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mercyillustrator · 3 months ago
Happy belated Birthday to three of my mutuals ^w^
My apologies for short delay also for our belated birthday from few days ago. I thank God I survived to this day like any other day ^w^
Also before wrapping this year of 2024 up I wanna to giving out to everyone mutuals/followers/friends/ and the people who saw me Thank you all so much for being there for me by supporting me and interact with me it really so much to me and it’s crazy that I thought I was an only one who was born in December 27th then I found my birthdays troops who was born in the same month and same day as me.. I’m thankful that I get an opportunity to interact and chat with some of the people that I know on discord and other platforms, be on art fight and fun Kirby events like I ever dream of. Though life feels like a stormy weather sometimes like challenges that we face everyday but I’m happy that all made it. I almost give up as an artist, story writer and animator due to AI and stuff going on but I manage came back stronger then ever. It makes me feel that I do matter. I’m happy for this year comes to wonderful experience with all the joy, fun, and excitement also happy that I went from being shy to social butterfly. I hope we all celebrate this special moment together that we never forget. I’m trying not to get too emotional but you guys are like my family how much I love you guys til the end of times but let’s make the year 2025 to be our year. 🫰🏼💜💙
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Belated birthday goes to @kirbybecomesastarwarrior
KBASW way back before I had tumblr I remember when I first saw your art on google from 7 years ago when I was around in my 9th grade year then years later I’m happy that it’s you ever since we became mutuals since 2023 and surprised when you interact with me as well ^^ your an amazing story writer with all AU characters, OCs, GSA knights and all incredible phenomenal work also I drew your AU GSA even Celestine as plushies :]
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Belated birthday gift goes to @michiriii
Michi when I first saw your art on google to look up GSA knights it was back in late 2021 early 2022 I was happy to be back on the GSA phase that restored me my youth years ever since I was in the art hiatus from my anime drawings also I added Dragato and Falspar those birthday figures cuz I wanna to add smt cute :3
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Bailey your really guy and it was nice to meet you and Kachi like for real your amazing and never give up for being amazing gamer @gundam-bailey
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I wanna to say thank you all so much for the birthday wishes for past few days ago and I’m 22 crazy that everyone that I was 15-17 but really I feel yea I miss being in my teenage years also here’s my sona and my cat 💜💙 got the goods like Japanese candies, art supplies, had a lot of fun with families, and new meta knight plushie as well.
Happy New Year to everybody around the world - 💠🎨Mercy🎨💠
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peachyclown · 1 year ago
HAPPY BDAY TO ME! 9th of Feb is my bday and I made some late bday art, I edited some old wattpad chats to make this @<:o)
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yasmijn · 7 months ago
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Happy belated birthday to this space where I hope I can continuously write on.
29 Agustus sih ulangtaunnya, tapi kemarin cape banget training seharian, nonton Gio sidang, terus harus mobilisasi dari Wolter Monginsidi ke Kampung Baru ke BSD hiks kaki rasanya mo copot banget.
Sore-sore mampir ke Paris Sorbet dulu karena mau sambil nonton Gio, mumpung tetanggaan sama tempat training - beli pasta black truffle 135ribu 🙂 sama sorbet mint yang endul. Enak tapi yah cukup lah sekali saja, ga sanggup dompetku.
Deg-degan sih nontonin orang sidang tuh hiks apalagi emang lumayan juga ya bund perjuangan mengerjakan tesis ini, I'm just glad that it's all over, Gio udah lulus master dan 2 minggu lagi dia pulang!! Bye LDM semoga tak terjadi lagi di masa depan.
Ada hal-hal yang belum bisa aku tulis sekarang sih, sebenernya bisa jadi banyak material tulisan, tapi sabar-sabar aja ya beberapa bulan lagi. Cuman kalau secara garis besar sih w zuzurly lagi sangat ga semangat kerja sih karena rasanya tidak jelas, abis bos pergi awal Januari 2024, sampai detik ini masih belum ada lagi tuh head of investment - terus w juga ngga mau terlalu inisiatif sih karena ini kan urusannya lebih ke capability dan experience mengelola duit orang ye. Jadi kek super autopilot aja.
Kemarin training corporate finance topiknya valuation 2 hari - lebih seru ngerjain kayak ginian dah sebenernya. Cuman males ye bagian nyusun laporan keuangan... kayanya w gak mampu juga sih kalo disuruh kuliah akuntansi. I am so not willing to take manmade rules and do whatever they told me to do.
Terus Silmi juga tadi malem pergiiii ke UK hhu akhirnya pergi juga doi tuk bersekolah. Gak nganter ke bandara karena kakiku gak sanggup wgwg, kemarin malemnya juga kita udah sempet farewell dinner sih di Winglok. Makan karbo tu cepet kenyang tapi cepet banget deh lapernya. Tidak sustainable.
