#HYELLO~ FKLDHGFJHLG hope it's okay that i moved the post i'm trying to switch over entirely
mythvoiced · 2 years
@vulpesse | the GBEP
Sarang looks at the ferocious beast giggling beneath the strongest weapons at her disposal and suffocates on the venom in her own smile.
She hates lambs perhaps just a tad more than the arrogant man. He she knows how to deal with, he's so easy to dispose off, whenever she encounters difficulties in getting a job done, they're related not to her lack of wit or prowess, but to circumstances, equipment, sudden turns of event usually related in turn to the inevitability of the fallacy of man.
So, either she's up against something her arrows don't work against or someone or the other stepped out of line for some half-assed belief or the other, messing with her plans, falling over themselves to fix things according to their ideals, ignorant to the larger scheme of things she's forced to operate in here.
They're idiots, basically.
But lambs.
She commends and even admires the vixen's ability (and the genuine tone of it) to split the soft into categories of deserving and undeserving. She wishes, perhaps, deep within her she could say the same. That she could nurture those meant to be nurtured, that she could be soft enough to watch over a lamb rather than kill its mother.
But the envy prickles at the back of her throat like a snake tickling her insides with the tips of its fangs, a playful, demeaning threat. She grimaces for a split second as though she were about to vomit.
She almost relaxes at the shift in the other's everything. The darkness and anger that befalls her, the threat she exudes, Sarang thinks of the people who have had the misfortune of meeting her and delights in knowing they met their predator.
It's easier, this way, she sighs to herself. This is a lot more comfortable.
"Oh I'll be out of your hair fast," she moves her hand as though dismissing the mere notion out of the air, that she may intrude into the beast's lair for longer than she's allowed to. Her immortality may protect her from seeing her rather timely demise in these woods, but no secondary glance towards her teeth or claws or eyes is needed to imagine the kind of pain she'd live through first.
She stills somewhat, pauses in pushing the perfume extract she always carries on her tongue onto the air around her to truly - as she's done before - take in who she's dealing with.
Considering the power the fox possesses, Sarang should rather begin wondering if her name is written on a list hidden somewhere in the Order's depths. A beast, a revenger and avenger, protector, mother earth's finest, deadliest weapon. Why wouldn't they want her dead?
Perhaps this is an act of defiance on Sarang's part as well. Work with the she-fox another version of her might have been set out to kill, in a different timeline. "I do have a plan. I'll lure them in, you kill them. Devour them. I mostly need you to take care of one of them."
She lifts her index, as unnecessary a gesture as it is decorative. "He's wearing dragon skin and my arrows can't penetrate that. Before you ask, can't tell you where he got it from. Though, I'm happy to add, you get to keep it if you'd like~"
No, she doesn't. Or at least not ideally. The scaled leather strapped across his frame is what she's actually here for. But, oh well, who knows. Maybe she'll just have to keep away from the Order longer, if it gets oh so mysteriously lost again.
A thought strikes her. Once the parasite is removed, she'd have to address the parasitical presence she poses, as she's mentioned. Where Sarang considers herself to be giving parasite, where co-existence might be an option, she's not stupid enough to not understand who makes the rules here.
And it's much better to play by them. To lose an ally like her, a tragedy.
"And you can feast upon me as well, later," she throws onto her branch with a challenging little smile. "I regenerate. If you see my liver as just payment for your help here, I'd be delighted to pay up."
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