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شہید حکیم محمد سعید … یادیں اور باتیں
کتاب ’’شہید حکیم محمد سعید…. یادیں اور باتیں‘‘ میں سعدیہ راشد ’’ابا جان‘‘ کے عنوان سے لکھتی ہیں۔ ’’ہمیں پورا آئیڈیل کسی شخصیت میں مل جائے ایسا کم ہی ہوتا ہے۔ اس کے ٹکڑے ضرور لوگوں کی شخصیت میں بکھرے مل جاتے ہیں۔ کبھی ایسی کوئی شخصیت بھی مل جاتی ہے جس کے وجود میں ہمارے آئیڈیل کے بیش تر رنگ، بیش تر ستارے زیادہ سے زیادہ نقوش چمک رہے ہوتے ہیں اور پھر ہم غیر شعوری طور پر اس کی طرف کھنچتے چلے جاتے ہیں۔ میں خوش قسمت ہوں کہ مجھے ایک شخصیت ایسی مل گئی جس میں میرے آئیڈیل کے سارے رنگ، سارے نقوش موجود تھے۔ یہ ابا جان تھے، حکیم محمد سعید، میرے آئیڈیل۔ وہ ایک مکمل شخصیت تھے۔‘‘ سعدیہ لکھتی ہیں ’’بیٹیاں یوں بھی باپ سے زیادہ قریب ہوتی ہیں۔ میں اپنی امی کے مقابلے میں ابا جان سے زیادہ قریب تھی۔ میں شروع میں ان سے ڈرتی تھی لیکن سب سے زیادہ ان سے محبت کرتی تھی۔ میں وہی ہونا چاہتی تھی جو وہ مجھے دیکھنا چاہتے تھے۔ مجھ سے یہ کسی نے نہیں ��ہا، میری امی نے بھی نہیں لیکن مجھے یہ احساس شدت سے رہتا تھا کہ میں کوئی بات ایسی نہ کروں جو میرے ابا جان کے معیار سے گری ہوئی ہو۔
میرے قول اور عمل میں کوئی پہلو ایسا نہ ہوکہ کوئی یہ کہے ’’یہ حکیم محمد سعید کی بیٹی ہے۔‘‘ مجھے ہر وقت یہ احساس رہتا تھا کہ ابا جان نے بڑی محنت، بڑی قربانیوں سے اپنا ایک مقام بنایا ہے، ایک نام پیدا کیا ہے۔ ان کی نیک نامی پر کوئی حرف نہ آئے۔‘‘ سعدیہ راشد لکھتی ہیں ’’ابا جان نے میری تربیت اس طرح کی کہ کبھی مجھے بٹھا کر یہ نہیں کہا کہ یہ کرنا ہے اور یہ نہیں کرنا ہے۔ تربیت کا ان کا اپنا طریقہ تھا۔ وہ عمل کر کے دکھاتے تھے، انھیں کہنے کی ضرورت نہیں تھی۔ انھوں نے خاموشی سے میری تربیت کی اور وہ تمام قدریں جو انھیں عزیز تھیں، اپنے عمل سے بتا دیں۔ سچائی، دیانت داری، تواضع، شائستگی، رواداری، اخلاق، دین داری۔ انھوں نے مجھے سب سکھا دیا۔ میں چودہ سال کی تھی کہ ابا جان نے مجھے پارٹیز میں لے جانا شروع کر دیا۔ مجھے اچھی طرح یاد ہے کہ پہلی پارٹی جس میں مجھے وہ اپنے ساتھ لے گئے چینی سفارت خانے میں تھی۔ چینی سفارت خانہ ان دنوں ہمارے گھر کے قریب تھا۔‘‘
سعدیہ لکھتی ہیں ’’ابا جان اپنے بڑے بھائی، حکیم عبدالحمید سے بہت محبت کرتے تھے۔ دونوں کی قدریں ایک تھیں، ان کی سوچ، خدمت کا جذبہ، عام لوگوں کی بھلائی، ذاتی خوبیاں ایک تھیں، البتہ شخصیتیں مختلف تھیں، کام کا انداز مختلف تھا۔ نہ جانے ابا جان انھیں دلی میں چھوڑ کر کیسے چلے آئے۔ یہ پاکستان کا جذبہ تھا اور مسلم لیگ سے وابستگی جس نے انھیں پاکستان آنے پر مجبورکیا۔ میں سمجھتی ہوں یہ اللہ تعالیٰ کی مشیت تھی۔ اللہ کو ان سے اچھے کام کرانے تھے۔ انھوں نے دل و جان سے پاکستان کی خدمت کی، لوگوں کی بھلائی کے لیے کام کیا۔ سعدیہ راشد لکھتی ہیں ’’دفتر میں ابا جان ایک ڈسپلن قائم رکھتے تھے۔ کوئی فیصلہ کرنے سے پہلے اپنے رفقائے کار سے مشورہ ضرور کرتے تھے۔ وہ شوریٰ بینہم کے قائل تھے۔ جو لوگ ان کے اعتماد میں تھے وہ ان سب کی رائے سنتے، غور کرتے اور پھر فیصلہ کرتے۔ ایک دفعہ فیصلہ کر لیتے تو بس اس پر قائم رہتے۔ اپنے مشن کی کامیابی کے لیے انھیں بڑی محنت کرنا پڑی۔
ایک طرف ہمدردکی تعمیر و ترقی، دوسری طرف طب یونانی کا جسے ابا جان کہتے تھے کہ یہ طب اسلامی ہے، دنیا میں نام روشن کرنا اور اسے ��سلیم کرانا اور پھر علم کے میدان میں ان کی پیش قدمیاں، یہ سب بڑے کام تھے۔ ان میں بڑی جانفشانیاں تھیں۔ ان معاملوں میں جب انھیں کوئی فکر لاحق ہوتی تو وہ عموماً خاموش ہو جاتے۔ زیادہ تر اپنے اوپر ہی جھیل جاتے۔ ابتدا میں کسی سے ذکر نہ کرتے لیکن اب بعد میں وہ کہنے لگے تھے۔ آخر دنوں میں تو انھوں نے مجھ سے یہ کہا کہ ’’مجھے اب اپنی نیند کا ایک گھنٹہ اور کم کرنا پڑے گا۔‘‘ میں نے کہا ’’یہ آپ کیسے کریں گے؟ چارگھنٹے تو آپ سوتے ہیں۔ تین گھنٹے سو کر اپنے فنکشن کس طرح پورے کریں گے؟‘‘ وہ کہنے لگے، ’’نہیں مجھے بہت کام ہے، مجھے اپنی نیند کا ایک گھنٹہ کم کرنا پڑے گا۔‘‘ سعدیہ لکھتی ہیں ’’میں اب محسوس کرتی ہوں کہ ابا جان کو جلدی کیوں تھی، وہ اپنا مشن پورا کرنا چاہتے تھے۔ جو پودے انھوں نے لگائے تھے، انھیں بار آور دیکھنے کے لیے بے چین تھے وہ اور بہت کچھ کرنا چاہتے تھے۔
اپنی سوچ کو انھوں نے اپنے تک محدود نہیں رکھا، برملا اظہار کر دیا۔ وہ اپنی زندگی کے ہر ہر لمحے کو، اپنے خیالات کو، احساسات کو، سب ریکارڈ کر گئے ہیں۔ ان کی زندگی کا کوئی گوشہ ایسا نہیں ہے جو چھپا رہ گیا ہو۔ وہ ایک کھلی کتاب کی مانند تھے جسے انھوں نے لوگوں کے سامنے رکھ دیا تھا۔ لو پڑھ لو، جان لو، پرکھ لو۔‘‘ سعدیہ راشد لکھتی ہیں ’’جب غیر ملکی کرنسی پر پابندیاں تھیں اور بیرونی سفر کے لیے بینک سے مقررہ زر مبادلہ ملتا تھا تو ابا جان سفر سے واپس آ کر ایک ایک ڈالر واپس کر دیتے تھے۔ انھیں بین الاقوامی کانفرنسوں میں بلایا جاتا، یونیسکو، ورلڈ ہیلتھ آرگنائزیشن، یونی سیف، اسلامی ملکوں کی تنظیم اور دوسرے اداروں کے اجلاس میں شرکت کے لیے بلایا جاتا اور سفری خرچ پیش کیا جاتا۔ ابا جان لکھ دیتے کہ ’’اس کی ضرورت نہیں۔ میں اپنے خرچ پر آؤں گا۔‘‘ کانفرنسوں اور سیمیناروں میں مقالوں پر معاوضہ پیش کیا جاتا۔ عموماً یہ اچھی خاصی رقم ہوتی، وہ اسے قبول نہیں کرتے۔ کہہ دیتے کہ علمی کاموں کا معاوضہ لینا مجھے پسند نہیں۔