Yah ini tulisan yang agak nggak membahas per-ulangtahun-an Tumblr ya, tapi doaku semoga aku bisa lebih istiqomah dalam menulissss disini karena salah satu kegiatan favoritku adalah baca tulisan diri sendiri di masa lalu dan kembali mengingat-ingat momen tersebut.
Keep writing, for me and all of you!!
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navybrat817 · 7 months ago
I loved the latest chapter of HYT Miss Navy! I adored bartender Hal especially 😍 I don’t drink but you can bet I’d be there for every single one of his shifts if he’s allowed to keep working shirtless 🫠 Can’t wait to see who else Bucky’s girl meets next or what happened to John!
Also happy belated birthday! May all your fictional husbands dote upon you!
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I'm so glad you liked the latest chapter, nonnie! Hal is probably one of the only bartenders there who can get away with not wearing a shirt. Similar to our reader (for a completely different reason), he doesn't care about a club dress code. He's making good tips and he's bringing people back to the bar for drinks because who wouldn't want to look at him? He's also probably one of the nicest guys in this universe, so I naturally adore him.
Oh, John... Yeah, we'll find out in the next part. I mean, you lovelies didn't think I'd have John make such a rude comment to our sweet girl and not touch on it again, did you? 😇
And thank you for the belated birthday wishes! I wish my fictional husbands could save me from adulting. Love and thanks! ❤️
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wajjs · 2 years ago
I sleep to dream the trail beneath your feet
Here, falling in the middle of the trail of blood he’s leaving through the air, is Guy Gardner, dying. Above, the last man he sees: Hal Jordan, the beast of a man, colored gold. And Hal Jordan does not even have the decency to look back at his old friend as he dies.
What a fucking bitch.
Rating: Mature
Fandoms: DCU/ Injustice: Gods Among Us / Green Lantern - All Media Types
Relationship: Guy Gardner/Hal Jordan
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe, Near Death Experiences, Character Death Fix, Guy gets transported to a different earth, Willforce, Falling In Love, Panic Attacks, Dissociation, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Loss of Limbs, Age Difference
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY @green-lanterns-c0ck !!!!!!!!!
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normaltothemax · 7 months ago
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Happy (Belated) Birthday, Jason! a soft knock and then running would be heard through jason's safehouse door. dean had managed to track him down, figure out where he was staying and he sent one of the street kids to drop off a package for him. they didn't know it was for the hood but dean explained that they were doing him a favor and he'd paid the kid well to drop the package at jason's door. it was actually a pretty sizeable box, a little beat up looking but dean had ensured the contents would be safe. taped to the top was an envelope. the note inside stated "happy birthday kid - from dean" simple and straight to the point. of course jason had never told him when his birthday was but the vigilante should know by now dean was going to figure it out and he wasn't going to just let it slide past unnoticed either. inside the box there were a few things. first and foremost there was an actual cake. it wasn't large but it was clearly handmade. chocolate with a twist. dean had made a filling out of the tea jason kept in the cabin. he even drove out and spoke to the old butler at wayne manor to ask him about it. along with the cake there was a silver pendant that matched dean's anti-possession tattoo. this too was handmade. the tooling was a little rough in some places but the effort was clear. it was something to keep jason safe serving the duel purpose of being silver and anti-possessive. that wasn't all. there was also a collapsible fishing rod. dean had full intentions of teaching jason to fish when they went camping. he wanted him to have something of his own but something that didn't take up a lot of space. it was, of course, red. lastly there was a book. it was old, deep emerald green and hard back. it was a copy of macbeth. there was another note sticking up out of it. it read: jason -- happy birthday kid. you didn't tell me so i wasn't sure if you'd want to celebrate but you're still getting gifts anyway. deal with it. anyway. macbeth seemed kinda fitting to me as a gift from a hunter. starts out with witches and has ghosts and all that good shit. i know how much you like the classics and it doesn't get much more classic than old willy here. you can thank sam for this too sometime. he helped me track this down. it's from 1919 and it was actually the copy my grandfather put in the library of the men of letters in the 30s. so it's got a lot of historical significance. at least that's how sam put it.if you do want to celebrate with someone rather than being a loner on your own birthday dinner is at 7. bring the cake. nothing fancy just burgers and pizza. and beer. yeah you can have a beer on your birthday. i'll let it slide this time. love ya kid.--dean
Jason looked up from his case file with a furrowed brow and a frown. Quiet knock, light footsteps scampering away—that was a kid. Why in the hell was a kid knocking on his door? Immediately, his mind went to the darker thoughts: someone figured out where he lived, was using a kid to do their dirty work, and he was going to have to kill them. Make an example out of them to remind every criminal out there why they didn’t fuck with the Red Hood. That kids were off limits.
