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pangzi · 2 years ago
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bittersweet-folder · 9 months ago
hiii, could you do the light forehead kisses with minghao or vernon? like really domestic and soft 🥺
Yess ofc love🌷[I'm so sorry for such a late response btw. Please read a/n in the end. Thank you♡]
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🍪 Cookies and cream
Pairing: Vernon× gn reader[they are in an established relationship].
Genre: fluff, very domestic scenario, baking with Vernon basically.
Warnings: none. Word count:739
Note: you call Vernon by his first name Hansol. Also idk why I kept that title but okay 💀 .
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"Nooo, you're supposed to coat them in flour, Hansol" you exclaimed as you saw him directly adding the blue berries in the cake batter.
"Uhh okay okay but why?" Vernon asked, nonchalantly.
"It's because of the batter. When you coat the blueberries with flour they automatically don't sink to the bottom of the baking pan." You explained while looking at him and continued "and when you add them to the batter and mix them lightly okay?"
"Yes ma'am!" he smiled. He bought extra flour in a bowl and coated the blueberries in flour. He looks very concentrated for someone who's assisting you to bake for the first time.
There wasn't really a special occasion to make Hansol some cookies and cake. In fact he loved any desserts made by you. But this time you were also going to send a batch of cookies to his family. So you asked for his help. Looking at how concentrated he is, with what you've instructed him to do made you happy. You took a glance at the clock. It was almost the time for the cookies to be done so you slid the cooking glove on to your hand and took them out of the oven. The delicious smell of chocolate and a sugary essence filled the kitchen. You set the pan on the table for the cookies to cool down. Hansol automatically left what he was doing and waddled back to you and hugged you from the back, settling his chin on your shoulder.
"Can I take some break please babe?" he murmured. His focus was still on the cookies.
"Hansol, honey I know your tricks. Just say that you want some cookies right now" you said nonchalantly as you pressed in the center of the cookies lightly. Nice and fully baked. You picked up the big ones.
"Wow, am I that obvious?" he questioned, his lips now pressed in a thin line,blinking at you as if in disbelief. You placed the big cookies on a plate.
"Yes and here's your cookies, the big ones because I knew you'd want some" you handed him the plate with a smile on your lips.
"Thank you babe" he said as he flashed his toothy smile at you.
"Mention not honey" you said.
Then you started searching for the jar in which you were supposed to store the cookies in.
"Hold on, where's the jar" you thought while going through the lower cupboards. After a little bit of searching you found it in the upper shelves. "This must be his doings" you thought as you sighed outta annoyance but then you saw two hands on either side trapping you to the kitchen counter. You turned around, the jar still in your hands and looked at Hansol. Your eyes meet his.
"I've put the blueberry batter in a different baking tray and put it in the oven, darling. The choco chip cookies were delicious" he said and smiled softly. You couldn't help but feel the blood rushing to your cheeks because of the pet name he just called you.
"Okay then what about my kisses?" you mumbled with a pout, your eyes looking down at the jar, breaking eye contact. It was silly how you wanted some kisses in the middle of all this mess in the kitchen but at the same time it still made sense why. He cradles your face with his hands, making you look at him. He can now take a good look at your blushy face. He slowly leaned in and placed his soft lips on your lips. A soft and warm kiss with a slight lingering essence of cookies on his lips. After breaking off from the kiss he pressed soft kisses on your forehead. It made your heart swell with a mushy feeling. He did take another look at your flushed face before removing his hands from your cheeks.
"Vernon quit staring like that" you whined and continued "and move aside babe, gonna store the cookies in this jar" you walked past him.
He followed you for a few steps and then said "by the way love it would be great if I can get another-" before he could finish the sentence you cut in stating "noo you're not getting any more cookies Vernon" you chuckled knowing the fact that you will end up giving him one more cookie while storing the cookies in jar.
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A/n: yes I love baking so I was like why not write about this, baking with Vernon so yeah. I did proofread once lemme know if there's any mistake though.
I was very much emotionally exhausted about some things going on rn so that's why requests are closed. ALSO THANK YOU FOR 500+ FOLLOWERS 😭😭.
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th3tism · 6 months ago
Hiii~ how ya doin? Can i humbly request mercs with a SO tgat accidently gives tzem aphrodisiac chocolate pretty please??😏😏
Sir yes sir 🫡 (or ma'am, idk ❤️)
Also I'm doing rlly good. Just rlly tired 💀
Mercs: scout, medic, soldier
Merc with aphrodisiac chocolates!!! (Kinda nsfw)
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The man's already horny. This just kinda fueled the fire
"hey babe, what're these chocolates called?"
