OH WAIT @megatraven and @catlovingwitch
I gave you fluff now it’s time to go back to angst.
Remember the voicemail headcannon we did with Alex AND MCs mom?? Well,,,imagine that during the Hera problems that MC is alone at one point. She’s talked to everyone that she can and she feels hopeless,,,she’s lost. She scrolls through her contacts about to call someone for comfort, and she sees her mothers contact.
She stares at it for a moment. She doesn’t know how she hasn’t seen it before, or maybe she has and decided to ignore it. But this time, memories are rushed to her mind. Memories of her crying as she listens to her mother’s voicemail, but she never left one because she never wanted the phone to run out of room. And now after 10 years, she still mourns her death, and before she realizes it, her finger hits her contact and presses ‘call’. It rings and rings and she knows it’s not gonna answer, no voice is gonna come through the speaker, nothing but a monotone voice is gonna say, “leave a message,” and she would hear the blasted ring. She knows it. But she hears a message that she didn’t remember her mother leaving.
It’s her saying leave a message, but instead of just her, she hears her own voice. There’s a little grunt and then she hears her voice again. Her little girl voice is laughing and happy and her mother is happy as well. And then the monotone voice comes and tells her to leave a message. She’s stuck. She came here to hear her voice, but now she feels like she finally has words.
Finally has words to tell her mother. Even if she would never hear them.
“Hey, mom.” The words were shaky as they came out, but they were out. It was words she hasn’t said in so long, and she missed them. 
“It’s me. You already know who this is, but, yeah. I’m not doing so well,” she says, voice still shaking as tears well up. She pauses for a moment, but knows she needs to speak, she has to before time runs out. “But good things have happened, Momma. I got a job at HERA, I’ve been doing well, and me and Alex are engaged. I finally got my 15 year old’s dream to come true, Mom. You were right about me and them. You always are right.”
The tears flowed down her face and she took in a breath and tried to continue. “I miss you so much, Mom. I think of you everyday, I take your HERA badge with me, I want to show you my ring, I want you to be at my wedding, but I know you can’t. But I just wanted to say that I love you and I wish you were here to give me advice.” When she finally says all of that, ready to somehow continue, the phone beeps again and hangs up.
Her time was out. But her words weren’t done. She knows nobody would hear it, but she just had to finally get these words out of her mouth. The words she didn’t tell anybody for years and the words she wants to tell her mother. She dials her number and hears her voice again and it hurts but comforts her as well. She hears the beep and begins again. “I wanted your advice on how to deal with Hera living under my skin. You had her as well, but now it’s causing me trouble, Momma. They’re saying I’m gonna become her, and I’m gonna die, Momma. I might join you soon.” At those words, the world came crashing down even more. “I love you, Mom, and I always wished to see you again. I wanted to die so long ago, just so I could be with you again, but now...I’ve found peace. I know you wouldn’t want to meet me in pain and sadness, and I don’t want to meet you like that either.”
“I want to meet you as I have a peaceful death and can meet you again. You can guide me back and I could be with you again, Momma. I miss you, but I know you wouldn’t want this. You would tell me to fight, I know you would, and I’m trying. I’m trying so hard, Mom, and I’m not gonna give up.” She can hear her moms voice telling her what she said all those years ago. “Don’t give up. Don’t let anyone stop you from love and happiness. You can do anything, MC.” Those words and that memory made her heart clench in sadness but comfort as well. “And I made a promise to you that I would, and I will, but it hurts.” She knows her times running out again, so she finishes with,
“I love you, Mom. I hope one day I can actually hear your voice again, one day I can hug you again, and I can tell you of everything that has happened, and I know you’re watching.”
“I’ll make you proud of me.”
HIOFHFBJFDN. AAAAH MEGG AND WREN!! I JUST!! THE VOICEMAIL THING IS SUCH A GOOD IDEA MEG!! I LOVE IT!! And I also just imagine MCs mom meeting her in a dream and being lilke, “Sweetie I heard it all,” AND HAVING A SWEET MOMENT!! I LOVE MC AND HER MOTHER!! AND ANYWAYYYSSSS....I’m sad and I actually cried during this. Anything involving death hurts me, but I love it and hope you love it as well >:))).
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