He was wary as he approached the door, gun at his side just in case. Checked the hallway security feed on his phone rather than look through the peephole. Empty. Not a soul in sight. Still, he opened the door with caution. Stepped around the box in front of his door to actually clear the hallway, the staircase.
The box itself was suspicious as all hell, but the note cleared it up a little. That was Dean’s handwriting, alright. It wasn’t impossible for him to have roped a kid into dropping the package off, but Jason still couldn’t help but be a little suspicious of it; it also wasn’t impossible that someone might have managed to steal this note from something else and tape it to a bomb.
Not like he had a great history with those.
But he also couldn’t just leave whatever it was out there in the hallway. He had neighbours. After a moment of consideration, he brought the box inside, into the middle of the apartment to try and mitigate the damage, if something went off.
Thankfully, it was actually a gift. Gifts, plural. “Stupid,” he muttered. He was being paranoid, more so than usual, to the point of idiocy. Dean would’ve laughed at him, if he’d seen that little display.
With a shake of his head, he started pulling out the gifts.
The cake was definitely homemade, and more than a little battered. The kid that’d dropped it off clearly hadn’t handled the package very carefully. With one finger, he took a swipe of some of the filling that was spilling out through a large crack in the cake, popping it into his mouth with a pleased hum. He wasn’t sure how Dean had figured out how to make that, but he’d certainly be asking for the recipe.
The pendant was admired for a few moments, before Jason slipped it on, tucking it under the collar of his shirt. The metal was cool against his skin, but it still made something warm and fuzzy bloom in his chest.
He set the fishing rod aside with a confused frown—that was random as all hell, but alright, sure. He’d take it.
The book, though. He had to just take a few minutes to admire it, after reading the note, because holy shit, the book. It was practically pristine, for being from 1919. Jason was a little scared to even open it, let alone read it, but goddamn if he didn’t fall just a little in love right then and there.
He was a bit worried about who all Dean had invited to this little birthday dinner. Doubted it’d just be the two of them, given how things had been going lately, but he also felt like he might be letting Dean down somehow if he didn’t go. He tapped a thumb against the cover of the book as he considered it, before sighing and rubbing a hand over his face.
What was even the point in that? He already knew he was going to go. Pretending to think it over was just a waste of time.
Still, if anyone sang, he might just throw hands.
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gigeluvi · 5 months ago
He said, I've been his universe...
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kakak... aku akuin aku lupa, my bad. i'm so sorry.. ㅠ__ㅠ
aku selalu doain yang terbaik buat kakak, aku mau kakak happy selalu, sehat selalu, dan dilancarkan semua urusannya. aku mau semua hal buruk menjauh dari kakak, aku ga rela, orang sebaik, setulus, semenyenangkan, sesempurna kakak dikelilingi hal buruk.
kakak.. makasih.. aku ga akan pernah bosen buat bilang "makasih ka abay". karna sampai detik ini pun, semua yang kakak kasih ke aku membekas banget. rasa sayang kakak, perhatian kakak, kata-kata baik yang kakak kasih, comfort word, semua. kakak tau gak, kalo kehadiran kakak di hidup aku seberpengaruh itu? sampai ke hal yang terkecil. setiap aku makan mie, aku inget kakak. aku makan mie ayam, bakso. aku sakit gigi, aku ada masalah sama keluargaku, aku sedih, aku disakitin orang lain, yang aku inget waktu ngerasain itu semua cuma kakak. karna kakak yang selalu ada buat aku, padahal aku belum tentu selalu ada buat kakak.
sekali lagi, makasih ya Allah karna udah nyiptain manusia sebaik ka abay, trus didatangin ke hidup aku. makasih mamanya ka abay, yang udah menghadirkan anak selembut dan setulus ka abay. kakak, berhasil jadi salah satu alasan aku kuat dan bertahan. aku mikir, "masih ada kok orang baik kayak kakak, kalo aku nyerah sekarang nanti aku ga ada kesempatan ketemu langsung sama orang kayak kakak. siapa tau jodoh aku sebaik kakak atau lebih hshshshs"
Happiest belated birthday, buat orang yang dulu selalu nganggep aku semestanya.. diluar hari spesial kakak, doa baik ga pernah putus dari aku. karna yang bisa aku lakuin buat kakak cuma itu... maaf ya kak, aku udah buat kakak sedih di hari spesial kakak 😞
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thejoyofviolentmovement · 10 months ago
Throwback: Happy Belated 103rd Birthday, Hal David!
Throwback: Happy Belated 103rd Birthday, Hal David!
