suguru-getos · 2 days
bnha men when you use the safeword: fem!reader
characters included: bakugou, hawks (my 2 pookies)
bakugou katsuki:
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it was hectic, the feeling of it all. at first you’d even say it was feeling good, but with the way katsuki’s amped up stamina was nowhere near done on your body, you could start to lose yourself a little. katsuki had just come back from a business trip, he missed you… you missed him too. but the way his cock plunged into your sopping wet pussy, smirking and unraveling your insides every single time… it was starting to ache. especially when he bred you twice already, forced into a mating press and forced to hear the churning sounds of his seed inside you bubbling out with his mushroom tip abusing your poor hole. “kats-“ you mumble, nails indenting over his skin & making it raw. “suki…” words fail you, there is nothing you can do or say for this. you want this to stop, your body can’t take it anymore. “s- suki…” you whimpered again. katsuki’s brows are glistening with sweat, he smirks at you, his genuine, loving smirk as he leans in and kisses you again. your lips smashed against his. “my pretty girl.” katsuki coos, but his pace, his cock isn’t being so nice. and you can’t take it anymore.
“door.” its just silly how you and katsuki decided the safeword term. not creative at all, you just glanced at the door while discussing it with him & this is the first time you’ve ever used it anyway.
there is an instant stop in his movements, siren eyes widened in utter shock. “princess? y’ okay?” the position is instantly adjusted to you laying down comfortably, your swollen cunt parting with his veinny cock as he leans back, kissing your cheek, your forehead. “s’ that too much f’ my baby?” he almost pouts with complete genuineness, looking at you and waiting for you to speak. his warm palms reflexively massaging your forearm and kneading at your body to provide comfort. “sorry- just- got too much for me.” you pouted, tears welling up in your eyes.
“shut up, stop apologizin’ cmere.” katsuki is quick to shun that bit from you, craddling you in his arms instantly. he knows aftercare is important or you’ll fall into submission drop. “my good girl~ so proud of you, you know that? cus’ y’ communicated when it didn’t feel good.” he nuzzles his nose against yours, a bright grin over his face. “my pretty girl.” he echoed that over and over, kissing all over your cute body and hugging you closer, wrapped around in a blanket burrito. get ready to be babied until you get annoyed of him. 💅🏻
keigo takami:
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there is an eerie streak that has keigo’s head in a haze to pleasure you tonight. he normally gets in on those, but you’re just so delectable, so beautiful looking with your desperate squirming and mewling when his feathers clamp around your nipple and when his tongue fucks your pussy and flicks your clit with a rhythm perfect for your body — it’s hard to stop. it’s always been hard for keigo to stop playing with his little prey.
“ssh- stop moving around little one.” your squirming and moans are chastised by your man instantly. feathers clamping and spreading your legs apart as he grins. leaning in and continuing with his favorite meal. he’s already made you orgasm twice, and this is the third time he’s pushing your boundaries. “not my problem you taste so divine.” he grunts, nose nuzzling against your poor, swollen clit as he softly nips at your inner thigh.
the next thing which happens has your eyes widened and mouth agape, his thumb spreads your pussy lips and the tip of his tongue leans back your clit’s hood, flicking and vibrating around the exposed & vulnerable bundle of nerves with vigour. “AH- oh no.” you shake your head, this makes you feel queasy. this makes you feel sensitive and sends jolts of good pain down your pelvis. you don’t want that pain, the foreign feeling catching up to you rapidly.
“keigo- no.” you whine, struggling to no avail. you always mumble these things and you know its hard for keigo to take you seriously around this. “feather.” you squealed the safeword out. all of hawks’ movements stop. the feathers wrapped around your ankles and your hands let you go instantly. his marked eyes widening and leaning away. “oh-“ his lips parted.
you didn’t feel like you were comfortable enough with this, that’s all there was. maybe you misused the safeword. are you even a good partner to him? before your doubt flourishes into something rooting deep, keigo hugs you gently, letting you straddle his lap and his wings forming a cocoon around you. “ssh~ there there, sorry it got too much for my little baby.” he hums, kissing the crown of your head.
“just. got uncomfy.” you mumbled, sniffling softly. “maybe i shouldn’t-“
“of course you should have, there is a reason safewords are created sweetness. and if you didn’t feel comfortable you had every right to use this. okay?” keigo coos, kissing your cheek and hugging you tightly. his ragged breaths slowly calming down at the embrace of his mate. even your bubbling doubts vanished quickly as keigo swayed you gently in his hug, humming a random tune of the favorite song you have.
“too bad you don’t have a safeword to stop me from singing.” he hums, after minutes of comfortable silence and snorts. your silly liddul pookie <3
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katsukistofu · 13 hours
my caffeine mix-up!
contents ౨ৎ ⋆ hawks x fem reader. fluff. slightly suggestive. you accidentally pick up the number two hero’s coffee so picks you up instead.
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You take a sip of your morning coffee and almost spit it out on your dashboard.
This could not be your order. It was so… unusually sugary. Too sugary. Like someone liquified a whole candy store and shoved it into a venti cup.
Still reeling a little from the overly sweet aftertaste that lingers on your tongue, your eyes trail down to read:
Vt Crml Crnch Frap
5 Banana
Ex Caramel Drizzle
Extra Whip
Extra Ice
Ex Cinnamon
7 pumps Add Dk Crml Sauce
Ex Caramel Crunch
1 pump Honey Blend
Heavy Cream
Double Blended
What kind of pretentious asshole orders this garbage? Were their taste buds dead?
You mentally sent your condolences to the poor person that had to make this disgusting monstrosity of a drink. Please, you would’ve taken one look at the order and thrown it in the trash.
Your eyes searched the paper cup for who your local coffee shop transgressor was– catching sight of a scribble in blue marker reading “H-A.” You moved your hand a bit to reveal a “W-K-S.” A sense of dread creeps in as you numbly stare at the squiggly heart next to it.
It was like someone slipped an ice cube down the back of your shirt.
You had mistakenly picked up the wildly famous winged pro hero’s order and to make things even worse, put your mouth on where his was supposed to be.
Okay that sounded kind of dirty. But it’s not like you could drive back and return it now, what with your lip gloss already staining the lid.
Hey, um, I think I accidentally took a sip of the Hawks’s coffee? Oopsies? You guess you could pay for his order to be remade, but who’s to say he’ll even come back for it, much less accept it from some random stranger?
You were already running late to your desk job as is, and your coworkers were probably scratching their heads, wondering where you were since you always arrived at least half an hour before them. Should you just throw it away and pretend it never happened?
Oh god, would some person dig through the trash the moment you turned your back and extract your DNA from your lip gloss on the lid, thinking you were a deranged fan who stole his drink on purpose?
Or worse—that you were his secret girlfriend picking up his drink who had just wanted a little taste first before delivering it to him?
Your brain starts to wring itself dry of all the possibilities that could happen, shuddering despite each one being as unlikely as the next. An impressive mental workout for an un-caffeinated person at barely eight in the morning.
You wish you never even went to get your usual little treat today. That barista definitely looked right at you when you went to pick up your order, you swear they did.
But now that you’re thinking about it, maybe they were looking at the person standing behind you that you didn’t see as you rushed out of the shop? How do you even miss a man with wings that big?
Something gently knocks on the driver side window and you almost jump out of your seat.
As you roll it down with caution, your brain momentarily stops functioning as you’re met with a pair of striking golden eyes. Another inch of tinted glass down, a strong Grecian nose.
Forget work, the hell. You didn’t even know noses could be that pretty, and as your last bit of window disappears into the car so does your self-respect as you realize he’s abandoned his usual tan-colored jacket, standing before you in his black compression shirt with gold embossment.
Forget everything, actually.
You don't realize you’re holding your breath until he laughs at you, and you sheepishly close your slightly parted lips.
“Didn’t know coffee thieves came this cute.” Drinking in your appearance his keen eyes stray from yours, slowly trailing down to your trembling lips, a stark contrast to the growing smirk on his. “Or this nervous.”
His fingers drum absentmindedly on the side of your car door, clear amusement written across his handsome face as he waits for you to say something. You collect yourself and snap out of your thoughts, taking a deep breath.
