#Grrrl Con
dangermousie · 7 hours
PRO: Fang Yilun is one of the most underrated cdrama actors and he finally gets to lead, it looks like a 1980s romance novel come to life, and FL is gorgeous.
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PRO: I adore Ren Min, the trailer was fun, evil families are always a fun time, and Zhang Wanyi can definitely act.
CON: I loathed what LYF2 did with ZWY's character and loathed the entirely of AYTO, him included. Please don't make it a threefer.
(side note, on youtube, this video, by the official iQIYI channel no less, is titled as "Li Qin Zeng Shunxi sadomasochism." Draw your own conclusions.)
PRO: gorgeous visuals, spectacular-looking fights, Li Qin x ZSX seem to pine gloriously, snooooooow
CON: 99.9% guaranteed to have a tragic ending
PRO: Zhao Lusi is one of my favorites and my knees (and other body parts :P) go weak for Liu Yuning, plus the OTP of The Long Ballad rides again!
CON: if I never see another "grrrl power through trade, in ahistorical fashion" narrative, it will be too soon. I just don't find commerce sexy.
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clarepreed · 1 year
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My Fave Resus Stories by Other Tumblr Authors
***This list of my favorite resus stories on Tumblr is tailored to my personal taste so it is not a statement regarding the quality of stories not on the list.***
My preferences: Romance, resus erotica, happy or ambiguous endings, hurt/comfort, female victims. Not so much into super dark stuff or a lot of non-con stuff (despite my attempts at it myself, lol), very clinical stories, or male victims. I tend to prefer stories that feel active and personal vs. clinical or distant.
Stories are in alphabetical order.
I would love it if you listed your favorite stories in the comments!
Symbol Key:
🏳️‍🌈 (LGBTQ+ patient/rescuer)
♂️ (Male patient)
"2 girl friends resus rp" by @deviantpisces. Exactly what it sounds like. 🏳️‍🌈 CPR roleplay fantasy. Story HERE. Blog has deactivated, searching for a reblog.
"A Shocking Play Session" by @emmylousheart. Neither the first nor last story featuring William and Josephine. Defib play, CPR. Story HERE.
Anna Swift - "Intermission 2 - First Fantasy" by @intubatedangel. This is not the first Anna Swift story, but it's the first resus story I read on Tumblr, and remains one of my favorites. Drowning fantasy, CPR. Chapter 1 I Chapter 2 I Chapter 3 I Story Index
Anna Swift - "Intermission 4 - A Day Together" by @intubatedangel. One of many Anna Swift stories. Choking fantasy, CPR. Chapter 1 I Chapter 2 I Chapter 3 + Epilogue I Story Index
Anna Swift - "Shellfish Surprise" by @intubatedangel. Another Anna Swift story. A friend is exposed to a deadly allergen. Anaphylactic shock, CPR. Chapter 1 I Chapter 2 I Chapter 3 I Chapter 4 I Chapter 5 + Epilogue I Story Index.
"At the Heart of Revolution" by @onlyblue92. Resuscitation in a war zone. Hemothorax, CPR. Story HERE. 🏳️‍🌈
"Ethereal" by @heartbeatslover. The rescuer (gender unidentified) stops the heart of the victim so that they can fight something malevolent. Paranormal, dark cardiophilia. 🏳️‍🌈♂️ Blog has deactivated, searching for a reblog.
"Going Home" by @chronic-resus-needed. An asthma attack on a long car ride. Resus on men is not normally my thing, but I dug this one. Asthma attack, hospital resuscitation. 🏳️‍🌈♂️ Story HERE.
"Perspectives" by @emmylousheart. A woman goes for a solo swim and has an accident. Drowning, CPR. Story HERE.
"Pulse GRRRLs" by @emmylousheart. A punk band saves a fan. Choking, CPR. 🏳️‍🌈 Story HERE.
"Silent Songbird" by @breathlessangelrh. A wedding singer suffers a cardiac arrest. Sudden Cardiac Arrest, CPR. Story HERE. Story Archive.