May is an exceptionally busy month in music history:  The 91st anniversary of the birth of the legendary godfather of soul James Brown was on May 3 The legendary jazz bassist Ron Carter celebrated his 87th birthday on May 4 The 68th anniversary of the birth of the great soul artist Sharon Jones was on May 4 The 82nd anniversary of the birth of one of the most beloved singer/songwriters in…
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year ago
Happy (Belated)Birthday Mr. President
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/cG2CdYi by dandywarholic In space, you lose your sense of time. There's no way it was already February. That would mean Hal missed Bruce's birthday. That would mean he had missed his *own* birthday. Bruce welcomes him home with the classic kind of birthday present. Words: 4407, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Green Lantern - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), Bruce Wayne Relationships: Hal Jordan (Green Lantern)/Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Birthday Sex, Established Relationship, Top Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), Bottom Bruce Wayne, Crossdressing, Lingerie, theyre technically both switches because i love switch hal and bruce, Blow Jobs, Body Worship, Breast Fucking, Fluff and Smut, theyre in love your honor read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/cG2CdYi
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sadajiwas · 1 year ago
Jeremy's Ted Talk.
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Mulai dari mana ya kata sambutan ini...
Oh. Dari awaaaaal banget. Let's back to 2021!
Awal kenal Damian dan Keano dari Group DM khusus aktor dan aktris bernama ACTFUL. Dari awal udah sering bickering sama Keano, soalnya beliau ini dulu amat-sangat bullyable. Sama Damian dulu masih kenal tipis-tipis aja, maklum lah dia suka jaga image kalau di awal masuk GDM. Awalnya gue pribadi ngerasa "one step closer" waktu ngegibahin soal mantan gue, si anak Papih, yang ternyata udah terkenal di kalangan RP Actor. Tapi kita jadi lebih deket setelah gue jadi Simu Liu dan dia jadi Tom Holland.
Setelah itu, gue juga lupa gimana cerita detailnya, sampe terbentuklah GDM berisi tiga seboti ini. Kalau ingatan gue masih bagus, kayaknya bermula dari kita mau diskusi (re: gibah) tentang seseorang. Dari temen curhat, lama-lama jadi deket kayak biji yang nggak bisa dipisahin.
Lalu kita bikin GDM khusus aktor dan aktris yang namanya sama kayak nama grup kita sebelum masehi itu. Di grup itu Keano yang dulunya pemegang piala bertahan "Juara 1 Kisah Cinta Jelek" ketemu sama si pujaan hati, dan piala bergilir itu jatoh ke tangan gue. Brengsek!!
Terus, akhirnya kita bertiga memutuskan untuk jadi aktivis bersama. Karena mau jadi aktivis di RP, butuh yang namanya nama OC. Awalnya gue lagi bengong aja, terus kepikiran, kayaknya seru kalau punya nama belakang yang sama kayak kalian bertiga, sampe akhirnya si Keano nawarin untuk pake nama belakang dia yang udah ada dari jaman Meteor Garden tayang di Indosiar.
Dan, terbentuklah Sadajiwa Brother. Yeay, selamat ya.
Intinya, gue sangat-amat bersyukur bisa kenal dan deket dan jadi sedeket biji ini sama kalian berdua. Dari yang awalnya cuma temen satu squad, bisa bermetamorfosis jadi temen satu marga. Banyak banget hal-hal yang udah kita bertiga lewatin selama 3 tahun terakhir, dari yang baik, buruk, senang, sedih, susah, susah banget, sampe yang bikin emosi, bikin marah, bikin keluar kata-kata kotor juga; after all these times, thank you for stay beside each other's sides sampai hari ini. <3
Janji ya tidak ada kata pisah di antara kita bertiga, karena yang bisa putus cuma hubungan gue doang ha ha ha. Pokoknya kita bertiga harus bahagia. Apapun yang terjadi.
Damian, atau yang lebih sering gue panggil Obet, semoga lu selalu bahagia sama pacar dunia nyata lu. Semoga kerjaan lu lancar. Diberi kemudahan dan kesuksesan di mana pun lu berada. Semoga di RP lu semakin kronis lagi main RP-nya. Semoga nggak ada lagi orang aneh bin ngeselin di sekitar lu. Dan semoga secret admirer lu semakin banyak, entah dari mana datengnya, tapi semoga lu berhasil menyelesaikan misi dari Keano; ditembak at least 3 cewek dalam setahun. Love you, Bet. Bahagia selalu!
Keano, atau gue lebih suka panggil Botsu, semoga lu juga langgeng mesra sama Dani ya, jangan ada kata pisah karena gue udah capek-capek ngeditin foto lu berdua. Semoga skripsi lu diberi kemudahan supaya cepet selesai. Semoga setelah lulus langsung dikasih jalan yang lebih baik. Semoga lu selalu bahagia apapun yang lu hadapi. Semoga lu main RP dan jadi aktivis yang digandrungi banyak orang karena kebadutan lu itu. Dan semoga di tahun yang baru ini, lu bisa beli HP baru yang lebih topcer. Love you, Bot. Bahagia selalu!