“I’msososorryIdrankyourcoffee!” You squeeze your eyes shut in embarrassment as your words come out in a jumble. “I totally grabbed the wrong order and I can’t believe I didn’t see you waiting behind me, I swear I’m not a creep–”
“Hey, hey,” Hawks gently interrupts you, reassurance laced in his voice. “It’s all good, no harm done.” He taps the paper cup that somehow miraculously hasn’t slipped out of your fingers yet.
“Sooo was it good?”
You choke on air, not expecting that. “Your drink?”
“Yeah, my drink.” He shoots you a cheeky grin. That bastard. “Good or nah?” You pause, contemplating if you should lie–no. No, today you chose honesty.
“...Genuinely, I have no idea how you drink this shit.”
Hawks laughs at your bold answer. “Thanks for being my little taste tester anyways. Too sweet, huh?” The tip of his finger traces around the remnants of your lip gloss on the lid, the cup still in your now slightly shaky hand as you nod.
His touch seared against your skin, as his pretty fingers closed around yours to raise the drink up to his lips to take a slow sip, eyes never leaving your own.
With a gaze that was infuriatingly sultry as it was sweet, like a bird of prey beckoning a field mouse to be their next meal, he murmurs, “Just how I like it.”
You’re not really sure he was talking about the coffee anymore.
He hums, and your thighs involuntarily clench a bit as his soft-looking mouth closes around the opening of the lid to take another sip.
“I’d say you’re a villain that deserves their own special category.” He grins, eyes sparkling conspiratorially. “One that involves letting me take her out to dinner.”
If you weren’t sitting down you know your legs would have given out. “Like… like on a date?” You gape at him incredulously. Because there was no way. Hawks. Just asked you out.
“Now sweetheart, what else would it be?” Hawks smirks at your dazed expression, like you’re sure you misheard him. So cute. “I mean, unless you don’t want to–”
“No!” He blinks, and your hand flies to cover your mouth at your sudden outburst.
“I-I mean, I want to…” You shyly say at a much quieter volume, fidgeting with the rings on your fingers. He leans closer to you with a grin, languidly resting his folded arms over the open frame of your car door.
“It’s a date then. I know this really good sushi and ramen place down the block near my agency, my treat of course.”
“If I’m a villain is this your idea of rehabilitation?” You joke dryly. “Because it’s working.”
He tips your chin up. “Oh don’t worry pretty, I’m just getting started with turning you into a good girl.” A hot flush creeps up your neck to your cheeks, and you almost melt into a puddle right then and there at your steering wheel.
“I’d love to stay but I’m actually so late for work right now.” You utter weakly, chin still resting against his finger. Hawks tilts his head at that, unfolding his vibrant crimson wings as he wordlessly opens the front door of your car.
With little effort and an impressive flex of his biceps, plus a sharp intake of breath from you, one of his arms slips under your thighs and another firmly hugs you just under your shoulder blades as he lifts you up to his firm chest.
A smirk tugs at his lips as he feels your flustered arms hastily reach up to wrap around his neck. Honeyed eyes like molten gold meet yours as he gives a gentle squeeze to your thigh through your pencil skirt, and once again you find yourself needing a reminder to breathe.
“So, where to?”
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say you can’t sleep, baby i know, that’s that me expresso~ ♪
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kleftiko · 1 year
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cw: mature, fem!reader
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hardcore tits man. big tits? squeeze them into a tube top. medium? push up bra galore so they can sandwich his face. tiny? your nipples through a small tee has him DROOLING. man just loves himself some tits. wants to suck on them like the mommy issues man he is.
ass is his favourite pillow. i know because of his wings, he probably sleeps on his stomach—so ass pillow. easy. aside from that? tight dresses. you’re going out? he’s standing behind you like a bodyguard to scare off everyone and waiting for you to back your ass up into him when you dance.
thigh highs and a skirt are the perfect frame for the art that is your legs. garters? lace? fuck it just have those pretty things squeezing the life out of his head. he would die a happy, happy man. he wants his fingers digging into them when he drives too, slowly going higher.
smacks your ass like a drum. doesn’t even look up when you scold him for hurting you, just admires the jiggle. leaves bite marks when you fuck too. i mentioned before that his favourite position is doggy and i was RIGHT. shameless pervert too, just loves ass.
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azzo0 · 2 months
Couldn't get the idea of taking care of Hawks' wings off my mind. Not proofread <3
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Keigo is really protective and sensitive when it comes to his wings. They're his quirk, the reason why he can move at such high speeds and keep civilians safe. The reason why he's at number two. This also means he takes delicate care of his feathers. He has a special shampoo made just for people with quirks like his. While the shampoo is gentle on his feathers, the spa attendants he gets his wings washed from aren't as gentle. They forget that too much pressure can hurt his bones, even if they're strong. Sometimes, the excessive and harsh scrubbing makes his feathers look like he got into a fight with pigeons. 
But he doesn't have to worry about all that now. Not when he has you with your soft and caring touch. 
Wash days were once stressful for Keigo, but now they're a sweet and intimate moment he gets to share with you as he sits on the edge of the bathtub in his bathroom, big enough for him to spread his wings without knocking a few things over. You stand behind him, showering water onto his wings before lathering the shampoo onto the length of his wings, slowly moving down to the feathers. 
Things easily got heated between you two, especially since he sat there buck naked with your voice whispering sweet nothings in his ear as you helped him with his wings. But most of the time, it was just a quiet and serene moment where you got to take care of him. He deserved to be pampered after all the hard work he did. 
Sometimes, you press kisses on the nape of his neck and the gap between his wings. He sighs dreamily whenever he feels your warm and delicate touch on his feathers, his wings fluttering ever so slightly. After cleaning his feathers, you run water on his wings again. He flaps them a few times after you're done, sprinkling water over you and making you squeal. 
He knows washing his wings is no easy task, so after you're done, he shoos you out of the bathroom to wash his hair, but on days he's too tired, he lets you massage the shampoo into his hair. You help him dry off afterwards, blow dryer on the low setting when you move from his hair to his wings. A few flaps of his wings can do the task, but you do not want water all over your walls. 
After his feathers are dried, you apply the special oil he gets made just for his wings. It leaves his crimson feathers bright and lustrous. He hops in bed afterwards, holding you into him so he can feel your warmth engulf him. He nuzzles into your neck, his freshly cleaned, fluffy hair tickling your chin. He props up on an elbow and brushes his lips against yours, his voice a gentle whisper, "Thank you."
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emmyrosee · 8 months
In the morning, Keigo stretches his body; and it’s ethereal.
The way the Sun peers in through the sheer curtains keeps you in a slight between sleep and cognitive function, eyes hazy and bleary as he slowly gets up from his side of the bed, grunting softly.
It’s warm, it’s so quiet. You blink a few times to watch him go about his morning, and it starts with his wings quickly splaying out, the full spanse of them taking up an underestimated amount of space in the room. They glimmer in the peering sunlight, and you smile softly as they slowly curl back towards him.
His fingers cross over each other before they pull his arms taught above his head, shifting them to the right, then the left, which pops louder than the other side due to more than a few injuries to his left side. His muscles shadow and dance in the light soaking in through the window. He whines softly as he then bends at the waist, wings fluffing back out as he stretches his knees, as if moving out of the way.
Clearly, he must notice you, as one of his pristine feathers immediately darts from the pack and over to you, and before you can reel your foot back in, the plumes swipe over it, making you giggle sleepily and yank it under the covers.
“You liking the show, creep?” he teases, chucking, the feather now shifting to gently nuzzle your cheek, as he does so often.
You nod, “you’re just so pretty, Keigo.”
“Im aware.”
“No, like, really pretty,” you assure, and he sighs before turning around to face you. His hair is stuck up in random places, his eyes sleepy and still heavy from the act of waking up. There’s lines from blankets that imprint his skin, and his feathers fluff out slightly to buff out the flattened areas.
He bends at the waist to be face to face with you, leaning slightly to plant a small kiss to your nose, and you mewl happily at the feeling.
He takes an inhale through his nose, “I’m not half as pretty as you are, babe.” He gently cups your cheek with a warm hand, “trust me. I watch you almost as much as you watch me.”
“Bull,” you tease. “I’m always watching you. You never even look at me.”
He frowns at you dramatically, and before you can assure him you’re teasing, more feathers dart from behind him to yank the blankets off of you, the chill of morning dew making you whine in agony. “Keigo!”