"Training Collapse" by @emmylousheart. A woman experiences a sudden cardiac arrest during CPR class. Sudden Cardiac Arrest, CPR. Story HERE.
Untitled by @cmon-staywithme. Sleepwalking leads to drowning. Drowning, CPR. Story HERE.
Untitled by @resusmeplease. Gender unidentified rescuer's wife experiences illness and an accidental overdose. Agonal breathing, CPR. 🏳️‍🌈 Story HERE.
Untitled by @saphicresus. A fantasy becomes real. Choking, CPR. 🏳️‍🌈 Part 1 I Part 2.
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void-flesh · 2 years
love your collection! whats a good start for a clueless person like me to get into zines? how do you find them?
Omg hello!!! Tysm <3 There's a few places! My suggestions are mainly US based since I live here but should be a place to start. And as I have mentioned before I love a numbered list:
1. Zine Distros: shops/business that function sorta like distributors for bigger books. Good ones to check out are Brown Recluse (zines by BIPOC) Crapandemic (Goth and subculture zines) Wasted Ink Zine Distro, Neither/Nor Zine Distro are all cool ones
2. Specialty Bookshops: Quimby's is the big name in Zine brick and mortar shops, they have a location in Chicago and in NYC, but other bookshops that have zines are Elliot Bay Books, Bluestockings Bookstore, and South Street Art Mart
3. Zine fairs: kinda like comic cons, but much smaller and all about zines
4. Zine archives and libraries: Barnard Zine Library is hella cool and has a huge collection, many of which are online or you can request scans of, they have a lot of early riot grrrl zines and feminist zines but the collection is vast and covers a lot of other topics. Other personal favorite is the queer zine archive
5. Etsy & online: etsy has the most zines I've seen of the usual online retailers, but you can also scroll thru the zine tags on social media and fins some really cool ones!
There's also lots of zines on how to make zines, so if you feel like you wanna try ur hand at writing one there's lots of resources out there <3
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adaricruz · 1 year
that makes me wonder - in your oc world, hows zoe doing? does her relationship with connor ever get any better?
hii !! i’ve been exploring zoe’s pov a lot lately ( since i usually write on con’s pov ) & i think she completely ignores connor’s existence in order to begin her healing process . at one point connor tries to make things better with her , but the guilt is way too much he ends up giving up.
zoe tries to remember her past with fondness , but memories quickly become sour while the story progresses , & she begins to associate anything related to connor as something negative . during connor’s last days on earth , things become a tad bit better , but not enough for connor to earn zoe’s forgiveness .
some fun facts abt my version of zoe is that she’s into the riot grrrl movement ( i think connor introduced her to heavier music at some point as well ) & follows a lot of alt indie female musicians . she also gets tons of inspo from them . she’s very into poetry & DIY/crafting ( customizing her clothes , creating the covers for her songs by hand with magazine cutouts etc ) she tries to be as independent as possible , most of the time rejecting any financial help larry or cynthia offers . after connor’s death , her yearning for independence becomes bigger , & zoe focuses on what she wants instead of what is expected of her . she goes to college ( one she picked herself ) , falls in love , has her own failures & own experiences , instead of living through her brother .