And last, happy birthday Damian, and happy belated birthday Keano. Semoga hal yang baik selalu menyertai kalian di sepanjang tahun 2024. Love you!
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ritsahsilmi · 1 year ago
September Sudah Selesai
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Happy belated birthday to me! Bukan, itu bukan foto kue tart pemberian seseorang. Itu gambar yang aku ambil dari Pinterest beberapa minggu sebelum tanggal kelahiranku. Rencananya mau aku upload saat hari-H. Nyatanya buyar, ga kepikiran sama sekali.
Sudah 28 tahun. Aku kira tahun ini akan berbeda. Ternyata sama saja. Sama masih harus sendiri dulu. Entah sampai kapan.
Aku kembali menangis tepat di malam berganti umur. Bulan ini rasanya berat sekali. Aku berharap ini sementara. Hanya mimpi buruk. Ternyata memang begini jalan ceritanya.
Ada beberapa pelajaran yang bisa aku ambil dari serangkaian kesedihanku di bulan September ini.
Pertama, sebenarnya aku sudah paham tapi seperti diingatkan kembali dengan tegas. Ris, menikah itu bagian dari rezeki yang Allah kasih. Tentang kapan diberinya, Allah tahu yang terbaik. Dan karena itu rezeki, ternyata tidak semua orang mendapatkannya. Betapa banyak orang yang bertemu ajalnya lebih dulu sebelum mendapat kesempatan menikah.
Kedua, lagi-lagi aku pun bukan tidak tahu. Tapi ini seperti dapat tamparan keras. Jangan menaruh harapan pada selain Allah. Bukankah manusia itu hatinya ber bolak-balik, dan sumber kekecewaan. Terlebih, jangan menaruh hati sebelum akad terjadi. Bahaya. Salahku yang terlampau ber ekspektasi. Membangun mimpi yang belum tentu akan terjadi. Tidak lagi, tidak akan ku ulangi.
Ketiga, nanti jika harus memulai lagi dengan yang baru. Aku akan berusaha memulai dengan cara paling baik. Lewat orang tua saja. Bukankah pernikahan adalah sesuatu yang suci, jangan memulainya dengan cara yang tidak Allah ridhoi. Akan ada banyak godaan setan di antaranya.
Ada beberapa quotes di Pinterest yang aku suka. Sedikit banyak mengobati kesedihanku saat ini.
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Anyway, kemarin tepat 6 tahun kepergian temanku. Sama pula di hari Jumat. Aku ingat betul apa yang terjadi hari itu, dan betapa aku sangat sedih. Lalu entah sejak kapan, aku merasa September menjadi bulan kesedihan.
Lalu apa bulan favoritku? Desember :)
Penghujung tahun. Penutup cerita setahun. Semoga Desember ini ada kabar gembira ya. Mari Aamiin kan untuk apapun hal baik yang akan datang.
Bye, September ku. Terima kasih untuk pelajarannya. Aku sedih tapi aku akan baik-baik saja :) *memeluk diri sendiri
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mercyillustrator · 6 months ago
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Birthday Gift for @cali-kabi also known for Sydney as wonderful masterpiece artist 🎂🎉
When I saw your artwork back in 2022 after work on insta to see Kirby content it was so kawaii and cute how you drew Kirby characters from anime and game like those little chibi not only that it was cool to see Mario and super smash bros drawings as well (^∇^). It was wonderful to see your artwork on media and thank you for being your amazing mutual/ follower cause you inspired me to draw cutesy art when I’m back to Kirby phase alongside with others (^_−)−☆ hehe anyways don’t let others tell you otherwise by bringing you down and I hope you enjoy your special day on your birthday well :3 ( plz stop by to give her support and go check her adorable drawing artwork ^w^)
*missed the detail of the zipper that were part of the jacket cuz got so busy during work also Kirby was playing with the hat as well ^^*
- 💠🎨Mercy🎨💠
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koolkat9 · 3 years ago
Good Drinks and Even Better Company
A little belated fic for Arthur’s b’day.
Rating: T
Pairing: GerEng
Word Count: 713
It was Arthur’s birthday once again, and after being alive for over a thousand years, the British nation was more than content to spend this year in with his boyfriend and some good alcohol. Said boyfriend was more than happy to comply as he was not one for crowds.
Unfortunately, there was a delay with Ludwig’s flight, and thus he didn’t arrive at Arthur’s house until early evening. By that time, the beer he had brought was warm, and Arthur had already started drinking. 
