#Haha anyway have I ever mentioned that i'm totally in love with the monsterbug/rena designs??? bc..............
noblechaton · 6 years
extra late Day 4 for @mlshipfleet‘s Alyanette Week!
(1, 2, 3)
AO3 ____________
“So…” Marinette hummed, glancing up at the rumbling sky amid a downpour of rain. “It’s been a minute, and I think it’s only getting worse.”
“Yeah,” Alya looked up from her phone. “And it’s supposed to keep going for the rest of the night.”
“Don’t suppose you’ve got any other ideas, huh?” Marinette chuckled.
“I did,” Alya lightly scoffed. “But you left it at the dorm.”
“Why would you give me the only umbrella you own?”
“Because it was romantic!”
Marinette snickered until she coughed. “It’d probably be more romantic now.”
“Hm, I don’t know, that moment was pretty special, but...” Alya took a quick look at the otherwise empty street as it was relentlessly pounded by rain, the streetlights glowing in the darkness. “Alright, maybe by just a little ”
“Pff, I was just messing with you.” Marinette lazily ran a few fingers through her hair. “You stood there in the pouring rain for me, Alya, holding that umbrella over my head until I took it and I...I wouldn’t trade that moment for anything.”
“Don’t forget the part where it snapped shut on you.” Alya teased as a means of hiding her blush.
“You probably rigged it to shut.” Marinette playfully accused, giving her a slight nudge with her shoulder. “Er, anyway, we...really need to get out of this before it gets even worse.”
Alya nodded in agreement. “Well, the way I see it, we’ve only got two options. The first one is where we pull our bags over our heads and book it down the street.”
“Not the safest idea, but I always did love jumping in puddles.” Marinette smiled.
“Yeah, well, the other option is where we run for the nearest alleyway and...slip into something more comfortable.”
“Oh yeah, good point. Tikki’s passed out in my lunchbox.”
“Er, on second thought, I don’t know how good an idea it would be for you to transform, too.”
“Whaddya mean?” Marinette sneezed on cue.
Alya subtly snorted. “That’s what I mean.”
“You think I can’t handle flying while sick?” Marinette rubbed her nose and put a hand to her hip.
“I think we shouldn’t risk you running us into the Arc de Triomphe.” Alya handed her their last remaining tissue.
“Aw, c’mon, we’re not even close to that and besides,” Marinette plead her case. “How else are we gonna do it?”
“I was thinking I’d carry you.” Alya answered.
“So you’d carry your bag, my bag, and me?” Marinette chuckled under her breath. “You know I get two extra arms, right?”
“Good point,” Alya brushed a thumb down the side of her face. “We don’t need you dropping our stuff all over the city with all your wheezing and stuff.”
Marinette playfully pouted. “I thought you said you liked the wheeze.”
“Yeah, the one you have when you’re not sick.” Alya snickered and pulled Marinette’s hood up. “Now, let’s get moving.”
The two looked both ways and took off as soon as the coast was clear. Alya kept one hand on the straps of their backpacks while the other was tightly locked around Marinette’s. The run felt longer than it actually was thanks to just how much rain hammered down on and around them in the process. Both of them ended up drenched and shivering before too long.
“Alright,” Alya took a breath and pulled her bag around. “Just, gimme a second.”
“Are you sure you don’t want me to?” Marinette chimed in, adjusting the drawstrings of her hood some. “I mean, I don’t think I’m that sick, and you’ve done plenty for me tonight.”
“And I’m not done doing stuff for you, either.” Alya smirked and gave it a thought while she continued rooting through her things until she pulled out a small box. “Are you sure you can handle it?” she looked back up with an eyebrow cocked.
“Definitely.” Marinette flexed. “Er, but if I do drop your stuff, I’ll totally...buy you new stuff?”
Alya shook her head. “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that, especially since you can’t buy new me.” she pulled the pink book-bag off and handed it over.
“Yeah, you’re limited edition.” Marinette unzipped her backpack, then her lunchbox. “Hey, Tikki,” she whispered into the bag. “We need you.”