“You’re pretty when you’re mad, too, doll.”
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irisintheafterglow · 1 year
It’d been three hours since you’d climbed into bed, but sleep wasn’t coming easy to you tonight. You’d stared at the ceiling and flipped the side you were sleeping on several dozen times, but nothing seemed to work. You pulled a wild card and dialed his number in a last-ditch effort to sleep. 
He picked up after two rings. 
“Give me five minutes.”
“I’ll be there in five minutes.”
“How? You’re fifteen minutes away at least.”
“I left ten minutes ago, duh. Felt like something was off.” 
“I adore you.”
“Yeah, I know you do. See you soon, love.”
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veenxys · 2 years
「BNHA Boys reacting to you wiping off their kiss as a joke」
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⤷ Bakugou
you were watching a movie that he honestly didn’t care much about. he changed positions all the time and it ended up upsetting you because you really wanted to see the movie, unlike him. he then whispers “sorry” and leaves a kiss on your temple as he puts his arm around your shoulders, you bite your lip to keep from smiling and run your hand across your temple, wiping his kiss away. he stops for a moment and looks at you in complete disbelief. were you mad because he moved too much? you wiped his kiss.. what the-? he couldn’t believe it, so he took the remote and paused the movie playing on the television. “what?” you ask innocently. he looks at you with the same indignant look and you can’t help but laugh at him. “oh, do you think it’s funny?” he says, crossing his arms. even with a playful smile plastered on your face, he still didn’t understand that it was just a joke. “why did you do that?” he asks seriously and you laugh more, knowing you need to talk real or else he’ll go crazy. “it’s just a joke, katsuki!” you tap your fingers lightly on his cheek and before your hand can fall into your lap again he grabs it and pulls you to him kissing all over your face as he says “i want to see if you can clear all these now”
⤷ Deku you took a pillow and put it on his lap, laying down. he smiles and starts stroking your hair with his free hand while the other one holds his phone. you stare at him for a few seconds and he puts his phone down, looking passionately at you. he leans in a little and leaves a soft kiss on your forehead that you’re quick to wipe away. he widens his eyes for a few seconds, swallowing hard because he thought he might have done something wrong that made you upset. it had to be that, right? there was no other reason for you to clean his kiss like that… he stiffens his posture and calls your name in a serious but also worried voice and you look at him with your eyes shining, wondering what was wrong. a part of him was relieved that you didn’t look angry, but another part of him looked even more worried that you didn’t look angry. so what was wrong? what happened? he decides to give you another kiss, this time on your lips. you’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel butterflies in your stomach, but you faked it really well by wiping your lips. you try to stay serious, but the way he looks at you makes you laugh until your cheeks hurt; he’s worried but in such a cute way that you can’t hide it anymore, so you just say it’s a joke and he sighs in relief, laughing with you before kissing you again.
⤷ Kirishima he would be so offended and scared at first that he would have no other reaction than to look at you with his eyes half wide as he stutters something. he tries to search for the right words, but all he can say - in a finely tuned voice - is “what did i do wrong?? is there something on my lips?” you try to look at him like he’s going crazy but you can’t as his expression makes you burst into laughter. and at that moment he lets out the breath he didn’t even know he was holding and shakes his head, laughing at you. “you’re bad… now you’ll have to put up with me” he says as he pins you to the couch and showers you with kisses and love.
⤷ Todoroki you were waiting for the train and he was in front of you while you shared your headphones; his two hands were around your waist affectionately. he leans down and kisses your forehead, pulling you a little closer to him. the moment would be cute if it weren’t for you wiping your forehead; he frowns and puts his fingers to his lips, looking at you he asks “is there something on my lips?” and his expression is so genuine but at the same time a little worried; you shake your head and bite your lip to keep from smiling. he touches your chin with his fingers and tilts your face so you look at him, “what’s wrong? tell me” he asks, eyes curiously scanning yours, as if searching for any trace of lying or anger. you smile playfully at him and your smile is all he needs to understand that it was just a silly joke. he smiles nervously back and you kiss the corner of his lips and his lips, which makes him laugh lightly.
⤷ Denki he would have a fit when you use the back of your hand to wipe his kiss on your lips. “heyyyyyy, don’t do this… don’t you want my kisses?” he asks in a thin but worried voice, making it hard not to laugh. he feels offended but doesn’t show it, but just the blush rising in his cheeks is enough for you to see what he’s feeling. silence taking over the room. “does my breath smell bad?” he says randomly, unable to contain his bubbly laughter. “was it my lunch? oh shit.. i need to go brush my teeth.” he got up, starting hurriedly to the bathroom. you grabbed his shirt quickly. “no wait, i’m just kidding! it was all a joke.” you eased, denki letting out a breathless groan before falling on top of you. “kaminari… get out…” you struggled, squirming under his frame of denial. “that was soo mean… i didn’t think you could do this to me. you’re paying for dinner.” he means it seriously, but you can hear a joke in his voice.
⤷ Tamaki he would feel very confused and insecure for some time. he wouldn’t immediately ask what was wrong because he didn’t know what to say; he kissed your cheek and you quickly wiped it away, it made him very worried and sad, but your behavior towards him didn’t change, which meant you weren’t angry or sad at him. he spends the rest of the day quiet, looking at you sideways and looking away when you look at him. he swallows and scratches the back of his neck as he remembers the scene; he feels so anxious and nervous he can barely talk to you. he doesn’t want to bother you and it ends up hurting you because he looks like a lost puppy with his eyes shining all day. you hug him from behind and he freezes not knowing what to do, you smile and kiss his back, which makes him melt a little. you move a little and take his cheeks in both hands, “hey bubba, it was just a joke! i’m sorry, i thought it would be fun but..” you don’t finish the sentence, just smile weakly. he takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, clearly demonstrating the relief he felt at hearing those words.
⤷ Shinsou
you were watching a new series together and suddenly he feels a tender urge to leave a kiss on your cheek just to distract you a little. you instantly wipe your cheek with your hand and he doesn’t show any kind of reaction. in fact, he helped you wipe your cheek. “the popcorn i made was very buttery, make sure you take it all out so it doesn’t leave any oil on your skin.” you couldn’t even answer, there was no way to answer. you look at him a little confused and he just smiles slightly before turning his attention to the television again. he’s so cute and thoughtful that you couldn’t keep a passionate smile from appearing on your face. you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. “ugh i’m sorry” you mutter laughing against his shirt and he frowns, patting you on the back. “sorry for what?” he says when you sit in your seat again. “uhm…nothing. forget it” you say and grab a popcorn from him; really buttery
⤷ Hawks he was training and after a while he paused, sweat staining his forehead as you handed him a bottle of water to cool off. a small kiss from him of thanks was the reply, to which you easily wiped it away. “hey what-?” he winked at you with his brow furrowed and his lips still attached to the rim of the water bottle. “what was that?” he gave you a nonsensical look, genuinely confused as to why you didn’t accept his kiss. “what?” you tilted your head innocently, acting as if nothing had happened. “you… wiped my kiss.” he pouted, standing up. you shrugged your shoulders, your face utterly confused almost making your facade crack. you could see the wheels turning in his mind; he shook his head fervently, went back to training as if nothing had happened - but his mind didn’t stop for a single second. and a few minutes later he sat down on the floor. “baby?” you asked, arching your brow at his behavior. “i lost motivation. my love was rejected.” he sighed dramatically, now lying fully on his back. “what do you mean?” you crouched down, leaning in to land a deep kiss on his lips. “woah woah woah woahhh..” he gaped, his eyes bursting with amazement. “it was just a joke, love” you said, and he smiles a little “so i’m going to need a refund to get my motivation back”
⤷ Dabi he liked being the one to receive rather than give, just to see how needy you would have become if you hadn’t received attention from him. he liked to tease you and play with you, and today you thought might be the perfect time to get back at him. “dabi… can i get a kiss?” he looked from his phone to where you were. “now you’re asking so nicely, how could i say no?” maneuvering his head to softly kiss your lips, looking at you as you used the back of your hand to wipe the kiss. “hey.. what is this?” he used his foot to swivel the chair back to where you were sitting next to him “acting like a brat? is this your way of getting back at me?” his dazzling eyes read you like a book. every time. “i had an itch.” your apology proving to be more regrettable than you anticipated in your head. “oh yeah? so please let me help you.”bewildered, you shrank back against the chair with a squeak – dabi advancing on you at an alarming rate. he gives you a breathtaking kiss, the kind of kiss that makes you lose your ground. he pulls away and you’re breathing heavily. “is not fair.” you snorted, but he looked very pleased with himself.