gonna leave her playlist ! i think it captures her vibe pretty well : https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1HJ2WEGNAFD4ssbfqXChQW?si=KrOgbl7GTDiWmBr-RawqaA
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persianflaw · 2 years
tagged by @localorangecat to shuffle my on repeat playlist and post the first 10 tracks! (in my case, i picked one of youtube's playlists that it generates based off of my common plays)
she wolf by shakira
boy's a liar pt. 2 by pinkpantheress and ice spice
te amo by rihanna
ily by surf mesa ft. emilee
a living tombstone remix
players by coi leray
grrrls by lizzo
i know you want me by pitbull
paper hosts by psycosis
a cruel angel's yeezus (kanye x nge mashup)
i'm blaming the anime con roadtrip and the party where i subjected everyone to high school throwback music for some of these inclusions. unfortunately boy's a liar pt. 2 is there entirely because of me and my personal choices
tagging @bbjkrss-blog, @gaypirate, @frogprincelucio, @2rsquared, @swarovskinipples, @gardenvarietyfae, @alucarda1977, @majorbaby and uhh fuck it anybody else who wants to do it. i just finished converting my sessions in duplicate so my brain is melted
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gender-snatched · 2 years
the only cons of wanting to do drag is what id want out of a drag queen persona changes every day. i know what my drag king persona would be (pirate) but queen? well i could go riot grrrl or greasy punk or 20s debutante or 80s goth or victorian maiden
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agendaculturaldelima · 8 months
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🎶 “PUNK ROCK [20º Aniversario]”🎙️🎸🥁🤘🎉🥳
💥 Banda formada en el año 1990 por Kathleen Hanna, Kathi Wilcox, Tobi Vail y Billy Karren, que se encuadrada dentro del movimiento Riot Grrrl (1990-1998), con una lírica netamente feministas, letras políticas,  fanzines y actos confrontaciones en vivo; incitando de manera activa a las mujeres para crear grupos como medio de resistencia cultural, fomentando la participación femenina y la construcción de una comunidad feminista a través de la escena punk.📜✒👊
👥 Bikini Kill [Estados Unidos]
😎 Invitadas: Las Ratapunks y Dj La Chinoise [larutadelvinilo]
© Producción: PAF Producciones y Proyectoamil.
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📆 Martes 12 de Marzo
🕖 7:00pm.
🏪 Centro de Convenciones Festiva (av. Alfonso Ugarte 1439 – Centro de Lima)
🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️ Ingreso libre 
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🖱 Reservas: https://www.joinnus.com/events/concerts/lima-bikini-kill-en-lima-58328
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leanstooneside · 9 months
Looking at results with an eye toward improving performance
◊ A
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carmenvicinanza · 10 months
Ani DiFranco
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Ani DiFranco, cantautrice e musicista è, dagli anni Novanta, un’istituzione mondiale della musica indipendente.
Icona femminista e paladina della cultura neo-punk, possiede un peculiare timbro vocale, capace di spaziare da rabbiose invettive a momenti di intensa angoscia.
Impegnata in tante battaglie civili e politiche, ha trapiantato in musica l’ideale delle “riot grrrl” in un’inconsueta mescolanza di sonorità punk e folk, riuscendo a vendere milioni di dischi senza venire mai a patti con il music business.
La sua musica ha abbracciato il punk, funk, hip hop, jazz, soul, elettronica e suoni ancora più lontani collaborando con star del calibro di Prince. Ha condiviso il palco con Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, Pete Seeger, Kris Kristofferson, Bon Iver, Brand Carlile, Billy Bragg, Michael Franti, Chuck D. e molti altri e altre ancora.
Nata a Buffalo, negli Stati Uniti, il 23 settembre 1970, da padre di origini italiane e madre canadese, entrambi appassionati di musica folk, a soli nove anni ha cominciato a suonare cover dei Beatles nei locali con la sua insegnante di chitarra.
A quindici anni è andata a vivere da sola, si manteneva suonando in giro e intanto studiava alla Buffalo Academy for Visual and Performing Arts.
A diciotto, ha fondato la sua casa discografica, la Righteous Babe Records.
Il suo primo disco, Ani DiFranco è uscito nel 1990, da allora, ha sformato un nuovo album ogni anno.
Trasferitasi a New York, ha fatto parte di riot grrrl, il movimento internazionale femminista di matrice punk.
A 26 anni, senza aver avuto il minimo appoggio dalla grande distribuzione, aveva già venduto oltre un milione di copie dei suoi dischi.
Molto del suo materiale è autobiografico, anche fortemente politico, le sue canzoni professano un femminismo militante, con testi scabrosi e taglienti, che affrontano razzismo, sessismo, abusi sessuali, omofobia, aborto, povertà e guerra.
Ha scritto anche diversi libri, i suoi testi sono acuti, ironici, arrabbiati: raccontano, dal punto di vista di una donna che sa di avere nella propria femminilità al tempo stesso una debolezza e una forza, l’America di oggi, quella della falsa democrazia, del fascino dilagante per le armi, dello smarrimento dopo l’Undici Settembre. Lontana dai facili proclami politici di cui a volte il rock si infarcisce la bocca, alla banalità dello slogan preferisce costantemente l’intelligenza della metafora, usa le parole con sapienza sottile e agguerrita.