The Kwami zipped out after a second or two and hovered between them. “Hi, Alya. What’s going on?” Tikki asked after a stretch.
“Heya, Tikki.” Alya gave a wave and got one back. “We kiiiiiiiinda need to get out of the rain.”
“I can tell.” Tikki smiled and turned back towards Marinette. “Just say the magic words.”
Marinette smiled. “Spots on!” She muttered out between coughs.
A brilliant light then enveloped her body from head to toe. Gradually it replaced her rain soaked clothes with that of spandex. An extra set of arms appeared below her normal ones, with three fingers on each hand. Two long, shining wings sprouted from her back at the same time two antenna flickered around her face.
“Much better.” Ladybug remarked after the light faded away, getting a feel for her altered form. “Now, your bag?” She held out an arm towards her while the other picked her own backpack up off the ground.
“You shouldn’t try to act cute when you’re sick.” Alya smirked, putting her necklace on before handing her stuff over. “Makes it hard not to kiss you.”
“Oh, well, I’m probably not that contagious.” Ladybug teased. “Not yet, anyway.”
“I’m already taking enough chances tonight.” Alya chuckled and watched as her Kwami appeared. “Hi, Trixx, sorry to wake you up.”
“It’s no problem at all, Alya!” Trixx cheerfully replied. “I’m happy to help!”
“Alright, well, in that case,” Alya cleared her throat but kept her voice quiet. “Let’s pounce!”
A similar wave of light washed over her for a few seconds. Ears shot up from the top of her head while it trailed further down her body. It turned her teeth into fangs, her fingers into claws, and her shirt into orange and white fur. A somewhat wide, twitching tail appeared behind her but quickly sank to the ground.
“Okay,” Rena Rouge stepped up to Ladybug’s chest, wrapping either arm around her chest. “If you drop me, you’re losing your extra pillow privileges for the rest of the month.”
Ladybug snickered. “Oh, I don’t intend on letting you go any time soon, Miss. Rouge.” She gave a smirk, the wings behind her fluttering themselves dry.
Rena scrunched her face with a quiet growl. Maybe it was just how her lips looked while they were drenched, or maybe her cheesy lines were actually working. Whatever the case, she found herself more than a little mesmerized by her girlfriend. For as bad an idea as it was, she figured they'd been out in the cold long enough that standing there just a little longer probably couldn't hurt.
“I really shouldn’t do this.” She pulled an arm around and slowly ran a single claw up Ladybug’s face.
The antenna on Ladybug’s head gently nudged up against Rena’s ears. “Do what?” She couldn’t help but grin, her spare hands grabbing and kneading at various patches of fur on her sides.
“Kiss you.” Rena answered with a smirk of her own. “But I’m gonna do it anyway.”
Whatever slight distance between them was closed with a quiet moan that almost sounded like a sort of purr. Rena’s tongue cleared Ladybug’s lips of rain first, tasting both the saltiness of the storm and the sweetness of her vanilla lipstick at the same time, then nudged its way into her mouth.
Ladybug slowly accepted the kiss, mostly out of worry that she might cough or sneeze and ruin the moment. But thankfully no such thing occurred and they only sank deeper into one another with thunder rolling through the sky.
Rena’s senses seemed to flare up. She could hear Ladybug’s heart beating a little faster than usual, each quiet moan that was stifled in her throat. And the way she tasted so comforting and warm, like butterscotch and sugar. That was what she smelled like, too, only the scent was much more subdued thanks to the rainwater.
“Okay,” Ladybug begrudgingly felt responsible and pulled away, her antenna gently unwrapping from the tips of her fox-like ears. “We, um...We can pick that up later.”
“Er, yeah, we...” Rena needed a moment to come down. “I mean, we might. After you, uh, eat, and stuff.”
Ladybug smiled at the blush on Rena’s face. “Yeah.” She agreed, wrapping all four arms around her and squeezing tight to make sure everything was secured. “Ready?” Her wings fidgeted and spread out.
Rena made sure to have a firm grip around her waist before giving a nod. “Ready.”
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