⤷ Shigaraki
you knew it would be wrong to do this to him because he didn’t usually show so much affection through gestures and even without him admitting it, you knew he was insecure. but it was just a joke, it wouldn’t hurt, right? wrong. the moment you wiped your cheek after he gave you a light kiss, he got so angry. he didn’t say anything and that was the problem; he ignored you all day like a sulky child. on the outside he was cold and angry, but on the inside he was so broken and sad. he thought of many things; was it the scars on his lips that bothered you? were you stopping loving him? did you not like his love? he was so confused and ended up showing it in rude ways that made you back off when you went to talk to him. until you finally worked up the courage to tell him it was just a joke; you even showed videos you saw on tiktok of people doing this. he looks at your phone and looks at you, rolls his eyes and goes back to what he was doing before. you leave a kiss on his forehead as an apology and when you leave he smiles in relief.
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kurooh · 18 days
i love this man. ♡ lil suggestive
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keigo’s wings betray him with their movement, revealing how he feels at even the most inconvenient of times. he swears they have a mind of their own, which is always so goddamn annoying whenever he’s having a serious discussion or interaction.
“no get off me, you ate my leftovers.” he pushes you off his lap, his wings pressed into the couch and resting still.
“kei i’m sorry! seriously, they were like three days old and in the back of the fridge!” frustrated, you throw your hands around wildly. “kei, don’t be unreasonable.”
“i’m not,” he sniffs, his chin jutting out as he turns his head to the side stubbornly. “those were MY goddamn chicken wings.”
“i’ll buy them for you,” you offer, attempting to sit on his lap again, this time facing him instead of sitting sideways. he shakes his head, still looking away from you. again, he tries to shove you off in his pettiness, but your legs wrap around him, and you hook your ankles together at the small of his back.
“no. you’re not winning this argument, keigo.”
“yes i am,” he reaches behind him and shoves his fluttery wings against the couch to prevent further movement. he’s still dramatically looking away from you. “i don’t care what you do, but i’m gonna mourn my KFC.”
“fuck off,” you groan, grabbing his face in your hands and kissing his cheeks. he tries to tug away from you, and you accidentally rub against him as you unsuccessfully try to grab him back. his wings start to twitch.
you aim for his neck this time, kissing his sweet spots below his jaw and behind his ears. delicately, your lips brush against the tender skin, occasionally puckering to give him kisses. one of his wings snaps out from between the couch cushions and his back, jerking to the side fully opened. glancing towards his face, you notice the irritated crease of his brow as he tries to control his other twitching wing.
your sweet kisses become wet as you gently suck his skin; now your tongue lightly trails over his delicious sweet spots. keigo releases a shaky breath, his pinned wing starting to flutter frantically. still, he’s fighting to maintain his sour expression, despite your successful ministrations.
after a particularly sloppy kiss to the spot right below his chin, you feel a firmness in his lap, and you see his facade cracking slowly. when his wings flutter hard at the same time, you go in for the kill, nipping right at the spot you’d just kissed. finally, keigo chokes out a groan, and his wing jerks to the side, the both of them trembling behind him.
“are you done now?” you ask, pressing your chest to his and loosening the grip of your legs around his waist.
“shut up.” keigo says seriously, his face hot as he stares at your smug expression.
“in case i don’t tell you enough, i love your wings.”
he glares at you, and your lips split into a smile as you erupt in a fit of giggles, pulling off his lap and laying on your back beside him. your legs still rest on his well muscled thighs, clad in sweatpants.
he starts to laugh too, falling on top of you and burying his face in your neck as he wheezes a little. “you.. you annoy me so bad sometimes.”
“thanks, you do too.” you yank his hair, and keigo hisses, coming up from your neck to give you a kiss before snuggling against you.
“let’s go get the KFC,” he whispers against your ear. “i’ll write my name on my box and yours on your box.”
“okay okay, fine. i won’t eat your leftovers, kei.”
“promise?” you glance at him and his eyebrow is raised dangerously, his fingers poised at your sides to attack you with tickles in case you answer wrong.
“yes keigo. i promise.”
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the-travelling-witch · 2 months
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summary: just some small hand holding headcanons ♡
pairings: katsuki :: hawks :: shouto :: deku x gn! reader
miscellaneous masterlist (i really need to give bnha it's own ml soon, i will infiltrate this fandom /silly)
update: i made a bnha masterlist
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katsuki likes intertwining your fingers. at the start of your relationship, he was hesitant to do so, afraid he could accidentally hurt you with his quirk or scare you off with how hot and rough they are (not that he ever told you as much). so when you slowly warmed him up to the idea, he held your hand very carefully at first.
by now, however, his grip on you is firm and self-assured, pulling you closer to him in crowded areas or just enjoying the feel of your hand in his calloused one. the pro hero has also resigned himself to being your own personal hand warmer in the winter, cupping your freezing fingers between his palms with only minimal complaining.
keigo likes playing with your hands. whether you’re watching a movie on a rare night in or you’re in a restaurant with your hands resting on the table, chances are keigo is reaching over to cradle your hand in his, a boyish grin on his handsome face.
sometimes it’s really just him fiddling with your fingers to keep his own busy. but in instances where it’s just the two of you, he’s tracing his thumb along the length of your fingers and mapping the lines on your palms, culminating in the featherlight kisses he flutters against your knuckles and wrist.
shouto likes linking your pinkies. sure, he’s much more confident in your relationship than at the beginning, where he’d basically wait for you to initiate affection for him to know this was okay. back then, it was his way of asking for affection in whatever way you would see fit to show him at the moment.
but even after learning more about both you and himself, as well as the social norms around dating, he has taken a liking to the gesture. it is sweet and low-key enough to not draw much attention if you’re out and about, but still a good way to ground himself and make sure you’re still there with him.
izuku likes it when you play with his hands. even as an adult he still has the habit of losing himself in his rambled tangents at times and taking his hand in yours is an effective way of snapping him out of it.
the gentle way with which you hold him, like he was a delicate thing, lifts the responsibilities of always putting other’s well-being before his own right off his shoulders. deku is too flustered to ever say it out loud but, when you lovingly trace and kiss the scars on his hands instead of looking at them as if they’re a flaw, his ears and cheeks feel like they’ve been set ablaze.
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© the-travelling-witch 2024 - do not repost, translate, copy or edit; do not copy into an ai
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metranart · 2 months
Acting like a bird in heat, Hawks ends up fulfilling his mating cycles with you… but now that his mind isn’t a pool of hormones… why does he keep looking for you?
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Hawks x Student! Reader (Part 1)
Warning tag: obsessed! Hawks, possessive! Hawks, naive! student reader, violation of trust, dubious consent, mating cycles, rut response, obsessive behavior, uncontrollable thirst for reader, manipulation, forced, thigh riding, hormonal minds out of control, sexual content, first time, cock riding, teenage fuck, Dabi's toxically interested in you, Bakugo bestie yet secretly inlove wit you, love confessions, cock-drunk, Hawks trying to be good but failing miserably, gaslighting, HEAVY plot, lots of smut.
The last time you saw him, your fingers dripped in his milky and creamy essence, his cheeks were bright red, and foggy as the feather adorning his back, and his voice held an elusive pant as if trying to catch his breath, along with his actions. Self-consciousness, the new mask for him to wear as he disentangled your hand from his now flaccid cock, almost caringly, half-lidded golden orbs shinning in its post-delirium bliss yet hiding a regretful truth. How the fuck did this happened? And why the hell did he allowed it? What was that new confusing feeling inside his chest?Takami Keigo knew what it was, but had never had such a close encounter with it in his whole life. 
No man, no citizen, no hero... –shall call himself trustworthy, after what he did. After the kind of thoughts that now circled his brain...agh! and he called himself the Number two hero. What a farse.
A steady hand passed through his golden locks, disheveled strands restricting the smooth motion, as he heavily sighed. 