“Ludwig,” The Brit cheered when he opened the door. 
“Hello–” Arthur slumped against Ludwig, arms coming to wrap tightly around the German’s waist. “A-Arthur?” Ludwig stuttered out.
Arthur ignored Ludwig’s confusion and stayed put.  
"Can you let me in?" Ludwig tried again.  
"But I missed you,” Arthur grumbled, keeping his arms locked around Ludwig and face buried in the crook of his lover’s neck.
"It's been a week.”
"Which is far too long."
"Are you drunk?" 
Arthur gave him a lopsided grin. "Only a little tipsy. Ooh, you brought the good stuff."
"Of course, it's a special occasion." 
"Bah." Arthur rolled his eyes and pulled away from Ludwig. 
"But it is." 
Arthur looked away, a red blush creeping up his neck. “L-Let's just get inside. I’m not drunk enough for this.”
Ludwig chuckled and followed his lover. This was going to be one hell of a night.
An hour or so later Arthur was completely wasted, and Ludwig was starting to feel tipsy. Arthur had rolled off the couch and onto the floor when he had tried to grab his second beer and never got back up while Ludwig lounged on the couch and watched his drunken lover, amused by his antics. 
“You know what we should do?” Arthur asked, laying himself down on the floor, “We should get matching tattoos.”
Ludwig froze mid-drink, almost choking on it. “What?”
“I’ve wanted to get another tattoo for a while. Why not get it with you? Doesn’t it sound romantic?”
It did. But a tattoo was something very permanent. They had only been dating for a few decades, which was fairly short for their kind. Were they ready for a commitment like that? Ludwig wasn't drunk enough to deal with this. He took a quick swig of his beer and planned not to answer. 
"Don't overthink it, love. It would be just a small little thing."
"That's not the issue,” Ludwig said, “Don't you think it may be too soon?"
"I-I just don't think we should rush into this. What if we don't work out?" Ludwig immediately regretted his word choice especially when he met the teary eyes of Arthur. He never had seen Arthur look so hurt (at least not over something this small). Though he knew the alcohol was the main culprit, Ludwig couldn't help but feel guilty. “Hey..." Ludwig tried to comfort, "I-It's okay."
"Do you not love me?" Arthur cried. 
"Of course I love you." 
"Then why do you think we're going to break up?”
Ludwig took a deep breath. Obviously, he himself was a little impaired affecting his usually careful word choice. He was silent for a moment, processing exactly what he wanted to say. "Schatz... I love you very much,” he murmured, joining his lover on the floor. “But right now we're both a little drunk, so making such a permanent decision is probably not the most responsible idea. We'll talk about this after we sober up."
Ludwig placed a loving kiss on Arthur's brow, silencing him. “Shhh,” Ludwig hushed, wrapping an arm around Arthur’s shoulder. As the Brit settled, Ludwig wiped Arthur's tears away. Arthur sagged against him as his sobs subsided into quiet sniffs. 
"I think that's enough drinking for both of us," Ludwig sighed. 
"But Luddy," Arthur slurred, though it quickly turned into a yawn. 
Ludwig shook his head and helped Arthur back up onto the couch. The two laid down, Arthur laying on Ludwig’s chest. It wasn’t long before Arthur was starting to nod off. Ludwig smiled fondly and pressed a kiss on Arthur’s forehead. The Brit gave a content hum only half awake before attempting to snuggle closer. Ludwig smiled fondly at the affection. “Goodnight,” Ludwig whispered, before settling down to catch some of his own sleep.
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flaminpumpkin · 4 years ago
Happy birthday, Jordan
It wasn’t even 4am when Hal woke up to the gentle green glow of his ring announcing a new message from the Corps. They really couldn’t leave him alone, even on his birthday now, could they? 
He had half a mind to pretend not to notice and go back to sleep. His last mission had been short but exhausting, leaving him completely drained. His dark circles had dark circles at this point, even though he had slept basically all day the day before, waking up only to go to the bathroom and eat half an apple and a toast. 
Unfortunately for him – and fortunately for the Corps – Hal Jordan was a devoted man and an Honor Lantern so he kind of had to. 
With a loud groan, he straightened a bit so he could prop his chin in his hand, not moving from his position on the bed where he was sprawled on his stomach, pillow still half under him. He had been Earth-side for barely two days, if they were expecting from him to look decent, they could fuck right off. 
But when he ordered his ring to open the message, he was greeted by a short and simple: Happy birthday, Hal! Just this. It made him smile (and also breathe a bit more easily, he really didn’t want to go back to space this quickly.) 