زندگی کے تمام معاملات میں انھوں نے ہمیشہ اصول پسندی اور دیانت داری سے کام لیا اور اسی نے ان میں وہ اخلاقی جرأت پیدا کردی تھی کہ وہ ہر بددیانتی کو، ہر غلط کام کو ٹوک دیتے تھے اور لوگ اسے خاموشی سے برداشت کر لیتے تھے۔ ابا جان کی کسی سے دشمنی نہیں تھی۔ انھوں نے کبھی کسی کا برا نہیں چاہا، کسی کو تکلیف نہیں پہنچائی۔ ہمیشہ لوگوں کے ساتھ بھلائی کی۔ جنھوں نے انھیں نقصان پہنچانا چاہا، ان کے کاموں میں رکاوٹ ڈالی، ان کے لیے در پردہ مشکلات پیدا کیں، ابا جان نے ان کے ساتھ بھی بھلائی کی۔ ان سے شکوہ تک نہ کیا۔ میری سمجھ میں نہیں آتا کہ ایسے اُجلے، ایسے بھلے، نیک نفس انسان پرکیسے گولیاں چلائی گئیں، جو دوسروں کے لیے جیتا تھا اسی کی زندگی کا چراغ گل کر دیا۔ اس روشنی کو بجھا دیا جو نہ جانے کتنے گھروں کی روشنی کا سامان کیے ہوئے تھی۔ ابا جان شہید ہیں۔ وہ کہا کرتے تھے، خدمت کرنے والے امر ہو جاتے ہیں، وہ امر ہو گئے۔‘‘
رفیع الزمان زبیری
بشکریہ ایکسپریس نیوز
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حکیم سعید کو سلیبس میں شامل کریں
حکیم سعید شہید میں تین حیران کن خوبیاں تھیں۔ یہ17 اکتوبر 1998 کو شہید ہوئے‘ آج انھیں دنیا سے رخصت ہوئے 21 سال ہو چکے ہیں لیکن میں نے ان21 برسوں میں ایک بھی دن ایسا نہیں گزارا جب میں نے حکیم صاحب اور ان کی تینوں خوبیوں کو یاد نہ کیا ہو‘ یہ مجھ سمیت ان ہزاروں لوگوں کے محسن ہیں جن تک یہ خوبیاں پہنچیں اور ان کی زندگیاں تبدیل ہو گئیں‘ ان کی لائف اور مائینڈ دونوں چینج ہو گئے‘ 17 اکتوبر کو حکیم صاحب کی برسی تھی۔ میں ہر سال خاموشی کے ساتھ ان کی برسی مناتا ہوں‘ دعا کرتا ہوں‘ سارا دن ان کی کتابیں پڑھتا ہوں‘ پرانے نوٹس نکال کر دیکھتا ہوں اور حکیم صاحب کو ان کی طلسماتی مسکراہٹ کے ساتھ اپنے سامنے بیٹھا دیکھتا ہوں اور اپنے آپ سے وعدہ کرتا ہوں میں ان شاء اللہ اگلے سال بھی حکیم صاحب کی ہدایات پر عمل کی کوشش کروں گا تاہم میں یہ اعتراف بھی کرتا چلوں میں کوشش کے باوجود حکیم صاحب کی ایک بھی خوبی پیدا نہیں کر سکا۔
حکیم سعید واقعی حکیم سعید تھے‘ ہم میں سے کوئی ان جیسا نہیں بن سکتا اور شاید ہمارے ملک کو ان جیسا کوئی دوسرا شخص بھی نصیب نہ ہو سکے‘ حکیم صاحب میں لوگوں کو اپنے ساتھ چلانے اور تعلق کو نبھانے کی غیر معمولی صلاحیت تھی‘ وہ نکمے ترین لوگوں کو بھی اپنے ساتھ چلا لیتے تھے‘ میں نے ان سے ایک دن پوچھا ’’حکیم صاحب آپ کے اردگرد پرانے لوگ زیادہ ہیں‘ آپ نئے لوگوں کو ٹرائی کیوں نہیں کرتے‘‘ وہ ہنس کر بولے ’’میں اپنے ادارے کے لوگوں کو اپنا خاندان سمجھتا ہوں اور خاندان کو تبدیل نہیں کیا جا سکتا‘ رشتے عمر بھر کے ہوتے ہیں‘ آپ آتے جاتے‘ چلتے پھرتے چچا‘ ماموں یا پھوپھی تبدیل نہیں کر سکتے‘ میری زندگی میں بھی جو آ گیا وہ بس آ گیا اور وہ میرے بعد بھی میرے ساتھ رہے گا‘‘۔
مجھے یہ بات اس وقت سمجھ نہیں آئی لیکن آہستہ آہستہ پتا چلا آپ کتنے اچھے ہیں یہ فیصلہ آپ کے ساتھی‘ آپ کے ملازمین کرتے ہیں‘ میں بیس برسوں سے سیلف ڈویلپمنٹ‘ سیلف ہیلپ‘ گرومنگ اور موٹی ویشن کا کام کر رہا ہوں‘ میں اکثر سیشنز میں اپنے مہمانوں کو حکیم سعید کی مثال دیتا ہوں اور پھر عرض کرتا ہوں آپ نے اگر کسی شخص کو جج کرنا ہو تو آپ صرف یہ دیکھ لیں اس کے دوست‘ اس کے ملازم اور اس کا ادارہ کتنا پرانا ہے؟ آپ چند منٹوں میں نتیجے پر پہنچ جائیں گے‘ ہم میں سے جو لوگ جلدی جلدی دوست‘ ملازم اور اپنے ادارے تبدیل کرتے ہیں وہ لوگ متوازن بھی نہیں ہوتے‘ وفادار بھی نہیں اور بااعتماد بھی نہیں‘ آپ خود فیصلہ کیجیے جو شخص اپنے دوستوں‘ اپنے ملازموں اور اپنے دفتر کو اپنا نہیں بنا سکا وہ کس کا ساتھ نبھائے گا‘ وہ کس کے ساتھ چل سکے گا؟
حکیم سعید میں یہ حیران کن خوبی تھی‘ آپ کو آج بھی ہمدرد میں ایسے بزرگ ملیں گے جو عین جوانی میں حکیم صاحب کے پاس آئے اور حکیم صاحب کی شہادت کے بعد بھی ان سے وابستہ رہے‘ یہ پاکستان کا واحد پرائیویٹ ادارہ ہے جس میں لوگ پنشن لے کر ریٹائر ہوتے ہیں‘ حکیم صاحب کی دوسری خوبی وقت کا استعمال ��ھا۔ اللہ تعالیٰ اس زمین پر ہر شخص کو برابر وقت دیتا ہے‘ آپ اور میں ہوں یا پھر صدر ڈونلڈ ٹرمپ ہوں ہم سب کے پاس ایک جتنا دن اور ایک جیسے 24 گھنٹے ہوتے ہیں لیکن ہم سے کچھ لوگ آگے نکل جاتے ہیں اور کچھ پتھر بن کر راستے کے کنکر بن جاتے ہیں‘ کیوں؟ فرق صرف وقت کے استعمال کا ہوتا ہے‘ آگے نکلنے والے 24 گھنٹوں کو مکمل استعمال کر لیتے ہیں جب کہ پیچھے رہ جانے والے وقت کو خارش بنا کر ضایع کر دیتے ہیں‘ حکیم سعید دنیا کے ان خوش نصیب لوگوں میں شامل تھے جنہوں نے کوئی لمحہ ضایع نہیں کیا‘ حکیم سعید نے ہمدرد فائونڈیشن اور ہمدرد یونیورسٹی جیسے اداروں کے ساتھ 200 کتابیں لکھیں۔
یہ ہمدرد صحت اور بچوں کے لیے نونہال جیسے میگزین بھی نکالتے تھے‘ یہ پوری زندگی مطب بھی جاتے رہے‘ مریض بھی دیکھتے رہے‘ سیکڑوں ادویات بھی بنائیں‘ روح افزاء جیسا مشروب مشرق بھی ایجاد کیا اور یہ ان کے ساتھ ساتھ ہر خط بھی پڑھتے تھے اور اس کا اپنے ہاتھ سے جواب بھی لکھتے تھے‘ آپ کمال دیکھیے اب تک حکیم سعید کے ہاتھ کے لکھے ہوئے لاکھ سے زیادہ خطوط جمع ہو چکے ہیں‘ آپ زندگی میں ایک لاکھ خط پڑھ اور لکھ کر دکھا دیجیے‘ میں آپ کے ہاتھ چوم لوں گا لیکن حکیم صاحب نے یہ بھی کیا اور یہ اس کے ساتھ ہمدرد جیسے ادارے بھی بناتے رہے‘ کیا یہ کمال نہیں؟ میں نے ایک دن ان سے پوچھا ’’آپ یہ سب کچھ کیسے مینج کر لیتے ہیں‘‘ وہ بولے ’’میں وقت ضایع نہیں کرتا‘ میں ایک ایک لمحے کو زندگی جتنا اہم سمجھتا ہوں‘‘ وہ گاڑی میں ہوتے تھے یا جہاز میں وہ مسلسل لکھتے رہتے تھے.