I need a bath, thought mildly annoyed. Maybe that would serve him to clear his mind and untangle the treacherous feeling threatening to drive him insane, a cold shower would serve the purpose of cooling the deep mortification, he was experiencing. Fresh summer wind ruffled the papers scattered on top of his desk and at the same time, refreshed his blushing skin. The memory of his recent untactful sin, raving his brain like a horde of savages attacking a peaceful village. Damn his luck. Damn his choice of actions and must of all, damned the day, he saved you. Hawks could still remember so many details, little yet so endearing details about you. When arrived at the scene never thought for a minute, would become involved in such colorful acts.
Everything went peachy during the rescue; Endeavor handled the Villain with upmost care while incinerating his head right away from his body. Tactful, the winged hero recalled to think quite amused, it would have been a scarring scene, if not were for the villain being a Nomus. Yet, he couldn’t avoid but to think, there still were so many more options to reach the same end. His job in this particular scene was easy, to say the least. Save the hostage. A sweet, scared and highly ordinary young girl who found herself trapped in the crossed fire. UA uniform hugging your figure, as the Nomus paraded itself around you like a bee setting his sting to hurt. There was little time to act, and the moment the flames exploded from the Number one hero, Hawks saw his window open to save the deceptive young girl. Flying through hell fire landed with a soft thud in front of you, displaying his wings to envelop you in a cocoon of feathers, the red flames licking his crimson wings while shielding you from harm.
His gloved hands went straight to your waist in a studied motion, at the same time his gaze fixed in yours asking for permission to touch you, you almost threw yourself at him like a trembling leaf who seek shelter from the chaotic winds. The winged hero was quick enough to pull you into his welcome arms and fly up, taking you both from the ground just in time. The scorching heat caressed his flying form before both were out of reach. The crowd around the sinister cheered the incineration of the villain, and a swift smirk kidnapped the blonde’s lips in a sassy gest.
He knew he have it in him, Endeavor just needed a few notches in the right direction. All those musings were curtly interrupted as his eyes focused on the civilian resting in his arms, your round eyes caught him off guard, nevertheless, was quick to smile and reassure your questioning stare. You seemed in shock, probable still were. These nasty things never left a sweet taste behind. Flying you to the safety of the ground, landed near the scene, but far away to gift you with some privacy to compose. Hawks gently unwrapped you from his chest and placed a comforting hand over your hunched shoulders, reassuring smile always present in his welcome expression. "It´s ok, you are safe now." His palm gently squeezed your shoulder, thumb doing comforting circle motions over the fabric of the uniform. "Breath, in and out, you'll see how you feel better in matter of seconds–" You managed to quirk the edge of your lip up, and your frame stopped shaking, the tremors slowly disappearing the more oxygen you gulped. "Atta girl" The hero cheered, lowly. "In and out, you’re almost a pro." His good-hearted joke reaped the fruits as a melodic giggle escaped out of you, and your tense frame seemed to relax. "T-thank you, Hawks" you timidly stammered, eyes glued to your fidgeting fingers interlacing each other, nervously.
Looking up from your hands met his gleeful stare, and your cheeks gained a dust of pink. Your lips opened and closed as if wanted to say something but didn’t dare to. Hawks pretended no to notice, to save you the embarrassment. 
He was used to have this effect over the female population, every woman in town was one smirk away from his warm bed, but the young hero had grown tired of those kinds of relationships. When you can have all, you can eat, eventually the buffet seemed less attractive, almost boring.
He liked sex, holly shit, he fucking did! as much as the next guy would. But he needed a challenge –   actually wasn’t sure what he needed, but something inside him was unsatisfied and restless, continuingly poking at the back of his mind.
“Don’t mention it, cutie.” The hero said simply and looking around, realized that your home shouldn't be far away.
“If you want, I can take you to your house" he suggested, in a carefree and friendly tone, "flying everything is closer." Cheerfully, added.
Taking a moment to think, nibble your lower lip a bit but you ended up accepting. His amber glasses shone under the rays of the sun and without preamble, he offered you his arms which you nervously climb for him to leave the safety of the ground and surf the sky, again.
"Are you comfortable?” Keigo asked, feeling your body a little tense among his arms, being carried bride style across the sky would definitely woo any girl, nevertheless, you seem more uncomfortable than anything else. 
“M´Ok.” you said, curtly, and hawks, merely nodded. “By the way, are we heading in the right direction?"
A blush swept across your cheeks at the realization of what he just stated, and timidly squeezing his arm to feel more secure, you glanced down and before you could tell him exactly where your house was, you noticed something coating your fingers.
“You are hurt!” You half-yelled worried, looking at your blood covered hand, and then, at his wounds. You had not noticed it because he had not said anything, nor had he complained, but his arm was burned and one of his wings was semi-scorched. To which the young hero, just shrugged his shoulders, not giving it much importance.
"Comes with the territory." He openly joked, but your eyebrows continued to frown. "It's not serious, a few of Endevour´s flames got me... nothing that won't heal in a few days." He encouraged you, but you weren't able to shake the feeling of guilt.
You had been training hard to become a hero, and just when it was time to prove yourself, you froze.
It was so, so embarrassing that Todoroki's father had to save you, that you refused to go back to the dormitory you shared with your class A classmates. Surely, they would be worried, not to mention, you had already ghosted, a few text messages from Professor Aizawa asking if you were okay. But you just kept feeling like you let everyone down. That was why you preferred to go home and cry your eyes out in the solitude of your bedroom, or among your mom’s arms. 
Now, you felt even worse, since Hawks, the number two hero, was injured because of you. Maybe he didn't show it since he was too professional, but that wound was serious and would take more than a few days to heal, not to mention it could get infected.
Ugh! you had to help him, was the least you could do… It was what a true hero would do.
Setting your mind, you decided to use your quirk on him, despite Recovery Girl several warnings. Without a doubt, you could heal him... now the only setback was, not losing control while doing it.
An idea suddenly lights your brain, and catching a glimpse of a well-known hidden alleyway, near your house, you signaled to him that you had arrived.
Hawks landed softly, and let you down, looking around the place. "I'll take you to the door, which one is yours?" The young hero, offered.
“...Is the one on the other side of the alley.” You indicated, signaling a house, close by.
“Oh, fine.” Keigo said, not really understanding why you choose to walk instead of fly straight to your house, but he let it pass. “Lead the way, then.”
Both entered the alley which was being embraced by thin shadows and before you reached the other side, you turned around and looking at Hawks with embarrassment, you fidgeted with your fingers for a moment. Surprise morphed Keigo´s features comically when out of all the requests in the world, you suddenly asked. 
“May-may I give you a kiss?” You asked, timidly and noticing his bemused expression, corrected. “...As a way of thanking you.... for saving me....”
Your timid request took him by surprise momentarily, but soon his features regain his cool, and was quick to nod to then leant down. A kiss on the cheek, Keigo thought it to be innocent enough, not a usual request, nevertheless, a simple one. If this put you to rest, he'll humor you. Keigo was cocking his head for you to place your sweet lips.... it's now or never, you breathed deeply.... if you were going to use your quirk, now was the moment.
Two slender hands perched in each side of the Hero´s face and in a firm, straight movement, you cocked his face in your direction, surprise registered in his face, and his golden orbs popped open at the feeling of your lips locking with his.    
⭕️ In my PATREON you will find NSFW art of this chapter and more spicy MHA NSFW art and exclusive smut fanfiction.... Plus 'Spicy Foreplay tier reward' like: voting poll privilege for the exclusively Patreon one-shot stories where you can choose the couple pairing and kinky mood for the story and NSFW art, along with some naughty animation like THIS ONE ....and my eternal and vast gratitude for your support!!!
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“shut up and fuck me already,” you say, frustrated and annoyed. your partner breaks the sloppy mess of a kiss to look at you, his lips curling into a snarky smirk. “can’t be patient, can you?” he mutters, his hot, panting breaths grazes on your skin as he pulls your body more into his. “I know I’m hot, but I didn’t know to you im irresistible,”
“don’t get it to far into that head, bird brain.” you bite back as you hear his annoying voice chuckle at your eagerness. His hand grips your neck as he forces your eyes to look into his, his hips grinding into you..
“always for you, sweetheart.”
