#HP 17A
usafphantom2 · 1 year
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#onthisday in 1941 the B-17E Flying Fortress flew for the first time. This featured an increase in armament over previous variants.
@classicwarbirds via X
Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress | Classic Warbirds
Responding to the specification released by the United States Army in May 1934 calling for a multi-engined bomber that was able to carry a bomb load of 2,000lb between 1,020 and 2,200 miles, at a speed of 200 - 250 mph, with a deadline of August 1935 for a prototype of the aircraft to be ready for testing. Boeing submitted their Model 299, which would be powered by four engines. Design of the aircraft began midway through June 1934, and just over a year later, on the 16th July 1935 at Boeing Field, the aircraft was introduced to the press, with the headlines the next day proclaiming a '15-ton Flying Fortress' leading to Boeing registering it as the Model 299 name.
Twelve days later on the 28th July 1935 the B-17 made its first flight, before being flown to Wright Field for testing and evaluation a few weeks later. By making this flight the B-17 met two objectives of the United States Army specification, firstly the journey was 2,100 miles long and was done at an average speed of 252 mph. The prototype comprised armament of five machine guns and could carry more than double the required bomb load of 2,000lb with a 4,800lb maximum load and was powered by four 750-hp Pratt & Whitney R-1690 radial engines. However during testing a setback occurred on the 30th October 1935, when the prototype crashed on take-off, an investigation was to later conclude that the controls had been locked when take-off was attempted. Despite this setback the United States Army Air Corps ordered thirteen YB-17s, later to be called Y1B-17s, as a result of the successful testing before the accident.
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The 2nd December 1936 saw the first Y1B-17 fly, with a few improvements compared to the prototype, the aircraft would now be powered by 930-hp Wright GR-1820-39 Cyclone radials and could accommodate nine crew members. The USAAC's 2nd Bombardment Group based at Langley Field received twelve aircraft during the first eight months of 1937. The other Y1B-17 of the thirteen originally ordered was sent for further testing at Wright Field. A fourteenth example had also been built for testing the strength of the airframe but was later fitted with 1,000-hp engines with turbochargers. After initial problems, it finally flew on the 29th April 1938, with an improvement on its maximum altitude and speed. As this new version was the first variant to enter operational service it was designated the B-17A. Following shortly after was the B-17B, which, whilst almost identical to the B-17A, featured a larger rudder. This first flew on the 27th June 1939 and just over a year later, on the 21st July 1940, the new B-17C flew with 1,200-hp engines.
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It was with the Royal Air Force that the B-17 was to first experience combat during the Second World War (1939 - 1945) when No. 90 Squadron, which reformed on the 7th May 1941 at RAF Watton, received the B-17C, designated Fortress I that same month. On the 8th July 1941 they took part in their first RAF raid against the naval barracks at Wilhelmshaven, Germany, however, bombing from 30,000 ft they failed to hit the target. Over the next two months another 26 attacks were made on various German targets, and with eight Fortress Is lost due to combat or accidents the Fortress I proved unsatisfactory for use by Bomber Command for daylight bombing. The remaining Fortress Is were transferred to Coastal Command. As a result of the poor performance of the B-17 over Europe a number of areas where the aircraft could be improved were found, these included more defensive armament to combat attacks from German fighters and a higher service celling. By the end of 1941, the United States was drawn into the Second World War after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on the 7th December 1941.
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The introduction of the B-17D, with additional armour and self-sealing tanks, and the B-17E, which flew for the first time on the 5th September 1941. The United States Army Air Force first raid over Europe was on the 17th August 1942, when twelve B-17Es escorted by Supermarine Spitfires of the Royal Air Force attacked the marshalling yards at Rouen in France, only two aircraft sustained minor damage and the mission was a success.
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Flying for the first time on the 30th May 1942, the B-17F featured a redesigned nose, more armour and increased fuel capacity. Along with the B-17E it would be the Flying Fortress versions most extensively used by the Eighth Air Force. However mounting losses during the daylight raids were to show that the Flying Fortress either on its own or flying in formation could not defend themselves. Although the B-17G appeared with a gun turret in the nose section to limit the aircraft's vulnerability to head on attacks, daylight raids deep into Germany saw heavy losses. The introduction of the North American P-51 Mustang and Republic P-47 Thunderbolt equipped with external fuel tanks saw losses reduced.
The Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress was used wherever US forces were. In the Pacific theatre of war they were used for close-support bombing, patrol and reconnaissance. A few B-17's were produced for special operations and purposes and despite production totalling 12,731, only a few hundred would stay in service at the conclusion of the Second World War.
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Technical Details
Click on the aircraft image to view a larger version.
Top Speed Range Service Ceiling Armament
B-17A 295 mph 3,600 miles 38,000 ft five 0.30-in machine-guns
eight 600lb bombs
B-17B 292 mph 3,600 miles 36,000 ft six 0.50-in machine-guns
one 0.30-in machine-gun
four 1,100lb bombs
B-17C 323 mph 3,400 miles 37,000 ft five 0.50-in machine-guns
one 0.30-in machine-gun
4,800lb bombs
B-17D 323 mph 3,400 miles 37,000 ft five 0.50-in machine-guns
one 0.30-in machine-gun
4,800lb bombs
B-17E 317 mph 3,200 miles 36,000 ft eight 0.50-in machine-guns
one 0.30-in machine-gun
4,200lb bombs
B-17E side profile image
B-17F 325 mph 2,800 miles 37,500 ft eleven 0.50-in machine-guns
8,000lb bombs
B-17G 302 mph 3,400 miles 35,600 ft twelve 0.50-in machine-guns
8,000lb bombs
B-17G side profile image
XB-38 Sole B-17E tested with a Allison V-1710V engine.
YB-40 292 mph 2,260 miles 29,200 ft at least fourteen 0.50-in machine-guns
C-108 Four aircraft converted and used as cargo carriers and V.I.P transport.
F-9 Designation for a number of B-17s converted into photo reconnaissance aircraft.
BQ-7 Aphrodite B-17s converted into drones.
PB-1 Designation given to B-17s used by the United States Navy.
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captainkikooo-blog · 6 months
CF217A TONER GÉNÉRIQUE HP NOIR (N 17A) CANON CRG047 1600 PAGES. Il s’agit d’un toner générique de haute qualité garanti par les normes de fabrication ISO9001:2008 et par la garantie certifiée du fabricant. Ce toner convient aux imprimantes :    CF217A TONER GÉNÉRIQUE HPCF217A CANON CRG047 HPCF217A HP LaserJet Pro M 102 a HP LaserJet Pro M 102 Series HP LaserJet Pro M 102 w  HP LaserJet Pro M 130…
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lion-ink · 8 months
سعار حبر الطابعات HP
أسعار حبر الطابعات HP .تعتبر الطابعات HP من أكثر الطابعات شيوعًا في مصر والعالم ، حيث تتميز بجودة الطباعة ورخص وسعر الحبارة الرخيص  وتعدد المميزات. ومع ذلك، يمكن أن تكون أسعار حبر الطابعات HP متوزنة مع سعر السوق . في هذا المقال، سنتعرف على أسعار حبر الطابعات HP في مصر لعام 2024. اسعار حبر الطابعات HP يمثل موضوعًا مهمًا لمالكي الطابعات HP. فهم هام للحفاظ على جودة الطباعة والحصول على أفضل النتائج الممكنة. في هذه المقالة، سنلقي نظرة عامة على أسعار حبر طابعات HP وأفضل الخيارات المتاحة في السوق.
أنواع احبار الطابعات 
الحبر السائل: هو النوع الأكثر شيوعًا من الحبر المستخدم في الطابعات. يتكون من مزيج من الماء والصبغة أو الأصباغ.
الحبر الجاف: هو نوع من الحبر الذي يتصلب بسرعة بعد طباعته. يتكون من مزيج من الصبغة والراتنج.
الحبر المستمر: هو نوع من الحبر الذي يضخ باستمرار من خزان إلى رأس الطباعة. يوفر جودة طباعة عالية ولكن يمكن أن يكون أكثر تكلفة من أنواع الحبر الأخرى.
الحبر القابل لإعادة التعبئة: هو نوع من الحبر الذي يمكن إعادة تعبئته في خرطوشة حبر فارغة. يمكن أن يساعد ذلك في توفير المال على المدى الطويل.
اختيار احبار الطابعات المناسبة  
عند اختيار نوع الحبر المناسب، من المهم مراعاة نوع الطابعة التي تستخدمها وكمية الطباعة التي تقوم بها. إذا كانت لديك طابعة نافثة للحبر، فسوف تحتاج إلى استخدام حبر سائل. إذا كانت لديك طابعة ليزرية، فسوف تحتاج إلى استخدام حبر جاف.