وہ روزانہ کی ڈاک ساتھ لے کر سفر کرتے تھے‘ وہ جہاں وقت پاتے تھے خط نکالتے تھے‘ پڑھتے تھے اور اس کے پیچھے جواب لکھ دیتے تھے‘ حکیم صاحب نے چالیس سے زائد ممالک کا سفر بھی کیا‘ وہ فرماتے تھے ’’تم اگر اللہ کی نعمتوں کا اندازہ کرنا چاہتے ہو تو تم دنیا دیکھو‘ تمہیں زمین کا چپہ چپہ حیران کر دے گا‘ وہ 1920 میں پیدا ہوئے تھے اور 1998 میں شہید کر دیے گئے‘ ان کی عمر 78 سال تھی‘ وہ جاتے جاتے ثابت کر گئے ہم اگر زندگی میں کچھ کرنا چاہیں تو 78 سال بھی کم نہیں ہوتے‘ ہم ان 78 برسوں میں بھی دنیا کو حیران کر سکتے ہیں۔ میں نے حکیم سعید کے بعد ’’وال مارٹ‘‘ کے مالک سیم والٹن میں یہ خوبی دیکھی‘ یہ 74 سال کی عمر میں انتقال کر گئے لیکن یہ دنیا میں مالز کی سب سے بڑی چین بنا گئے‘ ان کے اسٹورز کی تعداد 11 ہزار 7 سو 66 ہے‘ ہم اگر ’’وال مارٹ‘‘ کے تمام برانڈز ‘ کمپنیوں کے آئوٹ لیٹس اور دفتر بھی ان میں شامل کر لیں تو یہ تعداد تیس ہزار بن جاتی ہے‘ آپ سیم والٹن کی ایمپائر کا اندازہ کیجیے وال مارٹ کے ملازمین کی تعداد 24 لاکھ ہے‘ پارکنگ کا کل رقبہ فلوریڈا سٹیٹ کے کل رقبے کے برابر ہے اور سیم والٹن اگر روزانہ اپنے دفاتر کا دورہ شروع کر دیتا تو اسے واپس اپنے پہلے دفتر آنے میں 35 سال لگ جاتے چناں چہ حکیم سعید کی طرح سیم والٹن نے بھی ثابت کر دیا آپ اگر کرنا چاہیں تو پھر ایک زندگی بھی کم نہیں ہوتی۔
��پ ستر پچھہتر سال میں بھی کمال کر سکتے ہیں اور آپ اگر کچھ نہ کرنا چاہیں تو پھر عمر خضر بھی کم پڑ جاتی ہے‘ میں اس وقت ناپختہ جذباتی نوجوان تھا‘ میں حکیم صاحب سے ملتا رہا اور وہ مجھ پر اثر انداز ہوتے رہے‘ وہ مجھے کہتے تھے ’’بیٹا کچھ بھی ہو جائے وقت ضایع نہ کرنا‘ فضول گفتگو نہ کرو‘ لوگوں کو ناراض کرنے اور منانے میں بہت وقت ضایع ہو جاتا ہے‘ آپ کسی کو ناراض نہ کرو‘ کسی کو نہ منائو‘ سب کے ساتھ اچھے ہو جائو‘ وقت بچ جائے گا‘ وہ کہتے تھے چغل خوری اور غیبت وقت اور توانائی دونوں کا زیاں ہے‘ ان سے بچ جائو‘‘ اور لوگوں کے ساتھ کنکشن حکیم سعید کی تیسری حیران کن خوبی تھی‘ وہ جب بھی کسی تقریب میں جاتے تھے تو وہ اس علاقے میں موجود اپنے مریضوں کے نام‘ پتے‘ مرض اور ادویات کی فہرست ساتھ لے جاتے تھے۔
وہ فنکشن سے پہلے کسی نہ کسی مریض کا دروازہ بجا دیتے تھے اور مریض یا لواحقین حکیم سعید کو اپنے دروازے پر دیکھ کر حیران رہ جاتے تھے‘ وہ دہلیز پر کھڑے کھڑے پوچھتے تھے ’’آپ فلاں تاریخ کو میرے مطب پر تشریف لائے تھے‘ میں نے آپ کو دوا دی تھی‘ کیا آپ کو افاقہ ہوا تھا‘‘ وہ مریض کا فیڈ بیک بھی لکھ لیا کرتے تھے‘ وہ اس کے بعد اگلے مریض کے گھر کی طرف نکل جاتے تھے‘ وہ عموماً ہر فنکشن سے پہلے یا بعد میں چار پانچ مریضوں کے گھروں کا وزٹ کر لیا کرتے تھے‘ یہ شان دار بزنس اسٹریٹجی تھی‘ میں اب تک یہ اسٹریٹجی سیکڑوں لوگوں کو بتا اور سکھا چکا ہوں‘ میں ان سے عرض کرتا ہوں آپ حکیم سعید کی طرح اپنے گاہکوں سے رابطہ کیا کریں‘ آپ ان سے فیڈ بیک لیا کریں‘ یہ فیڈ بیک آپ کے بزنس میں اضافہ کرے گا‘ لوگ آپ کے ساتھ جڑتے رہیں گے۔
حکیم سعید کے معمولات زندگی بھی شان دار تھے‘ وہ جلدی جاگتے تھے‘ صبح فجر کی نماز کے بعد کام شروع کر دیتے تھے‘ مطب کے دن روزہ رکھ کر مریض دیکھتے تھے‘ وہ بہت کم کھاتے تھے‘ وہ پوری زندگی کہتے رہے انسان کے لیے ایک ناشتہ اور ایک کھانا کافی ہوتا ہے‘وہ روزے کے بے انتہا حامی تھے‘ خود بھی روزہ رکھتے تھے اور مریضوں کو بھی تلقین کرتے تھے اور ٹھنڈے پانی سے نہاتے تھے‘ میں نے ان کی کسی کتاب میں پڑھا یہ سوئٹزرلینڈ میں برفباری کے دوران بھی ٹھنڈے پانی سے نہاتے رہے‘ میں انھیں پیر مانتا تھا چناں چہ میں نے ٹرائی کیا اور بری طرح بیمار ہو گیا‘ میں نے ان سے شکوہ کیا۔
وہ ہنس کر بولے ’’عادتیں آہستہ آہستہ بنتی ہیں‘ آپ بھی آہستہ چلیں‘‘ وہ کہا کرتے تھے نہاتے وقت سب سے پہلے پائوں پر پانی ڈالو بالخصوص سردیوں میں ٹھنڈے پانی سے پائوں دھونے سے انسان کو نزلہ زکام نہیں ہوتا‘ وہ چائے اور کولڈ ڈرنکس کو بیماریاں کہتے تھے‘ نرم مزاج تھے‘ وہ سب کے ساتھ خوش گوار رہتے تھے لیکن اگر کوئی انھیں دعوت دے اور خود وقت پر وہاں موجود نہ ہو یا کسی کا رویہ اچھا نہ ہو تو وہ بری طرح مائینڈ کر جاتے تھے اور واپس آ جاتے تھے اور پھر مڑ کر دوبارہ نہیں جاتے تھے اور آخری بات وہ پیسہ ضایع کرنے کے خلاف تھے‘ فضول خرچی کرتے تھے اور نہ کسی کو کرنے دیتے تھے‘ صاحبزادی کے گھر میں ایک کمرے میں رہتے تھے اور اس کمرے کا باقاعدہ کرایہ دیتے تھے‘ وہ حیران کن کردار تھے۔
میں جب لوگوں کو رول ماڈل کی تلاش میں دیکھتا ہوں تو مجھے حکیم سعید یاد آ جاتے ہیں اور میں ان سے کہتا ہوں‘ آپ کے پاس حکیم سعید جیسا شخص موجود تھا لیکن آپ پھر بھی رول ماڈل تلاش کر رہے ہیں‘ آپ سے بڑا بے وقوف کون ہے! میری حکومت سے درخواست ہے آپ مہربانی فرما کر حکیم سعید کو کورس کی کتابوں میں شامل کر دیں‘ ہماری ہر نسل کو حکیم سعید کی شخصیت سے واقف ہونا چاہیے‘ یہ بھلائے جانے والے انسان نہیں تھے۔
جاوید چوہدری
بشکریہ ایکسپریس نیوز
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Ayurveda Market Overview 2021, American Dental Association (ADA)
Ayurveda Market Dynamics :
Growing Awareness And Disillusionment With Modern Allopathy Due To High Side Effects Is The Prime Driver Of Market Growth
The growing awareness of the efficacy of Ayurveda, disillusionment with modern Allopathy due to their high side effects, increase in the R&D activities, are the prime drivers of the market.
Support From Governments And Organizations In Favor Of Traditional Medicine Is Resulting In Faster Market Development
The Beijing declaration on traditional medicine by the World Health Organization has provided impetus to the adoption of conventional systems of medicine. The support from Governments exemplified by the setting up of AYUSH ministry to promote Ayurveda and traditional systems of medicine by the Indian Government is another prime driver of growth.
The Indian government has also incentivized the industry by lowering the goods and service tax on Ayurveda products to only 5 % to encourage the sector. Growing E-commerce And The Global Herbal And Nutrition Industry Is Expected To Drive A Large Market Demand
