury and refinement.
3.Contemporary Chic:
Inject a dose of contemporary chic into your home with a staircase handrail design that combines innovative materials and bold shapes. Experiment with unconventional materials like acrylic or resin to create a striking visual impact. Opt for geometrically inspired handrail designs, featuring angular shapes or asymmetric patterns, to add a modern edge to your staircase handrail design
TeamHome's collection of contemporary handrail designs offers endless possibilities for those seeking to infuse their home with cutting-edge style and sophistication.
4.Industrial Glamour:
Channel the industrial glamour of urban lofts with a staircase handrail design that juxtaposes raw materials with luxurious finishes. Incorporate elements such as exposed metal pipes or salvaged wood into your handrail design, complemented by sleek metallic accents or polished finishes. 
The contrast between rugged textures and refined details creates a captivating aesthetic that is both edgy and elegant. TeamHome specializes in crafting handrails that embody the essence of industrial chic, allowing you to bring a touch of urban sophistication into your home.
5.Art Deco Opulence:
Indulge in the opulent extravagance of the Art Deco era with a staircase handrail design ideas that exudes glamour and grandeur. Choose handrails adorned with geometric motifs, mirrored surfaces, or intricate filigree details reminiscent of the Roaring Twenties. 
Incorporate luxurious materials such as brass, marble, or lacquered wood to add a sense of richness and sophistication to your staircase. TeamHome's Art Deco-inspired handrail designs capture the essence of this iconic style, allowing you to infuse your home with the timeless allure of the Jazz Age.
6. Scandinavian Simplicity:
Embrace the principles of Scandinavian design with a staircase handrail design that emphasizes simplicity, functionality, and natural beauty. Opt for handrails crafted from light-toned wood, such as birch or maple, with clean, minimalist profiles. Incorporate subtle details such as tapered edges or gently curved forms to add warmth and character to your staircase. TeamHome's Scandinavian-inspired handrail designs embody the understated elegance and effortless charm of Nordic interiors, creating a serene and inviting atmosphere in your home.
7.Mediterranean Romance:
Transport yourself to the sun-drenched shores of the Mediterranean with a staircase handrail design that captures the romance and allure of coastal living. Choose handrails crafted from wrought iron or wrought aluminum, adorned with intricate scrollwork or floral motifs inspired by traditional Mediterranean architecture. 
Pair with vibrant ceramic tiles or mosaic accents to add a pop of color and pattern to your staircase. TeamHome's Mediterranean-inspired handrail designs evoke the timeless beauty and rustic charm of the Mediterranean coast, infusing your home with warmth and elegance.
8.Futuristic Fantasy:
Embrace the spirit of innovation and imagination with a staircase handrail design that pushes the boundaries of conventional design. Explore avant-garde materials such as carbon fiber or 3D-printed polymers to create handrails with futuristic shapes and forms. 
Incorporate integrated lighting or digital displays for a touch of high-tech sophistication. TeamHome's collection of futuristic handrail designs offers limitless possibilities for those seeking to make a bold statement and redefine the concept of luxury in their home.
Elevate the aesthetic appeal of your home with these eight luxurious staircase handrail design ideas that combine form and function in perfect harmony. Whether you prefer the timeless elegance of classic designs or the cutting-edge style of contemporary creations, TeamHome offers a wide range of handrail options to suit every taste and preference. Transform your staircase into a symbol of luxury and refinement with TeamHome's expert craftsmanship and unparalleled attention to detail.
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