"... Jeremy... Those are aphrodisiacs..."
"... Aphro huh?"
He's just gonna be following you around like a lost dog
Making sexual comments, hinting at sex a lot. He's not subtle about it
He's just gonna fuck you
He doesn't give a fuck
"oh noo I can't control myself"
"Soldier, you took one bite of a single piece of chocolate..."
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This is what I'm referencing btw
He's either gonna pull you away or fuck you right then and there
Or if he's not gonna fuck you, he's just gonna cling onto you and rub his bulge on your ass to hunt at what he wants
He knows how to deal with aphrodisiac, but he'll humor you
"Wow, these are wunderbar!"
"oh um... Baby those are aphrodisiacs..."
"oh I know, don't worry. We'll deal with that later <3"
And then he just continues munching on them
Cut to y'all having obnoxiously loud sex on his operating table
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heeliopheelia · 2 years ago
the truth is… even though my uni summer exams  ARE FUCKING STREESSING ME OUTTT GODDAMN…. the best part of me doing little breaks inbetween studying (stu is silent)  is going on tumblr.com  and seeing that user heeliopheelia posted new chapter #feelingblessed #maybelifeisnotthatbad 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
are mentally ill? and the answer is…. aren't we all? uhmm babe i dont know how to tell u this but no ? ( but also im here writing all of that 🥴🥴….so perhaps? i mean yeah u know what yes we are BUT NOT THAT SILLY thoo U NEED TO GET CHECKED GIRL) 
YES!! im also a private investigator working for fbi (stands for FUNNY BEAUTIFUL INTELIGENT duh🫡🫡) and “im not in love with heeseung” I CALL BULLSHIT my source?.... trust me bro
BROOOOO NOT THE MOM JOKES wow they are so cringe……… i said knowing DAMN WELL that i laughed like a silly goose 🫣🫣
not heeseung thinking twitter is a messaging app? hello?
“we got ourselves a comedian” god i love that meme  *taste u have taste ma'am
seung getting rejected……bro thats a fucking L brother…….jay tho... he is just like fr lmaooo OH YEAH YN IS TRIPPING EXTRA HARD THESE CHAPTERS ☠️☠️☠️
(platonic) husband is a rly cute contact name btw idk if i told u this before!!!!!!! ^^
their convo was so 3IWFRVDJFSDZXJRKDS FRUSTRATING wtfffff 😣 low key sad hours 🙁
whats hee’s cash app?? i can vemo him some $$$ CUZ YEAH samee bro fucking same
YES THANK U !!! THE NILE IS A RIVER IN EGYPT finally omg someone knows biology here i was losing hope (lololololo)
new sexuality unlocked bitches : 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
HIII!!!!!!!!!! today i cried 3 times( IM OKAY JUST OVERWHELMED!! no need to worry ) and this made me happy so happy, sweetheart <33 ahh this adventures are crazyyy, but so much fun !!!!!!!!!!!!! thank u ma’am xxxxxx - today only kisses cuz its hot af today am the temperature is making me idk im melting away <3 😘😘😘😘
OOF bestie I've finished my uni exams like two weeks ago so believe me I know how nerve wracking they can be 😭 But I'm so happy this little crazy smau of mine is helping you cope with this shit 🩷🤧
THE MOM JOKES JUST DON'T WANT TO LEAVE MY BRAIN I'M SORRY (they're unfortunately a part of my personality now) 😭🙏 Btw it took all of my strength not to make any more of these geography jokes so I'm glad you stepped up and did it for me LMFAO 🩷
Ps my advice for handling the exams
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alatismeni-theitsa · 2 years ago
Γεια σας, αυτό το ανέκδοτο δεν είναι πολύ ευχάριστο να ακούγεται, συγγνώμη για αυτό 😅 Recently, a family member tried to justify why the British Museum doesn't have to return to Greece ( in this case ) the stuff they stole. I was working for myself on a summary of Greece's history and she suddenly came in, looking specifically at what I was writing. It was regarding how many stuff from there is nowadays in the British Museum, and during the conversation she started to justify me why they don't have to give anything back to Greece: Since we're Spanish, she used as an example to justify her nonsense "but what if muslims come now and say we need go give them the buildings that were made here during the Al-Ándalus era?" we... Don't need to give any buildings back. It's not the same thing. It's still so... Akward for me to think that a grown adult thinks that places such as the British Museum can keep their stolen stuff because according to her, it's the same situation as the one with Greece. It's not? Ma'am? The Greek stuff in the British museum was stolen? The buildings built here during the Al-Ándalus era weren't? You can't compare it... 🥲
Oh hiii! Thanks for your message! In the second part of my answer, please allow me to give some comments because you gave me a great chance to provide some interesting linguistic context for anyone who learns Greek.