بشكل عام، يعد الحبر السائل خيارًا جيدًا للاستخدام المنزلي أو المكتبي الخفيف. يوفر جودة طباعة جيدة بسعر معقول. الحبر الجاف هو خيار جيد للاستخدام التجاري أو المكتبي الثقيل. يوفر جودة طباعة عالية ولكن يمكن أن يكون أكثر تكلفة من الحبر السائل.
مميزات حبر طابعة HP أسود
يتميز حبر طابعة HP الأسود بالعديد من المزايا، منها:
جودة الطباعة: يوفر حبر HP الأسود جودة طباعة عالية، مع وضوح وجوده  عميقة وغنية.
الثبات: يتميز حبر HP الأسود بثباته العالي، مما يضمن عدم بهتانه أو تلاشيه مع مرور الوقت.
الكفاءة: يوفر حبر HP الأسود كفاءة عالية في الاستخدام، مما يساعد على توفير المال على المدى الطويل.
شركات أحبار طابعات و اماكن بيع حبر طابعة HP
شركات أحبار طابعات و اماكن بيع حبر طابعة HP يمكنك شراء احبار طابعات في مصرمن خلال شركة  احبار طابعات ليون انك وهي من اهم شركات أحبار طابعات في مصر وتتميز بمنتجات ذات جوده عالية واداء راقي وخدمة توصيل الي باب المنزل وباب شركتك وخدمة الدفع مقابل الاستلام وتعتمد في خدمة التوصيل علي شركات مثل ارامكس مصر وشركات شحن اخري مثلا ميدل إيست كوريير سيرفيس . وبيع احبار طابعات جملة للكميات وللشركات. خدمة توصيل احبار الطابعات نقوم  توصيل احبار طابعات الي المحافظات التاليةو ارخص مكان لبيع حبر الطابعات في مصر.
محافظة الإسكندرية
محافظة البحيرة
محافظة كفر الشيخ
محافظة الدقهلية
محافظة الغربية
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محافظة دمياط
محافظة بورسعيد
محافظة القاهرة
محافظة الجيزة
محافظة القليوبية
محافظة أسيوط
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محافظة الإسماعيلية
محافظة بورسعيد
محافظة شمال سيناء
محافظة جنوب سيناء
محافظة البحر الأحمر
أسعار أحبار طابعات HP
سنتعرف على أسعار حبر الطابعات HP في مصر لعام 2024. سنتناول أسعار الحبر. كما سنقدم بعض النصائح لتوفير المال عند شراء حبر الطابعة. جميع العبوات متوافقة.
سعر حبر طابعة HP اسود
1. حبارة HP 78A-ليزر اسود خرطوشة الحبر HP CE278A سعر 220 جنيها
2. حبارة hp 83a-ليزر اسود خرطوشة الحبر hp CF283A سعر 220
3. حبارة Hp 85a-ليزر اسود خرطوشة الحبر Hp 1102 سعر 220
4. حبر 59a-حبر طابعة Hp 59a سعر 1250 جنيها
5. حبر Hp 44a ليزر متوافق خرطوشة حبر طابعة CF244A سعر 340
6. حبر طابعة Hp 107a متوافق ليزر اسود خرطوشة حبر Hp 107a سعر 525
7. خرطوشة حبر Hp 106a حبارة 106aليزر اسود سعر 525 جنيها
8. حبر طابعة Hp 2055-خرطوشة حبر ليزر 05A اسود متوافق سعر 525 جنيها
9. حبر طابعة Hp 26a ليزر متوافق سعر 385
10. حبر طابعة Hp Laserjet Pro 400 M401dn-خرطوشة حبر ليزر 80a سعر 290 جنيها
11. حبر طابعة HP LaserJet Pro M402n سعر 385 جنيها
12. حبر طابعة Hp Mfp M428-حبر طابعة Hp M404 سعر 1250 جنيها
13. خرطوشة حبر أسود Cf217a حبر 17A سعر 350
ارخص مكان لبيع حبر الطابعات
نحن نعتبر ارخص مكان لبيع حبر الطابعات في مصر لشراء احبار طابعات في مصر منتجات تتميز بالجوده العالية والكفاءة وضمان استخدم من بداية عمل عبوة الحبر حتي نهاية التشغيل اتصل بنا 
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technationgr · 10 months
HP 17A LaserJet Black Toner (1.6k) (CF217A) (HPCF217A)
Εκτυπώστε περισσότερες σελίδες από ποτέ, με το toner 17A LaserJet της HP με Jetintelligence, το οποίο προσφέρει επαγγελματική εμφάνιση στις εκτυπώσεις σας κ έχει απόδοση έως και 1.600 σελίδες εκτύπωσης. Συμβατό με τα μοντέλα: Laser Pro M102w, M130fw.