Then his ring pinged again and there was a little hologram of his fellow Green Lanterns. He could see Kilowog and Tomar, Jess and Simon. John and Kyle, the younger man grinning like a five year old as he held a notepad with a caricature of Hal drawn on it and come on Kyle, my head is not that big. There was also Guy. Who was… Hal sighed, shaking his head. Guy was harboring a shit eating grin while flipping him off. Typical. 
Before going back to sleep, he sent back a simple thank you note to all of them and then, for good measure, he sent another one to Guy with a hologram of himself flipping the bird. 
He swore he could hear him laugh all the way to earth. That asshole. 
*    *    *
The second time he woke up, around three o’clock in the afternoon, Hal felt a lot less like a zombie. He probably still had a few hours of sleep to catch up on but it was nothing he couldn’t survive without. He had to be up in a couple of hours for monitor duty anyway, so might as well wake up a bit earlier and enjoy some peace before going back to work. 
There was a little cardboard box on his kitchen counter when he emerged from the shower, with a fancy little ribbon and a card. He didn’t even need to open the card to know who it was. 
Firstly, because Carol was the only one, with Barry, who had a spare key to his apartment in case he had an emergency call from the Corps and, secondly, because it just had her name written all over it. He recognized the design on the box being from that fancy French bakery close to her apartment and knew that when he would open it, he’d find a generous slice of their famous lemon meringue pie. 
He ate it in silence with some coffee, responding to the different birthday wishes he had received. Some were from Tom and a bunch of coworkers. There were also several audio messages from his nephew and niece trying to figure out how to work around the feature until their parents probably had had enough and had decided to take family photos instead. Six in total, all of them blurry. But at least Hal could somehow guess what was written on the sign his niece was holding. It made him laugh and he decided to call his brother, just to tease him.
They ended up talking for a while. It felt good, this small bit of normalcy.
*    *    *
Hal was on his way for the monitor room, two cups of coffee in hands, when he heard someone call his name. Ah. He had hoped no one would catch him before monitor duty. He was already on the brink of running late and god knew Batman disliked lateness. But hey, after all it was his birthday. 
“Hal! Hang on!”
He turned around just when Clark arrived at his level. The other man was smiling widely at him, holding a small plate with a cupcake on it in his big hands and looking like an oversized golden retriever puppy.
“Lois made enough cupcakes for an army because she was bored at home yesterday – I’m starting to think that forced leave really wasn’t our boss’ greatest idea but anyway. She told me to bring it here for everyone,” he said before Hal could even ask anything. “There’s a whole plate in the lounge but with Barry around I thought I’d give you one for your birthday before he wolfs them down.”
He snorted at that because, honestly, that was fair. Because of his powers, Barry was basically a walking stomach and everybody knew he had a giant sweet tooth. 
“Thanks, Clark.”
“You’re welcome. And happy birthday!” he said, floating away.
Hal had given up on trying to balance the plate and his two cups in his hands, using a construct instead, when Dinah pounced on him, quickly followed by Oliver and Barry. She was the first one to hug him, kissing his cheek gently.
“Happy birthday, hot stuff.”
“Thanks, Di.”
“Hal, my man! Happy birthday!” Oliver shouted before squishing Hal’s cheek between two big, callous hands, not even waiting for Dinah to be out of his arms.
In retrospect, he should have expected it – it was Oliver after all, the guy didn’t know what “inhibition” meant – but, he couldn’t stop his eyes from going wide as saucers as the blond placed a resounding kiss right on his lips.  
“So? How’s that for a birthday present?” he asked, smug, earning himself an eye roll from both Barry and Dinah. 
“That was my present?”
“Yes. Wonderful isn’t?”
“Truly. I’m delighted. Such a generous present.”
“I’m a generous man.”
“So charitable.”
All eyes turned on Barry.
“Was that sarcasm, Bear?”
The speedster fixed Oliver with a blank stare. He looked even more exasperated than usual, which made Hal snicker. People assumed way too often that Barry was a goody two shoes but Hal had witnessed firsthand how quick witted he really was. “A snarky little shit” Oliver had called him once. And he was right.
“Happy birthday, Harold,” Barry said after a few seconds of silent judgement, opening his arms to embrace Hal.
He returned the hug good heartedly.
“Bear, you can’t wish me happy birthday and then call me Harold. That’s not legal, buddy.”
“Just say thank you.”
Hal simply squeezed him one last time before letting him go, winking at the group as he started to walk down the corridor again.
“Gotta go. Don’t want Bats to be mad at me on my birthday.”
“Like that would bother you!”
“Well yes, actually,” he almost said but he didn’t want to spend the next thirty minutes explaining to Oliver why so he pretended he hadn’t heard.
Truth was, Hal and Bruce were friends. Good friends, even. Recently, the pilot had even caught himself hoping for them to become more than that. They still had disagreements of course, they were both stubborn but they were past that now. Most of the time, it felt more like some weird kind of aggressive flirting than a real fight.