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euthymiya · 24 days
Scandals Are Good for the Heart ft. Takami Keigo (Hawks)
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Synopsis: As his publicist, you’re supposed to be the one who gets Pro Hero Hawks out of scandals. Not in them. He doesn’t seem half as bothered by the headlines as you, though—in fact, he doesn’t seem bothered by them at all. He seems oddly thrilled
Contains: fem reader ; reader is keigo’s publicist ; takes place before all might’s retirement ; implied alcohol drinking ; implied sexual relations (there is no explicit content, though) ; getting together ; coworkers to fuck buddies to lovers ; reader has no quirk (or lack thereof) specified
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Despite his cheeky nature, Keigo is good at avoiding scandals. And you’re good at cleaning them up. It makes for a good, effortless duo. He stays out of trouble, and you’re an expert at cleaning up the few minimal slip ups he does occasionally make, and he gets to keep a pristine, popular public persona.
So what happens when both of you seem to have made a joint effort to making the biggest tabloid headline of the year?
“Yeesh,” he winces, eyeing the pictures with a grimace as you sit frozen in shock, “they got my bad side.”
“Your bad side?” You hiss, fighting the urge to throw your phone at him as you glare. Your phone is too costly to afford that, though, so you eye the stapler on his desk for a brief moment. “We’re photographed on every media outlet kissing as we leave together and you’re worried about your bad side?”
“Well, they got your good side so it’s easy for you to say,” he pouts, yelping as he dodges the stapler when you really do throw it. “It’s a compliment!”
“Hawks,” you grit, rubbing your temple as you take a deep breath. He’s good at avoiding messes, so you’ve never had trouble working with him, but that doesn’t mean his personality hasn’t gotten under your skin before. His nonchalance can be pretty infuriating at times. “This is serious.”
“Is it?” He teases, wriggling two busy brows as he leans back in his chair. “Care to enlighten me why?”
“Because now everyone will know that…that…”
“That what? We fuck? Technically, they don’t know that far just yet.”
“Keep your voice down,” you gasp, turning to look at his door to make sure there’s no receding footsteps close enough to hear him.
He chuckles, like this is all just an amusing little turn of events. Of course, for him, it must be. Scandals like these always blow over for the well-loved, popular heroes. People like you are simply the targets of ruthless fans, ripped apart by media. This isn’t a mess you can easily clean up for yourself—and who would hire you after this? Certainly no other respectable hero or agency. Why would anyone want a publicist who kisses their clients in such a scandalous manner in public? (And more importantly, why would they want a publicist who kisses their clients at all?)
“Things happen,” he shrugs, eyeing you with that smug, smooth little grin of his. Such an asshole, you want to spit the insult at him, but instead, you grip the armrest of your chair to keep from throwing anything else at his head.
“You’re not worried about this at all? What will the commission say?” You insist. He hums, tapping his chin lightly in thought before he looks back at you—he looks positively enthused.
“They’ll say we’ll have to make it look believable for at least a bit so people don’t get a bad image of me. Don’t you think so?”
“So that’s your solution,” you sputter, looking at him in disbelief. “We keep up an act?”
You don’t know how you got here.
Well, really, you do—you just didn’t think it’d escalate to this. Going out for drinks with Keigo and a few other people in the agency isn’t really out of the ordinary. What is out of the ordinary is one day waking up in his bed, wrapped up in his arms (and wings) as he snores into the back of your neck. Your clothes are strewn across the floor, and there’s a dull ache of soreness in your body that tells you something very telling about your activities the previous night.
You were drunk, you’d reasoned that day. Drunk and unaware of what you both were doing and made a bad decision or two. It’s nothing you can’t fix—you simply just never have to do it again.
But you do it again. And again. And again. What’s worse? You do it completely sober the next few times. Sometimes in risky and shameless places that you don’t even want to sit and remember. You’ve both always been good about hiding it, though. No one has ever suspected you—and if they have, they seem to know to keep their mouths shut about it because nothing close to any rumors or evidence has ever been leaked.
Until now, at least. One sloppy night of drinking again has led you both to this predicament. And you’re not quite sure how to dig yourselves out of this one—you’ve never been the cause of a scandal before, let alone done damage control to save yourself.
Keigo doesn’t look half as troubled as you. He doesn’t look troubled at all, in fact—he looks bright and thrilled by the whole of it.
“Who says it has to be an act?” He slowly grins at you, wider, cheekier, a little softer. A loose feather comes towards you, you can see it from the corner of your eye. It gently traces over your jawline before grazing your cheek, making you huff as your face feels hot.
“If this is your way of asking someone out, I can see why you’ve never had a relationship scandal before this. You’re awful at romance.”
“That’s harsh,” he pouts, “I’m being very vulnerable here.”
“Yeah, totally,” you snort.
Finally, he rises from his chair, slowly walking around his desk before making his way over to you. His hands grab yours, and you think he’ll pull you to stand to meet his—instead, he kneels down to meet you.
“Can we stop doing that thing we do?” He asks quietly, oddly vulnerable this time.
You let out a shaky breath, swallowing as you stare down at your joined hands. “What thing?” You ask quietly.
“The one where we get really close one moment and pretend like nothing happened the next? It’s getting to me. Might hurt my performance, even. Can’t have that as a top hero.”
“Guess not,” you smile gently, huffing a soft, breathy laugh. “I wouldn’t want that blood on your hands if you messed up.”
“Our hands,” he corrects, “since it’s partly on you, too.”
“Definitely just yours,” you tease, plucking one hand out of his to poke his lip as he pouts again. “So…”
“So…?” He prods, waiting for you to finish.
“So we’re really doing this?”
“Is that a yes?” He brightens, feathers ruffling slightly in excitement.
He’s so precious sometimes, you forget the horrors of his job. The risks and dangers he faces. It’s not easy, you think, being with someone who does something so unpredictable for a living. So much uncharted territories you’re not sure you want to chart.
But then you meet his eyes, honey and earth swirling in two big, hopeful circles. Something rattles in your ribcage, aching to be freed, shaking at the cage that is your bones.
“This isn’t a good idea,” you whisper. His lips are already leaning closer and closer.
He hums, murmuring a nonchalant, “can’t be harder than some of the fights I’ve won. I’m still standing.”
“That doesn’t help,” you scowl.
He chuckles, leaning in and pressing a soft, delicate kiss to your lips. Hesitant, even—like he’s giving you room to pull away if you wanted.
The problem is you never can. Not even it comes to him.
“Keigo,” you sigh softly, using his given name in a rare moment. He tells it to you drunk one night. He tells you bits and pieces a lot of the time he’s drunk—his childhood and his training. His past and his story.
There’s a lot more you want to know. A lot more you can’t know unless you take a brave, bold step past the line you never dared cross.
“Yeah?” He humbles, lips still hovering over yours.
“You’re going to make me the nations most hated person among the ladies.”
He laughs, bright and thrilled. Something oddly gleeful and innocent that doesn’t get to come from him often.
“I’ll protect you,” he winks, “I’m a top hero, after all.”
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You can’t suppress the grin on your face when Keigo bursts into your office, staring at you bewildered.
“Hi baby,” you grin.
He shoots you a betrayed glare, narrowing his eyes as he mumbles, “don’t hi baby me. What is this?”
“It’s a picture,” you pretend to carefully study the photo on his screen as he turns his phone to face you, “of you. Surely you know what your own face looks like, Keigo.”
“I know it’s a picture of me, but my point is why did you post it?”
“To make things official?” You raise a brow, looking at him like it’s obvious. He huffs, slumping onto the chair across from your desk as he glowers. “You asked me to.”
“Yeah, so you decided to post a picture of me drooling in my sleep?”
“Hey, but look! I got your good side!” You point out enthusiastically, giving him an innocent smile.
It’s a dangerous smile. Keigo is too weak to keep his angry facade up as soon as you shoot him that look, deflating as he rubs his temples.
“You couldn’t have picked a more flattering picture?”
“I think you look rather cute,” you tease, humming as you grab his hand across the table, rubbing over his knuckles. He grumbles, looking away as he tries his best to hide the red flush that blooms across his cheeks.
“This is the worst. You’re supposed to improve my image, you know.”
“I am,” you gasp in defense, “I’m making you look sweet and adorable. The people will love it. Now go get back to work and stop distracting me from mine.”
“Can’t you please delete it and post something else—”
“See you later! Mwah!”