Impegnata per un mondo più giusto, è stata fonte di ispirazione per diverse generazioni di giovani donne. È apparsa su diverse copertine per la sua musica e il suo impegno. Si è esibita in innumerevoli concerti di beneficenze, ha donato canzoni in numerosi album di sostegno a diverse cause civili.
Nel 2004 era in prima fila alla Marcia delle Donne, fa parte del consiglio di amministrazione di Roots of Music, organizzazione che fornisce supporto scolastico e musicale a giovani indigenti. Fa parte del consiglio creativo di Emily’s List, per aiutare a eleggere donne democratiche e progressiste.
Premiata in ogni campo, ha vinto il Grammy, il Woman Courage Award della National Organization for Women, il Gay/Lesbian American Music Award per l’artista femminile dell’anno e il Woody Guthrie Award. L’Università di Winnipeg le ha dato la laurea ad honorem e ancora è stata premiata con Outstanding Achievement for Global Activism e nominata Campionessa della giustizia dal Centro nazionale per i diritti delle lesbiche.
Icona dell’impegno politico dagli anni Novanta, coraggiosamente non si è piegata alle major, è stata tra le prime donne della storia a creare la sua etichetta per pubblicare i dischi e non smette di essere di grande ispirazione, anche per le nuove generazioni.
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oubliettemagazine · 11 months
Riot Grrrl: manifesto della rivoluzione femminista punk
Negli anni ’90, sulla costa occidentale degli Stati Uniti, precisamente nella sonnolenta città di Olympia, emerse un movimento femminista punk radicale noto come Riot Grrrl. Riot Grrrl – Photo by ThomannMusic Con una popolazione di appena 46.000 abitanti, Olympia si trova a 60 miglia da Seattle, che in quel periodo stava vivendo il suo apice nel mondo della musica mainstream grazie a band come i…
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trastornadosrevista · 11 months
El trío punk Bikini Kill se presentará en Argentina el próximo 9 de Marzo como parte de su gira de reunión después de años sin encontrarse en los escenarios.  Sin más que esperar, Kathleen Hanna, y compañía llegan a nuestro país para hacer lo que mejor saben, poner a su público a gritar y cantar con su agresividad y potencia.
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Bikini Kill fue una banda que brilló en la década de los 90 por su sonido punk rock, pero sobre todo por ser uno de los abanderados del movimiento Riot Grrrl. La última presentación que se tenía registrada de los originarios de Olympia, Washington fue en mayo de 1997, donde sacudieron a sus fanáticos japoneses en el Guilty de Tokyo. En 2019 anunciaron su regreso, que se hizo esperar a causa del COVID. Ahora, no sólo vuelven a patear los escenarios, sino que sumaron Latinoamérica a una gira que ya arrancó en Estados Unidos y que supone un nuevo golpe revolucionario.
Las entradas estarán disponibles a partir de este miércoles 8 de noviembre a las 13h a través de Passline.
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elefant-records · 1 year
Os avisamos de que se va acercando la fecha de salida del esperado álbum de debut de PIPIOLAS. Los que las habéis visto este verano por los festis ya sabréis que la cosa viene grande. Y, si todavía no lo sabéis, aquí os avanzamos otro nuevo single que estará incluido en él: “No Soy Un XoXo”. Un himno punk que, al igual que “Baby” (en otros parámetros musicales, que se les da bien saltar de estilo en estilo), pide a gritos bailarla hasta la extenuación. Un himno feminista contra la cosificación que está repleto de frases gloriosas con las que vamos a llenar miles de camisetas, confesiones que necesitaban ser gritadas en el mejor espíritu riot grrrl. ¿Habían oído alguna vez un estribillo que fuese “Tengo la regla”? Prepárense: “Tengo la regla / No estoy en guerra / No todo es por ti, soy una buena cerda”. Y a saltar. Para después declarar: “Si a ti tu padre no te quiere / Lo siento mucho, eso duele / Pero no tengo la carrera / De puta enfermera”. Porque ellas lo tienen claro. Suéltate. Libérate. Siente. No todo el mundo te va a ayudar. Pero no te preocupes. PIPIOLAS ponen la música. Y las letras. Solo hay que dejarse llevar.