(I hope this doesn't discourage you from writing me more Greek, you are doing great and you'll do even better! But let me know if you don't want any corrections 😅 The last thing I want is to bring anyone to an awkward position)
Part 1: The nonsensical family member
Okay, what the hell was this family member saying 😂 First of all, you can't move whole buildings, so even if Muslims made all these buildings, they couldn't get them back unless they re-conquered the land. That's how all people globally re/claimed fortresses and other strategic points in other countries.
Now, if Spanish the Spanish went to Muslim territories that still belong to these Muslims, and stole stuff, then yes, the Muslims are entitled to get them back! And if Spanish Christians stole stuff from Muslim communities inside the country and now exhibit them in museums without their consent, the artifacts should still be returned! What a wild concept, wow 😂
Why don't you ask that relative how she would feel if thousands of ancient and medieval Spanish stuff the Spanish people created and were proud of, were stolen and smuggled out of the country after the Spanish resisting and getting killed, and then these artifacts were exhibited in England because "the Spanish are not able to take care of them" in 2022? Curious to know her answer 👀
Part 2: Greek language quirks
So, the English word "anecdote" is an Anglicized word from Greek, "ανέκδοτο", as you probably know. "Ανέκδοτο" literally means "something that hasn't been published". English took it in the literal sense, while in Greek now it has also gained a metaphorical sense of "joke" and it's used metaphorically many times (for written and oral jokes). In the context of your Greek sentence, it means "joke" but my understanding is that you meant it as "an incident that happened to me". In this case, we use "περιστατικό" (= incident).
The part of "να ακούγεται" is implied, so we skip it entirely in Greek, in this case, and all similar cases. We don't use it as in English like, "too sweet to eat". We always say "too sweet". The structure of "It's nice to have"/"It's good to eat" doesn't exist. In some cases we say it, but with passive voice. "It's good the vegetables to get eaten", "it's good the news to be heard". ("Είναι καλό να τρώγονται τα λαχανικά", "Είναι καλό να ακούγονται τα νέα"). And we usually put "Καλό είναι" at the beginning of the phrase. "Καλό είναι αυτά τα νέα να ακούγονται". There is no strict structure of sentences in Greek. Some linguistic trends are created, however, and this shows where the importance is given, in such sentences.
Full sentence in Greek: Γεια σας, αυτό το περιστατικό δεν είναι πολύ ευχάριστο, συγγνώμη για αυτό
Hopefully, there are no more similar περιστατικά in your life because oooh my god, this person's opinions made us both see red 😂😂😂
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ncssian · 4 years ago
I completely forgot to mention how I binge read the last 3 (or 4...) chapters of A Favor and literally lost my mind over how good it was. I was in between work when I read it so I never got a chance to come back and be like OMFG THAT WAS SO GOOD, but I desperately want you to know, OMFG THAT WAS SOOOOO GOOD!
I think the direction you're taking it with Cassian starting to question who he is outside of a friend group and sort of being sad about everything he realizes he doesn't know about himself is so complex and beautiful to see. And the tender moments with him and Nesta where she just stroked his hair and they didn't say anything? *chef's kiss*
Also, I understand that Nesta wants to be financially indepedent and that is actually a great, mature thing for her to have for herself, but lemme tell you ma'am, when Cassian said he's not gonna have her pay bills and the fact that he's richer than her is something she should take advantage of...I WAS READY TO MARRY THE MAN. I mean maybe it's a complete lack of standards and total isolation due to the pandemic and a really low bar for men, but I was like wow, this man is so hot for saying this why can't he be real? I'm also the same person that goes women can split the bill at dinner so...there's that for ya.
But my point was, I LOVED IT SO MUCH!!!!! And lol I just wanted you to know that.