The growing e-commerce and emergence of self-learned consumers coupled with the growth of global herbal and nutrition industry is a silver lining of the market. The clinical drivers of the market are growing incidence and prevalence of chronic diseases such as rheumatic disorders, cardiology, allergy and others, lower side effects associated with herbal medicines and lack of effectiveness of modern allopathy in the treatment of diseases such as Hepatitis, arthritis, and others.
Ayurveda Market Key Vendors :
Some of the dominant vendors operating in the market include Zandu Pharmaceutical Works Ltd, Charak Pharma, Hamdard laboratories, Dabur, Baidyanath Group, Patanjali Ayurved Ltd., Vicco Labs, Emami Group.
Lack of scientific validation and accreditation is hampering the market :
The lack of experimental validation for Ayurveda in developed nations such as the United States, where Ayurveda is not licensed or regulated coupled with the outlook of Ayurveda as supplementary and pseudoscience is deterring the growth of the market. The prime market constraints include lack of National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers accreditation, lack of health insurance approval, scarcity of trained workforce, and others.
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Ayurveda Market Segments :
The global Ayurveda market is segmented based on application, disease pattern, source, form, end users, distribution, and regions.
Based on application, the market comprises of medicinal, personal care and other.
Based on disease pattern, the market comprises of the respiratory system, nervous systems, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, infectious diseases, skeletal system, skin and hair, others.
Based on the source, the market comprises of vegetable (leaves and fruit, seeds, roots, bark and other) and animal (oils, bones, and other).
Based on form, the market comprises of herbal, herbomineral, mineral and others.
Based on end users the market is segmented into academia and research, hospitals and clinics, over and others.
Based on distribution, the market is segmented into organized, over the counter and others.
Based on the regions, the market is segmented as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific Middle East and Africa and rest of the world.
Ayurveda Market Regional Analysis :
Asia Pacific market accounts for the most significant market share owing to the rich tradition of herbal medicines led by India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Indonesia, Myanmar, and others. India is the largest market and accounts for almost USD 1200 million markets. India exports of Ayurvedic drugs was estimated to be around.
USD 64 million in 2016. The Indian market is projected to expand at a CAGR of 8.86 % during the forecast period to reach approximately 1990.46 million by 2023. The principal exports of Indian Ayurveda include Psyllium and Senna.
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Rooh Afza: Why Delhi HC Is Banning Pakistan-Produced Drink
Published by BOOM LiveBy Sana Fazili The sale of Pakistan-made Rooh Afza has been banned in India after its owner Hamdard National Foundation approached the Delhi High Court and filed a suit. The owner alleged that the products of a Pakistani counterpart were being sold on e-commerce website, Amazon. In the suit, Hamdard National Foundation and Hamdard Laboratories India said that Pakistani company Golden Leaf was selling the drink under the 'Rooh Afza' mark on Amazon India. Also Read:'Actions, Not Mere Promises': What India Told Developed Nations At COP27 Rooh Afza, which literally translates to refresher of the s...Read More Read the full article
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Don’t sell Pakistan-made Rooh Afza: Delhi HC to Amazon India
Don’t sell Pakistan-made Rooh Afza: Delhi HC to Amazon India
New Delhi: Delhi High Court has restrained Amazon India from selling Pakistan-made Rooh Afza. Hamdard National Foundation and Hamdard Laboratories India (Hamdard Dawakhana) had moved an application before the high court, requesting it restrain Amazon India from selling Pakistan-manufactured Rooh Afza on its platform. Counsel of Hamdard Dawakhana argued that the Pakistan-manufactured Rooh Afza…
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Why Delhi high court STOPPED Amazon selling Pakistan-made Rooh Afza in India? Read full EXPLAINER
Why Delhi high court STOPPED Amazon selling Pakistan-made Rooh Afza in India? Read full EXPLAINER
High court passed the order on September 7 after receiving the plea by the Indian social welfare NGO Hamdard National Foundation. The petitioner argued that some of the “Rooh Afza” listed on the Amazon Indian platform site aren’t manufactured by Hamdard Laboratories (India), but by Pakistani firms. source…
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Pakistan offers to send RoohAfza to India after shortage is reported during Ramzan
Pakistan offers to send RoohAfza to India after shortage is reported during Ramzan
The Hush Post | 5:11 pm | One-minute read |
For all those who have been ruing the non-availability of RoohAfza in Indian markets, Pakistan has come up with good news. The Pakistan government has officially offered to send RoohAfza across the border.