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yallallc · 1 year
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For your home or workplace, the HP 17A toner cartridge is a long-term investment. By eliminating roadblocks, it saves you time and gives you easy-to-read printouts. The HP 17A LaserJet Toner Cartridges work exactly with your printer to create prints that are crisp and clear. In comparison to refilled and remanufactured cartridges, original HP toner comes out on top. Various options are offered based on your demands.
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trinitydigest · 1 year
Everyday Office Supplies Offers HP 17A Black Toner Cartridges
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desmoinesnewsdesk · 1 year
Everyday Office Supplies Offers HP 17A Black Toner Cartridges
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editorspride · 1 year
Everyday Office Supplies Offers HP 17A Black Toner Cartridges
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hopetribune · 1 year
Everyday Office Supplies Offers HP 17A Black Toner Cartridges
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thealphareporter · 1 year
Everyday Office Supplies Offers HP 17A Black Toner Cartridges
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universalnewspoint · 1 year
Everyday Office Supplies Offers HP 17A Black Toner Cartridges
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress | Classic Warbirds
Responding to the specification released by the United States Army in May 1934 calling for a multi-engined bomber that was able to carry a bomb load of 2,000lb between 1,020 and 2,200 miles, at a speed of 200 - 250 mph, with a deadline of August 1935 for a prototype of the aircraft to be ready for testing. Boeing submitted their Model 299, which would be powered by four engines. Design of the aircraft began midway through June 1934, and just over a year later, on the 16th July 1935 at Boeing Field, the aircraft was introduced to the press, with the headlines the next day proclaiming a '15-ton Flying Fortress' leading to Boeing registering it as the Model 299 name.
Twelve days later on the 28th July 1935 the B-17 made its first flight, before being flown to Wright Field for testing and evaluation a few weeks later. By making this flight the B-17 met two objectives of the United States Army specification, firstly the journey was 2,100 miles long and was done at an average speed of 252 mph. The prototype comprised armament of five machine guns and could carry more than double the required bomb load of 2,000lb with a 4,800lb maximum load and was powered by four 750-hp Pratt & Whitney R-1690 radial engines. However during testing a setback occurred on the 30th October 1935, when the prototype crashed on take-off, an investigation was to later conclude that the controls had been locked when take-off was attempted. Despite this setback the United States Army Air Corps ordered thirteen YB-17s, later to be called Y1B-17s, as a result of the successful testing before the accident.
The 2nd December 1936 saw the first Y1B-17 fly, with a few improvements compared to the prototype, the aircraft would now be powered by 930-hp Wright GR-1820-39 Cyclone radials and could accommodate nine crew members. The USAAC's 2nd Bombardment Group based at Langley Field received twelve aircraft during the first eight months of 1937. The other Y1B-17 of the thirteen originally ordered was sent for further testing at Wright Field. A fourteenth example had also been built for testing the strength of the airframe but was later fitted with 1,000-hp engines with turbochargers. After initial problems, it finally flew on the 29th April 1938, with an improvement on its maximum altitude and speed. As this new version was the first variant to enter operational service it was designated the B-17A. Following shortly after was the B-17B, which, whilst almost identical to the B-17A, featured a larger rudder. This first flew on the 27th June 1939 and just over a year later, on the 21st July 1940, the new B-17C flew with 1,200-hp engines.
It was with the Royal Air Force that the B-17 was to first experience combat during the Second World War (1939 - 1945) when No. 90 Squadron, which reformed on the 7th May 1941 at RAF Watton, received the B-17C, designated Fortress I that same month. On the 8th July 1941 they took part in their first RAF raid against the naval barracks at Wilhelmshaven, Germany, however, bombing from 30,000 ft they failed to hit the target. Over the next two months another 26 attacks were made on various German targets, and with eight Fortress Is lost due to combat or accidents the Fortress I proved unsatisfactory for use by Bomber Command for daylight bombing. The remaining Fortress Is were transferred to Coastal Command. As a result of the poor performance of the B-17 over Europe a number of areas where the aircraft could be improved were found, these included more defensive armament to combat attacks from German fighters and a higher service celling. By the end of 1941, the United States was drawn into the Second World War after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on the 7th December 1941.