¡Ah! Por cierto, esta canción forma parte de un proyecto muy muy especial (aparte de formar parte del disco) del que os daremos más información en breve.
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boomgers · 2 years
¿Sabes qué hora es?, ¡es hora de las chicas malas!… “Lizzo: Live in Concert”
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Ya es hora de festejar con la superestrella Lizzo mientras derriba la casa con invitados especiales: Cardi B, SZA y Missy Elliott. El espectacular concierto en vivo ofrece un asiento de primera fila para la aclamada gira especial de la ganadora de tres premios Emmy® y GRAMMY.
Estreno: 31 de diciembre de 2022 en HBO Max.
Junto a su banda The Lizzbians and The Little Bigs, y The Big Grrrls, “Lizzo Live in Concert” promete una noche llena de positividad, risas y amor, recordándonos a todos lo que significa ser 100% esa p*rra.
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lacavernamx · 1 year
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La pesadez de los mensajes en la música - https://wp.me/p4pCgM-3Vz
Hay que recordar que la música es un medio de comunicación que puede emplear los sonidos para transmitir un mensaje claro, una idea, una sensación y en la lista de hoy eso se tiene presente a cada segundo. Canciones que tocan diversos temas y que hacen muy buen uso de su medio para poder transmitir cada fragmento de su mensaje. Con música como 'Riot in Hell' de Eüreka, 'Spunky!' de Grrrl Gang, 'Heavy Heart' de Modern Mimes y 'Junkie' de Darko Richards.
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eliletsglow · 1 year
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Encontré este vestido hace unos meses en la tienda de segunda mano. Lo primero que me llamó la atención por supuesto, fue el corte del vestido y los detalles de los costados que me da un vibe noventero.
Hoy empecé a investigar sobre la marca, la etiqueta me dice que es vintage: está bordada, (ya las marcas comerciales utilizan etiquetas producidas en masa) y, además, hecho en Estados Unidos. - Pero no es suficiente información. Internet y foros de ropa vintage no me dieron tantísima info como quería pero sí la suficiente para saber que la prenda fue hecha en los 90s, como sosechaba.
Encontré que era una marca que fue vendida cuando ganó popularidad a Lillie Rubin, una cadena de tiendas de ropa que cerró en 1996. Fue difícil encontrar artículos, muchas revistas solamente con suscripción se puede acceder a sus artículos porque privatizar la información mientras los medios de notas falsas ganan popularidad es una gran idea. Y en Youtube únicamente encontré hauls de ropa de segunda mano. Así que sí, podría asegurar que es una joyita vintage.
Hace poco aprendí a usar la búsqueda por foto del app de Google (too bad for an ex IT grrrl) y me ha ayudado enormemente en mis research, pero esta vez, solamente me lanzó imágenes de vestidos básicos negros con arnés.
La confección del vestido deja ver lo cuidadosos o los mejores procesos de confección que se tenían antes, fuera del detalle de la etiqueta el vestido está en perfecto estado, la tela si bien es polyester, se nota que es de buena calidad, pesada pero con movimiento. Y hablando del estilo, she's a beauty.
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Mi collar es de un emprendimiento nacional que se llama Traded Accessories y me hicieron esta belleza personalizada
Mis zapatos son chancletas de mi suegra porque no todo tiene que ser perfecto ni aesthetic.
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gianlucacrugnola · 2 years
Riot Grrrl
Le Bikini Kill fondate ad Olympia sono uno dei gruppi più importanti del movimento punk femminista Riot Grrrl che si sviluppa nei primi anni ’90 e viene promosso soprattutto dall’etichetta indipendente K Records con sede nella stessa capitale dello stato di Washington. La K Records fondata da Calvin Johnson (Beat Happening) nei primissimi anni ’80 ha la particolarità di promuovere l’underground…
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