Pakistan Foreign Office spokersperson today informed during a media briefing that his country was ready to supply RoohAfza to India. The move comes…
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Rooh Afza
Rooh Afza (Hindi: रूह अफ़ज़ा, Bengali: রূহ আফজা, Urdu: روح افزہ) is a non-alcoholic concentrated squash made with fruits, herbs and vegetable extracts. It was formulated by Hakeem Hafiz Abdul Majeed[1] in 1906 in Ghaziabad, India[2] and manufactured by the companies founded by him and his sons, Hamdard (Wakf) Laboratories. Other companies formulate the same un-patented recipe in India and Pakistan. The specific Unani recipe of Rooh Afza combines several of popularly-believed cooling agents, like rose, and used as remedy for loo, hot summer winds. It is sold commercially as a syrup to flavor sherbets, cold milk drinks, ices and cold desserts, such as the popular falooda.[3]
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Saint Joseph's College
Saint Joseph's College is located in Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan. It is a college for women, owned by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Karachi.
It was established by the religious order the Daughters of the Cross and is one of the most distinguished women's colleges in the country. [2] It was founded in 1948 and was one of the first colleges for women in Karachi.[3]
The building was constructed by Brother Hilary Lardenoye OFM. Since 1951 it has been affiliated with the University of Karachi. It began as an Arts college with the Science faculty added in 1950. [4]
Sr. Mary Albans (1948–1951)
Sr. Mary Bernadette (1951–1961)
Sr. Mary Emily (1961–1985 and 2005–2008)
Mrs. Bilquis Iftikhar (1982 – 1983)
Mrs. Munira Gulzar ( 1983 - 1993)
Mrs. Kaniz J. Abedi (1993 - 1999)
Mrs. Shahnaz Parveen (1999 - 2000)
Dr. Tanveer Anjum (2000 - 2005)[4]
Mrs. Mary Caleb (2009 - 2010)
Dr. Bernadette Louise Dean[5]
Recent events
The college was nationalised in 1972 and denationalised in 2005, and returned to the Catholic Board of Education. On the 23 March 2009, the Government of Pakistan awarded the college principal Sister Mary Emily FC the Sitara-e-Imtiaz, which she received from the Governor of Sindh. This was in recognition of her services to education. [6]
The college offers students science, commerce and arts education at the Intermediate and baccalaureate levels. In 2011 St. Joseph's College started education of computer sciences at the intermediate level.
The new academic session begins in September each year. Students of the science group from both the Federal and Aga Khan Boards as well as Cambridge students seek admission here. Generally admissions for the science group will be closed at 75 per cent but could be varied depending on the other merits of the student. In 2008 about 125 Cambridge students, 23 students of the general group and 64 of Commerce applied for admission to the first-year. [7]
St.Josephs college focuses on co-curricular activities too. There are various clubs and societies which help students learn in a way they like.
The college provides a platform to the women of Karachi to understand the potential she possesses and the pivotal role that she can play as a responsible citizen.
The College held its graduation ceremony on November 18, 2012. 65 students were awarded BCom, BSc and BA degrees while nearly 450 intermediate students received their Higher Secondary School Certificates in pre-medical, pre-engineering, commerce and humanities.[8]
Prominent alumni
Sehba Musharraf, former First Lady of Pakistan
Shahida Jamil, former Minister for Law & Parliamentary Affairs
Dail Jones (born 1944), New Zealand politician[9]
Fatima Sultan, Curator of South Asian American Art Festivals, USA
Fauzia Kasuri, President of Women's wing in Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf[10][11]
Madiha Zeest Waheed, Lecturer, Institute of Business Management
Sadia Rashid, Chairperson, Hamdard Laboratories Pakistan
Seema Munaf, Professor, Institute of Clinical Psychology
Lubna Farooq Malik, Director State Bank
#Sindh#Saint Joseph's College#Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf#Pakistan#Karachi#Joseph#Election Commission of Pakistan#Catholic Board of Education#Bernadette Louise Dean
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Story of Hamdard and struggle of Hakim Muhammad Saeed
In 1953, following the legacy of his father, Hafiz Abdul Majeed, who started Hamdard Dawakhana in 1906 in Delhi, Hakim Mohammed Said started Hamdard in Pakistan, from two small rented rooms. Soon he converted Hamdard into a Waqf (Islamic irrevocable trust) in which the profits of Hamdard Pakistan were allocated to the trust, to be used in the development of health, education, and similar nation building and philanthropic fields. Hamdard Foundation Pakistan was created in 1964 to manage these funds. The meaning of Hamdard is 'a companion in pain' and sympathiser in suffering, and its working reflects this. Hamdard's clinics are located in all major cities of Pakistan, and charge no fees.
Hamdard's leading products include:
Rooh Afza: It is a recognised refreshing drink of the East and has surpassed the total consumption of other such syrups combined in Pakistan and abroad.
Ispaghol: The second most significant product of Hamdard is Ispaghol, which is a mild laxative, diuretic and soothing for gastric and intestinal issues, and hence provides relief in gastric irritation.
Joshina: It contains the extracts of seven renowned herbal ingredients. It is a reliable remedy for cough, cold and bronchitis.
Carmina Plus: It is helpful in gastric disorders such as hyperacidity, anorexia, burning sensation, and vomiting and abdominal cramps. It is known as a quick home remedy for abdominal discomforts.
Safi: This is an effective blood purifying herbal supplement, which has replaced the old purgation therapy. It eliminates the accumulated morbid matter through the intestines, kidneys and skin, thus correcting their functions.
Sualin: It is made from chosen ingredients of herbs and enriched with efficacy of Toot Siyah, useful for sore throat. Sualin is a remedy for cold, cough and bronchitis.
Hamdard Revand and Miswak Toothpastes: Modern research has proved that Revand Cheeni is an effective antiseptic medicinal herb; hence Hamdard has included Revand because of its quality of assisting oral hygiene and helping shine teeth.
Miswak Peelu Toothpaste is prepared using the teeth-cleaning twig known as Salvadora Persica or Miswak. The frequent use of this toothpaste keeps gums healthy.
Hamdard Naunehal Gripe Water: Hamdard has a complete and natural remedy for stomach related ailments for children. It helps strengthen the child's sensitive intestines and helps improve digestion.
Joshanda: It is an excellent treatment for cough and cold.
The goal of Hamdard is to become a more modern and contemporary brand along with keeping its corporate culture of traditional wisdom intact. In the near future, Hamdard wants to be the most sought-after equal opportunity employer. Since its inception, its mission is to lessen the sufferings of the poor and to eradicate poverty by providing health and educational services. The eyes of its administration are set on automation in order to guarantee efficiency and the hygiene of its products. Hamdard wants to continue growing as an institution promoting progress and innovation in the fields of science and most importantly, philanthropy.
By continuing to work with diligence, keeping this ethos in mind, inevitably the by-product would be progress of society as a whole. The quality of innovation, dedication and commitment from its employees has made Hamdard a name synonymous with trust. If its success is a reflection of the human capital available at its disposal, then there lies a testament for the quality of human capital in Hamdard. The organisation wants to become a preferred employer, as it believes in gender equality.
Hamdard significantly contributes in the exports of Pakistan and for the last many years has been winning the Export Trophy on its beverages every year. It is the first institution to get Unani medicines manufacturer's license on its Greco-Arab (Unani) medicines from DRAP (Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan). By regularly updating its existing products and adding new Greco-Arab medicines, Hamdard has introduced an automated production line that guarantees the hygiene of its products. Currently the organisation is upgrading its production facility to become FDA compliant. And thus soon it will be the first company to export Unani medicines from Pakistan.
One of Hamdard's achievements is the ability to regularly direct a substantial amount of profits towards education, research and other related CSR activities. Taking forward its founder Hakim Said's vision of carrying healthcare to the doorsteps of the poor, Hamdard Free Mobile Dispensaries have increased in number. Now there are a total number of 21 Hamdard Mobile Dispensaries, which operate in most of the major cities of Pakistan, dispensing free medicines and consultations on a daily basis to those who could not otherwise afford it. There is a range of other CSR initiatives that Hamdard takes, as the organisation believes that its efforts should result in the greater good of society, which is a reflection of the principles on which Hamdard was established.
Hamdard's other contributions towards betterment of society include its publications
Hamdard Naunehal: A hugely popular Urdu monthly magazine for the younger generation. Hakim Mohammed Said first published it in 1953.