The introduction of the B-17D, with additional armour and self-sealing tanks, and the B-17E, which flew for the first time on the 5th September 1941. The United States Army Air Force first raid over Europe was on the 17th August 1942, when twelve B-17Es escorted by Supermarine Spitfires of the Royal Air Force attacked the marshalling yards at Rouen in France, only two aircraft sustained minor damage and the mission was a success.
Flying for the first time on the 30th May 1942, the B-17F featured a redesigned nose, more armour and increased fuel capacity. Along with the B-17E it would be the Flying Fortress versions most extensively used by the Eighth Air Force. However mounting losses during the daylight raids were to show that the Flying Fortress either on its own or flying in formation could not defend themselves. Although the B-17G appeared with a gun turret in the nose section to limit the aircraft's vulnerability to head on attacks, daylight raids deep into Germany saw heavy losses. The introduction of the North American P-51 Mustang and Republic P-47 Thunderbolt equipped with external fuel tanks saw losses reduced.
The Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress was used wherever US forces were. In the Pacific theatre of war they were used for close-support bombing, patrol and reconnaissance. A few B-17's were produced for special operations and purposes and despite production totalling 12,731, only a few hundred would stay in service at the conclusion of the Second World War.
Technical Details
Top Speed Range Service Ceiling Armament
B-17A 295 mph 3,600 miles 38,000 ft five 0.30-in machine-guns
eight 600lb bombs
B-17B 292 mph 3,600 miles 36,000 ft six 0.50-in machine-guns
one 0.30-in machine-gun
four 1,100lb bombs
B-17C 323 mph 3,400 miles 37,000 ft five 0.50-in machine-guns
one 0.30-in machine-gun
4,800lb bombs
B-17D 323 mph 3,400 miles 37,000 ft five 0.50-in machine-guns
one 0.30-in machine-gun
4,800lb bombs
B-17E 317 mph 3,200 miles 36,000 ft eight 0.50-in machine-guns
one 0.30-in machine-gun
4,200lb bombs
B-17E side profile image
B-17F 325 mph 2,800 miles 37,500 ft eleven 0.50-in machine-guns
8,000lb bombs
B-17G 302 mph 3,400 miles 35,600 ft twelve 0.50-in machine-guns
8,000lb bombs
B-17G side profile image
XB-38 Sole B-17E tested with a Allison V-1710V engine.
YB-40 292 mph 2,260 miles 29,200 ft at least fourteen 0.50-in machine-guns
C-108 Four aircraft converted and used as cargo carriers and V.I.P transport.
F-9 Designation for a number of B-17s converted into photo reconnaissance aircraft.
BQ-7 Aphrodite B-17s converted into drones.
PB-1 Designation given to B-17s used by the United States Navy.
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newsheadlinesnow · 1 year
Everyday Office Supplies Offers HP 17A Black Toner Cartridges
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lion-ink · 9 months
حبارة 106aليزر اسود, حبارة HP 85A, حبر 59A, حبر طابعة hp 107a, حبر طابعة HP 26A ليزر متوافق, حبر طابعة HP 59A ليزر, حبر طابعة HP LaserJet Pro m402n, حبر طابعة hp M404, حبر طابعة hp mfp m428, حبر طابعة Hp اسود, خرطوشة الحبر hp 1102, خرطوشة حبر hp 106a, خرطوشة حبر hp 107a, خرطوشة حبر أسود hp 17a laserjet cf217a
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technationgr · 1 year
Toner MEDIARANGE Συμβατό για Εκτυπωτές HP (Black) (CF217A/17A) (MRHPTCF217A)
Toner MEDIARANGE Συμβατό για Εκτυπωτές HP (Black). Τα δοχεία γραφίτη MediaRange προσφέρουν εκτυπώσεις φωτογραφιών και εγγράφων σε φωτεινά και έντονα χρώματα. Είναι ειδικά κατασκευασμένα για μοντέλα εκτυπωτών HP. Παρέχουν άμεση και εύκολη αντικατάσταση.
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technewspoint · 1 year
Everyday Office Supplies Offers HP 17A Black Toner Cartridges
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