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HIII thank u for the essay im in hell rn and i loved reading it ❤️❤️❤️
sometimes when i write cassian im like damn hes so serious but i realized that’s the point, nesta brings out the more sober parts of him the same way he brings out more lighthearted parts of nesta.
as for nesta and money… would i shamelessly drain the wallet of a man like cassian? absolutely. but at the same time i’d be too scared to trust any man to support me 100% bc if we broke up or something happened i’d be left penniless so that’s where nesta’s stubbornness comes from lol.
anyway thank u so much for this ask it made my day and im glad ur back online 🥰🥰🥰
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mvalentine · 3 years ago
Lovely Mal,
I finally got down to read your masterlist and here are some of my thoughts
Ma'am your writing !?!? I'm in awe of you! You have so much talent and the way you write Ethan and Lana? God, they have become my fav otp ❤
I can't believe "The Lucky One" is one of your first ever OH fic. It feels like I have known them for ages and the amount of cuteness in that single fic ?✨ ASTRONOMICAL ✨ I was grinning like a fool the whole time. Thank you so much for blessing us with that!!
Now coming down to "Hold On To Me"
The way you depicted Lana's trauma and Ethan being such a caring boyfriend 😭❤ I- It makes me so much mad that PB didn't touch upon MC's PTSD at all and is such a shame, but you girl? WOW
My heart was crying with Lana! You made me feel so much emotions with that!!! Pls this line by Lana ahhh man my heart 💔
“I… I do it because I…”, she paused, breath heavy as though contemplating a decision.
“Because I like having a reminder that… that I’m here, that I’m alive, that I’m with you. Knowing that you’re real, that this isn’t just some fucked up hallucination I’ve conjured. I was so… so fucking scared that day Ethan”.
Hold on a second hold on a second
God I think I died for a second ahddbjdnjdjsnsn
Simply Beautiful!
"It was heaven a moment ago"
he wasn’t hers.
maybe he never was. 
Ok ngl that hurts... it badly hurts 😭😭😭 but the writing there? Queen how do you do it? What are your secrets???
In ''Black and White'' what was happening?
Lana is getting married and it is not Ethan??? Ma'am its like you virtually punched me 😭 the writing there is so poetic. *deep breaths* I'm okay I'm okay
After dealing with so much angst I was blessed with ''Forever'' and oh my lawd I'll cry 😭😭😭
I love it! I love it so much! They are such cuties pls ❤❤❤
And the last line hooo boy
- He wants it all. 
- The good, the bad, the ugly. 
- Forever. 
Drunk Lana is so much funny and Ethan the entire time? the soulmates energy? I LOVE THEM YOUR HONOR ❤❤❤
Also ma'am ethan x june fic 👀👀👀 consider me intrigued
In conclusion,
Mal you are so soo sooo talented!! Keep doing what you are doing. I adore you so much for it ❤ Also, pls add me to your taglist. I don't want to miss out on your stuff anymore. Thank you so much x
Hope you have a good day/night <3
hiii i hope you don’t mind that i answered this a little late i just wanted to savor all this positivity for a little longer 🥺🥺🥺
m!!! this is ALL so so sweet and seriously made me so so happy to read! also ugh i KNOW the way pb just moved past mc’s trauma of literally DYING was so so odd to me so i had to rectify it and im so happy you enjoyed my version of it 💓💓💓
oh and im so so happy you enjoyed my two poems!! they’re both hella angsty because ofc they were but they’re some of my fav works so im very happy that you liked them!!! also drunk lana is sort of based of off drunk me so whenever anyone says they like drunk lana im just like 🥺🥺🥺 also omg ahhhh ethan x june my fucking kryptonite lol i SWEAR i will finish it one day!
and ill definitely add you!! i was literally writing something and felt kinda down in the dumps about it and this definitely made me feel better so thank you once again 💓💓💓 hope you’re having an amazing night/day as well my friend!!
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1-800-amortentia · 4 years ago
Hiii babes <3
May I please, Ma'am, Have le- 🌊 with a marauders male :)
Ok um I'm really cool, Jk I'm actually a loser. But online I'm cool ovi 😎 Uh I go to Harvard, Going to Colombia in 2 years. I do boxing, Archery, Knife throwing and Target shooting. I took self defense lessons from 3 years. I took every red cross course-
I teach a self defense course, Started an FBI in-person course. I like chick fil a and I hate isreal #Free Palestine.
Um I have brown curly hair, Brown eyes, Dimples, I dress like a fucking demon ass bitch-
hehe sorry for the long ass paragraph-
first of all holy shit. harvard and colombia WOW GOOD JOB.
yes #freepalestine.
i can def see you with sirius. you’re sarcastic and funny and you’d definitely be that weird ass couple that everyone is like okay wtf they’re lowkey meant for eachother 😀
also good thing you took red cross teaming because this mf hurts himself constantly. i ship.
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