Hamdard Sehat: A magazine in Urdu that brings the best tips, information and advice on health and fitness, as well as information on the latest Hamdard products.
Another significant contribution is the establishment of Madinat al-Hikmah - City of Education, Science and Culture - which houses the Hamdard University, the Hamdard Public School and Hamdard Village School. The mission is to provide modern day education, state-of-the-art laboratory facilities and a conducive environment to students and staff for their professional and personal development.
Hamdard University at Madinat al-Hikmah, on the outskirts of Karachi, is the biggest private university of Pakistan, producing 1,400 graduates annually. As Hamdard believes in research, the university provides contemporary facilities for excellence in research.
Hamdard's Bait al-Hikmah library puts expensive educational books within the reach of students and scholars. Following the wisdom of Shaheed Hakim Mohammed Said and carrying forward his mission, Hamdard is working relentlessly on providing free healthcare services and spreading education, as these two are the main factors that can put the country on the path of progress.
Courtesy : Khaleej Times
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Hakim Muhammad Said
Hakim Muhammad Said January 9, 1920 - October 17, 1998, NI, PhD) was a medical researcher, scholar, philanthropist, and a Governor of Sindh Province, Pakistan from 1993 until 1996. Said was one of Pakistan's most prominent medical researchers in the field of Eastern medicines. He established the Hamdard Foundation in 1948, prior to his settlement in West Pakistan. In a few years time, the herbal medical products of the Hamdard Foundation became household names in Pakistan. Hakim Muhammad Said authored and compiled about 200 books in medicines, philosophy, science, health, religion, natural medicine, literary, social, and travelogues. On October 17, 1998, Said was assassinated by a group of unknown assailants while he was on his way to attend a medical experiment at the Hamdard Laboratories.
Hakim Muhammad Said was born in New Delhi, British Indian Empire in 1920 to an educated and religious Urdu-speaking class.[1] His forefathers and family had been associated with the herbal medicine business, and had established the Hamdard Waqf Laboratories which today has emerged as one of the largest manufacturers of Unani medicines in the world.[1] Said attended the local school where he learned Arabic, Persian, Urdu, English and studied the Quran.[1] At age 18, Hakim passed the university entrance test and went on to attend the University of Delhi in 1938. There, Said obtained a BPharm and B.S. in medicinal chemistry in 1942.[1]
After his undergraduate education, Said joined Hamdard Waqf Laboratories as a junior researcher and participated in herbal quality control while formulating medicines.[1] In 1945, Said attended the post-graduate course, and obtained MPharm in Pharmacy from the same institution. Following the Partition and establishment of Pakistan, Said left his hometown with his wife and daughter.[1] The family settled in Karachi, Sindh Province of West Pakistan.[1] He established Hamdard Laboratories and served as its first director until his death in 1998.[1] In 1952, Said traveled to Turkey where he attended the Ankara University and was awarded a Ph.D in Pharmacy, then returned to Pakistan to devote his life to medicine research.[1]
Following his settlement in Pakistan, Said began practicing medicine and continued to research Eastern medicines.[2] Having established the Hamdard Laboratories in 1948, Said was one the driving force in Pakistan for engaging the research in medical biology and medicines. In 1953, after his doctorate, Said joined the Sindh University as the associate professor of Pharmacy and taught courses in organic chemistry.[2] In 1963, Said resigned from his position due to amid differences with the Federal government. In 1964, Said came into public limelight when he gave rogue criticism to Lieutenant-General Vajid Burkie, then-Surgeon General of Army Medical Corps and then high profile officer leading the Ministry of Health under the government of Field Marshal Ayub Khan.[2] Said criticized the General, saying, "General [Vajid] Burkie used to say that Eastern medicine and homeopathy were quackery".[2]
Said began to write articles organised conferences and lobbied hard for the ban of Eastern medicine, and Ayub Khan had to pass a law legalising Eastern medicine, due to amid fear of his government's bad credibility.[2]In 1985, Hakim Muhammad Said founded Hamdard University, where he served its first Vice-Chancellor and as a professor.[2]The crowning activity of his life is the establishment of Madinat-al-Hikmah. It comprises Hamdard University with such institutes as Hamdard College of Medicine and Dentistry, Hamdard Al-Majeed College of Eastern Medicine, Hafiz Muhammad Ilyas Institute of Herbal Sciences, Hamdard Institute of Education & Social Sciences, Hamdard Institute of Management Sciences, Hamdard Institute of Information Technology, Hamdard School of Law, Faculty of Engineering Science & Technology, Hamdard Public School and Hamdard Village School. Bait-al-Hikmah [1] (the Library) is also a constituent part of Madinat-al-Hikmah. This is one of the biggest and best-stocked libraries of Pakistan.
Said wrote, edited or compiled over 200 books and journals in Urdu and English on Islam, Education, Pakistan, Science, Medicine and Health. Besides writing travelogues of countries he visited, he also wrote books especially for youth and children. He also edited some journals such as Hamdard Islamicus, Hamdard Medicus, Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society “Historicus”, Hamdard Sehat and Hamdard Naunehal. For several years he was also editor of Payami, the Urdu edition of UNESCO'S journal Courier. Said participated in various international conferences on medicine, science, education and culture and traveled widely to many countries of the world. While in Pakistan he organized numerous international and national conferences on topics of prime importance.[3] Said created two widely attended national forums: Hamdard Shura (for leaders of public opinion) and Naunehal Assembly (for children). He held offices and memberships in dozens of national and international organizations related to education and health care. He launched two journals, Hamdard Medicus and Hamdard Islamicus. Hamdard-e-Sehat, which was already being published under his editorship since 1940, also appeared from Karachi in 1948. He launched a magazine for young readers, Hamdard Naunehal, and established a separate division, Naunehal Adab, for producing quality books for children.
Said was an exponent of Eastern medicine who had treated patients from all over the world including Pakistan, Europe, Africa and the Middle East by the time of his death in October 1998. He helped get alternative medicine recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO). After a fifty-year career as a practitioner of Greco-Arab medicine, he was posthumously awarded the Nishan-e-Imtiaz by the Government of Pakistan in 2002.[4]
Death and investigation
Hakim Muhammad Said was murdered on October 17, 1998. His murderers were caught by DIG Farooq Amin Qureshi, CCPO Karachi at that time. He was highly appreciated and is one of the most renowned police officers of Pakistan to this day. Several MQM workers were arrested and subsequently sentenced to death[5] by an anti-terrorism court.
Hakim Muhammad Said left behind a daughter, Sadia Rashid, who is heading the Hamdard Foundation and the Hamdard Lab, and three grand-daughters: Dr. Mahenemah Munir Ahmed, Amena Mian (who is married and settled in the United States with four children), and Fatema-Tuz-Zahra Munir Ahmed, who has joined her mother at Hamdard.
Idara-e-Said Research and Documentation Centre
In order to preserve his works, a Research and Documentation Center named Idara-e-Said has been set up. It is a joint venture of Hamdard Laboratories (Waqf) Pakistan, Hamdard University, and Hamdard Foundation Pakistan. Idara-e-Said will project and focus the life and works of Shaheed Hakim Muhammad Said, most particularly in the field of science, education and research, medicine and health care. The project is aimed at the collection of Shaheed Hakim Muhammad Said's speeches, writings (both published and un-published), personal memorabilia, photographs and artifacts. After the collection of materials related to his life and works, all records will be preserved and displayed in a scientifically arranged and properly managed museum. Hakim Muhammad Said Archives / Museum is being set up at Madinat-al-Hikmah.
Idara-e-Said will also initiate research projects leading to the award of post graduate (M.Phil. & PhD) degrees on the contribution of Hakim Muhammad Said to Islam, education, medicine, sciences & culture. Idara-e-Said will also patronize publications of literature and books written by different authors on the life of Hakim Muhammad Said, his personality, leadership and his endeavors for the propagation and promotion of education and learning. The first M.Phil degree on the life and works of Said was awarded to Mr. Javed Swati at the Hamdard University convocation 2002. His topic of research was “Education Ideas & Perceptions of Hakim Muhammad Said”.