You wave him away with a blown kiss, and he stares at you miserably before sighing in defeat, slinking out of your office with a glum look at you over his shoulder.
You wink as your eyes meet briefly—and there’s a lot more pictures you’re hope he’s prepared to have of himself published.
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I have not watched or read bnha in over a year so have mercy on me I am still remembering/figuring out how to characterize hawks but. What I do have figured out is. I want to ****** *** **** ***** ** *** 😇
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kleftiko · 1 year
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ft. aizawa, hawks, bakugo, dabi
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your daughter looked up at eri as she taught the younger girl how to style hair clips and accessories. your daughter was just over a year old, curious about things but not good with coordination, so eri enjoyed being the big sister and teaching her all about fashion. and who was the model for her cosmetology lessons? none other than your husband, shota. there was nothing his girls couldn’t get away with, so he sat patiently as he graded work on the floor as they tugged and pulled on his black locks. every once in a while there was a wince or grimace on his face because they weren’t that gentle, but he didn’t say anything. you silently laughed watching them from across the room, thinking that you couldn’t have chosen a better man.
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the habitual babbling of your little boy rang through the kitchen. you looked up at the clock because you knew your boyfriend would be coming home around this time. it seemed your son was starting to get a sense of time by figuring out when his dad came back everyday. and just as planned, the front door flew open, and a rush of red flew in front of you, straight to the highchair as keigo lifted your son. the air was instantly filled with giggles and kisses as the hero greeted his pride and joy. for a minute you were an afterthought, going back to your work until he gave you a few sweet kisses in greeting, son still in his arms.
“can we have a girl next?” he asked and you smiled at him sarcastically.
“can i have a ring?”
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you heard him shouting from the other room.
“don’t put that in your mouth! give me that!”
your daughter babbled in the same tone right back at him. despite not knowing how to speak yet, she gave her dad the exact same amount of attitude that he dished out. you were curious and apprehensive to see when she grew up.
“don’t talk to me that way!”
“katsuki!” you called. “keep it down.”
your husband emerged from the room, holding a freshly changed daughter on his hip who was muching happily on a clean diaper.
“she started it.” he grumbled and you rolled your eyes at his beef with an eight month old. “anyway, i—ow, shit!”
your daughter had bit his shoulder, obviously preferring her dad over the diaper.
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“i’m home!” you called but got no reply. you kicked off your shoes and went searching for your boys, only to find them in your bedroom. both were napping on the bed, dabi curled his body around his son as if to protect him from the world. your little boy had one hand grasping his dad’s shirt tightly, the other grabbing at dabi’s mouth, some fingers having pulled his lip down a bit. your heart melted at the sight, and you immediately sighed. your instinct was to curl up with them and hold them, but you couldn’t bring yourself to disturb them so you just watched fondly for a couple minutes before dabi’s eyes naturally fluttered open. he blinked a bit before noticing you.
“if he doesn’t get his hand out of my mouth i’m burning him.”
“toya, no.”
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keikiri-kitten · 5 months
keigo likes to stare at you. you like to stare at keigo <3
Just imagine Keigo staring at you. He loves to get up close and personal every time he does. He’s always leaning in ever so slightly to get a better look at you, but what he doesn’t realize is that he’s presenting an ethereal view.
You can see him so clearly now and oh my, is he stunning. His color palette is gold; in fact, the only contrast on his face are his pupils. There’s even a warm tone to his rosy-pink lips. He’s smiling at you— always. Whether it be a gentle tug of the lips or a full grin, the shimmer in his eyes are always in view.
Speaking of his eyes, they’re so much prettier bare faced. They’re big, bright and pierce right through you all of the time. There’s only a slight angle to them without his liner, but his thick, flared, bushy, wheat colored lashes frame his gilded eyes perfectly. Only when he gets close to you like this is when you can spot the hills of honey and valleys of tawny in his irises. You almost curse that one lock of blonde curling over one of his eyes. He doesn’t mind it as long as he’s looking at you.
Sometimes you forget that he’s real; like you can’t reach out and touch him. And even with your hand lifting as if you’re reaching for a figment of your imagination, he pushes his face closer to you so the tips of your fingers can graze along the scruff of his chin. He’s indeed real. They brush over rough facial hair, teasing up to a strong, bare jawline and even higher to full, soft cheeks. That’s the only time his eyes close. And they close slowly as his cheek forces its way into the palm of your hand. He says nothing but tugs the left corner of his lip up for a brief moment. As his smile falls only a little, his eyes open once more to look you in the face.
You have to pull yourself back for small breather, trying to catch the breath you didn’t know stopped. The full image of him is stunning. Keigo’s hair falls in layers around his face and dusts right along his shoulders. All of that free time after the war gave him the opportunity to let his hair grow out again. Wheat tones of blonde, brown and platinum add to your pretty hero’s allure. His hair only has a bit of unruliness to it today, not worried about it being out of his face for fightings sake.
He’s in a natural state. Wearing a loose button down only done up halfway, allowing you to see straight down his shirt and his sun kissed skin. You can’t miss the discolored scar he earned right over his neck and collarbone from his time fighting villains on your travel down his abdomen. That’s not the only scar he had but it’s the biggest one. He stands before you in loose fitting lounge pants, hands stuffed in his pockets. He’s stared at you so long the only thing he can think of is laying a fat, damp kiss to your lips. You two were only in this position because he wanted to get a bit playful. However, as passionate as he is, his playfulness comes in waves. Now all he feels is warmth.
To cut the intensity, he swims closer to press that kiss to your lips before standing upright. “Alright,” he drags. Sauntering away from you with his hands in his pockets and a coy smile on his lips, he chuckles at your attempt to throw a couch pillow at him until his instincts allow him to grab it. How dare he tease you— without having to do much at all?
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doumadono · 5 months
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♡ Dabi ♡
Dabi, maintaining his usual nonchalant demeanor, brushes off Valentine's Day as insignificant. "It's just another day," he grumbles when you inquire about plans, his gaze fixed on something distant.
Despite his indifference towards the holidays of any kind, Dabi ensures that you feel loved every day. He might not express it verbally, but through his actions, like a gentle touch or a shared glance, he conveys his affection.
Dabi, surprisingly in touch with emotions, recognizes that you might have different expectations for Valentine's Day. "I get it, you want some romantic crap. Fine," he reluctantly admits, acknowledging the importance it holds for you.
Instead of traditional gifts, Dabi puts thought into finding something unique that resonates with you. It could be a rare book, a piece of artwork, or an item related to your hobbies. "I figured you'd like this better than some cliché crap, doll," he remarks.
During the day, Dabi might express his affection in subtle ways. A brush of his fingers against yours, a lingering glance, a warm hug, a rare smile or a shared cigarette.
Dabi, not one for grand gestures, suggests spending quality time together. "We can do whatever you want."
Dabi prefers low-key activities, so he suggests a casual day out rather than an extravagant date. It could be a stroll through a less crowded part of town or a visit to a place that holds personal significance.
Dabi values private moments over public displays of affection. He might pull you aside for a quiet conversation or a shared moment away from prying eyes, kissing you passionatelly in an alley after picking the order from your favourite restaurant.
In the evening, Dabi might create a quiet, intimate atmosphere. He pulls you close, whispering, "I'm not good with words, but you know what you mean to me, right?" His actions speak louder than any declaration.
The evening is peaceful, just the two of you, enjoying each other's company without the need for excessive words.
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♡ Shigaraki ♡
Shigaraki openly expresses his disdain for Valentine's Day, dismissing it as a celebration that glorifies something horrific. "It's just a stupid, commercialized excuse to sell crap. I don't get the hype," he grumbles.
Despite his aversion, when he notices your excitement for the occasion, Shigaraki chooses to bite his tongue.
In a rare show of consideration, Shigaraki instructs Kurogiri to order a bouquet of your favorite flowers from the local florist. This act of embracing the holiday, even reluctantly, is his way of showing that he cares about your happiness.
"I don't get why people like this crap, but if it makes you happy, I'm willing to change my mind."
Shigaraki, true to his personality, prefers a minimalist celebration. Instead of grand gestures, he might suggest a quiet evening or a simple dinner, keeping the focus on the two of you without succumbing to excessive sentimentality.
He ensures that all the League of Villains members are assigned unexpected additional missions, even though they may express their discontent. Shigaraki wants to spend this day with you only.