Hal enjoyed the other man’s company, especially now that he was comfortable enough with him to talk about more personal matters, like his family and boy did Bruce had things to say about the weird little clique that was his family. The fond look on his face just made it all the more worth it.
He cherished those hours spent together on the Watchtower, sometimes wishing they could do this outside of their hero work. Maybe he could pretend to need help on the Javelin’s new update to see him. She needed one and the only other person who knew her as well as Hal did was Bruce. He could buy him dinner too. 
Sounds like a plan, he thought, entering the monitor room. 
Bruce was already there, of course. His cowl was pulled back like every time when they were paired up, his hair looking ridiculously good even mussed. The man was always so effortlessly pretty, it was revolting.
“You’re late, Jordan.”
He didn’t even glance in Hal’s direction but it wasn’t like he needed to check that it was him.
“Better late than never, Spooks.”
That earned him a huff and then he saw Bruce slide a cup of coffee towards him on the desk.
“It’s probably cold now.”
Lukewarm was probably more accurate – Hal wasn’t that late. But he refrained from mentioning it to the other man, instead grabbing the two still steaming cups from his tray construct and handing his to Bruce. 
“I thought about preparing some too, so lucky us, I guess.”
He smirked at the Bat, oddly proud when Bruce smiled back, even just slightly. 
“Miss Lane’s?” Bruce asked, nodding in direction of his construct while taking a sip of his coffee.
Hal looked back at the still floating, green glowing tray and reached out to retrieve the plate Clark had given him.
“Yep. Wanna share? It was your birthday yesterday after all. And happy belated birthday. By the way.”
It wasn’t lost on Hal that he had completely forgotten to even text him for his birthday but, like he had said, better late than never. He knew it probably hadn’t bothered Bruce, maybe hadn’t even registered with him that Hal hadn’t said anything but it sure did bother the pilot that he had forgotten. Bruce smiled again anyway, something small and secretive. Something just for him to see. Hal could feel an unusual blush creep up his cheeks.
“No, thank you,” Bruce said, turning back towards the screens in front of them, the cup Hal had given him cradled in his gauntleted hands. “Clark actually flew all the way to Gotham yesterday to bring us some. I left it for the kids. Too sweet.”
Hal had to laugh at that.
“Says the guy who takes his coffee with a metric ass load of sugar and cream in it.”
“I’m full of surprises.”
Bruce side-eyed him, half hiding a smirk behind the rim of his cup and Hal laughed again. 
They focused on the monitors after that, a companionable silence between them, and Hal regretted not sleeping those two extra hours earlier. He could feel the bone deep tiredness take over him after a mere half an hour, his body sagging in his chair and relaxing into it despite his best efforts to stay alert. 
He was nodding off, barely even conscious anymore, when he felt Bruce take his cup from his lax fingers.
“Idiot,” he heard him whisper and Hal wanted to retort something but he was too far gone to even form a coherent thought at this point. 
Then he felt fingers graze his forehead, brushing away wild strands of hair, followed by a pair of slightly chapped lips pressing there. He automatically leaned into the gentle touch, sighing long and deep. The lips stayed there a second longer, lingering and warming up his skin, his whole body. 
Hal wanted to wake up, to say something cheeky or, even better, just kiss Bruce. Properly. On the lips. Like he had been longing to do. But all he managed was a weak little whine as he turned his head towards the other man.
“Happy birthday, Jordan,” was the last thing he heard before drifting off completely.
(A few seconds later. Training room. Watchtower.
“Hey, Ollie?”
“What is it, Barry?”
“I think I just saw Bruce kiss Hal.”
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fredheads · 4 years ago
happy (extremely belated) birthday @penelopeblosscm can I interest you in two chapters of an incomplete fic about penelope’s high school years ft. her crush on sierra, her crush on hal, her crush on alice, thotty threesome triumvirate, eating dis order support groups and hopefully a really lit slumber party??? 
i knew it was going to be depressing when i started but i was hoping it would also be fun and uplifting but what do you know it’s just depressing. i am sorry. i hope you enjoy it anyway and congrats on being done exams!! 
massive trigger warnings for eating dis orders and child ab use (in keeping with tradition) but actually for real 
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gwisincon · 4 years ago
Tumblr media
𝓐𝓼 𝓵𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓪𝓼 𝔀𝓮’𝓻𝓮 𝓽𝓸𝓰𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻, 𝓭𝓸𝓮𝓼 𝓲𝓽 𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝔀𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝔀𝓮 𝓰𝓸?
HAL I’M SORRY IT’S SO LATE my shoulder is still messed up UGH. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY I love you!!
Rona belongs to @colonelcupquake !
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