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Dear Colleagues! This is Pharma Veterans Blog Post #284. Pharma Veterans shares the wealth of knowledge and wisdom of Veterans for the benefit of Community at large. Pharma Veterans Blog is published by Asrar Qureshi on WordPress, the top blog site. If you wish to share your stories, ideas and thoughts, please email to [email protected] for publishing your contributions here.
Continued from Previous……
Got an idea about how many medicines are consumed by us in Pakistan? How much value in Pak rupees?
Through the retail Pharmacies, 450 billion rupees worth of medicines were sold in last year. Every year, the market increases by 10% or more. At the rate of 10%, 45 billion will be added in 2020. This did not include the medicines purchased by the private and government hospitals, alternative medicines, and other medical related products. Pakistani Pharma companies also exported their products to several countries to the value of around 200 million US$. This would convert into another about 32 billion rupees. If we include Alternative medicines like Hamdard, Qarshi etc. and homeopathy drugs etc. the market of ‘drugs’ may be over one trillion rupees.
We shall focus our discussion on allopathic drugs. This market is organized, documented, regulated and monitored. Other segments are partially regulated or still not regulated. The statistics ae not available any way.
As of November 2019, DRAP shows a list of 620* (correction. Blog #283 said 621) companies.
Pharma Market is unevenly divided between the multinational companies selling mostly research brands and generic companies selling mostly generic versions of research bands. Some multinational companies have also come into generic business and some generic companies have acquired research products from abroad. Market share of MNCs has now been reduced to about 20% while Local Pharma has 80% market share. This is an exact opposite to what used to be till mid-1980s. The change had been coming and has finally reached the peak almost. It actually means that Pakistan is predominantly a generic market.
Another unevenness is that 95% market share is enjoyed by top 50 companies. Only 5% market share is left with about 600 manufacturing and marketing/importing companies. It is not a reflection of economic disparity; it is a function of marketing disparity. Currently, there is so much difference between the marketing muscle of top 50 and the rest that the smaller ones cannot challenge the larger ones.
From patient point of view, it has implications. Large companies have the power to charge more. Small and very small companies may try to use undesirable means to survive and grow.
Pharma market has been rapidly changing since 1990s. It was good thirty years period in which the entire healthcare landscape changed significantly. It is not just due to Pharma companies; it is about the whole healthcare system.
The number of medical colleges has increased manifold, mainly in the private sector, with the result that the number of graduating doctors is much more. Forty-fifty years back the government made it mandatory for the medical graduate to either serve in army or go to rural health centers for two years. Army established its own medical college and are good with their own graduates. Increase in the number of doctors increased the pressure on the main cities and the doctors decided by themselves to go to rural areas and establish their practices and hospitals there. The spread of doctors in the remote areas is a welcome thing and has helped to bring healthcare to the doorstep of those without access so far. At the same time. It has unleashed a vast amount of exploitation of poor, unknowing patients by the knowing physicians. For most doctors, rural, remote areas have proven to be unexplored gold mines.
Another significant increase has been in the number of pharmacists; again, due to increased seats in the private sector. Pharmacists association has done a good job for its members by getting pharmacists into multiple positions by law. A large number of pharmacists are employed by the Pharma Industry as well.
Pharmaceutical products, like other consumer products, are exposed to the challenge of counterfeiting. Long time back we got a person caught who used to collect empty injection vials from the hospital wards. He would open the seal and fill a cheaper antibiotic and seal again. He would sell through the help of a pharmacy outside the hospital. This was a small, isolated event. We have been seeing isolated events on several occasions, but these were always limited in scale. Organized, large scale production of fake drugs has been recently reported through media. If you go below the media hype, the leads go dead. There is no significant progress, and no prosecutions which casts doubts on the authenticity of the entire action.
Retail Pharmacies have also undergone many changes. From small, poor pharmacies, we now see chains like Clinix, Green, Apple, Fazal Din Pharma, Fazal Din Plus and so on. The individual, standalone pharmacies have also upgraded themselves. The larger pharmacies earn more money and do proper business. They have no reason or motivation to indulge in fake and spurious drugs business. The same argument can be turned on its head for small, suburban, rural pharmacies where the seller can sell anything due to ignorance of local people. If you go around you will see that some Pharma companies do business only in peripheral areas. It is not because they sell fake drugs; they feel incapable of competing in more developed areas.
Possible Motivations for Selling Fake/Spurious/Sub-Standard Drugs
Willing Partners – No manufacturer can sell fake drug unless he has willing partners in pharmacies. No pharmacy sells a fake drug unknowingly. If it is done, it is with proper knowledge and agreement. The overall value system of society has crumbled anyway, and willing partners are a reality.
High priced drugs – The unit prices of newer drugs particularly are relatively higher. Selling a counterfeit version can earn more money for both parties, be it the maker or the seller.
High Turnover – The amount of medicines sold gets higher every year. More units are sold, and more revenue is collected. Currently, about three billion units (packs) of medicines sell through retail pharmacies. Adding/substituting a few hundred thousand fake drug units may not be noticed.
Regulatory Control – Manufacturers are mainly regulated by Federal Regulatory structure while retail business in mainly regulated by Provincial Regulatory structure. There is complete disconnect between the two.
Testing Facilities – Provincial governments have Drug Testing Laboratories; federal government also has couple of labs for this purpose. While the Pharma business grew rapidly, these facilities were not upgraded and expanded proportionately in terms of resources, staffing, and equipment. The time for results and quality of results both, are compromised due to this
Location of Pharma Manufacturing Units – Though the site for establishing a pharma manufacturing unit is approved by DRAP, you find units being established in remote, isolated places. The geography of location is so scattered and haphazard that DRAP officials find it virtually impossible to go there even once in a year. We also know that government is generally poor in facilitating its staff. In the absence of periodic monitoring, things can easily go awry.
Government Policies – Government priorities have never included Healthcare, no matter what is claimed. There is no full federal minister of health; there is an advisor with the status of minister of state. The present CEO of DRAP is working on additional charge; so are many directors. There are no permanent postings. This is enough to show the interest of government in the Healthcare. Every now and then, the government gets out of slumber and sees the hard reality. Then, either there is an effort to import regulatory policies from developed countries, or there is some flight at a tangent. Both practices leave much to be desired. The absence of proper, well-thought, integrated, indigenous policies leads to serious issues.
The Case of ‘Ja’alee’ (spurious) Drugs – Pakistan Pharma Market – Blog Post #284 by Asrar Qureshi Dear Colleagues! This is Pharma Veterans Blog Post #284. Pharma Veterans shares the wealth of knowledge and wisdom of Veterans for the benefit of Community at large.
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Ayurveda Market – Industry Challenges, Key Vendors, Drivers, Trends, Overview, Segmentation, Application and Analysis Report Forecast to 2023
Market Research Future published a half-cooked research report on “Ayurveda Market Research Report – Forecast to 2023” - Market Analysis, Scope, Stake, Progress, Trends and Forecast to 2023.