As the day progresses, Shigaraki might quietly observe your joy. "You better appreciate this. I don't do this for just anyone," he remarks, a hint of satisfaction in his tone, showing that your happiness matters to him.
For the evening, Shigaraki proposes an anti-romantic movie night, selecting films that defy typical romantic clichés. "None of that sappy stuff. Let's watch something that doesn't make my teeth hurt," he suggests.
As you drift into slumber nestled in his embrace, he delicately traces patterns on your back with his pinky cautiously elevated to prevent any accidental decay. "I love you, little Y/N," he whispers, even though he's well aware that you're already lost in the realm of dreams.
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♡ Bakugo ♡
Valentine's Day, according to Bakugo, is a bothersome and superficial affair, hiding behind a facade of fake sentimentality. Ranting about the superficiality of the day, Katsuki loudly declares, "I don't need some capitalist crap to tell me when to appreciate someone, tsk!"
"It's a dumb day. Why should I care?" Initially dismissing the idea of celebrating, he flaunted his lack of interest until the sight of your disappointment shattered his nonchalant façade.
Experiencing a pang in his chest, he noticed your lower lip trembling as you tried to assure him that you didn't need to participate. Even though he often expressed his emotions through actions, he couldn't shake the feeling that this time might be different.
With a resigned sigh, he swallows his pride, extending a genuine apology. He confesses to a change of heart, "Look, I changed my damn mind. No harm in spending time together or making this stupid day special, I guess. You're important or whatever."
Bakugo, true to himself, plans unconventional celebration. "If we're gonna do this, we'll do it my goddamn way. Tsk, I heard there's a place with those damn fluffy dogs. Don't get any ideas, I just thought it might be amusing or something," he grumbles, leading you to a Shiba cafe.
Bakugo finds himself in a rare, awkward position as one of the dogs playfully jumps on him. "Stupid mutt, get off!" he protests, but you catch a fleeting, embarrassed smile as he secretly enjoys the canine attention.
As you both sip coffee surrounded by Shiba Inu companions, Bakugo, unaccustomed to public displays of affection, reaches for your hand under the table and rubs its top with his thumb while drinking his espresso.
The sheer joy on Bakugo's face as a Shiba snuggles against him is a sight to behold. He attempts to hide it with a dismissive comment, "They're just damn dogs, but whatever, they're kinda cute, I guess."
Upon arriving home, Bakugo could catch you off guard by presenting a dessert skillfully shaped like a heart. "It's stupid, but fine. You better eat it," he grumbles, a touch of pride in his eyes surfacing as you commend his cooking prowess.
As the day draws to a close, Bakugo may catch you off guard with an unforeseen tender moment – enfolding you in his sturdy arms, drawing you snugly against his robust chest. He gently massages your shoulders and plants affectionate kisses on your face. "I love you, Y/N. Make sure you never forget that," he declares, his words carrying a sincerity that transcends his usual gruff demeanor.
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♡ Shoto ♡
While Shoto may come across as indifferent to Valentine's Day, the truth is, he's like a child eagerly anticipating a visit to a candy store, envisioning a day filled with profound love shared with you.
Shoto brims with an unusual level of excitement, eager to shower you with pampering and spoils. While he typically engages in such gestures, this time, he has elaborate plans under wraps – surprises that would catch you off guard and leave you pleasantly astonished.
On Valentine's morning, you wake up to the irresistible aroma of a homemade breakfast. Shoto, armed with a chef's apron, presents a heart-shaped feast, each dish crafted with precision and love. As you enter the kitchen, he greets you with a warm smile, "Happy Valentine's Day. This is just the beginning."
Throughout the day, you discover tiny love notes strategically placed in unexpected corners. Each note holds sweet affirmations, showcasing Shoto's meticulous effort to sprinkle your day with joy.
In a quiet moment, Shoto presents you with a carefully crafted, handmade gift. It could be a piece of art, a personalized item, or something that holds sentimental value. He shyly admits, "I wanted to make something special for you. I hope you like it."
Unbeknownst to you, Shoto unveils a surprise date that surpasses all expectations. "I thought we could spend the day doing things you enjoy. It's all about making you happy." From a tranquil picnic in the park to a spontaneous dance under the stars, every moment is curated to create lasting memories.
Upon returning home, as evening approaches, Shoto unveils a cozy haven, complete with blankets and your favorite snacks. The ambiance exudes warmth, inviting you to unwind and revel in the tranquility of your shared love.
The day concludes with a handwritten love poem, penned by Shoto himself. Each line is an eloquent expression of his feelings, capturing the nuances of your connection in words as sweet as the love that binds you.
Before you retire for the night, Shoto pulls you into a gentle embrace. "Thank you for being with me. Happy Valentine's Day," he whispers, planting a soft kiss on your forehead.
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♡ Hawks ♡
Upon waking up on Valentine's Day, you're greeted with a pile of gifts neatly arranged beside the bed. Hawks, unable to contain his excitement, watches for your reaction with a grin. "Happy Valentine's Day, babe. Open them up!"
Hawks takes Valentine's Day as the ultimate opportunity to showcase his love. From breakfast in bed to surprise outings, he plans an entire day filled with over-the-top affectionate gestures. "Get ready for a day all about you, songbird."
Hawks, with his love language being gift-giving, meticulously selects each present. "I thought of everything you might like. You're worth it," he mentions as you uncover thoughtful and personalized gifts.
The day unfolds with whimsical adventures – perhaps a surprise trip to an amusement park or an impromptu picnic. Hawks is determined to make the day unforgettable.
Throughout the day, Hawks showers you with unexpected compliments. "You know, you're the best thing that ever happened to me," he confesses.
As the day progresses, Hawks concludes with a romantic dinner, whether it's a home-cooked meal or a reservation at a fancy restaurant. "To us and many more Valentine's Days to come," he toasts, a warmth in his golden eyes.
As the day comes to a close, Hawks proposes the idea of late-night stargazing. Draped in blankets, both of you settle on the spacious balcony of his apartment. Hawks, pointing out constellations, weaves stories of the night sky. "Just us and the stars. Can't beat a moment like this, huh?"
As the day winds down, Hawks might surprise you with a midnight snack. "Can't end the day on an empty stomach. Here, your favorite, babybird," he says, presenting a thoughtful treat.
As you both drift into a peaceful slumber wrapped in each other's arms, Keigo can't help but revel in the profound happiness that washes over him. Having found the love of his life, he's determined to cherish this precious connection on a daily basis, not just during Valentine's Day.
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bea-does-stuff · 1 year
𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐩 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 (𝐦𝐡𝐚 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
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𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩, 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧
𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 294
𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺: 𝘪𝘵’𝘴 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘪𝘵𝘭𝘦, 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘣𝘰𝘰𝘱 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘯𝘰𝘴𝘦
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₊˚✩彡 𝐃𝐀𝐁𝐈
He looks at you with an expression that can best be described as confused and judgemental “What…the fuck was that?” he tilted his head “i booped you!” you smiled widely, dabi scoffed in response, but he couldn’t help but chuckle under his breath
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₊˚✩彡 𝐇𝐀𝐖𝐊𝐒
He stares at you for a few seconds, almost confirming what just happened “what was that for?” he chuckled “I felt like booping you” your response makes a smug grin appear on his face “Well, i should get my revenge then~”
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₊˚✩彡 𝐃𝐄𝐊𝐔
His eyes widened in shock “W-what was that?” his embarrassment makes you giggle “I booped you silly~” his face only becomes more red at your response, but he does find the whole situation adorable 
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He’s very confused on why you poked his nose like that, but the cute way you go “boop!” when your finger touches his nose makes his cheeks heat up for some reason. He doesn’t question your action, he just rolls his eyes with a smile and continues what he was doing
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“The fuck was that?” he spits out, you only giggle before attempting to boop him again, however, this time he manages to grab your arm “Quit it” he doesn’t let go despite your attempts to escape “Your no fun” you pout, he rolls his eyes “whatever”. Though in reality, he tries his very best to hide the smile on his face
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He tilts his head “Hm? What was that” you chuckle “A boop” he narrows his eyes, looking even more confused than before, good job, now you have to explain what boops are and why people do them, cause he won’t let you go unless you explain to him this mysterious yet cute action 
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