Alternative medicine such as ayurveda is gradually entering the mainstream. Be it reduced side effects or low cost, ayurveda is gaining commercial success of late. Market Research Future (MRFR) has recently published an in-depth report on the global ayurveda market, where growth avenues are discussed at length. As per the analysis of MRFR, the ayurveda market is anticipated to register a moderate CAGR over the forecast period of 2017-2023. The longstanding tradition of ayurvedic healing is now being recognized worldwide. Ayurveda has been able to gain commercial interest as the global populace is inclining towards organic and pure stuff. The efficacy of ayurveda is being evidenced by its efficacy in treating medical problems ranging from cardiovascular diseases, skin problems, diabetes, cancer, depression to sexual problems. The failure of modern medicine and side effects associated with them is further creating a supportive dais for the growth of the market. Get a FREE Sample Copy of Report with Complete TOC @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/6166 With more players foraying into the ayurveda space, the global ayurveda market is poised for significant growth. new ayurveda companies are aggressively indulging in promotional activities, which has been able to evoke awareness among consumers. Furthermore, the governments of various countries are drafting ayurveda-friendly policies which is furthering the growth of the market. Ayurveda has gained enormous popularity in medical tourism. As the benefits of ayurveda is becoming more visible, the trend of ayurveda medical tourism is consolidating. Various hospitals are increasingly catering to the ayurveda segment, with renowned doctors associated with them. Additionally, people across the globe are increasingly shifting to a preventive healthcare approach. Lately, people from across the globe are looking forward to wellness tourism and India has become an ayurveda & wellness hotspot. However, the global ayurveda market might face some setbacks in the light of various impeding factors. Such factors include lack of scientific validation for ayurveda in developed countries, lack of proper regulatory framework, and the notion among people that ayurveda is a pseudoscience. other factors are lack of trained ayurveda professionals, unavailability of reimbursements, and lack of awareness. Segmentation The ayurveda market has been segmented based on application, disease pattern, source, form, end user, and distribution. By application, the ayurveda market has been segmented into medicinal, personal care and other. By disease pattern, the ayurveda market has been segmented into respiratory system, nervous systems, gastrointestinal track, cardiovascular system, infectious diseases, skeletal system, skin and hair, others. By source, the ayurveda market has been segmented into vegetable (leaves and fruit, seeds, roots, bark and other) and animal (oils, bones, and other). By form, the ayurveda market has been segmented into herbal, herbomineral, mineral and others. By end user, the ayurveda market has been segmented into academia and research, hospitals and clinics, over and others. By distribution, the ayurveda market has been segmented into organized, over the counter and others. Regional Analysis Region-wise, the ayurveda market has been segmented into North America, the Middle & Africa (MEA), Europe, and Asia Pacific (APAC). APAC is at the forefront of the global ayurveda market. Ayurveda originated in India, due to which the market has a strong foothold in the region. Ayurveda is immensely popular in India and allied countries of the region, where it is indigenous to their culture. Other key contributors to the APAC ayurveda market include Nepal, Japan, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Myanmar and Pakistan. India is the largest ayurveda market within APAC and currently stands at USD 1200 Mn. In 2016, ayurveda drugs worth USD 64 Mn were exported from India. With the surging popularity of ayurveda across the globe, the market is expanding from all sides. In both North America and Europe, ayurveda is gaining traction on account of heightened demand for natural therapies. The key country-specific markets within Europe includes Russia, France, Germany, and the UK, while, the US is the largest market within North America. Other significant ayurveda markets include Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Philippines, Kenya and Mauritania. The MEA ayurveda market is poised to showcase moderate growth in the coming years. Ayurvedic therapies are gaining grounds in the region, especially in Africa due to its cost effectiveness. The Gulf countries are also responsible for generating a considerable portion of the global demand. Browse the market data and information spread across 100 pages with 63 data tables and 53 figures of the report “Ayurveda Market Information by application (medicinal, personal care), by disease pattern (respiratory system, nervous systems, gastrointestinal track, cardiovascular system, infectious diseases, skeletal system, skin and hair), by source (vegetable, animal and mineral), by form (herbal, herbomineral, mineral), by end-users (academia and research, hospitals and clinics), by distribution (organized, over the counter) - Global Forecast to 2023” in-depth alongside table of content (TOC) at: https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/upcoming-reports/ayurveda-market-6166
Competitive Landscape Emami Group, Charak Pharma, Patanjali Ayurved Ltd., Dabur, Hamdard Laboratories, Baidyanath Group, Zandu Pharmaceutical Works Ltd., and Vicco Labs are the eminent players in the global ayurveda market.
#Ayurveda Market#Ayurveda Market Size#Ayurveda Market Share#Ayurveda Market Growth#Ayurveda Market Analysis#Ayurveda Market Forecast#Ayurveda Industry#Ayurveda Market 2019
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HAMDARD Hold SAP Launch Ceremony
HAMDARD Hold SAP Launch Ceremony
Karachi (HRNW)- An awards and certificates distribution ceremony on successful implementation and launch of SAP S/4 HANA at Hamdard Laboratories Waqf Pakistan held on Tuesday September 17, 2019 at a local hotel on the occasion when Hamdard is celebrating 100 years of Shaheed Hakim Mohammed Said.
Visualizing the importance, need and opportunities that the world Leading ERP Solution, SAP S/4 HANA…
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Rooh Afza shortage in India, Hamdard Pakistan offers help
SRINAGAR: For most persons in the subcontinent, the concept of ending the speedy is synonymous with ingesting Rooh Afza – a well-liked rose-flavoured syrup. Nonetheless, a lot of Indians might not be doing so this Ramadan. The legendary drink, made by Hamdard Laboratories, has been off the industry in India for four to five months and it was unavailable on on-line outlets as nicely, according to a report by The Print. After the shortage in India, the beverage producer in Pakistan has offered to fill the hole. Officially, India’s Hamdard Laboratories suggests that a absence of uncooked material is guiding the shortfall. The report however, citing sources, claimed that a dispute amid the homeowners was the rationale for the lack. Hamdard Laboratories Waqf Pakistan has supplied to source the drink to India through the Wagah border in check out of the scarcity. “We can provide RoohAfza and RoohAfzaGO to India all through this Ramzan. We can simply ship trucks by Wahga (sic) border if permitted by Indian Federal government,” tweeted Usama Qureshi, MD and CEO of Pakistani Hamdard. Shared ancestry The two Hamdards have popular ancestry — the initial was launched by Hakeem Hafiz Abdul Majeed in outdated Delhi in the early 1900s, even though the one particular in Pakistan was launched by his son Hakeem Mohammed Reported, who migrated right after Partition, in 1948. Lack of components While a lot of speculations have been circulating close to the drink’s scarcity, a agent from Hamdard India stated that it was for the reason that of troubles at the generation phase. “We are experiencing offer constraints of particular organic substances. We hope to correct the desire source gap within just a week,” stated Mansoor Ali, chief profits and internet marketing officer at Hamdard, according to a report by The Financial Moments. However, some reviews stated that the deficiency of production was due to a family members dispute. On the other hand, Ali has shutdown these statements. In the identical report by The Economic Situations, he was quoted as saying: “The speculation about any rift is wholly baseless. These are rumours.”
Indo-Pak, Ramadan, Ramadhan
The post Rooh Afza shortage in India, Hamdard Pakistan offers help appeared first on Defence Online.
from WordPress https://defenceonline.com/2019/05/09/rooh-afza-shortage-in-india-hamdard-pakistan-offers-help/
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Brands Magazine
PAS elects it’s new council
Pakistan Advertising Society founded in 1996 is an advertising and marketing society, that optimize marketing communications and promotes the advertising agencies’s campaigns, slogans and networks. It’s Headquarter is in Karachi.
Pakistan Advertisers Society (PAS)recently held elections for the new council for the term 2018-19, as it marked the end of two year tenure of the current Council.
The newly elected Council comprises of of the following members.
Chairman: Mr. Saqib Zia, Director Marketing, Procter & Gamble Pakistan.
Vice Chairmen: Mr. Asif Aziz, Chief Commercial Officer, JAZZ
Ms. Fariyha Subhani, Foods Director UPL, CEO & MD-UPEL, Unilever Pakistan.
General Secretary: Mr. Abbas Arsalan,Director Marketing, PAR, The Coca-Cola Company.
Other representative members on the Executive Council include :
Dr. Zeelaf Munir-English Biscuit Manufactures
Fahad Ashraf-Reckitt Benckiser
Haseeb Ur Rahman-Engro Foods
Hassaan Serwani-PEL
Khawaja Zulfiqar Ansari-Tapal Tea
Nauman Khan-Asian Consumer Care (Dabur)
M. Usama Qureshi-Hamdard Laboratories
Saad Nissar- TPL Insurance
Samra Maqbool-Nestle Pakistan
Syed Usman Qaiser-Jubilee Life Insurance.
We congratulate all the newly elected council members and wish them the best of luck!
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